The Correct Methodology to Applying Rage (ZnT Self Insert/Multiverse)

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Scraped from here.

Yeeeah. So, I've been doing a lot of quests for a while now.

I think it's...

Silver W. King

King of Adventures
The Nasuverse
Scraped from here.

Yeeeah. So, I've been doing a lot of quests for a while now.

I think it's time to dabble again in plain old story writing, away from quest making.

Not sure how well, this will go, but, either way, lets dance.


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Last edited:
Prologue: Start of An Awful Day

I could always tell how my day would go from how it begins.

If I wake up, feeling refreshed, like I have all the energy in the world. I know that this day, I'm going to do something. Not sure what that 'something' is. Whether it will be big or small, just that I'll accomplish 'something'.

Then there are the days where I wake up tired. I just wake up, feel the nice comfyness of the bed and sheets, and decide to go back to dream land. Then stay there until my body starts rebellion from have too much stored up energy from all that rest, and forcibly kick me into waking.

At that point , I just slug around for the rest of that day. Just plainly procrastinate and put off everything to later, which means, I end up wasting the whole day on watching tv series, reading fanfiction and so on. Later on, I would think back to how I spent my day, and lament on 'what I could've', or 'should've done'.

I know, not really a health way to live, but well...It's a habit I plan to fix. Later on. At some point.

So when I wake up with the sun blazing on my face, and the heat almost torching my body, it didn't take much to realize something was very, very wrong. Then I open my eyes, and find out that I wasn't in my bed, but sitting on a chair and in front of me were miles and miles of sand. It was easy to tell that today was going to be shitty.

"What. The. Fuck?" Because really, what else was there to say?

Where was I ? How did I get here? Why am I here?

All good and valid questions, but at the time the only thing I could think of was...

"Holy shit! I'm boiling." I quickly took off the jacket part of my PJs, hoping to cool down. It worked for a bit. Later on, I would get sunburns for my trouble.

"Where the hell am I?" Now, I got back to those important questions. As I began to look around, I noticed that, apparently, I wasn't the only one there. "What the...?" Next to my seat was another person, sleeping on their own chair. A La-z-boy, I noted. Or at least I think, it's called that. Basically those big nice chairs, made just so you can relax in front of the TV.
I mentally compared it to the one, I was sitting on. Wood. Two pillows. One for the back, one for the seat. Momentarily, I felt envious, before the urgency of the situation smacked that notion with a sledgehammer. You're in the desert, idiot. Who has the better chair isn't important.

"Hey." I began to call out before I actually focused and really looked at the person next to me.

Pink hair. Disregarding everything else, that really was the most notable feature about her. It took me a few moments for my brain to adjust to the data my eyes were telling it. Seeing as her hair, actually look natural. Very quickly all her other features came in. The odd uniform that you could only imagine a girl wearing in some school in anime. The cape, held by a pendant with a pentagram on it.

It was kinda obvious who that person was.


I was in a desert. Sitting on a chair. And with me was the pioneer of Violet Tsunderes, Louise Valliere.

"O...kay. This is a dream. It just has to be because all this is just weird." Aaa, denial. The first step toward acceptance...or something like that. Can't recall the actual proverb.

"Nope. Afraid this is all real."

I hastily turned to where the voice was located. In front of me was...a person? sitting backwards on a chair, while leaning on its backrest. I say 'person?' with a question mark, because I honestly can't tell what they are or what they look like. Every time I think see their face, features or expressions, all of it immediately change into someone else. Not in a bizarre shapeshifting way, but more like the second I'm not focused on their face, it becomes someone different than what I remember.

Yeah, no, that's just as bizarre as constant shapeshifting. I wonder why I'm not getting a headache from this.

"Nice to meetcha. The name is Bob. With an R." They say with a grin?, at least I think they are smiling.

"...Bob?" I was still in that state of shock where I was stupidly repeating everything I hear.

"With a R." He repeated. Still smiling. Or just showing teeth.

"...Br-ob? Br-ob." I mentally digested that. Thankfully after a while, my brain started to kick it up a gear, and I got it. "B-rob. Rob. No, ROB. Oh sunnva-"

I quickly clamed a hand on my mouth, hoping I didn't offend that now held my life in his, metaphorical and maybe even literal, hand to use as his toy.

"Erm, uh, sorry." I tried to quickly pacify him. Errr, her...Them? Or wait, was I too pushy? Did I seem like some sort of asskisser? Would that piss them off?

"Yep, got it in one." Looks like my mental anguish was unfounded. Joy. Lucky me. "I'm sure you can guess the rest of what's going to happen, just from this situation."

"I'm not-"

"And before we begin, let's skip the whole 'why me?' melodrama. Okay. I was bored I picked you. End of story. Good?"

My throat was dry. I felt a tremble in my hands, as the situation started to settle in. "Y-yeah...Good." The word felt like a judgment hammer as it left my mouth. Did I just accept condemning myself? And more importantly, did I even have a choice?

"Sweet. Now, let's get to the good bits. As you probably realized, that's Louise Valliere, sleeping there. Don't worry, she won't wake up for a while." And there goes that small lump of hope, that it could be a more rational person. "And obviously, you're not home."

I was tempted to make a sarcastic remark at them, before I crumbled the urge. I am not pissing off the mad god (goddess?), who probably doesn't understand the meaning of 'restraint'.

"Now, I'm sure you've heard this story a thousand times. Guy gets throw in a world from anime, tv series, comic or book. Guy learn does things to change the canon storyline. Guy does awesome things, and everyone goes 'Oh my god, he's so awesome. He's better than anyone else, eva'."

My lips twitched as I stopped myself from giggling, at their poor imitation of a fangirl.

"Or they could go to those worlds, screw up massively and realize how much they fucked up everything, for themselves and everyone else."

I didn't feel like laughing anymore.

"However, if you noticed, there is a common element in all those stories." Unconsciously, I leaned forward. "It's that all of these events just happen." They said, as they threw their arms up, in a careless fashion. "Sure, everyone assume that some 'force', responsible for everything from behind the scenes." They were smiling? as they used air quotes saying all that. "But no one is really sure, since they just, find themselves in these situations. Exceptions, notwithstanding."

They looked? to have a mock frown saying this. I really didn't care about any of what they said. Yes, I get it. People are thrown into different worlds. They do stuff. Stuff happen to them, etc. Just tell me something useful, already. Like if you'll let me get home, and how?

I think my impatience might have shown, because the next thing they said wasn't an explanation.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I boring you?"

"Err, what? No. No, of cour-" I quickly tried to fix this situation before it went out of control.

"Because you know, I could been just an asshole and left you here without any instructions." Sadly, they were none of that.

"No! Really, I want to hear what-"

"Because you see, I had this whole speech planned out. It would have tasks, instructions and a way for you to get home." Were they cry? Also is it me, or where their shape started to lean toward the feminine side?

"YES, I do want to hear-"

"But obviously, that's just not good enough, right? I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?" They shouted. Thankfully there were no natural disasters, although my ears hurt a bit. Also...

...Why are they talking like a hormonal girlfriend?

"Seriously, I swear. I want really want to hear-" I futilely tried to calm down the increasing angered ROB. I think, I might have had better luck, calming down a volcano.


"WAIT!!!" I jumped from my seat.

A giant flash of light exploded before me, causing me to shield my eyes. Predictably when I could look again, they were gone.

I was stuck in a desert. In a fictional world from a medium that I may or may not know. I had nothing but my PJs, which on second look showed that I also had my socks and slippers, and my only companion was Miss Abusive Anime Girlfriend Of The Year.

"Where am I?"

Who just woke up.

Chapter 1: The Five Steps to Louise Valliere - Step 1 - Deal With It

"Where am I?" Came the frightened, and surprised shriek.

Oh boy. Okay, damage control time.

"Um...Miss?" The only thing that accomplished was drawing her attention to me.

Crap, what exactly am I suppose to do?

"Who are you? Where am I? Why did you bring me here?" She shouted one question after another. I get the weird sense of deju vu from her questions.

"In order, just..." Name, name. I need a name. "Call me Micheal." Wait, why did I use that? Why not just my real name? Screw it, it's better than saying something stupid like, Silver. "And, uh, to the second question...I have no clue."

"What do you mean you have no clue?" She cried out as, she jumped from her seat. Although, I'm using 'jump' here loosely, as she needed to slid down a bit to get off the large, La-z-boy. Good thing, I didn't laugh at that. She already looked pissed off as it is.

"It means I don't know where we are. Although from all this sand, I assume were in a desert, somewhere." I answered, ending somewhat on a dry tone.

Did she just grit her teeth at me?

"Do not speak to me in that manner commoner! I can see well enough where we are. I asked you a question. Stop playing dumb and answer me." She stood in a guarded manner. I suppose in this situation, I am the suspicious one. "Where am I? Why did you bring me here?"

"I said I don't know where we are, okay?" Don't get mad at her. She's a kid, well, teenager. A sheltered one, and this is a pretty stressful situation. "And why would you assume I would bring you anywhere? I'm as clueless as you are, and who the heck are you anyways?"

Good thing, I asked that, since technically I don't 'know' her, yet.

"Like you don't know. My family will not be silent for this." Well, this is making introductions difficult. She took a step back like she was reaching for something. What would she be reaching for? "Who put you up to this? Whose your employer?"

Wait, she isn't searching for her wand, is she? Why would she have it? Nah, she probably doesn't have it. I mean, I'm in my pajamas from crying out loud. Odds are she's in the same situation as me. Nothing, but the clothes on her back.

"Look, Miss. Do I honestly look like a kidnapper? I don't have an employer. I'm just as lost as you are." I said once more trying to placate her.

"Aha!" Apparently, she did have her wand. It was stuck in the corner of her seat.


And it looks like she had no problem, quickly restoring to violence. The explosion, rocketed off a few meters away from me. Not enough to actually hit, or I still felt the force of it. Also, I think my right ear went a little deaf.

"It was stupid of you, to leave me my wand. I may be called a Zero, but even I can-"

I didn't wait for her to continue bragging. She was four feet away from me. Thank god, her accuracy was like in canon, or I would have been bits and pieces by now. I leap at her, stretching my hand to take away her wand.

"You crazy bit-"


Good news, I was quick enough that she couldn't get another explosion off. I couldn't get her weapon right away as she moved her hand, but I went after it.

Bad news...



You know that whole thing about Louise being stubborn in canon. Yeeeeah.

"You freakin-OGH. STOP KICKING!"


Needless to say, with both of my struggling and wrestle for the wand, not to mention the brat's kicks, (My god, does she have steel instead of bones?), we ended up failing.




She continued hold on to her wand with one hand, while punching me with the other, as well as kneeing me. she came close to the family jewels a few times.




Want to know some trivial information about Louise? She has excellent teeth.

Do you know how I know? Because I'm pretty sure my hand will scar from them.

"AAAAAAAA-ARGH!" With one last effort, I yanked my hand away from her, and I think I might have 'accidentally' hit her jaw. At the moment, I can't say I feel bad about it.

I tried to get up, and get some distance from her.

Yeah, that didn't work.

She leaped on my back and brought the molars back, while grabbing on my hair.


Long story short. We never got to finish introductions, and do the whole, assess the situation, thing.
The correct way of dealing with that would probably have been shifting the blame and start calling her kidnapper .
NecroMechanoid said:
Really? He's having this much trouble with a weak, little sixteen year old?
Kinda have to echo the part about him having such trouble. I mean, you don't really have to beat her up or anything - she's practically tiny. You could just hold her away no problem. This just seems ... kinda pathetic. And a tad forced in terms of humor.
NecroMechanoid said:
While I see what your saying, she started bitting. She's not listening at all and making her own rash, idiotic conclusion. At that point, I'd go "Thats it!"
To be fair, if a man I suspected of kidnapping me jumped on me, a short young girl, while screaming that I was a crazy bitch, I would not go down easy. Especially if he tried to take my only weapon, cuz then I'm at his mercy. If I were in Louise's situation, that would pretty much confirm that he was faking the niceness and really did kidnap me.

I agree that the biting scene is forced. Feels like it was lifted from Raildex. There is no way she'd try to bite again after being in punched in the jaw. Why did you turn your back at that point? You had the upper hand! She was disarmed on the ground, all you had to do was back up!
NecroMechanoid said:
She won't listen to reason. Won't even let him answer her own question. And starts threatening him with her stupid magic.

I'd kick her in the chest. Take her wand away. Than lay it all flat on her. Louise is just too stupid and full of herself.
What reason? He didn't tell her anything useful (she did let him answer). "I think we're in a desert!" No freaking duh. That should have left them at a neutral standing, but instead the author went with explosions, so this Louise is probably not a rational person anyway. In which case he'll have to work around her.

And yes, he did half of that. He took her wand, punched her to the ground, and then... turned his back like an idiot. And no offense, but your plan is asshole plan. The first thing you do upon seeing her is kick her in the chest, take away her only hope to defend herself OR survive in this environment, and then explain after. Why the hell would she trust anything you say?

This is your plan: you wake up in a desert, in a chair. Your pocketknife is stuck in the chair. The blade is not long enough to do real damage. Random guy in strange clothing approaches. You pick up your pocketknife to warn him off (who the hell is this guy?). The man immediately kicks you in the chest and takes away your pocketknife. Do you trust this man? At least Silver attempted diplomacy, your plan is outright hostility.

None of this matters because they're both going to die of dehydration soon.
NecroMechanoid said:
And then she asks him, again, where are they. Even though he said he has no clue. The guy tried to handle things diplomatically, and look how well that went. Then she threaten him when she got her wand. When she does that, that's when I say 'fuck it.' My reaction is how I would respond to her brash action.
DAWinz said:
I'd be: nigga what the fuck do you think your doing, then proceed to try to reason.
Too bad neither of you are Silver, and act/react differently.
Arythios said:
Be the bigger person and keep calm. and if I did have to get physical, I wouldn't punch, I'd just trip her and pin her arms behind her back, because i actually can do that.
This. Why, exactly, is Silver having so much trouble with someone as small and physically average (at best) as Louise? Just ... hold her off, trip her, ground her, whatever. It really shouldn't be so hard.
...:eek: Holy crap that's a lot of discussion from one scene.

I mean, sure you can take it as silly slap stick, that's been done a thousand times, as a small part of the plot where the element of misunderstanding comes into play.

Or you could just see the dark implications that Louise is seeing from the situation and her desperation for some control. As well as the SI's failure of handling the situation effectively.

Either way, next chapter is going to be up in a few moments.
Chapter 2: Desert Sun Is Best Mediator

We were both standing. A fair amount of space between us. Both of us dirtied by sand, and panting from exhaustion and the heat.

There's a sex joke in here somewhere, but I can't think of one.

Then again, it could be my annoyance at the brat, that tried to take a bite out of me.

Now, what to say in this situation? I suppose, I should just reiterate the obvious.

"You insane, rapid-"

"Give me back my wand, commoner!" She shouted.

I looked at her in disbelieve. Does she seriously expect me to do that?

"Hmm, let me think. 'Give back the weapon, you almost blew me into chucks of gore with'? Ah, no." Maybe she understand sarcasm.

"Give. Me. Back. My. Wand!" She replied with clenched teeth.

Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to.

"Oh, in that case. Nooooo." Am I being childish?

"Why you..." She began to march toward me.

"Woman, I will punch you." I said. My tone beginning to show my ire.

She halted, her eyes examining me.

"You wouldn't." She said, as she began to move toward me.

Usually, she's right. I wouldn't, I really wouldn't, but at the moment, I was angry enough to have the motivation.

But my damn conscience had to interrupt. Am I really going to hit a little girl?

Her being actually sixteen or seventeen wasn't the issue.

"I will break it." I held the wand from both ends, and put the tiniest pressure on it, to show I was serious.

That got her to stop.

I waited for a bit to see if she'll do anything. Upon see that she was now just tensely standing in place, I continued.

"Good." I hope I did not sound too condescending saying that. "Now, we can either talk like civilized people, or I break this, really punch your lights out, walk away and leave you here for the snakes and scorpions to keep you company."

"Right. The savage wants to civil. There's a joke in there somewhere." She replied bitterly.

"Hey! I'm not the psychopath who likes to blow people up." Not true. Well no, it is true if the anime is anything to go by, but I hope he conscience would scream at her at the thought of killing.

"It's called defending myself." She shouted.

"From what!? I was unarmed, and wasn't in any way hostile to you." Actually, that is a great point. How in the hell did I look hostile?

"Other than kidnapping me." She cried out. I really should learn that logic doesn't work on Louise.

"For the last bloody time. I did not kidnap you!" I cried out.

"Oh, then I suppose attacking me was you accidentally stumping toward me."

"You're the one who first-" I stopped myself. Taking a deep breath without looking away from her. "This going in circles." I muttered.

"Look." I say feeling enervated and frustrated. "If you could use that thing in your skull called a brain, you would realize that I am not a kidnapper. I'm in the same situation as you are. Someone took me from my home and throw me here."

This time, she doesn't throw a comeback. Hopefully thinking on what I said. I noticed that she is no longer panting, but looked tired and drenched with sweat. Seeing the state she is in, made me self-conscious of my own condition. I was also tired. My forehead was felt like it was on fire, and my shirt was clinging to my chest. God, I needed a shower. And some clean cloth. And a glass of water.

Actually forget everything, I wanted to stand under a waterfall.

"Fine." I focused on her again, as she finally spoke. Wait, did I my mind just wonder off, in the middle of a standoff? Okay, no more messing up. Stay focused. "If you really are a innocent, and mean me no harm, return my wand."

I blinked at her request. Does she actually think, I'll-No, wait. Things are calming down. Bit by bit, I should try to find a way to reach a good solution for both of us. Besides, if we do meet something that would want to kill us, she's the one who would be able to blow it up.

"And how would I know, I moment I give it back, you won't simply turn it on me?" I say slowly. My dry throat making it difficult to form the words fluently.

"I give you my word as a Noble." She replied, trying to stand a bit straight, while raising her head in a regal manner. It wasn't really working. Not that I can blame her.

"Sorry, can't say that that holds much weight given the current situation." I answer back, before really thinking about it. Damn, that wasn't all diplomatic. No, wait, diplomacy isn't the right word. Or is it?

Fuck. I need water and shade, else I'm not gonna be able to stand on my feet for too long.

"How dare you belittle the word of a Noble?" I think, I'm not the only one feeling the heat. Her words didn't have as much bite as before.

"You first act as a 'Noble' was hostility, so no. It doesn't have much weight." I make a quick scan of the area for my jacket. I needed something to cover my head. Thankfully it was close by, just near my chair.

Keeping my eyes at Louise, I began to move toward it.

"Well, you weren't helpful, and were acting too suspicious. In fact, how don't I know this is all an elaborate act to get my guard down?" She said tensely, as she watched me move to my chair.

"It isn't." Gathering moister in my throat felt like a chore. Talking was a struggle. "You know why? Because right now, this heat has gotten so bad, that I think I might faint. Pretty sure you're in the same situation. Meaning, if I was the evil bad guy that kidnapped you, I would have to be a seriously dumb retarded one, and won't even be smart enough to make this argument." I moistened my dry tongue and continued.

"At the moment, both of us are in risk of dehydration, and getting sunburned. Not to mention, us sitting here, arguing and not moving, as we waste time and energy, which need I remind you we are rapidly losing, means we lose more of our chance of finding, well, civilization." I think that was a good point. Hopefully, she would be as tired as I am argue. I finally reach my chair where my shirt is, but I don't bend down to pick it up.

"Then you should have no problem giving back my wand. If we have establish that you are also a victim here, then you have no reason to hold on to it." She says, having moved to place her chair as more addition place between us.

My god, why is she so obsessed on her bloody wand? Wait, wait, security, and some control over her situation. Right. Come on, brain, don't fail me now.

"How about a deal then?" I tell her.

"Deal?" Thankfully, she doesn't sound too opposed to the idea. Or maybe it's the sunstroke finally getting to her?

"Yes, something just to make sure that we don't screw each other over. I give you, your wand back in an hour, if you cooperate with me, in getting the both of us out of here. Alive." Come on, don't be stubborn now.

She was now leaning on the armrest of the chair. Probably feeling too tired to stand on her own.

"And how can I be sure that-WOAH!" She exclaimed in surprise.

Apparently the la-z-boy was a revolving chair. When she placed too much of her weight on it, it began to rotate.

"Ow, ow, ow." As she went to stand up, she grasped the headrest of the chair, which had an unexpected side effect. "Ow, DA-I mean, curses."

The headrest of the chair came off, revealing an empty side inside it.

"Oookay. Universe uses comedy to bring unexpected results." I muttered. Now, what to do? Either I could use this chance to get the jacket for some shade, or go check the mystery of the la-z-boy. Well, the sun was winning in either case. I went for my jacket.

While Louise was trying to stand up for the second time, I quickly laid down the wand on my chair, brought my jacket and covered my head with it, while using the sleeves to wrap it.

Now if only I could find cold water to soak the jacket in it.

Just as I finished wrapping the jacket around my head, Louise had stood up, said some curses under her breath (couldn't really hear them though), and went to look inside the chair.

"AHA!" Whatever it is she fought, I did not like that laugh of evil triumph it brought to her.

Maybe I should have went for the chair.

She dug her hands into the empty space within the backrest of the chair, and came up with two large leather pouches, that I instantly realized where water bottles. Well, medieval water bottles.

I really should have went for the chair. Seriously, this is like the most contrived bullshit series of event to ever happen. Hell, why did her chair have the two water pouches. While it did make sense for them to be there, since ROB won't want us to die too early. It would be too boring. Why the hell is he making this situation more difficult for us to work together in. It's like he is trying to set the events for me to grove on Louise's feet.

Oh wait...You know what. Fuck you, ROB.

"You can tell what these are, correct? Well, looks like that tables have turned, huh?" She grinned smugly. She quickly placed one of the pouches straps on her shoulder. She kept her eyes on me, as she place the strap for the other pouch on her other shoulder.

I didn't move to stop her. Mostly, to conserve energy, and to formulate my arguments.

Okay, time to take that smug look, off her face.

While I will still not sink so low as to attack a girl for water, because honestly morality is probably the last thing I have right now, and I don't want to give that up. It might be some stupid sense of pride or macho bullshit, but I am not letting this girl dictate how things go, however I sure as hell won't use violence to overpower her to get what I need.

I might regret this later on, but if it comes down to that, I'll play the weak and defenseless card, and force her to take pity on me and give me that water. But I will not ask or beg for it.

Later on, when I think back to this moment, I will realize that my logic was a little bit insane and a lot stupid.

"Well, I guess the deal is now on. You have a barging chip, and I still have your wand. One hour and I return your wand, in turn however I would like on for those water pouches." I said with a smile.

She looked stunned for a moment, probably expecting me to be more inclined to listen to her. She quickly recovered from it though, seeing as she was the one with the advantage. She had the water, and in the desert that makes her king. Or well, queen in this case.

"Really? And why should I give you anything, now that I have the resources." She held one of the pouches, before carefully opening it.

"True, but how about we take a moment to see who needs who more. First there is you. You have the water, and incase a dangerous creature comes up, you're the only one who can use this" I showed off the magic foci. "To deal with it." I began counting the points in her favor first. She drank a lungful from her pouch. Yes, hers, because the other one is obviously mine.

"Then there is me. One, I have said wand, so right now, you are about half useless." She lost her grin. Oooh, that had to sting. "Two, I can actually care equipment, which obviously you will do for now, since you will want to hold on to all of it." And get tired faster, thus wanting complete the deal quicker. I doubt a spoiled girl would want to do any work, if she can avoid it. "Three, I actually can ensure that we get out of here alive, since I really doubt you have enough survival skills."

"Oh yeah?" She said, huffing as she finished her drink. She looked like she tilting the pouch to careful gather some of the water in her palm.

"Yes, because for one thing, in the desert, water is more precious than gold. And you're wasting it. If you want it to last, drink small sips, only every once in a while, so as to conserve it. Also please don't use it for something trivial, like washing your face. Yes, in this place it is trivial."

That stopped her. "It's not trivial!" She said hotly, having now regained her ability to shout. "Do you expect a Noble to stand before their lesser in dirt?"

I spread one of my arms to show case our 'audience'. "I reiterate. We are in a desert. No one cares." I lower my arm. Wow, does my skin on it look dry. "So, seeing as how we establish, that we both need to work together to get out of this, do we have a deal?"

"Really, the way I see it, you need me more than I need you. Why should I agree to your proposal, when I could just start walking on my own?" She replied, looking calmer and confident in her stance now.

"Easy." I answered back. "Even with all the water in the world, it will mean nothing, if you meet a monster in this place, without your wand."

"Well, I could just as easily wait for you to fall from the heat and take it back."

I smiled bitterly at her. "Let me tell you something. I am a vindictive asshole, and if I come close to dying, I will use the last of my strength to break this wand in half." She stiffened. That got to her.

She tighten her lips. Chewed lightly on the inside of her cheek as she thought on all of this, some more. Looks like the situation was more difficult than she thought. I guess, she didn't expect me to be, well, suicidally stubborn. Admittedly.

Well, there was one last trump card for me to play. Her morality. In the show, Louise, when she first used her first Void Spell on the Albion flag ship, she did not incinerate the passengers. She merely damaged the ship enough for it to fall. As many theories would attest, this is due to her subconscious want to not kill anybody.

"You know." I began talking once again, taking her out of her thoughts. "I heard that those of aristocracy tended to be cold, but I never expected a girl so young to be completely fine with murderer."

"I am not young. I'm seventeen years old." She shouted. "What do you mean by murderer?"

"Seventeen is young. And by murderer, well, if you leave me to die, doesn't that make you a killer. Just because you didn't actively commit the act, doesn't absolve you of the responsibility and guilt, because even while sitting there and doing nothing, you still chose to let someone in front of you die." I tell her with a small smile, easily able to see that now I got under her skin.

Louise gave a small flinch at my statement. After all, I might be able to endure the heat and thirst for a while, but eventually though...well hopefully it won't actually come to that.

"You just..." She was visibly struggling to find the words to say. "why are you being this stubborn?" She said intensely.

I think from her viewpoint, I'm being illogical, and honestly, I think she is right. But I know from all the media I either read or watched, that simple agreeing to her demands will just put me in a position of servitude for a very long time.

And that is something I would die than be trapped in. After all, isn't that what happened to all the other protagonists in other Familiar of Zero fanfictions?

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knee. I believe that was the saying, right?

"Because just like you, I don't like being told what to do." I'm pretty sure there was a better statement that I could have used, but I can't think of any for now.

She was quiet. Her expression was stern, but her eyes showed her struggle. She look at her water pouch, probably feeling thirsty once again, and then back at me. She bit her lower lip, before finally coming to a decision.

"You..." She clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Fine, how about a new deal?"

I made sure not to smile too obviously.
Brellin said:
He had way too much trouble dealing with a tiny little girl and he is making some pretty casual and blaring mistakes rather constantly, like putting down the wand to put on a jacket, and other things.
It's not like she could have been fast enough to get it, when she stood with her chair between them.
For that matter he is getting tired WAY too fast. I've lived, literally, years in a desert that was regularly 110+ degrees during the day time and I can tell you strait up you can, generally, operate for literally HOURS, with tons of heavy, heat retaining gear, on top of you before falling over from exhaustion/lack of water. That this guy is seemingly about to keel over from dehydration within minutes makes me honestly wonder what the hell is wrong with him.
Huh, that I did not know. I was working off a scene I saw in Lawrence of Arabia, where a guy almost died from overheat due to the sun just being that bad, and there was absolutely no shade. Also, neither the SI, nor Louise are probably dressed for the desert environment. By the way, when you say 110+ degrees, you mean Celsius or Fahrenheit?
Brellin said:
Fahrenheit obviously, you'd be dead if it was Celsius. That said that was the actual temperature, the heat index temperature, factoring in the wearing of gear (I'm talking military foot patrols in Iraq, btw) actually bumped it up into the mid 120's. Unless this guy literally woke up from one of the worst benders in history and was already dehydrated to start with he should not be feeling it so badly. Even if it was midday and he had no water at all he should, at the very least, be able to get to at *least* nightfall before passing out from water depravation, and that's assuming he's doing heavy exercise, like trying to run across sand dunes, the whole way.

Human bodies are extremely durable and rugged even in environments they aren't acclimatized to. Unless this person was deeply unfit *and* dehydrated to start with he shouldn't be having issues like this after just a few minutes.
Huh, will keep that in mind then.
As for it being stupid for him to put the wand down, why didn't he just hold on to it? It would be trivially easy to hold on to a pointy stick and still put your arm through a jacket sleeve at the same time. Putting it down *at all* was colossally stupid. If Louise had had the presence of mind to just leap for it over the chair she'd have been armed and the SI would, probably, be heavily wounded, concussed, or dead. It's a tremendous risk on something that wasn't necessary in the first place. For that matter if it really *was* a jacket and not, you know, a shirt then he could have just held the wand in his mouth and put on his jacket like that.
I guess I can change that part, but I can't really see it as being a big thing.
Finally my issue on top of that is that the whole confrontation seems forced in the extreme. Louise appears to be antagonistic for literally no reason and is immediately jumping to violence with, literally, no provocation. He has directly stated he didn't kidnap her and he doesn't know where they are. OBVIOUSLY that must mean he's lying and he's the kidnapper! Even though he's apparently just a "commoner" and is also stuck in the middle of a desert with her. It feels like you've taken the most fladerized characteristics of Louise and used only those while completely ignoring the fact that she's supposed to be intelligent and, more importantly, you have her assume that the SI is a commoner *without* actually confirming it first. That's important because with Saito it made sense, since "obviously" the summoning ritual wouldn't target another noble. But a kidnapper? They'd pretty much *have* to be a noble to manage it, and yet you write her as some sort of flaming retarded asshat completely incapable of even basic sense. It really kills interest in the story, for me, when you flanderize the character so badly.
I wasn't working off of flanderizing her violent traits, but rather the fact the she is panicking, is in an unexpected situation, and thus isn't thinking clearly. People generally use their intelligence better when they are calm.
Not to mention the entire bit with the ROB was extremely forced and, I feel, adds nothing to the story. They explained nothing, they gave nothing, they told the SI nothing, they may as well not have even been there.
For this part, I would like to ask you to trust that I know what I am doing, and that it it will eventually go somewhere.
I echo Brellin's statement. Temperatures in my old city typically reached as high as 117 degrees fahrenheit in Summer, and several kids from my residential colony used to actually run around and play in the heat, without any shade, for hours at a time.

It's not as dangerous as you'd think. It only gets that bad after a long time.
Dimensionist said:
I echo Brellin's statement. Temperatures in my old city typically reached as high as 117 degrees fahrenheit in Summer, and several kids from my residential colony used to actually run around and play in the heat, without any shade, for hours at a time.

It's not as dangerous as you'd think. It only gets that bad after a long time.
It depends where they came from. Suddenly going from 50-70 degrees to over 100? The period between adaptions can kill you.
Ridiculously Average Guy said:
It depends where they came from. Suddenly going from 50-70 degrees to over 100? The period between adaptions can kill you.
this. I lived in colorado's mountains and could handle cold and snow easily, but we rarely went above 76 at the altitude i was at in the summer (heck, usually stayed in 60s), took me a while after moving to PA to get used to the 90F heat in the summer i lost my resistance to the cold sadly..
Brellin said:
Just because he might not be acclimatized doesn't mean it will kill him instantly. He still shouldn't be feeling it nearly as hard as he is, especially since he's barely been in the situation for more than 10 minutes, tops.
I was exaggerating, but the sudden difference can get pretty bad. One summer I went from Rhode Island(at the time 70-80 degrees) to the Dominican Republic(110) within 5 minutes I was sweating bullets, and on the car ride to my aunts house I nearly passed out.

Also, who knows how long they were in those chairs.