The Convergence! Freeza's Plan


And 3 Years Later, He Rose Again

The Ice demon pronounced it E-Are-Th, but the Saiyans he was talking to (In separate meetings, mind you) knew better.

"All of the groups I have sent there so far have failed to produce results; Not to mention, there was the presence of another Saiyan on the planet."
"I want you to go there and wipe out all of its species."
"Yes, ESPECIALLY the dinosaurs."
"And the Space Duck. Stop asking questions before I kill you."
"Then, you shall report it and sell it. See if you can get that Saiyan on your side, however. He seems to be quite powerful..."

And with that, Vegeta, Nappa, Bardock, Gine, Raditz, Tarble, and Gure were sent off to Earth by Freeza.
Broly exited the briefing room that was being guarded by a few unaffiliated mercenaries.

Months later, their space pods converge on a small, seemingly harmless planet called Mars, a planet just a few weeks away from the target planet.
They all come in from slightly different angles, with a few of them in groups of two, but they all fall into line under the lead, Prince Vegeta.
Their comms all come into range of one another and crackle to life, with white noise filling the air.

Freeza thought that he had sent these proud warriors to their deaths on Earth; not only was he wrong, but he was going to pay very dearly for it...
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Prince Vegeta sat back against his seat, the rattling of the fabric, metal and plexiglass made everything seem so fragile, his face a permanent frown.

He hated the loss of control spaceflight gave him. A single fault and a death unworthy of a Saiyan would await him, choking on the cold vacuum of space, probably whilst Frieza laughed.


It had been a long journey, longer than any before to this backwater planet, so primitive it lacked even the satellites to warn of their approach.

"Bardock, this better be the right planet." he transmitted to the pod of his..."second" in command, his voice tinted with the irritation of flying in a deathtrap for several months.

Bardock and Gine
@Dovahsith @The Fourth Monado @Space Jawa @Sucal @Lazy Coyote
There's a moment of rattling silence before Bardock's voice comes over the communications system. The oldest Saiyan present (he beat Nappa by a few years) spoke in direct but formal tones. He was clearly in "all business" mode.

"Yes, Prince Vegeta."
None of the sass the Prince swore that insufferable "scientist" used sometimes when addressing his rightful ruler.
"This will put us close enough to Earth to strategize, repair our pods, and resupply as necessary, without any major delays. It's a bit harsher than Earth's environment but nothing Saiyans can't handle."
There's a pause before Bardock continues, a blinking light indicating the channel is secure, or as secure as they can manage with their combined, limited technical knowledges.
"I want to just note for the record, that I still think we need to try and salvage or acquire something more than these Pods for journeys such as this. Our Pods are good for shock-deployments, but I'm starting to wonder how thorough their maintenance cycles are."
Which is to say he thinks Frieza is skimping on repairs specifically to see if they'll fly apart in the hard vacuum of space.

This was not a new discussion; Prince Vegeta maintained that acquiring a spaceship was too large of a risk. But then, they were about to be in vastly different circumstances...

"As well, I'd like to again maintain that we should not seek to engage the locals on this planet too...vigorously. Going 'off-mission' before we reach Earth might bring attention we don't need yet down on us."
Bardock pauses, then seems to wrap up.
"That is all, My Prince."

Meanwhile, everyone's radios crackled with a one-way broadcast. It was Gine. She was far too happy. As usual.

"Hey everyone I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to stretching my legs! Don't worry, I made sure to pack all of my spices and herbs!"
Every Saiyan hearing her likely just got hungrier.
"Now we get the fun part of the trip!"
She means the actual drop and landing. Warrior to the core she may not be, but Gine loved her some thrills.

The group-wide broadcast died, and instead a channel opened to the member of their group with the best hair and third-weakest power level (after Gure and then Gine). Gine's voice was quieter and more hesitant.

"Raditz, de-ah. Um. Is your left shoulder giving you trouble? You'd said it was a bit stiff before we set out. The ointment and spell should have taken care of that, but I'd like to check anyways."
'Attention, Class C planet approaching. Prepare for landing protocols. Attentionn Class C planet...'

Sleep slowly lifted its wings from Tarble as he stirred into consiousness, his wife curled up in his lap and the reddish desert planet... Mars, he thinks it's called, just up ahead. Well, that or Frieza Planet 918, but the garrison there was small and easily avoided - so they should be able to resto-


Those power levels approaching the planet near him... something about them feels really familiar. Reaching out, Tarble engages the inbuilt scanner, only to hiss at the signature of several Attack Pods off his starboard bow. Great, just what he needed to deal with, more Frieza Force - and several of these power levels are equal to or surpassing his full power. Great.

And then, the radio crackled-
"Hey everyone I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to stretching my legs! Don't worry, I made sure to pack all of my spices and herbs!"
Every Saiyan hearing her likely just got hungrier.
"Now we get the fun part of the trip!"
She means the actual drop and landing. Warrior to the core she may not be, but Gine loved her some thrills.

"Hm?" Gure asked, twisting around to look at her husband. "Something wrong?"

"Attack pods heading to the same planet we're going," Tarble replied tersely. "Probably more Frieza Force. We'll need to lay low while we resupply."

"Mmm. Right. I'll be handling the shopping then," she decided, meeting his eyes squarely. "A Saiyan would be too obvious, all things considered."

"Yes dear."
Bardock and Gine
@Dovahsith @The Fourth Monado @Space Jawa @Sucal @Lazy Coyote

The group-wide broadcast died, and instead a channel opened to the member of their group with the best hair and third-weakest power level (after Gure and then Gine). Gine's voice was quieter and more hesitant.

"Raditz, de-ah. Um. Is your left shoulder giving you trouble? You'd said it was a bit stiff before we set out. The ointment and spell should have taken care of that, but I'd like to check anyways."
Raditz clamped down on the indignation that popped up as his mother spoke, before taking a deep breath, reminding himself very firmly that his mother was the one who would get him back in shape if he was hurt.

He rolled his shoulder to see if there was any abnormalities, before nodding and speaking into his communicator.

"It's fine Gine, thank you for asking."
"Not engage the locals?" Nappa asked through an open channel. "Awwww...that's no fun! How do we go about calling ourselves Saiyans if we don't go find their biggest, baddest warrior and beat him up? It's like...the traditional Saiyan way of saying 'Hello'!"

With as long as they'd been flying, Nappa could use a good fight. Not only was he feeling cramped from having sat in his pod for so long, he was getting bored. Not even the opportunity to engage in fun sparring matches. If Nappa didn't know better, he could have sworn they'd been ordered designed by Freeza specifically to make their occupants as miserable as possible, with a special heaping of irritation in mind specifically for Saiyans.
"Not engage the locals?" Nappa asked through an open channel. "Awwww...that's no fun! How do we go about calling ourselves Saiyans if we don't go find their biggest, baddest warrior and beat him up? It's like...the traditional Saiyan way of saying 'Hello'!"

With as long as they'd been flying, Nappa could use a good fight. Not only was he feeling cramped from having sat in his pod for so long, he was getting bored. Not even the opportunity to engage in fun sparring matches. If Nappa didn't know better, he could have sworn they'd been ordered designed by Freeza specifically to make their occupants as miserable as possible, with a special heaping of irritation in mind specifically for Saiyans.
Vegeta's apathetic humph was broadcast, the Prince unhappy about the possibility of a delay in their journey, only considering it due to the shocking state Frieza had allowed their transport to decline into.

"We can't find ourselves a better ship if anything they call a civilisation is a crater and i refuse to spend a moment longer than necessary in a half-maintenanced deathtrap posing as a pod. Nappa, check your scouter for anything worth our time. Once we find the ship, then we can say hello."
"You got it!" Nappa said happily. Making his Prince happy was motivation enough. But knowing the sooner they got a ship, the sooner they could have some fun? It was all Nappa needed.

It didn't take long for him to find something.

"Hey Vegeta!" He said. "I think there's another ship out here! And I think it's going the same place we are!"

He adjusted his scanner to see if he could get more information. Whatever it was and whoever was aboard it, it definitely fit Nappa's definition of something worth their time.
He adjusted his scanner to see if he could get more information. Whatever it was and whoever was aboard it, it definitely fit Nappa's definition of something worth their time.
As far as you could tell, there seemed to be two power levels aboard the pod - one a little over 11,000, and another at around 100, according to your scouter.

But was more telling was the IF beacon of the ship - it seemed it was also a Saiyan-made Assault Pod. Considering a good number of those were destroyed when Planet Vegeta 'vanished', that was certainly surprising.

It was also aimed around ~50 kilometers away from your prospective landing sight.
As far as you could tell, there seemed to be two power levels aboard the pod - one a little over 11,000, and another at around 100, according to your scouter.

But was more telling was the IF beacon of the ship - it seemed it was also a Saiyan-made Assault Pod. Considering a good number of those were destroyed when Planet Vegeta 'vanished', that was certainly surprising.

It was also aimed around ~50 kilometers away from your prospective landing sight.
"Nappa, Raditz, check it out. Either Frieza's keeping an eye on us or someone's late to the rendezvous. I want to find out which." Vegeta ordered as his pod hurtled through the atmosphere. Such a low power level wasn't worth his time. Either they were reinforcements or Nappa would have some sport. If it wasn't the prospect of a good fight then he didn't care which.

@Space Jawa @Lazy Coyote
"You got it, boss!" Nappa said, then promptly shifted his pod's flight path to land near the mystery ship.

"Oh boy oh boy." He thought. He didn't even bother to make sure Raditz was staying with, not that Raditz was anything more than superfluous anyway. Though if the other Saiyan kept up, maybe Nappa would let him get a few licks once the hard part was done.

As Nappa passed through the atmosphere and closed in on the other pod, he gave himself a small chuckle at that last thought.
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"Nappa, Raditz, check it out. Either Frieza's keeping an eye on us or someone's late to the rendezvous. I want to find out which." Vegeta ordered as his pod hurtled through the atmosphere. Such a low power level wasn't worth his time. Either they were reinforcements or Nappa would have some sport. If it wasn't the prospect of a good fight then he didn't care which.

@Space Jawa @Lazy Coyote
"On the way."

Raditz took a moment to shift his Pod's flight path to follow Nappa, and despite going off to fight it wasn't all bad, at least if worst came to worst he could use Nappa as a meat shield.
"You got it, boss!" Nappa said, then promptly shifted his pod's flight path to land near the mystery ship.

"Oh boy oh boy." He thought. He didn't even bother to make sure Raditz was staying with, not that Raditz was anything more than superfluous anyway. Though if the other Saiyan kept up, maybe Nappa would let him get a few licks once the hard part was done.

As Nappa passed through the atmosphere and closed in on the other pod, he gave himself a small chuckle at that last thought.
Oh no. Oh no. The 16,000 power was diverting toward his landing zone! Great, just what he wanted to deal with - fight right now, on a Frieza controlled planet, means sooner or later one of Frieza's higher ups would notice, and that would not be good - especially since he was sure Dodoria was still looking for him.
"On the way."

Raditz took a moment to shift his Pod's flight path to follow Nappa, and despite going off to fight it wasn't all bad, at least if worst came to worst he could use Nappa as a meat shield.
And of course the 13,000 one would also be coming after him. Wonderful.

"Gure. When we land, stay in the pod"

"What? But-"

"No," Tarble interrupted his wife. "Two of the other pods have diverted to land near us. Stay in here, and stay quiet while I deal with them. Understand?"

"...Yes dear," she finally answered, as the pod entered the atmosphere. "I understand."
Nappa slowed his pod to practically a crawl as they neared the ground, waiting until the other pod touched down before landing his own pod. Made sure whoever was hiding in it couldn't try to pull a fast one and try to run off on them.

Nappa was practically giddy as his pod touched down. The pod opened, and he practically leaped from it as soon as he was able to exit.

"Alright, you!" He said before he even got a good look at who it was, his feet having hardly touched the ground. "Show yourself!"
Nappa slowed his pod to practically a crawl as they neared the ground, waiting until the other pod touched down before landing his own pod. Made sure whoever was hiding in it couldn't try to pull a fast one and try to run off on them.

Nappa was practically giddy as his pod touched down. The pod opened, and he practically leaped from it as soon as he was able to exit.

"Alright, you!" He said before he even got a good look at who it was, his feet having hardly touched the ground. "Show yourself!"
Slowly, the pod landed, its left side pointed toward you so you couldn't see what was within it. Slowly, the door hissed open, releasing a burst of steam into the air of the red desert crags...

And slowly, Tarble pulled himself out of the pod, with Gure remaining inside. Turning, he took his first steps on the planet - the gravity was lighter than he was used to, but not by much. If worst came to worst, he'd still be able to fight at full capacity.

Calmly, he regards the Saiyan before him - one he remembered wearing some sort of wig before. "Nappa. Surprised to see you here, everything considered."
Raditz clamped down on the indignation that popped up as his mother spoke, before taking a deep breath, reminding himself very firmly that his mother was the one who would get him back in shape if he was hurt.

He rolled his shoulder to see if there was any abnormalities, before nodding and speaking into his communicator.

"It's fine Gine, thank you for asking."
"That's...yes, that's good to hear. I am glad you've healed up well."

The channel closes almost immediately after that. Mostly to give Gine a chance to collect her emotions.

Vegeta's apathetic humph was broadcast, the Prince unhappy about the possibility of a delay in their journey, only considering it due to the shocking state Frieza had allowed their transport to decline into.

"We can't find ourselves a better ship if anything they call a civilisation is a crater and i refuse to spend a moment longer than necessary in a half-maintenanced deathtrap posing as a pod. Nappa, check your scouter for anything worth our time. Once we find the ship, then we can say hello."
Bardock sighed quietly in relief in his pod.

"Ideally we find something with more room than we need right now, My Prince."

"Nappa, Raditz, check it out. Either Frieza's keeping an eye on us or someone's late to the rendezvous. I want to find out which." Vegeta ordered as his pod hurtled through the atmosphere. Such a low power level wasn't worth his time. Either they were reinforcements or Nappa would have some sport. If it wasn't the prospect of a good fight then he didn't care which.

@Space Jawa @Lazy Coyote
Bardock normally was able to keep his visions under control, but this wasn't a big one, meaning it slipped through his defenses in what was a rather unguarded moment (he always found re-entry relaxing).


He gasped as it was completed, blinking away the tears that always came with those damned visions, and wiped the sweat from his brow. He listened to Vegeta's orders, then calmly spoke over the radio.

"Gine and I will stand by to support if needed."

Meaning if someone overpowered those two but didn't kill them outright.
For a moment, Nappa just stood there, his brain failing to immediately process what he was looking at. As he realized what was happening - just who he was looking at - his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

"Tarble?!" He said.

Prince. Tarble.

Vegeta's Brother, Prince Tarble.

"RADITZ!" Nappa said, looking to the other Saiyan. "LOOK! It's Tarble! It's Vegeta's brother Prince Tarble!"

"Wow!" Nappa said as he looked back to the man, the gear spinning in his brain in overtime. "Can you believe it? This is incredible! Just imagine, Prince Tarble! Alive! And would you believe meeting you here? Wow, I don't think anyone even thought you were alive anymore. I can just remember how your father would talk, he was all 'He's a dead man for sure, a Saiyan of his strength, his will to fight? He'll never survive." - Nappa giving a bad impression of the late King as he spoke - "But can you believe it? Alive, and here of all places. Wow, you and your brother are going to have so much to catch up on. You would not believe everything that has happened since you left! Well, Planet Vegeta blew up, there was that. So, yeah, I guess we're about the last Saiyans left now."

Nappa stopped for a moment as his own words hit him, the sadness of the reality of it all hitting him like a sucker punch.

"Aw, and now I just made myself depressed." He said as he dropped his head a little, his words taking on a strange mix of sorrowful energy. It didn't last long, however, before he picked his head back up and looked to Tarble again.

"So, yeah, that happened." Nappa said as he tried to push the though back down. "And you happened! You are happening here, now! You are here on the same planet we are! I can not believe this! We have got to tell your brother immediately! Prince Vegeta and Prince Tarble, reunited after all these years! This is going to be the greatest family reunion ever!"
The sudden overflow of words from Nappa had a noted reaction on Tarble: Mainly, the normally quiet and reserved Saiyan actually blinked in surprise.

"W-well it's nice to see you again Nappa, but-"
"Wow!" Nappa said as he looked back to the man, the gear spinning in his brain in overtime. "Can you believe it? This is incredible! Just imagine, Prince Tarble! Alive! And would you believe meeting you here? Wow, I don't think anyone even thought you were alive anymore. I can just remember how your father would talk, he was all 'He's a dead man for sure, a Saiyan of his strength, his will to fight? He'll never survive." - Nappa giving a bad impression of the late King as he spoke - "But can you believe it? Alive, and here of all places. Wow, you and your brother are going to have so much to catch up on. You would not believe everything that has happened since you left! Well, Planet Vegeta blew up, there was that. So, yeah, I guess we're about the last Saiyans left now."
Well, Planet Vegeta blew up, there was that. So, yeah, I guess we're about the last Saiyans left now."
wait hold up
Planet Vegeta blew up
the last Saiyans left

"...I'm sorry, I must have misheard you," Tarble said, almost desperate laughter bubbling up inside him. "You're saying... everyone's dead? Even Father?"
We have got to tell your brother immediately! Prince Vegeta and Prince Tarble, reunited after all these years! This is going to be the greatest family reunion ever!"
Well, if nothing else, at least Brother is still alive...
"Well...yeah." Nappa said. Once again, the sorrow from having to recognize the fact began swelling up within him. Nappa held it in, but did a far poorer job of hiding the fact that he was holding it in. "Most everyone. King Vegeta is totally dead. Long gone. Absolutely, totally tragic in the worst way! Man died far too young."

"But some of us are still left! Let's see..." He thought out loud as he counted on his fingers. "We got Prince Vegeta, we got me, we got this old guy named Bardock, we got his wife Gine...oh, we got you now, so that great! And right now, we're going to another planet that might also have another Saiyan on it! So...we still got more Saiyans left than you can count on one hand!"
The sudden overflow of words from Nappa had a noted reaction on Tarble: Mainly, the normally quiet and reserved Saiyan actually blinked in surprise.

"W-well it's nice to see you again Nappa, but-"

wait hold up


"...I'm sorry, I must have misheard you," Tarble said, almost desperate laughter bubbling up inside him. "You're saying... everyone's dead? Even Father?"
Well, if nothing else, at least Brother is still alive...
"Well...yeah." Nappa said. Once again, the sorrow from having to recognize the fact began swelling up within him. Nappa held it in, but did a far poorer job of hiding the fact that he was holding it in. "Most everyone. King Vegeta is totally dead. Long gone. Absolutely, totally tragic in the worst way! Man died far too young."

"But some of us are still left! Let's see..." He thought out loud as he counted on his fingers. "We got Prince Vegeta, we got me, we got this old guy named Bardock, we got his wife Gine...oh, we got you now, so that great! And right now, we're going to another planet that might also have another Saiyan on it! So...we still got more Saiyans left than you can count on one hand!"
Another Saiyan huh? Vegeta's brother?

... meh.

Raditz approached carefully, treating Tarble like he would Vageta on a particularly bad day, just in case.

"I'm here as well, just call me Raditz sir. As for the rest of the Saiyans, they went up with Planet Vageta, as far as we can tell we're the last ones."
"Well...yeah." Nappa said. Once again, the sorrow from having to recognize the fact began swelling up within him. Nappa held it in, but did a far poorer job of hiding the fact that he was holding it in. "Most everyone. King Vegeta is totally dead. Long gone. Absolutely, totally tragic in the worst way! Man died far too young."

"But some of us are still left! Let's see..." He thought out loud as he counted on his fingers. "We got Prince Vegeta, we got me, we got this old guy named Bardock, we got his wife Gine...oh, we got you now, so that great! And right now, we're going to another planet that might also have another Saiyan on it! So...we still got more Saiyans left than you can count on one hand!"

Another Saiyan huh? Vegeta's brother?

... meh.

Raditz approached carefully, treating Tarble like he would Vageta on a particularly bad day, just in case.

"I'm here as well, just call me Raditz sir. As for the rest of the Saiyans, they went up with Planet Vageta, as far as we can tell we're the last ones."
For a split second, if either Nappa or Raditz looked really, really close, they might note the faintest hint of Tarble wobbling at the news.

Planet Vegeta and the Saiyans, except for a handful - now including himself - gone... Including his father, who, despite banishing him, he still cared about... Well, that was a hell of a thing. Tarble almost wanted to go back into the pod, shut it and just... cry for a little.


No. Venting could wait; for now, there were other Saiyans to meet, and his brother to reunite with. And showing any weakness in front of him would not be a good thing, at all.

"...Right then," Tarble finally said. "So I assume my brother was the 22 thousand power level... Take me to him. It's been a while, after all."
Landing, and What Comes After
Re-entry, as usual, was either thrilling or oddly relaxing, depending on how much people paid attention.

Except for Bardock.


He saw two individuals, a blonde female and a male brunette, facing off against what seemed like... the Prince. but he was different. He had blazing golden hair, slightly larger muscles, different armor, and even more pride and hubris than usual. The brunette watched as the blonde pummeled and humiliated the Prince, eventually breaking his arm.

But then something changed.

A man of blue skin appeared in front of Bardock and seemed to amplify the man and woman, before looking directly at Bardock's POV.

"The future can be changed", the man said.


The Saiyan pods made remarkable red streaks coming down and landed, making craters and an unsatisfying thud. Apparently, Freeza couldn't even have given you a better landing. The cheap bastard. Well, at least you had the element of surprise on your side. You saw a small settlement of alien creatures in the distance, all which seemed to have power levels of about 5,000 according to your scouters.
The door of the pod slid open, pistons hissing as atmospheres mixed in a smoky cloud of steam and dust.

Vegeta stepped out of his pod, his perfect height meaning he did not need to stoop during his exit, unlike his lessers. Pressing a finger to the activation button of his scouter, he took in his surroundings, the barren red rock and sand as the scouter beeped in notice of the local settlement.

It wasn't much, but at least the locals had a higher than average power level. A cruel smile of anticipation reached his face, secure in his own victory. It swiftly faded as he truly began to take in the planets environment, kicking a particularly irritating rock away when it dared to roll in his path, arms taking their usual place crossed over his chest.

"Bardock, you wanted a ship? Lets go ask the locals if they have anything worthy of our attention. Gine, make sure Nappa and Raditz don't get sidetracked. I don't want to spend a moment longer on this dustball then i have to."
Re-entry, as usual, was either thrilling or oddly relaxing, depending on how much people paid attention.

Except for Bardock.

He saw two individuals, a blonde female and a male brunette, facing off against what seemed like... the Prince. but he was different. He had blazing golden hair, slightly larger muscles, different armor, and even more pride and hubris than usual. The brunette watched as the blonde pummeled and humiliated the Prince, eventually breaking his arm.

But then something changed.

A man of blue skin appeared in front of Bardock and seemed to amplify the man and woman, before looking directly at Bardock's POV.

"The future can be changed", the man said.

The Saiyan pods made remarkable red streaks coming down and landed, making craters and an unsatisfying thud. Apparently, Freeza couldn't even have given you a better landing. The cheap bastard. Well, at least you had the element of surprise on your side. You saw a small settlement of alien creatures in the distance, all which seemed to have power levels of about 5,000 according to your scouters.
Bardocks fingers left dents in the armrests (such as they were) of his Pod. He tapped a quick command that sent a private communication to Gine's pod. A simple quick-firing light patter that let her know he'd had a vision, but was able to keep himself from falling down the hole.

Then he tried to figure out what in blazes had just happened. Or rather, would happen. Or who that blue person was. Really, anything.

'I need to learn to control this.' he thought with frustration. He hated the loss of control, even for a few moments.

Gine just nodded to herself and started subtly gathering her Ki. And then they landed, and their Prince started to give orders.
The door of the pod slid open, pistons hissing as atmospheres mixed in a smoky cloud of steam and dust.

Vegeta stepped out of his pod, his perfect height meaning he did not need to stoop during his exit, unlike his lessers. Pressing a finger to the activation button of his scouter, he took in his surroundings, the barren red rock and sand as the scouter beeped in notice of the local settlement.

It wasn't much, but at least the locals had a higher than average power level. A cruel smile of anticipation reached his face, secure in his own victory. It swiftly faded as he truly began to take in the planets environment, kicking a particularly irritating rock away when it dared to roll in his path, arms taking their usual place crossed over his chest.

"Bardock, you wanted a ship? Lets go ask the locals if they have anything worthy of our attention. Gine, make sure Nappa and Raditz don't get sidetracked. I don't want to spend a moment longer on this dustball then i have to."
Bardock had stopped to confer with Gine mere moments after their landing, the tender-hearted medic stroking her husband's face for a few moments. Surely a gesture of mere affection. Bardock was, as ever, stoic, running but a single finger down her jawline before they separated and moved closer to Vegeta. As he gave orders they both gave bows from the waist, a traditional sign of respect and deference in an environment that still demanded too much readiness to kneel. Respectful but pragmatic.

At least someone remembered the protocols.

Gine blinked at being ordered to reign in Nappa and Raditz, but Bardock's hand on her shoulder reassured her. She smiled softly and nodded, lifting into the air.

"Of course, Prince Vegeta. I will report in when I make contact with them."

With that she blasted off in the direction her scouter indicated they were, their powers well above the (surprisingly high) locals. Bardock watched her leave and turned to Vegeta, one brow raised questioningly.

"Would you prefer I go alone, My Prince, or simply take the lead, with you ready to...finalize...any...negotiations?"
Bardocks fingers left dents in the armrests (such as they were) of his Pod. He tapped a quick command that sent a private communication to Gine's pod. A simple quick-firing light patter that let her know he'd had a vision, but was able to keep himself from falling down the hole.

Then he tried to figure out what in blazes had just happened. Or rather, would happen. Or who that blue person was. Really, anything.

'I need to learn to control this.' he thought with frustration. He hated the loss of control, even for a few moments.

Gine just nodded to herself and started subtly gathering her Ki. And then they landed, and their Prince started to give orders.
Bardock had stopped to confer with Gine mere moments after their landing, the tender-hearted medic stroking her husband's face for a few moments. Surely a gesture of mere affection. Bardock was, as ever, stoic, running but a single finger down her jawline before they separated and moved closer to Vegeta. As he gave orders they both gave bows from the waist, a traditional sign of respect and deference in an environment that still demanded too much readiness to kneel. Respectful but pragmatic.

At least someone remembered the protocols.

Gine blinked at being ordered to reign in Nappa and Raditz, but Bardock's hand on her shoulder reassured her. She smiled softly and nodded, lifting into the air.

"Of course, Prince Vegeta. I will report in when I make contact with them."

With that she blasted off in the direction her scouter indicated they were, their powers well above the (surprisingly high) locals. Bardock watched her leave and turned to Vegeta, one brow raised questioningly.

"Would you prefer I go alone, My Prince, or simply take the lead, with you ready to...finalize...any...negotiations?"
Vegeta rolled his eyes at the signs of affection, but allowed it to continue between his subordinates. They showed him the proper respect and he was a generous Prince if served correctly.

"I'll follow, though i'd rather not waste my time speaking to the locals unless i have to."
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