
I just started a Patreon!
Welcome to Kobold Caves. A DnD inspired game about the role-players of SV leading their tribe of Kobolds into being something more than a food source.
It is OC and not SI based this time (Though if you want to keep your personality that is fine).
This will be in some ways cooperative city management but being a big damn hero is part of your job. So with that in mind everyone gets to pick from one of three gifts for themselves.

1) Dire Weasel Lycan: You are one of the rare 1 in 10K who are born as a natural lycanthrope. Not only will you have a great empathy with the tribes Dire weasels(Gain skill handle animal), but you will also be stronger and heal from minor wounds in moments.You can in time turn others as well. The only downside is that gear is destroyed by the transformation and you require lots of meat to survive.

Relevant Links:
Lycanthrope (CR +1) – d20PFSRD
2) Dragon wrought: The blood of actual dragons runs in your little Kobold veins. Slowly you will become more draconic, eventually gaining wings and a breath weapon. As well as a host of other minor benefits,Gain 3 skills based on dragon, better vision in the dark, immunity to sleep and paralysis magic, and your scales and claws will grow stronger over time. It has no downsides though you must choose a dragon color.

Relevant links:
Dragonwrought – Feat – D&D Tools
Dragon Shaman – Class – D&D Tools (Relevant for what skills you will be better at based on your dragon color)
3) Sorcerer: The magic of dragons can be found within you. You are a new sorcerer and can cast 2 spells (1/day each)with practice you can learn more and learn to cast them more often. Though the delicate movements required are more difficult with armor on leaving you particular weak in melee combat.

Choose a Bloodline
Kobold: Spells (Trap Rune/Alarm) Skill:Disable Device
Dragon: Spells (Burning hands/Shield) Skill: Perception

Relevant Links:
Sorcerer – d20PFSRD
Kobold Bloodline (Sorcerer; Kobold) – d20PFSRD
Draconic Bloodline – d20PFSRD

Character sheet:
Name: (Must be Kobold-ish or some type of nick name/title)
Skills: (Choose 2+ any from your gift)


The Tribe!
You have 18,687 Kobolds in your tribe!

On any given day 10% of them are sick, taking a day off, training,very pregnant or otherwise not working.

1% are sorcerers capable of low level magic unskilled in physical labor but of great importance in war.

4% are elders who do no physical labor but can be asked for advice and manage the logistics of the tribe.

5% are alchemist who make a small stock pile of alchemical items and poisons for the military a

20% are miners and every 100 Produces (1) Construction Point.
20%/3736 (37 Construction points being produced)

10% are farmers and every 100 Produces (1) Food Point.
10%/1866 (18 Food Points being Produced)

20% are craftsmen or smiths and every 100 Produces (1) Production Point
20%/3732 (37 Production points being produced)

30% are soldiers.

The Caves!

Your caves are a set of buildings that provide bonuses to your tribe.
Upgrading a building Cost 10*new level in Construction points and half that in production points.
You are limited on how many construction points you can spend per action by the size of your tunnels.

Level 1:Literally just a hole in the side of the mountain provides no bonus to defense.
Next Level (2): You have attached a stone door that can be raised and lowered from a wench
Special: Requires a level 2 Black smith shop

Level 1: Your tunnels are barely wide enough for kobolds to move single file yet alone moving of lots of materials or equipment.
Each action can only use 1 point of construction except for improving tunnels which can use 5.
Next Level (2): Significantly widened you can now use a cart in the tunnels Each action can use up to 3 points of Construction

Level 1:You tannery is ramshackle, barely having the proper chemicals needed to do the job, and is obviously to small.
You can spend up to 1 point of production here to create Poor leather armor for 100 soldiers each Point
Next Level (2):You have made enough room. You can spend 1 point of production here to create Average leather armor for 100 soldiers each point

Black Smith shop
Level 1:Your forges blow up about as often as they actually produce metal goods, and your using rocks for anvils
You can spend up to 1 point of production here to create Poor metal armor OR weapons for 100 soldiers each Point
Next Level (2): You have anvils! You can spend 1 point of production here to create Average metal armor OR weapons for 100 soldiers each point

Spider Silk Farm
Level 0: You should build this.
Next level (1): You can spend up to 1 point of production here to create Poor silk armor for 100 soldiers each Point or produce silk goods.

Mushroom Farm
Level 1: Your farms are small and much of the potential is lost by its random haphazard nature.
You can feed 500 Kobolds Per point of food
Next Level: You can feed 600 Kobolds per point of food.

Ranged Training Area
Level 0: You should build this
Next level (1): Allows training of 1 unit in ranged combat

Melee Training Area
Level 0: You should build this
Next level (1): Allows training of 1 unit in Melee combat

Stock Pile
Level 1: You can store 5 points of unused Production in a turn
Next level (2):You can store 10 points of unused Production in a turn.

Level 1: You can store 5 points of unused Food in a turn
Next Level (2): You can store 10 points of unused Food in a turn

Better Homes
Level 0: You should build this
Next level (1):Gives 1 Point towards the standard of living

Medical center
Level 0: You should build this
Next level (1):Gives 1 Point towards the standard of living

Entertainment center
Level 0: You should build this
Next level (1):Gives 1 Point towards the standard of living

Temple/Alter of: Kurtulmak
Level 0: You should build this
Next level (1) Unlocks Divine Favor system for the relevant god.

Temple/Alter of: Gaknulak
Level 0: You should build this
Next level (1) Unlocks Divine Favor system for the relevant god.

Temple/Alter of: Tiamat
Level 0: You should build this
Next level (1) Unlocks Divine Favor system for the relevant god.

Temple/Alter of: Malar
Level 0: You should build this
Next level (1) Unlocks Divine Favor system for the relevant god.

Many many more buildings are available simply ask me This is just meant to be a starting list.

Playing the Game!

Jeez Zedalb you just info dumped a thousand words and a dozen links on us but how does this actually work you verbose good looking mother fucker.
Well I'm glad you asked!

You get 3 actions a turn!
And just have to post them with you sheet and a paragraph of flavor text (which can and WILL have ramifications)

Spending some of the tribes construction or production points is an action and can be stacked (unless limited by buildings).

So right now on any non tunneling building you can only spend 1 construction point per action, so you can spend 3 actions work on building a temple to put 3 of the 10 points needed towards it. Spending production is only limited by what your spending them on, so 1 action is all it takes to spend the 5 production needed on the temple.

However no matter how many people or actions are spent on it, only 100 sets of leather armor can be made a turn until the tannery is improved.

What if we don't spend all of of the tribes points?!: Then I will spend them randomly.
What if we over spend?!: Then some points will be lost in confusion and I will split the points relatively evenly.
Other actions are absolutely allowed and encouraged.
If you want to lead a hunting party to get more food then normal please do so. Investigation into the area and enemies around you is encouraged. If you want to research or try to do something special I may even make it a special project that others can contribute to.

Divine Favor system?
Build a temple and you will get the full details but it's really nice.

Standard of living?
Standard of living is what happens when you dedicate enough effort to making the kobold population happier, healthier and more comfortable.
Each Rank will have a permanent stacking bonus. The next level is

Standard of living Level 1
+10% to all production,construction and food points.
Cost 5 Standard of living points.

Military in next post a long with some info on your enemies.
Your Army:
Your Army:

5606 Soldiers!

50% Chaff Infantry:2803
Young untrained Kobolds, equipped with a few wooden spears for throwing, and to be used in melee if an enemy closes in. No armor, can be trained into other units.

25% Hunters:1401
Hunters are equipped with wooden bows and stone arrows and no armor. They use stealth to pelt their enemies with arrows. Though most importantly they hunt and bring in food for the tribe. Players can lead them in hunts to get more food than other wise. Average of 1 food point per 100 without being lead, but there is a random variable.

10% Trap Makers:560
Your most clever defenders of the cave. When given metal weapons they can expend them to prepare a battle field giving a huge advantage in the next fight in the area. This is best used for defending your own tunnels, however they could work elsewhere.

10% Elite Infantry: 560
Older Kobolds who have successfully fought a few times tend to work together a little better, being equipped with ram shackle wooden shields and wooden spears, they even attempt something that appears akin to a shield wall.

5% Cavalry: 280
Kobolds who ride Dire Weasels into battle. Using wooden spears for a cavalry charge and then relying on the weasel to be a great asset in close combat.

Your Opponents:

Above you: Harpies
You have received a few reports of winged female creatures and their servants swooping down from the sky on bat like wings and attacking some hunters.

Below you:????

To the North Outside the mountain
A bug bear tribe has set up a camp and is slowly growing. Their numbers are few but each is a match for dozens of kobolds on their own.

To the South Outside the mountain
A gnome village

To the East Inside the mountain
Long Fang tribe(Kobolds)

To the west Inside the mountain
Fire claw Tribe (Kobolds)
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Info dump
You have 3 actions a turn.
You are free to come up with your own actions (In fact I encourage it).

However some of the basic actions are as follows.

Spend CP:
Each action used to spend CP can spend points up to the limit given by the tunnels per action. You can spend as many actions as you want on spending CP on the same or different projects.

Spend PP:
Each action used to spend PP can spend any number of points, limited only by what you are spending them on, if the black smith can only make 100 sets of armor, it doesn't matter if you spend 3 actions between 3 people, he can only make 100 sets at a time.

Go gather info on one of your numerous enemies. Each action will give a little bit more information (or kill you).

Self improvement is always allowed, spend some time training, explain it in your paragraph and more detail will be more likely to be rewarded.

Locked Actions:

Train a unit:




CP: Construction points mostly represent the time of your miners. It can not be stored because it is time. They work full time and are willing to work on projects as directed.

PP: Production points are a mixture of gathered resources and experts time. You can store what you have a warehouse for, the rest is given away or lost. However you also have limits on how much you can spend in certain buildings. No matter how much steel you have, your black smiths can only do so much in a day.

FP: It's food man, goes bad if not properly taken care of, I don't know what else you want.

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Name: Kurthrax Redscales
Description: Big, red scaled Kobold with an avaricious look in his eyes. Seems kinda like a dick.
Gift: Dragon Wrought (Red)
Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Jump, Craft, Intimidate
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Name: Cyrsiss
Description: Male Copper-Colored Kobold. Very much on the tiny side, even for a kobold.
Gift: Sorcerer (Dragon, Copper)
Skills: Profession (Brewer), Spellcraft, Perception


Cyrssis was a Copper-Sorcerer spawn, a new one. A gifted! Lucky day. Well, what he wanted to do was to build a grandddd brewery! But of course there wasn't space for that, like everything else. So Cyrsiss got the things organized for all the tunnel-building going on.

But soon after the first caverns were done, and he had more space to not feel so terribly cramped, he felt a desire brewing inside him. He wanted to know the magic inside him! Cyrsiss practiced his ability to conjure flames, in preparation for when he would inevitably need it. (And of course making sure nobody got killed with friendly fire-magics. Nobody likes that.)

It was some time into his study, when he heard that one of his mates, Bobrock, was heading to the surface to scout. And so he followed, eager and curious of the great wide world aboveground! Not that, um, he didn't really like the of directing his littermates or practicing the same spells over again (or failing with new ones), it's just you, know.. adventure! Plus it was a practical application of his power, so there was that.


1 - Expanding the Tunnels (10 Production)
1 - Practicing Magic (Burning Hands)!
1 - Exploring the Surface/Scouting
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Name: Mattak Gold-touched

Description: An older, larger-than-normal Kobold with golden highlights to his scales and several scars across his face and chest. A relative newcomer to the Caves, having arrived at the mountain only a few months ago.

Gift: Dragonwrought (Gold)

Skills: Disguise, Heal, Swim, Intimidate, Knowledge (Religion)

Mattak was not born in these caves.

He was, relatively speaking, and Outsider: who had stumbled upon this massive colony by accident in his wanderings. Where he came from, he did not say, but his Dragon-touched scales marked him as superior to the bog-standard Kobolds. As blessed, marked for greatness, whatever you wanted to call it.

So, when the Golden Kobold suddenly emerged from the small alcove he had claimed as his own one day and began gathering Workers and directing them to work on expanding the tight, roughly-made tunnels that twisted through the mountain, no-one questioned him, the lessers easily cowed by his confidence and superior size.

The fact that he spent as much time toiling alongside them with a crudely-made Pickaxe as he did tossing orders also helped keep the grumbling down.

All 3 spent on expanding the Tunnels (15 Construction)
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Name: Giglidor "Gig"
Description: Fairly Toned Kobold with green scales. He was born to a family of Kobolds who originally tamed the original Dire Weasels that tribe caught and who the current Stock of Dire Weasels are descended from. This has lead to him becoming a trainer of them and a part time soldier when the time comes. But he is very much content spending his days raising and training his weasels.
Gift: Dire Weasel Lycan
Skills: Animal Empthay, Animal Control,
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Name: Brobrok

Blue-Scaled Kobolds, green tinted scales.

Gift: Dragonwrought, Green - Your scales become tinted with a color that matches that of your draconic heritage. As a dragon, you are immune to magic sleep and paralysis effects. You have darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. You gain a +2 racial bonus on the skill indicated for your draconic heritage on the table on page 103.

Skills: Knowledge (engineering), Disable Device, Bluff, Stealth, Acrobatics


Brobrok was new to these caves, the cramped, underdeveloped caves. It was frustrating, after getting used to the outside world, to be back in tight spaces. It was because of this he began using his skills gained from years of travel to help expand and build up the caves. starting with the tunnel. He used his skills to make sure it was secure while also allowing it to be expanded later.

Then he noted the lack of a temple or even an altar to Gaknulak. Which was going to take quite a bit if work with the tunnels so cramped.

After he was finished with the tunnels he moved to the surface to scout out the mountain more. He moved to the east of the mountain after hearing about some more scattered kobold clans. My goal was to scout them out using both my stealth skills and acrobatics.

1 action spent on expanding the Tunnels (5 Construction)
1 action spent starting to Temple/Altar of: Gaknulak (1 Construction)
1 action spent scouting the Long Fang tribe(Kobolds).
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Wants to be the very best like no one ever was. Wants to be the kobokage, whatever that is.
"YIP, yip yip yip yip Kobokage" Brob yipped. Yip yip yipp yi yip. Yip yiiiip yip yippp yip yipp yip yip. yipp yiiiippp. Yip YIpp yip yip yip yip. yip yipp yip yip yipp yiiip yip yip. Yip yip, yii-iip yip. yip piy yip yip yip kobokage yip yip.
Yip, YIP yip yiip yip:
  • Yip yip yip
  • Yiip yip YiP
  • Yipp yip
yIP YIP YIIP YIP YIP? Yip yip yiip yip yip. Yip Yip yip! Yip yip yiip yip yip yip yiip, yip yip yip; yip yiip yipp yippp yip, yip yipp yipp yipyip; yip yip yip yip yip. Yip yip yip yip, yip yip kobokage.
Super ultimate mega fuck no.
Name: Cook
Description: A relatively tall, plump Kobold with dark bronze scaling. Her scales protrude over her head in pseudohorns.
Gift: Dragonwrought (Bronze)
Skills: Disguise, Survival, Swim, Craft (Cooking), Intimidate.
Abilities: Dragon Type, Darkvision, Sleep Immunity, Paralysis Immunity.
With other kobolds and other enemies all around you heroes have emerged who are trying to lead your people to greatness!

Will you live? Will you flourish? Turn orders are due in one week. Sheets that are not in order will be ignored.
Name: Pal Dop

Red-Scaled Kobolds, Orange tinted scales.

Gift: Dire Weasel Lycan: You are one of the rare 1 in 10K who are born as a natural lycanthrope. Not only will you have a great empathy with the tribes Dire weasels(Gain skill handle animal), but you will also be stronger and heal from minor wounds in moments.You can in time turn others as well. The only downside is that gear is destroyed by the transformation and you require lots of meat to survive.

Skills: Handle Animal, Ride, Knowledge (Religion)

Pal was marked by his crimson scales and the mantle of fur that sprouted when he was angered. His barking orders quickly sent several of his fellows currying, as they worked to erect a home of worship for his god, the god of the hunt.

While taking a break from the construction, he noted that the airborn chickens in the sky may make a decent riding mount, and set to discover some of their secrets.

Scout: Harpies
Construct Temple to Malar (3 construction)
Construct Temple to Malar (5 Production)
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Name: Pal Dop

Red-Scaled Kobolds, Orange tinted scales.

Gift: Dire Weasel Lycan: You are one of the rare 1 in 10K who are born as a natural lycanthrope. Not only will you have a great empathy with the tribes Dire weasels(Gain skill handle animal), but you will also be stronger and heal from minor wounds in moments.You can in time turn others as well. The only downside is that gear is destroyed by the transformation and you require lots of meat to survive.

Skills: Handle Animal, Ride, Knowledge (Religion)

Pal was marked by his crimson scales and the mantle of fur that sprouted when he was angered. His barking orders quickly sent several of his fellows currying, as they worked to erect a home of worship for his god, the god of the hunt.

While taking a break from the construction, he noted that the airborn chickens in the sky may make a decent riding mount, and set to discover some of their secrets.

Scout: Harpies
Construct Temple to Malar (3 construction)
Construct Temple to Malar (5 Production)

You can only add 1 constrution point to the temple right now
Character sheet:
Name: Yraalik the Grim
Description: A brown-coloured, average sized kobold whose face seems to be permanently grim and frowning while he mutters under his breath.
Gift: Sorcerer (Kobold Bloodline)
Skills: Spellcraft, Diplomacy, Disable Device

Disturbed from his magical studies by a gnawing hunger, Yraalik left in search of food, but failed to find any. All around he noticed fellow kobolds with ribs poking out, and slowly started to realize that they were in the middle of a Kurtulmak damned famine! Unable to produce enough food to feed their entire population! Who allowed things to get to this point? Who was in charge here?!

To his distress, the only leader figures Yraalik managed to locate were completely focused on the problems of tunnels, instead of not starving to death, and so he concluded that he had to take matters into his own claws. And threaten to place invisible traps in the latrines of anyone who disagrees with him.

Action 1: Tell 344 Chaff Infantry that they are farmers now. Glare menacingly at anyone who objects and mutter something about runes.
Action 2: Lead out hunters out to secure some meat! Hungry!
Action 3: Talk with other sorcerors to learn some tips, tricks, and possibly spells?
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Action 1: Tell 344 Chaff Infantry that they are farmers now. Glare menacingly at anyone who objects and mutter something about runes.

I asked zed about that, I'm pretty sure the number of farmers does not help. It is a building problem more than a farmer problem. We are also not in a famine right now, it's just that we can't make all our food from farming, hunting is good though. but IIRC our warriors will hunt automatically.
I asked zed about that, I'm pretty sure the number of farmers does not help. It is a building problem more than a farmer problem. We are also not in a famine right now, it's just that we can't make all our food from farming, hunting is good though. but IIRC our warriors will hunt automatically.
They hunt automatically, but are more effective if led by a player. Their base automatic hunting income, combined with our lacking farmers would result in our food output not being enough to feed our population.

Food output is based on farmers. Farm building just increases effectiveness of food units? As such, having more farmers should help the food issue.

At this point about 2600ish kobolds are going to starve.
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Kurthrax grimaced as he lay within his personal burrow, surrounded by totems from his many, er, one draconic conquests. A single red scale that he used as his personal sigil, if kobolds could understand such a thing. In the distance he could hear the sound of laboreres working, trapping great spiders for later. The tunnels were small, he decided, too small. But that could be fixed by another slave. All he needed to do know was focus on the might of the dragons. His mutters as he focuses the power of his kin into his limbs, willing them to be swift and strong. In time he would run and lead faster than any kobold, any being. And one day he would fly high above it all. He would be magnificent.

Action 1: Build Silk Farm 1 (1 CP)
Action 2: Build Silk Farm 1 (5 PP)
Action 3: Train Swiftness Aura
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Use 1 PP to make 100 units of poir Leather armor
Use 1 PP to make 100 units of poor metal swords
Scout the Fire claw tribe of Kobolds

1 - Expanding the Tunnels (10 Production)
1 - Practicing Magic (Burning Hands)!
1 - Exploring the Surface/Scouting

You assist with the tunnels.
Magic Hands progress is minimal until the there is a proper library and magical training area, for the sorcerers to work together.
While scouting in the harsh sun you manage to over hear some a group of hunting bugbears. You do not speak the language but the word "leader" is apparently the same and it comes up a lot in the conversation.

All 3 spent on expanding the Tunnels (15 Construction)

You assist with the tunnels.

1 action spent on expanding the Tunnels (5 Construction)
1 action spent starting to Temple/Altar of: Gaknulak (1 Construction)
1 action spent scouting the Long Fang tribe(Kobolds).

You assist with the tunnels.
The temple has started to be excavated.
You manage to go unseen for the most part in your scouting and discover that the long fang tribe is using some type of bow like that which you have never seen before it bends suddenly twice. You could approach diplomatically (and possibly die).

Action 1: Tell 344 Chaff Infantry that they are farmers now. Glare menacingly at anyone who objects and mutter something about runes.
Action 2: Lead out hunters out to secure some meat! Hungry!
Action 3: Talk with other sorcerors to learn some tips, tricks, and possibly spells?

You manage to brow beat the 344 into farming, for today. How long they will stay is questionable.
You manage to secure 5 extra food points, by leading an excellent hunt into a pack of deer.
Progress is minimal until the there is a proper library and magical training area, for the sorcerers to work together.

Action 1: Build Silk Farm 1 (1 CP)
Action 2: Build Silk Farm 1 (5 PP)

3 Points towards silk farm!

Use 1 PP to make 100 units of poor Leather armor
Use 1 PP to make 100 units of poor metal swords
Scout the Fire claw tribe of Kobolds

Select which unit(s) you would like to have 100 with poor leather armor, and or poor metal swords.

The fire claw tribe, has there tunnels guarded by robed kobolds each with a pair of flanking body guards, using sharp sticks and shields. Skilled magic users perhaps?

Tribe news!

Tunnels Enlarged!:
With a mighty work effort all the tunnels have been widened, allowing kobolds to much more easily pass each other, and move greater amounts of materials at once! This was cause for great celebration which unfortunately everyone did. With lots and lots of drink, no construction points were used without guidance this turn.

Bug Bear Hunters!:
Rumors are spreading among the hunters of bugbears trying to lay ambushes and traps for the kobolds, an unusual level of planing for the big bastards.

(thread marks are being updated)
Crysiss organized the continual expansion of the Tunnels, in between celebrating the success of the Tunnel expansion project and corousing around, spreading around the news and having a good time.

Because the Tunnels were not big enough, still!

Expanding the Tunnels (15 Production)
Expanding the Tunnels (5 Construction)
Corousing with other Kobolds.