Nappa practically leapt back into his pod, but right before he pressed the button to close it again, he had a realization, stopped, and playfully palmed himself on the forehead.

"Silly me!" He said, then stepped back out of the pot. "I forgot, we're getting a new ship. We're not going to need these crummy things no more!"

Checking his own scouter to confirm where the others had landed, he looked back to Raditz and Tarble and gave them a 'come on' wave.

"This way!" He said, then blasted off, not even bothering to wait in his eagerness to get back to Prince Vegeta and deliver the good news.
Vegeta rolled his eyes at the signs of affection, but allowed it to continue between his subordinates. They showed him the proper respect and he was a generous Prince if served correctly.

"I'll follow, though i'd rather not waste my time speaking to the locals unless i have to."
Bardock nodded, then used his scouter for a few moments, turning slowly before picking a direction.

"This direction has a high concentration of power levels, multiple powerful transmissions, and looked like a bigger city from orbit."

Without further explanation he lifted off and blazed a trail toward said city, seemingly heedless of any who might stand in their way.

'So far so good. Maybe we can do this with a low body count...'
Nappa practically leapt back into his pod, but right before he pressed the button to close it again, he had a realization, stopped, and playfully palmed himself on the forehead.

"Silly me!" He said, then stepped back out of the pot. "I forgot, we're getting a new ship. We're not going to need these crummy things no more!"

Checking his own scouter to confirm where the others had landed, he looked back to Raditz and Tarble and gave them a 'come on' wave.

"This way!" He said, then blasted off, not even bothering to wait in his eagerness to get back to Prince Vegeta and deliver the good news.
Shaking his head at the older Saiyan's enthusiasm, Tarble lifted in the air before glancing at Raditz. "Let's go, then."

He won't move to follow Nappa until the long-haired Saiyan moves as well.
Nappa practically leapt back into his pod, but right before he pressed the button to close it again, he had a realization, stopped, and playfully palmed himself on the forehead.

"Silly me!" He said, then stepped back out of the pot. "I forgot, we're getting a new ship. We're not going to need these crummy things no more!"

Checking his own scouter to confirm where the others had landed, he looked back to Raditz and Tarble and gave them a 'come on' wave.

"This way!" He said, then blasted off, not even bothering to wait in his eagerness to get back to Prince Vegeta and deliver the good news.
Raditz gave an annoyed sigh, lifting off the ground to follow after Nappa.

"This is gonna be fun, I can tell already..."
Shaking his head at the older Saiyan's enthusiasm, Tarble lifted in the air before glancing at Raditz. "Let's go, then."

He won't move to follow Nappa until the long-haired Saiyan moves as well.
There were three signals currently moving, obviously other Saiyans. Everyone else on the planet was far too weak to be a Saiyan. Not even Raditz was as weak as the people on this planet. Gine, too, but she wasn't exactly a fighter, so she didn't really count anyhow.

Two of the signals were moving off in another direction, while one was coming straight for them. Nappa focused on the signal that was coming at them, and high-tailed it in their direction. It wasn't long before he spotted said Saiyan Gine coming right at them.

As soon as he was convinced she was close enough to hear him yell, Nappa stopped mid-air, waved at her, and began pointing at Tarble.

Shaking his head at the older Saiyan's enthusiasm, Tarble lifted in the air before glancing at Raditz. "Let's go, then."

He won't move to follow Nappa until the long-haired Saiyan moves as well.

Raditz gave an annoyed sigh, lifting off the ground to follow after Nappa.

"This is gonna be fun, I can tell already..."

Raditz and Tarble likely detected the IFF signature from Gine's scouter, which made it clear she was the one heading for them.
There were three signals currently moving, obviously other Saiyans. Everyone else on the planet was far too weak to be a Saiyan. Not even Raditz was as weak as the people on this planet. Gine, too, but she wasn't exactly a fighter, so she didn't really count anyhow.

Two of the signals were moving off in another direction, while one was coming straight for them. Nappa focused on the signal that was coming at them, and high-tailed it in their direction. It wasn't long before he spotted said Saiyan Gine coming right at them.

As soon as he was convinced she was close enough to hear him yell, Nappa stopped mid-air, waved at her, and began pointing at Tarble.

Gine was close enough within moments that Nappa's shouting was a bit painful. She winced, then smiled, speaking with a motherly tone.

"That's great, Nappa! We're such a small group, after all, that it's good to find more Saiyans."

She was speaking as if he'd done some wonderful thing finding Tarble. Her heart broke for poor Nappa, with his mind half-gone as it was. She did her best to be nice to him; he was usually nice to her, and when he wasn't, she had her ways of keeping him in line.

"And to find a member of the Royal Family, that's all the better! Bardock and Vegeta are going after a bigger and better ship at the moment. I think maybe we could try to get all of our Pods clustered up? Bardock made it sound like he wanted to try and keep them just in case. Did the Prince have particular business on this world?"
Gine was close enough within moments that Nappa's shouting was a bit painful. She winced, then smiled, speaking with a motherly tone.

"That's great, Nappa! We're such a small group, after all, that it's good to find more Saiyans."

She was speaking as if he'd done some wonderful thing finding Tarble. Her heart broke for poor Nappa, with his mind half-gone as it was. She did her best to be nice to him; he was usually nice to her, and when he wasn't, she had her ways of keeping him in line.

"And to find a member of the Royal Family, that's all the better! Bardock and Vegeta are going after a bigger and better ship at the moment. I think maybe we could try to get all of our Pods clustered up? Bardock made it sound like he wanted to try and keep them just in case. Did the Prince have particular business on this world?"
Tarble'd spent the flight calling Gure on his Scouter, quietly instructing her on a plan to let her stay with the group without getting blown up by his brother. From what he remembered, he doubted any of the Saiyans here would approve of such a cross-species relationship, so he'd need to figure out something else.

Anyways, he stopped when this new Saiyan arrived, and stayed quiet while she spoke. "Just traveling. Hoping to avoid the Frieza Force. The usual."
Tarble'd spent the flight calling Gure on his Scouter, quietly instructing her on a plan to let her stay with the group without getting blown up by his brother. From what he remembered, he doubted any of the Saiyans here would approve of such a cross-species relationship, so he'd need to figure out something else.

Anyways, he stopped when this new Saiyan arrived, and stayed quiet while she spoke. "Just traveling. Hoping to avoid the Frieza Force. The usual."
Gine smiled more broadly. She liked Tarble, even if she barely knew him, or even of him.

"Well, I'm glad your travels were safe. Your brother is on-planet as well. He and Bardock are looking to see if we can get some more...comfortable travel arrangements."

A ship that's not a tiny pod.