The Fall and Rise of Man (Stellaris Quest)

Prologue: Civics
Vote Tally : The Fall and Rise of Man (Stellaris Quest) Sci-Fi | Page 5 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 125-158]
##### NetTally 2.2.4

[20] The Scientific Council

[12] The United Workers

Total No. of Voters: 31
Winning Vote
[X] The Scientific Council

"...Furthermore I'm concerned that this Council is not doing enough to address the growth of detrimental and subversive political ideologies within our respective stations. Within the last three months alone we've seen a 30% increase in political activism amongst low-skill labourers system wide, resulting in a 12% decrease in productivity as a direct result of worker strikes and slow-downs..."

"If I might interject Councilwoman? Can you provide myself and the other members of this Council a copy of the data showing the supposed correlation between this 'political activism' and productivity?"

"If I might also raise a question for the Councilwoman, how exactly does this report define and measure a stations level of 'political activism'?"

"Councilmen a full copy of my report, along with all raw data and a breakdown of my methodology will be provided at the conclusion of my presentation. Now if I may continue...?"

"Oh... yes, our apologies Councilwomen. Please procced."

"Very good. Now as I was saying... The primary concerns of this growing political movement are focused around perceived inequalities in the division of labour and the allocation of limited resources. Common demands raised by individuals who've accepted this flawed premise include fewer work hours, larger living spaces, a greater quantity and quality of food rations and direct input into station economic policy and social planning. Most worryingly attempts to provide these individuals with empirical evidence that all available resources are already being distributed in an equitable and efficient manner seems to do little more than further aggravate the situation. Most simply lack the relevant knowledge and analytic skills to understand the data, instead ignoring the factual data and basing their decisions on subjective emotional experience and anecdotal observations."

"And they want to be in charge of their stations long-term planning? Why don't they just throw themselves out of an airlock and save themselves the trouble."

"Ridiculous as their demands may be, it does not change the fact that they are growing increasingly willing to jeopardise their own wellbeing in order to pursue them. If this sort of thinking continues to spread and entrench itself within the workforce, then it's only a matter of time before the situation grows beyond our ability to control..."

- Excerpt taken from Councilwoman Varis Cayne's report to the Central Administrative Council on the rise of labour disruptions across established mining stations. Circa 880. -

Civics are defining aspects of your civilization's cultural identity.
Choose up to (3) of the below.

[] Ascended Meritocracy
The sole basis of advancement in this society is the demonstration of ability and effort. Thus leadership positions are held by only the most qualified individuals.

[] Budgetary Thrift
This society prizes itself on cutting waste and increasing operational efficiency at every opportunity.

[] Complex Bureaucracy
This society is largely governed by a complex and almost labyrinthine system of bureaucracy. An army of officials work tirelessly to keep the government operating and ensure that no citizen is allocated resources they cannot demonstrate a properly filed and tripled-stamp need for.

[] Corvee System
This society considers it the absolute right of the state to decide where its citizens live and work.

[] Cutthroat Politics
The political system in this society is renowned for its intrigue. Power struggles, shady backroom deals and cloak and dagger scheming are par for the course. Those who survive long enough to learn the game, however, tend to learn it well.

[] Diplomatic Corps
This society has a long tradition of debate and rhetoric, celebrating those who can get their way using only words.

[] Efficient Bureaucracy
This society is renowned for its efficiency. Not only do the mag-trains run on time, but the colossal bureaucratic apparatus required to run an interstellar nation has been greatly streamlined.

[] Enlightened Liberalism
This society values personal property rights, individual enterprise, the advancement of knowledge and technological innovation. A culture for true captains of industry.

[] Functional Architecture
This society is renowned for its simple yet functional architecture. There are those who would refer to this building style as boring or even depressing, but in most cases, concrete does the job just as well as any other building material.

[] Genetic Aristocracy
In this materialist society leadership positions are traditionally occupied by individuals, chosen and groomed on the basis of their genetic aptitude for the given role.

[] Industrial Automation
This society relies heavily on the use of automated machinery and control systems to handle the various aspects of industrial production.

[] Innovative Economy
This society's economy is centred around continuous economic growth driven by technological innovation and adaptation.

[] Labour Unions
This society preserves a tradition of regular workers being involved in workplace management and decision making, creating a more engaged and happier workforce.

[] Meritocratic Capitalism
In this society open and fair market competition enhances the entrepreneurial spirit, leading to a more productive and faster growing economy.

[] Mining League
Several large mining guilds have organized themselves into an economic union with considerable power over this society's politics and economy.

[] Patrimonial Aristocracy
This society has an entrenched nobility that occupies the upper echelons of society.

[] Police State
To quash any traces of dissent, the population in this repressive society is carefully monitored and controlled by a large internal police force.

[] Science Directorate
This society's politics are heavily influenced by a committee of its most respected and renowned scientists.

[] Shadow Council
Unbeknownst to its own citizens, this society is actually manipulated from behind the scenes by a secretive shadow council. Appearances must be kept, but the tyranny of the majority should also be guarded against. After all, what if the fools vote for the wrong candidate?

[] Siege Mentality
This society's defence policies focus heavily on fortifications, whether due to a concern for hostile invaders or a general lack of enthusiasm for aggressive warfare.

[] Slaver Guilds
This society traditionally exploits slave labour and relies on the services of specialized guilds to organize their training and distribution.

[] Technocracy
To maximise efficiency this society is governed according to the principles of science and rationality. The personal whims of an ignorant and dangerously unqualified political elite cannot be allowed to interfere.
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[X] Spear and Scroll
-[X] Cutthroat Politics
The political system in this society is renowned for its intrigue. Power struggles, shady backroom deals and cloak and dagger scheming are par for the course. Those who survive long enough to learn the game, however, tend to learn it well.
-[X] Ascended Meritocracy
The sole basis of advancement in this society is the demonstration of ability and effort. Thus leadership positions are held by only the most qualified individuals.
-[X] Complex Bureaucracy
This society is largely governed by a complex and almost labyrinthine system of bureaucracy. An army of officials work tirelessly to keep the government operating and ensure that no citizen is allocated resources they cannot demonstrate a properly filed and tripled-stamp need for.

My idea for this is that this society doesn't really have the choice in being anything but a Meritocracy. Which in turn leads into an incredibly complex bureaucracy to help maintain the void born life style. This would also make the politics more bloody and intrigue based.
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[X] Plan Rational Debate without the bloat
-[X] Diplomatic Corps
This society has a long tradition of debate and rhetoric, celebrating those who can get their way using only words.

-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
This society is renowned for its efficiency. Not only do the mag-trains run on time, but the colossal bureaucratic apparatus required to run an interstellar nation has been greatly streamlined.

-[X] Technocracy
To maximise efficiency this society is governed according to the principles of science and rationality. The personal whims of an ignorant and dangerously unqualified political elite cannot be allowed to interfere.

Technocracy for rationality, diplo so best is figured out through debate not violent suppression, and efficient bureaucracy to make sure the debates don't paralyze the government. If a society is science based I'd want them to strive for measured efficiency. Mechanics-wise it may not make a bunch of sense and those who can't debate will probably be marginalized but feels like it might narratively curb some of the most destructive impulses from an ineffectual government or uncaring industry.
[X] Ascended Meritocracy
The sole basis of advancement in this society is the demonstration of ability and effort. Thus leadership positions are held by only the most qualified individuals.

[X] Diplomatic Corps
This society has a long tradition of debate and rhetoric, celebrating those who can get their way using only words.

[X] Technocracy
To maximise efficiency this society is governed according to the principles of science and rationality. The personal whims of an ignorant and dangerously unqualified political elite cannot be allowed to interfere.
Some of these feel like things that we can achive with time and effort, like industrial automation or functional architecture.

[X] Ascended Meritocracy
[X] Technocracy
[X] Efficient Bureaucracy

The idea is to automate and streamline our growth process as much as possible, and in my mind, these civics can help us achieve similar reaults to all the others that are preferable over time - we have an efficient, ultra compotent government that encourages private enterprise and that the citizens respect.

Can't ask for more than that.
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[X] Plan Lean Governmenting Machine

-[X] Budgetary Thrift

This society prizes itself on cutting waste and increasing operational efficiency at every opportunity.

-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
This society is renowned for its efficiency. Not only do the mag-trains run on time, but the colossal bureaucratic apparatus required to run an interstellar nation has been greatly streamlined.

-[X] Labour Unions
This society preserves a tradition of regular workers being involved in workplace management and decision making, creating a more engaged and happier workforce.
[X] Plan Lean Governmenting Machine

-[X] Budgetary Thrift

This society prizes itself on cutting waste and increasing operational efficiency at every opportunity.

-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
This society is renowned for its efficiency. Not only do the mag-trains run on time, but the colossal bureaucratic apparatus required to run an interstellar nation has been greatly streamlined.

-[X] Labour Unions
This society preserves a tradition of regular workers being involved in workplace management and decision making, creating a more engaged and happier workforce.

Labour unions are inherently inefficient since they always, inherently, make the decision-making process more complicated.

Not saying that they are bad mind you, but the title of your plan is misleading.
[X] Plan Literally 1984

[X] Complex Bureaucracy
[X] Police State
[X] Cutthroat Politics

we always go for good societies that are well structured, well my plan is something a bit different.
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@Thornez How do you want us to vote?
Should we come up with plans of upto 3 civics or should we vote for a max of three civics per person and the most popular 3 win.
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