Vote tally - Small Arms Commission Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Sturmi on Jul 11, 2018 at 10:02 AM, finished with 1505 posts and 12 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Small Arms Commission Quest
Post #1
Post #1505


  • [X] Plan Blyat
    -[X] MG
    --[X] Fits on existing (Mg.08) heavy gun tripods
    --[X] Has provisions for thirty rounds of fire in succession
    --[X] Is air-cooled.
    -[X] Rifle
    --[X] Can be mounted on tripods/bipods in existant service
    --[X] Has a flash hider and/or supressor
    --[X] Has features or mechanisms to control recoil in order to get a second follow-up shot on a moving target inside of a minute.
    [X] Jaeger
    -[X] MG
    -[X] Fits on existing (Mg.08) heavy gun tripods.​
    -[X] Must be liquid cooled, or if air cooled it must have a barrel that can be swapped out in a reasonable time frame under combat conditions.​
    -[X] Must be capable of at least 10 round bursts with a 2 second interval period for up to 15 minutes, excluding time for reloading.​
    -[X] Must have provisions to be broken down to be more practically carried by infantry.​
    -[X] Rifle
    -[X] Can be mounted on tripods/bipods in existant service.​
    -[X] Must be bolt action.​
    -[X] Must be practically transportable by no more than 2 men over a distance of 5 miles of bad terrain.​
    -[X] Must have a barrel life of at least 1000 shots.​
    -[X] Must be easily maintained in the field.​