Strange dreams.

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I don't know what I'm doing, I have done a quest precisely once (RTD horrors 2 on bay12). I am a...


Aspiring Lovecraft antagonist.
Canada to 2 sigmas
I don't know what I'm doing, I have done a quest precisely once (RTD horrors 2 on bay12). I am a great believer in learning through failure and although I did do some research(I think this is pretty much a riot quest?) I think it's best if I just wing it, I had some ideas involving the SCP foundation but that can go next time. If I do this right I hope that it shall give the distinct feeling of your brain dribbling out of your ears. Please ask questions(seriously) and all suggestions will be write in. updates shall vary from 5 minutes to 3 weeks. The title refers more to the tone than any facts about reality. Do stuff to see what happens and the "correct" state of mind to approach this is the curiosity. Feel free to suggest whatever and do not feel restricted by anything, least of all your sense of "reality".

You are in a round concrete tunnel with a diameter slightly larger than you are high, it is pitch black, the air is damp and just warm enough for you to consider it warm.
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[X] You see bright strange creatures that is like a psychedelic amalgamation of an primal cave drawings and young girls that ate dancing and frolicking on the walls and the floor. And they seem to want you to follow them.
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Light, of a sort.
To start building popularity I shall start even with a single vote:

Far off in the distance of the tunnel you see light, you can't really tell how bright it is without a point of reference but it's not uncomfortably so. At first it seems to be getting brighter but as you watch you realise It's actually getting closer albeit quite slowly. As you wait you begin to be able to make out detail, at first it seems like random swirling of colour evening out to a pale white, closer still and you can start to see that there are patterns to it and that it does not seem to be emitted by anything but rather is coming from and slowly covering the walls. You can also start to hear sound, you can't really make anything out from it but it's not unpleasant. It seems to be advancing at a slow walking pace, you can also now make out detail somewhat better, it does not change perfectly smoothly but rather moment by moment, many times a second, each time advancing slightly more, it seems to not be covering the wall but rather to be moving along it, like paint, with no thickness. The sound seems like murmuring. The colours have their own light and are between neon and pastel. It seems to be made up of figures, layered and layered and layered but concrete still shows through mostly, it is difficult to keep track of any particular figure and indeed it does not seem possible to tell if they remain constant, it's not like you can count them. Any particular area seems to change all at once but if you try to look at it as a whole you can see that they don't, waves of change pass over the whole at great speed, they aren't entirely consistent, changing and being changed by everything they pass over but for the most part they seem to come from the direction of arrival and end at the edge, advancing it moment by moment, change by change. The sound is clearer and louder but no more comprehensible, whispering, giggling, humming, like a crowd surrounding but none close enough to hear, it seems more like female voices than anything and sounds chearfull and relaxed. Gradually the figures spread beneath your feet. You look at them closer, their constant shifting means you can't look at anything in particular but in general they seem to be quite simple but not exactly crude, perhaps stylised but not by anybody (you wonder what it would mean if they did seem to be drawn by somebody?). They seem to be girls mostly as far as you can tell the figures are anything, everything seems to be environment to everything else. Looking closely and feeling they do not seem to change the wall in any way besides colour, like light without substance, there is no sign of them beyond sight and sound, you do not seem to be able to interact with them directly but they do seem to be aware of your presence and seem curious. You get the impression that they want you to follow, you aren't sure what exactly gives you that impression, perhaps they seem to be gesturing in their direction of travel slightly more than every other gesture? It does seem like a good idea, the constantly shifting light and sound around you is simultaneously relaxing and disorientating and the peace of the dark tunnel seems like something to atleast keep in sight, that does not mean you will of course.
[X] Suddenly you're pulled by some new creatures, and they're pulling very aggressively. The new glyph creatures were monochromatic,much less crude, more mosaic and abstract. An polar opposite to their colorful and crude counterparts,they even sound like young boys oppose to girls. Then you hear lots of loud bickering between the groups,and you vaguely hear "Stop it you meanies,you're hurting them" and You wimps was taking too long.",etc.
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[X] Suddenly you're pulled by some new creatures, and they're pulling very aggressively. The new glyph creatures were monochromatic,much less crude, more mosaic and abstract. An polar opposite to their colorful and crude counterparts,they even sound like young boys oppose to girls. Then you hear lots of loud bickering between the groups,and you vaguely hear "Stop it you meanies,you're hurting them" and You wimps was taking too long.",etc.
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[X] Suddenly you're pulled by some new creatures, and they're pulling very aggressively. The new glyph creatures were monochromatic,much less crude, more mosaic and abstract. An polar opposite to their colorful and crude counterparts,they even sound like young boys oppose to girls. Then you hear lots of loud bickering between thegroups,and you vaguely hear "Stop it you meanies,you're hurting them" and You wimps was taking too long.",etc.
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[X] Suddenly you're pulled by some new creatures, and they're pulling very aggressively. The new glyph creatures were monochromatic,much less crude, more mosaic and abstract. An polar opposite to their colorful and crude counterparts,they even sound like young boys oppose to girls. Then you hear lots of loud bickering between thegroups,and you vaguely hear "Stop it youmeanies,you're hurting them" and You wimps was taking too long.",etc.
Going, somewhere
This is not going how I expected which is what I wanted. Carry on, by the context you did decide to follow the edge of the light.

You amble along at the edge of the light. Nothing seems to be changing but walking is nice and you can't really think of anything better. After a while the tunnel ahead of you seems a bit different, walking closer and looking closer you are now sure, it seems textured and the textures seem to be shifting. You can also hear some more sound, this sound is a bit deeper and rather harsher(think sawtooth Vs sine, ever played around with a audio synth? It's fun.) and changes tone rapidly, like a crowd with something to argue about. The texture approaches much faster than the light did although it's atleast partially because you are still following the drawings and thus heading towards the texture and that you only noticed them once they were closer. The light cast by the drawings paints the moving textures in grey scale as different areas are hit by light differently. The moving textures are angular, precise, geometric and move steadily from one state to the next. The figures don't overlap like with the drawings but any particular part seems to be part of several larger figures and patterns, like the old lady/young lady illusion but more so and no figure uses all the same area. Both the sound and look of the textures seems more masculine but this is again just a vauge impression, all in all the two regions seem very contrary in design in respect to the other. A while later the two areas spread enough to overlap, neither one seems to directly effect the other but they both seem to react, apparently mostly with annoyance. Although you can still hear each region's "normal" sounds from the areas with no overlap in the overlapping area you hear the steady murmur of serious debate but you remain unable hear anything in particular. You stand in place unsure of what to do for a few moments, after a while the texture beneath your shoes seems to try to start you moving along again, the drawings seem annoyed by this and start gesturing commandingly to stay where you are, as much as they do anything in particular. Due to the fact that the concrete does not move side to side as the patterns of texture move along it it takes a few tries for the textures to actually move you, an edge forms behind your feet and gradually pushes you along, this scrapes the bottoms of your shoes a bit. It moves you a bit faster than when you were just following the edge of the light area and although the drawings seem to be spreading a bit faster in response to that it seems likely you'll outpace your source of light, however there is not really anything to keep you being pushed along, you can just step out. On a different note you reach to touch the roof and it seems the tunnel is slightly larger than where you were previously.
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