The Fall and Rise of Man (Stellaris Quest)

The smaller votes were picked by voting for the amount of choices and picking the ones with the most votes while the bigger ones where by plan
@Thornez How do you want us to vote?
Should we come up with plans of upto 3 civics or should we vote for a max of three civics per person and the most popular 3 win.
You can vote using either method. Obviously plans are better if you REALLY want 3 specific civics to be taken together. But if there's not clear winners I'll narrow the selection down to a couple of the more popular options like I did with the Ethics vote.
Gotcha, definitely wasn't sure whether we were aiming for a cohesive set of civics or grab bag :D. Will leave my plan as is for now may not be popular but feels like it has some synergy.
Labour unions are inherently inefficient since they always, inherently, make the decision-making process more complicated.

Not saying that they are bad mind you, but the title of your plan is misleading.
A more engaged workforce means less labor actions, immediate feedback to prevent waste and improve production and a means to test new policies before implementation.
A more engaged workforce means less labor actions, immediate feedback to prevent waste and improve production and a means to test new policies before implementation.

You misunderstand what worker unions are - it's not about efficiency, it's about the workers themselves.
Employees become invovled in management, which means that they have a larger collective power, are a part of the decision making process (thus making it longer and less flexible) and have more room for bargaining with their employer - more paperwork, more terms and conditions, more power to influence the future of the company.

It can be argued to be either good or bad, but it is not by any means efficent. It just isn't.
Even in real life, in terms of raw productivity, corporate flexibility and reaction to market changes (you might need more from an employee due to a shift in the market, but they have their contract and you can't fire them because the union will strike) there is a consistent drop.

Again, this isn't necessarily bad, but it hurts our efficiency for the sake of having a happier society which is not really what any of us are trying to accomplish
[X] Ascended Meritocracy
[X] Technocracy
[X] Innovative Economy

"I have a dream that my technological society will one day live in a planet where they will not be judged by the content of their meat suits but by the quality of their work." - Mortin Luther Monarch, circa the future
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[X] Plan Scientific Committee
-[X] Science Directorate
-[X] Technocracy
-[X] Ascended Meritocracy

Science Directorate, YES

Edit: Also loved the whole council speak in the update, just aced what i was trying to go for with the Council
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[X] Ascended Meritocracy
Becase it fits with the whole we are lead by the best theme we are going with.

[X] Labour Unions
To reflect on the fact that the [] The United Workers was a close runner up and that comprises was made in order to achieve [] The Scientific Council

[X] Science Directorate

I feel like [] Technocracy and [] Labour Unions would come to blows to much so [] Science Directorate feel like a more like somthing that would work better with the [] Labour Unions civic.
Ya know, whenever i play fanatic Materialists with the Science Directorate Civic I almost always picture my civ as basically the SCP Foundation in structure,
Does anyone else get that feeling?

Anyways, Can i convince people to vote with my plan? I think it works best personally. :p
[X] Plan Scientific Committee

Full on competent rational science civ here we go.

Also to the communists(IC) I say facts dont care about your feelings.
I say we discredit them and show them that their ideology deserves to be thrown in the trash since they aren't doing anything productive or rational.
[X] Plan Scientific Committee
-[X] Science Directorate
-[X] Technocracy
-[X] Ascended Meritocracy
[x] Plan: Peer review
-[x] Ascended Meritocracy
-[x] Science Directorate
-[x] Labour Unions

Happy workforce is a productive workforce, especially with a real possibility to climb the career ladder
If the civics i advocate for wins, we need to make sure we have an Ethics Committee, whose sole job is to to ask the Should we question to all research queries. :p
A lot of people here seem to have a very skewed idea of what labour unions are.

Also, there is no difference between oligarich Technocracy and science directorate so that's just a wasted vote (much like meritocratic capitalism)
Also, there is no difference between oligarich Technocracy and science directorate so that's just a wasted vote (much like meritocratic capitalism)
Thats just false, or are you claiming the QM gave useless and redundant options?
Also how is meritocratic capitalism no different from those as well??
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