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The Tale of Faryahar

As she awoke, Faryahar observed her cave; her sunflower spread was...


Trying and Failing yet again.
The Tale of Faryahar

As she awoke, Faryahar observed her cave; her sunflower spread was handmade by the Dwarves of Morkzi. Memories of her mother striking a deal with them for protection were flooding her mind as she crawled across the cave. Her mother laughed at them when a group of ragged elders begged her for a parcel of land to live on; they said that an evil force had crushed their people and forced an exodus of them and their allies, and they were the last group still living. She made a deal with them; the dwarves would make her horde beautiful in exchange for as much land as they needed along with protection, but there was a problem they would only have a fortnight to do it. They thought it was gold or other valuable metals, a few were thinking of rubies and emeralds because there were deposits of them in the area. Shock and horror overwhelmed them like the noonday sun, when they saw mountains of fardite in her horde room. Fardite was a pastel mineral found in riverbeds, it was worthless and no one knew how to work with other than ersatz building material. After this showing a raucous debate on whether to take this deal, occurred with some wanting to travel on through the country rather than waste needed time on this futile task, but the majority of people wanted to do this since a powerful dragon could protect them from the white lord. The majority won out but the Cainaites who wanted keep being nomadic left for gilded pastures far away, those who stayed worked on the horde like if the sun was going to collapse tomorrow.

When her mother returned during the half moon, she barged in there and wept like a light misting rain. They had crafted her horde from something the other dragons had mocked her for into something more precious than mountains of gold and silver. The dwarves had forged gleaming jewels and painted over the walls of it a nice shade of pink and blue from melted fardite, one of the elders had said that it was only a start and pleaded for forgiveness. She laughed at her saying "By my blood, me and my descendants shall protect you and this land until the end of the sun!" she roared joyously.

Pangs of hunger were in her stomach, she had a hankering for elk today, stumbling across her cave was like fishing at the same spot over and over again. A rusty stench wafted in her nose as sunlight hit her cerulean eyes, she could hear nothing but brooks babbling and birds singing. Her feathered wings started to wind up and it was an amazing sight like a moving rainbow, leaves and branches were thrashing about and sometimes she could even rip a pine tree from its roots. The land was shrinking as she floated up towards a wispy white cloud once she got past ten thousand feet, she decided to glide towards Morkzi to entertain the people. Her Fardite encrusted scales shone brighter than steel, it made her an odd duck among the other dragons whose scales were bright single color designs of ebony, gold and silver. She thought that it made them look the same and they would laugh at her when she gilded away. She didn't care about what they thought because she was happy and her people adored her. Besides her cave were redone by them and it was the only one like it in the world.

Up in the sky she could see an elk with giant black antlers, it had a musky smell and was chewing on the grassland. She ascended to a higher plane in the sky, the wind was rushing through her wings and it felt like a gentle air massage. Then she reached the peak of her climb and she heard a cracking sound in her wing. At first it only felt like a mild burn like sunbathing for too long then her wing just stopped moving while the other one was flapping trying her airborne but all it did was rotate her and rotate her quicker and her until she passed out cold. Her mind was racing with the thought of did the white lord finally arrived, and their forces had finally attacked her area by shooting her? She felt like a complete failure and her mother in the sky looked disappointed in her. She was supposed to protect those dwarves they were so kind and worked so hard to build their village of being one with nature. She enjoyed floating over their village at night, their trees glowed green and the solar paths made Morkzi look like a leaf if you are high enough. They were so kind to her and she was going fail them in this important moment. It seemed like an eternity of darkness had passed over her eyes, the hunger and now thirst was all over her body a sip of cold water and a piece of anything would feel so warm. But she felt a horrid feeling in her heart, she could see smoke spewing chomre machines shooting out flames and people shrieking in terror. She saw a burnt husk of a mother clutching her child as if her body could shield it from the fire; she wanted to move but couldn't, no matter how much she wanted and the white lord with a squished nose and sun colored hair was cackling.

"You're safe now, my child." whispered a bass voiced elder. Her eyelids soon retracted showing flashes of a soft blue. A short and stocky elder with a jovial face was petting her to comfort her from her fear. The dwarves' skin were oak colored when they were babies and as they aged their skin became darker than obsidian, she thought that this darkening was a odd form of molting. She moved her head towards them, in the large pastel hall. The windows were shaped like tomato plants and brought in the sunlight. The light dulled her fear of an attack children were playing outside and people did their daily things. It was strange that no foreigners came here to trade but they didn't need anything from the outside and Morkzi provided plenty of fruits, clothes and random sun powered devices. They would give her tribute every year to honor her mother's kindness, but the haggard dwarves that showed up when they arrived were replaced with happy smiling people that seemed to forget the white lord that scattered them from their homelands.

She tried to spread her wings, but they were locked in casts. "Beloved protector you broke your wings when you dived too hard in the ground." intoned the elder softly. She thought of the white lord would she be able to protect them in her broken state, but everyone thought that the lord was as real as being able to fly and grab a star from the sky. Granted this was because they lived shorter lives than a dragon, her playmates became old when she still wanted to have an adventure. Her face was unmoving when her friends died because she had lost so many. They were like fireflies, her mother said along her when she lost Mezi, it was her first funeral. "It's no use crying over embers." Her mother said. At times it felt futile watching generations of them live then die and for the cycle to repeat forever like a river with an endless source, but she will protect them from the world because they loved her and wished her the best. Each new generation rode her and cheered, this feeling was awesome. Once she fixed her wings she will honor her mother and Muzi as well by doing her job despite every heartbreak.
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