Self insert (worm)

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I am screwed , am I not ? Yes , I very much am. Now when I first woke up in a random alley instead of my very comfortable bed you can understand I was distressed.

I am forever going to deny that I had a not insignificant breakdown where I thought that I finally lost it and my mind has finally broken from the frustration of my incompetence.

Now I wish that were the case because hey the next thing I did was slap myself real hard and it did hurt and from what I have seen in movies.

Now I was panicking real hard but eventually after hours of cursing out all the gods and somewhat celebrating the fact that my family does not have to deal with me being a failure, I calmed down.

I took a deep breath and remembering all the mindfulness articles that I had read in an attempt at self improvement which by the way failed miserably I started focusing on my breath in and out then again in and out

After I was sufficiently calm I started evaluating my situation which from a scale of lazy bear to oh god kill me , I am somewhere in the middle

You know this situation does remind me of all the self insert stories I have read so do I have any of the powers and suddenly their is a golden portal in front of me and while at first I just stare
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Basically a CYOA v3 worm fanfic which utilizes Mad Talent because I feel like many fan fic do not
Disclaimer: WORM is property of wild bow
Real prologue
I am screwed , am I not ? Yes , I very much am. Now when I first woke up in a random alley instead of my very comfortable bed you can understand I was distressed.

I am forever going to deny that I had a not insignificant breakdown where I thought that I finally lost it and my mind has finally broken from the frustration of my incompetence.

Now I wish that were the case because hey the next thing I did was slap myself real hard and it did hurt and from what I have seen in movies.

Now I was panicking real hard but eventually after hours of cursing out all the gods and somewhat celebrating the fact that my family does not have to deal with me being a failure, I calmed down.

I took a deep breath and remembering all the mindfulness articles that I had read in an attempt at self improvement which by the way failed miserably I started focusing on my breath in and out then again in and out

After I was sufficiently calm I started evaluating my situation which from a scale of lazy bear to oh god kill me , I am somewhere in the middle

You know this situation does remind me of all the self insert stories I have read so do I have any of the powers and suddenly their is a golden portal in front of me and while at first I just stare at it.

Now it is only after a while that I have a realization of what this means and let me just say that I am pissed.

Now you see before all this bull hickory I had filled up a CYOA which consisted of me trying to make an op character that can be interesting.

Now their exists a non zero chance that I am in a really shitty fanfic written by yours truly. I mean this is the most cliche thing in all of fanfic history .

Really interesting author writes a fanfic and in a twist of Karma they get inserted into it . Now knowing this sadly changes nothing however it does mean that I have to be entertaining.

Now take a deep breath and I guess calm the ever loving lasagne down. Mmm I love lasagne , not loving lasagne is heresy I tell you . Huh? That was an unexpected rant but never mind.

It seems that whatever I do , I have to make this entertaining and I guess I have to be a PG
version of dead pool at this point.

Now to shoot the elephant in the room with a super bazooka, I do very very smart thing of using mad talent to learn an ability to maintain my humanity at least as long as I am focusing but the more drastic my changes the more focus I will require.

Now normally learning to use these powers would have taken me days but I have fortunately or rather unfortunately have practice with a certain something called emotion magnification.

Now you may ask what in the world is emotion magnification well it is a technique where I make my mind go through certain scenarios to invoke certain emotions which are magnified by focusing on them a lot .

Now this technique is wonderful but it comes with the low and I mean very low price of being super addictive while making you look like a cocaine user. It also can accidentally heighten certain negative emotions which may lead to ungodly amounts of stress and sometimes your emotions may paralyze you due their sheer intensity.

Let me tell you for a year or two I had an addiction to it which was not fun because really that technique is just taking drugs with a lot of extra steps.

Now that all that is done, what am I going to do?

Oh well let's see here I am what is essentially an illegal immigrant with only the clothes on my back and without any money. Now their are not many options I have.

I can not join any gangs because I am half Indian and half American which is not even getting into the shady stuff they do .

Now I can join the undersides but that right their is a very bad idea because really they are in coils pocket plus I was raised by a policeman so I do not in any way see myself committing crime at least not robbing a bank

It seems that the only choice I have is to go the hero route but going independent is just asking to die .

I mean really it is a no brainer that if I choose to go independent then I risk myself far more then if I was in a team

Now this leaves either New Wave , PRT or Taylor Hebert. I can get rid of the Taylor Hebert because really while I do admire her she already has a ton of things on her plate plus she has trust issues a mile wide.

I am not joining New Wave because the drama is too much and they already have Panacea so that just leaves the PRT.

Now let's see hmm that just has only the PRT which really for all intents and purposes perfect even if they are a little corrupt. Now being in the Protectorate is like being a super powered cop and I am familiar with the concept after all so yeah that is what I am picking plus they get paid more then New Wave and can give me all the things I need to live.

Now well that settles it I am joining the Wards because I had to pick pint sized . Now that I think about it , this probably going to be creepy after all I am a 19 year old trapped in what is my best approximation a 8-10 year old but hey as long as I do not do anything creepy I should be fine. I am definitely not looking forward to second puberty.

This does come with an advantage however which is that with a younger body it allows me to gain more from working out which added with my healing ability should lead to maximum muscle growth plus with my brain physically being more flexible practices such as meditation should show far more results which when added with my lack of need to sleep should allow me ample time to devote myself to self improvement. I am after all dedicated to my self improvement above all else which is partially the reason I had picked the powers I did.

Now speaking of unexpected benefits from drawbacks due to me somewhat being able to maintain my humanity when I concentrate I can utilize my nightmare form as an intimidation tactic . That should provide entertainment value to my inter dimensional watchers so they do not snuff my existence.

Now to use the power of Phir Se to go to the rig because I have absolutely no idea where the PRT office is so here we go and thankfully I still have my anti COVID surgeon mask .

With that I stepped into the portal which for better or worse changed the world
You know in hindsight teleporting to the rig may have not been my best idea but I will say this hindsight is 20/20.

Now that I think about it then foaming me as soon as I open a portal to the rig is kind of understandable.

I mean hey even I would attack first ask questions later if a mysterious stranger just barged in to my house .

Now granted being locked up inside the cell was not bad , I would rather not get foamed. I mean I did panic a little when I first started getting foamed but really I adjusted to it after a few seconds. My situation is kind of in a way like swimming

What the first thing they do when they teach you in swimming class is tell you to calm down. They tell you to stop panicking because that just causes you to drown faster.

The situation is similar because one of the few things I have learned from my dad is that resisting arrest is a very bad idea because you may be innocent but resisting arrest does not help you much if anything it makes you as the kids liked to call it in 2022 sus.

Actually now that I think about is among us still popular among the younger generation. Huh ? I have been noticing myself becoming suspiciously scatter brained recently?

I mean their could be many reasons for it really. I mean it could be a side effect of my far younger brain or the fact that I have to utilize not an insignificant amount of my attention on maintaining my humanity.

Oh well it has been a few hours since I have been in this jail cell so I guess I have to go over how I should deal with the Taylor problem.

Now do not get me wrong, I do want to help her. God knows I can sympathize with her after all I was bullied myself when I was younger because for better or worse I was essentially like Greg but worse.

I mean hey I was a pretty annoying kid and a bit of a jerk. Now back on topic so Taylor Hebert, what do I do about her?

I have a few plans to at least some what help her. Now since I am going to join the wards it should be seriously obvious that I will have to hold back to a ridiculous degree against the undersides and avoid all conflict with them as much as possible. Now there are lines to how much I can turn a blind eye to.

The next step is to of course get rid of Sophia Hess from Taylor Heberts life although to do that I have to establish myself properly into the protectorate which should not be that hard .

I mean really my powers are kind of bullocks so that should be easy . I mean really if the choice is between satisfying their golden geese or getting rid of the ex vigilante that does not get along with the wards who also violated her parole completely . I mean even at idiot would know what to do.

Now to be fair I should probably not antagonize her before the big reveal.

Now speaking of not neutralizing threats to my well being I will probably have to hold back on killing anyone because I will always have the sword of Damocles hanging over my head.

I mean if I kill them then I lose my only way of gaining conflict which really is through the Slaughterhouse nine and End bringers but leaving them alive means that they can try again in the future and hopefully with far better preparations thus leading to greater amounts of conflict.

I also very much doubt I could kill them due to the fact that I have never killed anyone in my life. You know now that I think about it the main characters in most worm fanfic are a little too murder happy.

I mean it is one thing to imagine killing someone but it is another to actually do it. Most people have surprisingly little idea about how messy a murder can be , they have no idea about how disgusting it smells as your victim pisses themselves. They have no idea how it feels like to see those accusing eyes of those whom you killed. They have no idea what it is like to hold their rapidly cooling corpse.

The worst part of a murder is probably knowing all the other lives you have ruined because when you kill someone you do not just kill them , you kill all a bit of all those that loved them. It is strange is it not how many people can get hurt with just one death.

Now that is probably how it feels to kill someone but how should I know I never did kill anyone.

Now that I think about it is this whole situation not illegal because I am a minor held inside prison without any legal support. I mean it does seem shady but what the hell do I know my father was the police officer not me also I think earth bet probably has different rules then my earth.

Hmm it seems that maintaining my humanity is becoming a bit arduous task with how much I have to pay attention to it. It is also probably not helping that I likely have fully transformed into a nightmare terror due to me abusing my powers constantly

Ever since I have been in this prison cell , I have been conducting isometric exercises to help my physique which really just involves flexing a lot all the while healing all those micro damages and let me say this the changes are kind of visible.

I will say this for a child my age , I am ripped.

It was hours later that Arms master came in to my cell so I guess it is time to start the show .