Opening Post

Terran Imperium

Southern France
The Human Order

You are part of the Chaldea Security Organization, a branch of the Mage's Association. You may be a Chaldean Master, an unfortunate Demi-Servant experiment or a Servant brought down from the Throne to help Chaldea in its efforts in the preservation of the Human Order.

The Animusphere Family is the one heading the Chaldea project which is under heavy scrutiny from the Queen of the Tower. Do your best in living up to Chaldea and thus the Association's expectations.

This is an RP set in an alternate Fate Grand Order universe where more than one Master survived. You will be playing as either a Master, a Servant or a Demi-Servant.
The RP will start shortly before the day of the incident where Chaldea was sabotaged.
Be warned and aware that this is set in the Nasuverse which is arguably a relatively dark universe and FGO is not spared of this in later Singularities. To put it in a crude way, we may get into some seriously disturbing shit. Although, we will still stay within the bounds of SV rules.
There is not going to be any sexual content, the bare limit would be implied and nothing else.

The GMs in this RP are: @Terran Imperium @Miho_Chan @Rowknan

  1. The GMs' words are law. Unless you think we are mistaken or have some concerns, which you may bring to us on the discord or in PM.
  2. Respect your fellow players. This shouldn't have to be said.
  3. SV rules and regulations apply, please do try to not break them.
  4. Do not God-Mod. This means that Fate Rules apply to you. If the GM says your out of Prana, you're out of Prana
  5. Do not Meta-Game
  6. Post at least in a consistent manner in the IC thread to keep active, otherwise, you will be kicked out. If you are unable to post for days or weeks at a time then please do not submit and compromise the Game. Life comes first of course, but try to maintain your obligations in-game as well.

You can do so now. Here are the following character sheet templates you may use.
Demi-Servants and Master Applications are now permanently closed. You can still apply as a Servant, however.

Master character sheet template:
{slide=Basic Information|center}
Insert Picture Here.
Magi Bloodline: (Not necessary if you're just a random like the Gudas. You can leave it blank.)
(Note: A Master's stats scale differently from Servant's stats. EX-rank for a Master being the equivalent of D-rank for a Servant and A-rank for a Master being the equivalent of E-rank for a Servant. E-rank for a Master, you are less than human, subhuman whatever you want to call it, C-rank is the average.)
Magical Energy:
Elemental Affinity:
(Note: Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Ether, Average One, Hollow.
You can choose an unspecified one if it fits your character better. For example, Shirou has 'Sword' as an Elemental Affinity. Nothingness is banned as an Elemental Affinity and Origin.)
Magical Circuits: (Instead of a number, use ranks from E to A and possibly EX)
{slide=Magical Skills & Abilities|center}
(Note: Put in what field of Magecraft does your character specialize in? There is no real limit on how many you can take, however, be reasonable. You could try to justify it with your character being a genius but we'll be for the look-out for anyone that tries to abuse it.
Spiritual Evocation, Alchemy, Mineralogy, Chimeras, Celestial Bodies, Curses, Runes, Elemental, Bounded Fields and Formal Craft.
If you wish to know more about one field or another of Magecraft you can tag me and I'll do my best to answer.
A few ones that may be unclear, Celestial Bodies deal with divination and spiritual magecraft, Chimeras is literal and is one of its subfields is familiar-making, Mineralogy is the study and practice of mystical metals and materials, for example, Gemcraft which is used by the Tohsaka is one of its subfields.)
Magic Crest Spells:
(Note: This is where you may create unique custom spells that only you can use. This is reserved only for those who have a Magi Bloodline)
If it is normal mundane possessions, merely list them. If they are Mystic Codes, here is a template:
Target: (Self/Anti-Unit/Anti-Army and so on)
Result: (What does it do?)

Servant character sheet template:
{slide=Basic Information|center}
Insert Picture Here.
True Name:
Armor: (None/Light/Medium/Heavy)
Magical Energy:
{slide=Class & Personal Skills|center}
Please, separate class and personal skills.
~~~Skill Name~~~
Target: (Self/Anti-Unit/Anti-Army and so on)
{slide=Noble Phantasms|center}
~~~Noble Phantasm Name~~~
Target: (Self/Anti-Unit/Anti-Army and so on)

Demi-Servant character sheet template:
Demi-Servant character sheet template:
{slide=Basic Information|center}
Insert Picture Here. Both as normal and in your Servant garb if possible please.
Race: (Human/Homonculus/Designer Baby)
Base Servant:
Armor: (None/Light/Medium/Heavy)
Magical Energy:
{slide=Class & Personal Skills|center}
Please, separate class and personal skills.
~~~Skill Name~~~
Target: (Self/Anti-Unit/Anti-Army and so on)
{slide=Noble Phantasms|center}
~~~Noble Phantasm Name~~~
Target: (Self/Anti-Unit/Anti-Army and so on)

A few things before you get started. Grand candidates are not allowed, those are Solomon, Merlin, King Hassan, Arjuna, Karna, Scathach and Gilgamesh. You may have noticed that some of them are not canon Grand candidates. That's a clue to some future plot and that we aren't afraid of expanding on the universe if need to be. Other servants that are banned are Paracelsus and Circe.

GMs will be checking your choices heavily if you choose Demi-Servant. This is due to Grand Order lore. Matthew was only saved by Galahad because he was a good person. Only some heroic spirits would be willing to both save and impart their power upon a normal Human/Designer Baby/Homunculus. Additionally, due to the incident, you do not know who is your Servant and so your NP's power will be limited in some way or another until the story progress as you learn more about your Servant and what they fight for. How your NP is limited is up to you but remember that GMs, in the end, have the final say.

As a Servant, if your character is not good by nature. Please do provide a reason as to why they'll fight for their master, Chaldea or to save Humanity.

As a Master, please keep it realistic. Take into consideration your upbringings, the influence of the Association and their teachings at the Clock Tower. This does not apply if you joined Chaldea like the Gudas. You can keep your normal modern morals then. :V

This is not necessary to read and does not affect the RP in any significant way. This was written by @Miho_Chan and is merely some background lore.

The Founder of the Animusphere participated and won; the first grail war. Solomon was his servant and still wished for the same thing. Animusphere wished for the continued prosperity of his Family, and the eventual founding of an organization to protect human history. In the aftermath of the 1st War, the Grail was lost. This caused several lesser wars over the next 10 or so years. They were brutally shut down by Association's Enforcers and the Church's Executors, as they attempted to use or summon beings that could threaten the secrecy or were deemed heretical by the Church.

The Einzbern and other founding Families created a second Greater Grail, though it was significantly weaker than the first without the help of Schweinorg. They called the First Grail War the Second as if refusing to acknowledge Animusphere's victory. The Third War plays out exactly like Canon FSN Lore. The Fourth War plays out like canon, though Kiritsugu manages to talk to Illya right before he destroys the grail, leaving her a message on the computer in Einzbern Castle. He confides in her and tells her that he won't be able to come for her and that Irisviel was also dead, and he was likely to follow her soon. He survives, but cannot rescue Illya per canon lore.

In the Fifth Grail War: Due to the Grail being corrupted in the Third War, and the events in the Fourth War, Illya is not bitter towards Kiritsugu, and due to her secret research as to his whereabouts, discovered her adoptive brother's existence. The two siblings meet, and Illya is surprised to see that Shirou recognizes her since Kiritsugu did confide to Shirou more about his family. However, like canon, he has no clue what the Grail War is.

In this timeline, Illya is the one who explains it to him. Canon Servants are involved, with Sasaki being the Assasin. The Grail War ends after Shirou, Sakura, Illya, and Rin destroy the Greater Grail, preventing Angra Mainyu's birth. This route is a mix of HF (The part where Kiritsugu saves Sakura from the Worms), UBW (Shirou and Archer have a roughly canon fight, except Archer and Shirou are alone. Rin, Sakura, and Illya were off fighting Caster and Assasin. Rider was already dead at this point, and Berserker was not going to be risked, as he had held off Gil earlier losing all but one life in the process. Shirou manages UBW against Archer, not Gil. FATE route is sort of present as the Masters manage to convince Altria that she wasn't wrong, and she should respect her accomplishments and those of her kingdom. She also doesn't stick around in this route. Herk and Altria die to destroy the Greater Grail Completely. After the 5th War, Illya and Co assault the Einzbern Castle; this is to ensure no more grails are created. In the Process the kill over 75% of the Einzbern Family, including the current head.

Important Links:
Chaldea Lounge - The server for this RP and sister-server of Akasha
Akasha - Main server
Type-Moon Wiki
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Canon or original. But they need to follow Fate Lore and come from a historical or mythological figures.
For Example:
Fleet Admiral Togo of Japan would be a Viable Rider; This is because he has enough Weight in his Legend to quality, even though he's modern.
Ditto with the Red Baron: Rider
and the White Death: Archer or Assassin

Now this was also brought up in the discord: Are counter-guardian versions of Fate Characters alright?
My Answer to this is: on a Case by Case Basis
Terran, Jhin, and Rowknan have yet to vote on this, so take it with a grain of salt for now
Lancer Mordred Pendragon - Rowknan
Basic Information

True Name: Mordred the Wandering Hero of Britain
Weapons: Caliburn and her shield
Armor: A mix of heavy and light

On her darkest day, Mordred was responsible for the destruction of her home in a fit of rage. She should have died there too, but by some fluke her father tripped and iMordred shoved Clarent into the King of Knight's beating heart. At first there was a look of overbearing sadness and frustration, but then a look of utter relief as Artoria cupped her son's face in her dying moments. Mordred was still confused by that to this day, even if she could still feel the bloodied hand on her face.

Returning to the place she thought she would rule, Mordred found the place in flames. They were almost intelligent as they sought out the correct places to undo the walls and buildings of Camelot. They also actively targeted humans. Mordred, decided to help them. Not as a King, as her kingdom was destroyed. And a Knight had no such obligations. With Clarent raised above her head Mordred blew away the flames with her own mana, destroying a large portion of the city in the process but saving the people. Mordred felt proud. She realized that neither her title as a Prince or her duty as a Knight had ever done her or them any good and cast Clarent aside. She renounced them both.

She was surprised out of her revery when a priest gave her the shards of Caliburn in thanks. It wasn't much but it had been all they had had to give. After grabbing the last truly magical stone of Lord Camelot, Mordred left to find the Lady of the Lake to repair Caliburn.

Arriving at the magical shores, Mordred found Bedivere and her father's own speaking corpse. She could not truely go to Avalon so long as Excalibur was there with her. When she saw Bedivere lie to her father she felt slightly angry, but she had a question.

"Why didn't we help them?" Bedivere threw the sword into the river and went to join Lancelot in the Monastery after giving her directions to a skilled magical blacksmith in Cornwall. The Lady of the Lake had looked close to killing Mordred.

Once she got to Cornwall, Mordred had aged to be physically 17 years of age but it did not matter to her. She asked for a hero's weapon, and the blacksmith gave her the Light of Heroism in return for saving his daughter. She would return to him and later his sons whenever she needed repairs or new weapons. They were some of her few consistent friends.

Mordred then went on to become a Hero instead of a Knight. She slew monsters, toppled Tyrants, and ended wars. She was the immortal Wandering Hero of Britain and she ultimately kept the peace there, her influence powerful even when she visited Europe.

Mordred thought she saw a glimpse of her smiling father again when she and the Paladin Roland killed each other in Francia. She had no regrets besides spending so much time as a Knight.

Strength: A
Endurance: B+
Agility: A
Magical Energy: B
Luck: C

Class & Personal Skills

Class Skills:

~~~Magic Resistance~~~
Result: Possessing the heart and soul of a Dragon, Lancer is naturally resistant to even High Thaumaturgy. Three Line and Below Incantations flat out do not work against Lancer.

Personal Skills:
~~~Mana Burst~~~
Result:A power gained from her Dragon Core, Mana Burst is Mordred's primary fighting technique. Decades of combat has refined her usage of a skill that has the capability to break Noble Phantasms to the point that she can easily adjust its output and efficiency. Her skill with Mana Burst has progressed so much that she is constantly using it, resulting in increases in rank to Strength and Agility
Rank: A
Result: Mordred has achieved a different state of mind than she had during her time as a Knight. She has a mad grin at the thought of a fight, but she does not allow her bloodlust to cloud her judgement or her Instincts like she did once upon a time. Mordred's Instinct is on par with Artoria's. Though she has long surpassed the King of Knights in skill of arms.
~~~Battle Continuation~~~
Rank: B
Result: Mordred was not dealt a fatal wound at Camlann. Instead she killed her father and left her home altogether. But one does not become a Hero without hardship. Mordred fought men, monsters, spirits, and dragons. She often took great wounds, and experienced mind-rending pain. But she had decided that she wouldn't just turn aside the weak and the defenseless like she did in Camelot. So she decided to always get up. No matter how hard it was, Mordred found her feet under her and fought on. The shade behind her was paid no mind.
~~~Projectile (Throwing Spear)~~~
Rank: B
Result: Mordred has gotten very good at throwing Caliburn. She can hit a target from a town away and reaches a velocity equal to that of a bullet. Due to the higher mass and mystery, when used with Caliburn Mordred is more than capable of harming or even killing a fellow Heroic Spirit.

~~~Curse of the Past~~~
Rank: A-
Result: A long time ago, Mordred was cursed to kill her father while dying herself. By some fluke of luck, that never happened. Mordred was able to kill her father without being killed on the fields of Camlann. The Curse manifests as a Shade of what Mordred used to be, the Knight of Betrayal. This revenant of her Saber form replays what should have happened, lashing out whenever an enemy appears nearby.. It is not under Mordred's control but can not be directly harmed. It will not attack Mordred's Master or an ally. The Shade cannot move farther away from Mordred than her shadow does.
(If Mordred were to fight her father again, the curse would be even more dangerous than it originally was in life. It would take some sort of reconciliation or outside intervention to prevent a mutual kill.)

Noble Phantasms

~~~Caliburn: The Light of Heroism~~~
Rank: A+
Target: Anti-Unit
Result: Caliburn is not like it was in the hands of Artoria Pendragon. Instead the blade was shattered and reforged into a much smaller package. The entirety of the sword lies within the spearhead. The actual pole is merely enchanted metal made to return to Mordred's hand.

The Sword of Selection came to be this way when Mordred sought the aid of a recommended blacksmith after receiving the shards of Caliburn from someone she helped escape the burning walls of Camelot. The sword broken by dishonor was remade but it's enchantment had become warped, unable to properly release the light of heroism like it could as a sword. Instead it stayed wrapped around the blade, every bit of destruction focused into the spearhead able to carve through great defensive Noble Phantasms like Rhio Aias with ease. Once it has hit flesh, this Noble Phantasm gains the ability to release its payload if Mordred channels mana through it, disintegrating the target from the inside out.

As the Spear of a Hero, Caliburn became renowned as a thing of righteous justice and heroism, it's wielder eventually able to wield it with a skill that only the greatest warriors could match. It was a light of Hope and Herosim in the darkness that the fall of Rome had left once more.
~~~Pedigree of Camelot: A Faded Vision~~~
Rank: B
Target: Anti-Fortress
Result: When she saved the dying people of Camelot from the fires, Mordred picked up the last stone of the walls. And when she fought a Divine Dragon for the first time, she was thrashed and her armor torn to pieces.

She barely escaped the encounter with that dragon with her life. Even if Caliburn was able to kill it, she couldn't withstand its flames or claws. So she returned to that blacksmith that had been able to reforge Caliburn and asked him for help. So he took the remains of the Secret of Pedigree and Lord Camelot and combined them into a faded vision of both.

The shield that came out of it was an artful combination of white steel, blue stone, and red inlays. It's power was paltry compared to the glorious walls of her home city, but it got the job done. At its maximum it could block a single shot of her father's full might, and everything that Artoria Pendragon could draw from Excalibur would turn the shield into a useless lump of grey metal. But whatever attack struck the phantasmal shield that Pedigree of Camelot summoned forth would be forgotten by those watching and the attacker, hiding the past much like Mordred's armor had done for her. This often results in Mordred's foe over exerting themself when they fire of their second attack.

Mordred ended up slaying that Divine Dragon by making it deplete itself of mana and then throwing Caliburn into its heart.
~~~The Fires of Camlann: Ashes of Knighthood~~~
Rank: C+
Type: Anti-Army
Result: During Mordred's last moment as a Knight she beheld one of her mother's most spiteful spells. She saw a living flame actively seek out the buildings and walls of Camelot and unmake it. She saw fire jump from person to person, consuming their very souls and using the resulting mana to spread itself.

Mordred filled Clarent with more mana than she ever had before and wiped out the fire, destroying the prophesied city while saving the inhabitants. She wondered why none of the knights had left the battle at Camlann to help the people...why she hadn't done that.

She cast aside Clarent and her knighthood in that moment and it was recorded in her soul.

Years later when she wanted to overthrow a Tyrant, her Circuits activated for the first time and she repeated Morgan's spell without meaning too. It was even more potent than it had been on that night, red lightning giving away Mordred's power. She burnt the place to the ground, and the ashes of her Knighthood became her answer to those who became Tyrants in the pursuit of honor.

Yo! Friendly Neighborhood GM here with the first sheet to use as a further example. I look forward to working and playing with you guys.
Looks interesting, but I have a couple other things on my plate. Probably won't join up? We'll see.
Huh. Grail War RPs turn up every few months, but stuff that isn't straightforward Grail Wars is a lot rarer. I wish the GMs luck in keeping it going.
Question out of curiosity, though: I'll hold back from excessive nitpicking because most of it probably isn't relevant, but wouldn't the rejiggering of the Animusphere war to Heaven's Feel's initiation cause issues with Solomon's wish on account of the two-hundred-odd years between then and the present day?
(As to signing up, my perpetually-in-progress sheet both falls into a grey area and benefits most from the GWRP-standard sheethiding, so it's probably a case of 'not unless I get a good character concept'.)
Huh. Grail War RPs turn up every few months, but stuff that isn't straightforward Grail Wars is a lot rarer. I wish the GMs luck in keeping it going.
Question out of curiosity, though: I'll hold back from excessive nitpicking because most of it probably isn't relevant, but wouldn't the rejiggering of the Animusphere war to Heaven's Feel's initiation cause issues with Solomon's wish on account of the two-hundred-odd years between then and the present day?
(As to signing up, my perpetually-in-progress sheet both falls into a grey area and benefits most from the GWRP-standard sheethiding, so it's probably a case of 'not unless I get a good character concept'.)
If I remember correctly, it is canon that Anumisphere won the first war in FGO.
Question out of curiosity, though: I'll hold back from excessive nitpicking because most of it probably isn't relevant, but wouldn't the rejiggering of the Animusphere war to Heaven's Feel's initiation cause issues with Solomon's wish on account of the two-hundred-odd years between then and the present day?
It is mostly because from the Third War and so on, the Grail was corrupted by Angra Mainyu and so it had to be either the Second or the First.
It wouldn't matter overly much as to Solomon's wish.
If I remember correctly, it is canon that Anumisphere won the first war in FGO.
Yes, but with Solomon's wish and the shifting of this to be concurrent with FSN's First War, there's now the issue of the time between the First War and the modern day not playing well with Romani Archaman being around.
Which, depending on how his has been dealt with, has a whole load of other knockon possibilites.
Huh. Grail War RPs turn up every few months, but stuff that isn't straightforward Grail Wars is a lot rarer. I wish the GMs luck in keeping it going.
Question out of curiosity, though: I'll hold back from excessive nitpicking because most of it probably isn't relevant, but wouldn't the rejiggering of the Animusphere war to Heaven's Feel's initiation cause issues with Solomon's wish on account of the two-hundred-odd years between then and the present day?
(As to signing up, my perpetually-in-progress sheet both falls into a grey area and benefits most from the GWRP-standard sheethiding, so it's probably a case of 'not unless I get a good character concept'.)
Glad Someone Asked This.
This will be a plot point later in the RP, when we start seeing Romani's Solomon Side come out. I will not spoil what this is, but it has to do with the 10th ring that he still has
Hm. I'll leave it at that for now, I already promised I wouldn't go into heavy nitpicking.
Might engage in more holepoking if I actually do get an idea to sign up, but not much point until then.
Alexandra von Einzbern - Miho_Chan
Basic Information

Pre Fuyuki-End Fuyuki Casual/Combat Clothing

Casual Clothing after Fuyuki
Combat Gear post Fuyuki

(Note: Yes, Illyasviel Alexandra is dressed like Merlin. No, there are no memes to be had here)
Name: Alexandra von Einzbern
Age: 13
Magi Bloodline: Einzbern

Alexandra was one of the few Einzbern's who sided with Illya initially. Granted, she was around 6 years old when she made this decision, following her mother in silent rebellion, waiting for Illya to either create an Entirely New Family, or purge the current Einzberns. When Alex turned 10 years old, she was forced to kill her older brother, who was firmly loyalist. Using her Mystic code; Dammerung; Alex Slew her brother in battle, and nearly died moments later while she was distracted. When Illya figured out that she would have to destroy the Castle itself to Kill Jubsteicth, Alex joined her, along with a number of other rebels in its destruction. After hearing that Jubsteictch had not cared that the grail was corrupted, and realizing she had killed her brother, Alex fell into depression for a year. It was the death of her mother that pulled her out of her sorrow and grief, as her lasts words were;
"Enjoy your life, my child. After all, we will always be with you in your memories. Honor them by living a full life, not wasting away in melancholy.
Alex was among the Einzbern Delegation to Chaldea, and when she tested her master potential on a whim, she was surprised to see that she was a candidate.
When Illya was informed of this, along with Singularity F, she demanded that Alex represent the Einzbern as a master, and that she would be doing her best to get a position at Chaldea. Illya also gave Alex the recovered Einzbern Crest,
"Because you'll get the most use out of it. I don't want to be the head for too long anyways, Alexandra."

Strength: D-
Endurance: A
Agility: B
Magical Energy: A-
Luck: C+

Elemental Affinity: Wind

Origin: Hope, Despair

Magical Circuits: B(A with Crest)
Quality: B++ (Crest Circuits are A)
Magical Skills & Abilities

Wishcraft: Allows Alexandra to skip the thaumaturgical process of any spell she knows, and actualize mysteries by brute forcing them with Prana

Alchemy: Transmutation. Alexandra is capable of creating wire constructs, though not with only her hair like Ilya is.

Elemental: Schneiden, a thin blade of wind. Can add bars to the spell to increase strength(Alles raus, schneiden.)
Feuer, a cannon shot of wind. Bars can be added to increase strength (Salve Feuer, for example.)
Bestürmen, a five bar spell that invokes a windstorm on the targeted location. Can be combined with Schneiden for an additional 2~3 bars for a cutting effect.

Bounded Fields: Able to make strong bounded fields given enough time

Other: Reinforcement, Graduation Air, and Flash Air (technically Alchemy)

Mystic Eyes of Whispers (Wiki it)

Magic Crest Spells:
Wishcraft: Passively decreases the cost of Wishcraft.
Bounded Fields: Makes her bounded fields stronger.


After Fuyuki:
Casual Clothing: Miko
Merlin's Robes (False) (Originally a spare set)


Have a gander at my PC. Yes, She's an Einzbern. Yes, She looks like Illya, yes, She's a Homunculus, as it was pointed out that Einzbern Humans have been gone for centuries at the time of Fate/Stay Night. I'm trying to stay true to cannon to the best of my abilities.

Edit 1: Added Alex's Hidden Origin and element, as it will become relevant later on. . Also Cleaned up the sheet again.

Edit 2: Added the Sharingan Pure Eyes of Combat Perception. They'll be replaced by Mystic Eyes of Whispers if Terran and Rowknan veto them. Also Added a mystic code, and actual spells for my magecraft.

Edit 3: Removed the Sharingan Pure Eyes of Combat Perception. Replaced with Mystic Eyes of Whispers.​
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Rider George Washington - Noob5674
Basic Information

True Name: George Washington
Class: Rider
Weapons: a Brown Bess Musket and a steel-hilted smallsword
Armor: Light

George Washington. One of the Founding Fathers, who would be known for being one of the best generals in history. He has said that he could never tell a lie.

That was a lie. Over the course of his general career, he's deceived and fought against Britain, who the world had once thought to be unstoppable and would crush the American's Rebellion in mere days after arrival. Not even his own countrymen thought it was plausible to win and thought George's belief that they could win to be insanity.

But believe he still did. Defying odds that honestly seemed impossible by everyone, doing all he can to have his army survive and strive on towards victory.

He had done many things to grant his people the chance at victory and had stopped at very little to chase after it. And when he got it...he would be named king of America. However, that wasn't what he wished for.

He did not want a Ruler for his people, but for them to take what he stood, fought and gave to them and strive onwards as a country.

And when he saw the people as being able to handle themselves without him, he stepped down for them to go on without relying on him.

Strength: C
Endurance: A
Agility: B
Magical Energy: D
Luck: B

Class & Personal Skills

Class Skills
Rank: A+
Result: Throughout his life, his colleagues have praised him of his exceptional riding capabilities and it's by no means an exaggeration. There is rarely a time he goes not without one of his mounts, and even in the war, he brought two horses just in case one got shot.

Of course, becoming a Servant has only strengthened that ability of his.
~~~Magic Resistance~~~
Rank: E
Result: Unfortunately, he never experienced any magic during his lifetime, fighting the war with steel and gunpowder. However, he still is able to resist more magic than normal due to being a Rider servant.

Personal Skills
~~~Tactician's Advice~~~
Rank: C
Result: The American Colonies were not prepared to fight. They had little Discipline and not nearly as much training as Britain's Armies. However, George had personally led them onwards, becoming the first Spymaster of America in the process, and eventually gaining Victory.

~~~Battle Continuation~~~
Rank: B
Result: During one fight, he had two of his horses shot dead beneath him, he himself 4 times to the chest, and he still kept leading the charge with his army. He charged first among his men against firing lines with boldness. He had survived a Winter that had claimed the lives of a large part of his army. And the man survived till the end of the War despite all of that to see the Country's freedom from the tyranny of Monarchs.

~~~Pioneer of the Stars~~~
Rank: EX
Result: Being the very leader who effectively proved the once thought unstoppable empire of Britain wasn't unstoppable in a war, George single-handedly inspired many revolutions to pop up throughout its time and eventually settled America as the leading Nation of the world.

This ability takes the form of him being able to stand up against what would be considered an 'unstoppable army/empire'.
Noble Phantasms

~~~Nelson~~~ 'The Warhorse who leads the charge'
Rank: D+
Result: His warhorse, George has a close relationship with. Using this NP, George is able to summon him to his side. Nelson is quite fast and is not one to back away from a fight without his master's command.

Despite being one of George's horses, whom tend to end up dead due to his habit of charging in first in front of his men, Nelson has survived with George to the end of the war. As such, being his NP, as long as George is alive, so will Nelson.

~~~Valley Forge~~~ 'Six months of a harsh winter, and he had led us through to survive it'
Rank: B
Result: His time during that winter, was most likely his most challenging time as a general. His men dying from diseases and cold, food becoming low, and winter just coming down hard upon them all.

And despite that, he never gave up. He took to getting men to harvest firewood to fend off the cold, he had men catch weakened versions of the diseases to help build immunities and the women drove oxen into the camp to be slaughtered to fend off the hunger.

This NP is a reality marble that embodies that time within history, bringing all battle participants there.

It is effectively a snowy forest, where all of his allies are granted Battle Continuation at C rank. If they were to already have BC at C, it would instead simply grant them a + to their own.

Outside of that, it's just a normal forest, with snow and ice all around the place, and some animals and a river nearby.

Of course, this can't really be maintained for long, due to Prana cost of keeping it up, so most mages can only keep it up for a few minutes at best.

~~~The Leader of Rebellion~~~ 'He who had stood against the Empire, which had ruled the world, and inspired the world to rebel against it.'
Rank: EX
Result: George's strongest NP, it activates only when he is directly against either a Ruler Class servant or a different Servant who was/is a king, who is abusing their power over others.

This NP grants George the ability to turn all of those who are oppressed by them against their tyrant, as well as granting a natural boost in strength and power. This also grants a form of mental protection against said tyrant from forcefully controlling them.
(Effectively, the power boost grants a + in stats across the board for both Masters and Servants)

Besides that, he is also granted a flag of America that while it's in plain view of the sky and other rebellers, he receives a boost of ++ in stats, as well as granting others who are also rebelling and can see it another + in stats.

If he or his flag were to ever be taken down, this NP becomes unusable for the duration of a day.

Time for the First President to lead the charge
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Have a gander at my PC. Yes, She's an Einzbern. No, She's not a Homunuculus. No, She's not Illya.
You are aware that the Einzberns are entirely sad robotshomunculi? The only humans connected to them are the family who deals with stuff for them outside their castle and an apparent butler.* It's part of why Acht/Jubstacheit shuts down after the best iteration of their 'save the world with Heaven's Feel' plan fails yet again.
I guess the AU could cover it, but the bio doesn't give enough info for that.

*Plus the semi-example of Ilya because she's half-human, but my point is made.
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You are aware that the Einzberns are entirely sad robotshomunculi? The only humans connected to them are the family who deals with stuff for them outside their castle and an apparent butler.* It's part of why Acht/Jubstacheit shuts down after the best iteration of their 'save the world with Heaven's Feel' plan fails yet again.
I guess the AU could cover it, but the bio doesn't give enough info for that.

*Plus the semi-example of Ilya because she's half-human, but my point is made.
Right. Lemme Correct you here: The Einzbern members that we See are all Homunculi. Never in canon; or the wiki; is it stated that they don't have humans, just that they've lost the Third Magic. Justeaz was a Homunculus, but was also NOT a user of Heaven's Feel. It was the culmination of the Human member's knowledge of the Third. Them being all Sad Robots is a FANON concept.
Now, I might be wrong. I accept that. But I cannot Find any mention of this, therefore; I don't see how it's relevant.
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Right. Lemme Correct you here: The Einzbern members that we See are all Homunculi. Never in canon; or the wiki; is it stated that they don't have humans, just that they've lost the Third Magic. Justeaz was a Homunculus, but was also NOT a user of Heaven's Feel. It was the culmination of the Human member's knowledge of the Third. Them being all Sad Robots is a FANON concept.
Now, I might be wrong. I accept that. But I cannot Find any mention of this, therefore; I don't see how it's relevant.
LOLheadcanon - Page 15
LOLheadcanon - Page 17
Summary From The UBW DVD said:
So Einzbern were set up 1 CE.
The Third's apprentices' plan was to make their master. So then the master they would have made would have Heaven's Feel. To use an analogy, if you made a Ryougi you'd have made someone with Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
Went on for 900 years full of failure. At the end they made Justicia, a homunculus.
Justicia was an accident. When they made her they didn't expect anything but they got something with the talent of their master or even above it.
Apprentices were displeased, cos even if she could use Heaven's Feel for a bit, she was a mutation, an accident.
But whatevs they got their Third Magic right? Or at least proof of it.
So going on with this theory, they decided to mass produce homunculi thinking that if they got Justicia, it'd be a matter of course until they got something better than her. So they were tired and they made Acht who would be the "father" of all the homunculi.

The problem with Justicia was that she took several years just to "save" one person. So it was pretty impossible to "save" everyone cough shirou kotomine cough. While Justicia didn't age, she was incredibly weak and couldn't leave the castle. Basically a stiff breeze would kill her.
Also her intelligence and mind didn't age at all so for her it was like "seeing the same day for eternity." She never grew.
And if she went outside to actually learn stuff, she would be basically committing suicide cos stiff breeze.
So they made something that exceeded humanity but couldn't save humanity, either way they reached the limit of their ability.
So some apprentices left, some committed suicide.

Either way the homunculi who were left behind followed the mission. Save humanity, make a miracle reappear.
All homunculi made after used Justicia as a basis.
Probably best to not say Acht when you mean Jubstacheit now that we know that Acht is just his 8th terminal and probably wasn't made until way later.

Speaking of Jubstacheit he really is just an AI, he doesn't have a humanoid personality or anything, just makes his terminals act as if they do. And is compared to a forgotten old clock that keeps on ticking anyway.
Jubstacheit is the castle's main brain, Acht is one of the terminals. That's why he's called eight, he's meat puppet #8.
The Einzberns had a family of human magus "tuners" living near the castle who work for them by doing stuff for them in town cause they can't go out themselves (they're also pretty good magi). And there's only one guy left who was also like a butler who taught them about the world, and it's unknown what he decided to do "after Illya lost and Jubstacheit shut himself down".

So uh RIP Einzberns I guess.
So 500 years after the magi were gone, the homunculi make a plan to use Justeaze to reproduce the Third on a wide scale. They figure they can't replicate her after all, so they were gonna keep her forever, but they're robots and will pick whatever has the highest probability of success so they reach a consensus to use her. (Actually Jubstacheit was the only one against it)

Since Justeaze can only use the third on one person over decades, they use her to make a bigger ritual to save multiple people at once. They plan to disassemble Justeaze's circuits, and make a "humanoid universe" (???), which is the great grail. (I think this is where You got the "grail in space" thing from but I'm p sure she is the space, I don't really get it though)

But they needed a human to help get it off the ground because they can't enter human society on their own, and in 1800 Zolken comes along. He's mostly given up on trying to eliminate evil by that point but the Einzberns were his last hope. So they have Makiri as a partner and Tohsaka as a cooperator and built the great grail, but they needed magical energy and a lesser grail to control it. So Makiri and Tohsaka make the grail war to gather magical energy, Einzbern makes the lesser grail. And after 10 years they do the grail war and it works, but they fail because magi fight over who gets to use the grail, because Einzberns are pure robots who didn't realize obviously humans are going to do that.

So the Einzberns have no Justeaze so while working to restart the great grail they go back to their original focus on manufacturing a perfect homunculus. Which brings us to Illya and Iri. And then there's the bit about the tuners that I mentioned which is basically just Nasu going "oh here's a little anecdote that has nothing to do with anything, BTW AFTER ILLYA DIES JUBSTACHEIT SHUTS DOWN"

And then at the end Nasu gets poetic and is like, hey, say there was a doll that said "I love you", you'd realize pretty soon that it's just repeating prerecorded phrases and the emotions it expresses are fake, and you get tired and throw it out, right? Well that's because you're looking at it from a human perspective, but machines don't lie and just innocently do what they've been told to do. And a machine loses its value (life) not when they become obsolete, but when humans can no longer stand that purity.

So. Sad robots.
As with a lot of Nasu's stuff, this particular loredump is actually relevant elsewhere; the Greater Grail made from Justeaze and the Grand Time Temple Solomon are made under the same principle, hence the mention of a 'humaniod universe'.

...Damnit, now my mind's going to how a SadRobot.jpg Einzbern would work with Chaldea.
Okay, I'll make my sheet soonish, though I'll probably have to do some modified stuff because I won't know what Servant is my demi.