Skies of Earth [ISOT/Airship Admiral Quest]

RandyTrevelyan Two manufactories take away a bit of points, one is enough, you have to get enough resources to operate them, I doubt that we can keep two in operation at once. And I think you have a little too many ground troops and for your second battleship you could have three heavy cruisers and because you would have 300 points less from a Manufactories you could upgrade the heavy cruisers well. This is my opinion.
RandyTrevelyan Two manufactories take away a bit of points, one is enough, you have to get enough resources to operate them, I doubt that we can keep two in operation at once. And I think you have a little too many ground troops and for your second battleship you could have three heavy cruisers and because you would have 300 points less from a Manufactories you could upgrade the heavy cruisers well. This is my opinion.
I could have 3 heavy cruisers but their upgrades would cost four times as much because of battleship yamato doesn't apply. I'd rather keep it as most ships won't even try to go after my manufactury like that. That said your point about the ground forces is a good one. I'll drop the landing bay on the none flagship and the troops assigned to it and grab some other upgrades instead.

I think I'll lose the second manufactury and grab a heavy cruiser.

[] Plan Lightning Strikes Twice
-[] Traits
--[] Battleship Yamato
--[] Blitzing
--[] +500 Points
--[] +500 Points
-[] Monarchy
-[] Fleet
--[] Battleship [L]: 600 Points : Flagship +(100%-75%)25% = 750 Points
---[] Improved Engines : Free
---[] Experienced Crew : Free
---[] Hangar Bay : Free
---[] Landing Bay : Free
---[] Extra Armor : +25%
---[] Extra Firepower : +25%
---[] Ground Support : +25%
---[] Long-Range Radar : +25%
--[] Fighter(x3) 45 Points
---[] Range : +25%
---[] Firepower : +25%
--[] Tank Battalion: (×2) 60 Points
--[] Infantry Battalion: (×3) 15 Points
--[] Battleship [L]: 600 Points +(100%-75%)25% = 750 Points.
---[] Improved Engines : Free
---[] Experienced Crew: +50%
---[] Hangar Bay: +25%
---[] Extra Armor : +25%
--[] Fighter(x3) 45 Points
---[] Range : +25%
---[] Firepower : +25%
--[] Heavy Cruiser : 375 points
---[] Improved Engines : Free
---[] Extra Armor : +25%
---[] Extra Firepower : +25%
--[] Destroyer(×4) 300
---[] Improved Engines : Free
---[] Extra Armor : +25%
---[] Hanger Bay : +25%
--[] Fighter(x4) 60Points
---[] Range : +25%
---[] Firepower : +25%
--[] Supply Ship [L size]: 150 Points
---[] Improved Engines : Free
--[] Cargo Ship [M Size]: (×3) 150 Points
---[] Improved Engines : Free
--[] Flying Manufactories [XL]: 300 Points
---[] Improved Engines : Free

Decided do a none nomad build with 2 Battleships.

According to the current Rules 8 upgrades is possible provided you have Yamato trait and it's your flagship. Honestly with this setup I could have gone as high as ten but held off.

Cut out carriers. Wanted to focus on a more airship heavy build. Left out bombers as well since I feel the firepower on our battleships more than compensates.

The current plan spends 125 points to add extra armor and firepower to the heavy cruiser. I could ditch thos upgrades and get extra firepower and ground support on battleship #2 instead for 50 less points, which would be spent towards fourth cargo ship. Thoughts?
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@RandyTrevelyan If you make a plan without nomads and carriers then I think that's ok. However, I would like the nomads, so we'll see.

Edit: I just noticed that you can put at least 2 of your 3 cargo ships away with your current plan. All of your ground troops are transported in your flagship, you actually don't need the cargo ships. But that just struck me. You have to decide what you want to do.
Creation is our only way to have an XL ship in the short term - the flying factories can't build anything larger than L. So we'd need to develop local manufacturing before getting a Dreadnought or Super-Carrier. Hence why investing in a bigger ship initially is worth it.

Plus, having Advanced Aircraft is really handy, even if we're battleship focused. For one thing we can slap air wings even on battleships, going from pre-WWII airplanes to 1945 designs is a huge leap in performance and lethality, meaning that every point we spend on aircrafts is that much more effective. So I'm not a fan of not at least including that.

And not investing into Walkers is a no go for me. It not only gives +10% to our IC, it provides us with improved armored vehicles and above all power-armored infantry, which is a game changer.
Plus, having Advanced Aircraft is really handy, even if we're battleship focused. For one thing we can slap air wings even on battleships, going from pre-WWII airplanes to 1945 designs is a huge leap in performance and lethality, meaning that every point we spend on aircrafts is that much more effective. So I'm not a fan of not at least including that.

And not investing into Walkers is a no go for me. It not only gives +10% to our IC, it provides us with improved armored vehicles and above all power-armored infantry, which is a game changer.
We will fight with metal planes against wooden planes that is enough at the beginning I think. And we can build Walkers later, they don't have to be bought now, just the trait.
@RandyTrevelyan If you make a plan without nomads and carriers then I think that's ok. However, I would like the nomads, so we'll see.

Edit: I just noticed that you can put at least 2 of your 3 cargo ships away with your current plan. All of your ground troops are transported in your flagship, you actually don't need the cargo ships. But that just struck me. You have to decide what you want to do.
Cargo ships for carrying fuel and bringing materials up to the manufactury. Given it's Class XL size, I imagine landing to collect them itself is a no go. Plus we'll need to trade for food and such. One for trade. One for transporting materials up to the manufactury that we mine. One for collecting scavenged materials from ships we knock out of the sky.
We will fight with metal planes against wooden planes that is enough at the beginning I think. And we can build Walkers later, they don't have to be bought now, just the trait.
It was in answer to Randy who didn't pick the Trait.

As for what we'll face, we'll mostly have to deal with the locals, but the QM very explicitly stated that we wouldn't be the only displaced fleet.
I think I have enough manufacturing capacity with my plan with a flying manufacturer that can build battleships and smaller and four mobile repair platforms that can build anything smaller than a battleship.

[] Plan The Fleet and more
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@TurbojetTakeoff Honestly the supercarrier feels weak. For one you've doubled it's capacity but not even given it enough fighters, bombers and heavy bombers to even use up the capacity of a regular carrier. I get your planning to build more but it leaves us a little toothless given the lack of even a heavy cruiser to give your build some cannon power.

Then theirs the fact that you either leave the defense of your manufactury to the Destroyers or tie up your super carrier. Any plan that has a manufactury needs at minimum a heavy cruiser to stick around and defend to free up the flagship to roam and battle.

I get walkers are cool but limiting the air fleet that the quest is built around to a single quality ship and some destroyers and not even playing into that ships specialty by giving it a sufficient fighter/bomber numbers to do battle with is going to backfire hard.

Thanks for the feedback! As @inirlan said XL ships wouldn't be available for a while until the ground production is set up and running. With 500+ IC I think we can ramp up the production quickly for smaller vessels and I don't want to trade traits for that.
I understand your concern about walkers though. The trait is useful in term of civilian productivity, as well as really cool. The walker is here for the initial build cos they seemed to be helpful in industrial/mining works and projecting power. I'm prolly replacing the ground support with planes to strengthen the initial carrier air wing tho?

I'd imagine the first years of this build would be sticking together and avoiding conflict via early warning. This would also gives us time for production and to learn about the new world. I think this would suit nicely in the pre wars years where we have to learn about the international politics before committing to any conflicts.
@Murtox, can fighters equip rocket launchers? The description of Fighters implies they can, but they're not on the Aircraft Upgrade List.

Regardless, here is an updated Fighter Jocks plan. I dropped a Destroyer for a Repair Base, tweaked the bomber/fighter balance and added some armor to our fighters.

[x] Plan Aerial Dakka
-[] Advanced Aircraft
-[] Efficient Hangars
-[] Veteran Pilots
-[] 500 Extra Points
-[] Liberal Republic
-[] Flying Manufactory [XL] (300)
-[] Supply Ship [L size] (150) x2 = 300
-[] Super-Carrier [XL] (800) (36 Hangar Slots) - Flagship
--[] Improved Engines
--[] Extra Armor
--[] Experienced Crew
--[] 16 Fighter Squadrons - 240
---[] Extra Firepower
---[] Extra Armor
--[] 6 Bomber Squadrons - 113
---[] Extra Firepower
--[] 2 Heavy Bomber Squadrons - 60
---[] Extra Range
-[] 1x Escort Carrier [M]: 150
--[] 4 Fighter Squadrons: 60
----[] Extra Firepower
----[] Extra Armor
--[] 1 Bomber Squadron: 19
----[] Extra Firepower
-[] 3x Destroyer: 75 Points x3: 225
--[] Extra Firepower
--[] Long Range Radar
-[] Mobile Repair Base: 50
-[] 2x Cargo Ship: 50 x2: 100
--[] 4x Infantry Battalion: 20
--[] 2x Tank Battalions: 60
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The civilians may be quite important in terms of human resources. Even if things are going well and we can build the ships quickly, we still have to find someone to fill them... On the other hand, I'm not sure how grim QM would to to proceed with this quest so I'm also worried how we would replenish our forces if things went a darker turn
The civilians may be quite important in terms of human resources. Even if things are going well and we can build the ships quickly, we still have to find someone to fill them... On the other hand, I'm not sure how grim QM would to to proceed with this quest so I'm also worried how we would replenish our forces if things went a darker turn
I think it just becomes a different story. If we don't have civilians, we're more likely to tie ourselves to local powers and have to start recruiting from them.
I think it just becomes a different story. If we don't have civilians, we're more likely to tie ourselves to local powers and have to start recruiting from them.
Yeah I agree. That could be interesting too, vying powers and status from our partners while working together. I think the fleet would have to find some purpose of sorts to be able to function properly.
[x] Plan Aerial Dakka
-[] Advanced Aircraft
-[] Efficient Hangars
-[] Veteran Pilots
-[] 500 Extra Points
-[] Liberal Republic
-[] Flying Manufactory [XL] (300)
-[] Supply Ship [L size] (150) x2 = 300
-[] Super-Carrier [XL] (800) (36 Hangar Slots) - Flagship
--[] Improved Engines
--[] Extra Armor
--[] Experienced Crew
--[] 16 Fighter Squadrons - 240
---[] Extra Firepower
---[] Extra Armor
--[] 6 Bomber Squadrons - 113
---[] Extra Firepower
--[] 2 Heavy Bomber Squadrons - 60
---[] Extra Range
-[] 1x Escort Carrier [M]: 150
--[] 4 Fighter Squadrons: 60
----[] Extra Firepower
----[] Extra Armor
--[] 1 Bomber Squadron: 19
----[] Extra Firepower
-[] 3x Destroyer: 75 Points x3: 225
--[] Extra Firepower
--[] Long Range Radar
-[] Mobile Repair Base: 50
-[] 2x Cargo Ship: 50 x2: 100
--[] 4x Infantry Battalion: 20
--[] 2x Tank Battalions: 60

This plan takes the Efficient Hangar trait and pushes it, so we have about as many aircraft as we can reasonably fit in. Our Destroyers are well-armed recon vessels and can protect the Escort Carrier on a detached mission. Meanwhile, we have plenty of infrastructure, and the Cargo Ships carry our limited ground troops.
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Alright, voting is open. I recommend people repost their finished plan. Voting will last for three days that's all.
you should definitely make this a threadmarked post. Otherwise most of your player/viewership will completely miss this.

Also, as it probably got buried. What do you say to a lvl 2 trait of rockets that gives early missiles? Also, can Aerial hussars double as paratroopers?
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[X] His/Her/Their Imperial/Royal/Princely Aerial Navy
[X] Enterprise but better
-[X] Monarchy
-[X] Blitzing
-[X] Air Nomads
-[X] Advanced Aircraft
-[X] Aerial Hussars
-[X] Ships:

12 Hangar
>Long-Range Radar
>Hangar Bay6 Hangar
>Experienced Crew
Heavy Cruiser
Light Cruiser
>Landing Bay
3 Cargo
>Ground Support
Destroyer x3
Supply Ship
>3x Pop
Cargo Ship x3
9 Cargo
>3x Pop each
Flying Manufactories
Ground units

-[X] Aircraft:

Aircraft:18 Hangar
Fighter x3
>Range x3
Fighter x3
>Range x3
>Speed x3
>Firepower x3
Bomber x2
Heavy Bomber x2

-[X] Ground Troops:

Ground Units12 Cargo
Aerial Hussar Battalion
Aerial Hussar Battalion
Aerial Hussar Battalion
Cargo ships
Infantry Battalion
Infantry Battalion
Infantry Battalion
Infantry Battalion
Artillery Battalion
Artillery Battalion
Anti-Air Battalion
Tank Battalion
Tank Battalion

On the Pop side, we have 15k people and 75+300 IC.

Yes this plan has 2 names, but asaxander is easy to please.
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