OP: The Second Cut


And 3 Years Later, He Rose Again
Before I get into it, I just want to apologize to all of the players of the first version of this. My only mode of access to SV was taken away from me for some time, and even afterwards I just didn't come back for one reason or another. I'm truly sorry.


Team Saiyan Saves The World: The Second Cut is a re-imagining of Team Saiyan Saves the World, a DBZ RPG taking place a year after the hypothetical Raditz Saga and 3 weeks before the hypothetical Vegeta Saga.

A team of Saiyans survives the annihilation of their planet and make it to another, settling there.

When word gets out of a mystical planet that not only has a set of wish-granting balls, but also another Saiyan among their defenders, Team Saiyan gets a move and groove on in the direction of that planet in hopes of finding Kakarot.


In The Second Cut, there is a bit tighter of a restriction regarding character selection.

There are 3 sets of characters: Required, Preferred, and Optional. Required is needed to start the game, and Required and Preferred need to be filled out before Optional is open to use. That being said, it's also very loose, so if you have a solid argument for why your Optional character is fit for the team early on, or why X character isn't needed all that much, go right ahead! The worst that can happen is me saying no.

And with that, on to the characters!

Gine (can be with Bardock or separate)

Tarble (with or without Gure)
Broly (Br preferable)

King Vegeta
Paragus (Same timeline as Broly)
OCs (2 allowed)


Name of Saiyan chosen:
Appearance: (List any edits to their appearance here. For Rigor, and Broly, describe what Saiyan Armor they are wearing.)
Transformations: (Put Oozaru and Zenkai here, and then neglect until Super Saiyan happens.)
Abilities: (Put any special abilities here. Every character has Power Ball at Game Start. Abilities and Moves work on a specific system.
  • Basically, there are... some number of ranks:
  • Incompetent, Poor, Unpromising, Unlearned, Competent, Talented, Exceptional, Elite, and Legendary.
  • Incompetent, Poor, and Unpromising give negatives to checks made (-4, -2, and -1, respectively), while Unlearned is "neutral" (it is the "halfway decent but not great" rank), and higher levels grant bonuses (+1, +2, +4, +6, and +10, for Competent, Talented, Exceptional, Elite, and Legendary, respectively).
  • It's hard to suck so bad that you drop yourself in a black hole. That's on purpose. This is Team Saiyan, not Team Fail.)
Racial Traits: (Zenkai, Saiyan Tails, and any other Saiyan traits go here.)
Moves: (Maximum 5 moves at Game Start: Every character must have at least one unique move.)
Power Level: (Self-explanatory. Starting Power level cannot be beyond... 35k to start, let's say, but that's really pushing the envelope.)
Weaknesses: (2 Weaknesses from Game Start: Weaknesses can come from any part of a character.)
Personality: (List any changes or just list the basic personality traits.)
Bio: (What happened to them in the years between Vegeta's destruction and the present day?)


What characters will be relevant?
Besides all the main characters, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Launch, Gure, Dr. Gero, Androids 13-15 and 21, and Dr. Lychee will be more relevant/exist.
Concerning Lychee, the jury is still out on whether he will make Hatchiyak or Baby.

On top of this, Abo, Kado, and Bonyu will make an appearance in the Namek Saga as Ginyu Force reserve corps, and Jaco may show up early as well...

When does Beerus come into play?
We will be running on the Retconned history of Beerus being active in the work of both Freeza and the Saiyans, which might end up with Freeza revealing Beerus's ordering of Vegeta's destruction as a pity play. The character himself should not come into play anytime soon, or at least he will not be directly interacting with Team Saiyan or the Z-Fighters.

How does Team Saiyan know about the Dragon Balls?
The Earth Team Saiyan is invading won't be as unprepared as in canon.
The Trade Federation and a few other independent parties have tried knocking Earth's block off, and none have succeeded so far. The survivors from the Trade Federation now tell tales of mystical balls that can grant any wish... This is also how they learn of Goku, as the last group of Federation invaders faced off against the Z-Fighters, which included a male whose energy and powerlevel seemed distinctly that of a Saiyan, albeit without the tail.

What about Trunks's timeline? Will that be affected?
Actually, yes! In The Second Cut's Trunks timeline, everything happens as normal until a few months before Future Gohan dies, as Bulma starts prepping the time machine early. When Future Gohan is supposed to die, he actually lets Trunks come with him, getting Trunks killed and driving Gohan to go further beyond, stacking Super Saiyan and FSSJ. However, Mira shows up and boosts the Androids (and possibly has a chat with a peeking Bardock) before leaving again, meaning that Gohan is now fighting for his life before barely escaping in the time machine and ending up in the present.

When does Team Saiyan come together?
Team Saiyan is not a long-running group, and only comes together about a month before present day. Beforehand, the groupings are as follows:

Who are Inyon and Rigor?
Who? Never heard of 'em.
On my phone now so I can't fill out a sheet, but I would like to reserve Raditz please.
Will try posting something later, but I'm interested.
Characters I'm considering:

Will give it some more thought and try to post a sheet in the next day or two.

EDIT: Woops didn't see that @Nox called Raditz already.

@DefRevenge24601 would you be going with Bardock having (untrained) Sight? Or not?
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In further thinking on things, I'd like to request Vegeta (The Younger). I will try to work up a sheet soon, it may end up with some WIP sections.
KnightDisciple: Vegeta, Prince Of A Handful
Name: Vegeta Vegeta IV, Prince of All Saiyans, Prince-in-Exile, Captain in the Frieza Force, The Saiyan Who Would Be King, "The Beggar Prince", "Frieza's Pet Monkey"
Transformations: The Saiyan species carried within it great potential, shown by their ability to transform. Naturally, the only transformation a Saiyan may undertake is that of an Oozaru.
-Oozaru [Mastered]: Vegeta has mastered the animalistic rage and instincts of the Oozaru state, giving him full control over this enormous form. The power boost it provides is a heady thing, but the sheer size of the form puts limits on when and where it can be used. This is, of course, the only form change a Saiyan may undergo, yes?
Abilities: Vegeta has an array of basic abilities that are near-universal for most any users of Ki/"energy". Furthermore, he displays the level of skill and power expected of not just an Elite Saiyan, but one of the Royal Family.
-Flight [Talented]: The sky belongs to the Prince as much as the ground does. Thus, Vegeta has ensured that his flight is smooth, efficient, and agile.
-Ki Control [Talented]: Vegeta is excellent at controlling, shaping, and maintaining his energy levels to achieve whatever result he desires and intends.
-Ki Sense [Poor]: Vegeta has an innate sense of his own energy and its flows and ebbs, but has not realized how to actually sense energy outside of himself. His sense of his own energy is primarily a mechanism by which he then exercises his will and control of it.
-Ki-Enhanced Physique [Competent]: Vegeta is trained and knowledgeable, as are all at his level of power, in how to take his energy and not only produce great blasts with it, but also how to achieve bursts of speed and strength far exceeding what just his body could achieve on its own.
-Ki Blasts [Talented]: Vegeta has a talent and preference for projecting his energy as blasts of varying shapes and sizes. While his strongest attacks are those he's given a name to, moves that seem to require at least a bit of specific movements to achieve them, any blast of energy fired by the Prince is a weapon to be feared.
-Hand-to-Hand Combat [Competent]: Vegeta is a skilled warrior in all ways, but his preference for fighting at at least a bit of range is rather obvious. He is roughly equally talented at fighting foes one-on-one or in groups. His primary methods of fighting with his body are mostly ruled by the generic, loose "style" of the Saiyan people, a collection of sharp, brutal blows and a few blocks that transition quickly into more attacking.
Racial Traits: Prince Vegeta is a Saiyan, a full-blooded one, and bears all the gifts that heritage entails.
-Zenkai: As with all Saiyans, Vegeta experiences a surge in his permanent Power Level when he is injured and recovers. The heavier the injury and the stronger the opponent, the greater the jump in power. This seemed to be a survival mechanism for Saiyans; it did them little good against the collision of an enormous meteor with their home planet.
-Saiyan Tail [Trained]: Vegeta has trained his tail to resist the surge of pain that comes with it being forcefully grabbed. While the pain remains, he can work through it and function normally. As well, Vegeta can use his tail as something of a simple fifth limb thanks to its strength and dexterity; it lacks fine manipulators but can pick up objects in a basic grip, or even be used for strikes during a fight (though Vegeta prefers not to do this, as he values his tail being intact and unscarred).
-Senses: Saiyans had sharper senses than many of the more "baseline" races, such as Humans and Brenchians. Namekians have sharper hearing, and Arcosians have sharper sight, but Saiyans had noses rivaled only by species with constantly-animalistic body-forms. Their sense of smell was enhanced further as an Oozaru. As well, their sense of touch was augmented into something of a natural "sixth sense" by way of naturally detecting and processing changes in air currents and pressures (which explains their preference for outfits that expose skin or leave it covered only by thin, tight-fitting cloth). Vegeta is no exception to this, though he prefers cloth on his limbs rather than baring them like his General, Nappa.
-Physicality: The original Saiyan homeworld had ten times the gravity of Earth, and while they lived on Planet Plant for several generations, it was a drop in the evolutionary bucket. Saiyans are stronger, tougher, have more endurance, and recover faster than equivalent species. Vegeta is no exception to this.
-Warrior Race: While not every Saiyan was born with the power of the Royal family, they were almost always born with power far exceeding the galactic average. Person-for-person, Saiyans were an exceedingly powerful and dangerous race, though even their collective might was nothing compared to the likes of King Cold and Frieza. They had a natural affinity for energy-enhanced physical combat and the use of energy blasts. Vegeta is no exception to this.
Moves: While he is young yet, Vegeta has at least a decent repertoire of unique moves and techniques to call his own.
-Power Ball [Competent]: Vegeta knows the Power Ball technique that gives off artificial moonlight, allowing him to enter the Oozaru state regardless of the time of day or phase of the moon.
-Galick Gun [Talented]: Vegeta's signature energy blast technique, the Galick Gun is his own invention. This fuschia beam-style attack is powerful but compact, giving it an edge as something of a "piercing" attack, but making it slightly unfavorable in a struggle of raw back-and-forth power.
-Lucora Gun [Talented]: A rapid-fire barrage of smaller energy blasts, this is an excellent "crowd clearing" move, as well as a way to distract and wear down a more powerful opponent.
-Elite Assault [Talented]: While this sounds like a singular technique, it's more a collection of chained-together close combat moves with a particular rhythm. A strike to shove the opponent away, another strike or set of them to stun, and a final powerful strike to drive them to the dirt beneath Vegeta's feet. Where they belong.
-Energy Punch [Competent]: Vegeta is still working to master the skill of infusing his melee strikes with energy; while his control over his regular blasts is superb, keeping it wrapped around your fists is no mean feat.
-Vegeta Style [Unpromising]: While by no means a truly coherent thing yet, the seeds of a unique, personal fighting style are being sown in the Prince's life by his own actions and missions over the last several years, laying a foundation that mayhaps will lead him to great things.
Power Level: Vegeta is one of the last scions of the Royal House of Vegeta, the last ruling House of the Saiyan people. Thus, he is an exceedingly powerful example of the Saiyan species.
-Regular Form: 30,000
-Oozaru Form: 300,000
Weaknesses: Vegeta projects an air of invulnerability, but he is by no means untouchable or unbreakable. And his self-proclaimed royal station leaves him vulnerable in ways a "regular" Saiyan may not be...
-Pride Goeth Before The Fall: Vegeta is a man almost defined by his pride. Part of him knows this same pride will likely kill him one day, but it is one of the few tattered scraps he has left in his life to give it meaning beyond just "fight and kill".
-Adrift In A Sea Of Stars: Vegeta Vegeta IV is a Prince without a People, a King-To-Be without a Kingdom. His rule is, at best, over less than two dozen members of his species. While the life he has lived under Frieza's thumb has left him a hard man, he may be inclined to sacrifice more than some might think for the sake of his species. Someone intending to manipulate him by way of promises to restore the Saiyans (or some other, similar-sounding end goal/result) will likely have great success.
-Beneath A Tyrant's Gaze: Vegeta is practically a pet to Frieza; a loyal attack dog sent on whatever mission amuses the ruler of most of the galaxy feels like. He is constantly watched, belittled, and let know his lowly place in Frieza's court. Vegeta calls himself a Saiyan Elite, but in the PTO, he is merely a Captain of the regular soldiery with the fickle attention of the Emperor. He knows he is watched by his "fellow" soldiers, watched by the ships he rides in, and even recorded by his own Scouter.
-Unrefined Iron: Vegeta has a natural talent for fighting, and for developing techniques. However, this talent has had no real, directed training; his time first on Planet Plant, and then in the wider galaxy, was spent with him being either radically more powerful, or radically weaker, than anyone he was interacting with. Against an opponent of roughly equal strength but greater skill, Vegeta is at a disadvantage.
-Tiny, But Fierce!: Vegeta is not a large person. While not actually "tiny", he is shorter than many, and his build is not over-muscled. While this means he's fairly quick on his feat, against a peer-power opponent who's larger, Vegeta may well find himself at a notable disadvantage.
Vegeta is a cold, some might say cruel, man. He rarely spares even a moment of consideration for anyone but himself, and delights in destruction and death. He is a poster-child member of the PTO's space-borne army, a walking engine of genocide cut from the same cloth as Frieza himself.
The truth, however, is more complicated. Vegeta's heart's desire is to see the Saiyan people restored. Not just in terms of numbers, but culture. The Prince has no desire to see his people simply return to being brutal destroyers whose culture revolves solely around the "Three F's" (as his General is fond of saying). But he is a man bound by oaths, and more importantly by threats of death and violence. So he suppresses these desires, he hides these thoughts, and he shows only the face that Frieza expects and desires of him. Even to those he might count as his closest companions.
Vegeta's life began in an incubation tank, his father watching over him. Judging. This set the tone for his youth; he would learn and train and live and breath, and King Vegeta Vegeta III judged. In his heart, Prince Vegeta questioned their royalty. What King bowed to another sovereign, the way his father bowed to Lord Frieza? Should not a king at least be an equal to another ruler? When a 5-year-old Prince asked this of his father, in their family's chambers, it took Vegeta IV three days in the healing tank to recover. After that, Vegeta kept his questions to himself and the meager archives of their people.

The Prince was on a "routine" mission off-planet with then-Colonel Nappa, Warrior Raditz, and a handful of Saiyan guards when they received word of the destruction of Planet Plant by a rogue planetoid-meteor. Outwardly, Vegeta simply scoffed and declared that it didn't matter, he would rebuild the Saiyans one day as an even-more-lethal weapon of Frieza's empire!

Since then, Vegeta has been a loyal member of the Planet Trade Organizaton's Frieza Force, the roving army of Lord Frieza's galaxy-spanning empire. He and Nappa are often used when it's clear the regular troops of the PTO won't do the trick, but it's not quite troublesome enough to deploy the most elite of Frieza's forces. The flame-like hair of the Prince is a sure sign your planet may well be doomed, even if it isn't killed...
Prince Vegeta has spent the last twenty-odd years of his life desperately seeking every scrap of remaining knowledge and culture of the Saiyan people from all over the cosmos, and every last possible representative of their people, with as much secrecy from Frieza as possible. While his public attitude toward his younger brother Tarble is one of disdain and hatred for "such a weakling", privately they have met three times for Vegeta to pass off some other artifact to his brother to preserve.
Twice he has met with the rogue scientist-turned-soothsayer Bardock, to do something similar.
Nappa knows of these deeds and is sworn to secrecy on pain of tortuous death. This is not a fate for him the Prince desires or expects; Nappa is nearly fanatical in his loyalty, and the Prince prefers to reward loyalty.

But for all of his efforts, Vegeta has gathered so very little of what remains of the Saiyan people. And still he toils under the blood-soaked hand of Frieza, plunging his own hands into the blood and filth of the planetary trade "business" over and over again, slaying countless helpless lives, all for one more week of survival at the "mercy" of Frieza. His soul has long gone cold and hard at what things he must do to survive. He stopped hoping for a "better" life long ago; his one tiny scrap of hope now is simply to re-found the Saiyans and survive. A hope now kindled, if ever so slightly, byt the tales from this "Earth", where another member of his race survives...

Author's Notes:
-I tried to make this Vegeta much more complex than canon, without making him just a "good guy" from the start.
-If you can't tell by all the quotes, I'm treating Vegeta as a tragic figure, in the ancient sense of the word. Then again, tragedy can turn on its face at times, so who knows...
-The Arthurian quotes are no accident. I'm going to treat Vegeta as something of an Arthurian figure. Of course, young Wart didn't have much to his name when he started...
-Vegeta would start the game believing Frieza simply exploited the meteor-induced death of the Saiyans to bring the handful of living examples to heel.
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Ah, yes. The Prince graces his low-class brethren with his presence. Welcome aboard, and let me know when you're finished.
Is this still a thing? Because if if so, then you have my interest. Dragon Ball super Broly/Abridged has sparked my interest in some of the early dragon ball and it was quite the surprise to see this here.

I'm considering Nappa, Radditz, and maybe Paragus
Edit: Annnnnd now I fully read the lists I realize one is taken and the other is unavailable, still Nappa appeals to me and if this is still going then I'll write up a sheet for him. In fact, I think i'll get right on it because why not?
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triumph8w: Nappa, Silverback #2
Name: Nappa

Transformations: Oozaru-(Competent) Nappa has through his life used this form many times, and as such has grown used to the sheer power it brings to him and is able to use it competently and with confidence.

Abilities: Flight-(Competent) Nappas flying abilities are efficient and business like, and have been made this way through years of fighting and training.

Ki control- (Competent) Many a warrior has died to Nappa, and many fights were won due to Nappas control and power.

Ki sense-(Poor) While he able to tell if his own energy is running low he can do little else, and relies heavily on his scouter to make up for this.

Ki enhanced Physique-(Talented) For years Nappas fighting style has revolved around his size and sheer brute strength, as a result he does well when using KI to enhance himself.

Ki blasts-(Competent) While proficient in their use due to his age and experience, using Ki blasts are not his go to way of fighting. Though they are extremely fun to blow stuff up with.

Hand to Hand combat-( Talented) And this is where Nappa Excels and where most of his focus as a warrior is. To him, there is little better than the exhilaration of a fistfight against a peer opponent. And it is here his brutal and direct nature fully shows itself.

Racial Traits

Zenkai-As with all Saiyans, Nappa experiences a surge in his permanent Power Level when he is injured and recovers. The heavier the injury and the stronger the opponent, the greater the jump in power.

Sayian Tail- While Nappa is able to avoid being knocked unconscious by having his tail grabbed like most adult Sayians, he can do little else with it. And he tends to keep it wrapped around his waist where its out of the way and protected.

Senses: Saiyans had sharper senses than many of the more "baseline" races, such as Humans and Brenchians. Namekians have sharper hearing, and Arcosians have sharper sight, but Saiyans had noses rivaled only by species with constantly-animalistic body-forms. Their sense of smell was enhanced further as an Oozaru. As well, their sense of touch was augmented into something of a natural "sixth sense" by way of naturally detecting and processing changes in air currents and pressures (which explains their preference for outfits that expose skin or leave it covered only by thin, tight-fitting cloth). Nappa is one of the Sayians who fully embraces this, and only wears enough to cover his dignity under his armor.

Physicality: The original Saiyan homeworld had ten times the gravity of Earth, and while they lived on Planet Plant for several generations, it was a drop in the evolutionary bucket. Saiyans are stronger, tougher, have more endurance, and recover faster than equivalent species. Nappa is a wonderful example of this.

Warrior Race: While not every Saiyan was born with the power of the Royal family, they were almost always born with power far exceeding the galactic average. Person-for-person, Saiyans were an exceedingly powerful and dangerous race, though even their collective might was nothing compared to the likes of King Cold and Frieza. They had a natural affinity for energy-enhanced physical combat and the use of energy blasts. Nappa is no exception to this.


Power Ball [Competent]: Nappa knows the Power Ball technique that gives off artificial moonlight, allowing him to enter the Oozaru state regardless of the time of day or phase of the moon.

The Flashzone-(Competent) Used as a chance to get a breather or create an opening, the Flashzone is meant to blind an opponent with a quick bright(and as a result, harmless) flash of light.

The Volcano explosion: An exploding wave technique, it is Nappas favorite for crowd control, or to use for mindless destruction. By lifting up his index and middle finger he can create a wave of destructive force, usually in a single direction. Though if he has time to focus on it(say, several seconds) then he would be able to create a blastwave that moves in every direction, while bypassing those he doesn't want to harm.(Namely, Vegeta.)

The Mini Ape-(Unlearned) A move that he's still working on, the Mini Ape is an attempt to use Ki to enhance his body in such a way that he becomes overall stronger, tougher, and generally harder to kill. Though he has had limited success with it, and has mostly toyed with it as something to do when bored.

The Roar of the Great Ape- (Competent) Mostly intended for use as a Great ape for the amount of energy it takes to use, though it can also be used in non-Great ape form though it will be nowhere near as powerful and is more taxing. It is a sonic attack generated from the mouth and it is used in situations when a more "piercing" attack is necessary.

Power level


Great Ape 200,000


-The simple things in life: Nappa, to put it bluntly, is not a grand strategist who plans battles out piece by piece over a map. He is a warrior! One who relies mostly on his instinct against peer or superior opponents and who also tends to get bored easily, when the situation is lax enough.

-A Proud Sayian warrior: Nappa, like every true Sayian warrior, is a proud and sadistic man. While bored he tends to entertain himself by toying around with those he deems "prey". Often to complete distraction, and if any of them actually manage to wound him...he will make their end as slow and as painful as he can.

Personality:. Nappa is a simple creature, one who often bores easily with a lack of something sufficiently stimulating. He is also a classic saiyan, delighting in combat while enjoying toying around with pathetic weaklings. Where he differs from the average saiyan is somewhat shocking, for Nappa has immense loyalty towards his Prince, Vegeta. Who he would do anything for. He may pay lip service towards the Tyrant for the greater good but his true loyalties lie with Vegeta, the Prince of all saiyans. He is also more friendly towards those he has deemed allies or comrades, or even friends. Often showing some amount of concern if their hurt, or joking with them.

Bio: He has traveled from planet to planet doing the dirty work of the PTO ever since the destruction of the Saiyan homeworld, planet to planet species to species. It was fun, if undignified work that was at times an insult to the proud warrior. He was mostly content, however the news of a planet that had wish granting balls, and beyond that had a Saiyan as one of its chief defenders has sparked Nappas interest, who knows what they may be able to grant...
I'll be honest, I took a lot form @KnightDisciple sheet in making mine. And even outright copied from his(with some name changes) but thats only because he made such an amazing sheet. I tried to make Nappa tough, but not on Vegetas level kinda like it was in the show. I also feel like I suggest you put a thing in the RP player recruitment thread, see if you can attract more players that way.
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@triumph8w I don't mind at all. Hopefully you can tell how Vegeta is, while not a nice/good guy right from the start, a bit more complex than shown early in DBZ...

@DefRevenge24601 I'm going to try and finish the History/Bio section for Vegeta ASAP and then toss my voice in on the Recruiting thread, to hopefully drum up a bit more interest.

Opinion on integrating some... ah... side-canon things into a character's backstory? Because I cannot think of a way to get Broly off of Vampa in a way that makes sense, outside of something like "Bojack/Turles's crew find them"

Opinion on integrating some... ah... side-canon things into a character's backstory? Because I cannot think of a way to get Broly off of Vampa in a way that makes sense, outside of something like "Bojack/Turles's crew find them"
Tarble on an extra-secret mission to gather the "secret weapon" that Vegeta Vegeta III discarded out of pride?

(Yes I am going all-in on the "Vegeta Vegeta" thing because it amuses me.)