The Final Frontier - A Stellaris Quest

To everyone who reads the quest, I have an announcement.

I have contracted some type of bacteria and my throat is hurting a lot thanks to it, which means that I can not write like this as the pain messes with my concentration. So, until I get rid of this, I will leave this quest in temporary hiatus.
To everyone who reads the quest, I have an announcement.

I have contracted some type of bacteria and my throat is hurting a lot thanks to it, which means that I can not write like this as the pain messes with my concentration. So, until I get rid of this, I will leave this quest in temporary hiatus.
Please take all the time you need to heal.
Vote Closed

Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on Jun 17, 2024 at 7:15 PM, finished with 10 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X]Plan please dice gods why
    [X] Ground Defense Initiative
    [X] Adaptive Bureaucracy
    [X] Hydroponic Farms
    [X] Powered Exoskeletons
    [X] Administrative AI
    [X] New Worlds Protocol
    [X] Ludilles
Turn 3 Results
Date — 2202.01.01


Ground Defense Initiative: There could be a time when alien empires would gladly seize our worlds for themselves. We must be prepared for them, should the worst come to pass. These are tactics and strategies that will be constantly updated as time passes and new technology is discovered and implemented, on how to handle an alien invasion in a world controlled by the Empire. DC 30 (1d100=24)
Cost: 100 Energy; 50 Minerals
Upkeep: None
Time: 1 Turn

Some issues have come up, as certain plans now seem more unfeasible than before and have to be scrapped for a variety of reasons. While, said plans are flexible thanks to the idea of new technologies introduced to the military which would bring new tactics and strategies to wars. Many of the developed plans are simply unfeasible as they have thinking that goes against the current doctrine and if simulations are right would incur more losses on the Empire's own soldiers than the enemy owns.

Industrial & Public Matters

Adaptive Bureaucracy: Further refinements of our bureaucratic means can help further advance the Empire, as resources can move more rapidly with less red tape to impede them. DC 45 (1d100=94)
Cost: 50 Energy
Upkeep: 3 Energy
Time: 2 Turns

Now that all parts of the previous corrupt administration have been purged from our bureaucracy, the fine turning of said bureaucracy have begun to have consistently easier in doing so. With no other issues arising as the Ministry continues its assigned duty.

Hydroponic Farms: Massive domed farms that will help fix the current deficit of our income in yearly food production, while less wide than our agricultural districts, they can certainly help. DC 10 (1d100=92)
Cost: 38 Minerals; 10 Energy
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 2 Minerals
Time: Completed

The construction of the hydroponic farms have been completed with no issues arising, the domes have been erected, and the material and nutrient rich water have showed no harm to the crops, and are helping them grow. All in all, a success, and the first crops and fruits have already been collected and distributed across the Empire. This has also the benefit of eliminating our deficit among our food production, allowing our stockpiles to rise again.

Rewards: +18,2 Food



Powered Exoskeletons: Wearing a powered exoskeleton suit augments the user's strength and speed. The military applications are obvious, but it will also increase labor efficiency. DC 30 (1d100+7=39)
Time: Completed

Fortunately, this time around, our scholars successfully managed to create proper powered exoskeleton frames that do all that it was promised to do. They come in two forms, the civilian one, where it shall be used to help our workers and so increase production efficiency. The military one, where the increase of strength and speed is more pronounced as our scholars worked hard to make it military grade. Of course, the two would need to be first integrated in both the civilian and military sector before seeing any improvements.

Rewards: Can now integrate Powered Exoskeletons


Administrative AI: An advanced administrative artificial intelligence, meant to help our scholars in their pursuit of new technology. DC 30 (1d100+7=56)
Time: 1 Turn

Our scholars once again begin the coding process in creating the new AI, this time they are much more attentive to any error that can rise and ruin the project again.


New Worlds Protocol: While we already have an idea of what we will need for proper colonization, calculating required resources and gear required to establish a planetary colony allows us to herd brave pioneers into grand "ark ships". We are confident that they will survive the long voyage across the stars to a new home. DC 20 (1d100+7=48)
Time: Completed

Much of the work done by our scholars was theoretical, as the construction of a ship meant to colonize another world has never been done before. However, our scholars have succeeded in the project goal and have successfully created the plans for the construction of an Ark Ship, meant to take a selective amount of our people to another world. They have calculated and drew plans on everything, from resources needed to build the ship, on what colonists need to do when landed upon a new world.

Rewards: Can build Colonization Ships.



Ludilles: The planet that is located 'behind' our own, a barren world incapable of sustaining life. The Aenqid believed it was because one of their gods had burned away the rich life of their world. What really happened was a system event that saw the planet being incapable of sustaining life, there might be something useful in there. (1d100=100!)
Time: Completed

It seems that previous failures were only meant to discourage us, for our Science Ship has uncovered a great bounty in Ludilles. Not only is there an abundant mineral vein present in the barren world, but also what seems to be some sort of ruin, that had been hidden from our scanners thanks to a recent dust storm. This raises the answer on whether we were alone in the universe.

Rewards: Abundant Mineral Veins and Ancient Ruins on Ludilles.

— Basic Resources: 4630 Minerals; 4603 Energy; 4998 Food
— Advanced Resources: 4903 Alloys; 5005 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: 55,25 Influence; 32,7 Unity; 7 Research (+7 Engineering; +7 Physics; +7 Society)

— Basic Resources: +8,1 Minerals; +11 Energy; +26,3 Food
— Advanced Resources: +3,4 Alloys; +13,8 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: +5,25 Influence; +22,7 Unity

— Basic Resources: -11 Minerals; -13 Energy; -10 Food
— Advanced Resources: -1 Alloys; -4,2 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: None
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Hello everyone! I am much better now, having finally got rid of that nasty throat burning. This means that the quest is back and is now offcially out of hiatus.
Turn 4
Date ─ 2203.01.01

The Emperor is might pleased by recent events. Not only was the bungle of failures finally stopping, with the only one recently being an error expected thanks to the nature of theoretical battles, but all projects are finally advancing without any issues. The most noteworthy being how the scholars of his Empire were now finally doing what he was paying them to do, advance his nation.

Of course, there were some… issues.

Ludilles has proven both a blessing and a curse, it has given his Empire a truly enormous vein of minerals that they can exploit and will undoubtedly be their first offworld mining operation. But it has also given the headache that is the alien ruins present in the world. Thanks to the alien ruins, his people now know that they are definitely not alone in the cosmos, even if the owners of the ruins are likely long dead by now.

This caused some discussion among the social and work life across the entirety of the Noctern Empire. Most of these talks are about how their blood tastes like to if they would be able to hold their younglings, perfectly acceptable, thankfully enough. After all, it would be such a hassle to handle traitors when his future galactic empire was in its infancy.

Military — The Minister of Defense, Warmaster Jairus, has some interesting ideas to present towards the Emperor. (0 AP)

[] Doctrine (Space Combat): Now that our troops at least have an idea how to operate in deep space, further adaptation and refinement to the realities of deep-space combat will allow us to be more effective. Through the lack of military spaceships makes this purely theoretical. DC 40
Cost: 20 Energy
Upkeep: None
Time: 4 Turns
Rewards: +5% combat vessels and stations attack damage: +20 Fleet Command Limit

[X] Ground Defense Initiative: There could be a time when alien empires would gladly seize our worlds for themselves. We must be prepared for them, should the worst come to pass. These are tactics and strategies that will be constantly updated as time passes and new technology is discovered and implemented, on how to handle an alien invasion in a world controlled by the Empire. DC 30
Cost: 100 Energy; 50 Minerals
Upkeep: None
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +33% Defense Army Damage, +2 Naval Capacity from soldiers.

[] Centralized Command: A space where the forces of the entire world can be commanded, a dedicated headquarters for all levels of military operations in the capital world. This gives our armed forces a new edge in any battle fought on the surface of the planet. DC 40
Cost: 100 Energy; 65 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 1 Mineral
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +10% Defense Army Damage.

[] Integrate Powered Exoskeletons: The addition of powered exoskeletons to our armed forces will significantly enchant our planet based capabilities in terms of military force. DC 30
Cost: 350 Minerals. 250 Energy
Upkeep: 15 Minerals, 10 Energy
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +5% Army Damage

Industrial & Public Matters — The Minister of Industry and State, the Sigilate Selena, has already provided plans on how to handle the current food deficit before it becomes a problem, as well as to expand our industry further. (1 AP)

[X] Adaptive Bureaucracy: Further refinements of our bureaucratic means can help further advance the Empire, as resources can move more rapidly with less red tape to impede them. DC 45
Cost: 50 Energy
Upkeep: 3 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +10% increase in resource extraction from all types of resources.

[] Integrate Powered Exoskeleton: The new powered exoskeleton will more than double the efficiency of our workers, causing more resources to flow to our stockpiles, which then can be used to further our empire. DC 20
Cost: 300 Minerals, 200 Energy
Upkeep: 10 Minerals, 5 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +5% to Worker (Minerals, Energy, Food) Resource Output.

[] Build District: The minister suggests building another district. (Choose below one or multiple) [5/18 Used]
[] Generator District: Rows of massive power plants that generate massive amounts of energy which can then be used or converted into energy credits or used. DC 25
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +12,1 Energy; +2 Housing

[] Mining District: These mining towns and resource extraction centers drill deep into the mantle to access mineral deposits. DC 35
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +8,1 Minerals; +2 Housing

[] Agricultural District: Land set aside for cultivation, either through the growing of crops or animal husbandry. DC 25
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +12,1 Food; +2 Housing

[] City District: These dense urban centers provide large amounts of housing for both common and highborn, and office space for clerical workers. DC 40
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +6 Trade Value; +5 Housing

[] Industrial District: Smelting facilities and factories fill this district, creating advanced products out of raw materials. DC 45
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 2 Minerals
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +3,4 Alloys; +6,9 Consumer Goods

Science ─ The Head Scholar of The Empire, has already assorted projects that bring interest to the Emperor and could help the Empire further its reach in this new era we find ourselves in.

Engineering (1 AP)

[] Geothermal Fracking: New fracking techniques will allow us to tap into previously unattainable pockets of geothermal resources deep beneath the planet's crust. DC 35
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +20% Minerals from Miners, +10% Minerals from Offworld Mining Bases

[] Weather Control Systems: The ability to alter a planet's weather patterns to suppress destructive weather phenomena will make residential buildings easier to maintain and open up new areas for habitation. DC 50
Time: 5 Turns
Rewards: Can now build Weather Control Nodes.

[] Zero-G Refineries: The addition of internal refineries on mining stations will substantially increase mineral production. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% Mining Station Output, Unlocks Nebula Refineries

[] Ceramo-Metal Materials: A proposed combination of different metals and ceramics that result in a strong armor without sacrificing flexibility. DC 30
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Ceramo-Metal armor.

[] Ion Thrusters: While our current chemical thrusters can serve well in both our planetary and off-world actions, these electric thrusters are far more powerful and agile, using beams of ions to generate thrust without the need for fuel. DC 45
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Ion Thrusters.

[] Afterburners: These powerful thrusters provide additional combat speed but consume a great deal of power. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Afterburners.

[] Mass Drivers: These electromagnetic projectile launchers use magnets to accelerate armor-piercing rounds toward targets at high speeds. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Mass Drivers.

[] Corvettes: The Corvette is the most basic military spaceship, armed and ready in the event of hostile contact. It shall be the first military spaceship in our Empire, a mark of our species' achievement.
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Corvette design mini-turn; Can now build Corvettes.

Physics (0 AP)

[] Active Countermeasures: As they say a good offense is a good defense, that is the goal of this project, creating an interlinked weapon system that can target hostile targets and quickly eliminate them before they manage to reach their target. DC 45
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Sentinel-Point Defense Weapon Systems.

[] Automated Exploration Protocols: An advanced AI will aid science officers in their task to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations to serve as hosts for our young, to boldly go where no Nocturnian has gone before. Essentially, the Science Ship will be able to explore the galaxy with help from an AI. DC 25
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +25% Survey speed; Can now order Science Ships to automatically explore unscanned worlds.

[X] Administrative AI: An advanced administrative artificial intelligence, meant to help our scholars in their pursuit of new technology. DC 30
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: All Research Options (except those already that take one turn) take one less turn to complete.

[] Zero-G Laboratories: A lot of critical research can only be done in a zero gravity environment, which these specialized laboratories are eminently designed for. DC 25
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% Research Station Output

[] Gravitic Sensors: These sensors have been tuned to look for any gravitational changes in space, such as those produced by the presence of a decently sized mass moving across the system's space. DC 50
Time: 4 Turns
Rewards: Can Integrate Gravitic Sensors

[] Field Modulators: Modulated fields allow for increased production and improved energy yield. DC 30
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +20% Energy from technicians, +10% Energy from Starbase constructions

[] Global Energy Management: Load-balancing facilities can greatly improve the stability of local grids and feed excess power back into centralized capacitors. DC 28
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now build Energy Grid

[] Deflectors: Energy deflector screens can stop a limited amount of incoming enemy fire before overloading. Their main drawback is that they consume large amounts of power. DC 30
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Deflectors

[] Fusion Power: Nuclear fusion processes generate a great amount of power, but without many of the risks commonly associated with fission power. DC 50
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Fusion Power.

[] Reactor Boosters: Additional power generation systems that can grant a facility or a vehicle additional power. DC 20
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Reactor Boosters.

[] Red Lasers: Laser weapons fire focused beams of light at targets, causing damage through the generation of intense heat. Long a fascination in all circles of society, our scholars believe that they might have found a way to make them a reality. DC 40
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Red Laser Weapons.

Society (1 AP)

[] Eco Simulation: Farming techniques can be further refined through sophisticated computer simulations of different environments and weather patterns. This allows for more predictable crop yields. DC 40
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +20% Food from Farmer Farmers, +10% Food from Starbase constructions

[] Genome Mapping: Mapping the genome of an individual through the sequencing of their DNA opens up for tailored medical treatments and therapies. DC 30
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% Pop Growth Speed.

[] Atmospheric Filtering: By adjusting atmospheric filtering on a per-site basis to better filter out undesirable elements, colonial living conditions may be improved, thanks to site atmospheric conditions being the same as our homeworld. DC 48
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +5% Habitability.

Space ─ The unending void that has existed since before our Sun formed millions of years ago, it is the final frontier, the final challenge, we must overcome it.

Exploration (1 AP)

Ancient Ruins (Ludilles): There is a complex of ancient alien ruins present in Ludilles, beginning on the surface and ending somewhere underground, a team of archeologists could be sent to uncover whatever the alien ruin hides from us. DC 30
Time: 4 Turns

[] Tyrant's Fury: The planet closest to our sun, a molten planet, the original rulers of the world had named it after myths of some divine being who they said was the creator of the planet through an act of rage. Utter rubbish, but the fact that it is a molten world might mean that Tyrant's Fury might have an abundant amount of minerals even if liquid forms alongside geothermal vents for energy.
Time: 3 Turns

[] Ketone: One of the furthest planets of our system, a Gas Giant, the foolish Aenqid believed it was the breath of a primordial god for… some reason. It might hold something interesting.
Time: 4 Turns

[] Lealiv: The furthest world of our system's sun, a barren frozen wasteland of kilometers long and deep ice, said to have been the frozen heart of a defeated and mutilated god. While seemingly useless, there might be something intriguing in this barren wasteland.
Times: 4 Turns

[] Edrars: Our sun, the star that essentially created our world thanks to its gravity well attracting chemical dust that formed our planet alongside the others present in our system.
Time: 3 Turns

Outpost Creation (1 AP)

[] Ludilles: Ludilles presents rich mineral veins that would undoubtedly feed our Empire's industry very well. The mining sites that the mining outpost will use to harvest the lifeblood of the barren rock they are present shall have no effect on the ruins themselves. This raises some interesting questions regarding their nature, as they are not present in any of the veins. DC 20
Cost: 100 Minerals, 100 Energy
Upkeep: 2 Minerals, 2 Energy
Rewards: +100 Minerals

Construction (2 AP)

Ship Building: Building space borne vessels to extend the reach of our Empire among the stars.
Civilian Ships

[] Science Ship: A dedicated space vessel to explore worlds beyond our own, our forwards scouts in a way, they are the ones that shall survey alien worlds and see if there is anything in the world that would benefit the Empire. DC 20
Time: 2 Turns
Cost: 200 Alloys
Upkeep: 5 Energy
Rewards: Additional Exploration AP

[] Construction Ships: A dedicated space vessel for the creation of space outposts and bases upon alien worlds, allowing the extraction of useful resources to a dedicated site before they are shipped off to be used on our economy. DC 20
Time: 2 Turns
Cost: 200 Alloys
Upkeep: 5 Energy
Rewards: Additional Outpost Creation AP

Starbase Modules: Building modules in our Starbase could further enhance it. (2/2 Module Spaces used)
[] Resource Silo: A silo made for our resources, though some say that building one in space instead of the ground is a bad idea. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 50 Alloys
Upkeep: 1 Alloy
Rewards: +5000 Resource storage capacity

— Basic Resources: 4627 Minerals; 4601 Energy; 5014 Food
— Advanced Resources: 4906 Alloys; 5014 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: 60,5 Influence; 55,4 Unity; 7 Research (+7 Engineering; +7 Physics; +7 Society)

— Basic Resources: +8,1 Minerals; +11 Energy; +26,3 Food
— Advanced Resources: +3,4 Alloys; +13,8 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: +5,25 Influence; +22,7 Unity

— Basic Resources: -11 Minerals; -13 Energy; -10 Food
— Advanced Resources: -1 Alloys; -4,2 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: None
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Plan on our feet
[X] Ground Defense Initiative
[X] Adaptive Bureaucracy
[X] Integrate Powered Exoskeleton
[X] Geothermal Fracking
[X] Genome Mapping
[X]Ancient Ruins (Ludilles)
[X] Ludilles
[X] Science Ship
[X] Resource Silo
[X] plan time to grow

-[X] Integrate Powered Exoskeleton

-[X] Genome Mapping

-[X] Zero-G Refineries

-[X]Ancient Ruins (Ludilles)

-[X] Ludilles *(outpost)

-[X] Ketone

-[X] Science Ship

-[X] Construction Ships
Vote Closed
vote is closed
Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on Jun 27, 2024 at 9:44 AM, finished with 6 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] plan time to grow
    -[X] Integrate Powered Exoskeleton
    -[X] Genome Mapping
    -[X] Zero-G Refineries
    -[X]Ancient Ruins (Ludilles)
    -[X] Ludilles *(outpost)
    -[X] Ketone
    -[X] Science Ship
    -[X] Construction Ships
    [X] Ground Defense Initiative
    [X] Adaptive Bureaucracy
    [X] Integrate Powered Exoskeleton
    [X] Geothermal Fracking
    [X] Genome Mapping
    [X]Ancient Ruins (Ludilles)
    [X] Ludilles
    [X] Science Ship
    [X] Resource Silo
    [X] Plan on our feet
Turn 4 Results
Date — 2203.01.01


Ground Defense Initiative: There could be a time when alien empires would gladly seize our worlds for themselves. We must be prepared for them, should the worst come to pass. These are tactics and strategies that will be constantly updated as time passes and new technology is discovered and implemented, on how to handle an alien invasion in a world controlled by the Empire. DC 30 (1d100=32)
Cost: 100 Energy; 50 Minerals
Upkeep: None
Time: Completed

It seemed that in the end, the issues that plagued the planning of the GDI project were a non issue. The Warmaster alongside the top generals of the Imperial Armed forces have all come together and created a series of stratagems that should be followed in case of an alien invasion, as these tactics and strategies will give imperial forces an edge against their extraterrestrial enemy.

A point to note to the GDI project was how flexible the new doctrine in the case of planetary invasion was. Mainly in how it could be easily changed as the advancement of weapons technology continued, which allowed new ways to fight against anyone or anything that dared to threaten the Empire.

Rewards: +33% Defense Army Damage, +2 Naval Capacity from soldiers.

Industrial & Public Matters

Adaptive Bureaucracy: Further refinements of our bureaucratic means can help further advance the Empire, as resources can move more rapidly with less red tape to impede them. DC 45 (1d100=66)
Cost: 50 Energy
Upkeep: 3 Energy
Time: 1 Turn

Work continues apace, if no issues are found then the Ministry says that next year the bureaucracy of the empire shall be ready, and better than before.

Integrate Powered Exoskeleton: The new powered exoskeleton will more than double the efficiency of our workers, causing more resources to flow to our stockpiles, which then can be used to further our empire. DC 20 (1d100=54)
Cost: 300 Minerals, 200 Energy
Upkeep: 10 Minerals, 5 Energy
Time: 1 Turn

The process to integrate the powered exoskeletons among our workforce has begun. The initial stage shall be mainly about building the factories necessary for their construction, with the next step after their completion being the training of the workforce of the Empire in how to use their new tool.



Zero-G Refineries: The addition of internal refineries on mining stations will substantially increase mineral production. DC 20 (1d100+7=79)
Time: Completed

This time, our scholars succeeded in adding the internal refineries to our mining outposts schematics without any issues being raised. Now with the boosted production, our mining outposts will bring much more mineral wealth to our Empire.

Rewards: +10% Mining Station Output, Unlocks Nebula Refineries


Administrative AI: An advanced administrative artificial intelligence, meant to help our scholars in their pursuit of new technology. DC 30 (1d100+7=72)
Time: Completed

This time the newly created AI, dubbed Conscientia, showed no issues in its coding as it was installed in a research laboratory and observed for a monthly period to see if it had any aberrations in its code. When none was found, it was celebrated as a marvel of programming by the scholar side of the Empire, the first step into a more forward level of programming.

Benefits immediately appeared, as Conscientia helped our scholars advance many of their projects by a year.

Rewards: All Research Options (except those already that take one turn) take one less turn to complete.


Genome Mapping: Mapping the genome of an individual through the sequencing of their DNA opens up for tailored medical treatments and therapies. DC 30 (1d100+7=96!)
Time: Completed

This time, our scholars managed to successfully map our species genome, allowing them to create a whole different arrays of vaccines for the few diseases that could harm us as well as alleviate our issues with reproduction thanks to gene therapies meant to help with our young growing in their host bodies. However, it was not only that they did, as their research allowed them to tap into the genetic realm, they could them, at least in theory, change our specie's very genetics, albeit in a limited form.

This information was immediately locked away, and all scholars present in it sworn to silence on the pain of death, on the orders of the Emperor himself.

Rewards: +10% Pop Growth Speed, Gain +1 Genetic Modification Point.



Ancient Ruins (Ludilles): There is a complex of ancient alien ruins present in Ludilles, beginning on the surface and ending somewhere underground, a team of archeologists could be sent to uncover whatever the alien ruin hides from us. DC 30 (1d100=74)
Time: 3 Turns

Our scholars have landed in Ludilles and have begun their study upon the alien ruins, initial remarks say that the ruins are surprisingly well-preserved, especially considering how it was constantly being wreathed away by the sandstorms of Ludilles, and that the age of the ruins to be on the thousands range, at the very least. Which raises some interesting questions that the archeologists hope they can uncover.

Ketone: One of the furthest planets of our system, a Gas Giant, the foolish Aenqid believed it was the breath of a primordial god for… some reason. It might hold something interesting.

As our Science Ship is currently lending its presence in the alien ruins in Ludilles it could not go to Ketone to scan it.

(QM: Exploration covers both Archelogy and Celestial Bodies, you have one AP, so you can only choose one action among the Exploration section)

Outpost Creation

Ludilles: Ludilles presents rich mineral veins that would undoubtedly feed our Empire's industry very well. The mining sites that the mining outpost will use to harvest the lifeblood of the barren rock they are present shall have no effect on the ruins themselves. This raises some interesting questions regarding their nature, as they are not present in any of the veins. DC 20 (1d100=56)
Cost: 100 Minerals, 100 Energy
Upkeep: 2 Minerals, 2 Energy
Time: Completed

Our first Mining Outpost present in Ludilles has been finished. The Outpost consists of a ground based team of miners who extract the mineral wealth of the planet and head back towards the station set above the world so it can be refined and sent back to the homeworld so it can be used for any projects the Emperor deem fit, as well as maintenance of various structures.

It is our first hallmark in space and has already been hailed as a great step across our voyage among the stars.

Rewards: +110 Minerals


Science Ship: A dedicated space vessel to explore worlds beyond our own, our forwards scouts in a way, they are the ones that shall survey alien worlds and see if there is anything in the world that would benefit the Empire. DC 20 (1d100=14)
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 200 Alloys
Upkeep: 5 Energy

We seemed to have run into some issues regarding the construction of our new science ship. As the sophisticated internal systems seemed to have arrived in poor condition needing the shipment of new ones, at the very least it has not delayed construction.

[] Construction Ships: A dedicated space vessel for the creation of space outposts and bases upon alien worlds, allowing the extraction of useful resources to a dedicated site before they are shipped off to be used on our economy. DC 20 (1d100=56)
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 200 Alloys
Upkeep: 5 Energy

Our Construction Ship on the other hand has gone very well in its building phase, with the frame finished and only the internal components needing to be installed.

— Basic Resources: 4177 Minerals; 4151 Energy; 5014 Food
— Advanced Resources: 4506 Alloys; 5014 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: 60,5 Influence; 55,4 Unity; 7 Research (+7 Engineering; +7 Physics; +7 Society)

— Basic Resources: +118 Minerals; +11 Energy; +26,3 Food
— Advanced Resources: +3,4 Alloys; +13,8 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: +5,25 Influence; +22,7 Unity

— Basic Resources: -13 Minerals; -15 Energy; -10 Food
— Advanced Resources: -1 Alloys; -4,2 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: None
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My plan brings good luck....

But it fail the Science Ship DC 20 (1d100=14)???

Ugh.... did at lest lover the dc for the next turn or we get an auto success?
Turn 5
Date ─ 2204.01.01

The Emperor drank his blood wine, made from the rarest type of blood available, with something true happiness in his mind. Finally, after a stream of bad luck, his vision of a space empire was taking hold. Ludilles is providing so much mineral wealth that they will only start feeling a type of strain when the offworld and terrestrial operations reach a new zenith.

By that point, the empire's industry should have already surpassed the one in the past, thanks to new mining operation in other worlds.

There was also the fact that with the new medicines being distributed among the populace the birth rate has improved, which with his people having low fertility rates, was a genuine stroke of luck. Through with what his scholars discovered, it came with its headaches as well.

At least things were finally becoming better, and he didn't have to worry about hidden saboteurs among his loyal servants.

Military — Warmaster Jairus, is pleased by the current state of the army, through he feels that if we are invaded by alien beings, the defense of our world will depend heavily on how far ahead of our own technology they are, which is why he finds the need for advance of our military critical. (1 AP)

[] Doctrine (Space Combat): Now that our troops at least have an idea how to operate in deep space, further adaptation and refinement to the realities of deep-space combat will allow us to be more effective. Through the lack of military spaceships makes this purely theoretical. DC 40
Cost: 20 Energy
Upkeep: None
Time: 4 Turns
Rewards: +5% combat vessels and stations attack damage, +20 Fleet Command Limit

[] Strongholds: Dedicated military bunkers, housing a substantial garrison force to protect the world from invasion and rebellion. Capable of resisting even weapons of mass destruction, to an extent, they will serve as bastions to defend our world. DC 40
Cost: 400 Minerals, 200 Energy
Upkeep: -10 Minerals, -10 Energy
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +3 Defense Armies, +6 Naval Capacity, +0,25 Stability

[] Centralized Command: A space where the forces of the entire world can be commanded, a dedicated headquarters for all levels of military operations in the capital world. This gives our armed forces a new edge in any battle fought on the surface of the planet. DC 40
Cost: 100 Energy; 65 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 1 Mineral
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +10% Defense Army Damage.

[] Integrate Powered Exoskeletons: The addition of powered exoskeletons to our armed forces will significantly enchant our planet based capabilities in terms of military force. DC 30
Cost: 350 Minerals. 250 Energy
Upkeep: 15 Minerals, 10 Energy
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +5% Army Damage

Industrial & Public Matters — Sigilate Selena, is very please that the chance of food scarcity has been eliminated from the empire, even if it would take a long time for the effects to be seen, as well as the glut of minerals that they can work it now that issues regarding mineral amount have been resolved thanks to the exploitation of Ludilles rich mineral veins, now brings focus to the potential energy crisis. Through with her current tasks she has barely time to draft plans about the matter. (0 AP)

[X] Adaptive Bureaucracy: Further refinements of our bureaucratic means can help further advance the Empire, as resources can move more rapidly with less red tape to impede them. DC 45
Cost: 50 Energy
Upkeep: 3 Energy
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% increase in resource extraction from all types of resources.

[X] Integrate Powered Exoskeleton: The new powered exoskeleton will more than double the efficiency of our workers, causing more resources to flow to our stockpiles, which then can be used to further our empire. DC 20
Cost: 300 Minerals, 200 Energy
Upkeep: 10 Minerals, 5 Energy
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +5% to Worker (Minerals, Energy, Food) Resource Output.

[] Gene Clinics: While our scholar's new creations have already spread all over our world, creating dedicated facilities that shall administrate the new medical findings, helping logistics and increasing our population grown as the new medicines and medical operations become common through them. DC 50
Cost: 100 Minerals, 70 Energy
Upkeep: 1.5 Consumer Goods, 5 Minerals, 2 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +10% Pop Growth

[] Build District: The minister suggests building another district. (Choose below one or multiple) [5/18 Used]
[] Generator District: Rows of massive power plants that generate massive amounts of energy which can then be used or converted into energy credits or used. DC 25
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +12,1 Energy; +2 Housing

[] Mining District: These mining towns and resource extraction centers drill deep into the mantle to access mineral deposits. DC 35
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +8,1 Minerals; +2 Housing

[] Agricultural District: Land set aside for cultivation, either through the growing of crops or animal husbandry. DC 25
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +12,1 Food; +2 Housing

[] City District: These dense urban centers provide large amounts of housing for both common and highborn, and office space for clerical workers. DC 40
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +6 Trade Value; +5 Housing

[] Industrial District: Smelting facilities and factories fill this district, creating advanced products out of raw materials. DC 45
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 2 Minerals
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +3,4 Alloys; +6,9 Consumer Goods

Science ─ The Head Scholar of The Empire, Acheron is very pleased that the issues regarding the new administrative AI has been fixed, and its use has shown no issues, with more free time on his hand, he has already drafted new ideas for the empire to discover.

Engineering (1 AP)

[] Geothermal Fracking: New fracking techniques will allow us to tap into previously unattainable pockets of geothermal resources deep beneath the planet's crust. DC 35
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +20% Minerals from Miners, +10% Minerals from Offworld Mining Bases

[] Weather Control Systems: The ability to alter a planet's weather patterns to suppress destructive weather phenomena will make residential buildings easier to maintain and open up new areas for habitation. DC 50
Time: 4 Turns
Rewards: Can now build Weather Control Nodes.

[] Long Range Mineral Scanners: Increased scanner range aboard the station allows our miners to more quickly identify mineral concentrations, and focus their mining efforts there increasing the amount extracted from our space mining operations. DC 20
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Integrate Long Range Mineral Scanners into existing Mining Outposts, new Mining Outposts gain +15% Extra Mineral Income.

[] Ceramo-Metal Materials: A proposed combination of different metals and ceramics that result in a strong armor without sacrificing flexibility. DC 30
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Ceramo-Metal armor.

[] Ion Thrusters: While our current chemical thrusters can serve well in both our planetary and off-world actions, these electric thrusters are far more powerful and agile, using beams of ions to generate thrust without the need for fuel. DC 45
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Ion Thrusters.

[] Afterburners: These powerful thrusters provide additional combat speed but consume a great deal of power. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Afterburners.

[] Mass Drivers: These electromagnetic projectile launchers use magnets to accelerate armor-piercing rounds toward targets at high speeds. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Mass Drivers.

[] Corvettes: The Corvette is the most basic military spaceship, armed and ready in the event of hostile contact. It shall be the first military spaceship in our Empire, a mark of our species' achievement.
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Corvette design mini-turn; Can now build Corvettes.

Physics (1 AP)

[] Active Countermeasures: As they say a good offense is a good defense, that is the goal of this project, creating an interlinked weapon system that can target hostile targets and quickly eliminate them before they manage to reach their target. DC 45
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Sentinel-Point Defense Weapon Systems.

[] Automated Exploration Protocols: An advanced AI will aid science officers in their task to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations to serve as hosts for our young, to boldly go where no Nocturnian has gone before. Essentially, the Science Ship will be able to explore the galaxy with help from an AI. DC 25
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +25% Survey speed; Can now order Science Ships to automatically explore unscanned worlds.

[] Self-Evolving Logic: Granting new coding to Conscientia, will allow it to prioretize certain objects above others, mechanizing tasks that once needed human help, and freeing a lot of time of organic workers allowing them to work on something else. DC 40
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: All Actions (Except those belonging to the Exploration and Outpost Creation Sub-section) gain +1 AP.

[] Specialized Combat Computers: A military version of Conscientia, programming tuned for specific combat-centric tasks, improve engagement efficiency of our mechanized forces. DC 20
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can Integrate Specialized Combat Computers.

[] AI-Controlled Colony Ships: By giving control of the colony ship to an Artificial Intelligence, the crew, and colonists can be suspended in a deep sleep preserving their energy for when they touch a new world's surface. DC 40
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +50% Colony Development Speed

[] Zero-G Laboratories: A lot of critical research can only be done in a zero gravity environment, which these specialized laboratories are eminently designed for. DC 25
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% Research Station Output

[] Gravitic Sensors: These sensors have been tuned to look for any gravitational changes in space, such as those produced by the presence of a decently sized mass moving across the system's space. DC 50
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can Integrate Gravitic Sensors

[] Field Modulators: Modulated fields allow for increased production and improved energy yield. DC 30
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +20% Energy from technicians, +10% Energy from Starbase constructions

[] Global Energy Management: Load-balancing facilities can greatly improve the stability of local grids and feed excess power back into centralized capacitors. DC 28
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now build Energy Grid

[] Deflectors: Energy deflector screens can stop a limited amount of incoming enemy fire before overloading. Their main drawback is that they consume large amounts of power. DC 30
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can integrate Deflectors

[] Fusion Power: Nuclear fusion processes generate a great amount of power, but without many of the risks commonly associated with fission power. DC 50
Time: 2 Turn
Rewards: Can integrate Fusion Power.

[] Reactor Boosters: Additional power generation systems that can grant a facility or a vehicle additional power. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can integrate Reactor Boosters.

[] Red Lasers: Laser weapons fire focused beams of light at targets, causing damage through the generation of intense heat. Long a fascination in all circles of society, our scholars believe that they might have found a way to make them a reality. DC 40
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Red Laser Weapons.

Society (1 AP)

[] Eco Simulation: Farming techniques can be further refined through sophisticated computer simulations of different environments and weather patterns. This allows for more predictable crop yields. DC 40
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +20% Food from Farmer Farmers, +10% Food from Starbase constructions

[] Gene Modding (Special Option): The ability to alter our very genes, something once though present in the realms of fiction, can now become a reality. DC 48
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: -1 Genetic Modification Point, Species Modifier Mini-Turn.

[] Vitality Boosters: Where the body fails, science intervenes. Vitality Boosters, or VB for short, can enchant our century long lifespan, with time we might even fully defeat the currents of time that afflicts our bodies, through that is purely theoretical. DC 60
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +10 Years Leader Lifespan.

[] Gene Tailoring: Making gene-editing tools widely available is sure to have a positive impact on our development as a species, especially so since it will further advance our weak reproduction. DC 80
Time: 4 Turns
Rewards: +1 Gene Modification Point, +5% Pop Growth.

[] Cloning: Breakthroughs in enucleation and artificial womb technology allows for the mass-production of individuals based on a common genetic template. DC 25
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can Build Clone Vats.

[] Atmospheric Filtering: By adjusting atmospheric filtering on a per-site basis to better filter out undesirable elements, colonial living conditions may be improved, thanks to site atmospheric conditions being the same as our homeworld. DC 48
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +5% Habitability.

Space ─ The unending void that has existed since before our Sun formed millions of years ago, it is the final frontier, the final challenge, we must overcome it.

Exploration (0 AP)

[X] Ancient Ruins (Ludilles): There is a complex of ancient alien ruins present in Ludilles, beginning on the surface and ending somewhere underground, a team of archeologists could be sent to uncover whatever the alien ruin hides from us. DC 30
Time: 3 Turns

[] Tyrant's Fury: The planet closest to our sun, a molten planet, the original rulers of the world had named it after myths of some divine being who they said was the creator of the planet through an act of rage. Utter rubbish, but the fact that it is a molten world might mean that Tyrant's Fury might have an abundant amount of minerals even if liquid forms alongside geothermal vents for energy.
Time: 3 Turns

[] Ketone: One of the furthest planets of our system, a Gas Giant, the foolish Aenqid believed it was the breath of a primordial god for… some reason. It might hold something interesting.
Time: 4 Turns

[] Lealiv: The furthest world of our system's sun, a barren frozen wasteland of kilometers long and deep ice, said to have been the frozen heart of a defeated and mutilated god. While seemingly useless, there might be something intriguing in this barren wasteland.
Times: 4 Turns

[] Edrars: Our sun, the star that essentially created our world thanks to its gravity well attracting chemical dust that formed our planet alongside the others present in our system.
Time: 3 Turns

Outpost Creation (No further options present, action is not possible)

Construction (0 AP)

Ship Building: Building space borne vessels to extend the reach of our Empire among the stars.
Civilian Ships

[X] Science Ship: A dedicated space vessel to explore worlds beyond our own, our forwards scouts in a way, they are the ones that shall survey alien worlds and see if there is anything in the world that would benefit the Empire. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 200 Alloys
Upkeep: 5 Energy
Rewards: Additional Exploration AP

[X] Construction Ship: A dedicated space vessel for the creation of space outposts and bases upon alien worlds, allowing the extraction of useful resources to a dedicated site before they are shipped off to be used on our economy. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 200 Alloys
Upkeep: 5 Energy
Rewards: Additional Outpost Creation AP

Starbase Modules: Building modules in our Starbase could further enhance it. (2/2 Module Spaces used)
[] Resource Silo: A silo made for our resources, though some say that building one in space instead of the ground is a bad idea. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 50 Alloys
Upkeep: 1 Alloy
Rewards: +5000 Resource storage capacity

— Basic Resources: 4283 Minerals; 4147 Energy; 5030 Food
— Advanced Resources: 4508 Alloys; 5023 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: 65,75 Influence; 78,1 Unity; 7 Research (+7 Engineering; +7 Physics; +7 Society)

— Basic Resources: +118 Minerals; +11 Energy; +26,3 Food
— Advanced Resources: +3,4 Alloys; +13,8 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: +5,25 Influence; +22,7 Unity

— Basic Resources: -13 Minerals; -15 Energy; -10 Food
— Advanced Resources: -1 Alloys; -4,2 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: None