Skies of Earth [ISOT/Airship Admiral Quest]

[X]Plan Long Live the [Monarch]

Atomic age would be interesting too with the carriers and missiles and stuff. But so far this is the highest vote with an admiral setting.
Welp considering our WW2 it's possible to have both Air Battleship Battle Group and Air Carrier Battle Group right?

Nothing stopping you from purchasing carriers and battleships during the next phase :p
Customizing your Fleet
[X]Plan Long Live the [Monarch]
-[X] Admiral
-[X] Machine Age
-[X] Realistic

An Excursion to Another World

The world you come from is a world that is reaping the benefits of the 2nd industrial revolution, new technologies have been unveiled that have improved standard of living and life expectancy throughout the board. Industrial economies continue to rise to produce massive amounts of products that get bought and sold on a daily basis. The empires that formed during that industrial boom are still strong and control most of the world, however, not all of the world is still under their grasp, and tensions between the various modern nations have led to wars that have unveiled the incredibly destructive capability of modern warfare.

You belong to one of the nations that have advanced in the art of modern warfare. You lead thousands in a fleet composed of well-armored airships that are there to contest the skies against any enemy of your nation. You left your nation's aerodrome with a fleet of varied and different vessels, each unique be it on design or because of the crew aboard. The skies of your world were as welcoming as ever, but without knowing it you would be embarking on your last journey on this world.

One night, while most of the ship was asleep. The sky was lit up with boreal lights, the only problem was that these lights did not belong here and that the shape the lights took was extremely strange. The intensity of the lights was enough to light up the skies as if it was day and then in a flash, a wave of energy surrounded you and your fleet. A wave of energy with enough force to knock many of the ships off course and almost put them on a crashing course with the ground. Even the men sleeping in their bunks were thrown away from their sleep by this force.

When you got to the bridge, it was too late to do anything. A bright sphere of cyan light engulfed the fleet completely and then suddenly it disappeared but not before creating another shockwave strong enough to be felt inside of all of your ships. Soon your crew notified you that the ship had not sustained any permanent damages, however, you were notified that none of the radio connections with other fleets worked. The compass was also working weirdly and pointed in an entirely different direction than before. Then when you told your soldiers to seek friendly frequencies and they found none. Instead, they were met with static, and only in some cases could they receive any sort of signal. The only problem was that the languages that the radio operators head could not be identified and this only brought further questions that were left unanswered, at least for now.

2nd Phase

You start with 2000 points for customization. You may reduce your selection of traits by one to get 500 extra points for force building. You have 4 traits that you can pick from the available ones below. The tech level is roughly Early-WW2.

Note: It is recommended that you buy supply ships to cover the total logistic points of your military vessels.

There will be a 72-hour moratorium on voting, so there can be some discussion and planning for how the fleet composition should be. I will also be taking any suggestions for traits that fit with the Machine Age tech era so feel free to suggest any. Also, remember to designate one of your ships as your flagship and that ship gets 3 extra free upgrades.

Airship Traits

[X] Caelum Craft: A unique airship design making use of a completely isolated environment similar to a submarine, the Caelum craft is thus capable of ascending far more than normal craft. Being able to reach extreme altitudes grants it virtual invulnerability against conventional attacks, however, the necessary equipment to make an airship capable of reaching that high leaves little space for ammo and gunnery. It is helpless against any airship in combat and it is generally geared towards ground support. [Caelumcraft available for purchase 200 Points each][L Size vessel]

[X] Battleship Yamato: Over Designed and extremely big, your dreadnoughts are both marvels of engineering and also very expensive. However, bigger is better right? [Dreadnoughts and Battleships can have up to 6 upgrades, upgrade cost is flat reduced by 75% in total]

[X] Rocket Launchers: Your ships can equip the rocket launcher platform, it gives the ships the capability to launch not very accurate but very fast strategic rockets against general areas like cities or fortifications through the Rocket Platform upgrade or fast firing rockets through the Rocket Launcher upgrade. [These upgrades add 25% and only cost 1 Upgrade slot.]

[X] Big Bertha: Any L-sized vessel or above can buy the upgrade, Railway gun. This upgrade adds an 80cm gun on the belly of the airship. This gun is enormous and cumbersome, it generally makes the ship's underbelly have less armor and as such be more vulnerable. However, the firepower of an 80cm gun aimed against the ground from several kilometers up in the sky can be quite effective and or scary. [This upgrade costs 2 Upgrade Slots and adds a 25% Cost to the ship. Scales with size and firepower if bigger than L]

[X] Castle in the Sky: A castle in the sky is exactly what it says on the tin. Heavily armored, with heavy firepower but extremely slow. It is basically a static floating fortress that could serve as an HQ for operations. [This allows the purchase of a flying fortress, it costs 1200 points.][It is considered an XXL sized vessel]

[X] Blitzing: Your fleet prioritizes speed and it shows. [All of your airships get a free engine upgrade that does not count towards the upgrade limit.]

[X] Air Nomads: Your fleet has civilian ships alongside its military ships. The reason? It could be because they are refugees or simply because some of your nation's population lives in the sky. Regardless, having some actual civilian population will aid you in some different ways. [Allows purchase of Population upgrade, this upgrade is free. It gives 500/1000/2000/5000/10000 Population depending on size. S/M/L/XL/XXL respectively.] [Each 100 Population gives 0.5 Points in manufacturing capacity][Population can also be recruited to crew ships or battalions.]

Aeronautical Traits:

[X] Advanced Aircraft: The development of aircraft has led to the construction and deployment of all-metal planes with higher speeds, higher maneuverability, and overall a lot more firepower. Think about late ww2 designs that couldn't be produced like the Grumman F8F Bearcat and Focke-Wulf Ta 152. [Improves performance of conventional aircraft]

[X] Jet Aircraft: You have access to early turbojet aircraft designs, allowing the purchase of jet fighters and jet bombers respectively. These aircraft have much higher speeds than conventional aircraft, however, they also require more maintenance and fuel to operate. Generally outperforms conventional aircraft in most situations as long as they have experienced pilots. [Requires Advanced Aircraft Trait][Allows purchase of Jet versions of all conventional aircraft]

[X] Efficient Hangars: The power of the aircraft carrier was realized early in the history of your world and as such, even greater efforts were put in carrier design and structure allowing for far more planes to be carried inside of an airship. [+50% Hangar Capacity to all ships rounded up]

[X] Aerial Hussars: Personal flying equipment is available and allows for marines to engage in boarding operations against other enemy vessels. Generally vulnerable against AA guns and planes, and as such are better used against disabled ships or airships without too many anti-air guns. [Allows purchase of Air Hussars Battalions at a cost of 20 must be carried]

[X] Veteran Pilots: Your aircraft fleet is crewed by veteran and experienced pilots. They know their stuff and know how to get the most out of their planes. [All fighters/bombers gain a free veteran upgrade]

Ground Traits:

[X] Advanced Tanks: Tanks are good, but it took many decades to perfect their designs. However, you are in luck as you have access to late WW2 types of tanks. Panthers, Shermans, ISs, and Centurions. [Improves Tank Units and allows the purchase of super-heavy tank battalions at a cost of 50 each]

[X] Walkers/Mechs: For when tanks aren't enough, mechs are available to your arsenal. Mechs generally cost more than tanks but make up for it through their better performance in hilly and mountainous terrain. [Walkers Battalions cost 40 Points each. Also unlocks exo-infantry for 20 points each.][Use of Exo-Suits for civilian work increases IC production by 10% across the board]

[X] Super-Soldiers: Gain access to genetically engineered infantry battalions. These super-soldiers have enhanced endurance, enhanced accuracy, and overall less fear against their enemies. [Can purchase Super-Soldier Battalions for 50 Points each]

[X] Landcruisers: Somehow, Somewhat, your nation has been able to develop what can be considered land cruisers, consider the crazy Ratte project made into reality but about half the size. It is basically a mobile artillery platform, that's even more vulnerable than a super-heavy tank to air attacks, however, it is also a weapon of fear and perhaps useful in a way.[Unlocked the Landcruiser ground unit, it costs 100 points and requires two cargo ships to carry it.]

[X] Experienced Soldiers: Your ground combat units are considered to have the veteran unit trait.

Background Traits:

Pick 1. Only affect Flavor and aesthetics of equipment. It does not cost a trait point.

[X] Liberal Republic: Your nation is a liberal republic. There is a representative democracy, lobbying, and overall lots of freedom that are not found in many other places.

[X] Monarchy: A nation of order that begins at the top. You serve a monarch and his state. Generally more conservative yet with a passion for tradition and honor.

[X] Communist State: You serve an orthodox socialist state, where government ownership of the means of production is implemented. You stand for the revolution and for the progress of the human race under the banner of the Internationale or so they make you say.

[X] Theocracy: You come from a theocratic nation whose leader is either considered a divine entity or acts as the representative of a god or gods. Generally, religion and spirituality are valued more in your society.

[X] Dictatorship: Someone took power in your nation in a non-legitimate way and as such, they are considered a dictator. They may rule through intelligent politicking or an iron fist or perhaps both.

Ground Units: These are in battalions.

Infantry Battalion: 5 Points. An infantry battalion with machine guns, mortars, medics, and lots of small guns. Good for taking over positions and defending them.

Paratrooper Battalion: 7 Points. A battalion of paratroopers that can make use of heavy bombers to drop and land in a particular area. Their equipment makes them less useful against armored targets.

Aerial Hussar Battalion: 20 Points. Aerial hussars have personal flying equipment that allows them to attempt boarding an enemy ship without their home ship being close. They are very vulnerable to AA fire and can still fail at reaching the enemy ship without proper maneuvering. [Requires Aerial Hussar Trait]

Super-Soldier Battalion: 50 points. A battalion of basically enhanced humans that break most Olympic records for breakfast. However, they are still very much human and bullets still hurt. They are good for morale and for assaulting heavily fortified positions with support. They can also go long days without sleeping or rest, making them very good soldiers, however, they are also very expensive. [Requires Super-Soldier Trait]

Tank Battalion: 30 Points. Enough tanks to make a man blush. A tank battalion has an assortment of medium, heavy and light tanks. Alongside a small complement of mechanized infantry to support them.

Super-heavy tank Battalion: 50 points. Ever heard about the Mouse? Well, this is it but even heavier and actually in service. Basically impenetrable to most guns, but also painfully slow to move and as vulnerable to air attacks as any other tank. [Requires Advanced-Tanks Trait]

Artillery Battalion: 20 Points. An artillery battalion has plenty of long-range guns for ground combat and enough crew for logistical support.

Anti-Air Battalion: 15 Points. A specialñized Anti-Air battalion that can be used against flying units.

Walker Battalion: 40 points. Two, three, or sometimes four-legged mechanical beasts that tower over any other vehicles. Useful in hilly or mountainous terrain.

Exo-Skeleton Battalion: 20 Points. An infantry battalion with exoskeletons that allow them greater endurance and some added protection in combat.

Air Ships:

Flying Fortress [XXL]: 1000 points. A Massive aerial fortress that without any upgrades is already a formidable force. It provides 100 points in manufacturing capacity alongside 150 Logistical Points. It has 20 Hangar Slots and is capable of holding up to 20 ground slots. Painfully slow and would require months for relocation.

Dreadnought [XL]: 900 Points. A Dreadnought is the equivalent of a super-sized Yamato, basically a one-in-a-lifetime project that costs more than your average battleship. It has heavy amounts of firepower and armor making it a beast on the battlefield, at the same time, it also consumes lots of fuel and requires sufficient logistic support to operate.

Super-Carrier [XL]: 800 Points. An ever bigger carrier, with greater armor and higher hangar capacity for aircraft. [It has 24 Hangar Slots]

Battleship [L]: 600 Points. A run-of-the-mill battleship, it is a balanced but large ship with more than adequate firepower to fight against most things in the sky, while at the same time, being well armored and with a reasonable speed.

Carrier [L]: 400 Points. An airborne aircraft carrier, the dream of many, and the plight of the enemy. An aircraft carrier is used to operate different types of carrier-borne aircraft. [It has 12 Hangar Slots. Fighters take one, Bombers two and Heavy Bombers 4]

Heavy Cruiser [M]: 250 Points. A ship known for its long-range and speeds, a heavy cruiser is a cheaper option than deploying a battleship or a carrier. Its speed also makes it particularly good for patrolling and hunting smaller enemy vessels.

Escort Carrier [M]: 150 Points. A smaller version of the Carrier, faster but with generally less space for aircraft. [4 Hangar Slots]

Light Cruiser [M]: 150 Points. A light cruiser is generally well suited for escort missions and providing screening to larger vessels.

Destroyer(S): 50 Points. A destroyer is often used as a screener and can be good for anti-air duty, at the same time, it can be deployed in squadrons for escort duties and ground support.

Support Ships: These ships do not consume any Logistical Points.

Supply Ship [L size]: 150 Points. A supply ship is a vital element of a fleet. It serves as the logistics hub of the fleet and without it, the fleet would probably not be able to last during long deployments. [A supply ship provides 30 Logistics Points. S-sized vessels consume 1 Point, M-sized vessels consume 3, L-sized vessels consume 5 and XL-sized vessels consume 9.]

Cargo Ship [M Size]: 50 Points. A cargo ship is often used for transport and logistics, although it can be armed to serve as a Q-ship but it serves its duty better away from combat than in it. [Cargo ships have 3 Cargo Slots. All Ground units unless otherwise specified take up one cargo slot.]

Flying Manufactories [XL]: 300 Points. Sometimes deployments up in the skies are done far away from any base or logistic network. As such, some navies decide to create flying factories that can manufacture ammunition, ships, or even mechanized units. These enormous vessels can also be used during the war to move the industrial base of the country from one place to another. [Flying manufactories can manufacture any units below their size and they provide up to 300 points per year in terms of manufacturing capabilities][Flying manufactories can also speed up repairs or serve as hubs for resource extraction operations][NOTE: They require access to resources to work][Flying Manufactories can also replenish Supply ships at a cost of 20 Points per supply ship.]

Mobile Repair Platform [M] 50 Points. A simple repair ship for deployment with smaller vessels. This ship is capable of speeding up repairs in most vessels but is specialized for vessels of size M and below. It can also be used to build any ship below size L. It gives 10 IC for manufacturing capacity.


Fighter: A fighter squadron that has up to ten aircraft. It is useful against flying units and can be customized to carry bombs, rockets, or extra firepower to provide ground support. [10 Points][1 Hangar Slot]

Bomber: A specialized ground support unit. These are larger aircraft that can carry bigger payloads and can accurately hit ground targets. [15 Points][2 Hangar Slots per unit]

Heavy Bomber: A large aircraft that can carry more multiple tons of bombs and can otherwise transport paratroopers to deploy if under the right configuration. Serves for strategic bombing or just to make an enemy have a very bad day. [30 Points][4 Hangar Slots]

General Upgrades: All ships have three upgrade slots that can be filled or not depending on how you guys want to build the fleet.
  • *Landing Bay: Adding a landing bay allows for the ship to carry a determined amount of ground units depending on its size. S/M/L/XL Size: 1/3/5/10 Ground Units (+25% to cost in points)
  • *Ground Support: Installing specialized air-to-ground guns on the below decks allows to provide ground units with accurate close fire support from the skies. (+25% to cost)
  • *Anti-Aircraft Improvements: Engineers can install extra guns to deal with enemy planes. (+15% to cost in Points)
  • *Extra Firepower: Adds higher caliber guns or more guns to the airship increasing its firepower. (+25% to Cost)
  • *Extra Armor: These make the vessel stronger, although slower. (+25% to cost)
  • *Experienced Crew: (+50% to cost)
  • *Improved Engines: Increases speed and maneuverability, if used with extra armor there is no bonus or malus for either., (+25% to Cost)
  • *Hangar Bay: Allow the warship to hold fighter or bomber squadrons depending on its size. S/M/L/XL 1/2/3/5 (+25% to cost). Hangar bays applied to carriers give double the hangar slots.
  • *Long-Range Radar: This adds specialized radar equipment for extreme range early warning. (+25% to Cost)
Aircraft Upgrades: All Aircraft can also have up to three upgrades.

    • Range: Improves the range of the aircraft. (+25%)
    • Firepower: Gives more pew pew per pound. (+25%)
    • Speed: Painting it red makes it go faster. (+25%)
    • Armor: Survivability improves by X%. (+25%)
Specialized Upgrades: [Requires Traits]

    • Belly Gun: Adds an 80cm gun to the belly of the ship for ground support. Only ships L-sized or more. (+25% to Cost).
    • Rocket Launchers: Adds several rocket launchers to the ship that fires volleys of rockets against enemy targets. (+25% to Cost)
    • Rocket Platform: Adds strategic rocket launchers that use equivalents of the super-sonic V2 rockets. Not very accurate but useful against large targets. (+25% to Cost)
    • Population: This upgrade adds 500(S)/1000(M)/2000(L)/5000(XL)/10000(XXL) population to a ship. This population is only semi-self sufficient and would still require trade with the ground for fuel and materials. Each 100 pop grant 0.5 Points in manufacturing capacity [This upgrade is free but the extra compartments for population make it more vulnerable.][This IC can only be used for M sized vessels or less][Flying Manufactories cannot take this trait]
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Will there be an admirality customisation next?

Also, building on my plan:
And either we go fuck off huge flying fortress, light craft and escort carriers around a core of cruisers and a dreadnaught or we go super carrier.
Mhhh. I am a tiny bit miffed that light carriers don't exist in this lineup cause its objectively subpar to attach more than CAS/Scouting capabilities to an aircraft that isn't a carrier and having a 200pt option would be nice to provide fleet support for a heavy gun navy.
Mhhh. I am a tiny bit miffed that light carriers don't exist in this lineup cause its objectively subpar to attach more than CAS/Scouting capabilities to an aircraft that isn't a carrier and having a 200pt option would be nice to provide fleet support for a heavy gun navy.

Added one and increased the fleet carrier hangar capacity slightly.
[] Plan SSR Leviathan
-[] Traits
--[] Castle in the Sky⁸
--[] Advanced Aircraft
--[] Jet Aircraft
--[] Veteran Pilots
-[] Monarchy
-[] Fleet
--[] Flying Fortress [XXL]: 1000 points
--[] Fighter: 10 Points(×12=120)
--[] Bomber: 15 points(×8=120)

[] Plan SSR Olympus
-[] Traits
--[] Castle in the Sky
--[] Big Bertha
--[] Air Nomads
-[] Monarchy
-[] Fleet
--[] Flying Fortress [XXL]: 1000 points
---[] Flagship
----[] Belly Gun: Free with Flagship
----[] Population: XXL 5000 : Free with Flagship
----[] Experienced Crew: Free with Flagship

This is what I have so far. I think Olympus is the better move but I came up with Leviathan first. Thoughts?

I'm not sure what upgrades I'd give leviathan.
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Flying Manufactories [XL]:
I would say we need at least two of these. Especially the extra large ones because that would let us replace the biggest ships.
[X] Air Nomads: Your fleet has civilian ships alongside its military ships. The reason? It could be because they are refugees or simply because some of your nation's population lives in the sky. Regardless, having some actual civilian population will aid you in some different ways. [Allows purchase of Population upgrade, this upgrade costs 50%. It gives 250/500/1000/2000 Population depending on size. S/M/L/XL respectively.] [Each 250 Population gives 10 Points in manufacturing capacity and also][Population can also be recruited to crew ships or battalions.]
I also think we should get this because then we have a population we can use to crew our ships and our military and to even colonize a place if we have to. After all we would need a home port most likely.
turbojet aircraft designs, allowing the purchase of jet fighters and jet bombers respectively. These aircraft have much higher speeds than conventional aircraft, however, they also require more maintenance and fuel to operate. Generally outperforms conventional aircraft in most situations as long as they have experienced pilots. [Requires Advanced Aircraft Trait][Allows purchase of Jet versions of all conventional aircraft
Hmmmm great aircraft. Really would be the best option for aircraft focus because aircraft can do a lot more than big slow battleships. After all they can do anti-fleet combat and land. Also, bombard targets more precisely then cannons. Plus if we have jet aircraft we could have jet transports so we could transport our land troops faster.
You start with 2000 points for customization. You may reduce your selection of traits by one to get 500 extra points for force building. You have 4 traits that you can pick from the available ones below

Oh god. We need to be really picky on our traits since we can only have four of them. And if we try to go for jet aircraft that would lose us to two treat points. And if we go with the air nomads then we would only have one trait left over. Oh god. I think maybe we should dump the jet tech and just get the first tech for air.
[X] Advanced Tanks: Tanks are good, but it took many decades to perfect their designs. However, you are in luck as you have access to late WW2 types of tanks. Panthers, Shermans, ISs, and Centurions. [Improves Tank Units and allows the purchase of super-heavy tank battalions at a cost of 50 each]

[X] Walkers/Mechs: For when tanks aren't enough, mechs are available to your arsenal. Mechs generally cost more than tanks but make up for it through their better performance in hilly and mountainous terrain. [Walkers Battalions cost 40 Points each. Also unlocks exo-infantry for 20 points each.]
I think we should at least get one of these so we have a strong ground pounders.
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Small addition. The Big Bertha trait's gun now escalates with size. So it isn't always flat 80cm big ass gun for all that buy it.
Small addition. The Big Bertha trait's gun now escalates with size. So it isn't always flat 80cm big ass gun for all that buy it.

[] Plan SSR Olympus
-[] Traits
--[] Castle in the Sky
--[] Advanced Aircraft
--[] Air Nomads
-[] Monarchy
-[] Fleet
--[] Flying Fortress [XXL]: 1000 points
---[] Flagship
----[] Extra Armor: Free with Flagship
----[] Population: XXL 5000 : Free with Flagship
----[] Experienced Crew: Free with Flagship
--[] Fighter: 10 Points(×12=120)
--[] Bomber: 15 points(×8=120)
--[] Destroyer: 50 Points(x4=200)
--[] Light Cruiser [M]: 150 Points(×2=300)

So I added a fighter bomber complement and some screening vessels.
We still have 760 points since plan Olympus passes on a Fourth trait to grab another 500 points.

Currently considering Either 2 Heavy cruisers or a battleship, which would leave us with either 260 or 160 points to spend on ground, upgrades, or more ships.

Keep in mind that between the Flying fortress and it's civilian population of 5000 we have 600 manufacture points so making whatever we don't grab now in the long run is an option.
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Will there be an admirality customisation next?

Also, building on my plan:
And either we go fuck off huge flying fortress, light craft and escort carriers around a core of cruisers and a dreadnaught or we go super carrier.
I really really like the idea of super carriers. WW2 most likely saw the rose of the carriers over battleship. Although in the Machine Age they are mostly on par with each other, at least we are on early WW2 level of tech now.

Speaking on aircrafts, high attitude aircraft launching probably helped with the Air combat manoeuvring in terms of potential/kinetic energy.

Oh god. We need to be really picky on our traits since we can only have four of them. And if we try to go for jet aircraft that would lose us to two treat points. And if we go with the air nomads then we would only have one trait left over. Oh god. I think maybe we should dump the jet tech and just get the first tech for air.

I wish to have the jets so much but they are expensive. sigh...
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[] Plan SSR Olympus
-[] Traits
--[] Castle in the Sky
--[] Advanced Aircraft
--[] Air Nomads
-[] Monarchy
-[] Fleet
--[] Flying Fortress [XXL]: 1000 points
---[] Flagship
----[] Extra Armor: Free with Flagship
----[] Population: XXL 5000 : Free with Flagship
----[] Experienced Crew: Free with Flagship
--[] Fighter: 10 Points(×12=120)
--[] Bomber: 15 points(×8=120)
--[] Destroyer: 50 Points(x4=200)
--[] Light Cruiser [M]: 150 Points(×2=300)

So I added a fighter bomber complement and some screening vessels.
We still have 760 points since plan Olympus passes on a Fourth trait to grab another 500 points.

Keep in mind that between the Flying fortress and it's civilian population of 5000 we have 600 manufacture points so making whatever we don't grab now in the long run is an option.

Btw bombers take 2 hangar slots instead of just 1.

Also, a small reminder that the more you have to wait to build up your forces. The fewer chances you will have to intervene in the world at large during that time.
[] Plan SSR Olympus
-[] Traits
--[] Castle in the Sky
--[] Advanced Aircraft
--[] Air Nomads
-[] Monarchy
-[] Fleet
--[] Flying Fortress [XXL]: 1000 points
---[] Flagship
----[] Extra Armor: Free with Flagship
----[] Population: XXL 5000 : Free with Flagship
----[] Experienced Crew: Free with Flagship
--[] Fighter: 10 Points(×10=100)
--[] Bomber: 15 points(×5=75)
--[] Destroyer: 50 Points(x4=200)
--[] Light Cruiser [M]: 150 Points(×2=300)
--[] Battleship [L]: 600 Points
---[] Hangar Bay: 150 Points.
--[] Infantry Battalion: 5 Points(×3=15)
--[] Tank Battalion: 30 Points(×2=60)

So this uses all 2500 Points from giving up a fourth trait.
I swapped out the cannon for better armor and grabbed the Advanced Aircraft trait instead.
Grabbed a high number of screen Aircraft do to the need to protect our massive sky fortress, but I'm open to dropping a few since I added the heavy armor option.

Grabbed a battleship so we have a heavy hitter thats a bit more Mobile. Gave it the hanger bay so it can take some fighters and bombers, but considering droppingthe upgrade, a light cruiser,destroyer, 2 fighter, and 2 bomber to grab a Carrier instead.

Small ground forces.

I'm open to suggestions, and would appreciate feedback.
flying manufacturies is something I'm thinking we might want. Additionally, I REALLY want the super-soldiers, but I don't know if that will fit.
I'm tempted to go Space Air Battleship Yamato, but it's expensive. And jet planes in 1914. Oooooh.

Concerning ground forces, the walker upgrade has a nice value. Battlemechs are cool, and getting functional power armor is also incredible.

Nomads sounds handy, but TBH I'm not sure the manufacturing points benefits are worth it, as the factory ships are more cost-effective.

Really meh on the flying fortress.
flying manufacturies is something I'm thinking we might want. Additionally, I REALLY want the super-soldiers, but I don't know if that will fit.
It's better to just get the Flying Fortress, Air Nomads, make it our flagship so we can get 3 upgrades for free, and grap the 5000 population for +500 to manufacturing. This is the same as grabbing 6 manufacturies but with a cost of only 1000 points.
Air Nomads: Your fleet has civilian ships alongside its military ships. The reason? It could be because they are refugees or simply because some of your nation's population lives in the sky. Regardless, having some actual civilian population will aid you in some different ways. [Allows purchase of Population upgrade, this upgrade costs 50%. It gives 250/500/1000/2000 Population depending on size. S/M/L/XL respectively.] [Each 250 Population gives 10 Points in manufacturing capacity and also][Population can also be recruited to crew ships or battalions.]

The first thing I thought was "Battlestar Galactica". The second was Avatar (I use the Read Aloud tool, so I wasn't paying too close attention)
If it's our flagship, and we get the sky nomad,we can get 600 points of manufacturing, lots of hanger and ground army room, and a huge logistic cap to support our fleet.
1 - I want ships, not a flying castle.
2 - It and Air Nomads just got nerfed.

So now it provides 140* production for 1200 points.

*Well, that's the highest current number, XL. If doubled it's 180.

Edit : Air Nomad rules are inconsistent with two different values given. And the fortress has two different point values at different points in yhe post.
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