Dan Kuroto Shin is someone I actually have a strong image of their personality on account of him being Kuroto Deus Ex Whatever, so I'd like to think I'd avoid issues, but my track record with this things is admittedly not the best.
Dan Kuroto Shin is someone I actually have a strong image of their personality on account of him being Kuroto Deus Ex Whatever, so I'd like to think I'd avoid issues, but my track record with this things is admittedly not the best.
Did you do the FATE aspect listing thing like I recommended to you a long while back? I find that helps.
I am reasonably sure that I can,

Dan Kuroto Shin is someone I actually have a strong image of their personality on account of him being Kuroto Deus Ex Whatever, so I'd like to think I'd avoid issues, but my track record with this things is admittedly not the best.

Man, this is hard. I kinda want to have both in the game-

oh right

why can't I take you both right now, I removed that restriction

okay lemme make some edits to the first page and then you'll be good to enter play in my next post
It's 1AM down here in the UK, so I'll just collapse asleep now and deal with stuff in the morning.
So my power cord for my laptop died and I dunno when I'll be able to replace it

so I'm gonna skip Takoe and post now

Edit: TFW your entire post is gone past a certain point

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Just... just gonna put this here for my own use and so I don't accidentally delete it...
Mobius Compendium
Master Emerald

Master Emerald Description

An ancient artifact, created by the gods to rule over the Chaos Emeralds and restrain their powers. Using it's unlimited energy, it allows Angel Island to float through the skies. Like any Emerald, it responds the the thoughts and emotions of those around it.

You can now dowse for large concentrations of Chaos Energy!

Common Locations

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Wave 2 Player Candidate: Conayn the Riolu - Umbra
Name: Conayn
Universe of Origin: Pokémon: Super Mystery Dungeon
Description: A blue-furred jackal with a small pack and green scarf. 2 feet tall.
Gender: Male

Backstory: A young child from Serene Village, he was found and raised by a Carracosta as an egg, alongside a pair of Harmony Scarves. While overly friendly, his antics and actions made him a little bit of an outcast among his peers - leaving him starved for friendship - until a certain amnesiac Pikachu came along. While still somewhat odd in his interactions, they ended pairing together and went on various adventures - eventually meeting the leader of the Expedition Society, Ampharos. Given a 'Junior' Expedition Society Kit (in reality, just a normal Expedition Kit, with the junior bit added in because the pair were children), they continued said adventures and grew ever stronger.

Motivation: A genuine desire to help people in need, mixed with months of helping others for the express purpose of helping others. Admittedly, he's also thankful for a certain other reason, but he tries not to think about that too much.

(Maybe...if he ended up coming here...maybe he could get back?)


Aura Sight
By closing his eyes and focusing on his pair of 'aura sensors' (the black, ear-like flaps on the side of his head), Conayn can use Aura Sight, allowing him to literally see the life force of people, plants and creatures from a large distance away. This even works through walls, but because of this, he doesn't actually see the world as he's using it, making it difficult to gauge distance. A skilled user of Aura Sight can even distinguish specific individuals by their aura, although it becomes exceptionally easier if the individual has a greater-than-average amount of it.

(He has not figured out that he could close one eye to look in Aura Sight, and use the other to actually see the world.)

Pokémon Physiology - Strength
As befitting of a Fighting-type Pokémon, Conayn has superhuman strength, stamina, and endurance. He can easily lift and throw a 200lb weight, and his endurance and stamina allow him to be physically active for days on end - even if the side-effects of doing so would cause a lot of strain as soon as he finishes.

Pokémon Physiology - Durability
As a Pokémon, Conayn is extremely resistant to being severely injured. As a pre-evolution to a Steel-type this becomes even moreso, requiring exceptionally high firepower to even break the skin, let alone cause internal trauma. Further exaggerating his durability is their ability to quickly heal those injuries that do occur, either from a short period of Psychic-enhanced 'Rest' or from just his natural regeneration while sleeping.

Despite this high durability, he can be 'knocked out' relatively easily as his pain threshold is far lower than his ability to actually be injured.


Moves (Riolu)
Due to Conayn being a Riolu, many various and esoteric moves are at his disposal, from basic attacks like Quick Attack and Force Palm, to more complicated and powerful moves such as Blaze Kick and Extremespeed. Not all moves will be listed to avoid creating more work than needed on both the GM and player. All moves have been listed because the GM said so and my hand is cramping.

Foresight (Normal-type)
One of the moves that a Riolu learn naturally out of the Egg, Foresight allows the user to track and accurately guess where the target is currently, and will be, enough for him to make accurate attacks on said target even through a speed disadvantage. This also allows the user to damage creatures that may not normally be able to be physically hit, such as Ghosts.

Quick Attack (Normal-type)
An attack that accelerates the user's body several times their normal speed, allowing fast movement in a straight line. This move does not injure the user in any way, and can also be used in mid-air as a form of secondary movement.

Endure (Normal-type)
A self-status move, this makes the user brace themselves and increase their already formidable durability to an absurd degree. While this allows them to theoretically survive any form of attack without any severe maiming or consequences, this does not stop them from fainting from the pain said attack would cause.

Counter (Fighting-type)
A risky, but powerful Fighting-type move - this move is a retaliation strike that unleashes exactly double the power and attack the user received while channeling the move. While powerful, this also requires the user to be conscious for the move, and it fails if he faints.

Feint (Normal-type)
A single strike that is designed to break and shatter barrier-type moves instead of damage to the specific target. The attack itself is relatively weak being a simple, single hit, but the attack also allows for rapid movement similar to Quick Attack.

Force Palm (Fighting-type)
The user unleashes a blue wave of Aura from their 'palm', giving a medium-ranged attack alongside his other moves. If the move impacts the opponent directly instead of through range, there is a high chance of paralyzing.

Copycat (Normal-type)
A simple move that allows the user to recreate the last move used in battle (excluding Copycat itself.)

Reversal (Fighting-type)
A single hit that deals increasingly high damage depending on the health and status of the user. The power of the attack starts minimal, but ramps up exponentially through the damage the user has taken.

Final Gambit (Fighting-type)
A move that burns all of the user's stamina as a last ditch effort, and uses that stamina as fuel for one large attack.

No matter what happens, the user faints at the end of this move.


Blaze Kick (Fire-type)
A powerful Physical attack which creates an aura of flame around the user's foot as they're about to kick. This fiery attack does not burn the user - but can cause a real fire if they're not careful.

Detect (Fighting-type)
An enhanced version of Foresight, Detect allows the user to see and predict the target's next move, and to dodge or block said attack. The move isn't completely reliable though, and continued use after the first dodge has an increasing chance of being incorrect.

Drain Punch (Fighting-type)
A quick and powerful Physical attack that absorbs the life of the opponent when struck. There is a tell-tale green glow around the user's fist/paw as the move is in use, but this does not make said move any slower or easier to dodge.

ExtremeSpeed (FIghting-type)
A move usually learned as a Lucario, ExtremeSpeed is an improved version of Quick Attack, allowing the user to accelerate their body several times their normal speed in an instant. While powerful, the move is much more tiring than Quick Attack, but allows for far greater speeds and over a longer period of time. Similar to Quick Attack, this move can be used in midair, but control is far more difficult. It also doesn't force movement into a straight line.

Focus Punch (Fighting-type)
The ultimate Fighting-type move, Focus Punch requires extreme focus in its use and can easily be interrupted before the user throws the punch. The attack makes the fist glow bright blue, but since multiple moves have the same look, it isn't as easy to tell the difference.

While magnitudes stronger than any other move that Conayn has in his arsenal, there are other attacks that, given certain factors, can do even more damage. Even so, if the target isn't extremely durable in some way, this is more likely to outright kill than to disable compared to most Pokémon moves - alongside the wall behind them.

Ice Punch (Ice-type)
As the move says, it is a powerful Physical attack which creates an aura of sheer cold around the user's fist/paw. This has a chance to flash-freeze the target on impact, although said effect is not felt by the user while the move is active.

Thunder Punch (Electric-type)
The last of the elemental punches, Thunder Punch does exactly what one would expect. This move has a side-effect of possibly paralyzing the target on impact, although said paralysis is temporary.

Substitute (Normal-type)
A move which creates a small double of the user, protecting and intercepting attacks. Using this move injures the user at the same time, but allows said double to move and act on its own, even if it can't use any moves. The amount of 'health' sacrificed in the move's use determines how much damage it can take and how long the move will last.

(Certain moves, like Counter or Protect, have certain interactions with Substitute. If one used Protect - it would protect both user and the double - and if Counter was used, the resulting effect can be unleashed if it was the user itself getting it instead of the Substitute.)

(Junior) Expedition Society Kit

Created by Jirachi of Star Cave and Astrologist of the Expedition Society, this is one of two 'Junior' Expedition Kits ever made. The items inside are calibrated for the owner's use, shifting in size and weight to be easily carried, and will also automatically adjust itself for any changes in body or size, such as Evolution or Form Shifts.

Expedition Badges:
Small badges signifying that the holder is a part of the Expedition Society. These badges are of the same make as the Rescue and Explorer Badges, and have similar features - such as the crystal changing color to signify ranking, the ability to rescue others by teleporting them to a checkpoint, and the ability to save the holder by teleporting them to the same checkpoint when forcefully knocked unconscious. While they look like simple pin-ons, and are equally easy to use, they are both extremely durable, and can only be removed by the current owner of the badge.

Expedition Bags:
Exclusive bags that can carry a surprising number of items for its size, and are as durable as the badges themselves, with two separate pockets for money and Gold Bars. They do not transfer weight, and automatically give the item that the holder needs or wants, as long as it was inside the bag. Certain item effects also persist through the bag's surface, allowing items like Soothe Globes to work without being held.

Expedition Gadget:
A literal catch-all device, and the key portion of how the Expedition Society works, this device combines the functions of several commonly used items from the Explorer and Rescue Guilds. This device has an automated Wonder Map, a communications array that works even through dimensional interference, and even recognizes and identifies relationships between sapient creatures, giving a small amount of information on even people they just met, identifying their current trouble if they have one, and identifying more people that they have relations as a friend or family member after the trouble's completion. In addition, it automatically records the information gathered by the installed Wonder Map, and allows the information to be shared between devices of the same nature. It only functions if the Connection Orb is slotted at the top of the device.

Connection Orb:
A curious Wonder Orb discovered and created by Jirachi of Star Cave. This Wonder Orb is both the memory storage and power source that allows the Expedition Gadget to function, and the reason why the Expedition Gadget identifies the 'connections' between sapient creatures. No known power or force is able to break this object.

Harmony Scarf:
The Harmony Scarf is an artifact made from materials straight out of the Tree of Life. Due to this, it gives the holder an innate immunity to petrification, allow them to breathe in any locale as if it were normal air, as well as causing the Pokémon to temporarily take on its final evolution with an extreme power boost when near a powerful source of Life. (Note that the evolution caused by the Harmony Scarf is several times more powerful than even Mega-Evolution, without the berserk effect.)

Other: Conayn is far more of a glass cannon than one would expect, given his durability. While he has a lot of moves to take advantage of getting injured, it is more likely that powerful attacks would knock him straight out if he doesn't block or prepare for it.