And this has been bugging me, so... Very work in progress Psionic Mage sheet.
Universe of Origin: Original universe, based somewhat heavily on modded Minecraft.
Description: On the taller side, at six and a half feet tall, Jalar has piercing silver eyes and similarly-colored hair. Not that his eyes or hair are often seen, though; clad as he usually is in his airtight, purplish-blue psion's armor, his head is usually hidden behind the darkened psiglass of the helmet.
Gender: Male
Backstory: Tell me about yourself.
Motivation: What drives you? Who are you, fundamentally?

Psi: A highly useful and versatile discipline of magic, Psi grants its users access to a number of effects within 32 meters of the casting point, using a rapidly-recovering inherent energy known as "PSI" from its caster as fuel. Psionic magic is bound by the following caveats:
  • Inanimate matter and animate matter are interacted with differently. For the purposes of psionics, "animate" matter includes such things as "living organic matter", "living inorganic matter", "reanimated matter", "matter belonging to artificially-animated entities", "magically-potent matter", and a number of other, similar states.
  • Psionic magic can manipulate the following states of matter, in order of ease of manipulation: Plasmas, gasses, liquids, and solids.
  • Psionic magic is too complex to be cast by a human mind; as such, all psionic spells must be cast through a Casting Assistance Device.
  • All locations measured by Psionic magic are vectors relative to local center of gravity, magnetic fields, and planet rotation.
Originally conceptualized for purposes of transmutation, but was repurposed for construction, demolition, and resource gathering when it was found to be incredibly cheap and wide-ranged. With one exception, cannot manipulate materials of greater density than stone, and cannot effect animate matter at all. Contains the following Tricks.
  • Fabricate Matter: Following a programmed pattern, uses material from a CAD's matter storage to create a material. Cannot create materials with greater density than stone.
  • Deconstruct Matter: Following a programmed pattern, dematerializes matter no denser than stone, and stores it as aetherial matter in a CAD's matter storage.
  • Fabricate Psimetal: Following a programmed pattern, uses material from a CAD's matter storage to fabricate a high-grade material known as psimetal. This material is not limited to the standard density restrictions of Fabricate Matter, but can also be deconstructed easily by Deconstruct Matter at any density. This material remembers its structure when materialized, and if backed by a constant current of PSI will maintain its form perfectly even under incredible stress or the Deconstruct Matter Trick. Psimetal is integral to most advanced psitech. Can be fabricated with exceptionally high or low magical, electrical, thermal, etc. conductivity.
  • Fabricate Psiglass: A somewhat weaker form of psimetal, this is transparent. Has the same shape memory as psimetal, and can be similarly maintained with a constant PSI current.
The ability to conjure gravity-ignoring fragile materials from nothing, which become nothing again when broken. Can last indefinitely, though time limits can be placed on them in spell creation. Contains the following Tricks:
  • Conjure Solid: Following a programmed pattern, conjures a completely transparent solid which can support a surprising amount of weight. Makes for a decent bridge, if you're careful.
  • Conjure Light: Following a programmed pattern, conjures an ethereal light which does not release heat.
Surprisingly inexpensive and simple, these tricks allow the caster to alter the location of matter on spatial fabric. Ignorant of the standard rules of animate or inanimate matter, but parts of an entity cannot be translocated separate from the rest of said entity.
  • Blink: Translocation of chosen matter a chosen
    (short; within 10 meters)
    distance in a chosen direction.
  • Mass Blink: Translocation of a list of chosen entities a chosen
    (short; within 10 meters)
    distance in a chosen direction.
  • Mass Exodus: Translocation of entities and matter within a chosen distance of a chosen point to a chosen location. Does not have the distance limitations of Blink, and is incredibly cheaper per meter, but cannot be easily chosen on the fly and often drains its caster's PSI reserves entirely.
The ability to alter an animate entity's status and position in space relative to their eidos changelog, which is, in essence, a list of their locations and status history relative to the local gravity well. Shifting more than a minute backwards is prohibitively expensive. Does not alter memories, does not alter time.
  • Eidos Reversal: Shifts an entity a chosen amount of time backwards on their eidos changelog.
  • Eidos Anchor: Anchors an entity at the current point on their eidos changelog, and pulls them back to it after a chosen amount of time.
  • Eidos Changelog Check: Checks a chosen entity's location at a chosen point on their eidos changelog.
The ability to manipulate animate entities or matter. Due to the difficulty that Psionic magic has with manipulating animate material, it contains a number of finely-tuned Tricks rather than the multipurpose Tricks of other categories.
  • Regenerate Matter: Causes animate matter to regenerate; use in conjunction with Eidos Changelog Checking for most efficient and effective regeneration. Can also be used to grow simple animate matter at an accelerated pace; great for gardening!
  • Deteriorate Matter: The inverse of Regenerate Matter, causes animate matter to deteriorate. Insufficiently powerful to kill any animate entity outright, or even be terribly useful in combat, but still has quite a few uses. Also decent for rapid composting.
  • Stabilize Matter: Reinforces the structural integrity of animate matter; proper use can make human flesh as tough as iron.
  • Destabilize Matter: Decreases structural integrity of animate matter, with surface matter being more easily altered than internal matter; can be used to weaken natural armor, or weaken key internal points.
  • Grant Ethereality: Cheaply grants but a moment of ethereality, which then vanishes unless matter has intersected matter currently ethereal. Originally designed for use with Blink or other translocative Tricks.
  • Psionic Broadcast: Broadcasts a message telepathically, strong enough that any animate entity can pick it up, in an easily-comprehended format. Has a 5-kilometer maximum range, though this can be limited down or limited to pre-chosen groups of entities.
  • Psionic Reception: Amplifies the telepathic receptiveness of a selected entity, allowing even telepathically deaf entities to pick up weak telepathic signals.
The deceptively expensive ability to grant inertia to matter.
  • Impart Momentum: Allows for low amounts of momentum to be imparted to chosen matter; not useful for much. Some have managed feather falling spells, and a few spell programmers have even managed dedicated, sustainable flight spells, but doing much with this requires considerable optimization.
  • Initialize Concussion: Creates an omnidirectional wave of concussive force starting at a chosen point. The strength of this force can be altered, with cost shifting relative to what state of matter one attempts to begin it in. Beginning in gas, roughly as strong as a frag grenade. Liquid, less so. In physical matter? Not noteworthy. In animate matter? Forget about it. In plasma? Actually surprisingly strong.
The ability to alter the thermal properties of matter. Effects most matter considerably, though can barely effect animate matter.
  • Impart Heat: Increases the temperature of matter in a chosen pattern. Even iron can easily be made molten.
  • Negate Heat: Decreases the temperature of matter in a chosen pattern. Can easily solidify molten metals in moments.
Psionic Specialty: Fabrication: Whether as buildings that don't seem like they should support their own weight, or as small creations with extremely fine details, Jalar is incredibly talented at making matter combine as he prefers with the Fabrication psionic category.
Swordplay: Though melee combat isn't Jalar's preferred range, he can still easily hold his own against most of the monsters on his own world with a longsword.

Casting Assistant Device: A gun-shaped computing device which handles casting spells by channeling its wielder's PSI in patterns specified by spell bullets. Has a number of safeties, designed to keep a caster from killing themselves with their spells; these safeties mostly come into play as complication or power limiters. Has an aethereal matter storage unit capable of storing an indeterminate amount of mass for fabrication purposes. Can keep 10 spell bullets loaded at once.
Types of spell bullets include:
  • Standard: It casts the spell once and is done.
  • Loopcast: It casts the spell roughly 4 times per second. After the first second or so, the caster's PSI regen begins once again, meaning that some properly designed spells can be effectively held indefinitely - though given that a CAD can only cast one spell at a time...
  • Projectile: An orb of light which moves roughly as fast as an arrow, this projectile acts as the casting point for whatever spell is loaded into the bullet when it strikes a surface. As such, this design can be used to bypass a Psionic mage's range limitation.
  • Circle: Creates a circle within the caster's range, which then acts itself as the casting point. Casts whatever spell is loaded 20 times over the next 5 seconds, for roughly 10 times what the casting cost would be in a standard spell bullet.
  • Mine: Creates a small orb within the caster's range, which then acts as the casting point for a spell. Casts whenever a living entity walks over it. Or an undead entity. Or an artifically-animated enti-you get the point.
- Thousand Yard Stride [LOOPCAST]: A multiple-blink spell that transports its caster 3 meters forward every quarter of a second while being cast, implementing a moment of ethereality while rematerializing to avoid telefragging. Can sustainably transport its caster a kilometer before their PSI reserves will need to recover.
Tricks: Blink, Grant Ethereality
- Fireball [STANDARD]: From the CAD's matter storage, materializes a 1-meter-diameter sphere of extremely hot plasma two meters in front of the caster, then flings it rapidly at a target. When the sphere strikes a solid, it detonates.
Tricks: Fabricate Matter(Plasma), Impart Heat, Impart Momentum, Initialize Concussion
- Excavate [CIRCLE]: Creates a circle at the caster's feet, which then proceeds over the next 5 seconds to create a 2-meter diameter, 32 meter-long tunnel in whatever direction the caster is looking when they cast it if it can do so. Conjures indefinitely-lasting supports around the edge of the tunnel to support it.
Tricks: Deconstruct Matter, Conjure Solid
- Recall [STANDARD]: Yanks the caster 30 seconds backwards along their eidos changelog. Has a moment of ethereality upon completion of eidos recall, just in case.
Tricks: Eidos Recall
- Overgrow [STANDARD]: A carefully designed spell which causes a singular plant to grow at an absurdly accelerated rate without need for other resources.
Tricks: Regenerate Matter, Regenerate Matter, Regenerate Matter, Regenerate Matter (etc. etc in many variations)
- Hop[STANDARD]: Alters the caster's momentum, adding considerable upward momentum. Mainly meant to be used to halt unfortunate falls.
Tricks: Impart Momentum
- Healing [STANDARD]: Grants the CAD's target (caster or otherwise) a considerable healing factor for 5 seconds.
Tricks: Regenerate Matter, Eidos Changelog Check
- Conjure Light [STANDARD]: Conjures a spherical light at the CAD's target.
Tricks: Conjure Light
- Conjure Bridge [STANDARD]: Conjures a two-meter wide, 10 meter long, .1 meter thick plane of transparent material in whatever direction the caster is looking. The bridge lasts for roughly a minute before dissipating, or until shattered.
Tricks: Conjure Solid
- Icy Prison [PROJECTILE]: When the projectile strikes a target, or solid matter, it fabricates a 3-meter-diameter sphere of water, which is then frozen solid.
Tricks: Fabricate Matter(liquid), Negate Heat
Psiblade: A longsword with an absurdly sharp blade made of psimetal atop a handle that houses three spell bullets. Can link to the wielder's CAD to cast the contents of these spell bullets. The hilt contains a function to dematerialize the blade if needed.
- Severance: Designed to counter foes with powerful healing factors, this spell blinks the smallest whole entity near its blade 10 meters away from the caster.
Tricks: Blink
- Refabricate Blade: Re-creates the blade entirely from the CAD's matter storage.
Tricks: Fabricate Psimetal
- Weaken Target: When cast while the blade is touching an animate entity, this spell Destabilizes the skin closest to the blade, in an attempt to pierce any natural armor.
Tricks: Destabilize Matter
Psion's Armor: An airtight suit of armor made of psimetal and psiglass, this suit of armor has reminded some thaumaturges of attempts at quote-unquote "armored space suits". It has a number of casting aides, sensors, and holster spots for the CAD and psiblade's hilt. Also can house [number] spell bullets, and can link to the wearer's CAD to cast them.
- Psion Communication Protocol V2.01.385: The standardized communication software for the Psionics Guild of k'Tarna, this allows the wearer to broadcast telepathic messages, or receive messages of all sorts (telepathic, radio, manaburst, aetherial mirror, etc) on a standardized telepathic receiver-pattern.
Tricks: Psionic Broadcast, Psionic Reception
- Sanctuary Cage: A nearly-spherical shield of conjured hexagons, 30 1-centimeter thick pieces thick and up to 5 meters in diameter. This barrier reconjures each hexagon 20 times per second, so even with as fragile as they are this can serve as a decent shield. This can be maintained for five minutes before the caster needs to let their PSI recover, and the hexagons disappear after 1.5 seconds if not shattered.

This spell makes use of a number of spell optimizers and PSI capacitors within the Psion's Armor;
it cannot be cast without this assistance
without instantly killing the caster via PSI overdraw.
Tricks: Conjure Solid
- Eagle V3.891.28: A spell that allows its caster to glide. Lasts half a minute before the caster needs to let their PSI recover.

This spell makes use of a number of spell optimizers and PSI capacitors within the Psion's Armor; it cannot be cast without this assistance without instantly killing the caster via PSI overdraw.
Tricks: Impart Momentum, Initialize Concussion
- Air Cycling: Periodically dematerializes small amounts of the air within the suit, replacing it with properly oxygenated air.
Tricks: Deconstruct Matter, Fabricate Matter(gas).
- Reformat Spell Bullet: Not a spell per se; rather, this allows Jalar to reprogram spell bullets without the need for a dedicated spell programming terminal.
Enchanted Atlas: A magical book which contains a map that automatically updates with the surface view of all land within a 2 kilometer radius.

You might be able to guess what game I've been playing, if my gushing about it on the Discord wasn't clue enough.

Name: Atreus of the North
Universe of Origin: Midgard
Gender: Male
Atreus was born to the Godslayer Kratos and the Giantess Laufey the Just in a small cabin in the woods. He was a sickly child, weak of body and at times coughing up blood and even unable to leave his bed.

His father was a distant and harsh figure who he rarely saw, Kratos spending most of his time hunting or simply in isolation. So during those times when he was well he instead was with his mother, learning the runes and the languages of the races of the nine realms and how to hunt with a bow. And for years, things were as they were.

Atreus did not know of his nature, nor of the nature of his parents, simply believing them, and him to be mortals. Not long before he turned 14 his mother passed away. And his life changed forever. Unknown to he and his father, among the trees that Faye had hand marked to be used for her Pyre were several trees required to keep the spell hiding Kratos's Olympian nature from the Aesir. The boy's father had Atreus show him his hunting skills. Faye had asked for her ashes to be taken to the highest peaks in all the nine realms to be scattered, and the world was not a very safe place, so Kratos had to test Atreus.

Atreus failed.

That would have been the end of that, but after returning home, a tattooed stranger came to them. He attacked Kratos, and the two wrecked havoc on the forest around them, and in the end Kratos did what he had to do. Snapping the man's neck. Their home was no longer safe, and so despite the fact that Atreus had failed, his father had decided that they were going to go regardless.

The two made their way to the mountain, meeting a witch who lived in the woods and a pair of bickering dwarven brothers along the way. Unfortunately for the two, there were many setbacks along the way. From poisonous magicks fashioned by Odin himself that required the two of them to travel to the Elven realms of Alfhiem and collect it's holy light, to facing off against a dragon deep in the mountains.

As they reached the top of the great mountain, they barely avoided meeting the tattooed stranger again, somehow not dead despite what Kratos had done to him. Something that made much more sense when they overheard his name. Baldr the Immortal.

At the peak of the mountain they found a strange golden eye'd man trapped in a tree. His name was Mimir, and he called himself the smartest man alive. Smarter than most of the dead ones too. They spoke... Learning that the mountain they had climbed was not the tallest in all the realms, no the Giant's Fingers in Jotunheim was. But there were no paths to Jotunheim.

The giants had taken their towers away and bared all the gates.

All but one.

To achieve their goals, however, they would need Mimir's help, and so to save Mimir from his fate, and to keep his help, Atreus's father cut off the man's head. They took it to the Witch of the woods so that she could reanimate him. There they learned that the witch was in fact Freya, Odin's ex-wife.

Their Journey took them north, to the fallen body of a dead giant, the greatest stone mason in all the nine realms, and after fighting and killing one of Thor's two sons, they gathered a piece of the tip of his magical chisel, so that they could carve the magical travel rune into the final gateway. Then they spoke with the great midgard serpent, learning the location of the hidden travel rune.

The second of Thor's sons returned, and what happened next Atreus doesn't know. He raged and raged, flames bursting forth, and then he passed out. His father apparently traveled to Helheim to gather the ingredients needed to cure him of his returning illness.

An illness born of believing himself to be a mortal rather than a god.

Having been cured, the young man began to have something of a big head, acting in a way unbecoming of who he is, and who he wanted to become. Going so far as killing the weakened and defeated son of Thor simply because he could.

They return to the secret portal to the land of the giants, where they encounter Baldr again, and during the battle the gateway is destroyed, sending the three to the farthest reaches of Helhiem, to the lands where only the dead are permitted. Fighting their way free, escaping dark illusions of their past, the father and son reconcile, and Atreus learns from his mistakes, swearing to himself to never fall into the trap of seeing himself as better than others due to being a god again.

While it takes some time, and traveling into the gullet of the world serpent, the trio find another means to reach the realm of the giants. And once again Baldr intervenes.

Unfortunately for the immortal god, Atreus's quiver was damaged earlier in their adventure, and an arrow of mistletoe was used to repair it. Mistletoe happened to be the one weakness of the immortal god, and after a long fought battle in which Freya, Baldr's mother continued to intervene, he was defeated.

The tattooed man's hatred ran deep however, and still he tried to kill his mother, leaving Kratos with no choice.

And so Baldr died.

But finally, after so much trouble, the way to the realm of the giants was opened. The father and son could finally fulfill Fay's last wish.

It was here that Kratos's most hated enemy reared it's head however.

Prophecy. For much of their journey had been prophecized, images of the battles they had done, and the gods they had killed carved into the walls of Jotunhiem. There was but one strangeness about the murals however.

It did not refer to Atreus by his name, but instead by the name that his mother wished to give him.


Upon returning to Midgard, they discovered that killing Baldr had consequences. The Fibulwinter had started. It would continue for three summers and three winters.

Then Ragnarok would begin.

It was during this time that Atreus's training continued, and with the help of Brock of Sindri - the Dwarven brothers who crafted his mother''s axe and Thor's hammer that Atreus had a new weapon crafted. A blade modeled after the twin blades that his father both hated and loved.

And during one day, whilst out on the hunt, the young god found himself discovering a shimmering puddle of green floating in the air. It spoke a language that he did not recognize, and his curiosity pushed him to poke at it, summoning far away from his home.
Motivation: The things that Motivate Atreus the most are - Curiosity, Compassion, and Rage.
- At his heart, Atreus has a deep yearning to understand the world around, to know everything he can about everything he can. He loves to learn and see new things, experience new places. However this Curiosity is tempered by the discipline that his father has instilled in him, as well as the experiences that he went through on his journey. Such as sending him and his father to Helheim and nearly dying.

- No matter who you are, a strange old woman who lives in the woods, a great fire breathing lizard, a pair of bickering dwarven brothers, or a giant serpent that wraps about the whole of the world - Atreus's first instinct is to help, to lend a hand or offer his help. He is learning however, that there are those who would take advantage of such kindness, and that there are those who cannot be helped.

- Of course, for all his happiness and kindness, the warmth within him... Atreus is the son of the Ghost of Sparta. The Godslayer and the last of the Olympians. There is a rage within his heart that can overwhelm him. To lead him into a blind fury that burns everything around him. He is trying to learn to control it, but in the time since he learned his true nature as a god... as a giant... the Rage has only grown stronger. He is trying to learn to control it. Trying.

And slowly learning. Or... at the very least, learning to point it at his enemies.

Omniglot - Atreus has a gift for languages unlike anything that even Mimir has seen. Able to piece together the language of the world serpent after only hearing it spoken less than a half dozen times. This ability extends to both animals, and also spirits of the dead, both those who are still hear, and the residue of those who are long gone. As well as with magical artifacts.

Strength - Atreus is very strong. Not as strong as he will be when grown, nor as strong as his father, but he is half giant and a third Olympian. So physical might comes naturally to him.

Durability - But where his strength has yet to come to fruition, his durability has. He has taken blows that would flat out kill a mortal. Falling from heights that would shatter bones, and even once taking a blow to the chest from the fully god Baldr, and while he had trouble breathing for a few moments he quickly recovered.

Magic - The languages of Runes comes naturally to the boy, and while he is mostly untrained in their uses, he knows enough to be able to write out magical sigils and traps.

Runic Summons - Atreus can summon a number of different creatures, channeling his magic through one of his arrows allows them to take on the mystical properties of that arrow.
  • Wrath of the Wolf – Summons a spectral wolf that pounces on enemies 3 times.
  • Falcon's Dive – Summons a cast of spectral falcons that dive into the ground.
  • Bitter Squirrel – Summons a spectral squirrel, Ratatöskr, to unearth consumables.
  • Boar Stampede – Summons a stampede of spectral boars that trample enemies in their path.
  • Murder of Crows – Summons a murder of crows that swarms enemies.
  • Storm of the Elks — Summons a spectral elk that discharges destructive energy as it walks.

Shapeshifting - A newly developed skill that he is still figuring out, Atreus can take on partial animal form, granting him the claws of a wolf or the eyes of an eagle.

Rage of Olympus - Atreus was born with a rage deep inside of him, a burning fire that cannot be truly controlled. Perhaps it is his heritage, or the distance from Olympus, or any number of different things, but this rage doesn't seem to be as strong as his fathers. Yet stronger is different ways. It is much harder to draw out his rage than Kratos, and it doesn't last for nearly as long before burning out, but while infused with his rage, Atreus can cast flames from his hands as many gods of fire can.

Talon Bow - A magical bow grown for him by his mother, it is Atreus's primary weapon - given that he is still learning how to use the newer parts of his arsenal.

Mistletoe Arrows - Following the Death of Baldr, Atreus took the arrowhead that was used to break the immortallity spell on Baldr and began to grow his own arrows from it. As a side effect of shattering the spell, these arrows fly straight and true, able to slice through magics with ease. Magical defenses do nothing to stop these arrows.

Alfhiem Light Arrows - During his travels with his father, the drawstring of Atreus's bow was infused with the holy light of Alfheim. These arrows pierce the darkness, shattering illusions and untruths as well as exploding. They can also be used to power mystical crystals daze the dead and other unnatural creatures.

Dragon's breath Arrows - After helping his father to kill a Dragon, Atreus's bow was infused with the lightning energy of a Dragon's tooth. He keeps the tooth and uses his magicks to grow special arrows that can handle the electricity that runs through the arrows without burning them to a crisp.

Arrow of Sutr - During their travels, Kratos and Atreus discovered the pieces of the Muspelheim travel rune. Discovering a great gauntlet in the realm of fire, they fought there way to the top, and after fighting a Valkyrie, they met the great fire giant. Telling him of the Fimbulwinter and how Ragnarok was coming, he thanked them by giving Atreus a handful of shards. The Dwarven brothers used the shards to fashion a tiny magical forge that can form arrows of pure flame to cast upon their enemies.

The Blade of Ragnarok - Atreus's new blade. Forged of a mixture of Olympian Steel and the ore of Jotonheim, with a hilt carved out of shards from the world tree itself, the Blade of Ragnarok was forged in the image of one of Kratos's blades of chaos. Chains and all. The blade has been infused with the cold of the frost giants and the winds of the East that Hermes once commanded.

Dagger of Midgard and Sparta - A dagger crafted of metals from Sparta and Midgard. It was given to him when his father finally found him ready. It's just a regular dagger.

Bifrost Key - A magical construct used to activate Tyr's temple and the gateway of the nine realms, it allows one to traverse the boughs and roots of the world tree, upon whence all creation sits. It will certainly be the key to getting Atreus home in time for Ragnarok.

Branch Stone - A stone from the well of Eternity at the roots of the world tree, with proper preparation, it can be used to create pathways along the same branch - or as it would be better described, the same world.

The Light of Alfheim - The magical light of truth of Alfheim, it is stored within the Bifrost key. It can be used as a flashlight, as well as being able to gift hope to the hopeless, and burn away illusions.

The Head of Mimir - The resurrected head of Mimir mainly stays with Atreus as they both like to talk, unlike Kratos, and have much to speak about. Mimir is highly intelligent, if a bit irreverent. Then again being tortured every day for a hundred and nine years, then having your head cut off and being brought back to life as just a head does give one a rather unique look on life. He is full of wisdom and insight, particularly though the realm of stories.
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Okay fixed the centering thing and got all the things that were bolded bolded again because for some reason they stopped being bolded.
To be fair, I was working on a non-post of "Mugman continues giving out drinks" because I was honestly fed nothing to do or post in response to, and then it got deleted when my computer crashed.
Yeah, I've started putting stuff such as my half-finished Finé sheet in a Private Thread.