The Lion's Heart (znt/?)

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Shadows were driven away by spears of light as the exhausted warrior turned to face his pursuer...


Has Completed: Three Quests
Shadows were driven away by spears of light as the exhausted warrior turned to face his pursuer. Blood-slicked hands clenched the hilt of his knife tightly as the self-titled King of the Beasts let loose a feral snarl.

His enemy, clothed in shadow, took a step forward. Silver barrels of his guns glistened with reflected light. One of them was raised as a cruel smirk formed across the fiend's face. Three eyes focused on the exhausted beast king, a finger tightened on the trigger.

"You should'a stayed back in the Real World, you giant furball." The monster said. A metal tail, thin like a rat's, swung into view from behind him. The tip was sharp enough to pierce steel. "At least then you'd get to live a little bit longer."

The King of Beasts surged into action. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he threw himself forwards. Muscles bulged and released, his entire massive frame was propelled at the demon.

"I won't let you harm those children!" The Digimon roared. " This fight will end here!"

"On that, we can both agree." The Demon cried, as he side-stepped the charging beast. The warrior tried desperately to twist around but he was too slow. "Too bad for you, I ain't the one about to die today."

The first gun fired.

Louise felt the stares of her classmates on her back. She ignored them as best she could, drawing upon all the practice that she had gained through years. Years of being Louise the Zero, Louise who couldn't even cast a simple spell properly. Oh yes, she was used to their gaze. But that would end today. Today, she would summon her Familiar, she would prove her magic. In one fell swoop, she would show everyone that was she meant to be here. That she was more than just a magic-less nobody. She was a Noble.
She would show them all.

Even with her head filled with such thoughts, the young girl could not help but feel anxious. She told herself to focus on what would happen, she would summon the most amazing Familiar that the world had ever seen. She would bring forth a beast truly worthy of her name and station. She'd prove that she had a right to be here!

But what if she didn't...? What if....what if nothing happened? Then what would she do? She'd have to leave for sure. They'd laugh at her. Behind her back of course. No one would be so gauche as to to do it to her face. But they'd all know, and she'd know that they knew. That was the worst thing.
Louise the Zero. Louise the Nobody. No magic, no skill, no purpose. She'd be packed off back to the family estate, and probably end up marrying some noble as a consolation prize. She supposed her children might be magic even if she wasn't, but that hardly made the girl feel better...

No. She couldn't afford that. She couldn't let doubt enter her heart. She was strong! She could do this! She'd avoid all of that, the whole nightmare. All she needed to do, was cast.


The Beast-King slammed into the ground, hard. Thick blood pooled at his side, as his hand come up to the point where the bullet had struck him. Only a graze, but the demonic power of the gun was still making it agony to move. His vision was swimming, and he could barely work up the strength to try and clamber to his feet.


"Huh, guess I'm out of ammo in this gun." The Demon Lord laughed. The Beast-King glared at him as the demon slowly closed the distance. He was tall, his three eyes focused on the King's throat. They were more passive now, but Leomon remembered when they had been filled with rage and bloodlust.
This monster used to be my friend. He thought with a sadness that almost seemed to overtake him. Impmon was a fool who tried to bargain with darkness to gain power, I can't allow his idiocy to harm the others.

Behind the Beast King, a girl was watching. She was young with brown-hair. A bright and happy dress was now covered in mud and dirt. She was holding her hands, together as though praying. Hoping that somehow things would work out. Leomon looked to her, and felt a burst of strength which allowed him to stand.

His human, his partner. He couldn't allow the darkness to devour her as it had Impmon. She'd lost enough friends.

"I've told you before." The lion rumbled. "Strike me as you wish, but I will not allow you to bring harm to an innocent child! I'll fight you to my last breath before that."

He drew his blade one more time. The spirit within waking as it felt his will soak into the steel. Together, the two of them stood their ground against a being so above them that it might have been a God.

"So then, let's go." The demon laughed. "You're pretty fun, I'll give ya that. But I got other people I need to visit before the day is through. Payback is a bitch, ain't it?"

"I don't care what you say, the Impmon who was our friend is dead!" Leomon thundered, putting on a burst of speed. "You're simply a corruption of his desires! A tainted monument that I will erase!"


It was her turn. It was her turn. Forcingherself to take deep breaths, Louise moved to the centre of the courtyard. The breeze turned and for a second, she smelled the flowers which had been so carefully tended. It was relaxing, and almost allowed her to forget why she was here. The eyes of the crowd reminded her. All of them focused on her. Watching, waiting.

Was she going to fail? They wanted to know. Was Louise finally going to be proved to be the Zero that everyone knew she was? If she did, would be it worth watching?

Louise felt her hands ball into fists, but reminded herself of her family. She found herself doing this often, especially at times like now. Thoughts of her mother only made her feel even more nervous, she wondered what she would say if Louise was marched back home. No magic, no future.

She probably wouldn't even want me as a daughter. Louise's heart was pounding and her mouth felt dry. At the moment she felt like she would face anything, anything if it meant that she could be somewhere else. The teacher was saying something, but it sounded like so much gibberish to the girl. Her ears were bounding with the sound of her own rushing blood. She worked hard to prevent the shiver of apprehension from showing as she finally finished her thousand mile walk to the middle.

The crowd watched. She tried not to pick out faces. It was easier that way, but she couldn't help but listen as they talked amongst themselves.

''I wonder what kind of Familiar she'll summon?''

''Don't be foolish, she can't summon anything. We'll just get another big explosion, let we always do."

''Ha! Louise the Zero indeed. Well, at least it'll be worth watching for the fireworks.''

She glared. She wasn't a Zero. She wasn't useless. This was the time to prove, this was her chance. Her last one, to make her family proud. To ensure that her name was not tarnished and to rub it in the face of everyone who had ever called her worthless!

Taking a deep breath, Louise got ready for what she thought would be the most important casting of her young life. All the while, wishing she was anywhere but here. It wasn't like she could be in any more trouble, was it?


Pain exploded through the warrior as the demon's talons ripped through his chest. Leomon screamed in pain, a cry matched by the horrified moan of his partner. Innocent Jerri, who had trusted him to protect her. Just like she had trusted Impmon, and now she would come to regret both.

The lion felt his head fall forwards. His arms suddenly felt like they weighed a thousand tons. The world was fading around him, and the demon's demented laugh filled the air.

"J-Jerri..." He managed. Each word bringing a new rush of pain.. The demon' fingers were still embedded in his chest, and each movement reminded him of that with a new wave of agony. Blood was dripping from his wounds, a grisly sight indeed.

He had always known that one day he would end up like this. It was the fate of all Digimon, and all warriors. He would eventually run into a foe who was better than him and be overcome...


Not this day... please not this day.


"Yeah." The demon smiled. "Run. Run like I used to have to, when someone big came knocking. Run and know what it's like to feel helpless and alone! After all, you won't have your little friend Leomon here will ya? 'cus he dies right now!"


Then there was light.
The first that Louise new something was wrong, was when the light of the spell was abruptly drawn together into a tiny orb about the size of her palm. This had never happened before, not to her, or to anyone else who had summoned that day. The crowd's murmuring had stopped as everyone watched in amazement. She didn't know what to do or say, so she stayed silent and tried to look like she meant to do it.

This quickly failed when the light began to turn black. Veins of shadow began to criss-cross the orb, and before she knew it, the previous illumination was gone. The orb of night continued to hover for another moment, but then Louise felt a very familiar build up, and managed to shout to the others.

"It's going to explode!"

And it did, but it was like nothing she had ever done before. This explosion came in waves. The first, of force. Smashed into the crowd and sending them tumbling back. Louise heard screams and calls for help, even the teacher was seemingly knocked from his feet by the unexpected explosion. It wasn't over though, because the next wave was shadow and that was worse.

It took the form of a crescent of darkness which expanded from the orb. Louise braced herself as it hit her – there was no time to run, and she was still frozen in shock anyway – it was horrible. Every cruel thing that anyone had ever said to her was repeated a thousand fold. Like bunring spears of betrayal and bitterness were driven into her chest and heart. She crumpled, her eyes wet. Others were affected even more badly. Some screamed in horror, even more sobbing was produced and a few simply stared blankly. Lost in the coldness of the wave of despair.

Another wave of force was created. Stronger this time. Louise, who had been immune to the first one, was sent tumbling across the ground with a cry. The crowd knew to take cover this time, but it was no use. The wave of force rolled across the courtyard smashing things as it went. The ground, the buildings and even the far wall was cracked clean in half. A heavy cloud of dust had descended, but Louise could hear cries and sobs. What had she done?

It wasn't over. The orb had gone, but it was replaced by a sight she had never thought to see. A monster stood before her, clothed in black leather, and exuding such malevolence that she felt weak. It was taller than her, human-shaped though the three eyes on it's head declared that it was human at all. Metal had been strapped to its knees, and spikes rose from the toes of its shoes. Two strange devices were holstered by its side. Most of its face was concealed by an angular mask. Holes had been cut for the eyes and mouth. One on either side of its face, and one on its forehead for the third eye. Its teeth were pointed and razor-like, and its hands ended in metal claws.

Twitching at the end of one of its hands, there was another being. Louise didn't recognise it, but she supposed it didn't matter because it seemed pretty thoroughly dead if the pool of blood below it was any indication. It had been impaled by one of the claws, she could see the metal sticking out of its back.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The beast spoke. It spoke. With a nonchalant twist of the arm, it sent the lion-thing sprawling to the ground. Louise saw a flash of golden fur, a humanoid body, and a pair of pants before it crumbled motionless to the ground.

Louise knew she should say something. She had called this thing, she had to be able to control it too, but her tongue wasn't working. She couldn't breath properly. She was horrified and confused by everything that had happened.

"This ain't the human world I know." The monster said, as though unaware of the carnage its very arrival had caused. "And I didn't get bere by bioemerging. Inteeeresting." It drew out the word. "Well, I can't say I'm in a hurry to get back. I don't have anything to live for in that other world anyway so I suppose I should thank you."

Thanks were good, Louise thought desperately. Thanks meant that the monster probably wasn't going to do anything else, right?

"But see, here's the thing." Its eyes suddenly all focused on her, and Louise felt pinned. Her heart thudded, but her arms and legs wouldn't move. She felt like an insect brought to the attention of something much greater.

"I don't like humans." The monster continued. "In fact, you make me sick. Pathetic slobs who rely on the power of others rather than fighting for yourselves. You're so weak, you have to steal strength. So low, that even I was higher than you when I was Impmon! You tried to make me weak like you, but now I have the power!"

It drew one of the devices it held, pointed the barrel at Louise. She was looking into an infinite void, she didn't know what it was, but it didn't seem good.

"So I'm gonna kill you." The monster smiled slowly. "And then everyone else in this weird place. Call it my way of saying ''Boy did you call out the wrong guy''.

Louise felt a cold chill steal across her body. It should have sounded ridiculous, but right now she had no doubt that this thing could indeed kill everyone at the Academy. It might even enjoy it.. She looked to where the crowd had been, but everyone was still groggy. Still confused. Only she had heard the thing's plan.

Suddenly, there was a roar that split the air! The monster turned, just in time to receive a massive blow to the face. Golden fur matted with blood seemed to flow past her. The lion-man had mustered the strength to move! She watched the muscles in the arm bulge and contort, she saw the shock on the monster's face as it was sent tumbling. She heard the heavy breathing of the lion, and saw the light playing across its palm.

"I told you." It said slowly, its voice full of pain. "No more innocent children will die by your hands."
The demon rose slowly. A tiny trickle of blood fell to the ground from where it had been struck. Otherwise, it did not seem harmed. "That was a mistake."

It pulled out the other device, aiming both the creature. "I was gonna let you die in peace, but now you can die in pieces!"

There was a flash, and time slowed for Louise. She watched as slugs of lead tore themselves from the barrels of the weapons. She tried to move, but she couldn't. The whole world was frozen but for those munitions. Each one was surrounded by an aura of force, and she knew without a doubt that they'd tear through almost anything. The lion stood between her and the monster, it braced itself. She realised it wasn't going to run.

Then the light she had seen before erupted from its palm. Like a blazing, it rushed up the arm and reached the chest. There, it expanded outwards. It was done so quickly, but even so, Louise could not help but miss the shocked expression on the lion's face.

"Leomon digivolve to-"

Time returned to normal. The bullets flashed forwards, they were going to kill the beast and then her! Before she could brace herself, the golden light shattered. The form there moved so fast that even the bullets seemed motionless. A blur of yellow collided with Louise, dragging her to safety before the impact where she had been shook the ground. A giant hole had been formed where the two tiny slugs had connected with the dirt. Louise was shaking. Gently, the beast put her down.

She looked at it, and again was in awe.

Gone was the bipedal lion-man who had thrown himself into danger for her. In his place there stood a proud beast, the equal to any family's regalia. His limbs were corded with muscle, and covered in golden fur. His eyes were blue and sharp. A tail streamed behind him, and his paws were tipped in razor-like blades. Red stripes ran through his fur, and a proud mane bellowed in the wind of their passing. Louise felt awe, there was no doubt, she had never been more sure of anything in her life. This...this was her Familiar.

The creature tossed its head.



AN: This is probably a one-shot. I wrote it because a long time ago, I did a snippet for the ZNT thread over on SB. Recently, I was looking over my stuff and wanted to see if I could do better now. Hopefully, I have.
AN: This is probably a one-shot. I wrote it because a long time ago, I did a snippet for the ZNT thread over on SB. Recently, I was looking over my stuff and wanted to see if I could do better now. Hopefully, I have.

That's a shame. While it was fairly well done"Louise summons X" is boring, what happens next, how to they interact, etc... that could make an interesting story.
That's a shame. While it was fairly well done"Louise summons X" is boring, what happens next, how to they interact, etc... that could make an interesting story.

I have some idea on how things would go, but really, my knowledge of ZnT isn't good enough that I could reliable do a proper story or else I might have considered continuing it. what I do know is that this would probably blow canon right off the rails, what with the appearance of a demon lord and its show down with a newly summoned Familiar. Not to mention the reactions of the students who were hurt, and the effect of those that did die.

Many of them would hold Louise to blame -- after all, she summoned them, and Beelzemon would also probably stick around in the background. Driven off by Leomon but not destroyed. So you have the machinations of a Demon Lord to add to the confusion. Like I said, I'd be tempted to write if I could trust myself to be true to the canon.
well there is znt back to the basics thread for help on znt side.

Indeed. I actually referenced that heavily while writing this. You see, I know literally nothing about ZnT but what I have picked up from other crossovers. I have seen not a single episode, read not even a single snippet from the novels. Everything you see, I learned by osmosis.