Vote tally - The Lost (30k Primarch Quest)

Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Feb 14, 2024 at 8:20 PM, finished with 41 posts and 19 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Lost (30k Primarch Quest)
Post #1743
Post #1783


  • [X] Plan: Quest Story
    -[X] – Write in: you're gonna tell your life story (the quest) with some edits, it is truth too!
    --[X] so any ways it started with me on a ship of trade, no here's a trick, piracy is illegal but if some ruffians were to sail the high seas, well the law states that's a sailing paycheck with rights to start looting.
    --[X] so the thing is some trade and navy ships act as pirates when no ones looking plausible deniability and all that; so it turns out the pirate ship was a royal navy ship that was raiding on the trade route it was guarding
    --[X] Now it's easy to get away with killing the sailors without repercussions, treason, piracy, attacking trade ships, attacking other royal navy ships, being dumbasses by having records of who they raided.
    --[X] The problem was that they had children in the brig, so slavery as well; now ships attacking other ships is part of the business, it just happens and legally capturing pirates for a profit is a nice side income.
    --[X] Slavery thou is super mega illegal even though there's those nobles and rich ass merchants and governers. We just their map and sail to were the slaves were being sent to, gonna raid the buyers of their riches
    --[X] Of course those buyers had to be hidden and they chose to settle on an island in the middle of a storm with dangerous seas filled with monstrous wildlife
    --[X] now normally this is when a ship turns around, too much trouble and we just freed some kids from slavery, but we may have a lapse of judgment at the time and I may have argued to sail truough the storm and convinced crew and captain on it so . . .
    --[X] when we got to the island problems may have arose, ship broke, jostle wildlife and . . . Maybe there was a cult what was buying slaves from nobles and their sailors in the navy, just to sacrifice them to their dark heretical gods
    --[X] Now we have some of the crew calling to kill the cultists, a few might be a tad too religious, others to make more money after our merchandise sank in the sea
    --[X] Now we killing the peculiar but then a third party arrives, dark elder; the foul Xenos were raiding the island for slaves. Know this I'm not 100% sure about this and is just a theory, but the nobles in the navy planned to sell to both the cultist and elder and have them kill each other, get rid of the heresy and xenos
    --[X] the cultists want to sacrifice us and the elder to their gods while the xenos we're having a competition on who can cause the most fear and pain between them while they capture some new slaves.
    --[X] As you can tell by the fact I'm living we had slain the cultists and driven off the eldar; after scraping the cultists' ships nad some local trees for materials the repaired trade ship left that island with some modest treasure and coin and few casualties
    --[X] Now we sail to one of the tech monk temples to get repairs, we got some aristocracy's that need cleansing and locked in the deepest depths of their fortress monasteries
    --[X] now you may or may not have heard of some pirates at a traitor tech monk monastery fortress, and all I got to say is that one how did they know we sank a navy ship? One that was working with heretics, xenos, were traitors that sank other trade and other navy ships? They were in on it so when we fought them, me and the crew wlaren't traders, just people that got stuck between the royal knights, or where they titans? Doesn't matter, and between the neutral tech monks
    --[X] oh and they were shooting at my shops so property damage. I want to emphasize I didn't kill any of the nobles piloting the giant machines, but may have tricked them into shooting one another
    --[X] now on how I got into the palence . . . Well you tell me cause I got no idea, like you help one drunk noble lady and a pale về guard says I'm kidnapping her, like kidnapping is when you move someone onto another room with out consent, you think I gave consent to be whisked away into the palace? Like the talk with you gals was nice and mech girl needed the rest and relaxation, you say how she was from joining my wacky adventure only halfway
    --[X] . . . Oh yeah I forgot their some cool robot skeleton pirate noble abominable intelligence that the tech monks were containing to protect the world but evil noble titan army may have unleashed them onto the world with their stupidity, last I checked the AI skeleton pirates were destroying the nobles so you may start hearing about an army heading to the capital or palace or going around destroying any humans they can fine . . .
    --[X] So . . . I guess I'm the most unlucky person alive and I'm hiding here cause there's an army coming and the palace SHOULD be the safest place, I rather deal with some hide and seek with some palace guards than fight an evil AI army the nobles unleashed
    --[X] now with all that information, what you ladies gonna do with the potential end to the nation?
    [X] – Come clean
    -[X] – Well you see, I'm a pirate and I was just recently plundering exploring an ancient alien bunker with Dalnim here when we accidentally awoke the inhabitants and barely escaped into a portal that led to an entirely unrelated alien spaceship up above the planet who then dumped us back through another portal in the palace to get rid of us. We were just wandering around trying to find an exit when we met our drunk friend here and now we're coming down from that incredibly stressful adventure while trying very hard not to start a huge fight in the heart of the palace.
    [X] – Do something drastic
    -[X] Just grab Dalnim and walk. An Outsider in the Harem would be a scandal and bring the wrath of the Empress on their heads. You doubt they'll raise the alarm.
    [X] – Write in
    -[X] These people are mutants, right? Look at any that look like any of your psyker children, and start reciting their names. If they recognize them, tell them about the Cult of the Drowned.
    [X] – Come clean