The Human Condition (Stellaris-Inspired)

Or better yet still get the Xenos to kill each other while we acssend to a higher plane where there will be no xeno's!!!
You're Xenophobes. There is no such thing as friendly neighbors.

Only constant distractions that get in the way of your contemplation.
No Authoritarian party and the Pacifists are part of the coalition.

Surely the issue is in the evil alien governments oppressing their people and forcing them into weird behaviours that will inevitably damn their souls(if they have any)?
No Authoritarian party and the Pacifists are part of the coalition.

Surely the issue is in the evil alien governments oppressing their people and forcing them into weird behaviours that will inevitably damn their souls(if they have any)?

pretty sure they don't, I mean they don't have the kind of epidermal layer like we have, only some have two eyes, in the similar shape, and oh yeah they live on either freezing cold worlds or desert worlds unfit for habitation! I mean common! Everyone knows continental worlds or Gaia worlds (or ringworlds but we don't know about those yet!) are the best living spots!

especially Gaia worlds...they are essentially the gardens of old that are absolutely perfection of creation! we must defend and cherish those holy grounds from the vile clutches of the xeno's who would defile them!
Damn, just found this because I haven't checked by alerts for a few days... Probably would have ended up voting Xenophile, or maybe throwing a single vote of Authoritarian out there, just so they exist.

Oh well, let's see how humanity goes forward when it looks like they're isolationists.

Perhaps our people are Xenophobe/Spiritualist/Pacifist because humanity found an alien artefact, say a crashed starship, and the existence of the artefact kicked off a major war, such as World War 3/4 or the First Interplanetary War maybe? And the war only started to end once the religious organisations banded together to stop humanity slaughtering itself before they doomed the entire species? With the lack of an authoritarian faction being because those governments were the ones that didn't stop fighting until they were stopped... So humanity is kind of sick of those tendencies right now.

Of course, all this speculation could be completely wrong, but hey, it makes sense to me!
Political Divides (2200.1)
Xenophile Xenophobe Militarist Pacifist Authoritarian Egalitarian Materialist Spiritualist
5 10 1 3   1 5 8
15% 30% 3% 9%   3% 15% 24%
Ethos Selected: Xenophobe, Pacifist, Spiritualist.

The Last World War saw the deaths of many. People, nations, ideas, were all destroyed indiscriminately, paving the way for them to be replaced in the following generations. There remained supporters of the multicultural, materialist society that had thrived before the war, but they were a distinct minority in the modern day.

The reasons for this charge were rooted in the war. Paralyzed by the memories of foreign occupation, acceptance of outside cultures was replaced with fear, culminating in a deep-set xenophobia that interrupted most early attempts at unification. It was not until the Pluto Incident that progress was achieved, by redirecting that xenophobia towards a hypothetical alien invasion.

Likewise, the all-encompassing secularism that defined governments before the war had also vanished. Unable to find answers in the ideology, survivors returned to faith and spirituality, leading to the revitalization of old religions and the creation of new ones.

No matter their political beliefs, however, the survivors were united in a single respect. That the Last World War was the primary factor behind the creation of...

[][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
-[] Inward Perfection
-[] Parliamentary System
The Terran Serene Republic was formed with the memories of the last War, how international trade and alliances turned into bloodshed and horror across the seas and continents of Earth. Now finally unified under a single ruler, the people of Earth will not make the same mistake again.

Mechanics: The majority party voted in by players is the one who rules the government.
Receptive to immediate change on part of the players.
Gain bonuses towards internal development and avoiding conflict.
Leaders who are part of the most popular political party gain bonuses to their actions.

There is not a guarantee that the party will support a candidate who is qualified.
It is impossible to declare war, and even most peaceful interactions with Xenos empires are prohibited.
Leaders opposed to the most popular political party are hamstrung.

[][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
-[] Shadow Council
-[] Cutthroat Politics
The Human Assembly was envisioned as a successor organization to the United Nations, rendered defunct during the events of the War. While it held and owned territory, most of its power was to be in its constituent nations. However, through a secret organization of elite influentials, the Assembly holds more power than what it holds - and this secret organization will go to any means to ensure that power of the Human Assembly does not dwindle.

Mechanics: The majority party voted in by players is the one who rules the government.
Receptive to immediate change on part of the players.
Undesirable leaders to the players may, by decision, be replaced.
Leaders who are part of the Shadow Council gain bonuses when helping each other and can cut past bureaucratic red tape.

There is not a guarantee that the party will support a candidate who is qualified.
Competent leaders who are opposed to the majority party may be replaced.
Players have no control over who is in the Shadow Council, and what their ultimate goal is.

[][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[] Central Bureaucracy
-[] Post-Apocalyptic
The Earth and mankind were nearly exterminated during the events of the War, with the ecosystem irreparably damaged. In an effort to restore order and to manage resources effectively, an unofficial, semi-democratic council was formed from surviving governments and organizations. Having ensured the survival of mankind, the Earth Administration Council now rules over the entire Earth.

Mechanics: At the end of the leader's term, the players are given a list of candidates to elect a new leader from.
The election is based on the candidate, not the party.
The empire can maintain an additional two governors beneath the primary ruler.
Species has Survivor Trait (Leaders have +1 Turn to Lifespan, Tomb Worlds can be colonized.)

Candidates may not be representative of all the parties.
The governors may also manage an additional two governors as well.
[Post-Apocalyptic] cannot be removed later on.

[][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
-[] Exalted Priesthood
-[] Environmentalist
Following the War, there was a renewed interest in religion and spirituality as humanity rejected the idea of secularist ideology. Among these, the Gaian Priesthood emerged supreme, befriending what rival faiths it couldn't otherwise eliminate. Firmly supported by the populace, the Priesthood spearheaded early efforts to create a new, planet-encompassing nation and were later able to seize power directly.

Mechanics: At the end of the leader's term, the players are given a list of candidates to elect a new leader from.
The election is based on the candidate, not the party.
Governors and Rulers will all start off +2 levels.
Material is saved, allowing for it to be put to use into industrial or military processes.

Candidates may not be representative of all the parties.
Governors and Rulers will all be limited to Spiritualists. Other positions remain open to other factions.
Decreased trade benefits.

[][Nation] Write-In (Government, Leader Title)
-[] Civic 1
-[] Civic 2
Democratic (1-turn Terms)
Mechanics: The majority party voted in by players is the one who rules the government.
Receptive to immediate change on part of the players.
There is not a guarantee that the party will support a candidate who is qualified.

Oligarchic (5-turn Terms)
Mechanics: At the end of the leader's term, the players are given a list of candidates to elect a new leader from.
The election is based on the candidate, not the party.
Candidates may not be representative of all the parties.

Dictatorial (For Life) Not Allowed - No Authoritarian Support.
Mechanics: When the leader dies (or is forced to retire) the leaders are given a list of candidates to elect a new leader from.
A new leader can be elected upon death, and has the potential to grow competent while in power.
Not reactive to changes in the player's voting habits while in power or alive.

Imperial (For LIfe) Not Allowed - No Authoritarian Support.
Mechanics: When the leader dies (or is forced to retire) their Heir takes power.
Has a designated heir, who can gain stats before they take the throne.
Players have limited ability to influence the Heir's political beliefs.

[] Inward Perfection
This calm and pacifist society wants above all else to be left alone.
Gain bonuses towards internal development and avoiding conflict.
It is impossible to declare war, and even most peaceful interactions with Xenos empires are prohibited.

[] Exalted Priesthood (req. Oligarchic Government)
A religious council consisting of the clergy holds power in the government.
Governors and Rulers will all start off +2 levels.
Governors and Rulers will all be limited to Spiritualists. Other positions remain open to other factions.

[] Cutthroat Politics
Power struggles, shady backroom deals, and scheming are par the course.
Undesirable leaders to the players may, by decision, be replaced.
Competent leaders who are opposed to the majority party may be replaced.

[] Central Bureaucracy
No matter what else, the mag-trains will run on time.
The empire can maintain an additional two governors beneath the primary ruler.
The governors may also manage an additional two governors as well.

[] Environmentalist
This society attempts to limit consumerism where possible.
Material is saved, allowing for it to be put to use into industrial or military processes.
Decreased trade benefits.

[] Functional Architecture
This society prefers a simple, yet functional structural design.
Material is saved, allowing for it to be put to use into industrial or military processes.
Malus towards Xenos relations, unless they also have Functional Architecture.

[] Meritocracy
The sole basis of advancement is demonstrated ability and talent.
Leaders start with +1 level.
The majority political party may dismiss rivals on the grounds of incompetence.

[] Mining Guilds
The government relies heavily on a number of large mining guilds.
The Mining Guilds control and guide the flow of material, freeing up leaders for other tasks.
Mining Guilds have influence in the affairs of the government, independent of the players.

[] Parliamentary System (req. Democratic)
A free and lively debate is encouraged, as is the power of political parties.
Leaders who are part of the most popular political party gain bonuses to their actions.
Leaders opposed to the most popular political party are hamstrung.

[] Shadow Council
A secretive shadow council manipulates the government.
Leaders who are part of the Shadow Council gain bonuses when helping each other and can cut past bureaucratic red tape.
Players have no control over who is in the Shadow Council, and what their ultimate goal is.

[] Post-Apocalyptic
Surviving nuclear annihilation, the society has rebuilt itself from the ashes of the old world.
Species has Survivor Trait (Leaders have +1 Turn to Lifespan, Tomb Worlds can be colonized.)
Cannot be removed later on.
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[X][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
-[X] Inward Perfection
-[X] Parliamentary System

At long last, perfection is at hand /s. But seriously, I've been trying to push Inward Perfection ever since I considered the
possibility of a stellaris quest on this forum. It just forces us to play in an interesting and unique fashion, isolated from other powers without necessarily being antagonistic to them.
[X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[X] Central Bureaucracy
-[X] Post-Apocalyptic

Post apocalypse sounds pretty cool - I always liked that start.

I know we've got the whole Isolationist thing going on but I've never liked how restrictive Inward Perfection is - I just don't have any fun with it. The fact that you can't even attempt diplomacy with anyone just makes the game feel kinda lifeless IMHO.
Adhoc vote count started by Shebe Zuu on Oct 7, 2018 at 12:13 PM, finished with 34 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
    -[X] Central Bureaucracy
    -[X] Post-Apocalyptic
    [X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
    -[X] Exalted Priesthood
    -[X] Environmentalist
    [X][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
    -[X] Inward Perfection
    -[X] Parliamentary System
    [X][Nation] The Terran Ecclesiocracy(Democratic, Lord/Lady Protector)
    -[X] Parliamentary System (req. Democratic)
    -[X] Meritocracy
    [X][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
    -[X] Shadow Council
    -[X] Cutthroat Politics
    [X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood
    [X][Nation] United Human Expanse (Oligarchic, Overseer)
    -[X] Meritocracy
    -[X] Shadow Council
[X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[X] Central Bureaucracy
-[X] Post-Apocalyptic
[X][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
-[X] Shadow Council
-[X] Cutthroat Politics
[X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
-[X] Exalted Priesthood
-[X] Environmentalist

+2 to leader levels! +2! That's big, especially when we're playing catch up.
I am against the Exalted Priesthood as it limits who our Leaders can be ideologically.
I am too, though I'd rather have it than Inward Perfection.
Adhoc vote count started by Shebe Zuu on Oct 7, 2018 at 6:50 AM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
    -[X] Central Bureaucracy
    -[X] Post-Apocalyptic
    [X][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
    -[X] Shadow Council
    -[X] Cutthroat Politics
    [X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
    -[X] Exalted Priesthood
    -[X] Environmentalist
    [X][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
    -[X] Inward Perfection
    -[X] Parliamentary System

Adhoc vote count started by Shebe Zuu on Oct 7, 2018 at 9:00 AM, finished with 24 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
    -[X] Central Bureaucracy
    -[X] Post-Apocalyptic
    [X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
    -[X] Exalted Priesthood
    -[X] Environmentalist
    [X][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
    -[X] Inward Perfection
    -[X] Parliamentary System
    [X][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
    -[X] Shadow Council
    -[X] Cutthroat Politics
    [X][Nation] The Terran Ecclesiocracy(Democratic, Lord/Lady Protector)
    -[X] Parliamentary System (req. Democratic)
    -[X] Meritocracy
    [X][Nation] The Earth Statesman's Commonwealth (Democratic, Steward)
    -[X] Mining Guilds
    -[X] Functional Architecture
    [X][Nation] United Human Expanse (Oligarchic, Overseer)
    -[X] Meritocracy
    -[X] Shadow Council

Adhoc vote count started by Shebe Zuu on Oct 7, 2018 at 3:50 PM, finished with 42 posts and 25 votes.
[X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[X] Central Bureaucracy
-[X] Post-Apocalyptic

Post-Apocalyptic gives some really nice bonuses and I just love it as a genre
[X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[X] Central Bureaucracy
-[X] Post-Apocalyptic

Let the council reign.
[][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
-[] Inward Perfection
-[] Parliamentary System
Interesting, but unability to diplomance anybody can make a game pretty difficult and/or boring.

[][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
-[] Shadow Council
-[] Cutthroat Politics
More control over leaders' placing, on the price of new uncontrollable faction with unknown goals.

[][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[] Central Bureaucracy
-[] Post-Apocalyptic
Don't like Post-Apocalyptic civic. Tomb Worlds rarely worth it.

[][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
-[] Exalted Priesthood
-[] Environmentalist
All of my nope. Can't let one party to monopolize leadership positions, especially if it's not even the biggest party.

[X][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
-[X] Shadow Council
-[X] Cutthroat Politics
Corrected, thanks UltimatePaladin,

[][Nation] University (Oligarchic, Academician)
-[] Functional Architecture
-[] Meritocracy
Leaders start with +1 level.
Material is saved, allowing for it to be put to use into industrial or military processes.
Malus towards Xenos relations, unless they also have Functional Architecture.
The majority political party may dismiss rivals on the grounds of incompetence.

[][Nation] Wisdom of Terra (Oligarchic, Magos)
-[] Exalted Priesthood (req. Oligarchic Government)
-[] Meritocracy
Leaders start with +1 level.

Governors and Rulers will all be limited to Spiritualists. Other positions remain open to other factions.
The majority political party may dismiss rivals on the grounds of incompetence.
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[X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
-[X] Exalted Priesthood
-[X] Environmentalist
Last edited:
[X][Nation] The Terran Ecclesiocracy(Democratic, Lord/Lady Protector)
-[X] Parliamentary System (req. Democratic)
-[X] Meritocracy

Receptive to immediate change on part of the players.
Leaders start with +1 level.
Leaders who are part of the majority political party gain bonuses to their actions.
Leaders opposed to the majority political party are hamstrung.
The majority political party may dismiss rivals on the grounds of incompetence.
There is not a guarantee that the party will support a candidate who is qualified.

Meritocracy is not as powerful as the Exalted Priesthood but I want the Parliamentary system, which requires us to be Democratic.
Also, Meritocracy's anti-incompetence counteracts the democratic malus, though it does mean it'll be harder to keep leaders.
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Only Governors and Rulers.
Diplomats, Scientists, Admirals, Generals can be non-Spiritualists.
In my opinion the bonus (to all Leaders) is worth the limited supply of rulers/governors. Egalitarian Diplomats with +2 level will be good at trade negotiations for example.
That is still limiting our top level governance, you know the guys who make some of the largest sweeping decisions, to a single ideological group.
[X][Nation] The Irenic Council of Sol(Democratic, Lord/Lady Protector)
-[X] Parliamentary System (req. Democratic)
-[X] Meritocracy

Receptive to immediate change on part of the players.
Leaders start with +1 level.
Leaders who are part of the majority political party gain bonuses to their actions.
Leaders opposed to the majority political party are hamstrung.
The majority political party may dismiss rivals on the grounds of incompetence.
There is not a guarantee that the party will support a candidate who is qualified.

Meritocracy is not as powerful as the Exalted Priesthood but I want the Parliamentary system, which requires us to be Democratic.
Also, Meritocracy's anti-incompetence counteracts the democratic malus, though it does mean it'll be harder to keep leaders.
This seems to create a system massively tilted in favor of the majority party, and I'm not sure I'm on board with that.
Adhoc vote count started by Shebe Zuu on Oct 7, 2018 at 8:14 AM, finished with 22 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
    -[X] Central Bureaucracy
    -[X] Post-Apocalyptic
    [X][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
    -[X] Inward Perfection
    -[X] Parliamentary System
    [X][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
    -[X] Shadow Council
    -[X] Cutthroat Politics
    [X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
    -[X] Exalted Priesthood
    -[X] Environmentalist
    [X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood
    [X][Nation] The Terran Ecclesiocracy(Democratic, Lord/Lady Protector)
    -[X] Parliamentary System (req. Democratic)
    -[X] Meritocracy
    [X][Nation] The Earth Statesman's Commonwealth (Democratic, Steward)
    -[X] Mining Guilds
    -[X] Functional Architecture
    [X][Nation] United Human Expanse (Oligarchic, Overseer)
    -[X] Meritocracy
    -[X] Shadow Council

Adhoc vote count started by Shebe Zuu on Oct 7, 2018 at 9:51 AM, finished with 28 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
    -[X] Central Bureaucracy
    -[X] Post-Apocalyptic
    [X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
    -[X] Exalted Priesthood
    -[X] Environmentalist
    [X][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
    -[X] Inward Perfection
    -[X] Parliamentary System
    [X][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
    -[X] Shadow Council
    -[X] Cutthroat Politics
    [X][Nation] The Terran Ecclesiocracy(Democratic, Lord/Lady Protector)
    -[X] Parliamentary System (req. Democratic)
    -[X] Meritocracy
    [X][Nation] United Human Expanse (Oligarchic, Overseer)
    -[X] Meritocracy
    -[X] Shadow Council
    [X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood
Only Governors and Rulers.
Diplomats, Scientists, Admirals, Generals can be non-Spiritualists.
In my opinion the bonus (to all Leaders) is worth the limited supply of rulers/governors. Egalitarian Diplomats with +2 level will be good at trade negotiations for example.
Firstly, it's bonus only for Governors and Rulers, not for all leaders.
Secondly, Spiritualist leaders' shtick is conservatism and inflexibility. I prefer my rulers more adaptive.