[X] Allow one of your friends to take the lead, but chime in every now and then.
[X] Politely ask for a lawyer.

The police is under no obligation to tell you the truth (and I assume the same goes for the PRT), so we really have no idea whether we are in trouble or not. So we should lawyer up. We probably should have done this right at the beginning, but better late than never, I guess.
I'll be closing the vote in one hour and seven minutes (well, at 5:00 pm central time). Looks like verbosity is winning thus far, though letting your friends do most of the talking while you chime in occasionally is a very close second.
How Melodious!
[ ] Take the lead, and answer as truthfully, and in as much detail, as you are able. Talk her ears off!

"Yes, let's." You gather your tentacles into two bunches and rest them on the table, stingers touching.

The corner of Irene's mouth twitches, but she catches herself before you can interpret the twitch. "Alright, then," she begins, "let's start with your introduction to the scene of the incident."

You take a deep breath and then start talking. You bull your way through your shyness and hesitation, fully aware that they will come and exact their revenge once you finish. You do your best to ignore the strange looks you get from the others when they notice the sudden look of desperation on your face, at odds with your calm tone, and instead focus on keeping the word valve from closing. As the words gush forth, you find your supply of air dwindling, ever dwindling. Your lungs burn, screaming for air, but you cannot let yourself stop!

Then, it becomes too much, and you take a breath, but instead of putting a stop to your speech, you find yourself still speaking intelligibly, even as you inhale. Something… you're sinking into something, slowly, ever so slowly. And as you sink, your voice grows more melodious, until you are more singing than speaking. An aria of the truth as you know it, flowing from your chitinous lips, accompanied by the soft tapping of your stingers.

You sing of an injured friend, an offer, a transformation. Of those who threaten, laid low by a scream. Of an escape, frantic, and an encounter, timely. You sing, until there is naught more to sing about.

A calming breath, and another, and your half-lidded eyes slowly open. You look around for a moment, then flinch. Everyone is staring at you, what eyes you can see wide open, lips parted. All at once, the shyness you had outrun, that has been building up and up since you opened your mouth, crashes over you like a tsunami. You curl in on yourself, eyes shut tight, and cover your face with your tentacles, whimpering out apologies.

A beat.

"What… the hell was that?"

You part your gathered tentacles to allow an eye peer at the speaker. Hailstorm, halfway out of her chair. And as if her movement and words had broken some kind of spell, the others start to move as well.

"Wow, that… I didn't know you could sing, Charlotte!" Alice exclaims beside you, her hands coming close to one another as if she wants to clap but isn't sure she should.

"I, I didn't know either," you murmur, parting your tentacles in front of your other eye. You voice trembles a little, but a small smile stretches your lips. Your shyness is receding, but in its place is a growing weariness.

After a moment more of working her jaw and staring at you, Irene finally gathers herself enough to poke something on the tinker-computer's screen. "O-okay, then. I think that covers everything I wanted to ask about. Was there anything else you wanted while we're here?"


What more is there to be done here?

[ ] This day has taken a lot out of you. You just want to go h- to go somewhere and rest, maybe sleep. Possibly after a meal.

[ ] You'd like to look around some more, if you're allowed.

[ ] Come to think of it, the three of you have to see about retrieving Jeanette's car.

[ ] Write-in.

Just in case it wasn't clear, the computer thingy Ms. Holland is using is just a tablet.
Adhoc vote count started by helnae on Jun 11, 2018 at 1:15 PM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.
What is it with singing lovecraftian horrors on this website? (No spellcheck, I do not mean "hovercraft".)

Would that inhaling thing also work for, say, wind instruments?
Do we even have the right mouth parts to use one?
[X] Come to think of it, the three of you have to see about retrieving Jeanette's car.
[X] This day has taken a lot out of you. You just want to go h- to go somewhere and rest, maybe sleep. Possibly after a meal.
[X] Come to think of it, the three of you have to see about retrieving Jeanette's car.

We can do other shit later.
[X] This day has taken a lot out of you. You just want to go h- to go somewhere and rest, maybe sleep. Possibly after a meal.
Just in case it wasn't clear, the computer thingy Ms. Holland is using is just a tablet.
Yeah, that's what I suspected. Actually my first thought was "laptop", but then I thought tablet fit the description of notepad better. Regardless, a good little hint.

[X] This day has taken a lot out of you. You just want to go h- to go somewhere and rest, maybe sleep. Possibly after a meal.

Some powers are grabbags. She might have both the injection thing and a singing-based Master power.
I'll grant that it's not been ruled out in-story, but I took that post as Word of God.
[X] This day has taken a lot out of you. You just want to go h- to go somewhere and rest, maybe sleep. Possibly after a meal.
[X] This day has taken a lot out of you. You just want to go h- to go somewhere and rest, maybe sleep. Possibly after a meal.
[X] This day has taken a lot out of you. You just want to go h- to go somewhere and rest, maybe sleep. Possibly after a meal.
Wait, it's only lunch time?
[ ] This day has taken a lot out of you. You just want to go h- to go somewhere and rest, maybe sleep. Possibly after a meal.

"I, I just want to go h-" Your words catch in your throat as you inadvertently remind yourself that you have nothing. Even your name is borrowed.

You shake your head. No, dwelling on it won't do anyone any good, least of all you. You straighten up and plaster a smile on your face. "I just, it's been quite a day. I just want to go somewhere I can get some rest." Your stomach chooses now to make its contribution to the conversation, and your fake smile morphs into a sheepish grin. "Maybe after I get something to eat, I guess?"

There is a moment of silence in which Irene blinks at you for a moment, before your friends giggle softly, prompting her to smile hesitantly. "W-well, we could arrange for a room for you to rest in, and, well, we have a cafeteria in the building. Would that suit your needs?"

You think it over for a moment, tapping a tentacle against your chin, before smiling again. "That sounds like it'd work for me."

"Wait!" You turn to see Hailstorm fully out of her seat, approaching you. "What the hell was that?" she asks. "Another aspect of your powers?" Her lips are set in a thin, no-nonsense line.

"Um." You curl in on yourself slightly as you look up at her. "I… don't think so? I mean, I didn't get the same feelings from it like I do with my power."

Hailstorm's mask stares at you for a few moments more, before she sighs. "So, what, you just sing when you're nervous?"

You curl further. "I… maybe?"

"Um..." Everyone turns to look at Alice, who flushes lightly before putting an arm around your hunched shoulders. "Well, uh, you're kinda scaring Charlotte, Miss Hailstorm, Ma'am. Would it be possible to, like, dial it back a bit?"

After a moment, Hailstorm, who had leaned in enough to place her hands on the table, straightens, the corner of her lips dipping down. You lean into Alice's hug for the comfort it provides.

"So, ah, about that cafeteria," Jeanette says suddenly, drawing attention to where she sits with her hands clasped before her. "Alice and I didn't get the chance to grab breakfast today, so, y'know." She looks at Irene and Hailstorm expectantly.

The ivory-clad parahuman sighs and looks to Irene. "You're sure they're done here?"

"Well, ah, I'm done with Miss Charlotte, yes, but I was wanting to get statements from the other two." She gives the three of you a considering look. "Though I suppose it can wait until after you've eaten."

"Fine." Hailstorm turns towards your trio. "Looks like I'm still on escort duty," You barely hear her mutter. Louder, she says, "Alright, guess that means I'm leading you down there. Let's go."


One floor down and a little walking later, and the four of you are approaching a set of double doors. A plaque on the wall informing you that they lead to your goal, and they open as you watch, allowing a fairly normal-looking man to exit. He spares your little group a glance as he heads off down the hall, then comes to an abrupt stop, his head swiveling to stare at you. You shrink in on yourself a little, but luckily he doesn't stare for long, instead turning to hurry off.

The brief encounter leaves you feeling like getting food won't be worth the stares, but before you can decide on the best wording with which to voice your concerns, you're through the doors.

The cafeteria is a large room filled with tables, naturally. A good portion of them are occupied, those seated creating the din of conversation part of you was expecting The walls and floor, for the most part, are comprised of dark-colored bricks, slightly at odds with the light walls and carpet you've seen in most of the other parts of the building, but still not displeasing to look at. In a few places, flowing, almost organic-looking sculptures of colored glass are affixed to the walls, and you can't help but let your eyes linger on them for a few moments, tracing their contours.

A counter is set into one of the walls, presumably where one goes to get one's food. The wall furthest from you is comprised of floor-to-ceiling windows, granting a view of the glass-clad buildings across the street. You think you can almost see a reflection of the building you're in, but you'll need to get closer to the windows to see for sure.

You wince at how loud the clicking of your claws is on the floor, then glance up with dread in your heart as the conversations nearest you go quiet.

Yep, they're looking over here. And now they're staring at you.

Hailstorm doesn't seem to notice your discomfort as the number of staring eyes steadily grows, and you're forced to hurry to catch up as she heads over to the counter. With your attention so occupied by the stares, you jump a little as Jeanette murmurs something to you.

"S-sorry, what was that?" you ask just as quietly.

"Are you doing alright? You seem a little…"

"Yeah, I'm… no. I'm just kinda unnerved by everyone staring at me."

"Ah." She glances past you toward the crowd. "Well, they're starting to go back to their food, now." And indeed, the din is returning.

"But, well, they're probably talking about me now." You hunch your truncated shoulders inwards.

Jeanette doesn't say anything, instead hesitantly reaching out to pat your shoulder. And against your expectations, it actually does comfort you a little.

Hailstorm stops near the counter and turns to the three of you. "Alright. Pick what you like, I'll cover the cost of yours, Charlotte." She seems to hesitate, then grimaces. "Scratch that, I'll cover lunch for all three of you. Just, try not to go too crazy?" She turns and goes to pick up a tray and starts sliding it along the counter. Your friends follow suit, and you imitate them.

You find yourself unable to decide between the variety of unfamiliar dishes present, pausing as you try to choose.

"I recommend the pasta, personally," you hear from beside you, and you jump, tray clattering as your head turns a full hundred degrees to look at the speaker. What you find is an oddly-dressed man, clad in a costume that evokes the image of a pirate from the Age of Sail. A couple of what look like double-barreled flintlock pistols hang from his bandolier and belt, and the grip of something larger pokes out from under a leather coat that reaches to mid-calf. Metal gauntlets cover his arms up to his elbows, so shiny you can see yourself reflected in them. A tricorn hat, a mask, and a roguish grin complete the image

"Hello," he says in a voice like velvet. "I'm Corsair. What might your name be?"


How will you respond?

[ ] "H-hello. I'm Charlotte."

[ ] Slowly edge away from the odd man.

[ ] Write-in.
Adhoc vote count started by helnae on Jul 4, 2018 at 1:12 PM, finished with 18 posts and 15 votes.