Yeah I can see that being an emotional roller coaster for the human...boy?....Girl?....Genderless Person?

While never actually stated as their gender in canon, I believe the fandom generally depicts Chara as Male, while Frisk is generally depicted as Female. Either way, they are young enough that Secondary characteristics have not started to appear.

At least, from my own observations of the fandom.
There's just as many where Frisk is male and Chara is female. Or they're both male. Or both female. Or trans. Or neutral. Or like I'm doing, saying they look kinda androgynous and refusing to elaborate.

A blank state allows anyone to pick what they want to use.
There's just as many where Frisk is male and Chara is female. Or they're both male. Or both female. Or trans. Or neutral. Or like I'm doing, saying they look kinda androgynous and refusing to elaborate.

A blank state allows anyone to pick what they want to use.
Sumireko: Hello person of indeterminable gender!!
I'm kind of disappointed that Divider couldn't think of anything for Kaya.

Mort called her "Crossbreed Priscilla", but in terms of personality and stuff you could slot in any privileged brat :V

Failing that, anyone to do with fire- hell, physically she sort of resembles Sakura Kyouko.
I was half hoping Hol would be called McCree and vice versa.
But I like my Western movie references :V
I'm kind of disappointed that Divider couldn't think of anything for Kaya.

Mort called her "Crossbreed Priscilla", but in terms of personality and stuff you could slot in any privileged brat :V

Failing that, anyone to do with fire- hell, physically she sort of resembles Sakura Kyouko.
I'll get something for her and Solution later, I was just getting tired of staring at my screen :V
I find Klaus being called Edward Cullen offensive.

We all know he'd be Team Jacob. :V
That was Bondo's suggestion :V
Nanimani/Arturia Pendragon
This is totally not an attempt to get around not knowing anything about the modern day via Grail infodump.
Name: Jeanne D'Arc
Universe of Origin: Nasuverse
Species: Ghost?

I'm just gonna be brief, here. Basically, someone that looked up to Joan of Arc like an angel and fell into insanity upon her death somehow got his hands on a Grail that can grant a wish. Thing is, his desire for Jeanne to take vengeance got mixed up in it, and the Jeanne the Grail made was distorted to take furious vengeance in a way the original wouldn't.


She died in a pretty shitty way. Captured by her enemies, burned alive, no help from her god or king. That, plus the distortion of her summoning's definitely changed her. Trust ain't something that comes easy to her nowadays, and she's rather derisive of other people. And, of course, she's incredibly vengeful. Still, life just isn't so easy as to drop her somewhen where she actually has a chance to get revenge for the people that wronged her in life, which is rather frustrating.

In short, she's got little patience with or respect for people, is pretty much constantly in a bad mood, hates those she once revered, and makes an effort to keep herself at a distance. Nevertheless, she's still human. When she sees someone being taken advantage of by those above them, she'll insult them... but she'll still try to help, if only by threatening the one the victim can't. If she knows of monsters preying upon humanity, she'll get rid of them. If someone's not in her way, if they've done nothing to her, she can't just stand by while they're in danger. Even if she really wishes she could.


  • Stronger and faster than a human. Around Red Court tier?
  • Tied to the flames of her death. Or, in other words, can cast fire. Much fire. Lances of fire. Explosions. Basically as much fire as you let her get away with.
  • Technically dead. While her power/age keeps the sunrise from affecting her, typical exorcism things are gonna hurt, holy ground's not gonna be good to walk in, etc.
  • Her body is made of magic. This means she just needs to recover her reserves to heal wounds, which makes the process rather faster than normal flesh. On the other hand, running water is bad, and going through a Threshold uninvited would nuke her. She knows neither of these things.
  • Instinctual knowledge of how to summon dragons she sees. Useful. Now consider what the dragon's reaction to some speck of a ghost summoning it will be. Perhaps less useful.

Banner (With pointed tip), sword, armor, all rather more durable than normal. All can be materialized/dematerialized at will, but doing that with the armor's a bad idea given no other clothes.
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Megaolix/Soldier 76
...Why the hell not.

Name: Copen Kamizono
Universe of Origin: Azure Striker Gunvolt
Species: Human
Copen is a cold, serious person. He is focused on only his goals, and nothing else, willing to kill anyone if they get in his way. He is also incredibly stubborn, firmly rooted in his ideals despite attempts to reach out to him. Copen harbours a deep hatred for all adepts, believing they endanger the planet, and has taken the job of destroying every single one, spurred on by his respect and admiration of his father. His hatred has reached the point where he absolutely refuses to join forces with an adept, even if they share the same goals. He also mentions God frequently and commonly refers to the Adepts as "demons", implying he is a religious person.

Despite his nigh-fanatical hate of adepts, Copen still has a soft side to him. He cares deeply for his sister Mytyl, who gives him a reason to fight besides his hate for adepts. He also maintains a cordial relationship with Lola, who sees herself as a sort of guardian angel for Copen.

  • Scientist: Despite being 14, Copen studied much to not onyl know his foes, but also to craft all his battle gear. He made hismelf his armor, weapon and Lola, an AI.
  • Fighter: Copen carry his own crusade hismelf. On top of making his own gear, he is a skilled fighter able to face figures no ordinary man could fight. With the current design of his armor, focused on mobility, he is an incredible mid-air fighter.
  • Ability-copy: Even despite his hatred, Copen is not above using his enemies' powers against them. Taking their DNA, he can reproduce an ability they can do with Lola.
  • White Tiger Jacket: Combat armor focusing on mobility. With thrusters at his legs, Copen can dash mid-air very quickly, even able to rebound off hard surfaces, floors or walls, with no issues.
  • Voder II: Copen's pistol, which fire beam shots. While they aim straight, it is capable of rapid fire.
  • Lock-on: Copen can dash into his foes to have his equipment lock in on them. During such, hsi shots will actually curve to the opponent locked on.
  • Lola: An Autonomous Combat Pod. Designed to regulate the control of Copen's personal array of combat drones, also known as Bits. Because of this, she thinks of herself as kind of Copen's official guardian, for better or for worse. She picked up the habit of referring to Copen as "Boss." The bits are used to execute the copied ability Copen installed, on top of two in-built system.
    • Shred Storm: A skill carried out by the "Bits", sending out a storm of slashes. (May claws shatter chains / Of those who traipse in my wake / Begone you impure! Shred Storm!)
    • Healing: Copen also as an in-buitl emergency healing feature monitored by Lola.

Maybe my sheet could use some tweaking but hell, after seeing Edgeworth and Kay in there? Well, no reason to not try submitting a sheet.

Edit: And now I realize I missed the 'Streets level' part. I guess most of the sheet will be locked down if picked, then.
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Oh boy, a Dresden Files Game, this sounds like it will be-
you came from Outside

Anyway this probably isn't the place to mention it but I feel like mushing together different settings in non-fusion crossovers feels really jarring. Like, when you have a gritty urban fantasy setting were bad people are bad and the detective struggles to get by BUT SUDDENLY there's a villain who looks like he came out of a children's saturday cartoon where nobody really hurts each other and at most they only do wacking hijinks before their plan is ruined, it's kind of jarring to the aesthetic. (Of course that's the most extreme example, but like lesser shit kinda hurts, too)
Oh boy, a Dresden Files Game, this sounds like it will be-


Anyway this probably isn't the place to mention it but I feel like mushing together different settings in non-fusion crossovers feels really jarring. Like, when you have a gritty urban fantasy setting were bad people are bad and the detective struggles to get by BUT SUDDENLY there's a villain who looks like he came out of a children's saturday cartoon where nobody really hurts each other and at most they only do wacking hijinks before their plan is ruined, it's kind of jarring to the aesthetic. (Of course that's the most extreme example, but like lesser shit kinda hurts, too) haven't played an Oath Sign or Sign Oath game before have you? It is rather insane and chaotic by design, you have to just learn to roll with the insanity.

Hell in the games I am running one of my players got a micro-bomb injected into their heart and is being forced to work for the group she is supposed to be trying to kill, at the same time another player is being rescued by a Hutt in a suit of power armor who just entered the prison block via exploding toilet.
Oh boy, a Dresden Files Game, this sounds like it will be-


Anyway this probably isn't the place to mention it but I feel like mushing together different settings in non-fusion crossovers feels really jarring. Like, when you have a gritty urban fantasy setting were bad people are bad and the detective struggles to get by BUT SUDDENLY there's a villain who looks like he came out of a children's saturday cartoon where nobody really hurts each other and at most they only do wacking hijinks before their plan is ruined, it's kind of jarring to the aesthetic. (Of course that's the most extreme example, but like lesser shit kinda hurts, too)
You're right, this isn't the place to mention it :V

I get what you're saying and if this was a serious project instead of something meant to allow people to have fun and explore an interesting setting, I would certainly put more effort into explaining why these characters suddenly found themselves in the Dresdenverse. But that's neither here nor there. haven't played an Oath Sign or Sign Oath game before have you?
lol i was in the original oath sign

You're right it was hectic, but the character interactions were all over the place tbh. Not to mention like the majority of us were just godmodding all over the place and it was Grue's first RP.