Sign Oath - Dire Summer


Sakura Saber
Throne of Heroes
At first all is normal. Then you find yourself swaying on your feet, distortions in your vision similar to the haze of summer heat.

When the moment passes, and you find your footing, you find yourself... elsewhere, under the blazing sun.


You did not know what just happened, but you are not alright with it on a fundamental level. You stand in a ruined, flooded wreck, light shines down into the multi-story, underground complex from a large hole that stretches both up to the sky, down several levels, to a pool of rubble filled with debris. Some sort of accident? You can hear people moving at the top level, which is two above where you are, though they aren't stupid enough to venture too close to the edge.

Suddenly, your attention is drawn back to the water pooling at the bottom level, which has somehow frozen into a murky mirror. Something moves beyond it, and you hear it speak, even as the ice melts back into water.

"Protect the head medical researcher of MAR. The Catch that will release you from this oath... the death of the False Angel."

You understand, instinctively, that completing this task will result in some form of reward.


You are surprised. You open your eyes again, there is no army here, no rain of arrows blotting out the sun. The sun- it burns overhead, unnaturally brilliant as it shines down across the island. You find yourself standing on a street, people and strange metal devices moving this way and that way across it, and in front of you is a building with a brilliant facade, covered in shining lights that shift through many patterns. A cacophony of sounds of all sorts drifts from the building when people pass through the doors- which open without being touched when someone approaches.

Suddenly, an ill feeling spreads across your being, your fur standing on end, and you look back up to the shining sun. A voice, vexing in its familiarity, reaches your ears.

"The Hunter comes. Hunt hunt hunt. You have no love of Hunters, yes? End her."

You understand, instinctively, that completing this task will result in some form of reward.


You find yourself standing at a great height, looking out through a clear screen over a vast city of towering silver buildings that shine with light reflected from the noonday sun. Turning, you find yourself in some sort of observation deck, many are the people in pairs and groups who cluster and bustle around you. An automated voice plays some sort of announcement about a gift shop, and the sightseers around you seem to be beginning to notice you and your peculiar appearance.

Suddenly, you wince in pain as a foreign presence intrudes in your mind, and a falsely sweet female voice speaks to you.

"A gallant knight, fit to serve as escort to a lady. An unconventional task awaits you, however. Protect the Witch of the Night until the Faery changeling is rent to scraps of gossamer dreams."

You understand, instinctively, that completing this task will result in some form of reward.

@God and the Snake

You are bumped into by a person hurrying by, who barely spares a glance behind him as he continues on towards... a plane terminal? You stand in a hallway lined with windows looking out over a clear field of asphalt, water shining in the noon sun beyond the runway. People move with purpose and no small amount of rush around you, seemingly too preoccupied to notice your sudden appearance or slightly abnormal form.

Notably, they do not go anywhere near a terminal you can see from here, which is guarded by a number of uniformed police officers standing at attention. Their uniforms are marked 'IG'.

"A familiar task. A visit from an important personage, requires bodyguards. See to it the Princess of Aldegyr does not meet an ignoble end, at least until the all-hearing spy is silenced. You will, of course, be compensated for your work."

The sudden instruction is imparted by a strange man in a suit, who disappears into the crowd before you can take in any other details, let alone stop him.


You awaken with a start, as though from a bad dream. Your hand rises to your throat, feeling where cold steel had kissed your form, and finding it unmarred. This leaves you in confusion- were you not promised forgetfulness, of the horror of that night? Your memory is treacherous in its clarity, and as you look around the bright park, edge lined with trees and in the center, brightly colored structures which even now a few children were clambering over with the energy characteristic of their youth, a nostalgic voice fills your mind, as though a recollection brought on by the sight of innocents.

"Ah, Good Hunter. Such misfortune you have, to be faced with such a plight. This was all supposed to be behind you, but it seems you must be given another task. The Duke of Ardeal has no need for defenders, but then, there are those who surpass all expectations. Hunt the Clay Alchemist. Ensure the Duke does not meet his end."

You understand, instinctively, that completing this task will result in some form of reward.

@Dust and echoes @Laplace

As you open your eyes, you first come face-to-face with someone you never thought you'd see again. Your reunion is cut short however, as suddenly darkness swamps you, and a... familiar voice begins to whisper from the unknowable depths beyond.

"Familiar faces in strange places. Be thankful for small fortunes, and show gratitude to your master. The price will be thus; the Doll who hosts the spawn of another plane, must not perish until freed from the chains of the Witch of the Void. Jail, Jailer, Key."

As suddenly as it came, the darkness passes, leaving the pair standing in a ruined warehouse, sunlight, welcoming and blissfully, painfully bright, shining through vast tears in the ceiling.

You understand, instinctively, that completing this task will result in some form of reward.
"Ah, Good Hunter. Such misfortune you have, to be faced with such a plight. This was all supposed to be behind you, but it seems you must be given another task. The Duke of Ardeal has no need for defenders, but then, there are those who surpass all expectations. Hunt the Clay Alchemist. Ensure the Duke does not meet his end."

As the voice fades away, I get to my feet and look around. A quick check reveals the I have most of my usual equipment still on me. My grip tightens on the handle of my saw cleaver, and I have to bite down a growl. Another damned Hunt. I take a few deep breaths, and bring a flask to my lips, taking a sip of the Pungent cocktail inside. I have bottles of the stuff as well, but this is for personal use. Slipping the flask back into my coat, I start walking towards the children.

Even if this wasn't Yharnam, which it obviously isn't, some patterns should still hold true. Hopefully, were there are kids, there are adults. And Perhaps one of them will know about this 'Clay Alchemist'. Or perhaps even the Duke. After all, I had gotten by on less before. At least this time I had the name of the Beast I was hunting.
As you open your eyes, you first come face-to-face with someone you never thought you'd see again. Your reunion is cut short however, as suddenly darkness swamps you, and a... familiar voice begins to whisper from the unknowable depths beyond.
"Familiar faces in strange places. Be thankful for small fortunes, and show gratitude to your master. The price will be thus; the Doll who hosts the spawn of another plane, must not perish until freed from the chains of the Witch of the Void. Jail, Jailer, Key."

As suddenly as it came, the darkness passes, leaving the pair standing in a ruined warehouse, sunlight, welcoming and blissfully, painfully bright, shining through vast tears in the ceiling.

You understand, instinctively, that completing this task will result in some form of reward.
The sun came back to rest on the huddled form of Vastal, a heap of rags and skin and bone, collapsed on the floor rocking pitifully. As the broken sunlight slowly warmed her rags, she lifted her head from in between her knees, two hollow eyes gazing out from beneath her mask.

And those two eyes came to rest upon her companion.

"Abdul." The voice was like dry paper, in a light wind. "You....died....I think?"

She could not remember. Her memory told her no. The crushing inevitability in her nightmares told her yes.

" that did not...happen...."

The plague doctor paused, staring at nothing for a long moment.

"Where are we?"

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As you open your eyes, you first come face-to-face with someone you never thought you'd see again. Your reunion is cut short however, as suddenly darkness swamps you, and a... familiar voice begins to whisper from the unknowable depths beyond.

"Familiar faces in strange places. Be thankful for small fortunes, and show gratitude to your master. The price will be thus; the Doll who hosts the spawn of another plane, must not perish until freed from the chains of the Witch of the Void. Jail, Jailer, Key."

As suddenly as it came, the darkness passes, leaving the pair standing in a ruined warehouse, sunlight, welcoming and blissfully, painfully bright, shining through vast tears in the ceiling.

You understand, instinctively, that completing this task will result in some form of reward.

The sun came back to rest on the huddled form of Vastal, a heap of rags and skin and bone, collapsed on the floor rocking pitifully. As the broken sunlight slowly warmed her rags, she lifted her head from in between her knees, two hollow eyes gazing out from beneath her mask.

And those two eyes came to rest upon her companion.

"Abdul." The voice was like dry paper, in a light wind. "You....died....I think?"

She could not remember. Her memory told her no. The crushing inevitability in her nightmares told her yes.

" that did not...happen...."

The plague doctor paused, staring at nothing for a long moment.

"Where are we?"

Abdul Alhazared
"Che! I which I was dead, after that... that thing showed itself to me," Abdul grouched. He looked around, sunlight dappling his clothes. What was this architecture? None that he had seen. Too blocky. Too many narrow struts when no self respecting builder would do with anything less than sweeping, monolithic pillars. The light made shadows. Was there a scurrying motion? No, he reminded himself. There cannot be. "Somewhere with sun, Vestal, and Beneficient God be praised for that."
Abdul Alhazared
"Che! I which I was dead, after that... that thing showed itself to me," Abdul grouched. He looked around, sunlight dappling his clothes. What was this architecture? None that he had seen. Too blocky. Too many narrow struts when no self respecting builder would do with anything less than sweeping, monolithic pillars. The light made shadows. Was there a scurrying motion? No, he reminded himself. There cannot be. "Somewhere with sun, Vestal, and Beneficient God be praised for that."
"There are no beneficient gods." Somebody said. It took Vestal a moment to realize it had been her. But why?

No. She was thinking to hard. Stop it. Focus on the now.

She let the sunlight play across one outstretched, bandaged hand. It felt warm. It made Vestal feel better. She suddenly realized she'd been silent for perhaps to long. Should she say something? What was there to say? She supposed it'd be good to talk to Abdul some more. She hadn't seen him since...

Stop it.

Focus on the now.

"It see you again, Abdul." She said hollowly. And then, almost without realizing it. "Jail. Jailer. Key..."
Abdul Alhazared
The whip thin man paused for a moment, lifting the skull up. "Yes. It is," he said. "Now, what was it you just said? You! You heard it to?" That poem, was the world unsaid.
Vestal nodded again, then began to recite. Her voice flat.

"Familiar faces in strange places/

Be thankful for small fortunes, and show gratitude to your master/

The price will be thus; the Doll who hosts the spawn of another plane, must not perish until freed from the chains of the Witch of the Void./

Jail, Jailer, Key."

She paused.

"What do you think it means?"

The poem made her uncomfortable. Reminded her of things she didn't want to be reminded of. Best not to think to much about it.
You are surprised. You open your eyes again, there is no army here, no rain of arrows blotting out the sun. The sun- it burns overhead, unnaturally brilliant as it shines down across the island. You find yourself standing on a street, people and strange metal devices moving this way and that way across it, and in front of you is a building with a brilliant facade, covered in shining lights that shift through many patterns. A cacophony of sounds of all sorts drifts from the building when people pass through the doors- which open without being touched when someone approaches.

Tamamo was rather taken aback by the whole situation. After all, she of all people knew how hard it would be to bring the dead back to life. Yet here she was, conspicuously non-pincushioned. It wasn't something immediate, either, from the tower of glass and steel before her. This was way past anything done in the time she was alive. Did she make it onto the Throne, then? One would think she'd remember that, but she was evidently far in the past or future. It shouldn't even be possible to resurrect anything but a Heroic Spirit after that amount of time.

Suddenly, an ill feeling spreads across your being, your fur standing on end, and you look back up to the shining sun. A voice, vexing in its familiarity, reaches your ears.

"The Hunter comes. Hunt hunt hunt. You have no love of Hunters, yes? End her."

You understand, instinctively, that completing this task will result in some form of reward.
Urgh. Really, after the tens of thousands of people she'd killed, one more hunter wasn't gonna weigh on her conscience, but that voice was giving off Seimei vibes. Too bad for him, but Tamamo no Mae could hold a grudge. Staying dead was better than being enslaved to someone like that. If it was just one task and she'd have a free life, maybe, but would a life in isolation be worth it? Being around humans didn't work so well last time, after all. Some of it was the circumstances, of course, but the fear and suspicion would be directed at her regardless of how she interacted with humanity, would it not?

A thought occurred: She had been standing in the middle of the street thinking for at least a good ten seconds by now, without hiding her ears and... tail? Where'd the other eight go? Eh, didn't matter. Maybe whoever the irritating voice was didn't want to call up something he couldn't put down. More importantly, no one was throwing rocks or running away. A remarkable lack of fear and suspicion. People weren't even crossing to the other side of the road to give her a wide berth! They had to have seen her by this point, right?

Well, just standing around wouldn't give her an answer to their non-reaction. Tamamo waved to a passerby, walking in his direction with a bounce in her step and a cheerful smile.

"Hello! Where is this place? I think I'm lost."
As the voice fades away, I get to my feet and look around. A quick check reveals the I have most of my usual equipment still on me. My grip tightens on the handle of my saw cleaver, and I have to bite down a growl. Another damned Hunt. I take a few deep breaths, and bring a flask to my lips, taking a sip of the Pungent cocktail inside. I have bottles of the stuff as well, but this is for personal use. Slipping the flask back into my coat, I start walking towards the children.

Even if this wasn't Yharnam, which it obviously isn't, some patterns should still hold true. Hopefully, were there are kids, there are adults. And Perhaps one of them will know about this 'Clay Alchemist'. Or perhaps even the Duke. After all, I had gotten by on less before. At least this time I had the name of the Beast I was hunting.

Almost as soon as you begin to make your way to the children, a group of women, most with dark skin and hair, suddenly move towards you. Some of them stand in your way, while others move protectively to the children, which are presumably theirs.

They seem quite nervous, and a few are obviously working up the will to speak.

A thought occurred: She had been standing in the middle of the street thinking for at least a good ten seconds by now, without hiding her ears and... tail? Where'd the other eight go? Eh, didn't matter. Maybe whoever the irritating voice was didn't want to call up something he couldn't put down. More importantly, no one was throwing rocks or running away. A remarkable lack of fear and suspicion. People weren't even crossing to the other side of the road to give her a wide berth! They had to have seen her by this point, right?

Well, just standing around wouldn't give her an answer to their non-reaction. Tamamo waved to a passerby, walking in his direction with a bounce in her step and a cheerful smile.

"Hello! Where is this place? I think I'm lost."

On the contrary, not only were they not avoiding you, several people were gathered loosely around you, staring in interest. A passing child is lightly scolded by her mother for saying 'doggy' and reaching out as if to pet your tail, and the ones around you- mostly male- were animatedly saying things about your appearance. Generally positive, though a few of the comments were… not so appreciated. Oh, and every once in awhile there would be a brief flash of light, accompanied by a 'click' sound, coming from the small rectangles many of the people carried. The ones doing this were sometimes scolded by others for 'taking photos without permission'. Whatever that meant.

As you approach the young man, he suddenly stops and stares, equal parts astonishment and surprise on his face. He looks you over once before averting his gaze, seeming quite flustered.

"Uh, we're by the Gamiacs Arcade entrance to the Shibuya Central Island West Mall..." At this, the man looks you over again, suddenly seeming confused.

"Are you a kitsune? You're not wearing a Registration Band… cosplay?"
Almost as soon as you begin to make your way to the children, a group of women, most with dark skin and hair, suddenly move towards you. Some of them stand in your way, while others move protectively to the children, which are presumably theirs.

They seem quite nervous, and a few are obviously working up the will to speak.

Mary tilts her head to the side slightly, as her mouth curls down into a frown underneath her scarf. Meekness was not an attribute she was used to in civilians, however blurred that line might have been in Yharnam. She slowly hooked her weapon onto the loop on the back of her coat. Maybe that would reassure them somewhat?

"My apologies. I didn't mean to frighten you." Her voice comes our rough and coarse. "Would any of you know of the Clay Alchemist, or the Duke of Ardeal?"
You did not know what just happened, but you are not alright with it on a fundamental level. You stand in a ruined, flooded wreck, light shines down into the multi-story, underground complex from a large hole that stretches both up to the sky, down several levels, to a pool of rubble filled with debris. Some sort of accident? You can hear people moving at the top level, which is two above where you are, though they aren't stupid enough to venture too close to the edge.

Suddenly, your attention is drawn back to the water pooling at the bottom level, which has somehow frozen into a murky mirror. Something moves beyond it, and you hear it speak, even as the ice melts back into water.

"Protect the head medical researcher of MAR. The Catch that will release you from this oath... the death of the False Angel."

You understand, instinctively, that completing this task will result in some form of reward.
Ralph utters several curses under his breath. A few quick checks prove that he is not in the Hedge, which provides its own problems. Moving though the Hedge might be dangerous, though perhaps no more dangerous than staying here. Time may be of the essence.

On the other hand, it is known by mortals that motorcycles do not fly. If he is quick, he might escape unseen, or dismissed out of hand.

Behind him, the squidcyle smoothly slides out from the hedge. Ralph does not mount it yet, though.

Glass, by ancient contract, make your presence known to me. A few leaves are kicked up as he swings to sit astride his steed.

"Jasper, direction to the head medical researcher of MAR, if you please. My task is not an easy one, I think. Firstly we must locate the aforesaid researcher, then find who the False Angel is. Not an easy task, though a library would go a ways toward fixing that."
@God and the Snake

You are bumped into by a person hurrying by, who barely spares a glance behind him as he continues on towards... a plane terminal? You stand in a hallway lined with windows looking out over a clear field of asphalt, water shining in the noon sun beyond the runway. People move with purpose and no small amount of rush around you, seemingly too preoccupied to notice your sudden appearance or slightly abnormal form.

Notably, they do not go anywhere near a terminal you can see from here, which is guarded by a number of uniformed police officers standing at attention. Their uniforms are marked 'IG'.

"A familiar task. A visit from an important personage, requires bodyguards. See to it the Princess of Aldegyr does not meet an ignoble end, at least until the all-hearing spy is silenced. You will, of course, be compensated for your work."

The sudden instruction is imparted by a strange man in a suit, who disappears into the crowd before you can take in any other details, let alone stop him.

Klaus blinked away the sudden burst of sunlight as his apparent contact, receded into the crowd. The fog covered streets of Hellsalem's Lot always made returning to the world at large something of a jarring experience, and this time proved to be little different. Despite the sudden change in scenery, the behemoth of a man was hardly shocked: This was hardly the first time he'd been thrust into any sort of unbelievable situation, and it likely wouldn't be the last.

So, he began to take stock.The directory signs displayed many languages, but Japanese was the chief among them, which was somewhat unfortunate: He hadn't had any opportunity to use it recently, so he'd be a little rusty. Still, he supposed that it couldn't be helped.

As he followed several markers to the nearest information kiosk, Klaus began weighing his options: While he was loathe to be so brazenly abducted, he could only assume that there must truly be some threat to this 'Aldegyr' princess for someone to go to such lengths to provide her security, and so far she was his only true lead. Once he attained a measure of information about where he was specifically, he'd see about getting into contact with the rest of Libra and arranging a more robust investigation.
You find yourself standing at a great height, looking out through a clear screen over a vast city of towering silver buildings that shine with light reflected from the noonday sun. Turning, you find yourself in some sort of observation deck, many are the people in pairs and groups who cluster and bustle around you. An automated voice plays some sort of announcement about a gift shop, and the sightseers around you seem to be beginning to notice you and your peculiar appearance.

Suddenly, you wince in pain as a foreign presence intrudes in your mind, and a falsely sweet female voice speaks to you.

"A gallant knight, fit to serve as escort to a lady. An unconventional task awaits you, however. Protect the Witch of the Night until the Faery changeling is rent to scraps of gossamer dreams."

You understand, instinctively, that completing this task will result in some form of reward.
The warmth of the midday sun pressed against Arthur's back as he silently stood contemplating the strange circumstances that had befallen him, temporarily ignoring the onlookers that were starting to gawk at to them must have seemed like an eccentric foreigner who had appeared out of nowhere wearing medieval plate armor, though to be fair that was not far off from the truth. After all he had felt the familiar pull of a summoning only moments ago before accepting the offer, and he was once again now in the modern world.

However, it was not the Holy Grail that had brought him here. There was no customary influx of information providing him with knowledge of his situation and any connection to his summoner was conspicuously absent, in fact had he not heard that woman's voice he might have believed he had been brought here by some fluke of fate or perhaps even God's will. But to had been summoned to escort one known as the "Witch of the Night" and not even be placed nearby or given knowledge of her location was beyond strange, and their title alone could be a matter of concern.

But either way there was nothing to be done until Arthur managed to find this person, he would make judgements about their character and whether they were worthy of his protection latter.

Opening his eyes Arthur smiled at the crowd surrounding him and politely asked, "Would someone be so kind as to direct me towards a place meant to inform new arrivals about this city? I seem to have gotten somewhat lost."
Vestal nodded again, then began to recite. Her voice flat.

"Familiar faces in strange places/

Be thankful for small fortunes, and show gratitude to your master/

The price will be thus; the Doll who hosts the spawn of another plane, must not perish until freed from the chains of the Witch of the Void./

Jail, Jailer, Key."

She paused.

"What do you think it means?"

The poem made her uncomfortable. Reminded her of things she didn't want to be reminded of. Best not to think to much about it.
Abdul Alhazared
He shrugged. "Enough about this. Let us step into the sun." Left unsaid was, 'to escape the scuttling shapes.' Adjusting his grip on his skull, Abdul marched outside of the warehouse.
Mary tilts her head to the side slightly, as her mouth curls down into a frown underneath her scarf. Meekness was not an attribute she was used to in civilians, however blurred that line might have been in Yharnam. She slowly hooked her weapon onto the loop on the back of her coat. Maybe that would reassure them somewhat?

"My apologies. I didn't mean to frighten you." Her voice comes our rough and coarse. "Would any of you know of the Clay Alchemist, or the Duke of Ardeal?"
They seem quite relieved when you make no immediately hostile moves, though they remain on guard. At your words, most look quite confused, and they whisper to each other for a few moments before one of them, evidently the one they've elected as their representative, steps forward to speak.

"There was a story about some bigshot Old World Vampire arriving on the island a few months ago. Think he was the Ambassador from the Dominion? He was the Duke of Ardeal. Try asking around at the Man-Made Island Management Corp HQ."

This woman, while of an equivalent age to most of the other young-to-middle-aged mothers present, had something different about her compared to the others. Something about her seemed, off, to your senses.

In fact, a few of the others gave similar feelings. All of the ones you notice like this are wearing silver bracelets of uniform make.
Ralph utters several curses under his breath. A few quick checks prove that he is not in the Hedge, which provides its own problems. Moving though the Hedge might be dangerous, though perhaps no more dangerous than staying here. Time may be of the essence.

On the other hand, it is known by mortals that motorcycles do not fly. If he is quick, he might escape unseen, or dismissed out of hand.

Behind him, the squidcyle smoothly slides out from the hedge. Ralph does not mount it yet, though.

Glass, by ancient contract, make your presence known to me. A few leaves are kicked up as he swings to sit astride his steed.

"Jasper, direction to the head medical researcher of MAR, if you please. My task is not an easy one, I think. Firstly we must locate the aforesaid researcher, then find who the False Angel is. Not an easy task, though a library would go a ways toward fixing that."
It takes only a moment to find out there is a considerable amount of glass, more-or-less all around you. Some of the rooms in the underground complex have glass windows, the warehouses above do too, there is also glass in the windows of vehicles above you, well away from the edge of the hole and its arguable stability.

Jasper, meanwhile, manages to find the trail easily, and begins to point the way.
Klaus blinked away the sudden burst of sunlight as his apparent contact, receded into the crowd. The fog covered streets of Hellsalem's Lot always made returning to the world at large something of a jarring experience, and this time proved to be little different. Despite the sudden change in scenery, the behemoth of a man was hardly shocked: This was hardly the first time he'd been thrust into any sort of unbelievable situation, and it likely wouldn't be the last.

So, he began to take stock.The directory signs displayed many languages, but Japanese was the chief among them, which was somewhat unfortunate: He hadn't had any opportunity to use it recently, so he'd be a little rusty. Still, he supposed that it couldn't be helped.

As he followed several markers to the nearest information kiosk, Klaus began weighing his options: While he was loathe to be so brazenly abducted, he could only assume that there must truly be some threat to this 'Aldegyr' princess for someone to go to such lengths to provide her security, and so far she was his only true lead. Once he attained a measure of information about where he was specifically, he'd see about getting into contact with the rest of Libra and arranging a more robust investigation.

You find a kiosk easily, there being several very friendly and helpful staffers around willing to answer questions and provide direction. What becomes immediately obvious is your general location- 'Itogami Island' is emblazoned across a number of surfaces, terminals, and the announcements that play over the intercom. You also pick up that its a half-hour flight to Tokyo over the Atlantic ocean.

Still, the smiling young woman behind the desk, showing admirable stoicism towards your looming form, is available to answer any questions you might have.

The warmth of the midday sun pressed against Arthur's back as he silently stood contemplating the strange circumstances that had befallen him, temporarily ignoring the onlookers that were starting to gawk at to them must have seemed like an eccentric foreigner who had appeared out of nowhere wearing medieval plate armor, though to be fair that was not far off from the truth. After all he had felt the familiar pull of a summoning only moments ago before accepting the offer, and he was once again now in the modern world.

However, it was not the Holy Grail that had brought him here. There was no customary influx of information providing him with knowledge of his situation and any connection to his summoner was conspicuously absent, in fact had he not heard that woman's voice he might have believed he had been brought here by some fluke of fate or perhaps even God's will. But to had been summoned to escort one known as the "Witch of the Night" and not even be placed nearby or given knowledge of her location was beyond strange, and their title alone could be a matter of concern.

But either way there was nothing to be done until Arthur managed to find this person, he would make judgements about their character and whether they were worthy of his protection latter.

Opening his eyes Arthur smiled at the crowd surrounding him and politely asked, "Would someone be so kind as to direct me towards a place meant to inform new arrivals about this city? I seem to have gotten somewhat lost."

A few people immediately go elsewhere, apparently losing interest or deciding that an armor-clad figure asking for directions was outside of their weirdness tolerance. Most others seem reluctant to approach, and for a moment you think you'll not be getting an answer, when a young girl, in her mid-teens at the latest, politely pushes through the crowd to stand before you.

Her appearance is rather striking. Most of the people in the room are Asian, but she is decidedly not. Her hair is snow white, her skin so pale it seems unlikely she's ever been under the sun, despite the light shining through the window and the sundress she wears. Even more striking, perhaps, is the tiny figure perched on her shoulder, a miniature woman, with blonde hair and tan skin.

"Uh, uhm... I can lead you down to the visitor's center if you like?" She seems quite shy.
They seem quite relieved when you make no immediately hostile moves, though they remain on guard. At your words, most look quite confused, and they whisper to each other for a few moments before one of them, evidently the one they've elected as their representative, steps forward to speak.

"There was a story about some bigshot Old World Vampire arriving on the island a few months ago. Think he was the Ambassador from the Dominion? He was the Duke of Ardeal. Try asking around at the Man-Made Island Management Corp HQ."

This woman, while of an equivalent age to most of the other young-to-middle-aged mothers present, had something different about her compared to the others. Something about her seemed, off, to your senses.

In fact, a few of the others gave similar feelings. All of the ones you notice like this are wearing silver bracelets of uniform make.

Mary's fingers twitch by her side, and she takes a closer look at women in front of her. She was beginning to regret putting away her weapon. Something off never lead to anything good in her experience. Her eye's fall across the silver bracelets. They weren't beasts, not any that she could tell at least. Killing them would serve no cause. She takes a deep breath as forces her self to calm down, and speaks again.

"I'm new here. Could you point me to this 'Man Made Island?' And perhaps explain the significance of your bracelets?" Information was key, and apparently a resource more freely earned here than in Yharnam. It would be wise not gather what she needed before moving on.
Abdul Alhazared
He shrugged. "Enough about this. Let us step into the sun." Left unsaid was, 'to escape the scuttling shapes.' Adjusting his grip on his skull, Abdul marched outside of the warehouse.
Pausing a second to look after him, Vastel scrambles to her feet and shuffles after Abdul, aiming for the sun-drenched outdoors.

She had done this once before, following the occultist towards the light. There were others too...who were they? Vastel couldn't remember. Vastel didn't want to remember. The memories clawed at her, begged to be dredged up, begged to share their secrets. She ignored them, focused on her feet. Left, right, left, right. A simple exercise, and simple motion. She had used it before, she was using it now. It did not matter if it had worked before. It did not matter if it was working now, as long as she could focus on the now. On the warm sun, on the strange buildings, on the unfamiliar surroundings.

They were alien to the Plague Doctor. She knew of nothing like them. This was good. Some spark ignited in her, and urge to ask questions to know more, but it sputtered and was buried. That Vastel was dead. Abdul was dead, Reynault was dead, Arabella was dead.

Follow Abdul. Follow the thing that looked like Abdul. That was what she was doing. That was what she would focus on.

The sun was warm.
On the contrary, not only were they not avoiding you, several people were gathered loosely around you, staring in interest. A passing child is lightly scolded by her mother for saying 'doggy' and reaching out as if to pet your tail, and the ones around you- mostly male- were animatedly saying things about your appearance. Generally positive, though a few of the comments were… not so appreciated. Oh, and every once in awhile there would be a brief flash of light, accompanied by a 'click' sound, coming from the small rectangles many of the people carried. The ones doing this were sometimes scolded by others for 'taking photos without permission'. Whatever that meant.
Forget fear and mistrust, this has gone right to the other side of the bar, just as far. What? She went from a several-day rain of arrows to this? What? Thoughts started to form and unraveled before any could be called complete, the abrupt reversal of her circumstances setting her to utter confusion for a second as Tamamo processed that yes, this was the situation she found herself in.
As you approach the young man, he suddenly stops and stares, equal parts astonishment and surprise on his face. He looks you over once before averting his gaze, seeming quite flustered.

"Uh, we're by the Gamiacs Arcade entrance to the Shibuya Central Island West Mall..." At this, the man looks you over again, suddenly seeming confused.

"Are you a kitsune? You're not wearing a Registration Band… cosplay?"
Thinking about the abrupt change would be something for later. For now, she'd just go with it.
"I guess I'm more lost than I thought... First of all, what's a Registration Band, and why should I have one?" It was probably a strange question, but it was one that needed to be asked.
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Mary's fingers twitch by her side, and she takes a closer look at women in front of her. She was beginning to regret putting away her weapon. Something off never lead to anything good in her experience. Her eye's fall across the silver bracelets. They weren't beasts, not any that she could tell at least. Killing them would serve no cause. She takes a deep breath as forces her self to calm down, and speaks again.

"I'm new here. Could you point me to this 'Man Made Island?' And perhaps explain the significance of your bracelets?" Information was key, and apparently a resource more freely earned here than in Yharnam. It would be wise not gather what she needed before moving on.
At this, the group seemed even more concerned, and the whispering among them intensified. Eventually, the spokeswoman said, with a troubled expression,

"You... don't have the slightest idea where you are, do you? You're on the Man-Made Island, Itogami Island, 300 kilometers south of mainland Japan. Do you... need help?" Her hand is raised to rub the back of her head, momentarily showing off the bracelet. At your question, she looks even more incredulous.

"...You don't know? Its a Demon Registration Band, every non-human resident of a Demon District like Itogami has to wear one." She pauses, gesturing to herself, "Most of us are Therianthropes. You know, ugh, beast people?" She seems somewhat disgusted by the moniker. Further conversation is put on hold as she turns to say something to the group behind her, and you manage to make out 'phone Island Guard' while you suddenly realize what that feeling was.

It was almost like looking at a Hunter. On some instinctual level, you knew you were looking at a predator, maybe not a beast- they certainly seemed in possession of their senses, if nothing else, but a possible threat nonetheless.

"Look, just stay here. We've phoned Island Guard, they'll be here to help you figure out where you are, what happened to you, and stuff."
Arthur smiled thankfully and replied, "That would be most generous of you, Miss. Please lead the way."
The girl nods, almost turning away before the tiny woman pinches her cheek.

"Hey, what are you doing? If you're going to ignore my advice and get involved with a stranger, at least have the decency to introduce yourself." The pale girl suddenly starts, and hastily faces you again.

"Oh, how rude of me. My name is Kanase Kanon, its nice to meet you...?" She evidently expects your name in return, but quickly turns around to lead the way towards the elevator, and from there down several floors into the 'Keystone Gate' as the signs say.

"Right, I'm Nina. Can't say I'm too pleased to have the one I'm supposed to watch over butting her nose into every random passerby's business, but you seem like a decent sort." The tiny blonde woman says during the elevator ride.

Eventually, the elevator doors open and Kanon leads you to the visitor's center, where a few politely smiling, mildly attractive people waited to answer all manner of questions.
Thinking about the abrupt change would be something for later. For now, she'd just go with it.
"I guess I'm more lost than I thought... First of all, what's a Registration Band, and why should I have one?" It was probably a strange question, but it was one that needed to be asked.
The man looked somewhat like you'd reached out and pinched his sides, he jumped so noticeably.

"You don't know what a Registration Band is? Uh... Well, first, if you're actually a kitsune, the Sacred Treaty requires you wear a government-issued identification that confirms your status as a Demon, and your specific race. Its... one part ID to two parts tracking device, since most Demons are a lot more dangerous than humans are."

He looks away slightly, avoiding your eyes, "They're... not very popular, and a lot of activist groups say its systematized discrimination, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of more human-looking Demons around that refuse to wear them, but... You didn't know what they are?"

Abdul Alhazared
He shrugged. "Enough about this. Let us step into the sun." Left unsaid was, 'to escape the scuttling shapes.' Adjusting his grip on his skull, Abdul marched outside of the warehouse.
Follow Abdul. Follow the thing that looked like Abdul. That was what she was doing. That was what she would focus on.

The sun was warm.
You step outside the building, finding yourself in a rather large area filled with several nearly identical, squat buildings with metal roofs and no ornamentation other than lettering and numbering to indicated which precise carbon-copy storage facility it was. The only thing of any interest in the immediate area was the obvious damage, and there were loud sounds not far off that one might liken to a thousand hammers beating on stone at once.
The man looked somewhat like you'd reached out and pinched his sides, he jumped so noticeably.

"You don't know what a Registration Band is? Uh... Well, first, if you're actually a kitsune, the Sacred Treaty requires you wear a government-issued identification that confirms your status as a Demon, and your specific race. Its... one part ID to two parts tracking device, since most Demons are a lot more dangerous than humans are."

He looks away slightly, avoiding your eyes, "They're... not very popular, and a lot of activist groups say its systematized discrimination, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of more human-looking Demons around that refuse to wear them, but... You didn't know what they are?"
Tamamo's eye twitched once at the mention of the word demon. "You know, maybe I'm mistaken, but did the definition of that word change when I wasn't looking? Feels like you just called me a monster." Well, he wouldn't be wrong. Before he could respond though, she practically interrupted herself, switching gears with a swish of her tail. "No, before that, one question. This is going to sound strange, but what year is it? None of this-" Tamamo waved her arm at the buildings, the moving, metal contraptions. "looks anything like what I recognize. How do those move? There can't be that many magi powering them, right?"
At this, the group seemed even more concerned, and the whispering among them intensified. Eventually, the spokeswoman said, with a troubled expression,

"You... don't have the slightest idea where you are, do you? You're on the Man-Made Island, Itogami Island, 300 kilometers south of mainland Japan. Do you... need help?" Her hand is raised to rub the back of her head, momentarily showing off the bracelet. At your question, she looks even more incredulous.

"...You don't know? Its a Demon Registration Band, every non-human resident of a Demon District like Itogami has to wear one." She pauses, gesturing to herself, "Most of us are Therianthropes. You know, ugh, beast people?" She seems somewhat disgusted by the moniker. Further conversation is put on hold as she turns to say something to the group behind her, and you manage to make out 'phone Island Guard' while you suddenly realize what that feeling was.

It was almost like looking at a Hunter. On some instinctual level, you knew you were looking at a predator, maybe not a beast- they certainly seemed in possession of their senses, if nothing else, but a possible threat nonetheless.

"Look, just stay here. We've phoned Island Guard, they'll be here to help you figure out where you are, what happened to you, and stuff."

Mary's eyes narrowed, and her arm twitched toward the weapon she head stowed away on her back. Don't kill them, don't kill them, don't kill them. She remained silent as she took in the be- no, Demon's words. As far as she could tell, the girl in front of her hadn't succumbed to beastly madness yet, but it was only a matter of time, wasn't it? She admitted to being a beast. Or, beast person, which just sounded like a round about way of saying she wasn't mad yet. And what was that all that about Demon districts? It sounded like the they city allowed, or even encouraged this madness. Giving these things bands to wear, like it would stop them?

Then another though struck. They had called something called the 'Island Guard'. If her suspicions were correct, then they would be some form of enforcers for the city. Perhaps even akin to Hunters for the church, though much more likely to be like the Executioners were, before they all went mad. Either way, she could not allow to them to take her.

"That will not be necessary. I already have some idea of what happened, and I doubt your Island guard will be of any help" Mary turns around, and begins to walk away, drawing her saw cleaver as she leaves. Despite the girls beast hood, she didn't want to kill someone sane if she didn't have to, and hopefully the giant serrated blade would be enough to ward her off. She headed towards the biggest group of buildings she could find, and hoped her Insight would be enough to show her the building she wanted. The Man-Made Island Management Corp HQ.
It takes only a moment to find out there is a considerable amount of glass, more-or-less all around you. Some of the rooms in the underground complex have glass windows, the warehouses above do too, there is also glass in the windows of vehicles above you, well away from the edge of the hole and its arguable stability.

Jasper, meanwhile, manages to find the trail easily, and begins to point the way.
A modern city, most likely post-industrial judging by the lack of smog. That was both useful and highly inconvenient. There were likely to be many amenities, such as well-stocked libraries and jewelers who would not ask a great many questions. There would also be problems like cell-phone cameras, Hunters full of zeal and short on brains, or just people long on ideas and short on sense.

Chancing the hedge, making a break for it, and hiding until nightfall. None of the options were good, and time must also be a consideration. Hiding would not work, and he was loath to open a Hedge Gate due to other considerations.

A squidcycle is not, by nature, quiet, though Ralph did his beast to ease the throttle open and break for the open sky and thence to a nearby road, where he should be able to eventually lose any pursuers via the simple means of entering an alley and letting the squidcycle return to the Hedge. A simple plan, true, but one that would hinge on those few crucial seconds until he touched down again.
You find a kiosk easily, there being several very friendly and helpful staffers around willing to answer questions and provide direction. What becomes immediately obvious is your general location- 'Itogami Island' is emblazoned across a number of surfaces, terminals, and the announcements that play over the intercom. You also pick up that its a half-hour flight to Tokyo over the Atlantic ocean.

Still, the smiling young woman behind the desk, showing admirable stoicism towards your looming form, is available to answer any questions you might have.

Klaus had never heard of Itogami Island (particularly one with a terminal this size), but that wasn't hugely surprising: There were hundreds of small islands across Japan's oceans, and thousands more across Oceania. He spent a minute chatting with the woman and asking for directions to the nearest set of phones before recalling something. "I'm sorry for the trouble m'am, but I couldn't help but notice that there seems to be quite a few police officers about. Is there a problem?"

It couldn't be a coincidence that his captor had dropped him off in full view of a police blockade: Something has to be afoot. He'd secure some information, then see about bringing in reinforcements.
The girl nods, almost turning away before the tiny woman pinches her cheek.

"Hey, what are you doing? If you're going to ignore my advice and get involved with a stranger, at least have the decency to introduce yourself." The pale girl suddenly starts, and hastily faces you again.

"Oh, how rude of me. My name is Kanase Kanon, its nice to meet you...?" She evidently expects your name in return, but quickly turns around to lead the way towards the elevator, and from there down several floors into the 'Keystone Gate' as the signs say.
Arthur quickly fell behind his young guide as she made her way through the crowd to the elevator and plainly returned her introduction with his own, "I am Arthur." As the elevador's doors close Arthur has his place beside her and he silently waits as the car accelerates down towards their destination.
"Right, I'm Nina. Can't say I'm too pleased to have the one I'm supposed to watch over butting her nose into every random passerby's business, but you seem like a decent sort." The tiny blonde woman says during the elevator ride.
A soft hum of consideration leaves Arthur as he studies the miniature woman perched atop the young lady's shoulder for a moment, obviously not human given her size so perhaps a member of the Fae or some manner of familiar? No matter, it would be rude to stare any longer and Arthur gave a soft chuckle as he turned his head away before responding, "You flatter me, my lady. I may be a better man then some perhaps, but am not without my own flaws. However, I do not believe your ward's inclination towards offering a hand of charity to those in need is something deserving condemnation, there are precious few in this modern age willing to aid a stranger without recompense. As her guardian show you not be instead be praising her for a display of good morals?"
Eventually, the elevator doors open and Kanon leads you to the visitor's center, where a few politely smiling, mildly attractive people waited to answer all manner of questions.
Arthur quickly strode towards the vistor's center to ask for the attendant's assistance, starting with an inquiry for general information of his location before deciding on what more specific questions to ask after they had finished their routine explanations.