The Imperial Inspector (CK2 Sci-Fi Detective Quest)

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The Case
Southampton, Great Britain
You are an Imperial Inspector of the Invictus Imperium, working for the Imperial government as you seek out crime and corruption with the Imperium and put an end to it. With over a hundred races, thousands of systems and trillions of sapient individuals, you and your work are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Yet it is up to people like you to ensure that the citizens of the Invictus Imperium can go about happy and safe lives.

It has over two thousand years since the people of Falmira discovered the jump drive and first took to the stars. Under the reign of the Sapphira dynasty, elected officials have dutifully ruled over the Invictus Imperial and ensured that all citizens of the Imperium are properly cared for and treated fairly with the aid of the Imperial Administration. The Imperial Navy and Imperial Army have safeguarded the people of Imperium and beyond for centuries, defeating all threats to the Invictus Imperium and the rest of the galaxy.

Life is good for the people of Invictus. Disease is all but eradicated while free healthcare of the highest quality is provided to all and no one goes homeless or hungry. The Star Alliance stands firm and united behind the Invictus Imperium and slavery in the known galaxy is effectively wiped out, with any remnants have been driven completely underground. Wonders like ecumenopoleis, ringworlds and Dyson Spheres are relatively plentiful while every Imperial system is connected to the Imperial Gateway Network for speedy travel between worlds.

Yet this freedom and prosperity does not come without costs and the downside to equality is that certain unsavoury elements do not get stamped out. So long as they follow the law, less than pleasant individuals and groups get afforded the same protections and rights as every other Imperial citizen.

That is where you come in. The Invictus Imperium requires dutiful, hardworking individuals like you to deal with troublesome elements so that when they do break the law, you are ready to bring them to justice before any innocents suffer.

What is your background?
[] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you work as a minor diplomat for the Invictus Imperium. Attached to the Star Alliance, you made sure that things ran smoothly between the Imperium and its allies as you negotiate local deals and dealt with minor incidents. Boost to Diplomacy.
[] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you were an officer in the Imperial Navy, serving aboard a Knight-class heavy cruiser. You were commissioned for a couple of decades and served on minor campaigns, where you saw some combat. Boost to Martial.
[] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served a bureaucrat for the Imperial Administration, doing your part to manage the vast Invictus Imperium. While you did nothing noteworthy in the grand scheme of things, you have plenty of experience in how the Imperial government works and how several local authorities operate. Boost to Stewardship.
[] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served as a law enforcer for your home world. You are an old hand when it comes to upholding the law and you know the basic framework that every local authority has to follow in order tobe compliment with Imperial law. Boost to Intrigue.
[] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you were a researcher, working at a local laboratory back home. While you will not be able to wipe up anything too fancy, you do have a greater understanding of both how the universe works and the ins and outs of Invicta technology. Boost to Learning.

What is your case?
[] [Case] A local supremist group has been oddly successful recently and given a worrisome following amongst the local Falmireans. While not strictly illegal due to equality and tolerance laws, xenophobes have always been considered troublesome by the Imperial government. You been sent to investigate them and hammer them for whatever dirt you dig up on them.
[] [Case] Religion has always been popular amongst the species that make up even if some species take to it more than others. While not a problem the vast majority of the time, a local cult has been gaining traction and their ideas are troublesome to say the least. You have been sent to investigate them and make sure that their rhetoric doesn't result in criminality.
[] [Case] The Invictus Imperium has always had a proud military tradition, but certain groups take their militarism too far or in the wrong direction. A local militia slash mercenary band has been a bit troublesome recently even as they make sure to stay on the right side of the law. You have been sent to investigate them and make sure that continues to be the case.
[] [Case] As a constitutional monarchy, the Invictus Imperium had had a proud history of equality and democracy. A local group has been challenging that history in their rhetoric and there are rumours that they have been go beyond words. You have been sent to investigate them and get to the bottom of things.

Which world does it take you to?
[] [World] League, Fen Habbanis = Located in the Fen Habbanis System, League is one of the Invictus Imperium's few true ecumenopolis with a massive population and industrial output. Over four hundred billion sapients live on the planet and a thousand units of alloys are produced on the planet every month. With the second largest shipyards in the Invictus Imperium around Fen Habbanis, a terraformed moon and a few habitats in-system, League is a major centre and that comes with both upsides and downsides. You will have plenty of resources to draw upon, but so will whoever you go up against.
[] [World] Sirae, Tuknab = An arctic world located on the current borders of the Invictus Imperium in, the fertile underground farms have turn Sirae into an agricultural world and the main food supplier for the local region. While not as large as more developed worlds, Sirae still boosts six billion residents with about sixth of those being foreign citizens. You will have some relative freedom thanks to being on the frontier and the multitude of foreigners, but so will your targets.
[] [World] Pascal Four, Pascal = An artificial habitat above the gas giant of the same name, Pascal Four supports the energy output of the Dyson Sphere built around Pascal itself. With slightly over a billion people living on it, Pascal Four is half mining and refining gas from Pascal IV and half trading luxuries for the energy credits produced by Pascal. You will have find it easier to track your enemies and acquire resources to deal with them, but the same applies to your quarry.


An idea for a quest that was inspired by @huhYeahGoodPoint's latest quest. While I don't like the CK2 system for tracking large enities like civilisations and countries, I do like how they are using it on an individual scale.

For the setting, I've got this high-tech sci-fi setting based off of a few modded Stellaris games which I want to show off. I think it would be fun to be an inspector in this setting, where they are just doing their job in a galaxy-spanning empire with over a hundred species, trillions of people and countless wonders.

I have generally scaled things up from Stellaris so the timeline doesn't go too quickly and everything eventfully in the galaxy doesn't take place in just a couple of centuries. I have also added some things in from my other original settings to make it more distinct from Stellaris.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
Character Sheets
Name: Argin Dalfir
Species: Falmirean
Gender: Male

Diplomacy = 14
Martial = 10
Stewardship = 9
Intrigue = 20
Learning = 9
Combat = 9

Psionic: Argin is psionic, capable of engaging in feats of telepathy and telekinesis. +2 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue & +1 Learning.
Cybernetic: Argin has augmented with cybernetic enhancements to increase his combat abilities and let him remotely interface with technology. +1 Combat.
Falmirean: Argin is a Falmirean, the species that founded the Invictus Imperium and the most numerous one within it.
Former Enforcer: Argin was a member of the local Law Enforcers on his homeworld, making him an old hand at upholding the law. +5 Intrigue.
Name: E-D0023 Courage
Species: Ultra-Falmirean
Gender: Female

Diplomacy = 10
Martial = 20
Stewardship = 14
Intrigue = 11
Learning = 13
Combat = 21

Psionic: Courage is psionic, capable of engaging in feats of telepathy and telekinesis. +2 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue & +1 Learning.
Cybernetic: Courage has augmented with cybernetic enhancements to increase her combat abilities and let her remotely interface with technology. +1 Combat.
Clone-Soldier: While she has taken her right to choose another path, Courage was bred for war and it shows. +3 Martial & +3 Combat.
Ultra-Falmirean: Courage is a member of the Falmirean sub-species that has been modified to be more effective at war.
Name: Nix Malax
Species: Synth
Gender: Synth

Diplomacy = 19
Martial = 11
Stewardship = 12
Intrigue = 11
Learning = 13
Combat = 17

Synth: Nix is a Synthetic, a robotic being with sapient levels of intelligence.
Former Diplomat: Nix has had a long career working as a diplomat for the Imperial Administration. +5 Diplomacy.

0-3 = Incapable.
4-8 = Incompetent.
9-12 = Competent.
13-18 = Skilled.
19-24 = Expert.
24-30 = Master.
31-36 = Legendary.

DC10 = Basic Task
DC15 = Difficult Basic Task
DC20 = Advanced Task
DC25 = Difficult Advanced Task
DC30 = Elite Task
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The Children of Mira are a concerning group that is operating on Sirae in the Tuknab System. Their organisation is a religious cult with an xenophobic bent. Naming themselves after the star system that the Falmira originated in, the Children of Mira are a pro-Falmirean supremacist group that considers all "xenos" to be foul and impure. The most disturbing part of their rhetoric is the claims that the hidden power of the Falmira will wash away the impure, foul and unholy. Notability, the Children of Mira have been very careful to keep their words as only that and have yet to take any action based on their hateful rhetoric.

The Children of Mira appear to be led by an individual known as the "Grandfather" through the identity of this individual or how much sway they have over the Children of Mira remain unknown. Another noteworthy aspect of the Children of Mira is that they consider psionic ability to be the main indicator of having a soul, which is required to be a person. Since synthetic individuals lack psionics, the Children of Mira will consider all sapient machines to not be real people, but mere attempts to copy true personhood.
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Setting Info
The Invictus Imperium is the current superpower in the known galaxy and arguably a hyper power. Having first discovered faster than light travel two thousand years ago, the Invictus Imperium has had uncontested dominance for the last thousand years. Despite being a militaristic monarchy, the Invictus Imperium is a champion of equality and freedom. With the Sapphira dynasty effectively being figureheads, elected officials actually run the Imperium with support from the highly effective Imperial Administration. The Invictus Imperium makes sure to provide free housing, nutrients and healthcare for all sapients within its borders and is very permissive and tolerant so long as you don't fall afoul of anti-hate laws or go into the realm of treason. The Invictus Imperium also gives a great deal of leeway to local authorities and the worlds within it have the freedom to run their own affairs so long as they don't fall afoul of Imperial law.
The Star Alliance is one of the oldest surviving international treaties, starting as an alliance between the Invictus Imperium and its oldest friend on the galactic stage the Yox Republic. While exact what type of organisation the Star Alliance is subject to regular debate, the Star Alliance is most commonly known as a federation despite not having the strict level of control over its member states that the term implies. Whilst effectively dominated by the Invictus Imperium, the Star Alliance has close to a hundred members through the majority of them are protectorates of the Invictus Imperium with less than a score of systems to their name. Each member state has a single vote when it comes to policy changes despite the power differences, but unofficially the Invictus Imperium commands enough support to decide what passes and what doesn't.

Whilst giving its member states a great deal of autonomy, the Star Alliance does have some things that its members are expected to abide by. There is no restrictions on travel between member states and slavery in any form is strictly outlawed. Everyone in the Star Alliance is expected to support the rest of the Star Alliance in times of war and as a result, declaring an offensive war requires a vote with majority backing from the rest of the Star Alliance as does declaring peace with a foe. The member states of the Star Alliance are also obligated to provide a certain level of care for it citizens and should it be unable to meet those standards due to a disaster or crisis, the rest of the Star Alliance is obligated to help them fulfil the needs of their citizens.
The Unity Fleet is a fleet of warships that is operated and maintained by the Star Alliance. While the warships themselves and associated materials are provided by the Invictus Imperium, every member state is expected to help pay for the costs of running the fleet and provide personnel to help run it. Whilst vastly smaller than the Imperial Navy, the Unity Fleet can match the navies of the stronger members of the Star Fleet whilst several times the size of the majority of member states.
The Falmira, commonly called Falmireans, are the founding species of the Invictus Imperium and to this day, they are still the most numerous species in it even if they no longer make up a majority. The Falmira are native to Falmire in the Mira System, but have since spread amongst the stars. By default, Falmireans have metallic-coloured skin with fire-coloured hairs and jewel-like eyes, but the prevalence of gene-modding has allowed for differing appearances to thrive amongst the Falmira even if the majority retain their natural looks.

The Falmira are a naturally hardy species with relatively high strength, long lifespans and borderline miraculous ability to recover from any injury if given enough time. Even more notable is the innate, physics-defying ability to fly that all Falmireans process, something that still has yet to be understood even after thousands of years. In the modern day, every Falmirean has undergone extensive gene-mod to improve their minds and bodies and it has been slightly over a thousand years since the last of the Falmira unlock their psionic abilities.
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[X] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you were an officer in the Imperial Navy, serving aboard a Knight-class heavy cruiser. You were commissioned for a couple of decades and served on minor campaigns, where you saw some combat. Boost to Martial.
[X] [Case] A local supremist group has been oddly successful recently and given a worrisome following amongst the local Falmireans. While not strictly illegal due to equality and tolerance laws, xenophobes have always been considered troublesome by the Imperial government. You been sent to investigate them and hammer them for whatever dirt you dig up on them.
[X] [World] Pascal Four, Pascal = An artificial habitat above the gas giant of the same name, Pascal Four supports the energy output of the Dyson Sphere built around Pascal itself. With slightly over a billion people living on it, Pascal Four is half mining and refining gas from Pascal IV and half trading luxuries for the energy credits produced by Pascal. You will have find it easier to track your enemies and acquire resources to deal with them, but the same applies to your quarry.


(also i'm a little sad that we didn't go with the martial combo in my game because i thought the wordplay was awesome)
[X] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served as a law enforcer for your home world. You are an old hand when it comes to upholding the law and you know the basic framework that every local authority has to follow in order tobe compliment with Imperial law. Boost to Intrigue.
[X] [Case] Religion has always been popular amongst the species that make up even if some species take to it more than others. While not a problem the vast majority of the time, a local cult has been gaining traction and their ideas are troublesome to say the least. You have been sent to investigate them and make sure that their rhetoric doesn't result in criminality.
[X] [World] Sirae, Tuknab = An arctic world located on the current borders of the Invictus Imperium in, the fertile underground farms have turn Sirae into an agricultural world and the main food supplier for the local region. While not as large as more developed worlds, Sirae still boosts six billion residents with about sixth of those being foreign citizens. You will have some relative freedom thanks to being on the frontier and the multitude of foreigners, but so will your targets.
[X] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you were an officer in the Imperial Navy, serving aboard a Knight-class heavy cruiser. You were commissioned for a couple of decades and served on minor campaigns, where you saw some combat. Boost to Martial.
[X] [Case] A local supremist group has been oddly successful recently and given a worrisome following amongst the local Falmireans. While not strictly illegal due to equality and tolerance laws, xenophobes have always been considered troublesome by the Imperial government. You been sent to investigate them and hammer them for whatever dirt you dig up on them.
[X] [World] Pascal Four, Pascal = An artificial habitat above the gas giant of the same name, Pascal Four supports the energy output of the Dyson Sphere built around Pascal itself. With slightly over a billion people living on it, Pascal Four is half mining and refining gas from Pascal IV and half trading luxuries for the energy credits produced by Pascal. You will have find it easier to track your enemies and acquire resources to deal with them, but the same applies to your quarry.

Dunking on xenophobes in a habitat? Yes pls
[X] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served as a law enforcer for your home world. You are an old hand when it comes to upholding the law and you know the basic framework that every local authority has to follow in order tobe compliment with Imperial law. Boost to Intrigue.
[X] [Case] Religion has always been popular amongst the species that make up even if some species take to it more than others. While not a problem the vast majority of the time, a local cult has been gaining traction and their ideas are troublesome to say the least. You have been sent to investigate them and make sure that their rhetoric doesn't result in criminality.
[X] [World] Sirae, Tuknab = An arctic world located on the current borders of the Invictus Imperium in, the fertile underground farms have turn Sirae into an agricultural world and the main food supplier for the local region. While not as large as more developed worlds, Sirae still boosts six billion residents with about sixth of those being foreign citizens. You will have some relative freedom thanks to being on the frontier and the multitude of foreigners, but so will your targets.
The vote is still open.
Vote Tally : The Imperial Inspector (CK2 Sci-Fi Detective Quest) Original - Sci-Fi | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 5-8]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

Task: Background

[X][Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served as a law enforcer for your home world. You are an old hand when it comes to upholding the law and you know the basic framework that every local authority has to follow in order tobe compliment with Imperial law. Boost to Intrigue.
[X][Case] Religion has always been popular amongst the species that make up even if some species take to it more than others. While not a problem the vast majority of the time, a local cult has been gaining traction and their ideas are troublesome to say the least. You have been sent to investigate them and make sure that their rhetoric doesn't result in criminality.
[X][World] Sirae, Tuknab = An arctic world located on the current borders of the Invictus Imperium in, the fertile underground farms have turn Sirae into an agricultural world and the main food supplier for the local region. While not as large as more developed worlds, Sirae still boosts six billion residents with about sixth of those being foreign citizens. You will have some relative freedom thanks to being on the frontier and the multitude of foreigners, but so will your targets.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you were an officer in the Imperial Navy, serving aboard a Knight-class heavy cruiser. You were commissioned for a couple of decades and served on minor campaigns, where you saw some combat. Boost to Martial.
[X][Case] A local supremist group has been oddly successful recently and given a worrisome following amongst the local Falmireans. While not strictly illegal due to equality and tolerance laws, xenophobes have always been considered troublesome by the Imperial government. You been sent to investigate them and hammer them for whatever dirt you dig up on them.
[X][World] Pascal Four, Pascal = An artificial habitat above the gas giant of the same name, Pascal Four supports the energy output of the Dyson Sphere built around Pascal itself. With slightly over a billion people living on it, Pascal Four is half mining and refining gas from Pascal IV and half trading luxuries for the energy credits produced by Pascal. You will have find it easier to track your enemies and acquire resources to deal with them, but the same applies to your quarry.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 4
[X] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served as a law enforcer for your home world. You are an old hand when it comes to upholding the law and you know the basic framework that every local authority has to follow in order tobe compliment with Imperial law. Boost to Intrigue.
[X] [Case] Religion has always been popular amongst the species that make up even if some species take to it more than others. While not a problem the vast majority of the time, a local cult has been gaining traction and their ideas are troublesome to say the least. You have been sent to investigate them and make sure that their rhetoric doesn't result in criminality.
[X] [World] Sirae, Tuknab = An arctic world located on the current borders of the Invictus Imperium in, the fertile underground farms have turn Sirae into an agricultural world and the main food supplier for the local region. While not as large as more developed worlds, Sirae still boosts six billion residents with about sixth of those being foreign citizens. You will have some relative freedom thanks to being on the frontier and the multitude of foreigners, but so will your targets.
[X] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served as a law enforcer for your home world. You are an old hand when it comes to upholding the law and you know the basic framework that every local authority has to follow in order tobe compliment with Imperial law. Boost to Intrigue.
[X] [Case] Religion has always been popular amongst the species that make up even if some species take to it more than others. While not a problem the vast majority of the time, a local cult has been gaining traction and their ideas are troublesome to say the least. You have been sent to investigate them and make sure that their rhetoric doesn't result in criminality.
[X] [World] Sirae, Tuknab = An arctic world located on the current borders of the Invictus Imperium in, the fertile underground farms have turn Sirae into an agricultural world and the main food supplier for the local region. While not as large as more developed worlds, Sirae still boosts six billion residents with about sixth of those being foreign citizens. You will have some relative freedom thanks to being on the frontier and the multitude of foreigners, but so will your targets.
[X] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you work as a minor diplomat for the Invictus Imperium. Attached to the Star Alliance, you made sure that things ran smoothly between the Imperium and its allies as you negotiate local deals and dealt with minor incidents. Boost to Diplomacy.

[X] [Case] A local supremist group has been oddly successful recently and given a worrisome following amongst the local Falmireans. While not strictly illegal due to equality and tolerance laws, xenophobes have always been considered troublesome by the Imperial government. You been sent to investigate them and hammer them for whatever dirt you dig up on them.

[X] [World] Sirae, Tuknab = An arctic world located on the current borders of the Invictus Imperium in, the fertile underground farms have turn Sirae into an agricultural world and the main food supplier for the local region. While not as large as more developed worlds, Sirae still boosts six billion residents with about sixth of those being foreign citizens. You will have some relative freedom thanks to being on the frontier and the multitude of foreigners, but so will your targets.
Okay, the vote is still open for now, but I am planning to close it in a few to several hours. I have also added a bit more setting info.
Vote Tally : The Imperial Inspector (CK2 Sci-Fi Detective Quest) Original - Sci-Fi | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 5-12]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

Task: Background

[X][Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served as a law enforcer for your home world. You are an old hand when it comes to upholding the law and you know the basic framework that every local authority has to follow in order tobe compliment with Imperial law. Boost to Intrigue.
No. of Votes: 4

[X][Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you were an officer in the Imperial Navy, serving aboard a Knight-class heavy cruiser. You were commissioned for a couple of decades and served on minor campaigns, where you saw some combat. Boost to Martial.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you work as a minor diplomat for the Invictus Imperium. Attached to the Star Alliance, you made sure that things ran smoothly between the Imperium and its allies as you negotiate local deals and dealt with minor incidents. Boost to Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Case

[X][Case] Religion has always been popular amongst the species that make up even if some species take to it more than others. While not a problem the vast majority of the time, a local cult has been gaining traction and their ideas are troublesome to say the least. You have been sent to investigate them and make sure that their rhetoric doesn't result in criminality.
No. of Votes: 4

[X][Case] A local supremist group has been oddly successful recently and given a worrisome following amongst the local Falmireans. While not strictly illegal due to equality and tolerance laws, xenophobes have always been considered troublesome by the Imperial government. You been sent to investigate them and hammer them for whatever dirt you dig up on them.
No. of Votes: 3

Task: World

[X][World] Sirae, Tuknab = An arctic world located on the current borders of the Invictus Imperium in, the fertile underground farms have turn Sirae into an agricultural world and the main food supplier for the local region. While not as large as more developed worlds, Sirae still boosts six billion residents with about sixth of those being foreign citizens. You will have some relative freedom thanks to being on the frontier and the multitude of foreigners, but so will your targets.
No. of Votes: 5

[X][World] Pascal Four, Pascal = An artificial habitat above the gas giant of the same name, Pascal Four supports the energy output of the Dyson Sphere built around Pascal itself. With slightly over a billion people living on it, Pascal Four is half mining and refining gas from Pascal IV and half trading luxuries for the energy credits produced by Pascal. You will have find it easier to track your enemies and acquire resources to deal with them, but the same applies to your quarry.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 7
[X] [Case] As a constitutional monarchy, the Invictus Imperium had had a proud history of equality and democracy. A local group has been challenging that history in their rhetoric and there are rumours that they have been go beyond words. You have been sent to investigate them and get to the bottom of things.
[X] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served as a law enforcer for your home world. You are an old hand when it comes to upholding the law and you know the basic framework that every local authority has to follow in order tobe compliment with Imperial law. Boost to Intrigue.

[X] [Case] A local supremist group has been oddly successful recently and given a worrisome following amongst the local Falmireans. While not strictly illegal due to equality and tolerance laws, xenophobes have always been considered troublesome by the Imperial government. You been sent to investigate them and hammer them for whatever dirt you dig up on them.

[X] [World] League, Fen Habbanis = Located in the Fen Habbanis System, League is one of the Invictus Imperium's few true ecumenopolis with a massive population and industrial output. Over four hundred billion sapients live on the planet and a thousand units of alloys are produced on the planet every month. With the second largest shipyards in the Invictus Imperium around Fen Habbanis, a terraformed moon and a few habitats in-system, League is a major centre and that comes with both upsides and downsides. You will have plenty of resources to draw upon, but so will whoever you go up against.
[X] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you work as a minor diplomat for the Invictus Imperium. Attached to the Star Alliance, you made sure that things ran smoothly between the Imperium and its allies as you negotiate local deals and dealt with minor incidents. Boost to Diplomacy.
[X] [Case] As a constitutional monarchy, the Invictus Imperium had had a proud history of equality and democracy. A local group has been challenging that history in their rhetoric and there are rumours that they have been go beyond words. You have been sent to investigate them and get to the bottom of things.
[X] [World] League, Fen Habbanis = Located in the Fen Habbanis System, League is one of the Invictus Imperium's few true ecumenopolis with a massive population and industrial output. Over four hundred billion sapients live on the planet and a thousand units of alloys are produced on the planet every month. With the second largest shipyards in the Invictus Imperium around Fen Habbanis, a terraformed moon and a few habitats in-system, League is a major centre and that comes with both upsides and downsides. You will have plenty of resources to draw upon, but so will whoever you go up against.
The vote is closed.
Vote Tally : The Imperial Inspector (CK2 Sci-Fi Detective Quest) Original - Sci-Fi | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 5-16]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

Task: Background

[X][Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served as a law enforcer for your home world. You are an old hand when it comes to upholding the law and you know the basic framework that every local authority has to follow in order tobe compliment with Imperial law. Boost to Intrigue.
No. of Votes: 5

[X][Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you were an officer in the Imperial Navy, serving aboard a Knight-class heavy cruiser. You were commissioned for a couple of decades and served on minor campaigns, where you saw some combat. Boost to Martial.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you work as a minor diplomat for the Invictus Imperium. Attached to the Star Alliance, you made sure that things ran smoothly between the Imperium and its allies as you negotiate local deals and dealt with minor incidents. Boost to Diplomacy.
No. of Votes: 2

Task: Case

[X][Case] A local supremist group has been oddly successful recently and given a worrisome following amongst the local Falmireans. While not strictly illegal due to equality and tolerance laws, xenophobes have always been considered troublesome by the Imperial government. You been sent to investigate them and hammer them for whatever dirt you dig up on them.
No. of Votes: 4

[X][Case] Religion has always been popular amongst the species that make up even if some species take to it more than others. While not a problem the vast majority of the time, a local cult has been gaining traction and their ideas are troublesome to say the least. You have been sent to investigate them and make sure that their rhetoric doesn't result in criminality.
No. of Votes: 4

[X][Case] As a constitutional monarchy, the Invictus Imperium had had a proud history of equality and democracy. A local group has been challenging that history in their rhetoric and there are rumours that they have been go beyond words. You have been sent to investigate them and get to the bottom of things.
No. of Votes: 2

Task: World

[X][World] Sirae, Tuknab = An arctic world located on the current borders of the Invictus Imperium in, the fertile underground farms have turn Sirae into an agricultural world and the main food supplier for the local region. While not as large as more developed worlds, Sirae still boosts six billion residents with about sixth of those being foreign citizens. You will have some relative freedom thanks to being on the frontier and the multitude of foreigners, but so will your targets.
No. of Votes: 5

[X][World] League, Fen Habbanis = Located in the Fen Habbanis System, League is one of the Invictus Imperium's few true ecumenopolis with a massive population and industrial output. Over four hundred billion sapients live on the planet and a thousand units of alloys are produced on the planet every month. With the second largest shipyards in the Invictus Imperium around Fen Habbanis, a terraformed moon and a few habitats in-system, League is a major centre and that comes with both upsides and downsides. You will have plenty of resources to draw upon, but so will whoever you go up against.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][World] Pascal Four, Pascal = An artificial habitat above the gas giant of the same name, Pascal Four supports the energy output of the Dyson Sphere built around Pascal itself. With slightly over a billion people living on it, Pascal Four is half mining and refining gas from Pascal IV and half trading luxuries for the energy credits produced by Pascal. You will have find it easier to track your enemies and acquire resources to deal with them, but the same applies to your quarry.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 10
Tie-breaking the case vote. 1 for Xenophobes and 2 for Spiritualists.
Oshha threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Tie-breaker Total: 1
1 1
I have added the character sheets of the player character and his team.
The Team
[X] [Background] Before becoming an Imperial Inspector, you served as a law enforcer for your home world. You are an old hand when it comes to upholding the law and you know the basic framework that every local authority has to follow in order tobe compliment with Imperial law. Boost to Intrigue.
[X] [Case] A local supremist group has been oddly successful recently and given a worrisome following amongst the local Falmireans. While not strictly illegal due to equality and tolerance laws, xenophobes have always been considered troublesome by the Imperial government. You been sent to investigate them and hammer them for whatever dirt you dig up on them.
[X] [Case] Religion has always been popular amongst the species that make up even if some species take to it more than others. While not a problem the vast majority of the time, a local cult has been gaining traction and their ideas are troublesome to say the least. You have been sent to investigate them and make sure that their rhetoric doesn't result in criminality.
[X] [World] Sirae, Tuknab = An arctic world located on the current borders of the Invictus Imperium in, the fertile underground farms have turn Sirae into an agricultural world and the main food supplier for the local region. While not as large as more developed worlds, Sirae still boosts six billion residents with about sixth of those being foreign citizens. You will have some relative freedom thanks to being on the frontier and the multitude of foreigners, but so will your targets.

The Children of Mira are a concerning group that is operating on Sirae in the Tuknab System. Their organisation is a religious cult with an xenophobic bent. Naming themselves after the star system that the Falmira originated in, the Children of Mira are a pro-Falmirean supremacist group that considers all "xenos" to be foul and impure. The most disturbing part of their rhetoric is the claims that the hidden power of the Falmira will wash away the impure, foul and unholy. Notability, the Children of Mira have been very careful to keep their words as only that and have yet to take any action based on their hateful rhetoric.

The Children of Mira appear to be led by an individual known as the "Grandfather" through the identity of this individual or how much sway they have over the Children of Mira remain unknown. Another noteworthy aspect of the Children of Mira is that they consider psionic ability to be the main indicator of having a soul, which is required to be a person. Since synthetic individuals lack psionics, the Children of Mira will consider all sapient machines to not be real people, but mere attempts to copy true personhood.
Name: Argin Dalfir
Species: Falmirean
Gender: Male

Diplomacy = 14
Martial = 10
Stewardship = 9
Intrigue = 20
Learning = 9
Combat = 9

Psionic: Argin is psionic, capable of engaging in feats of telepathy and telekinesis. +2 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue & +1 Learning.
Cybernetic: Argin has augmented with cybernetic enhancements to increase his combat abilities and let him remotely interface with technology. +1 Combat.
Falmirean: Argin is a Falmirean, the species that founded the Invictus Imperium and the most numerous one within it.
Former Enforcer: Argin was a member of the local Law Enforcers on his homeworld, making him an old hand at upholding the law. +5 Intrigue.
Name: E-D0023 Courage
Species: Ultra-Falmirean
Gender: Female

Diplomacy = 10
Martial = 20
Stewardship = 14
Intrigue = 11
Learning = 13
Combat = 21

Psionic: Courage is psionic, capable of engaging in feats of telepathy and telekinesis. +2 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue & +1 Learning.
Cybernetic: Courage has augmented with cybernetic enhancements to increase her combat abilities and let her remotely interface with technology. +1 Combat.
Clone-Soldier: While she has taken her right to choose another path, Courage was bred for war and it shows. +3 Martial & +3 Combat.
Ultra-Falmirean: Courage is a member of the Falmirean sub-species that has been modified to be more effective at war.
Name: Nix Malax
Species: Synth
Gender: Synth

Diplomacy = 19
Martial = 11
Stewardship = 12
Intrigue = 11
Learning = 13
Combat = 17

Synth: Nix is a Synthetic, a robotic being with sapient levels of intelligence.
Former Diplomat: Nix has had a long career working as a diplomat for the Imperial Administration. +5 Diplomacy.

You are Argin Dalfire, former local lawman and currently an Imperial Inspector in service to the Imperial Administration of the Invictus Imperium. This is not your first case, but it will be your biggest one yet.

Sirae in the Tuknab System is a lightly populated border world with barely six billion inhabitants of which one in six is a foreigner and lack Imperial citizenship. On the downside, it is an artic world and a Falmirean like yourself isn't naturally comfortable in environments that cold. On the other hand, the majority of the settlements are based underground as food is grown in fertile underground farms so it shouldn't be too hard to avoid freezing temperatures.

"I been to worse places," comments your subordinate Agent Courage, quite literally reading your thoughts as she piggy-backs off of your reading of the report via a psychic connection.

Agent E-D0023 Courage is not your typical Falmirean for she is a former clone soldier. Despite being bred for war and being very good at it, Courage took up her right to choose a different life after a few years of service. After a year of civilian life, Courage returned to Imperial service where you took her under your wing.

And you are grateful that your paths crossed. You aren't incompetent by any means, but your speciality clearly lies within one area and even ignoring her military-grade combat abilities, Courage is better than you want it comes to numbers, something she claims is due to every good soldier needing to know logistics.

"So what do you think of Sirae?" you ask Courage as you continue to read through the file, taking in the major details of the planet.

"Cosy sort of place," replies Courage, "If you like the climate anyway. Not my sort of place, but as I said, I've been to worse. I don't know why these Children of Mira clods have decided to set up shop here when it is such a poor fit for Falmireans."

"That is assuming they had a choice in the matter," says the third member of your team, Agent Malax.

Nix Malax is an Synth with an android body. Designed to fit in with the humanoids that make up the majority of the Invictus Imperium's population, Nix has chosen to use an android body, looking almost Falmirean if it wasn't for the cylinder head with the massive digital screen of an eye that takes up the entire face.

Nix is what rounds out your team. While you are team's expert with the law and Courage is the team's martial expert, Nix handles the diplomatic affairs of the team as a former envoy to a minor nation that only joined the Star Alliance a century ago after being uplifted by the Invictus Imperium.

"What do you mean?" inquires Courage.

"Groups like this are rare," you explain to her while Nix nods their agreement, "The Children of Mira are here almost certainly because they were founded here. Sirae is their home almost certainly is it the only place that their ideas took hold."

"And those ideas are bunch of scrap," says Courage with a snort, "Can you believe this nonsense? They don't even consider you to be a person Nix."

"Oh, I can believe it," replies Nix, "There were plenty of Hadine had doubts about a machine like me possibly being a person like them. Still, that isn't what I am worried about if only because it ensures they won't have any support from the local Synths. I am more concerned about how many foreigners there are on Sirae."

"The Children are too pro-Falmirean to ally with any foreigners," you point out, "Are you worried about them going after any foreigners for some reason?"

"I am more talking about the unexpected variables that we will face from having a sixth of the planetary population be non-Imperial citizens," says Nix, "The people of the Invictus Imperium are known factors and more easily accounted for. Who knows what these foreigners will be getting up to and how it will impact our work."

"Ah scraps," curses Courage as she shoots you an unhappy look, "Nix is right, having all of these foreigners about is going to make things non-standard. At least compared to normal."

"It does present some potential opportunities too," points out Nix, "While the irregularity of it all might give us some unexpected headaches, we may also get some unconventional advantages out of it if we play our chances right."

"So having plenty of foreigners comes with both good and bad news," you comment, "Anything else that we should be aware of before we get there?"

"I remember from my training that frontier worlds like this are more lax when it comes to the proper way of going things," offers Courage, "The colony isn't as built so it doesn't have all of the official structures in place. Combined with the tendency of weirdos to flock to the frontier, things have tend to be done more laxly and more slack is given when it comes to getting things done."

"Courage is right," agrees Nix, "We are also on the borders of two foreign nations. Beyond the usual latitude of undeveloped frontier worlds, we can also expect some cultural accommodations to have been reach with the neighbouring nations and their people. We cannot expect things to run as smoothly here as they do back in the core. There is more freedom out here, both for us and the Children of Mira."

"Well, that is good to know," you say as you close up the report, "I have the details."


You have three Shinies by default and can acquire up to three more Shinies by taking up to three Burdens. You may not take more than three Burdens. Use plan voting.

Case Bonus (Cost 1 Shiny)
[] Budget: You have more energy credits to work with than originally expected.
[] Reputation: You have something of a reputation as a trustworthy and dependable individual.
[] Intelligence: You have more information on your targets than originally anticipated.
[] Firepower: You are a bit more heavily armed and armoured than most Imperial Inspectors.

Connections (Cost 1 Shiny)
[] Imperial Administration: You have some friends in the local Imperial office.
[] Local Government: You know a local elected official.
[] Imperial Army: You know an officer assigned to local Imperial Army attachment.
[] Imperial Navy: You know the captain of an Imperial warship assigned to this system.
[] Traders: You got some contacts amongst the regular traders.
[] Researchers: You have some friends in one of the local labs.
[] Law Enforcement: You have some contacts amongst the local enforcers.
[] Local Militia: You know some people in the local militia.
[] Corporate: You have some contacts amongst one of the major corporations.

Tier 1 Traits (Costs 1 Shiny)
[] Trained: You have received some extra training when it comes to the art of war. (+1 Martial)
[] Charismatic: You are naturally charming and have a way with words. (+1 Diplomacy)
[] Organiser: You find organising things to be inherently easy. (+1 Stewardship)
[] Cunning: You have an innate cunning that serves you well. (+1 Intrigue)
[] Inspired: You tend have bursts of inspiration when trying to figure something out. (+1 Learning)

Tier 2 Traits (Cost 2 Shinies)
[] Kind: You are kind and considerate to those around you. (+1 Diplomacy, Improving relationships is easier)
[] Just: You have strong convictions and standby your principles. (+1 Intrigue, Bonus when dealing with criminals and the law)
[] Diligent: You are naturally hardworking and try to cover as many angles as possible. (+1 Stewardship, Critical successes are easier to attain)
[] Patient: You are able to wait patiently and keep at things even without any payoff. (+1 Learning, Failed options don't become harder)
[] Brave: You have plenty of courage to spare and little makes you flinch. (+1 Martial, Bonus to difficult situations)

Burdens (Gain 1 Shiny, all are repeatable)
[] Unexpected Adherents: The Children of Mira have a greater number of supporters and followers than originally expected. (The Children of Mira have more manpower and other assets at their disposal.)
[] Hidden Rot: The Children of Mira have done a better job at hiding their operations and supporters than originally expected. (The Children of Mira are better hidden and therefore harder for you to root out.)
[] Irregular Strength: The Children of Mira have somehow managed to acquire things that likes of them should not have. (The Children of Mira have access to things that civilians like them should not.)
[] Local Sympathisers: The Children of Mira have allies in the local authorities of Sirae. (The Children of Mira will have some support from the local authorities.)
[] Imperial Sympathisers: The Children of Mira have allies in the Imperial authorities of the Tuknab System. (The Children of Mira will have some support from the Imperial authorities.)


This will be the last bit of character creation before you get into action. You will have the chance to get some boosts and you have been introduced to your team. I have also decided to convince the Xenophobe and Spiritual votes into one because they had an equal number of votes and there didn't appear to be any preference for either one.

Argin is the player character and the team's Intrigue guy. He also rolled terrible when it came to his stats. In fact, he got a roll of one on both Combat and Learning. Courage is your team's go to person for when heads need busting while Nix is your diplo guy through he can kick some butt in a pinch.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
For a couple of notes on the backgrounds of Agent Courage and Agent Malak.

I'm going to start with Courage's background. The Invictus Imperium makes extensive use of tube-grown clone soldiers in its military. This is due to period where the Imperium was engaged in several offensive wars and ground combat was proving to be particularly bloody. While they had no shortages of volunteers or popular support, the Imperium needed boots on the ground quicker than they could train new soldiers from the general populace. To get around this, they became to make heavy use of clone soldiers as they were both quicker and cheaper to train as they could just be implanted with the relevant skills to wage war whilst they were being grown. This policy was never revoked and since then, the majority of the Imperial Army consists of clones grown in tubes to wage war and that holds true to the modern day of this quest.

However, the Invictus Imperium still recognises this clone soldiers as citizens and all the rights that come with that. That also means that each clone soldier has to join the army of their own free will due to the Invictus Imperium using a volunteer army and outlawing conscription. While the vast majority do sign on, a few take up their right to have a difference life. This means that if a clone soldier decides to become an artist instead joining the army, the Imperium will give them a pat on the back, help set up a civilian life for them and free off the expenses of producing the clone as a loss in the name of freedom and equality.

Now for Nix's background. First, The Invictus Imperium has plenty of sapient machines who have the same rights as organic citizens. Secondly, the Invctius Imperium is a firmer supporter of uplifts. They will regularly uplift weaker civilisations (including pre-FTLs they come across) and yes, I am aware that uplifting is a controversial subject in RL. Why the Invictus Imperium believes in uplifts and does them has a meta-reason bested in Stellaris mechanics. When I played Stellaris as the Invictus Imperium, I uplifted every primitive I could because I felt it increased the survival chances of their species due to how the game works. However, that is a meta-reason and the Invictus Imperium has its own logic.

First of all, the Invictus Imperium is very pro-active when they try to do the right thing. Slavery is another example. The Invictus Imperium has effectively eliminated slavery in the known galaxy, but they did this by forcing the rest of the galaxy to do so and they didn't hesitate to use force if another civilisation balked at getting rid of slavery. In general, the Imperium believes it is better to fail at trying to do the right thing than to do nothing out of fear of not knowing what the right thing is. For uplifts, the Invictus Imperium believes that it is wrong to let the people of weaker nations suffer when the Imperium can help improve their quality of life. This means they help uplift weaker civs and that sometimes means giving FTL tech to pre-FTL civs. The Imperium doesn't believe in respecting the native culture if that means letting people suffer as they firmly believing in saving lifes over preserving culture through they do try to find a reasonable balance. This reasonable balance manifest as giving a civilisation enough tech and knowledge to provide for their people and then let them choose their own path. It also means stopping things like slavery, bigotry and purges even if doing that means trampling over the local culture to do so.

In regards to something like the Prime Directive from Star Trek, the Invictus Imperium would respect the intent behind it, but disagree that it is the best way to go about things. Also if the Invictus Imperium was to stumble across Earth at any point in our past, they would begin to uplift humanity even if it mean stomping over the human cultures of the time. I am not going to comment on the right or wrongness of the uplifts by the Invictus Imperium, but explain why they do it and let people decide for themselves how good or bad it is.

I have also wrote this at one in the morning so I apologise in advance if I made any glaring spelling or grammar mistakes or any typos.
[X] Plan Meticulous Disassembly
-[X] Diligent: You are naturally hardworking and try to cover as many angles as possible. (+1 Stewardship, Critical successes are easier to attain)
-[X] Patient: You are able to wait patiently and keep at things even without any payoff. (+1 Learning, Failed options don't become harder)
-[X] Irregular Strength: The Children of Mira have somehow managed to acquire things that likes of them should not have. (The Children of Mira have access to things that civilians like them should not.)
[X] Plan Meticulous Disassembly
-[X] Diligent: You are naturally hardworking and try to cover as many angles as possible. (+1 Stewardship, Critical successes are easier to attain)
-[X] Patient: You are able to wait patiently and keep at things even without any payoff. (+1 Learning, Failed options don't become harder)
-[X] Irregular Strength: The Children of Mira have somehow managed to acquire things that likes of them should not have. (The Children of Mira have access to things that civilians like them should not.)