The C Team

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Kazuma finds himself in the Leaf Village because of something that Eris, Aqua, and Moi did, unfortunately, he's put in a team that everyone expects to fail.


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
Don't take this seriously, I repeat this is just a plot bunny that I had.
"What?" Kazuma says as he hears the old man's words.

"It's just for the time being, so you're going to be in a team until you the people from your world figure out how to take you back or we figure out how to send you back." the Third Hokage says to Kauma.

'No I understand that part, but why can't I just work in a restaurant or pick up trash until then?" Kazuma says to the old man.

"Because you are an outsider, the Hidden Villages all share a few things one of them is that we don't like outsiders, you staying behind the walls will make you pass a bad time while you're here."

''So it's better if you go out and explore the world while you're in it." The Third says to Kazuma.

"Okay, so who is going to be watching me until I go home?" Kazuma asks the Third.

'I'll call you when we figure out your new team." the Third answers Kazuma, he doesn't say anything as Kazuma leaves his office, he knows that Kazuma is just going to go to the apartment that was given to him so he doesn't bother keeping an eye on him.

The Third can't help but smile, he hasn't heard the names Eris Aqua and Vanir in such a long time, and here in his old age, he finds someone transported to this world because of their actions.

Knowing them Kauma won't last very long in this world and if he does, then he is going to forget about everything he sees s, its better if the people he assigned to keep an eye on him aren't very capable.

While the potential is there, it will need a lot of work for it to show any results.

He wants to put another boy, but that could be a problem especially if he wants to make a weak team, infighting is already going to be a problem so why make it even worse?

He begins to look through the lowest students and he doesn't bother looking at Naruto's folder, the boy has enough power and potential to be one of the strongest ninjas in the village.

Hinata Hyuga, while she is the future head of the Hyuga clan she isn't cut out for the life of a ninja and while she will be able to get to the next step unless something drastic happens she won't ever make Jonin.

He picks up the next folder Sakura Haruno, the girl has excellent chakra control but other than that she doesn't have anything else, no inherited family ability, except for her second personality but that isn't very useful at this age.

The last folder belonged to Ino Yamanaka, at first he wanted to use Teten for this team, but unlike Tenten, Ino's ability leaves her completely open to an attack, and her physical abilities aren't very good.

If this four-man team can somehow keep itself together and learn to get stronger then maybe he will consider putting them in the teams that he wanted to put them in before Kazuma arrived.

For now, this throwaway team would serve to keep Hinata out of any real danger and help her get some confidence.

With a lot of luck, both Ino and Sakura will be able to learn and get stronger but if they can't then their abilities will stagnate and they won't be able to get very far.

As for Kazuma, he isn't worth anything, he doesn't have any chakra so he can't use any of the ninja skills, and since he isn't anything else but an Adventurer which is the lowest class he isn't worth much if anything at all.

Now they are going to need someone to teach them, but the person in question is someone who has more than enough time and won't care if the team is disbanded if it fails to do anything.

He can't help but smile. 'yes those two will do just fine he says to himself before ordering one of his guards to bring him Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki.

Normally a team would only have one teacher, but knowing both Kotetsu and Izumo if one was doing something then the other would be there, so why bother pretending that this would be any different?
Once again Kazuma stood in front of the Third smiled at him and handed him a large folder filled with the basic information that the students in the village studied.

It didn't have any of the information that the ninja classes had, but it was the same information that the civilians were given, no it was even more detailed because he had someone cot everything down into something that even an idiot could understand.

Not to mention that any ninja would simply rewrite certain things if he found that they were slightly off, not because it was miss information, but because the books hadn't been updated yet.

Then he handed Kazuma an old book, it was something filled with all sorts of costumes that if he was being completely honest no one performed anyone, except for the high member of the clans and even then they only did them because it was tradition.

Granted he was giving Kazuma completely useless information, but this way the boy would think that he was learning something when in reality, the chances that he would even be a part of anything written in the book was impossible.

"Thanks." Kazuma says to him as he receives both the folder and the book.

The Third didn't say anything he simply gave Kazuma a slight nod, even if Kazuma didn't finish studying both things he didn't risk giving him anything that could be used against the village, if their worlds somehow ended up meeting and things went bad.

Kazuma quickly made his way back to his apartment and began to study, luckily for him he already knew most of the things that the folder had, hell he had read enough manga and seen enough anime to know how to do most of the things in it.

At first, he tried to get the leaf to stick to his head, but when that didn't work he tried to copy the way people learned to use Ki in Dragon Ball.

So he began to focus and he felt his magic flare but only slightly until he created a small light that was being held between his hands.

He wasn't touching it, but the light moved with his hands.

"Right, I didn't come here the same way I did with Aqua, so I don't have their power," he says to himself as he finally understands why he hasn't been able to copy the skills that the ninjas can use.

Fortunately for him, he just discovered a way to use his magic to maybe do the same things that the ninjas can do.

As he read the folder he tried to do the things that were written on it, but he failed to do most if not all of them, but he found a way to do something similar.

He was forced to breathe over and over again until he could control his magic enough that he could stick to walls, he couldn't walk on them but he could stop himself from falling if he had to do it.

There was no way that he was ever going to be able to use any of the ninja's stronger skills, but there was a way that he could work around it, but it took time and a lot of effort to do something similar.

Unfortunately, that meant that he had to write the same thing over and over again on pieces of paper.

The trick was simple he threw the piece of paper and then imagined it doing something before he used his magic to activate the word written on the piece of paper.

The problem with this was that if he wanted to sue one of those big moves, then he would use a lot of magic and he could run out.

Not to mention that he had to throw, imagine and push magic into the piece of paper before it was avoided by whoever or whatever they were fighting.

he could write things down tomorrow, he had to read the book and unfortunately, it was filled made with some words that he was now forced to look for the dictionary that the Third had given him when they first met.

"The hell with this!" Kazuma shouted before he used his crafting skill, along with his trap creation skill to make something that would read everything that the book had while putting it into words that he could understand.

What he made was something that looked like three pieces of paper put together in the form of a capital T, on the left was the dictionary, while on the right was the book and he just needed to touch the end that didn't have anything on it to power the thing.

"Okay let's try this again." Kazuma says to himself as he pours magic into his device and smiles as e starts to hear the voice of a man read everything to him.

He frowns when somewhere along the line, the man's voice was replaced by a woman, and then the voices of what sounded like teenagers.

He knew this because their voices still didn't sound like they belonged to adults, but at the same time, the voices weren't the kind of voices that belonged to children.

After hours had passed Kazuma had finally finished reading or listening to the book, he didn't know when he had started writing things down, but everything became a blur after one or two hours had passed.

The Third had made it clear that he needed to hurry up and learn everything before anyone started asking questions about him.

"If you're reading this it means that you successfully found the secret code that was placed in this book" Kazuma stopped writing when he heard a much more serious voice begin to talk, and he found that he was now completely awake.

"I do not doubt that as time passes more people will add their codes to it, but regardless, I will now begin to explain how to use some of my Jutsu."

"Perhaps in your time these are widely spread, but for now the only one that knows them is me, this is how to reverse the Sharingan's ability to trap you in a world that its user controls."

Kazuma stopped pouring magic into his device, but he needed to see what would happen if he lowered the amount of power that he was using and to his surprise, he began to hear the voice of a woman explaining how to use dirt to create tiny golems that could build almost anything using dirt.
Kazuma can't use the hand seals, he just doesn't have that ability, so he has to figure out a way to use his skills differently.

Dont miss understand he still has all of his skills, but es smart enough to know that they aren't going to be enough because he's just not that strong when compared to people that can throw moons at people.

He knows that he can hurt people like that, the Lightning Saber Skill and the Explosion Skill can do it, but both skills would make him completely useless after he uses them, so they're reserved for a life-and-death situation.
The sound of kids and adults happily talking and congratulating each other could be heard from where he stood, if there was some sort of alarm that told him his time was up this was it.

Kauma looked at the crowd and smiled before he sat down next to the tree and decided to take a nap, when he heard someone sit down on the wing he opened his eyes and saw a kid wearing an orange jumpsuit.

The kid looked as if he wanted to break down and cry and for a brief moment Kazuma was tempted to say something to get the kid to cheer up, but he didn't know the kid, nor did he know what he was going through.

So he said the only thing he could.

"Whatever it is you're going through it's not that serious." Kazuma says to the kid who jumps in shock when he hears him talk.

'What?" the blond boy asks him.

"You heard me, it's not that serious, I don't know what you're going through but it's never that bad.' Kazuma says to the id before he closes his eyes again.

"What do you know, I failed again. I couldn't graduate." Naruto says to Kazuma.

'So." Kazuma says to Naruto.

'What?" Naruto says to Kazuma, when he hears Kazuma's words.

"If you need training then just get someone to train you and if one of the ninjas doesn't want to then get someone who uses some of those tricks in their stores or whatever they do to teach you."

"And if that doesn't work, then get one of the kids to help you." Kazuma says to Naruto as he lists the options that he can think of.

'Easy for you to say." Naruto says to Kazuma as he stands up and walks over to where Kazuma is laying down.

Naruto sits next to Kazuma and leans on the trunk of the tree. "This was my third time. " He says to Kazuma.

"Okay, so what did you fail to do?" Kazuma asks Naruto.

"The clone Jutsu, but I couldn't do it, and everyone else could." Naruto answers Kazuma.

"Isn't that the one that makes a copy of you ?' Kazuma asks Naruto who immediately nods.

"If you can't do that one then why not just try doing one of the other ones that can do the same thing?"

"I mean aren't there water clones, shadow clones, and who knows what other versions there are." Kazuma says to Naruto.

'And what good would that do, the exams are over."

"Extra credit, just show your teacher that you can do one of the other versions and see if that earns you some points." Kazuma says to Naruto, who quickly stands up and runs away.

Kazuma can't help but smile, he doubted that the kid could find anything, but hey who knew he might get lucky.
Hinata, Sakura, and Ino didn't know what to say, their teacher had called out to them and said that their team had already been formed and they were a part of the C Team and that instead of it being a three-man team, they would have a fourth member that would join them.

None of them was happy about what they were told, this should have been one of the best days of their lives but it had just been ruined.

Their team had a letter instead of a number, which meant that it wasn't expected to succeed.

Letter teams always stayed inside the village and if they ever did leave, it was usually just to take a love letter for someone that could afford to pay someone else to deliver the letter.

In the end, they all decided that they were going to enjoy the fact that they graduated and worry about their team tomorrow, just for today they would have fun.
Sakura, Ino, and Hinata watched as their classmates were called one after another and separated into their new teams, they couldn't exactly say that they were sad because they knew what their team was and what everyone expected out of them.

Yet at the same time they couldn't say that they were excited either, to be honest, they didn't know what to feel as they watched everyone leave.

Regardless they could all agree that they were shocked to see that Naruto, had somehow passed and become a ninja, despite failing the exam yesterday, so something must have happened.

The door opened and the three of them expected to see their new teacher, but it was a boy wearing a green tracksuit, he had short brown hair that looked as if he didn't bother to make himself presentable before coming.

"So is the teacher here yet?" he asks them and none of them said anything to him, to their surprise the boy looked around and lay down before closing his eyes.

They soon heard him snoring, they couldn't believe what they were seeing, this kid was their teammate this was how everyone saw the three of them.

Sakura stood p and was about to run up to whoever the new kid was, before but she stopped walking when two men seemed to walk out of nowhere and stood over the boy.

"So this is how you act on your first day." Kotetsu says before he lifts his hand and takes out a small paper seal.

Izumo didn't say anything he just grinned as several feathers began to spin above him, it was obvious that they planned to cover the boy with them but before they could the boy vanished.

All of them could only stare as both the ink that was in the paper seal and the white feathers were only stuck to the seat, none of them had seen the boy move.

"You know you could have just said wake up." Kazuma says to the two before he walks to where the girls were and sits with the one closes to him.

"If you can't stay awake that's your problem." Izumo says to Kazuma before he points at the door.

"We will introduce ourselves after we see what you kids can do, so all four of you will fight each other and the winner will be the new leader." Kotetsu says to them before both men step to the side and vanish.

With nothing else to do the four of them walk out of the building and stand outside, but none of them know where exactly they have to go, so out of instinct they all start to look at each other.

Ino and Kazuma glare at one another, while Hinata prepares herself to fight Kazuma who shakes her his head, and wordlessly tells her that he isn't willing to fight her.

Seeing this both Ino and Sakura wordlessly come to an agreement and begin to attack Kazuma, Kazuma for his part can avoid their attacks easily, while he may have de-aged, he still has all of the memories and experiences that he gained during his time in the other world.

Meaning that to him, both Ino and Sakura are moving in slow motion, and even if they weren't he has experienced enough things to be able to avoid their attacks without needing to rely on his skills.

His dodge skill activates and he's able to avoid Hinata who tried to attack him while his attention was on both the blond and pink-haired girls.

The short-haired girl with white eyes moved faster than any kid her age should be able to, but it was only in the occasional attack that his dodge skill activated.

Soon all three girls were trying to hit him but in the end, none of them were able to do anything so their teachers stopped the fight.

Kotetsu and Izumo watched as the three girls gasped for air, "Okay you're the new captain." Kotetsu says to Kazuma.

'I refuse." Kazuma's immediate answer, he turns to look at Hinata and puts his hand on her head.

"Put her in charge, I mean look they're three girls and I'm just one guy, you know I could never beat them in an argument," Kazuma says to the two men as he remembers the arguments that he had with his party when they all attacked him at once.

"I hate to say it but he is right, Hinata you are the new team captain, so why don't we introduce ourselves," Izumo says to Hinata who immediately starts stuttering.
The four of them walked up to their new teacher and despite not knowing who it was considering that there were two men in front of them they still acted as if there was only one.

"Before we all introduce ourselves, let me tell you something."

"There are times when we won't be able to train you because our jobs need us to do something else, so the four of you will be separated and will temporarily join other teams." Izumo says to them.

The girls look at each other and it's obvious that none of them like what they just heard, this just proves how little people thought of them.

Both Sakura and Ino had thought that maybe they were wrong after they fought the brown-haired boy and watched him easily avoid Hinata's attacks, but whatever hopes they had were now gone.

"I'm Hinata, and." Hinata tries to say something but she is unable to despite Kotetsu pointing at her so that she introduces herself.

Kotetsu nods and points at Sakura, he knows that by the time Hinata gains the courage to finish what she wants to say, will take too long so decide its best to move on.

"I'm Sakura and I dislike pushy girls like Ino and I like cute things." Sakura introduces herself.

"I'm Ino and I like to work in my parent's flower shop, and I hate girls with big foreheads that don't know when they are way over their heads." Ino introduces herself as she and Sakura glare at each other.

"I'm Kazuma, I like women with big chests and I want to make a harem filled with them." Kazuma introduces himself as he repeats something that he wanted before experiencing what life is like living with three crazy women.

Truth be told he would rather be home with those same three crazy women and just lay down in front of the fireplace, while he listens to them talking about their day.

He can feel the glares coming from the two girls who have stopped trying to kill each other with their eyes, but the last one just looks away with her head down.

"Alright, normally we would send all of you home so that you can enjoy your day."

"Normally the first day is for everyone to introduce themselves and then pass some time together so that the team starts to accept that they will be around each other from now on," Kotetsu says to them.

"You said normally, what's different about now?" Kazuma asks the two men.

'For one you four get not one but two teachers, and this isn't a three-man team." Izumo says to Kazuma.

"Since we now know what all of you can do you have to catch u before the day ends, it's okay if you can only catch one of us, but if you fail the team doesn't move on."

"Meaning that that's it none of you have what it takes to be ninjas," Izumo says to them he's about to step aside and vanish but he notices that Kaum has his hand stretched out.

'What?" Izumo asks Kazuma.

"This is a duel right, so isn't it normal to shake hands?" Kazuma asks him

Izumo wants to tell Kazuma that, this isn't how they do things but he decides to humor him and shakes the boy's hand.

Unbeknownst to Izumo Kazuma places a teleportation mark on him, meaning that no matter where Izumo goes kazuma will instantly e there if he wants to.
"Okay try to catch us." Kotetsu says to the four as Izumo steps aside and vanishes from sight.

Kotetsu smirks as he looked at the worried expressions on the girl's faces, but he notices that Kazuma is unusually calm.

"So are you four going to stand there all day or are you.' Kotetsu says to the four but he doesn't finish saying what he wants to say when all four kids charge at him.

Just like before when he had seen the kids fight one another both Ino and Sakura were the easiest to avoid, Hinata, on the other hand, was a lot harder to avoid, those eyes of hers allowed her to see his chakra and so she could predict where he would move and try to hit him.

Kazuma on the other hand was completely different, the boy didn't even try to join in the fight, instead, he would wait for the girls to distract him for a moment, and in that moment kazuma would charge at him and try to catch him.

Kotetsu easily avoided the boy's attacks, and despite the girls having tried this same method before they completely gave up and decided to beat him, Kazuma kept trying to catch him.

The girls finally stopped trying to attack and Hinata quickly turns and tries to hit Izumo, unfortunately for her Izumo has already adapted to her speed.

"This isn't going to work." Kazuma says to the girls.

"Oh yeah! then why don't you try helping us!" Ino yells at Kazuma who ignores her outburst.

"Captain we need a plan, this is what we know."

"Our opponents are a pair of old men, with a lot more experience than us, and since they seem to trust each other, it's safe to assume that they are a team."

'So what do we do?" Kazuma asks Hinata who doesn't answer not because she is stuttering, but because she doesn't know what to do." so she just lowers her head and stays silent.

Izumo and Kotetsu watch as Kazuma looks at his tea, it's obvious to the two of them, as well as the students and recently created teams that are watching their test that Hinata either is about to give up or has already given up.

Kotetsu looks at Ino and Sakura, the two girls are glaring at Hinata and Kazuma, but even if they continued to try and attack him, at their level they could never touch him, much less Izumo who still hasn't stepped back and allowed himself to be seen by everyone.

Kazuma closes his eyes and smiles, for a brief moment he sees himself sitting on a wooden table and Aqua is a cross from him, neither of them has any money and they don't know what they are going to do.

"Listen, I'm going to attack, you three stand back and wait for an opening, but if any of you see any weakness or something that we can use, use it." Kazuma says to the girls as he calmly walks past Ino and Sakura who have started complaining about him ordering them to do anything when he isn't the captain.

He briefly stops and turns to look at Hinat who still has her head down.

"It's not over, our faces are covered in mud, we are covered in bruises and the blood on us, is our own, but we can still breath, so it's not over."

"Remember the plan, look for an opening, and attack when you see it.' Kazuma says to Hinata.

Kazuma takes a deep breath and vanishes from sight, Kotetsu does a backflip as Izumo is forced back into view by Kazuma who is still in the air, his hand is stretched out as he tries to grab Izumo.

Both Ino and Sakura become completely silent and their eyes are wide with disbelief.

Hinata only stares ahead, in a single move Kazuma a boy who she has never seen before did what she couldn't.

She watches as Kazuma reaches into his pocket and takes out a wire that is tied to a small rock.

Kazuma throws it at Kotetsu who easily avoids it, but the wire seems to come to life and tries to wrap itself around the older man.

Izumo catches the wire and stops it from moving before he charges at Kazuma who is somehow able to avoid the man's attack.

Kauma stops trying to avoid Izumos attacks but before Izumo can hit Kazuma Kotetsu pulls him away. he was able to predict what Kazuma was planning.

Kazuma was going to let Izumo hit him and then grab onto either the arms hand or a piece of his clothing.

The two men have completely forgotten about her and the other two girls and now have their attention only on Kazuma.

"Their attention is on Kazuma," Hinata says to herself before the veins on her head begin to show themselves.

"We have to help him!" Sakura says to Ino and her.

'Not yet!" Hinata says to both Ino and Sakura who were about to charge in.

"Remember what Kazuma said, wait for an opening, we are only going to get one." Hinata says to her friends, well they weren't friends yet but she could call them that in her head.

Kazuma vanishes again and when he reappears he creates water from the palm of his hands and fires it at Kotetsu before freezing it.

Kotetsu easily avoids both the water and the ice, Izumo tries to hit Kazuma on the back of the head, but Kazuma is able to turn in the air and avoid the man's attack.

Both Kotetsu and Izumo charge at Kazuma, but Kazuma was able to reach the ground before they can attack him and take him out of the fight.

With a grin on his face, he sends a charge of electricity into the ground that is still wet.

"Now!" Hinata shouts as both men are electrocuted.

Ino runs towards Kazuma who still has his hands on the ground and steps on his back before jumping towards Izumo.

Kazuma lifts his hands and Izumo is barely able to avoid being caught by Ino, unfortunately for him Sakura was able to grab Kotetsu's leg before he could recover.

Both Ino and Sakura have their eyes closed and expect to be attacked, but they feel a hand on their heads, both teachers are giving them warm smiles before giving all of them a thumbs up.

"Congratulations you pass." Izumo says before he walks away from Ino and stands in front of Kazuma.

Izumo doesn't say anything and pats Kazumas head. 'good job." Izumo says to Kazuma.

Hinata lookup and finds that Kotetsu is standing over her, he pats her on the head and smiles. "Confidence is something we are either born with or we gain, good job." he says to her.

Both men walk back to each other and tell them to go home or spend the rest of the day together.

'Hey, do you guys know where I can find a girl that will let me lay my head on her lap while I sleep?" Kazuma asks both men who start to laugh.

'In that case, just point me to a place with a lot of shade, I want to get some sleep." Kazuma says to them and both men point at the same tree where Kazuma had met Naruto the day before.
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"Bing, bing bing." Kazuma opened his over and over and over again, he hadn't had a peaceful night since he started living here and it was starting to affect him.

The ninjas here kept a tight watch on everything, but this is still a ninja village so there are still a lot of problems and that means that everyone here is a threat.

His enemy detection skill kept waking him up whenever a ninja was nearby, it didn't activate with the ones that were already in their apartment rooms, but the ones outside patroling or causing trouble, they were another story.

The next day Kazuma can't help but yawn as he makes his way to where his team is supposed to meet, oddly enough unlike every other team, the team that he is a part of meets in front of the ninja school.

"Good Kazuma you're here" Kotetsu says to him as he walks to where the girls are standing.

"Unfortunately we can't train you ids oday, sowe planned something good for all of you."

"For today, all of you will have to find another team and watch how they do things." Kotetsu says to them, before both Ino and Sakura begin to complain about what he has just told them.

"Hey, if you don't mind can I just lay over there and sleep for the rest of the day?" Kazuma asks Kotetsu as he points at the same spot where he slept the day before.

Kotetsu immediately loses his smile, before he quickly regains it. "Sure but you will lose some valuable training." He says to Kazuma who starts to walk towards the shade.

As Kazuma lies down Izumo steps into reality and a smirk forms on his lips.

'You know, we had a whole thing planned where all of you would go to different teams train with them, and see how they do things, but I think he needs to be punished." Izumo says as he turns to look at the girls.

"So here's the deal, all of you will have to do whatever you can to not let him sleep, but try not to let him see you, and if he does see you."

"Then so be it, just dont let him sleep." Izumo says to the girl as they all nod and look at Kazuma with eager and mischievous expressions.

"Hold it, he is a member of this team. So if you girls are going t mess with him, you will need to be punished for failing." Kotetsu says to them before he and Izumao look at one another and grin at one another.

"If you girls fail, then each of you will have to take turns giving him a lap pillow from now on."

"And by that, we mean from now on, not just today, not for a week, a month, a year, no from now on, until he stops sleeping on the job." Kotetsu and Izumo say to them and they all begin to argue against their decision, even Hinata tries to complain, but she fails to do because she cant get the words out properly.

Izumo completely loses his smile and looks at the girls coldly.

'If we didn't put this penalty, then would any of you give it your all?"

"Just look at your performance yesterday, Ino and Sakura the two of you wasted your energy trying to fight me instead of catching me and Himnata your supposed to be the leader and you failed to d your job."

"That guy had to do most of the work for all of you." Kotetsu says to them with a voice that sounds as if it was made of ice.

"Don't get up wrong, we are teaching you and we are paying attention to your performance." Izumo adds before he turns and looks at Kazuma.

the girls watch as Izumo lowers himself picks up a rock and throws it toward Kazuma who is still sleeping.

The girls watch as Kazuma uses the tree trunk to push himself forward and avoid being hit by the rock, yet to the girl's surprise, Kazuma is still sleeping.

"Now you know what you are going to have to do.' Kotetsu says to them with the same cheerful voice that he had when he first met them before he jumps onto a nearby roof and vanishes from sight.

The girls turn to look at Izumo but he is already gone.