The Human Condition (Stellaris-Inspired)

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The Human Condition
A Stellaris-Inspired Quest by UltimatePaladin

This is where the Index, as...
Introduction (2200)
Mankind is soon to be united. Whatever prior nations that still exist will soon only exist as legal fiction. For the first time in its history, there will be but a single government on planet Earth, ruled by a single ruler. There is a nervous quiet around the world, as begger and aristocrat wait with baited breath to see the process as it unfolds.

Yet for the pretensions of unity, mankind is paradoxically divided as ever. As leaders and followers swear oaths to the state, both are driven by complex ideas as for how they want this new government to operate. These ideas are new and old, from before mankind discovered flame to the verge of interstellar travel. What are yours?

Xenophile: The thought of extraterrestrial life fills you with glee. They must be so wonderful, so fantastical! Sure, not all of them will be friendly, but you could handle the ones that aren't.
You are at an advantage when interacting with aliens in the galaxy. (e.g Xenophile Admirals can work better with allied fleets.)
You are at a disadvantage when acting against aliens. (Xenophile Diplomats will give less favorable trade deals.)

Xenophobe: The thought of extraterrestrial life fills you with horror. Who knows what could be in the depths of the alien mind, what strange inhuman thoughts drive their actions? You can't take a risk, you can't.
You are at an advantage when acting against aliens. (Xenophobe Scientists are able to reverse-engineer alien technology more easily.)
You are at a disadvantage when interacting with aliens. (Xenophobe Generals find it difficult to keep the peace on conquered worlds.)

Militarist: War is a constant of the universe. Those who lack the will to kill are killed by those with a will. We must be prepared for war at all times.
You are at an advantage when executing military actions. (Militarist Governors will see that their worlds put out a stream of well-trained and well-armed soldiers and sailors.)
You are at a disadvantage when not working on anything with obvious military use. (Militarist Scientists will have little enthusiasm working on consumer electronics when they can be designing escape pods for warships.)

Pacifist: War is something that can be outgrown. We are not so naive as to disarm entirely, but war should be the last option, and never the first.
You are at an advantage when not participating in direct conflict. (Pacifist Generals will avoid unnecessary cruelty in their duties, reducing the unrest of occupied worlds.)
You are at a disadvantage when declaring war. (Pacifist Diplomats will bend over backward to avoid military conflict.)

Authoritarian: Not everyone is capable. Those who aren't capable must be guided by those who are.
You are at an advantage when maintaining control. (Authoritarian Admirals who exercise an iron fist over their crews can fight long after others may have fled.)
You are at a disadvantage dealing with the commoner's problems. (Authoritarian Governors may fail to address the needs of the common people, leading to time-wasting revolts and rebellions.)

Egalitarian: Everyone is equal. A system that denies the capability of anyone to advance is a system that is broken. Even if what you say is wrong, you should be able to say it.
You are at an advantage in dealing with individual citizens. (Egalitarian Diplomats can get insight into interacting with alien races by interacting with their citizens.)
You are at a disadvantage when maintaining control. (Egalitarian Generals may seek the approval of their men too much, leading them to be indecisive in a critical campaign.)

Materialist: There is nothing beyond this life. What there is to be seen is all there is to see.
You are at an advantage in dealing with the physical world. (Materialist Admirals can plan meticulously and accordingly, leaving nothing to chance.)
You are at a disadvantage when you fail to consider every variable. (Materialist Governors will see only factory outputs - not the long-term effects on workers or people.)

Spiritualist: There is something deeper than this flesh in all of us. We are not a mere cosmic accident.
You are at an advantage when staying on a single course. (Spiritualist Scientists can continue to produce results when everyone else loses faith that there is more to find.)
You are at a disadvantage changing course. (Spiritualist Diplomats may be intolerant of another's culture.)

Political Beliefs (vote for one):
[][Riot] Xenophile
[][Riot] Xenophobe
[][Riot] Pacifist
[][Riot] Militarist
[][Riot] Authoritarian
[][Riot] Egalitarian
[][Riot] Materialist
[][Riot] Spiritualist

[][Spacing] Spaced Out
Empires are spawned out at even distances between each other. You all start off on equal footing and should expect to find alien life reasonably soon.
[][Spacing] Randomly
Empires are spawned randomly. You may end up with no neighbors at all, or encounter several almost immediately.

[][Timeline] All At Once
You and all alien races gain FTL technology at the same time, bringing you on equal footing.
[][Timeline] Sooner or Later
There is an order of empires based on who gains FTL technology. Some may get a head start and others may be forced to catch up. How lucky are you feeling?

Back with another quest this time! I made a mistake going away from hybrid riot/normal quests. Not going to make that mistake again.

Anyway, the focus of this quest will be on politics. Every major turn will feature a riot vote like the one listed above, where players can vote for their chosen ideology in the government. These votes in turn influence events and leader options.

For example, in an egalitarian-militarist dominated government, you would get an event popping up for a new governor. Picks would include:
[1] Egalitarian Governor
[2] Militarist Governor
[3] (other) Governor

Complicating this is that each leader has, in addition to their political alignment their own stats and traits to influence the choice further.

In addition, a leader with a political view has advantages and disadvantages in every job. In which case, depending on what you have planned the ideas the leader has are just as important (if not more) than their qualifications.

(A xenophobe diplomat may be abrasive, but they will be expecting Xenos trickery and guile making them a possible choice for a power you're unsure about. On the other hand, that same diplomat would be a terrible choice for a power that you trust and have built a relationship with.) Unless they're waiting...

Next up after this is a more detailed vote going into the government, based on what people put out for the human's political beliefs here.
Adhoc vote count started by UltimatePaladin on Oct 5, 2018 at 6:53 PM, finished with 37 posts and 24 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by UltimatePaladin on Oct 5, 2018 at 6:58 PM, finished with 37 posts and 24 votes.
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Political Divides (2200.1)
Xenophile Xenophobe Militarist Pacifist Authoritarian Egalitarian Materialist Spiritualist
5 10 1 3   1 5 8
15% 30% 3% 9%   3% 15% 24%
Ethos Selected: Xenophobe, Pacifist, Spiritualist.

The Last World War saw the deaths of many. People, nations, ideas, were all destroyed indiscriminately, paving the way for them to be replaced in the following generations. There remained supporters of the multicultural, materialist society that had thrived before the war, but they were a distinct minority in the modern day.

The reasons for this charge were rooted in the war. Paralyzed by the memories of foreign occupation, acceptance of outside cultures was replaced with fear, culminating in a deep-set xenophobia that interrupted most early attempts at unification. It was not until the Pluto Incident that progress was achieved, by redirecting that xenophobia towards a hypothetical alien invasion.

Likewise, the all-encompassing secularism that defined governments before the war had also vanished. Unable to find answers in the ideology, survivors returned to faith and spirituality, leading to the revitalization of old religions and the creation of new ones.

No matter their political beliefs, however, the survivors were united in a single respect. That the Last World War was the primary factor behind the creation of...

[][Nation] The Terran Serene Republic (Democratic, Serene Chancellor)
-[] Inward Perfection
-[] Parliamentary System
The Terran Serene Republic was formed with the memories of the last War, how international trade and alliances turned into bloodshed and horror across the seas and continents of Earth. Now finally unified under a single ruler, the people of Earth will not make the same mistake again.

Mechanics: The majority party voted in by players is the one who rules the government.
Receptive to immediate change on part of the players.
Gain bonuses towards internal development and avoiding conflict.
Leaders who are part of the most popular political party gain bonuses to their actions.

There is not a guarantee that the party will support a candidate who is qualified.
It is impossible to declare war, and even most peaceful interactions with Xenos empires are prohibited.
Leaders opposed to the most popular political party are hamstrung.

[][Nation] The Human Assembly (Democratic, General Secretary)
-[] Shadow Council
-[] Cutthroat Politics
The Human Assembly was envisioned as a successor organization to the United Nations, rendered defunct during the events of the War. While it held and owned territory, most of its power was to be in its constituent nations. However, through a secret organization of elite influentials, the Assembly holds more power than what it holds - and this secret organization will go to any means to ensure that power of the Human Assembly does not dwindle.

Mechanics: The majority party voted in by players is the one who rules the government.
Receptive to immediate change on part of the players.
Undesirable leaders to the players may, by decision, be replaced.
Leaders who are part of the Shadow Council gain bonuses when helping each other and can cut past bureaucratic red tape.

There is not a guarantee that the party will support a candidate who is qualified.
Competent leaders who are opposed to the majority party may be replaced.
Players have no control over who is in the Shadow Council, and what their ultimate goal is.

[][Nation] The Earth Administration Council (Oligarchic, Chairman)
-[] Central Bureaucracy
-[] Post-Apocalyptic
The Earth and mankind were nearly exterminated during the events of the War, with the ecosystem irreparably damaged. In an effort to restore order and to manage resources effectively, an unofficial, semi-democratic council was formed from surviving governments and organizations. Having ensured the survival of mankind, the Earth Administration Council now rules over the entire Earth.

Mechanics: At the end of the leader's term, the players are given a list of candidates to elect a new leader from.
The election is based on the candidate, not the party.
The empire can maintain an additional two governors beneath the primary ruler.
Species has Survivor Trait (Leaders have +1 Turn to Lifespan, Tomb Worlds can be colonized.)

Candidates may not be representative of all the parties.
The governors may also manage an additional two governors as well.
[Post-Apocalyptic] cannot be removed later on.

[][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
-[] Exalted Priesthood
-[] Environmentalist
Following the War, there was a renewed interest in religion and spirituality as humanity rejected the idea of secularist ideology. Among these, the Gaian Priesthood emerged supreme, befriending what rival faiths it couldn't otherwise eliminate. Firmly supported by the populace, the Priesthood spearheaded early efforts to create a new, planet-encompassing nation and were later able to seize power directly.

Mechanics: At the end of the leader's term, the players are given a list of candidates to elect a new leader from.
The election is based on the candidate, not the party.
Governors and Rulers will all start off +2 levels.
Material is saved, allowing for it to be put to use into industrial or military processes.

Candidates may not be representative of all the parties.
Governors and Rulers will all be limited to Spiritualists. Other positions remain open to other factions.
Decreased trade benefits.

[][Nation] Write-In (Government, Leader Title)
-[] Civic 1
-[] Civic 2
Democratic (1-turn Terms)
Mechanics: The majority party voted in by players is the one who rules the government.
Receptive to immediate change on part of the players.
There is not a guarantee that the party will support a candidate who is qualified.

Oligarchic (5-turn Terms)
Mechanics: At the end of the leader's term, the players are given a list of candidates to elect a new leader from.
The election is based on the candidate, not the party.
Candidates may not be representative of all the parties.

Dictatorial (For Life) Not Allowed - No Authoritarian Support.
Mechanics: When the leader dies (or is forced to retire) the leaders are given a list of candidates to elect a new leader from.
A new leader can be elected upon death, and has the potential to grow competent while in power.
Not reactive to changes in the player's voting habits while in power or alive.

Imperial (For LIfe) Not Allowed - No Authoritarian Support.
Mechanics: When the leader dies (or is forced to retire) their Heir takes power.
Has a designated heir, who can gain stats before they take the throne.
Players have limited ability to influence the Heir's political beliefs.

[] Inward Perfection
This calm and pacifist society wants above all else to be left alone.
Gain bonuses towards internal development and avoiding conflict.
It is impossible to declare war, and even most peaceful interactions with Xenos empires are prohibited.

[] Exalted Priesthood (req. Oligarchic Government)
A religious council consisting of the clergy holds power in the government.
Governors and Rulers will all start off +2 levels.
Governors and Rulers will all be limited to Spiritualists. Other positions remain open to other factions.

[] Cutthroat Politics
Power struggles, shady backroom deals, and scheming are par the course.
Undesirable leaders to the players may, by decision, be replaced.
Competent leaders who are opposed to the majority party may be replaced.

[] Central Bureaucracy
No matter what else, the mag-trains will run on time.
The empire can maintain an additional two governors beneath the primary ruler.
The governors may also manage an additional two governors as well.

[] Environmentalist
This society attempts to limit consumerism where possible.
Material is saved, allowing for it to be put to use into industrial or military processes.
Decreased trade benefits.

[] Functional Architecture
This society prefers a simple, yet functional structural design.
Material is saved, allowing for it to be put to use into industrial or military processes.
Malus towards Xenos relations, unless they also have Functional Architecture.

[] Meritocracy
The sole basis of advancement is demonstrated ability and talent.
Leaders start with +1 level.
The majority political party may dismiss rivals on the grounds of incompetence.

[] Mining Guilds
The government relies heavily on a number of large mining guilds.
The Mining Guilds control and guide the flow of material, freeing up leaders for other tasks.
Mining Guilds have influence in the affairs of the government, independent of the players.

[] Parliamentary System (req. Democratic)
A free and lively debate is encouraged, as is the power of political parties.
Leaders who are part of the most popular political party gain bonuses to their actions.
Leaders opposed to the most popular political party are hamstrung.

[] Shadow Council
A secretive shadow council manipulates the government.
Leaders who are part of the Shadow Council gain bonuses when helping each other and can cut past bureaucratic red tape.
Players have no control over who is in the Shadow Council, and what their ultimate goal is.

[] Post-Apocalyptic
Surviving nuclear annihilation, the society has rebuilt itself from the ashes of the old world.
Species has Survivor Trait (Leaders have +1 Turn to Lifespan, Tomb Worlds can be colonized.)
Cannot be removed later on.
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Heads of Government (2200.2)
[X][Nation] The Gaian Priesthood (Oligarchic, Exalt)
-[X] Exalted Priesthood
-[X] Environmentalist

Apologies for the late update.

The final death of monarchies and autocratic systems of rule could be found in the beginning stages of the Last World War. Much like the First World War, the conflict began as a series of smaller, regional conflicts which escalated rapidly to span the entirety of the planet's surface. Among these conflicts was the Middle Eastern Nuclear Exchange, where religious and political tensions resulted in the deployment of nuclear weapons across much of the region.

Two powers that received much of the blame were Saudi Arabia and Iran, long-time rivals who were involved in a series of proxy wars at the time. It remains unclear to this day which side fired first, and remaining records indicate that both sides believed to be only retaliating.

Following the end of the war, concentrated propaganda efforts were made to lay the blame for the war down at the feet of autocratic governments the world over. These efforts were wildly successful, culminating in hatred for not only autocracy but monarchies, even power-less ones the world over. Those with surviving ties to the nobility swiftly hid them, and those revealed to possess them were exiled, imprisoned, or killed.

Religious organizations such as the emergent Gaian Priesthood managed to avoid this by not exercising any governmental powers or controls over the people. With the establishment of the Paladins - a paramilitary force created to protect temples and worshippers - the leaders of the Priesthood moved swiftly to prevent unrest. The creation of secular and democratically-elected positions (not without power, but subordinate to the Priesthood,) mitigated this somewhat, but as the Exalt grew in power, tensions continued to mount.

Below the Exalt was a council of senior priests known as the Counsellors, who advised the Exalt and when needed, elected another. It would not do to have Exalt Roland, chosen from the ranks of the Counsellors, to be the leader of a united Gaia. At the same time, to forcibly remove him from power might stir a desire from the populace for them to elect a leader democratically - equally unthinkable to the Counsellors. In the end, Exalt Roland had been retired, the man citing his failing health as an explanation, and vanished from the public eye.

This left the Counsellors to elect the Exalt. Rather than elect another from their number, however, the Counsellors instead turned to younger, more popular priests. Of whom it was hoped that the populace would accept, even if they had no personal control over the selection in the end.

While the Counsellors had power over their pick as Exalt, and over the newly-created position of the Gaian Archpriest, there were other political appointments that would not be as ideologically aligned as they had wished. Due to the connections they forged, the popularity they held, or simply the talents they could not be dismissed easily and replaced with more agreeable leaders.

In the end, the Counsellors voted for and appointed...

Exalt: Pick One
[][Ruler] Vincent Dahlman
[][Ruler] Malai Mah
[][Ruler] Helle Dohman
Vincent Dahlman
Level: 8. Age: 64. Spiritualist.
Charismatic (Internal diplomatic actions are more common and easier.)
"Today we stand on the verge of greatness! Who among you will cast the deciding vote and ensure mankind's place among the stars?"

Malai Mah
Level: 6. Age: 54. Spiritualist.
Explorer (All scientists exploring with this leader in office have reduced DC and are more likely to discover anomalies.)
"The universe is full of mystery that Gaia has long taught us to love and to fear. In understanding it, we will appreciate our home better."

Helle Dohman
Level: 6. Age: 52. Spiritualist.
Industrialist (Actions for governors to improve industry are easier and more common.)
"Gaia has been a source for our Industry for many generations. Let us let her rest, and sate our hunger for Industry on the stars."

Archpriest of Gaia: Pick One
[][Governor] Valerina Bover
[][Governor] Yared Ayodele
[][Governor] Boubacar Kariuki
Valeriana Bover
Level: 5. Age: 43. Spiritualist.
Agrarian Upbringing (Actions relating to food production are easier and more common.)
"Gaia has given much to us and still has more to give. All we must do is return what is owed to Gaia."

Yared Ayodele
Level: 4. Age 35. Spiritualist.
Agrarian Upbringing (Actions relating to food production are easier and more common.)
"As we speak of extrasolar travel and matters beyond our own system, I look back and still see those starving here on Gaia."

Boubacar Kariuki
Level: 3. Age 28. Spiritualist.
Resilient (+25 Years to Lifespan)
"I can't say honestly that I am the most qualified candidate for this esteemed position. Look at my record, however, and see how far I've come in the ten years since I joined the Priesthood."

Natural Philosophy Heads: Pick Four
[][Scientist] Hilarion Solomon
[][Scientist] Harewoin Adebayo
[][Scientist] Enisa Acton
[][Scientist] Mpho Abidun
[][Scientist] Heimirch Abraham
Hilarion Solomon
Level: 3. Age: 45. Pacifist.
Archaeologist (Actions relating to ancient civilizations are more common and easier.)
"Since Pluto, we've been paralyzed with fear over what remains out there. Finding evidence of alien downfalls will do much to assuage fears.)

Harewoin Adebayo
Level: 3. Age: 48. Pacifist.
Adaptable (Level-up DC is reduced per level. In addition, may never get the "Stubborn" or "Arrested Development" Traits.)
"I am no expert, good Counsellors, but I have dabbled significantly in each subject of scientific inquiry known to man."

Enisa Acton
Level: 4. Age: 50. Xenophobe.
Resilient (+25 Years to Lifespan)
"Whatever is out there in the universe, you're going to want a scientist with years of experience to take it apart and dissect it."

Mpho Abiodun
Level: 3. Age: 40. Xenophile.
Expertise: Industry (Industrial Technology is easier to research and faster to increase.)
"While there is some fear over non-human life in the galaxy, different environmental conditions outside those of Earth could lead to some improvements in general industry."

Heimirch Abraham
Level: 3. Age: 43. Egalitarian.
Expertise: Materials (Materials Technology is easier to research and faster to increase.)
"I have a long history of working together with others to produce benefits for all. I once collaborated on the design for the plating our ships use!"

Admiral of the Space Defense Force: Pick One
[][Admiral] Ji-Eun Cho
[][Admiral] Javed Hier
[][Admiral] Daiki Inoue
Ji-Eun Cho
Level: 2. Age: 33. Xenophobe.
Unyielding (Increased DC for disengaging or retreating, decreased DC for continuing to fight.)
"No matter what is out there, I will not retreat."

Javed Hier
Level: 2. Age: 37. Militarist
Adaptable (Level-up DC is reduced per level. In addition, may never get the "Stubborn" or "Arrested Development" Traits.)
"I will be direct - the purpose of a military is to destroy the enemies of the state and its people. That may not be popular, but that is true."

Daiki Inoue
Level: 3. Age: 42. Pacifist.
Gale Speed (Decreased DC for actions requiring swift movement or deployment.)
"I will not leap at the chance to kill - I will not shy away from killing either."

General of the Planetary Defense Force: Pick One
[][General] Kahina Otieno
[][General] Kanya Yu
[][General] Mawar Pan
Kahina Otieno
Level: 3. Age: 43. Materialist.
Charismatic (Morale-Based DCs are lowered.)
"I have perfected my techniques through experience and study of psychological techniques and past leaders - my men will fight through the Apocalypse if you need them to."

Kanya Yu
Level: 4. Age: 50. Materialist.
Army Logistician (Supply-Based DCs are lowered.)
"An army marches on their stomach - and much, much more."

Mawar Pan
Level: 2. Age: 34. Xenophobe.
Glory Seeker (Combat-related DCs are lowered. Increased chances of being wounded or killed.)
"I will die before I see an alien flag over this Green Earth."

"Stubborn" and "Arrested Development" have a chance to occur in characters here. The first will cause them to level up more slowly, while the second will stop all leveling entirely. Unless, of course, the character has adaptable.

As for traits, levels, and ages of the leaders you see, any bad selections are to be blamed on the dice.

All leaders have a chance to level up a turn. The formula for this is (D20 vs Level*2)

Names were randomized to an extent to represent the degree of immigration and cultural bleedthrough that had happened in the generations before the war. There was less after that.