The Beginning of the End - A West Roman Empire Quest

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In the year 476, the last great struggle over the rulership of West Rome began. The Germanic Foederati under their leader Odoacer rebelled against Orestes, who himself had dethroned the last Emperor Julius Nepos and replaced him with his son Romulus Augustus. Now three great men are struggling over the last scraps of West Rome. Who will win? And can he bring back the glory of old?
Opening Post & Rules


Kiel; Germany

The year 476. War has come over the remains of West Rome. The germanic foederati under their leader Odoacer are rebelling against the Emperor Romulus Augustus, who is only a marionette for his father, Orestes. It could be the final struggle for the Empire in the West, as others wait at the borders to take what last pieces of the once vast Empire. As Odoacer and Orestes battle for control over Italia, the dethroned but still recognized Emperor of the West, Julius Nepos trice to regain his position from the province of Dalmatia. And as they fight, the Empire suffers.

But who will take control over the West and maybe lead the Empire back to its former glory?

Julius Nepos, who has the backing of Constantinople, waits for anyone to give him enough troops to make his pitch on the throne. But Dalmatia has almost no soldiers left. Maybe he could try to get some troops from the East of the Empire, or he could gamble and try to persuade one of the Germanic Tribes at the border. The first or the second might help, but what will be the price for that help?

Orestes, the real power in Rome, has to face Odoacer with the remains of the once-mighty Roman military. With only a few soldiers at his command, he still has the support of the elite, but how long? His son, Romulus Augustus, is the Emperor but only in name and without any support of Constantinople. But if a victory could is won, it might be just enough to secure his position and his son's. It will be hard, but it isn't impossible.

Odoacer has the backing of the Germanic Foederati for know. But if he wants to keep it that way, he needs to deliver what they wish, land and money. If he can get them that, he has their support and can take control over Italia permanent. When he managed to do that, he might even get the support of the East. Easier said than done, but he has the will to do what is needed.

Who will lead West Rome?

[ ] Julius Nepos, true Emperor of the West! (Military: 1 Civilian: 1 Diplomacy: 2)

[ ] Orestes, Magister militum of the Emperor Romulus Augustus! (Military: 1 Civilian: 2 Diplomacy: 1)

[ ] Odoacer, leader of the Foederati! (Military: 3 Civilian: 1 Diplomacy: 0)

Only d6 will be rolled to decide if an action happen as it is intended. 1-3 = Failure; 4-5 = Success but at a price; 6 = Success without any consequences; any additional six means a critical success.

You fraction has the following skills: Military, Civilian, Diplomacy. The number of each skill shows how many d6 will be a rolled. If a skill hasn't a number, two d6 will be rolled and the lower number is picked as the result. You may raise skills with certain actions ingame.

Traits give you bonus d6 under certain circumstances. You can gain traits with certain actions or outcomes of actions. Traits are ordered below a skill and can only used by them.

Stability shows you how stable your faction is. If it hits zero, your faction is destroyed - quest over.

Each turn is a quarter of a year.

Please use the [ ]Plan Name format.

Write-in actions are allowed if given my ok, please put them into spoilers and asked me before adding them to a plan.

Omakes, help with historical facts etc. may get you bonus d6.
[x] Julius Nepos, true Emperor of the West! (Military: 1 Civilian: 1 Diplomacy: 2)

Hope this goes better than the last roman quest.
Huh, there was another one? What happend?
Like 2-3 voters got to involved (one just being a Khorne Blood God Troll) and the QM used savage and barbarian as basically synonyms which the mods didn't like. It basically got like 10 people banned with several others getting suspended for months/years or some shit and ended the quest (tho it did continue on QQ before dying because the Muslims came back and ALL our armies got sunk in the ocean via storm)
It was hilarious to me because it was a drastic overreaction.
I was exaggerating on the amount banned, i don't actually remember how many got in trouble :p.
[X] Julius Nepos, true Emperor of the West! (Military: 1 Civilian: 1 Diplomacy: 2)
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Like 2-3 voters got to involved (one just being a Khorne Blood God Troll) and the QM used savage and barbarian as basically synonyms which the mods didn't like. It basically got like 10 people banned with several others getting suspended for months/years or some shit and ended the quest (tho it did continue on QQ before dying because the Muslims came back and ALL our armies got sunk in the ocean via storm)
It was hilarious to me because it was a drastic overreaction.
Sounds like my Warhammer Fantasy 4 Edition round were I'm the GM. But do you perheps have a link? It does sound funny.
Sounds like my Warhammer Fantasy 4 Edition round were I'm the GM. But do you perheps have a link? It does sound funny.

Empire: The Glory of Rome (Roman Empire Quest)

I'm just gonna shill my plan again because hot damn is the Overkill train speeding along suddenly. We have most advantages in the fight against the Caliph's army, especially if our garrison comes out. Even if not, we can take that fight, I'm confident of it. And the sooner we end this war and...
There is a whole thread that was created to make precedent from this quest tho. Iama look for it :p.

Rule 2, QMs, and Acceptable Behavior on SV

Good afternoon; Following the conclusion of two recent tribunals – 2019-AT-06, Staff and Lord Vespasian, and 2019-AT-07, Staff and Admiral Halsey – and the closing of a thread – Empire: The Glory of Rome - I think it is very important that we make clear what is and is not acceptable on...
Found it.

So take heed of all this, since this quest takes place in about the same time period.
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[X] Orestes, Magister militum of the Emperor Romulus Augustus! (Military: 1 Civilian: 2 Diplomacy: 1)

Mostly just because of some random trivia about him I just find really cool for some reason.

1. He spent a few years as part of the court of Attila the Hun, and twice served as Attila's envoy to Eastern Rome.
2. His son/puppet emperor is named "Romulus," after the first king of Rome, and holds the title of "Augustus," the first emperor of Rome. There's really no more fitting name.
3. His name is the same as a Greek hero who was the son (and avenger) of Agamemnon, who was the subject of many Greek plays.
[X] Odoacer, leader of the Foederati! (Military: 3 Civilian: 1 Diplomacy: 0)
[X] Orestes, Magister militum of the Emperor Romulus Augustus! (Military: 1 Civilian: 2 Diplomacy: 1)
[X] Orestes, Magister militum of the Emperor Romulus Augustus! (Military: 1 Civilian: 2 Diplomacy: 1)
[X] Orestes, Magister militum of the Emperor Romulus Augustus! (Military: 1 Civilian: 2 Diplomacy: 1)
[X] Orestes, Magister militum of the Emperor Romulus Augustus! (Military: 1 Civilian: 2 Diplomacy: 1)
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[X] Orestes, Magister militum of the Emperor Romulus Augustus! (Military: 1 Civilian: 2 Diplomacy: 1)