Stone Age Remnant Quest

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My name is Astra Myst and today I am finally an adult! Well, technically the ceremony isn't...
Sweet Sixteen

Ancient Scholar

Amateur Editor/Beta
United States

Legends say that all once belonged to a single Great Tribe. They crafted a beautiful city, discovered mystical secrets, and were unmatched in strength. Food was plentiful and the time was peaceful. It was a Golden Age.

Then the Calamity struck without warning.

It was a terrible battle, hordes of monsters were laid to waste by might and magic but still more came. Despite all their power the city was overrun and the survivors scattered to the winds. Now we roam the land, hiding, running, from the Demons that hunt us. We carry on the legacy of the Great Tribe, an ideal that we strive for. We must all do our part...

My name is Astra Myst and today I am finally an adult! Well, technically the ceremony isn't until next week but I'm sixteen now so it still counts. I'm so excited to finally be able to work on my own ideas. Ever since I was a baby I loved making things. Mama made me a doll to play with and Papa gave me some wooden blocks from his workshop. I would build castles just like the stories and have Daisy live in them. When I turned five Mama started showing me how to sew.

I was always amazed at how her hands moved so quickly without any mistakes but this was the first time that I was allowed to use her tools. It took me a few tries but I managed to do things like Mama showed me. At the time I hadn't thought I did anything special but Mama was so happy so I was happy too. As I got older I started helping Mama more and more with her work and got really good at it. When I was ten I sneaked into Papa's workshop. Seeing so many new tools I couldn't help myself.

Papa was way better then me but after that he also started teaching me how to make tools and weapons that everyone needed like arrows and spears. One day a Shaman came over and asked me a few questions. He was very nice and had a funny looking beard. Before he left I over heard him saying something about the ancestor's blessing. I didn't think that he was talking about me at the time.

Character Trait: Prodigy
From then on Mama and Papa taught me everything they knew. They even got some of their friends to show me things. It was so cool learning so many ways to make things, It was especially fun when I was with Mama or Papa. Now that I'm older I understand that I'm different. I learn things faster then normal and do it better. Mama and Papa were busy so I decided to go explore the camp today. I put on my favorite dress and left the tent.

The hunters and fisherman had all ready left for the day so the camp was mostly empty except for the warriors. Everyone knew the stories, of how the Ancestors stood against the Demons with everything they had despite clearly being overwhelmed. They held the line again and again until they could hold no longer. Those long dead had given their lives so that others would have the chance to escape, and they succeeded. Everyone admired the strength of the ancestors, not just the might of their armies but their courage and determination. This is why we call ourselves the Burning Ember Tribe, as long as a single spark remains we will never go out! No one took this more to heart then the warriors themselves. They pushed themselves more then anyone else and trained non-stop. Seeing them work so hard, I couldn't help but feel that I had to work hard to match them.

Tribe Trait: Resolute
Character Trait: Diligent

Today was actually special for another reason. The Chief, Medrus Gylfar, had called for a Great Hunt. Most of the warriors had left a few days ago and were due to return soon. Only the strongest can become the Chief, not only do they need to lead and protect the tribe but were also the guardian of the Moonlight Crystal, an ancient artifact from before the Calamity. The Shamans say that its key to understanding the power of the ancestors but they have been saying that for years with nothing changing. Stories say that the Chief was able to slay dozens of Demons alone. Obviously those are just stories but seeing him it was easy to believe

Heroic Unit: Medrus Gylfar (Martial Hero)
Tribe Unique: Great Hunt

I got some cooked fish for lunch and was playing with the sheep when I heard the signal saying that the warriors had returned. I have no idea what got into them but warriors definitely went overboard. They had three bears, not cubs, three full grown bears! From the look of things no one was hurt to bad or dead, they must have gotten very lucky. At the head of the group was the Chief's son, Arthus Gylfar. From what I could hear he had managed to slay one of them on his own, a great accomplishment.

Notable Unit: Arthus Gylfar (Warrior)

Combined with the hunters, fishermen, and gatherers the tribe was overflowing with food. The Shamans declared this to be a good omen. The Chief used this moment to speak.

"The Ancestors have blessed us with much but it will would be wrong to simply be content with this. There is so much more for us to reach if we are ever to match the heights our Ancestors achieved. This is why my command to you is to gather your things and prepare. We shall move to the great mountains, where we can truly be safe from the Demons!"

I cheered along with everyone else but I hadn't realized what that meant for me. The number of workers in the tribe had always been small but now with so much food to process, clothes to make, and tools to prepare their was just too much to do! I felt like crying a little. First day on the job and I'm already overworked! I couldn't do everything so I would have to focus on what's important or maybe I can do something else? I wasn't "officially" an adult yet so I should be able to get away with it. I would feel bad not helping Mama and Papa though.

[] Help Mama
- [] Clothes
- [] Tools
- [] Food
[] Help Papa
- [] Weapons
- [] Boats
- [] Tools
[] Explore the Camp
- [] Speak to ???
[] Explore the Woods
- [] Hunt
- [] Gather
[] Explore the Beach
- [] Swim
- [] Gather
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Just going to let everyone know that their are 2 paths. Generalist and Specialist.

For example you can become a powerful faunus warrior tribe with you as the Champion, wielding the legendary relic of your people. Safety from monsters would be nearly guaranteed but you would have to worry about feeding the tribe and you are sadly not the brightest of the bunch.
Warriors, those tasked with defending the Tribe. They are the ones to stand fast against the Demons and who hunt the mightiest of beasts when the time comes.

Hunters provide food for the Tribe and warn of any approaching dangers. Without them the Tribe will be blind and hungry.

Shaman are the wise elders and healers. Without them many would perish that could have been saved.

Craftsman are the ones who supply the tools everyone needs. From houses to traps a Craftsman can make it better and faster then any other.
Its weird that everyone chooses Mixed. You lose out on the buffs but it also cancels out the debuffs. Just be careful, while you might be United now things can go very wrong in the future.
Is this different from SB? If so...

[X] Crown
[X] Speed
- Hunter Boost
[X] A Warrior
- Powerful
- Reckless

[X] Humans
- Mental Boost
- Population Boost
[X] Crystal
[X] Strength
[X] A Craftsman
[X] Mixed
Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Oct 12, 2018 at 5:14 AM, finished with 15 posts and 8 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Oct 12, 2018 at 5:14 AM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Ancient Scholar on Oct 12, 2018 at 5:15 AM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.
[X] Astra Myst
[X] Appearance
-[X] Female
[X] Human
[X] This one:
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