Name: Amaterasu
Universe of Origin: Okami
Species: Wolf God/dess
Appearance: A bright white wolf, with pristine fur. Those who can see divinity or spirits can see the Crimson markings adorning her, as well as the black ink which occasionally drips from the tip of her tail, and the treasure that floats over her back or about her neck.
Celestial Brush: A set of thirteen divinely inspired calligraphy techniques that when utilized have a variety of effects, from causing plants to grow or bloom, cutting the target into pieces, causing the sun or moon to rise/appear, create large spherical explosives like fireworks, control over fire/ice/wind/lightning, and even slow time temporarily. The simplest technique, Rejuvenation, can restore lost or damaged objects to their original condition by replacing what is missing.

Divinity: Amaterasu's power protects her from harm, with a three-layered ablative barrier. At full power, this barrier can defend against three attacks (each attack destroying a single barrier) before Amaterasu herself is in danger. When depleted, the barriers regenerate slowly back to strength, from innermost to outermost over a few days.

Water and Fire Tablets: Amaterasu has subsumed the powers of a pair of mystical tablets that grant her the ability to walk on the surface of liquids, and immunity to heat and flame. With these powers, even traversing the surface of flowing Lava is no harder or more dangerous than walking along a dirt path.

Praise: Amaterasu is a being of divinity, and thus empowered by people's faith. Through small acts of kindness to those in need, the grateful emotions of those she helps manifests in glowing motes of spiritual power that Amaterasu absorbs to regain strength. These acts can range from finding an old man's lost heirloom to simply feeding hungry animals.


Regalia Treasures: Amaterasu has access to instruments based upon divine regalia, specifically Reflectors, Rosaries, and Glaives. There are several of each but for simplicities sake the important three are...

Thunder Edge: A large sword, infused with lightning. The lightning arcs across the surface of this weapon constantly. The glaive can be launched and ridden like a surfboard.

Tundra Beads: A rosary consisting of a snowflake shaped collar, and twelve floating ice blue beads. Rosary beads can be fired like bullets, or extended and cracked in the form of an energy whip. The snowflake collar constantly exudes frost and cold.

Solar Flare: A metallic mirror bathed in primordial flame, this burning disc can be swung as a bladed disc or interposed as a shield.

Inventory: Amaterasu has access to a pile of other minor items such as; a sleeping mat, a blessed bell that calms spirits, a cat statue that has mysterious item gathering properties, various foodstuffs, sealing ofuda, inkstones, Divine Dog Treats, and an embarrassing pile of money that probably isn't accepted outside of Nippon.
For some reason I think we'll have...issues.
Dalek Ix/Magical Girl Gallant Gardevoir, hey, I still had one left!
Name: Zoya Sahkarov
Origin: Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Moscow, Russia)
Species: Puella Magi
Class: Magical Explosion Lich.
Appearance: An incredibly tall young girl with blonde hair.
Gender: Female
  • Backpack.
    • 4 Grief Seeds
    • 3 Sets of clothes including underwear
    • 8 Tins of canned tuna
    • Can opener
    • Fork
    • Swiss army knife
    • 1 2.5l Thermos of overly-concentrated tea
    • 1 stolen iPhone
  • The clothes on her back. A green parka, bright red T-shirt, a brown skirt, dark green leggings and tan shoes.
  • Bilingual-ish: Zoya can speak her native Russian and is passable in English.
  • Dirty fighter: What do you mean fighting has rules? What a silly idea!
  • Cheerful: Zoya accepts even the most dreadful things with a smile on her face, a song in her heart, and high explosives in her hands.
  • Roadside survival 101: Zoya can survive on the streets quite comfortably. She can pick locks and pockets and knows basic first aid, amongst other things.
  • Magical Outfit: A magical outfit consisting of a black Uhanka with an embroidered red star, a yelow-gold greatcoat with crimson trim on the seams and edges, a red scarf, a black, knee-length skirt, black leggings, and black boots with iron toes.
  • Fire Immunity (Passive): You are immune to fire.
  • Cold immunity (Passive): You are immune to cold.
  • Spark Shower: Create a shower of sparks.
  • Fiery Burst: Create a short burst of fire from your hands.
  • Incendiary Augmentation: Upgrade a thing to use fire.
  • Immolation: Set self on fire.
  • Grenade: A small can of boom.
    • HE Grenade: Boom.
    • Incendiary Grenade. Fiery boom.
    • Fuel-Air Grenade: Might be a can of rocket fuel with a fuze.
  • Molotov: Great for parties, formal and casual reunions, riots and toppling of regimes. Must be summoned in hand.
  • RPG-7: Standard anti-armour rocket launcher. Only one can exist at a time.
    • HE Rocket: Classical warhead with relatively low damage but large area of effect.
    • AP Rocket: General purpose warhead with a small blast radius and high damage.
    • Squash Rocket: Warhead that ignores most types of armour and cover to damage what's directly behind it.
    • Guided Missile: Jury-rigged guided rocket with relatively large amount of damage. You have no idea how this works.
  • M202 FLASH: Your misgivings about this not being made in glorious Russia have been dismissed due to the fact that it has four barrels.
    • Incendiary Rocket: Napalm. Love the smell of it in the morning.
    • HE Rocket: Classical warhead with relatively low damage but large area of effect.
    • AP Rocket: General purpose warhead with a small blast radius and high damage.
  • 9K34 Strela-3: Small anti-air missile with excellent tracking.
    • Fragmentation warhead: Warhead with a wide area of effect and bonus damage vs lightly armoured targets.
    • AP warhead: Small area of effect, but higher damage and slight bonus vs armour.
  • Rocket pod: No. No way. No way no how. This is ridiculous.
    • HE-FRAG: General use warhead that devastates anything not wearing heavy armour.
    • AP Rockets: They might probably hit something. Maybe.
  • S-75 Dvina: Highly powerful long-range SAM that requires concentration to guide to its target. It's also useful for other thi- HOW THE HELL CAN YOU CARRY THAT!?
    • Fragmentation warhead: Warhead with a wide area of effect and bonus damage vs lightly armoured targets.
    • AP warhead: Small area of effect, but massive damage and bonus vs heavy armor.
  • OTR-21 Tochka: You are become Death, destroyer of worlds. Must be built in stages, each requiring an entire Grief Seed's worth of magic.
    • Stage 1: Launching platform and rocket frame.
    • Stage 2: Internal missile systems.
    • Stage 3: Warhead.

Name: Lady Valerie of Brandenburg
Universe: Pokemon AU.

  • Synchronize: Should you be paralyzed, burned, poisoned or similar,the one that that inflicted that on you on you will also suffer from it
  • Trace: Once per encounter, you can copy an ability off an enemy. This copied ability will persist for half an hour of in-universe time, during which no others can be copied.
  • Telepathy: Using the Empathy skill, you can perceive the thoughts and emotions of those around you and broadcast your own to them. This means that you get advance warning on attacks(roll Empathy as Defend or a perception skill), can accurately gauge the moods and intentions of those around you, and you can also communicate without regards to any language barrier. On the downside, telepathy has no effect on mechanical entities, has limited range and is useless when someone is communicating by radio.
  • I Use The Whole Sword: You are an expert at the art of fighting developed in the battlefields of medieval Europe. You're good at moves such as grabbing your sword mid-blade to maneuver the point, or using it as a club or a hook, or grabbing your opponents blade to pull them off balance. With your medieval fighting skills, you gain an advantage when the enemy is not very familiar with your style of combat (or when they are worse at it).
  • Dragon Slayer: Through being part fairy-type and personal experience, you are excellent in dispatching dragons. You gain a significant advantage to damage rolls with your Fairy-type moves when facing draconic foes.
  • Last Stand: When protecting a downed, grievously wounded, or otherwise helpless ally, you can concentrate your psychic powers to create a Small Black Hole. This Small Black Hole is a "move" that can devastate a very large area. Regardless of the outcome of the attack, you then suffer from a Cracked Horn, which will reduce your ability to exert your will and your natural empathic powers until it can be healed.
  • Lady Knight: As a knight, you were taught various things since an early age in preparation for your duties, including the finicky and sometimes complex subtleties of court and society. And while the age of knights is long, long past, the knightly virtues are still attractive.

  • Knight's Armour: A set of protective armour tailored to fit your physique, consisting of thick, padded tunic and pants, "boots", mail, and full plate of tempered steel made by armourers in Milan. The armour provides excellent protection (by period standards) yet is surprisingly manoeuvrable. It also includes an additional armoured skirt to be work over Valerie's natural "skirt". Unfortunately, it's protection is at expense of vision, reducing your ability to see when the visor is down.
  • Sword: A longsword once wielded by your master, now it is in your hands. It is both a symbol of your office as a Knight, and a deadly weapon capable of inflicting grievous wounds even without the blade.
  • Bec du Corvain: A weapon consisting of a pole with a metal tip on one end, and a "head" on the other. The head has a pointed tip, a thick, armour-piercing curved "beak", and a hammer head. Designed specifically to defeat foes in armour.
  • Rondel Dagger: A small dagger with no edge, but a sharp point meant to be stabbed between the armour plates of a downed opponent.
  • Misc. stuff: (Civilian wear, food, waterskin, coin, etc.)

Personality: A knight of the court of Fredrick Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor, Lady Valerie was once an orphaned Ralts. She was found by a passing knight, who cared for her and, upon her evolution into a Kirila, decided to make her his squire. Thus began her training in the art of warfare, an area where she would excel at, and bring much glory to her house, and the Emperor.

At first glance, Valerie seems to be the image of the stereotypical lady; elegant, feminine, polite and courteous. However, Valerie's home is not amongst the courtesans and noblewomen of her time. It is amongst war's blood-soaked battlefields that she feels the most comfortable, the most at home. This fact, coupled with her natural empathic abilities, perpetually haunts her. To assuage her guilt, she throws herself onto her faith and other spiritual pursuits, and dreams of being called onto a Crusade for the holy land, so as to find redemption there.

Functionally, it changes nothing, because the medium to get here doesn't really matter. If he does it, it's only to appease the people bitching. :V
It actually does. Fae ≠ Outsiders, and getting here via Nevernever means the Wardens are less liable to chop someone's head off for a 7th​ Law violation if someone mentions, "Yeah, something called an Outsider brought me here."
It actually does. Fae ≠ Outsiders, and getting here via Nevernever means the Wardens are less liable to chop someone's head off for a 7th​ Law violation if someone mentions, "Yeah, something called an Outsider brought me here."

Doesn't really help me out, considering my character's entire goal is basically to summon an eldritch god thing.

Actually, should double check that to make sure Dresden Files Outsiders and SP Faceless Ones are actually similar enough.

The Old Ones are an ancient race of very powerful beings. They are based upon H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.

IIRC, in Skulduggery Pleasant, Lovecraft was actually an alias used by Serpine to spread Faceless One propaganda or something. Might be remembering wrong.

The Old Ones were an ancient race of demons or gods. They once ruled the mortal world, but were later been cast out and locked away from reality

Yup, that's a Faceless One.

The Outsiders had been the servants and foot soldiers of the Old Ones.

I recall the brief look at a Faceless One overrun world had a bunch of minions that hunted the immortal skeleton for the old god's amusement. Don't have the book on hand, but as I recall, they were pretty tough.

Yeah, not much to go off without hunting down a copy of Dark Days to see if the Faceless One minions were immune to magic or if the Protagonist was able to take them down, but there's enough there that a fusion of the settings that doesn't make them one and the same would be doing it wrong.
It actually does. Fae ≠ Outsiders, and getting here via Nevernever means the Wardens are less liable to chop someone's head off for a 7th​ Law violation if someone mentions, "Yeah, something called an Outsider brought me here."
No, you're misunderstanding what an Oath Sign/Sign Oath is. The mechanic used to bring them into whatever the main verse is almost has to be irrelevant for the traditional system to work, because the mechanic is supposed to be a ROB. You, and the others bringing this up, are complaining about the functionally least important aspect of the RP. It may change some fluff stuff, but mechanically, the way we get in doesn't matter.

That's the point I've been making.
It actually does. Fae ≠ Outsiders, and getting here via Nevernever means the Wardens are less liable to chop someone's head off for a 7th​ Law violation if someone mentions, "Yeah, something called an Outsider brought me here."
I've still got problems either way, since Virgil's worked with the leader of the Outsiders before. :V
No, you're misunderstanding what an Oath Sign/Sign Oath is. The mechanic used to bring them into whatever the main verse is almost has to be irrelevant for the traditional system to work, because the mechanic is supposed to be a ROB. You, and the others bringing this up, are complaining about the functionally least important aspect of the RP. It may change some fluff stuff, but mechanically, the way we get in doesn't matter.

That's the point I've been making.
I don't into Dresden, but it seems important in universe if people ask us how we got here.

Idle question, are we running with 'communication with locals/each other isn't an issue'?

I only ask because while it would be amusing for Kaya to scream at people entirely in High Realm and get really frustrated at everyone speaking gibberish barbarian tongues, it would kind of get in the way of most of us interacting with anyone :V

Idle question, are we running with 'communication with locals/each other isn't an issue'?

I only ask because while it would be amusing for Kaya to scream at people entirely in High Realm and get really frustrated at everyone speaking gibberish barbarian tongues, it would kind of get in the way of most of us interacting with anyone :V
Take Linguistics charms :V

More seriously: yes, you probably will be screaming in high realm. One of the first potential rewards from completion of an objective is language comprehension. We aren't rolling for objectives here, though, so I will take this into consideration for certain players and toss them a relatively easy first mission to balance this out.
Insufficient Dakka/Van Helsing
Name: Father Gascoigne
Universe of Origin: Bloodborne
Species: Hunter

Gascoigne is a mentally damaged man, drunk on blood from too many nights hunting beasts on the Hunt. His perception of the world is flawed, seeing most threats as horrible creatures. He still loves his family, his tie to them being one of the few things keeping him from becoming entirely blood drunk.

He worked for the Healing Church for many years, but has lost faith in them. He is at least partly nihilistic, viewing the actions of Hunters as futile, as all Hunters either die or become beasts themselves. Even his title of Father comes from before he joined Yharnam's Healing Church, being a former reverent from a foreign land.

Supernatural Speed and Strength - As a hunter, Gascoigne is much tougher and faster than an ordinary human, capable of easily swinging his massive axe with one hand and dodging firearms.

Blood Consumption - As a Hunter, Gascoigne can heal himself with the consumption or injection of human blood into his veins. Even splashing blood on fresh wounds will speed up the healing process, so long as the blood is warm. However, over use of this will strengthen Gascoigne's ties to beasthood, damaging his already fractured mind.

Superhuman Senses - While Gascoigne's eyesight is long lost, his pupils having collapsed as the first sign of beasthood, his other senses have been honed to a ludicrous degree, and were it not for the gauze covering his eyes one would never assume he couldn't see. Instead he tracks his opponents from the sound of air rushing as they move through it and their scent.

Hunter's Axe - A traditional weapon of the Hunter's workshop, this axe boasts a large head seemingly disproportionate to its handle, but is actually telescopic, extending at the wrapped section of the handle to become more than twice its original length.

Custom Pistol - Although this looks like a traditional pistol of the Hunter's workshop, it seems to have been modified to fire a series of pellets like a blunderbuss. It fires "quicksilver" bullets, which work noticeably better against supernatural beasts than lead. Gascoigne can make these himself on the fly, but it requires a large amount of his own blood.
Alright, even though I typed this on mobile it feels a lot better than my Hol sheet which was thrown together as quickly as possible.