Summoning the Sun II

volrath77 said:
It lives! PRAISE THE SUN! \o/

Btw, assuming that the woman with fox mask is the Rao imposter/the Ninetails, she still lives? Didn't Ammy kill her already in Okami?
All events in Okami happened as depicted.

All events in StS build on that.

The obvious answer isn't always the right one. :p
Larekko12 said:
Kirche was the worst part of this. Her smug snake levels were over 9000.
Are we talking "really out of character" worst or "I don't like her behavior" worst?
linkhyrule5 said:
... On a random note, I'm replaying Okami, and...

... so, all of the bosses are engraved on the side of the Ark of Yamato.

All of them.

Yami included.

So... the Moon Tribe clearly knew who was on that ship. Which begs the question: what on... well, the Moon... could have happened that their best option was to take a prison ship/failed arcanobiotech containment vessel and turn it into an evacuation attempt?
...Okami's Kaguya and company ended up meeting Mokou.:p
Mashadarof402 said:
All events in Okami happened as depicted.

All events in StS build on that.

The obvious answer isn't always the right one. :p

Are we talking "really out of character" worst or "I don't like her behavior" worst?
I terribly don't like her behaviour. However the closest thing to being out of character I htough there was , was her not getting punched/slapped/and or boomed. The smug levels had my fist twitching.

Though that's likely due to the similarity to scene that happened to me Irl in my literature class as we talked about Oedipus Rex, the nature of his culpability in particular crimes, and rather his exceedingly reasonable skepticism surrounding an absolutely absurd sequence of events effectively orchestrated by a higher order malevolent intelligence.

Really most of the irritation probably comes from an effective sympathetic portrayal of Louise. Her train of logic while not supported by reality is perfectly valid from what she knows and has been taught. Her situation is quite fantastical almost to the point of absurdity and her life has not been one that really allows for that type of bullshit.

When kirche blithely talks about the rumor mills and implies somethings wrong with Louise for not giving them a shit or paying a wit. I hear from louise. 'That's because their usually pointless peurile rumors or more painful insistent backbiting that you've helped fueled harlot.'

And so one and so forth.

TL: DR Smug Snake Kirche grinds Louise Gears, I sympathise with Louise, so she grinds my gears.
In non-comedic stories, most people don't punch people they're mad at. Or blow them up.
Mashadarof402 said:
All events in Okami happened as depicted.

All events in StS build on that.

The obvious answer isn't always the right one. :p
Hm... Still, I'm fairly sure this is related, nonetheless.

It doesn't have to be the Ninetails. It doesn't have to be a Ninetails at all, for that matter, but the possible Fox Rod argues for one existing somewhere in-setting.

Eh. Insufficient Data for a Meaningful Answer.
Mashadarof402 said:
Are we talking "really out of character" worst or "I don't like her behavior" worst?
I was fine with it, really. Kirche is more amusing than annoying this side of the Fourth Wall :p.
Robo Jesus said:
...Okami's Kaguya and company ended up meeting Mokou.:p
... Oh dear gods.

Yami was running from Mokou. :p
NecroMechanoid said:
Kirche does bring up something, how could Louise not know even half the stuff thats happen. It sounded like every in the Academy knew at least one or two things happening. You gotta be deaf to not catch even a slither of the weirdness.
Most of that stuff was from the servants rumor mill and Kirche had a bit to say about people ignoring that:
It was tacitly acknowledged that there were two sorts of rumour mills that operated on the Academy's grounds. One was managed by the students and teachers, a high minded game of political intrigue and alliances hidden behind veiled words, with well placed taunts and thrusts to weaken a rival's standing amongst their peers as was befitting their noble station. The other was the base gossip that the common servants partook in, of low brow scandals and meandering discussions over utterly dull and uncivilized topics that the nobles were better off ignoring lest they sully their hands.

Kirche knew the distinction for what it was, which was a load of rubbish. Servants had eyes and ears too, they could carry word of critical incidents as easily as any noble. Who knew what delicious gossip might come her way if she kept an ear open?
Of course Louise never really interacted with a lot of the other students and she wouldn't listen to mere servant gossip so she's sort of out of the loop.
linkhyrule5 said:
Hm... Still, I'm fairly sure this is related, nonetheless.

It doesn't have to be the Ninetails. It doesn't have to be a Ninetails at all, for that matter, but the possible Fox Rod argues for one existing somewhere in-setting.

Eh. Insufficient Data for a Meaningful Answer.
I'll tell you one thing.

Whoever the lady is, she knows that the sun is not behaving the way it should. What's more, she may even know why.

NecroMechanoid said:
Kirche does bring up something, how could Louise not know even half the stuff thats happen. It sounded like every in the Academy knew at least one or two things happening. You gotta be deaf to not catch even a slither of the weirdness.
Because most of it was confined to just servant gossip, and Kirche's one of the very few people in the Academy who don't view the non-mage staff as invisible and mindless helper bots.
NecroMechanoid said:
And why do I have the feeling Mathilda won't ever be able to get out of what she's just accepted? [:/</quote]"Only when the world is covered in darkness, will you have my permission to die."

TheSandman said:
More seriously, Ammy demonstrating a bit more of what she actually is to Louise and company was perfectly done. I wonder if they can also see the red markings all over her body now?
Not quite yet, but sooner or later, it is probable that Louise and company will learn the full extent of what Ammy is. And the nature of their bond.

It will be an... interesting time.
...well, based on the snip in FoZ thread, crossover/crisis... in which there is Miko Louise...
Hmm. Yeah. Curious how she ends up to that.
Oh! So this is what you were talking about way back when I wrote that "Louise and Ninetails in Albion" snippet. You said you didn't want me turning that into a full story because it would be too similar to this story.
Happerry said:
Only half the world is covered in darkness at night. For the whole world to be covered in darkness, you need to eliminate the sun. And that's assuming the stars are not sufficient to keep the condition from being met. The moon isn't relevant because its light is reflected sunlight. Get rid of the sun and the moon won't shine.
Oh yes, yes yes, I've been waiting for this so eagerly. I'm so happy to see this is still live. A truly excellent and thoroughly enjoyable story!

As for constructive criticisim, I have to say I was confused by the scene where Shiranui appears before Louise and Kirche and Siesta (mostly because I didn't know where they were at first), and what Shiranui tried to tell by barking at Siesta, and if the plants around Shiranui were there and then bloomed or if they all appeared at once.
... On a side note.

Rereading bits of this, and I just noticed that Osmond has something called the "Bell of Tranquility".

... Right. So. I think we can take this as confirmation that certain Divine Instruments/Artifacts have made their way to the ZnT world.

*reads story*

Ok I never got around to finishing Okami (gasp I know I bought the game well after it came out then I join the navy) so who the blazes is the women with the fox mask and while I know some Japanese lore whats an ark have to do with it?
DB_Explorer said:

*reads story*

Ok I never got around to finishing Okami (gasp I know I bought the game well after it came out then I join the navy) so who the blazes is the women with the fox mask and while I know some Japanese lore whats an ark have to do with it?
If you have a PS3, go buy the HD version and finish that.
Agayek said:
Odds are good the woman in the mask is or is somehow connected to the Kyuubi no Yoko, aka Ninetails. If you're at all familiar with Eastern culture, you should be able to tell that that makes her Bad News.

It's impossible to be sure though, as Ammy kills the Ninetails in-game and Mashadar has confirmed it really did happen. It's possible that it's a new one, a reincarnation of the old one, or something completely different using her telltale symbols as a disguise, and there's really no way to tell until it comes up in-story.

As for the ark, here's the short version:

Way back when, there was a group of people known as the "Moon People" who, appropriately, lived on the moon. Then the demons came and started killing them all. They weren't able to fight, so they fled for the Earth on a spaceship they called an ark. Unbeknownst to them, however, this ark had been infiltrated by the demons and by the time the ark landed on Earth, all but one of the refugees had been slain. Then the demons came pouring out of the ark and that's how they showed up on Earth.
That reminds me of Sailor moon with the moon empire... then again if thats based off mythology I could see where they got the idea. The west uses king arthur and the like often enough.
DB_Explorer said:

*reads story*

Ok I never got around to finishing Okami (gasp I know I bought the game well after it came out then I join the navy) so who the blazes is the women with the fox mask and while I know some Japanese lore whats an ark have to do with it?
The woman with the fox mask is Ninetails, the major villain for the second arc the game. Its true form is a giant nine tailed fox, and it is mastery of using the Celestial brush techniques. (The only way for the player to learn the secret brush technique Icestorm is to see Ninetails use it, as there is no place in game where you officially learn.)

The Arc is a vessel of the Moon Tribe. Centuries ago, demons invaded the moon. The Moon Tribe used the arc to flee to the Celestial Plain, but demons had stowed away on the arc. When the arc arrived at its destination, the demons launched a surprise attack on the gods. Much of the Celestial Plain was destroyed, but the gods managed to seal the demons in the arc. They then cast the vessel down into the human realm.