SV vs Sonic Forces

Time to be rejected with extreme prejudice for poor grammar and spelling mistakes that slipped under my radar.


Name: kirby
Species: ???
Gender: male

World of origin: pop star
Kirby's personality can be described in a few word naive, innocent, cheerful with an incredible appetite and has thought with his stomach and not his head on multiple occasions. Kirby is a creature of few words and doesn't speak in full sentences.

Background: Kirby's start begins with him travelling through space in a space ship on a journey that would take hundreds of years to reach pop star allowing him time to grow into a powerful star warrior.

Things alas were not ment to be and Kirby's ship flew into a space rift which made him arrive at his destination far too early as he had arrived while he was still a baby. This did not stop kirby in his pursuit for justice when pop star and the universe was in danger.

Using his unique abilities kirby has protected pop star numerous times from enemies like nemesis that he probably shouldn't have been able to beat but with his friends and a pure heart he defeated all evil that stood against him.

One day while he was travelling on his warp star to a party he encountered two portals one stole his cake before it closed and he jumped through the second. Now he is trying to find his cake in a new world.

Abilities: INHALE: kirby can inhale enemies and objects before shooting them out at a great speed. Kirby can expand his body and mouth to inhale enemies much larger than himself.

FLY: kirby can fly by inhaling air and flapping his arms this also makes him more buoyant so kirby can float in water.

COPY: kirby can swallow enemies he has inhaled and gain their abilities such as if he swallows a fire wielding enemy get gains the ability to wield fire. Kirby gains a costume depending on the enemy such as a crown made of fire for fire kirby or a green cap for sword kirby. Kirby can only have one ability at a time and needs to get rid of his current one to gain a new one. If kirby takes enough damage he will lose his current ability.

Equipment: WARP STAR: A magical star that kirby can summon to himself. it can easily reach an average speed of mach 12 with a top speed of mach 17.
Time to be rejected with extreme prejudice for poor grammar and spelling mistakes that slipped under my radar.


Name: kirby
Species: ???
Gender: male

World of origin: pop star
Kirby's personality can be described in a few word naive, innocent, cheerful with an incredible appetite and has thought with his stomach and not his head on multiple occasions. Kirby is a creature of few words and doesn't speak in full sentences.

Background: Kirby's start begins with him travelling through space in a space ship on a journey that would take hundreds of years to reach pop star allowing him time to grow into a powerful star warrior.

Things alas were not ment to be and Kirby's ship flew into a space rift which made him arrive at his destination far too early as he had arrived while he was still a baby. This did not stop kirby in his pursuit for justice when pop star and the universe was in danger.

Using his unique abilities kirby has protected pop star numerous times from enemies like nemesis that he probably shouldn't have been able to beat but with his friends and a pure heart he defeated all evil that stood against him.

One day while he was travelling on his warp star to a party he encountered two portals one stole his cake before it closed and he jumped through the second. Now he is trying to find his cake in a new world.

Abilities: INHALE: kirby can inhale enemies and objects before shooting them out at a great speed. Kirby can expand his body and mouth to inhale enemies much larger than himself.

FLY: kirby can fly by inhaling air and flapping his arms this also makes him more buoyant so kirby can float in water.

COPY: kirby can swallow enemies he has inhaled and gain their abilities such as if he swallows a fire wielding enemy get gains the ability to wield fire. Kirby gains a costume depending on the enemy such as a crown made of fire for fire kirby or a green cap for sword kirby. Kirby can only have one ability at a time and needs to get rid of his current one to gain a new one. If kirby takes enough damage he will lose his current ability.

Equipment: WARP STAR: A magical star that kirby can summon to himself. it can easily reach an average speed of mach 12 with a top speed of mach 17.
Okay, legitimate question here, but Anime!Kirby is a pet peeve of the GM, and this reads exactly like anime!kirby

soI'd suggest removing anything from the anime

...also there's the fact that Kirby is far, far outside this game's Power Level so yeah, I suggest going with a different character
Okay, legitimate question here, but Anime!Kirby is a pet peeve of the GM, and this reads exactly like anime!kirby

soI'd suggest removing anything from the anime

...also there's the fact that Kirby is far, far outside this game's Power Level so yeah, I suggest going with a different character
Aww I like anime kirby and kirby in general but I'll make another sheet.

Now to find a new game character.
Name: Second Lieutenant Larry Foulke ("Solo Wing Pixy")
Species: Human
Gender: Male

World of origin: Ace Combat Zero

Personality: Friendly and caring. A hardened soldier, yet sympathetic to the ravages of war. He cares for his friends, but is willing to put aside his other beliefs for what he see's as "the greater good"

Background: Born into South Belka, Larry's parents were killed during the war with the neighboring country of Osea, and he was raised in an orphanage, becoming a mercenary pilot once he was old enough. Larry- under the callsign "Pixy"- soon proved himself to be an adept pilot, quickly growing to favor the F-15 while flying many a combat mission.

In 1993, the right wing of Pixy's plane was blown off during an engagement with enemy forces, however he still managed to struggle his mortally wounded plane back to base and land safely, earning him the moniker "Solo Wing." His aircraft since have had their right wings painted red to commemorate the event.

In 1994, he was hired by the Ustian national Air Force in preparation for the impending war with Belka, where he was assigned to Galm Team, under the flight lead "Cipher". Throughout the early Belkan war, Galm-1 and Galm-2 would become an infamous fighting force, feared throughout the Belkan military. With their assistance, Ustio managed to turn the tide on Belka, pushing them farther back, over the border- and then the unthinkable happened.

Belka unleashed nuclear weapons. Not on its enemies, but on itself. And not just one, but seven, destroying its own land and people in a desperate attempt to halt the allied advance. This even shook Pixy to the core, and he went AWOL. Alone, Cipher- as Galm-1- went on to see Belka surrender to Ustio.

However, not a few months later a new danger arose. Belkan defectors and rebels, calling themselves "A World Without Boundries". They promised a world without nations or wars, a world with the slate wiped clean. And with their control of Belka's remaining nuclear arsenal, they had the means to see this dream become a reality. And at their head was Solo Wing Pixy, flying against his old friend, their competing visions left for skill to decide in the clouds above the Belkan Nuclear Battery.

Abilities: Pixy himself is in peak physical condition, and a highly skilled pilot.

  • Standard Issue sidearm (M1911) and additional magazine
  • Belkan Flight suit and survival kit.
  • The ADFX-02 Morgan Experimental Jet Fighter
    • MK-2 50mm Cannon
    • Standard Air-to-Air missiles
    • "Zoisite" Tactical Laser System
      • An experimental laser weapon fitted to the Morgan, projects a short lived beam that can be persists for a moment, to slice enemy aircraft to pieces.
    • "Hyperthene" Multi-Purpose Burst Missile
      • A radar-tracking burst missile, Specialized for anti-air. Can be both fired or dropped behind the aircraft then remotely detonated.
    • "Morganite" Electronic Countermeasure pod.
      • A radar baffling system that emits pulses to jam the radar of nearby planes as well as enemy missiles. The Morganite variant is specialized enough that it can deflect incoming missiles unless they are aimed perfectly at its forward-facing air intakes.
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Name: Scond Lieutenant Larry Foulke ("Solo Wing Pixy")
Species: Human
Gender: Male

World of origin: Ace Combat Zero

Personality: Friendly and caring. A hardened soldier, yet sympathetic to the ravages of war. He cares for his friends, but is willing to put aside his other beliefs for what he see's as "the greater good"

Background: Born into South Belka, Larry's parents were killed during the war with the neighboring country of Osea, and he was raised in an orphanage, becoming a mercenary pilot once he was old enough. Larry- under the callsign "Pixy"- soon proved himself to be an adept pilot, quickly growing to favor the F-15 while flying many a combat mission.

In 1993, the right wing of Pixy's plane was blown off during an engagement with enemy forces, however he still managed to struggle his mortally wounded plane back to base and land safely, earning him the moniker "Solo Wing." His aircraft since have had their right wings painted red to commemorate the event.

In 1994, he was hired by the Ustian national Air Force in preparation for the impending war with Belka, where he was assigned to Galm Team, under the flight lead "Cipher". Throughout the early Belkan war, Galm-1 and Galm-2 would become an infamous fighting force, feared throughout the Belkan military. With their assistance, Ustio managed to turn the tide on Belka, pushing them farther back, over the border- and then the unthinkable happened.

Belka unleashed nuclear weapons. Not on its enemies, but on itself. And not just one, but seven, destroying its own land and people in a desperate attempt to halt the allied advance. This even shook Pixy to the core, and he went AWOL. Alone, Cipher- as Galm-1- went on to see Belka surrender to Ustio.

However, not a few months later a new danger arose. Belkan defectors and rebels, calling themselves "A World Without Boundries". They promised a world without nations or wars, a world with the slate wiped clean. And with their control of Belka's remaining nuclear arsenal, they had the means to see this dream become a reality. And at their head was Solo Wing Pixy, flying against his old friend, their competing visions left for skill to decide in the clouds above the Belkan Nuclear Battery.

Abilities: Pixy himself is in peak physical condition, and a highly skilled pilot.

  • Standard Issue sidearm (M1911) and additional magazine
  • Belkan Flight suit and survival kit.
  • The ADFX-02 Morgan Experimental Jet Fighter
    • "Zoisite" Tactical Laser System
      • An experimental laser weapon fitted to the Morgan, projects a short lived beam that can be persists for a moment, to slice enemy aircraft to pieces.
    • "Hyperthene" Multi-Purpose Burst Missile
      • A radar-tracking burst missile, Specialized for anti-air. Can be both fired or dropped behind the aircraft then remotely detonated.
    • "Morganite" Electronic Countermeasure pod.
      • A radar baffling system that emits pulses to jam the radar of nearby planes as well as enemy missiles. The Morganite variant is specialized enough that it can deflect incoming missiles unless they are aimed perfectly at its forward-facing air intakes.
No real issue on my end! Should do well against the Eggster's air force.
Player character candidate
@Mew @The Fourth Monado
Got my sheet up. Mew never got back to me on E-123 Omega's actual power level, so I worked with what I had. Tell me what you think and if I should buff or nerf him.

"I don't know why GUN decided to put their faith in me of all people, but all the same, they put me in this metal shell because they trusted me to stop him. I have watched this world crumble to ash in an instant, due to the mad doctor's creations. But I was spared. For better or worse, I have become the old world's last hope. And I solemnly swear, before the graves of my friends and family, that I will make Eggman regret having pushed us this far." -- Diary of former Sergeant-Major Jack Flynn, written the day of the Distortion.

Name: Jack Flynn, AKA M-123 "Ares"

Species: Cybernetically-enhanced human inspired from reverse-engineered Badnik technology

Gender: Male

World of origin: Native

Personality: Jack is a disciplined and capable soldier first and foremost, but despite being made of metal nowadays, he still has a heart. He remembers the days when Death Eggs didn't patrol the streets, when children could go to public school instead of cowering in shelters, when democracy still existed. He loathes Eggman, far more than perhaps anyone else. After all, that bastard and his creations are the reason he's stuck in an iron shell. Regardless, as a pseudo-Badnik, he's a lot more open-minded than many of his colleagues, especially since his body was made possible by E-123 Omega of all people. As a result, he's willing to work with anyone if it means putting down his version of Eggman for good.


Jack Flynn had always wanted to be a soldier. His father was a pilot. His mother was a navy mechanic. His grandfather had even served in the upper echelons of GUN. Sonic had been the driving force behind Eggman's defeat all those times, but for many of those incidents, GUN had still been working behind the scenes, to help make it possible. And so, like many before him, when he turned 18 he signed up for GUN. Working his way through the ranks, he fought in the Egg Wars. He had been lucky thus far, avoiding any major wounds, but one day his luck finally ran out. An Egg Pawn got him in its sights while he was moving from cover to cover, and put several laser bolts through him, and right after a nearby rocket went off, blasting off his right arm. He was burned across 60% of his body, he had suffered massive internal injuries, and in general, he was going to die unless he got medical attention. Thankfully, someone had thought to drag his unconscious body to a triage center, where some spook intervened and had him taken to a R&D blacksite.

There, he woke up in a hospital bed on life support, where a high-up officer spoke to him, despite him only being able to move one finger without utter agony. He was told that, while in service, he had shown exemplary performance, and he was the perfect candidate for a new program GUN had created. E-123 Omega had volunteered to be reverse-engineered. The result was the Soldier Improvement Program, or SIP, which was creating Badniks but with the organic personality in complete control. He said, "Finger up for yes, finger down for no." He put that finger up like he never had before. Any opportunity to not die of his injuries and give Eggman his just desserts was worth it, no matter the cost.

And so, one expensive surgery and lengthy recovery period later, he became M-123 Ares, GUN's greatest weapon. He had his work cut out for him: Even after Eggman officially gave up during the events of Sonic Generations, several of his AIs, running off of old directives, became wannabe Eggmans, each trying to carve out their own little Eggman Empire the way they envisioned it. Jack, now given his own rank of "Elite Cybernetic Unit," (which technically allowed him to do whatever he wanted as long as he never got off of the front lines and would take orders from the overall commander of the operation), was sent to several conflict zones, battling against the would-be tyrants and ruthlessly crushing them.

And then the Distortion happened. The AIs had gotten their hands on some kind of classified GUN tech, something that was long-sealed by the higher-ups, and for good reason. The world changed in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, humans had never existed, but their ruins and technology were still there, and Eggman was now king of the world for some unknown reason. GUN had never existed, but pockets of resistance were still around, most importantly Jack, still sealed into the Ares suit. This was a strange and bizarre new world, and Jack still intended to save it.


--> Extreme Combat Skill: Jack didn't get to become Ares without having the combat experience to back it up. He is lethal in a fight, capable of using most firearms and melee weapons he picks up, and even as an ordinary GUN soldier had managed to not only survive, but rack up dozens of confirmed kills, where thousands before him were slaughtered like cattle.

--> Extreme Tenacity/Willpower: After being riddled with laser blasts, having his internal organs practically melt under the heat, his right arm blown off at the shoulder, and losing at least three pints of blood, the fact that Jack was willing to undergo a risky, experimental surgery to fuse his mind with an AI and then stuff what was left of him in a metal shell, and then go back onto the battlefield, speaks volumes.

--> Military Discipline: Jack was a sergeant-major for a reason, though he's now used to following orders from his current superiors. He can take charge in a pinch, but he realizes that as a combat asset he's best used for frontline action and coming up with tactics rather than overall strategy.

--> M-100 Omega Armor: Inspired by what knowledge GUN could obtain from reverse-engineering E-123 Omega, the "Omega Armor" is effectively a powerful Badnik with the organic as the dominant personality. The user's brain is joined to an AI, granting them incredible reflexes, speed of thought, and overall intelligence and analytical skill, while they maintain their personality and creativity. The Omega Armor, naturally, also greatly enhances a soldier's capabilities, giving them superhuman strength, speed, and durability, roughly on par with E-123 Omega (with his jet boosters), and dozens of integrated weapons, the ability to function underwater, in extreme conditions, or in vacuum, as well a built-in thruster system to enable both atmospheric and spaceflight. Given that it user is often sent into conflict zones without backup for days, it has an infinite power supply due to the metabolism of its user. Unfortunately, this requires it to take in food regularly in vast quantities, both to sustain the half-dead soldier inside of it and its own systems, though both can survive off of nutrient packs and electrical recharges, the former of which can be loaded in the chassis to feed the user for weeks. Like E-123 Omega, it also has a "limitless arsenal," giving it effectively infinite ammo via technology that even Jack knows nothing about. The Omega Armor is also equipped with various sensors that allow it to detect hostiles, friendlies, living organisms, and useful information outside of line of sight, and has an onboard targeting system to assist aiming that is frighteningly accurate. He can also scan objects with his visor, obtaining crucial information about hostiles, friendlies, neutrals, and inanimate objects alike.

--> Mechanics: While not nearly as skilled as Tails or Eggman, Jack has learned how to patch himself up in a pinch, aided by the AI in his head.

--> Medical Skill: Virtually any skillset can be downloaded into Jack's brain through the Omega Armor's AI, and as a result his handlers just figured, "Eh, why not?" and uploaded a full database of mechanical knowledge.

--> Memory: Jack never forgets anything anymore, and has a vastly higher storage space than his own brain. This is both a blessing and a curse: On the one hand, he'll never forget where he put his car keys, but on the other, he'll never forget any sort of trauma or insult post-augmentation. Allows the GM to remind me of things I should know.

Equipment: Do you have anything interesting on your person and does it do anything neat? Also, keep in mind the tech level of Mobius ; if your stuff is vital and may get damaged/in need of restocking, make sure your character can either provide or find an alternative local source. Even the mighty BFG-9000 is about as useful as a flashlight without batteries if you are dry on ammo.

List of Integrated Weapons:

--> Two powerful miniguns that can be deployed from his arms.

--> Beam cannons built into his palms.

--> Dual flamethrowers in his wrists.

--> Micro-Missile Launchers in his shoulders.

--> Monomolecular, retractable claws in his hands.

--> Cyberwarfare suite integrated into his AI.

--> Cloaking System

--> Forcefield Generator

--> Temporal Field Generator, allowing him to temporarily phase through objects, people, and projectiles for a few seconds and do the same to others.

--> EMP Pulse: Jack can release an omnidirectional EMP pulse, knocking out all electronics in a 200-meter radius. However, this uses a lot of power, so it's a good idea to only save it for emergencies.

--> Emergency Pistol in his left leg at absurdly-high caliber.

--> Reciprocating Arms and Legs to enhance close-combat performance.

--> Fireball Cannons in his arms.

--> The ability to electrify his skin at any time. Handy against robots.

--> Head-mounted auxillary machine guns in his temples. Attached to a gimbal-based swivel system to allow them to aim in 180 degrees each, giving them a 360-degree firing range.
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@Mew @The Fourth Monado
Got my sheet up. Mew never got back to me on E-123 Omega's actual power level, so I worked with what I had. Tell me what you think and if I should buff or nerf him.

"I don't know why GUN decided to put their faith in me of all people, but all the same, they put me in this metal shell because they trusted me to stop him. I have watched this world crumble into ashes in an instant, due to the mad doctor's creations. But I was spared. For better or worse, I have become the old world's last hope. And I solemnly swear, before the graves of my friends and family, that I will make Eggman regret having pushed us this far." -- Diary of former Sergeant-Major Jack Flynn, written the day of the Distortion.

Name: Jack Flynn, AKA M-123 "Ares"

Species: Cybernetically-enhanced human inspired from reverse-engineered Badnik technology

Gender: Male

World of origin: Native

Personality: Jack is a disciplined and capable soldier first and foremost, but despite being made of metal nowadays, he still has a heart. He remembers the days when Death Eggs didn't patrol the streets, when children could go to public school instead of cowering in shelters, when democracy still existed. He loathes Eggman, far more than perhaps anyone else. After all, that bastard and his creations are the reason he's stuck in an iron shell. Regardless, as a pseudo-Badnik, he's a lot more open-minded than many of his colleagues, especially since his body was made possible by E-123 Omega of all people. As a result, he's willing to work with anyone if it means putting down his version of Eggman for good.


Jack Flynn had always wanted to be a soldier. His father was a pilot. His mother was a navy mechanic. His grandfather had even served in the upper echelons of GUN. Sonic had been the driving force behind Eggman's defeat all those times, but for many of those incidents, GUN had still been working behind the scenes, to help make it possible. And so, like many before him, when he turned 18 he signed up for GUN. Working his way through the ranks, he fought in the Egg Wars. He had been lucky thus far, avoiding any major wounds, but one day his luck finally ran out. An Egg Pawn got him in its sights while he was moving from cover to cover, and put several laser bolts through him, and right after a nearby rocket went off, blasting off his right arm. He was burned across 60% of his body, he had suffered massive internal injuries, and in general, he was going to die unless he got medical attention. Thankfully, someone had thought to drag his unconscious body to a triage center, where some spook intervened and had him taken to a R&D blacksite.

There, he woke up in a hospital bed on life support, where a high-up officer spoke to him, despite him only being able to move one finger without utter agony. He was told that, while in service, he had shown exemplary performance, and he was the perfect candidate for a new program GUN had created. E-123 Omega had volunteered to be reverse-engineered. The result was the Soldier Improvement Program, or SIP, which was creating Badniks but with the organic personality in complete control. He said, "Finger up for yes, finger down for no." He put that finger up like he never had before. Any opportunity to not die of his injuries and give Eggman his just desserts was worth it, no matter the cost.

And so, one expensive surgery and lengthy recovery period later, he became M-123 Ares, GUN's greatest weapon. He had his work cut out for him: Even after Eggman officially gave up during the events of Sonic Generations, several of his AIs, running off of old directives, became wannabe Eggmans, each trying to carve out their own little Eggman Empire the way they envisioned it. Jack, now given his own rank of "Elite Cybernetic Unit," (which technically allowed him to do whatever he wanted as long as he never got off of the front lines and would take orders from the overall commander of the operation), was sent to several conflict zones, battling against the would-be tyrants and ruthlessly crushing them.

And then the Distortion happened. The AIs had gotten their hands on some kind of classified GUN tech, something that was long-sealed by the higher-ups, and for good reason. The world changed in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, humans had never existed, but their ruins and technology were still there, and Eggman was now king of the world for some unknown reason. GUN had never existed, but pockets of resistance were still around, most importantly Jack, still sealed into the Ares suit. This was a strange and bizarre new world, and Jack still intended to save it.


--> Extreme Combat Skill: Jack didn't get to become Ares without having the combat experience to back it up. He is lethal in a fight, capable of using most firearms and melee weapons he picks up, and even as an ordinary GUN soldier had managed to not only survive, but rack up dozens of confirmed kills, where thousands before him were slaughtered like cattle.

--> Extreme Tenacity/Willpower: After being riddled with laser blasts, having his internal organs practically melt under the heat, his right arm blown off at the shoulder, and losing at least three pints of blood, the fact that Jack was willing to undergo a risky, experimental surgery to fuse his mind with an AI and then stuff what was left of him in a metal shell, and then go back onto the battlefield, speaks volumes.

--> Military Discipline: Jack was a sergeant-major for a reason, though he's now used to following orders from his current superiors. He can take charge in a pinch, but he realizes that as a combat asset he's best used for frontline action and coming up with tactics rather than overall strategy.

--> M-100 Omega Armor: Inspired by what knowledge GUN could obtain from reverse-engineering E-123 Omega, the "Omega Armor" is effectively a powerful Badnik with the organic as the dominant personality. The user's brain is joined to an AI, granting them incredible reflexes, speed of thought, and overall intelligence and analytical skill, while they maintain their personality and creativity. The Omega Armor, naturally, also greatly enhances a soldier's capabilities, giving them superhuman strength, speed, and durability, roughly on par with E-123 Omega (with his jet boosters), and dozens of integrated weapons, the ability to function underwater, in extreme conditions, or in vacuum, as well a built-in thruster system to enable both atmospheric and spaceflight. Given that it user is often sent into conflict zones without backup for days, it has an infinite power supply due to the metabolism of its user. Unfortunately, this requires it to take in food regularly in vast quantities, both to sustain the half-dead soldier inside of it and its own systems, though both can survive off of nutrient packs and electrical recharges, the former of which can be loaded in the chassis to feed the user for weeks. Like E-123 Omega, it also has a "limitless arsenal," giving it effectively infinite ammo via technology that even Jack knows nothing about. The Omega Armor is also equipped with various sensors that allow it to detect hostiles, friendlies, living organisms, and useful information outside of line of sight, and has an onboard targeting system to assist aiming that is frighteningly accurate. He can also scan objects with his visor, obtaining crucial information about hostiles, friendlies, neutrals, and inanimate objects alike.

--> Mechanics: While not nearly as skilled as Tails or Eggman, Jack has learned how to patch himself up in a pinch, aided by the AI in his head.

--> Medical Skill: Virtually any skillset can be downloaded into Jack's brain through the Omega Armor's AI, and as a result his handlers just figured, "Eh, why not?" and uploaded a full database of mechanical knowledge.

--> Memory: Jack never forgets anything anymore, and has a vastly higher storage space than his own brain. This is both a blessing and a curse: On the one hand, he'll never forget where he put his car keys, but on the other, he'll never forget any sort of trauma or insult post-augmentation. Allows the GM to remind me of things I should know.

Equipment: Do you have anything interesting on your person and does it do anything neat? Also, keep in mind the tech level of Mobius ; if your stuff is vital and may get damaged/in need of restocking, make sure your character can either provide or find an alternative local source. Even the mighty BFG-9000 is about as useful as a flashlight without batteries if you are dry on ammo.

List of Integrated Weapons:

--> Two powerful miniguns that can be deployed from his arms.

--> Beam cannons built into his palms.

--> Dual flamethrowers in his wrists.

--> Micro-Missile Launchers in his shoulders.

--> Monomolecular, retractable claws in his hands.

--> Cyberwarfare suite integrated into his AI.

--> Cloaking System

--> Forcefield Generator

--> Temporal Field Generator, allowing him to temporarily phase through objects, people, and projectiles for a few seconds and do the same to others.

--> EMP Pulse: Jack, can release an omnidirectional EMP pulse, knocking out all electronics in a 200-meter radius. However, this uses a lot of power, so it's a good idea to only save it for emergencies.

--> Emergency Pistol in his left leg at absurdly-high caliber.

--> Reciprocating Arms and Legs to enhance close-combat performance.
looks good! Don;t think it's PL needs any buffs from 'Omega Tier' imo.
...At this point I'm tempted to make a 'Botnik of my own since everyone else is doing it...

Nah, I got something else in mind.

The Hero of Sacrifice​

Name: Link , Princess Zelda , 'The Pretender', Lady Zelda?
Species: Hylian
Gender: Uhhh...
Height: 5' 4" (64.24")
Weight: 134 lbs.
World of origin: Hyrule

Personality: Brash, Emotional, and Very Outspoken. However, recent events have left the young woman quieter and more withdrawn. When she is pushed into a situation where she doesn't know how to act, she tends to fall back to her training as a Princess. At least around people that she doesn't know.

The Pretender comes from a dark and chaotic time. Hyrule was is chaos, Monster sightings were on the rise, already having gone from relatively uncommon to the common people building walls around their little villages and training up militias. There were rumors of the Gerudo tribes coming together under the flag of a single king, squabbles and arguments between the Gorons and the Zora looked day by day to coming closer to war.

And the Last King of Hyrule was dead.

Nearly Fourteen years ago, the queen of Hyrule and her newborn daughter disappeared into the night. No one knew what had become of them, but the King had never given up hope of finding his wife and child and showing his displeasure to whoever did this.

He never found her, and his final command whilst on his deathbed was to continue the search. To find the one marked with the Triforce of her left hand.

So the kings men and the mysterious Shiekah searched high and low, far and wide for the missing princess.

Meanwhile, far out near the edge of the kingdom is a small village. There is little special about the village, beyond the fact that it borders the fabled lost forest. The forest protects the village, for few monsters dare go near it. In the village is a young man of twelve. By trade he is the apprentice of a blacksmith, but his heart is that of a hunters.

When the Shiekah came to his small village, they searched and they searched, high and low, far and wide. However, they could not find the princess that they had so searched for. It was clear to the man and women of the village that the searching soldiers seemed rather disheartened, the elderly woman leading them most of all.

The following morning, the young man was met by the same elderly woman who was leading the others. She wished to speak with him. The old woman revealed herself to be Impa, the nursemaid of the princess and the grandmaster of the Shiekah. She chose to speak with the child due to a strange birthmark that the boy had. A great triangle, formed of three smaller triangles with a gap in the center.

She spoke of heroes and legends, of the burdens of responsibility and young Link fell for it. Hook, line, and Sinker. He swore to do whatever it took to help Hyrule. There were a lot of things that Link expected out of the his oath... Being forced to wear a dress was not something he expected, however.

Impa uses her magics to help disguise the young man as Zelda, and over the next four years, Link... No. Zelda trains in the arts of the sword and the bow. How to lead armies and of the ancient legends once lost to myth. Of all the different nations that border Hyrule - the people who live there, the royals and the economies of them all.

Over time he began to completely embrace the role he had been given. Doing everything he could to completely sell the illusion of being Princess Zelda. Going so far as to even go through an ancient Shiekah ritual to transform completely, in such a way that only the Grand Master of the Shiekah - Impa herself could remove the spell.

During those four years, Zelda may not have been the actual ruler of the nation, but the Regent was more than willing to listen to the Crown Princess when it comes to the ruling of Hyrule, and during those four years the relations with the other nations began to flourish. Then, after those four long years, the day of the Coronation arrives - Zelda's eighteenth birthday.

That was the day when everything went wrong.

As the Coronation started, a group of mage knights arrive with a mysterious young woman. One who is the spitting of the queen when she was the same age. The true Princess had been found, and things quickly got out of hand. Link was chased out of the capital by a mob of people who believed her to be a demon.

With nowhere else to go, the woman once known as Link, and once known as Zelda returned to the Lost Forest, to recover and try to figure out what to do next. Over the next six months, the many changes that had been brought about to the kingdom were overturned. Political delegations were returned, allies were spurned, and everything that the young woman had worked so hard to achieve was casually destroyed.

Something was very wrong. And 'The Pretender' felt responsible for the nation that she had spent four years nurturing. It was up to her to discover what had happened to the True Princess and save Hyrule. But she could not do it alone, she was going to have to search and find allies. To travel to the other nations and gain their support.

First, was going to meet with the King of the Gerudo. The true Zelda seemed to have some kind of grudge against the desert people, and if there was anyone who would support her claim to the throne, it would be the people being attacked by her usurper. At least, that was the plan before the woman stumbled through a portal to... wherever the hell she is now.

Hylian - Inherent - Link is a Hylian. Hylians, as a race, tend to being more middle of the road when it comes to their physical capabilities. The two things they excel at as a species are their speed and their magical capabilities.
-- Strength - Link is able to deadlift one and a half times her own weight (201 lbs) over her head and can crack stone barehandedly. When using her Hammer she can shatter steel with ease.
-- Durability - Link can seriously take a beating, being stabbed does little more than annoy her.
-- Speed - Link is surprisingly fast, at least for a Hylian. While she isn't able to keep the speed up for long, when sprinting over short distances, she is able to outpace horses. When transformed into a Fairy, Link is able to casually move about twice as fast as a horse, and when pushing herself she can move about three times the speed.
-- Magical Ability - Link is already a magical powerhouse, even before taking into account the Triforce of Courage. While she doesn't have the limitless magical power that the Triforce of Power grants, she has yet to ever push herself so hard that she was unable to keep casting.

The Triforce of Courage - Unique - On the back of Link's hand is the mark of the triforce, with it's right triangle glowing slightly. Unlike many incarnations of the Hero, this Link has learned how to not only use magic, but tap into the powers of the Triforce during her time living as Princess Zelda.
-- Steady Heart - Passive - The Triforce of Courage prevents mystical and supernatural fear effects from touching it's wielder
-- Mystical Protection - Passive - While not complete nullification, the Triforce of Courage weakens the effects of magic on it's wielder.
-- A Warrior's Hands - Passive - The wielder of the Triforce of Courage can nearly instantaneously use any weapon that enters his hands, even if he must still work to master the weapon.
-- Caller of Winds - Active - The Triforce of Courage represents Farore, Goddess of Courage, the Element of Wind, and Life. Link can command the winds with her magic, and can use it as both a weapon and a means of manipulating the area around her.
-- Heart of the Wilds - Passive - The Triforce of Courage's connection to the Goddess of Life Farore means that natural animals are unlikely to attack Link, allowing her to live in peace with the natural world around her. Unfortunately this protection doesn't extend to monsters or machines.
-- Song of the Forest - Active - Farore was not only the goddess of Animal life, but also Plant life. Link has developed a perverbial green thumb, plants and flowers blooming under her touch. Using a combo of magic and song, she can grow plants into almost any shape she can imagine.

Hylian Royal Blade Style - Adept - Link has spent four years studying every part of the Hylian Royal Styles, and she has reached a relatively skilled level in the style, able to use Rapiers and other light blades with Ease.

Hylian Royal War Bow - Journeyman - Using her own skills as a hunter, Link quickly adapted to using a bow to fight, though she still has much to learn when it comes to using magic to boost her arrows. In practice she can do it, but it takes time when there are distractions.

Hunting - Master - Before becoming Zelda, Link lived for the forest, exploring and hunting for food was what he did. Since becoming Zelda she refused to let her skills go to waste, even if that meant learning how to use a bow for war. After being exiled, she is very thankful that she kept her skills sharp.

Magic - Adept - Link has much to learn what it comes to magic, but she has learned how to tap into her mana and create a number of different effects. The most powerful of her spells come from tapping into the power of the Triforce, which also gives her skill with wind magic, but she isn't a failure when it comes to the other types of magic either. She is particularly good at healing.
-- Barrier - A rather simple spell that Link can cast on herself or anyone she touches that covers the subject in a dull reddish glow, that pushes outwards from the target, making anything that tries to hit them hit less hard. Small objects can be blocked entirely. (I am apparently terrible at explaining this, so screw it, it's a kinetic barrier)
-- Leap - Calling forth the power of the wind, Link throws herself upwards, leaping up to twenty feet upwards.
-- Healing - Link can use this magic to heal others.
-- Fairy - Using this spell transforms Link into a Fairy, a tiny form that prevents her from attacking in any meaning fashion, but makes her very fast and agile, as well as able to fly.
-- Flame - Link can call forth an explosive wave of flames in front of her, as well as infusing her different weapons with the power of Fire. Her bow causes her arrows to explode upon impact, her Sword bursts into flames, Anything her dagger stabs burns from the inside out, and her Hammer causes a massive burst of fire that is unfortunately much weaker than the smaller area version of her spell.
-- Reflect - Casting this spell on a shield makes it take on a mirror like sheen. The next spell or magical effect that strikes the shield shall be reflect back onto it's caster.
-- Thunder - Link shoots out a blast of lightning from one hand, and the lightning will jump to up to two additional targets before grounding out. Using the spell on her bow causes her arrows to fly with the speed of lightning, on her sword, each strike marks a target as 'Magnetized' causing them to be drawn to each other 'Magnetized' target. Her dagger can draw and direct lightning like a conductors wand, and her hammer causes a massive eletrical burst when it strikes.

Music - Link learned much of music when she was Princess Zelda, something that the current Princess seems to be uninterested in learning. Link has Mastered the Orcarina, the Lute, the Flute, and the Harp.

Equipment: Unluckily for the Pretender, she was chased out of the Capital with little more than the clothes on her back. So she's had to make due with what she can make herself.

Royal Dress - One of the many dresses that belonged to Zelda, however they are not designed for the wear and tear of living in a forest.

Rapier - A blade grown of Ironwood, and marked with Magical Sigils to grant it even more durability.

Dagger - A tooth from a Gohma, harvested after she was attacked. It still contains some of the giant arachnid's poison.

Bow - A bow that Link magically grew. She can also magically grow arrows out of it.

Hammer - A rough hewn hammer crafted of stone. It is heavy and not something that Link uses often, but when cutting is not the best way to go, then smashing normally is.

Boomerang - A large boomerang that she took from a fallen Moblin.

Shield - A shield that she managed to knock off of a Hylian knight during her escape that she has kept hold of.

Lute - A Lute

Flute - A silver Flute that Link managed to buy from her home village while in a disguise

Harp - A harp that Link grew out of the forest

Ocarina - A wooden Ocarina that Link carved while living in the Lost Woods
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Well its a work in progress but I'm getting there I think...And its two in the morning so sue me.
Name: Tails
Species: Fox
Gender: Male

World of origin: Mobius Wastelands
Personality: Sweet-natured and loyal, at least that's how Sonic describes me.
Well might as well keep track of this whole...mess. You see whoever is reading this, I was out scavenging alone without my bro Sonic-despite his recommendation of only going out with him by my side, guess he was right in a way. I was looking around for spare parts for my Plasma Pistol, it didn't need to be fixed but you should always have something stashed away for a rainy day...As little as there is.

When I spotted it a relatively intact GUN laboratory...Honestly the fact that it was almost untouched should've been my first warning sign, cause there tends to be a reason somethings untouched in the wastes. Anyway I snuck-in bypassing most of the security by flying in through a window, not many security systems expect someone who can fly, and started to scope it out.

I managed to swipe some parts from the armory for my pistol when I stumbled across the lab proper, it had this kludge together piece of machinery as its centerpiece. Out of curiosity I hacked into the lab's computer to find out what it was, turns out it was some kind matter transporter. Didn't get much else on what it was for or anything like that because next thing I knew it sparking and glowing red. I don't remember much after that...

Maybe it exploded or I could've been sucked in who knows but I know for one thing, wherever I got sent to is almost heaven in comparison to where I left...Though it does have an Egghead probably. Which I of course got dragged into though I can't blame them for that, it looks like they need all the help they can get.


  • Flight
    • It took some trial and error but I can actually fly thanks to my twin tails through spinning them at high speeds.
  • Speed
    • I can't compare to my buddy Sonic but I'm still fast on my feet though he needs to give me five...Okay seven minute head start for fairness whenever we race on foot.
  • Mechanical aptitude
    • Not to toot my own horn but I like to think I'm one of the best in the wasteland with a set of tools. Whether bringing pre-war tech back up to snuff or cobbling together something new out of scrap, I manage to do a pretty good job.
  • Jury Rigging
    • To go along with that I've had a pretty good track record when it comes to...out of the box thinking when it comes to patch jobs. Like using the capacitor of a laser pistol in place of one for a plasma pistol or this one time I even managed to get my pistol working using a flare gun...Even I'm not quite sure how I managed that.
  • Durable
    • I've had my share of close calls but I have a habit of taking a licking and still going on despite any damage. Though I've had to see a couple Docs in my time to remove shrapnel.
  • Mad Bomber
    • Well...I wouldn't say 'Mad' but I know my way around explosives. Give me a lunchbox, some cherry bombs, a handful of bottle caps, a sensor module and I'll whip up a mean mine.
  • Pip-Boy
    • My most prized possession I found and repaired it myself. It's really useful it keeps track of large amounts of information like the status of my health for instance. It also has a radio, a Geiger counter, a running list of what I'm carrying, a map, and a journal which I'm currently using of course.
  • Plasma Pistol
    • Yup, my trusty plasma pistol has served me well since I first salvaged it...Out of roughly seven or so broken ones and even with the parts I had to do some jury rigging. It has pretty good punch too, I've seen it turn security robots into green glowing goop. Still have a good amount energy cells but I should probably look into finding an equivalent or a way of charging what I already have.
  • Stimpaks
    • Always handy to have a couple of these lying around especially when you can go days without a proper doctor. What I have should last me until I get home...Hopefully. Though that's not taking account me using 'em on any teammates I could end up getting.
  • Explosives
    • Well given how many I carry...It'd probably take to long to list but to give some examples, I have tin grenades simple yet effective, dynamite in both short and long fuse, a couple incendiary grenades...Sonic really didn't want me to have those, and these bad little numbers called satchel charges that are very powerful for there simplicity.
  • Clothing
    • The clothes on my back, arms, and legs. Besides my shoes I got a pair of knee pads, a bomber jacket and a plain white undershirt, some handy gloves, and a nice pair of goggles to top things off.
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Welp, here we go then.

Name:Illidan Stormrage

Species:Demon(well half demon to be precise)
Personality:Cunning and prideful, likes to take initiative.Albeit he rarely shows it, he is a just and noble at hearth.
World of origine:Azeroth

Backround:Illidan expected that this was it, he will be stuck inside this titan made prison as Sargeras jailor till the end of time.Well that changed one day when fate decided that illidan had more to do yet, not in his world tho.

That day do mixing of chaotic energies of sargeras and arcana forces that bound the prison together small rift was created, far too small for the dark titan to escape, but just large enough to suck the demon hunter in.

He was hurled through very fabric of space and time, as he slowly started to lose all track of time.He started shuffling through his own memories, of the days old when he spent time with his brother and tyrande, of times when he was imprisoned by maiev and those when he fought legion.

Perhaps illidan's mind would have been lost in the endless void had the rift not spat him out into a new plane of existance, a new unknown planet.....

Strength:Greater than that of nathrezim, who can easily lift house sized creatures

Speed: Greater than that of any human
Durability:Being smacked through stone walls does very little to him.

Flight:Can fly at incredible speeds, reaching all the way to clouds in mere seconds.

Skill:Thousands of years of fighting experience against both the forces of the burning legion and undead scourge.

Weapons:War glaives of azzinoth, which he stole from a doom guard after killing him.
Trusty weapons can easily cut through solid steel and even incinerate foes on contact
The blades themselves are magical in nature and illidan has put great care into mastering them.
Magic:With a bit of time and concentration he can raise massive amounts of fel, even creating small mountains.His eyes have been burned out by sargeras himself, so he can see and sense magic with them now, both arcane and fel.
Among his other fel based abilities, such as soul stealing, mind control, fel fire manipulation and creation, astral projection which he can use to travell all the way to other planets as intangible and invisible spectre and portal creation(both for travell and demon summoning).
Fel magic he uses can also devour the very life force of its targets, damaging both soul and body alike

Illidan has shown the abillity to control weather itself(summoning storms) and do to the fact that he was once one of the most skilled arcana users on his planet, he displayed power to turn his opponents magic against them.

His soul has been bound to the demonic realm of the twisting neather, killing him in physical plane means that he can ressurect untill killed in the neather.
But needs rather long time period(messured in years) to re-manifest.

Other skills:Illidan has extensive knowladge of druidism, but he never puts it to any kind of actual use.
Do to him long being in presence of queen Azshara and her highborne he knows a bit about politics too.
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Magic:With a bit of time and concentration he can raise massive amounts of fel, even creating small mountains.
Yes, but can he do anything other than Instant Mountain Just Add Water? In general the abilities section feels like it needs More Elaboration. General rule of thumb: Assume the GM knows nothing about your characters setting.
His soul has been bound to the demonic realm of the twisting neather, killing him in physical plane means that he can ressurect untill killed in the neather.
So basically he's effectively invincible via resurrections. Granted, I don't really have room to talk because I'm running Shin Dan Kuroto in the other SV vs Sonic, but he's balanced out via being relatively easy to Game Over.
Yes, but can he do anything other than Instant Mountain Just Add Water? In general the abilities section feels like it needs More Elaboration. General rule of thumb: Assume the GM knows nothing about your characters setting.
Thats just his destructive power, as fel tends to reshape landscape a bit when used by right people.

But to be more specific, he can devour souls, controll minds, use telephaty, control weather and summon storms, use astral projection to travell to different planets, summon felfire, fire energy from his eyes and do to his vast magical knowladge can turn magic of others against them.

And open portals to either travell or summon demons.
So basically he's effectively invincible via resurrections. Granted, I don't really have room to talk because I'm running Shin Dan Kuroto in the other SV vs Sonic, but he's balanced out via being relatively easy to Game Over.
He needs time to come back tho, time messured in months or even years.
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He needs time to come back tho, time messured in months or even years.
So if he gets killed, he's effectively dead for the rest of the RP. This is the kind of thing you need to actually list. Again, the GM can be assumed to know nothing about your character, so you need to at least briefly explain everything. "He has Magic Resistance, Battle Continuation, Disengage, Rune Magic, Protection From Arrows and Gae Bolg" is much less useful for a GM that knows nothing about Fate than "Can ignore magic attacks that aren't powerful enough, can keep going for ages after a fatal wound, resets conditions when he retreats, can cast these this and that spells with runes as well as making any of said runes blow up, can basically dodge ranged attacks forever if they're not AoE, and his cursed spear, once activated, will always hit the heart unless the opponent is really lucky.". And I can still see a few issues with the second explanation because I'm TLDRing.
So if he gets killed, he's effectively dead for the rest of the RP.
Yes, tehnically speaking that is true.

This is the kind of thing you need to actually list. Again, the GM can be assumed to know nothing about your character, so you need to at least briefly explain everything. "He has Magic Resistance, Battle Continuation, Disengage, Rune Magic, Protection From Arrows and Gae Bolg" is much less useful for a GM that knows nothing about Fate than "Can ignore magic attacks that aren't powerful enough, can keep going for ages after a fatal wound, resets conditions when he retreats, can cast these this and that spells with runes as well as making any of said runes blow up, can basically dodge ranged attacks forever if they're not AoE, and his cursed spear, once activated, will always hit the heart unless the opponent is really lucky.
Ok then.
And I can still see a few issues with the second explanation because I'm TLDRing.
Those are?
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Well its a work in progress but I'm getting there I think...And its two in the morning so sue me.
No real issues yet. Tag me once it's completed.
Welp, here we go then.

Name:Illidan Stormrage

Species:Demon(well half demon to be precise)
Personality:Cunning and prideful, likes to take initiative.Albeit he rarely shows it, he is a just and noble at hearth.
World of origine:Azeroth

Backround:Illidan expected that this was it, he will be stuck inside this titan made prison as Sargeras jailor till the end of time.Well that changed one day when fate decided that illidan had more to do yet, not in his world tho.

That day do mixing of chaotic energies of sargeras and arcana forces that bound the prison together small rift was created, far too small for the dark titan to escape, but just large enough to suck the demon hunter in.

He was hurled through very fabric of space and time, as he slowly started to lose all track of time.He started shuffling through his own memories, of the days old when he spent time with his brother and tyrande, of times when he was imprisoned by maiev and those when he fought legion.

Perhaps illidan's mind would have been lost in the endless void had the rift not spat him out into a new plane of existance, a new unknown planet.....

Strength:Greater than that of nathrezim, who can easily lift house sized creatures

Speed: Greater than that of any human
Durability:Being smacked through stone walls does very little to him.

Flight:Can fly at incredible speeds, reaching all the way to clouds in seconds

Skill:Thousands of years of fighting experience
Weapons:War glaives of azzinoth, which he stole from a doom guard after killing him.
The blades themselves are magical in nature and illidan has put great care into mastering them.
Magic:With a bit of time and concentration he can raise massive amounts of fel, even creating small mountains.His eyes have been burned out by sargeras himself, so he can see and sense magic with them now.
His soul has been bound to the demonic realm of the twisting neather, killing him in physical plane means that he can ressurect untill killed in the neather.
Confusing, vauge, and all-around no.
Welp, here we go then.

Name:Illidan Stormrage

Species:Demon(well half demon to be precise)
Personality:Cunning and prideful, likes to take initiative.Albeit he rarely shows it, he is a just and noble at hearth.
World of origine:Azeroth

Backround:Illidan expected that this was it, he will be stuck inside this titan made prison as Sargeras jailor till the end of time.Well that changed one day when fate decided that illidan had more to do yet, not in his world tho.

That day do mixing of chaotic energies of sargeras and arcana forces that bound the prison together small rift was created, far too small for the dark titan to escape, but just large enough to suck the demon hunter in.

He was hurled through very fabric of space and time, as he slowly started to lose all track of time.He started shuffling through his own memories, of the days old when he spent time with his brother and tyrande, of times when he was imprisoned by maiev and those when he fought legion.

Perhaps illidan's mind would have been lost in the endless void had the rift not spat him out into a new plane of existance, a new unknown planet.....

Strength:Greater than that of nathrezim, who can easily lift house sized creatures

Speed: Greater than that of any human
Durability:Being smacked through stone walls does very little to him.

Flight:Can fly at incredible speeds, reaching all the way to clouds in mere seconds.

Skill:Thousands of years of fighting experience against both the forces of the burning legion and undead scourge.

Weapons:War glaives of azzinoth, which he stole from a doom guard after killing him.
The blades themselves are magical in nature and illidan has put great care into mastering them.
Magic:With a bit of time and concentration he can raise massive amounts of fel, even creating small mountains.His eyes have been burned out by sargeras himself, so he can see and sense magic with them now, both arcane and fel.
Among his other fel based abilities, such as soul stealing, mind control, fel fire manipulation and creation, astral projection which he can use to travell all the way to other planets as intangible and invisible spectre and portal creation(both for travell and demon summoning).
Fel magic he uses can also devour the very life force of its targets, damaging both soul and body alike

Illidan has shown the abillity to control weather itself(summoning storms) and do to the fact that he was once one of the most skilled arcana users on his planet, he displayed power to turn his opponents magic against them.

His soul has been bound to the demonic realm of the twisting neather, killing him in physical plane means that he can ressurect untill killed in the neather.
But needs rather long time period(messured in years) to re-manifest.

Other skills:Illidan has extensive knowladge of druidism, but he never puts it to any kind of actual use.
Do to him long being in presence of queen Azshara and her highborne he knows a bit about politics too.

*The psychic kitty glare at the profile for a couple of seconds, a blank expression on her face, then she smacks a DENIED stamp on it. The stamp makes a satisfying whack sound as she label the profile*

No. Seriously. How about no?

Your profile manage to be entertainingly bad in almost every way possible. Of course, while amusing, this doesn't change that it's incredibly bad.

We have a character who is a walking plot hijack device, has abilities listed as to sound as God Mode Sue-tastic as possible... while having listed feats that are utterly pathetic for the setting of the RP, had an under-detailed background that explain nothing about the character while explaining everything we didn't ask, and generally give a series of mixed messages at best.

I'm actually wondering if this was all just a joke in the first place.

Needless to say, this is denied with extreme prejudice.

Pick someone else or at the very least, make a less utterly baffling profile.