The Ghost of the Trenches (Fate/ZnT)

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A single action can have an impact on the world, for both better and worse.
The Ghost of the Trenches - 1.1


Slightly Insane Tactical Genius
Off in a Library Somewhere
Within a forest, there is a quiet. The silence stretches over and past a small grove within it. A woman's figure of medium height, she wears a simple green dress and a white hat that covers her ears. She carries two things in her hands, one is a now-empty bucket and in the other is an open book, the contents of the bucket are now on the ground and make a circle of red that seems to be containing multiple symbols. The circle and symbols are created out of what appears to be blood, though not freshly spilled. Their voice is soothing and melodious as she speaks.

"Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill!
Repeat five times.
But destroy each when filled."

She says each line staggered, and slowly as if it was the first time she has said it. Each word is said carefully and slowly the pronunciation of each syllable is said.

"A base of silver and steel.
A foundation of stone and the Archduke of contracts.
And my ancestor, my great master, Schweinorg."

She stumbles over the name but carries on without much of a pause. A faint shimmer starts to take hold in the circle.

"A wall to block the falling wind.
The gates of all four directions close.
From the Crown, come forth and follow the forked road to the Kingdom."

The circle's glow goes brighter and brighter with every sentence, it is nearly blinding, the blue glow disturbs the surrounding area as if a mighty wind is shaking the world.

"I hereby propose.
My will shall create thy body,
And thy sword shall create my fate.
Abiding by the summons of the Holy Grail,
If thou dost accede to this will and reason, answer me!"

The wind carries a hint of sulfur as it blows even stronger and overtakes the natural smell of the forest. The woman hesitates as the smell gets stronger, her voice carries off and the glow dims only for a moment before she continues the chant again.

"I hereby swear.
I will be all that is good in the eternal world.
I will be the disposer of evil in the eternal world."

The glow blinds her, what was once a blue glow has now turned gold and she has to cover her eyes to continue reading from the book within her hands that are shaking, she suddenly closes the book and looks straight into the light ignoring the pain it brings to her eyes staring at it.

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,
come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"

With a mighty shout, she finishes the chant and green smoke appears where the circle is blocking her sight. The light has disappeared and a figure stands amongst the strange-smelling smoke, the smoke begins to disperse amongst the trees leaving only the smell as a trace of its existence.

The figure stands unmoving and as the smoke finally clears away completely there is only a single man. It can only be assumed they are a man due to the strange masks they are wearing covering their face showing none to anyone. The mask is elongated and has a circular device at the bottom of it.

There is a strange raspy sound coming from them, though the woman looking closely at the figure's armor while ignoring the mask, it doesn't match. It looks like a bunch of different styles and colors thrown together. Multiple symbols are spread through the armor and say different things. The last thing she notices before the figure speaks is a necklace with a small metal tab attached to its bottom.

Breaking the silence the figure speaks, though they sound as if they have a different accent for every word said. "You who stands before me, are you my master?" the question caught her off guard and as she comes to her wits she stutters an answer.

Unsure if this is actually happening she speaks with her voice sounding like a fairy's still. "Y-yes, I am the one who has summoned you."

The man nods and lets out a confirmation that this is happening, "Then you shall find that Servant Berserker is yours to command."

She looks at the man questionably, "Servant Berserker?" curiosity overtakes her as she asks that question.

The man's head tilts to the side as he replies, "Your servant summoned to your side to fight in the Holy Grail War. I assume that is the reason you have summoned me at least." The explanation is delivered plainly, with little to no emotion.

The woman's mouth makes the shape of an O as he says this, she quickly opens the book and flips through it again until she reaches a certain page. Showing him the page that is titled, Servant Summoning Ritual, she says something. "I… I didn't summon you to fight in this… Holy Grail War! I… I thought this was the Familiar Summoning Ritual! F-familiars are supposed to be protectors and help their summoner in tasks! M-my sister said that Familiars are usually animals that are best suited for their summoner! N-Not another person… I… I just wanted something to help me take care of the younger children!" she says the last bit quickly and runs out of breath while flailing in a direction behind her.

Suddenly she lets out a gasp and grabs the hand that is holding the book up to the man's masked face. She drops the book and lets out a gasp of pain as red symbols begin to etch themselves into the back of her hand.

As she faints and begins to fall her hat comes off letting blonde hair fall down, and long pointy-tipped ears out for the world to see. With a sigh, the self-dubbed "Servant Berserker" leans over and picks up his master.

The man seems unsure as he picks up the woman who had passed out. He wonders about the unusual situation he finds himself in and with a little bit of thought begins to march in the direction the woman flailed earlier when she was panicking. Though he carries her unsteadily he seems to be carrying her without any struggle. The sound of humming pierces the sound of the forest, it is a mishmash of several different songs, at least it was to anyone who could listen to it could tell.
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Interesting intro.
Looking forward to more.

Though just to clarify, who did she summon?

Minor Spoiler, but it's not a canon servant, I thought I'd leave it hidden to see if people can figure it out.

Hint, it's similar to Jack the Ripper in existence.

We have a soldier here, WW1 i would say and with a gasmask.

Multiple uniform bits and armor...

Remind me of Jin-Roh, the Wolf Brigade…

But it doesn't connect with the Trench Wars.

There is also a Sabaton song "A ghost in the trenches"... Well, it could be Francis Pegahmagabow...

But while he was one of 2 soldiers the most decorated during the war, he was mainly an expert marskman and scout, thus an Archer or Assassin class and not a Berserker.

He was also an Canadian Indian native and was noted as adorning his tent with traditional symbols like the deer.

However, many of his superiors cited his disregard for danger and "faithfulness to duty". In fact many of his actions (and facing chlorine gas) show him facing dangerous situations like bringing ammo to his peers while being encircled.

So he could be Berserker.
author said with what over servant this one was similar so I put my money on an amalgam of all the dead soldier in WW1
Unknown soldier heroic spirit.A spirit that Combine all the fallen soldier that remains nameless, forgotten,the unsung hero
Sergant Pavlov? The man who protected 1 house with 30 people during WW2 against unending attacks of German army, with tanks and everything, for 54 days? The man who killef more solders during WW, than entire France? Hero of the USSR, who lived after the end of the war and becamee a monk?
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Ghost of the Trenches 1.2
As the man walks, carrying the one who summoned him through the forest, there is a noticeable change in the surrounding area as it returns to life. Outside of the grove, the forest was cramped. After a minute of walking, the man enjoys the scenery that he walks amongst. The sound of humming joins the sound of birds chirping and the wind ruffling the leaves on the trees. Upon the sounds of the wild returning and its recovery the man slows. They take their time walking to their destination, enjoying the sights they are coming across.

The sound of a twig snapping suddenly changes the scene. They snap their head towards the sound, and as they reach for an object on their side mud begins to appear on the palm of their hand spreading out. The object the hand is reaching for appears to be a weathered-looking pistol but decently maintained. Their hand stops before even touching the weapon. After a few seconds, the mud slowly begins to disappear. There is a long wheezing sigh as he stands there.

After a minute the man calms down enough for their body to relax. It takes another minute for them to return to walking towards his destination, this time however there is no humming or wheezing. The man shifts the woman he is carrying to a better position. With a hand near his pistol at all times, he skulks forward carefully.

Behind the glass of the gas mask seems to be a bright green cloud, and a slight glow where their eyes would be changing between red, white, blue, purple, yellow, and every other color except a hard green. Before long the forest itself seems to be thinning out slowly, allowing the man to see further ahead and somewhat confirming that there was something in this direction. Whether it was what their master indicated or not remains to be seen, however.

Slowing down to stop, the man seems to have noticed something as he turns slightly to face their right. The gas inside their mask disappears along with their glowing eyes. They begin marching off in the new direction they are facing, and after a few seconds, the sound of children's laughter becomes easier to hear and appears to be coming from a large group of children.

The laughter seems to become the only thing that can be heard and upon walking into another grove, one far larger than the one he had found himself in originally with his summoner. Upon coming into sight of the children, the majority of them become silent and stare at the newcomer. Looking around the man spots several buildings of varying sizes, all of which are made of wood.

They do not appear to be in the best condition, however, they also do not suffer from disrepair. A surprising thing considering the size and variance of the group of children he spots. They are all over the place in ages, from young children to young teenagers, while also being in a larger density. The younger children seem to have the most population from initial looks, but can't do much else than be there. The teenagers look young, probably just beginning to grow up, if just barely even that.

The one thing though the two groups had in common though, was the confusion filled eyes questioning what was going on. None of them seemed to understand what they were seeing, a stranger appearing from the woods in a strange, but menacing, garb holding their caretaker that most of them may have known for most of their lives. The worst part to them may be the fact that the woman in his arms did not have her hat on, letting her ears out for anyone to see.

A teenager, not the oldest looking but still older than a majority of the other teenagers, steps forward raising a fist shakily. "L-let Big si- Missus T-taffania go, o-or I'll make you r-regret it." Their voice stutters and shakes with every word, but there a belief in what he says that makes it seem as if he will back them up.

The response they get isn't what they expect. Instead of cruel laughter or mockery, it is a simple wheezing sound. As if the figure didn't notice them, or at least acknowledge their existence. Spurred on by embarrassment and arrogance, or perhaps fear and uncertainty the teenager lets out a quick cracking roar as they charge the strange man that had intruded into their clearing. Their brown hair briefly shines in the noon sun's light, quickly disappearing under the shade provided by the trees.

The man snaps towards the oncoming projectile, in a moment he draws the pistol he was about to grab earlier and with a fluid motion draws it pointing at the teenager. They begin to pull the trigger with the unsafe end pointed forward, the pause hesitant to fully shoot. Quickly dropping the pistol onto the ground, mud staining the grip, and gently tosses his unconscious passenger into the grass. He meets the foolhardy child with both hands ready to intercept them.

Right before the two meet, there is a moment of clarity for both of them. For the younger one, there is a realization that he had a good chance of dying in the next few seconds, hesitance begins to take over and he begins to shake as he runs only momentum carrying him towards his target. For the older, it's a calm stare into familiar blue eyes, haunted he grabs the obstacle and begins to lift them.

The larger of the two let out a wheezing sound as if he's struggling to even pick them up, but their actions paint a different picture. Effortlessly he smacks aside the clumsy attack and grabs the right arm in preparation for the next portion. Quickly before they can react he transfers the momentum from both the charge and the picking up motion and uses it to slam the poor teenager onto the ground knocking the breath out of their lungs. The silence of their struggles to get air back into their lungs causes the man to stare at them, once again seeing something familiar yet so different.

There is a strange lack of wheezing as he speaks, their voice having a strange undertone to it that the listeners couldn't place or identify as local. "I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I have done nothing to this 'Big Missus Taffania' I simply found her passed out from exhaustion earlier. I simply followed her path to what I assumed her home was. Seeing the hello your fellow attempted to give me just a moment ago, I can see why the Missus was so tired." The older kids are stunned by the events, while surprisingly two similar-sized children run to the boy that was incapacitated. They yell for their 'Big Brother Eddy' and start to cry. This seems to break the spell over the rest of the group as some of them run away, some of them run towards the two kids attempting to stop them, some grab younger children before running to the building, and the rest remain unsure of what to do, but clearly afraid of what is going on.

The people attempting to stop the two children from running towards 'Eddy' fail, and the man lets them pass without issue, and talks at them as they pass by, "He's alive, just got the wind knocked out of him, brave boy I will say that. Returning to the main reason I am here, however, could someone please take care of Miss Taffania please?" Nobody properly responds to that for a while due to running into the issue of being in a panicked state and fearing for their lives.

The man lets out a loud wheezing sigh as he tries to rub his eyes with his hands only to run into the gas mask acting as a barrier to this action. Letting out another sigh, this one sounding more pained than the previous ones he begins to walk more into the clearing attempting to calm everyone down. It takes some time but he does manage to calm them all down enough to convince them that 'No, I am not here to kill any of them. I also will not take their caretaker away from them.' which was something they seemed very concerned about the man noted before returning to pacifying their worries.
yup the amalgam of all the dead in ww1... This is going to end in hell for the reconquista.
Wonder what the Noble Phantasm would be? According to Google there were 9-11 million deaths of military personnel in WW1 (civilian deaths probably don't count here).

Jack the Rippers Noble Phantasm reproduces her murders, so maybe his will reproduce his deaths? Don't know how that would work, the creation of 10 million ghosts? Or could work a bit like Heracules and activates on his 'death', producing some effect although with his amalgam status might be 'wound' instead. Hopefully it isn't a Spartacus.

Also got to consider the varieties in how they died, bullets, artillery, chemical attacks, burning, hell there must be thousands who drowned at sea.

Well, will probably be a while before we find out, and I'm sure he can get up to plenty of Servant shenanigans prior to that.

A bit more of a grim thought, I wonder what sort of Wish for the Grail such an amalgam would have? To go home?

Excited for more!
Wonder what the Noble Phantasm would be? According to Google there were 9-11 million deaths of military personnel in WW1 (civilian deaths probably don't count here).

Jack the Rippers Noble Phantasm reproduces her murders, so maybe his will reproduce his deaths? Don't know how that would work, the creation of 10 million ghosts? Or could work a bit like Heracules and activates on his 'death', producing some effect although with his amalgam status might be 'wound' instead. Hopefully it isn't a Spartacus.

Also got to consider the varieties in how they died, bullets, artillery, chemical attacks, burning, hell there must be thousands who drowned at sea.

Well, will probably be a while before we find out, and I'm sure he can get up to plenty of Servant shenanigans prior to that.

A bit more of a grim thought, I wonder what sort of Wish for the Grail such an amalgam would have? To go home?

Excited for more!
Don't forget those that died thanks to the unsanitary conditions of the battlefield, trench foot is horrible but you can survive it as long as you don't mind losing your feet, but the Spanish Flu was also an integral part of the Great War, even if the powers that be censured the seriousness of the situation which was the reason the neutral Spain had the 'honor' of giving it its name.

However one of his Noble Phantasms must be the Trench Tool, now that's weapon that shows the world how dirty, how little honor or pulchritude would be found in the conflict.
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However one of his Noble Phantasms must be the Trench Tool, now that's weapon that shows the world how dirty, how little honor or pulchritude would be found in the conflict.
He'll probably also have an anti-army one related to gas/chemical weapons.
Of course he'd also have the ability to march through said drifting clouds of choking death.

And then there is the insanity that is the Battle of Verdun. An ongoing battle that lasted more then 300 days and claimed over 700,000 lives.
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I bet one of them is a reality marble, an amalgamation of all the theaters of warfare from WW1 rolled into one biome as it were.
There's a Sabaton for that.
Where dead men lies I'm paralyzed, my brothers' eyes are gone
And he shall be buried here, nameless marks his grave
Mother home, get a telegram and shed a tear of grief
Mud and blood, in foreign land, trying to understand

Where is this greatness I've been told?
This is the lies that we been sold
Is this a worthy sacrifice?

Great war
And I cannot take more
Great tour
I keep on marching on
I play the great score
There will be no encore
Great War
The war to end all wars

I'm standing here, I'm full of fear, with bodies at my feet
Over there in the other trench, bullets wear my name
Lead ahead, as the captain said and show them no remorse
Who am I to understand what have I become?

I do my duties, pay the price
I'll do the worthy sacrifice
I know my deeds are not in vain

Great war
And I cannot take more
Great tour
I keep on marching on
I play the great score
There will be no encore
Great War
The war to end all wars

And feet by feet
We pay the price of a mile here
Though men are falling, we see Heroes rise
We face the heat
As we are fighting until the dawn
So follow me and we will write our own history

Great war
And I cannot take more
Great tour
I keep on marching on
I play the great score
There will be no encore
Great War
The war to end all wars
Okay, my hunch for NP, if it's there. Is definitely going to be linked to Trench Warfare, potentially Reality Marble in set up. Or at least, if fully activated. Go all part defensive, part murder slaughter with machine gun fire and poisonous gasses, and sudden shanking from hidden trenches if you try and catch up to Berserker, with an anagram of dead soldiers still fighting with zeal/fear in mind.

While if passively... It'd probably at the least, be 'defensive bonus' when it comes to digging, and saboteuring. And sniping, in a WWII analog to a certain Kiritsugu. And probably able to go and dive through really dangerous terrain, because he's an anagram of the WWII soldiers who have to carry on through poisoned fog with gas masks anyway.
For all we know, his NP is the Christmas Truce. A moment of humanity before returning to the trenches and the machine of war.
I've heard of purple rain before but purple prose is new to me.
Could you explain what it means?
Let me just google that for you

In literary criticism, purple prose is prose text that is so extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw excessive attention to itself. Purple prose is characterized by the excessive use of adjectives, adverbs, and metaphors.

Spurred on by embarrassment and arrogance, or perhaps fear and uncertainty the teenager lets out a quick cracking roar as they charge the strange man that had intruded into their clearing. Their brown hair briefly shines in the noon sun's light, quickly disappearing under the shade provided by the trees.
Here for example. The text is trying to imply a feeling of tension or whatever and energy at the child is attacking but then you've got this 'hair shining in the noon sun'
Ghost of the Trenches 1.3
Where am I? That was the first thing that Tiffania thought before she saw the mud. The second thing she thought before she saw the mud was a question asking, "what is going on?" She opens her eyes, she sees clouds and smoke in the dark. She doesn't know why but she feels afraid. he doesn't recognize where she is. In her attempt to push herself up to see whether or not it is the clearing she was in, or somewhere else. She can't though, her struggles to move are met with nothing. She tries to scream but there is no sound, not just from her but from everything. The forest sounds were gone, there was nothing. No birds singing, no leaves rustling in the wind nor the sounds of a thousand little things that she would normally hear.

That's when she begins to see the world moving as if she was being dragged along the ground somewhere. The fear and uncertainty she felt before grip her heart at this realization. That is when she sees a familiar face in her limited line of sight. It wasn't the face of someone she knew personally, but it felt familiar somehow. Looking into the green eyes of the person she sees his, for it appeared to be a man, talking to her. She couldn't hear him but he was saying something, at least he was before he looks away towards somewhere you cannot see. He suddenly starts shaking and- blood, oh founder that is a lot of blood. She sees him fall out of sight, blood pouring out of several holes in his body before he disappears.

The fear returns as she lays there uncertain. She doesn't know why, but she is starting to feel colder and colder. Her body feels so light now. Why can't she get up? Why can't she move? Why couldn't she hear anything? She can't even seem to control herself. But before she can ask anything else she sees her vision starting to darken around the edges and her head flops to the side. She isn't sure of what she sees, only that there is so much brown and black as little as she could see. She doesn't understand what it is, only that it wasn't what she remembered last.

Before she could comprehend what was going on, she finds herself somewhere else now. The sun is clear in the sky. She notices that her hearing is back, she can tell by the fact that several men are sitting together talking. She can't tell what it is that is being said, but she seems to understand what it is that they are talking about. They are singing a song under their breaths, and while she can't understand every word she gets the gist of it. She still can't control her body, even if she seems to be better off than she was last time.

That's when she hears and sees it. The sound of thunder, the group she was watching earlier jump up, a look of fear on their faces, what she sees is a light trailing across the sky. Before anyone can do anything more than be scared she hears thunder getting closer and closer until she can see what is causing it. Explosions, getting closer and closer to her. Her body attempts to run away but before she can even turn away she is blinded briefly before the pain kicks in. A voice, one coming from her but at the same time wasn't hers was escaping her lips.

Her sight returns to her and she sees she is on the ground, attempting to move fills her with so much pain that it horrifies her. She doesn't have one of her arms. She stares, unsure of what she is seeing at first, her arm is missing, where did it go? Why does she still hear and feel the screaming? Before she can figure out why everything changes again. This time she finds herself amongst a green cloud, something is keeping it away from her face and eyes, but that's before she sees another man, she doesn't trust him, she doesn't know why or what caused her to feel this untrust, only that she can feel that if she doesn't do… something to him, something terrible will happen to her.

Her body reaches for something at her side, grabbing it she begins to raise it, not looking away as the other person raises something at her, it was long and was unlike anything she had seen before. That is all she heard before it roars at her and the pain returns again. But not for long as she appears somewhere else after experiencing an unknown feeling creeping closer and closer to her before disappearing with everything else.

This continues over and over again, she is in a thousand different situations, just moments before their finale. She cannot change anything, she can't run, she can't hide, she can't even scream with our own voice. Everything was taken from her and it didn't seem like it was going to return anytime soon. Every iteration of her nightmare held the same chill in the air that only got worse and worse as the nightmare continued. While everything else changed upon the height of her pain and horror, the chill stayed constant, only getting worse and worse as time wore onward, until it was all she felt.

She feels the pain of being crushed by a large metal… carriage of some sort before something changes in a different way than it usually changed. She wakes up with a sudden start, screaming to the founder. The pain, the horror, the sadness, the nightmare hitting her all at once. She can't stop screaming. She can only feel the cold creeping into her body and bones. Someone bursts into where she is and in the act of pure instinct she charges them. She knocks them to the side as she runs into what looks to be outside. She falls over closing her eyes and screams expecting pain. Instead, she feels cold and like slime on her skin.

She opens her eyes only to see mud, it seemed dark like the nightmare. That is when she sees Him. A man, so close to what she would call familiar yet so different from what she would call normal. He was dressed in some mixture of a hundred different things, all that which she remembered seeing in the nightmare. She feels something grabbing her heart and squeezing it as she begins to curl up in the mud, shaking as the man gets closer and closer. She closes her eyes while tears escape from them. She alternates between half coherent screams and bestial cries.

Expecting the pain to envelop her and everything to change around her she shakes. Instead of her worst expectations, nothing happens except a cold hand landing onto her back. Instead of pain, she felt something rubbing her back. Still in the grasp of fear however she doesn't stop screaming and crying, at least not for what seems like hours later. Her voice is hoarse and body stained by mud. She doesn't fall asleep with exhaustion, but she does stop screaming, and the hand doesn't stop rubbing her back once the entire time. Her eyes finally open and while fear still has her heart in its claws, she realizes nothing is happening. The man from earlier is sitting in the mud with her and rubbing her back. She finally takes the time to look around, unsteadily. She recognizes where she is finally. She finds herself home, at the orphanage. It looks to be early in the morning from the way the sun glints off the leaves. Tears flow harder as she realizes that it is over. She isn't going to suffer again as she had earlier. She begins to cry, not in fear, but in relief. She was home once again, and that is all that mattered. All she saw was mud, and it was okay, even if she remembered so many different things at so many different places, even when she felt the pain creep into her body, it was okay. She wasn't there anymore. Even amongst the mud, she was home at last.
She doesn't know why but she feels afraid. he doesn't recognize where she is. In her attempt to push herself up to see whether or not it is the clearing she was in, or somewhere else. She can't though, her struggles to move are met with nothing. She tries to scream but there is no sound, not just from her but from everything. The forest sounds were gone, there was nothing. No birds singing, no leaves rustling in the wind nor the sounds of a thousand little things that she would normally hear.

Oh no.

That is when she sees a familiar face in her limited line of sight. It wasn't the face of someone she knew personally, but it felt familiar somehow. Looking into the green eyes of the person she sees his, for it appeared to be a man, talking to her. She couldn't hear him but he was saying something, at least he was before he looks away towards somewhere you cannot see. He suddenly starts shaking and- blood, oh founder that is a lot of blood. She sees him fall out of sight, blood pouring out of several holes in his body before he disappears.

Oh Hell.

Her sight returns to her and she sees she is on the ground, attempting to move fills her with so much pain that it horrifies her. She doesn't have one of her arms. She stares, unsure of what she is seeing at first, her arm is missing, where did it go?

Ah, damn it.

Her eyes finally open and while fear still has her heart in its claws, she realizes nothing is happening. The man from earlier is sitting in the mud with her and rubbing her back. She finally takes the time to look around, unsteadily. She recognizes where she is finally. She finds herself home, at the orphanage. It looks to be early in the morning from the way the sun glints off the leaves. Tears flow harder as she realizes that it is over. She isn't going to suffer again as she had earlier.


Sorry Tiffania, it's only a reprieve until you sleep again.

She's going to have some serious issues with sleeping, isn't she? Can't believe I forgot about the dreams.

Gonna be interesting to see what this does to Tiffania, personally hoping we see a more assertive, militant pacifist development.