RWBY: A Wandering Soul

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You know how this story goes. Boy goes about his daily life. Boy Meets a Random...


Forger of Worlds

You know how this story goes. Boy goes about his daily life. Boy Meets a Random omnipotent being. Being flings Said boy out on a wild adventure for amusement. Boy Manages to go home after a massive battle at the end of his journey with said ROB. And of course the Boy gets the Girl…. Or girls… Or other boys if they are into that. I didn't get that luxury…. I don't have a home to go back to. All I can remember after the End began… was the Void. An endless expanse of pure unfathomable darkness. My flesh long since broken and discarded, my mind worn to the edge of nothing, brought about by the constant back and forth between sanity and Madness. My soul assaulted, by the unending torrent of Darkness in the Void. My Light both beautiful and terrible to it.

Of course…. Drifting aimlessly through the Nothing and Darkness of the Void, isn't the best kind of Story.

This is my Story after all…

The story of… A Wandering Soul.


*Cough* Cough*

Going from absence of a body, and lack of conventional senses, to suddenly having them again is… difficult to explain. My best description is that it is probably what babies feel like whenever they are born into the world. Of course they lack the previous experience of senses considering it is their first time seeing, hearing, smelling, breathing, tasting, smelling, understanding. For someone who has already felt all these things for the first time, and felt their absence for so long…. I got over it faster compared to an infant feeling everything for the first time….

But I wager that it hurt far more than it did for them.

My breath came fast, hard and deep. The intense pain of suddenly existing in the physical sense again fading from the front of my mind as my fresh brain began to process all that I was seeing. I saw stars… And The moon.

The very…. VERY, broken moon.

"How in the void did I wind up on Remnant?"

The query uttered forth from my throat, rough and coarse. My voice sounded different compared to before…. Or maybe I was simply remembering wrong. I did have sanity issues for a while. But I DID know that I shouldn't have been able to see that well in the night sky. Not well enough to see details on the surrounding alley walls, that should only be seen in the daylight. Resting next to me on my right was a large backpack, stuffed to the brim with who knows what. And to my left… Was a Sword.

It was a magnificent sword, knowledge somehow beamed into my brain providing the information that it was a masterwork blade, infused with dust. The Sheath easily fit into the harness on my belt. Checking my pockets I found a Scroll, along with a piece of paper with a name on it.

Ash Claw

The name sparked nothing in my mind, but it did create a resonance within my soul. Was This my name now? It must have been, considering my inability to remember my previous name.

My ruminations were broken as my brain started sending some rather alien sensations. Or rather it suddenly realized that there was a foreign presence on my body. The distinct sensation of two more ears than normal… and an extension of my spine.

"And suddenly, Faunus. I wonder if there are any other surprises in store for me today."

I was sick of the alley at this point, so I grabbed my ( at least it felt like mine) bag and stalked out into the city.

The city, according to my handy dandy Scroll, was Vale. Considering the lack of Grimm and the pleasant, peaceful feeling of the people in the city. It was clear that I was at a point before the real start of the series.

My wolf ears picked up a commotion at some point, as I was wandering aimlessly through the city, Igniting a fire of need within me. I needed to get to wherever this commotion was going down and I needed to get there NOW!

My legs kicked against the asphalt of the empty road as I blitzed down the path. I felt my soul encompass my body in a familiar way, almost the same as when I was drifting in the void. I had no Idea about how the finer manipulations of Aura happened, that may very well be how I managed to do what I did in the first place.

I focused my Aura into my Legs, the muscles, the bones, the veins, the nerves… And I Kicked!

Suddenly I was speeding yards forward instead of the meager feet of before. And Before I knew it I had arrived at my destination. Just in time to see an adorably lethal reaper-ette kick a useless mook out the window of a shop.

'Start of the Series it is then.'

I shrugged my pack off, and placed my hand on the hilt of my sword, waiting for the chance to draw it. Shockingly enough, I actually knew how to use it to. I knew just how to place my feet, where to swing to avoid lasting damage. Where to cause permanent damage. Stances, breathing, movement, forms…. They all flitted across my mind as my hand rested on the hilt of my blade.

"Well? Get Her!" Roman ordered his remaining goons.

I watched the rest of the group file out of the shop and… Well I became entranced. The Web Series was a magnificent work, but in terms of animation, the earlier episodes were rather…. Lacklustre. It wasn't a real strike against the series mind you considering that they managed to do some amazing things with the original style. The style from Volume Four onwards was significantly more impressive however I can't deny.

But seeing a huntress, even if it was simply one in training… It was amazing. The Fact I could actually track Ruby's movements was amazing as well. Considering her semblance allows her to simulate super speed. And in the span of a few seconds everything was over and done wi- Oh SHIT!

My blade flies out of it's sheath blocking the scythe edge of Crescent Rose. Ruby's previously cocky grin vanishes and is replaced by a lock of astonishment. Likely due to my lack of interference in the battle being viewed as inexperience. In truth it was inexperience, considering I had never been in a true fight before.

"You do know I'm not a bad guy right?!" I push the scythe back, sending her skidding across the asphalt by her boots.


I heard Roman prime is cane's firing mode, likely so he could hurt Ruby and pin it and the robbery on me. I wasn't going to let that happen of course. My aura was slow in response, mostly due to my inexperience… but it was fast enough to get the job done. I let it flow over and through my legs and Kicked!

I grab Ruby as I pass by her, dragging her out of the way of Roman's Shot.


The road is torn up by the blast, and Roman begins to make his getaway.

"You okay?" The question was more courtesy, than anything else, of course she would be fine.

"Wha-? Um Yeah… thanks for that! Sorry for almost smacking you into the Ground!" Ruby apologized, her voice youthful and brimming with energy. "I'm Ruby! Ruby- Gah! He's Getting away!"

So you managed to notice that in time…

"You alright sir? You'll be fine if we go after the guy?" The elderly man simply nodded in affirmation, still shaken by the robbery.

Ruby and I began to chase after Torchwick, Ruby blasting herself up with Crescent Rose and myself? I ran up the wall.

That's right. I ran up the side of a building like a badass!

I arrive as Roman is Climbing into the VTOL. I don't hear his taunts over the engines of the VTOL, not with my level of experience with these new senses. But I do see him tossing the crystal down at Ruby's feet. I do the most sensible thing in that position of course.

I run over and kick it back at the dapperly dressed thief, with an Aura enhanced foot. Contrary to what people would believe I did in fact know that Aura activated Dust. Which is why I was not surprised by the massive fireball flying towards Torchwicks Shot. I didn't know if it was reflex, or Destiny pulling her strings, but Roman managed to get a shot off before the fireball hit him, dispersing it into a massive explosion that knocked the VTOL off course and away from us. I sheath my blade… which I am wanting to call Void Cutter, despite how edgy it sounds, and feel my aura retreat back to my soul.

I hear the staccato of heels on stone to the right of us, and considering possibilities I decide to turn and face her with my winning smile.

Of course Ms. Goodwitch was…. Decidedly unamused.

AN: I have not abandoned RWBY Wars, I just need to rewrite the first actual battle sequence again, so that everything makes sense and is... somewhat believable, which is far harder than I first thought.
The Offer
An Offer I Can't Refuse

Interrogation rooms are not fun. Their bland, colorless, and my enhanced senses handily informed me that the one I was in held drunk with a very weak stomach some time ago. I wasn't in any serious trouble, considering Glynda let me keep my weapon and go back to get my Backpack. But as I waited in the room, which faintly reeked of Puke and cleaning chemicals, I discovered that there was in fact a downside to turning back my biological clock….

I was filled with youthful energy. More specifically the youthful energy of an athletic sword swinger, supercharged with esoteric energy. Long story short I was getting…. Twitchy.

Which was why one of the most powerful men on Remnant walked in to see me watching funny Cat Videos on Dust tube to pass the time.

I regret nothing!

"And here we have the mystery man of the hour." Ozpin stared at me, his form completely relaxed, and his cane loosely balanced beneath his palm. Yet I somehow knew that he could completely dismantle me faster than I could possibly comprehend.

He Sat in the chair in front of me. His gaze raked over me with a clinical and aged eye.

I didn't know Ozpin, not at all. Someone that did know him could probably figure out what he was thinking, but I wasn't that good at reading people.

"I knew someone like you." His voice was low, containing barely restrained tenseness, and nostaliga.

"It's in the way you both walked, how you look at things, almost as if you can see more than what is actually there. She became powerful…. Terrifyingly so. But there was darkness in her heart…. And she isn't who she used to be anymore. So tell me Mister Ash Tsume…."

My heart started beating against my ribs like a drum and my hair stood on end, as Ozpin began to Emit some kind of weird presence.

But I remained unbent in the face of Death.

"Who are you?" The question was spoken quietly but resonated against…. Well the best way I could describe it was that it Resonated against the very Existence of the Room itself. We Stared against each other, Ozpin containing a tightly shackled fury as our eyes remained locked in a battle of will.

Finally after a good twenty minutes I spoke.

"Someone who wants to join your academy filled with cute monster hunting girls."

And like that the tension was broken, and Ozpin had the most Hilarious poleaxed expression on his face.

Clearly he wasn't taking my answer seriously despite the deadpan and resolute tone I delivered it in. So I proceeded to give him a thumbs up as well!

The Next Day

Airships are awesome. That is all I have to say on the subject. It's times like these that it really hits you that despite being a death world, Remnant is also part science fantasy, what with the crazy soul powers and high tech gadgetry. My backpack, which I finally got around to looking inside, contained clothes and cases of Dust… not much else.

Of course as I was glancing out over the railing into the inner workings of the ship, and the view outside, my wolf ears swiveled and twitched as I practiced honing my senses, focusing on certain conversations, or blocking certain noises out. I doubt I was going to reach the levels of someone like Wolverine or X-23, but the practice couldn't hurt.

I heard Glynda's recording play over the hologram thing, so I figured that we were getting close to the landing zone. This made some rogue thoughts begin to leak into my mind as The airship began to dock. Most dominantly was how to use my future knowledge to change the paths of destiny. The Fall of Beacon at the end of Volume Three, was more than just RWBY and the Gang losing their second home, it was the first in a set of falling dominoes. Misery loves company, and when any kinds of negative feelings attracted an actual monster Misery became a very bad thing.

Beacon's fall was just the first Bad Thing, in a long chain of Potential Bad Things. Dominoes that start falling are very hard to stop. I have no doubt that with Salems Machinations, the plotting of the White Fang, and Ironwood being…. Iron-headed, war could very well be simmering in the horizon beyond Volume 4-5. If I let it go that way. Which I have no Intention of letting happen.

I knew the path the future could take, and for better or worse I had the power to change it.

Ozpin decided that he wanted to keep me close, and used his influence to make me an actual person In Remnant. My lack of actually existing before last night could easily be explained by my being part of one of the wandering tribes, or from a destroyed village. What he said worried me however.

The only 'Her's' I could think of that Ozpin would actually know that were both incredibly powerful and or changed beyond what they used to be were Summer…. And Salem. Or both if one of the theories I like holds water.

I felt the airship shudder as it landed before Beacon, prompting me to gather my backpack and stroll out into the campus.

It was breathtaking.

Really, the animation teams of Rooster Teeth tried… but there is just no way to properly convey the sheer majesty of Beacon Academy.

My ears perked as a certain conversation I was tracking hit the point I was waiting for. And With some careful positioning I managed to intercept my quarry…

Before she could explode.

"Careful there, Little Red."

Witty banter engage!

"Wha-? ASH! Professor Ozpin invited you to beacon too?!" Ruby smiled like the mostly innocent youth she was….

"Nope! I'm actually just a hallucination, my real self is actually in transport to a secret laboratory Prison, and you're the only one who can save me!"

A scenario that could undoubtedly come true if I'm not careful about my origins.


"You're kinda solid for a hallucination." The girl said as she poked my magnificent abs beneath my shirt.

And in the Distance a certain Schnee pushed her luggage into the academy, un-exploded.

Now to see if the universe will decide to punish me for meddling with Destiny later.

But for now I decided to walk and talk with the Prime Protagonist, well mostly listen as she went on about weaponry. We actually met Jaune along the way too!

That prompted some weaponry show and tell, once the introductions were out of the way.

Jaune had just finished talking about Crocea Mors, when I unveiled Voidcutter for them.

"Ooohhh…" Ruby cooed in awe at the masterwork blade as it inched out from its sheath.

My blade gleamed with hidden power, the edge humming as air parted around it.

With a flourish I sheathed it once more, before glancing around at the incredibly empty courtyard.

"Ummm…. Do any of us know where the Auditorium is?"

My question prompted them to gaze at the courtyard and come to the same conclusion I did.

We managed to get to the Auditorium in time, but there was no real difference between Ozpin's speech from the Canon version, being rather lacklustre and spoken as if he wasn't really there.

Btu more Importantly I started to meet more important Characters.

I slipped past Pyrrha, bumped into Nora and Ren, danced around Weiss, and Circled around Blake. As for Yang….

"So…. you seemed to be pretty close to my sister." She was smiling but it was not one of friendship. This was a smile that contained the promise of pain and suffering with a single misstep.

"Huh, you say something Goldilocks?"

Sometimes I wonder if the Void took away my sense of self preservation.

Thankfully I managed to avoid some Sisterly wrath, and actually…. Got along well with her. Bonds between Older Siblings perhaps?

Laughing at her puns seemed to help with that.

Nothing particularly noteworthy happened for the rest of the day, not in my immediate vicinity anyway. Behind closed doors Ozpin was probably fuming for some reason or another. My very existence seems to be anathema to him for some reason. My initial assumptions about it being related to Salem may have been a bit premature, considering my general lack of… Grimmness. Not just the Physical Features either. All grimm have it hardcoded into their nature, to desire to destroy Man and all of their creations.

Now truth be told Salem doesn't really display any of those traits as either, at least not overtly, considering she can actually work with other humans….

A grunt bubbles out of my throat as I continue to walk towards the cliffs for Initiation. I barely got any decent sleep last night with this storm of thoughts and theories in my head. Remnant was on the way to destruction, and there was a very good chance I could get caught up in the storm. Well not so much as a chance as a Certainty. I'm where it all begins, I'm buddy buddy with some prime protagonists. But most importantly… It made narrative sense.

I stepped onto a launch pad, other students mingling around on the cliff, waiting for everyone to get there. I gazed out into the emerald forest, looking at the ruins and trees, as the breeze rustled my hair and jacket. For a moment I wondered just how old Remnant actually was. The answer was clearly very old, but I was more interested in a specific answer. I knew that Humans had an old history with this world, even if they've had it knocked back to the stone age more than a few times.

My introspection is broken by the giggling of some girls. Likely some of the silhouettes from the original episode, except the whole, they're actually people that matter here in some way or another, so they don't get to be passed off as a blob of darkness.

Like all Huntresses they were in the upper percentile of physical attractiveness, easily blowing the models from back home out of the water. But if you looked closer you could see the subtle muscle tone that covered their bodies. Slam a 9/10 model, a female MMA fighter and you got what the average huntress looked like. Sure there were some differences, mostly depending on fighting styles, ones that focused on Dust sorcery would have lower muscle tone, but ones with more physically intensive fighting styles had heavier muscle tones.

I give the girls a wink and casual smirk before returning to my introspection, and tuning some of my more esoteric senses.

Yeah that's right, esoteric senses. At this point I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. All power had it's price and changed people. I don't know what price I paid for this power, and honestly…. I'm terrified by how it could change me.

"Ash!" Came the call of a simpler more honest soul.

Whenever I looked at Ruby, she was shrouded in crimson light, her silver eyes, dimmed but brimming with slumbering power, her soul emitted a purity and light that I didn't even know was possible to exist. It was honestly kind of humbling in a way.

I give her a wave and chat with her, Yang joining in later on as the time passed. Eventually everyone arrived. I looked around me seeing the other 127 members participating in the initiation. Finally Ozpin and Glynda arrive to the Cliff. And I knew it was the man himself this time.

He spoke with a presence, he spoke with power, wisdom, and sheer charisma. This is the man that people look to for protection and answers.

Of course he still hated me so….

"For years, you have all trained to become warriors. Shining lights against the tides of darkness and terror that make our mortal enemy: The Creatures of Grimm. Some of you may have followed this path for the prestige, perhaps out of a sense of duty, maybe you wish to make a fortune, or just seek a life of adventure. Regardless of the choices that put you on this path, today, as you are evaluated in the Emerald Forest, you will take your first real step on the path of the Huntsman."

Glynda continued, "Many of you have probably heard rumors of getting assigned teams during your stay here at Beacon. Allow me to dispense of the more outlandish rumors about the selection process. You will find yourself in teams. Today."

I could hear Ruby whine and squirm to my left. Despite the unusual amount of social activity she engaged with just by talking to me, I knew she was kind of socially awkward, at least initially. I knew she could overcome this in time, and if they still meet and become partners, Ruby can hopefully have a better first meeting with Weiss!

"You will stay in these teams for the rest of your time at Beacon, you will live with them, train with them, and bond with them. I wouldn't be surprised if you came to view them as family, in fact such a result is rather common among Huntsmen. So it would be in your best interest to get paired with someone you think you can work well with."

I could practically feel the despair emanating from Ruby, though it lacked any real potence. It deepened as Ozpin continued his speech.

"That being said the first person you make eye contact with upon landing will be your partner for the next four years. After meeting your partner make your way to the northern edge of the forest, There you will find a temple containing Relics, and if you get lost… Please just use the compass app on your scroll, I'd rather not have to fail a student because they got lost. Each pair will take one relic from the Temple and make their way back to the Cliffs. There are hidden cameras spread all throughout the forest and many of our professors are watching as well, evaluating your skills, and tactics. They will not help you however, no matter what. Destroy everything that plants itself in your path… or you will die."

"Any Questions?"

"Um Sir?" Jaune's trembling voice, filled with doubt and insecurity trickled from his throat. I had no interest in hearing whatever else came, and readied myself for the launch pads to fling us into the forest.

"No? Good."

I could hear the whoosh of air as teens found themselves flung into the sky and into the forest. My body began to move on instinct Drawing my sword and flipping it into a reverse grip. I felt the connected chain dangle and extend before I wrapped it around my arm with a flick of my wrist.

My body tensed further as the active launch pads reached my row.

"No Mr. Arc…. You will be coming up with your own landing strategy."

Yang was sent flying by her pad, and a few second after her, I was sent flying as well.

How can I properly describe that sensation? I should have felt some amount of fear or apprehension. But all I could feel was exhilaration and jubilation. Even if it was not true flight, and just controlled falling…. I knew why skydivers Skydived. I could feel my mouth stretch into a grin, my canines elongating into fangs, and I could swear that I felt my other teeth sharpen as well.

Irregardless, I did the next clearly logical thing anyone should do. I started to stomp against the Air with my Aura enhanced feet to see if I could Fly. Surprisingly I actually did feel something when I tried. The air collected around the soles of my feet, but didn't compress enough to form Solid platforms for kicking off of. They were rubbery and fluid, barely giving me any direction or additional force. Something to work on I suppose.

As the Tree line grew closer and closer I decided it was time to use my strategy. I released the hilt of my blade gripping some of the loose chain and began to twirl it like a flail. As I got closer to the trees I released my blade impaling it in one of the Trunks. I felt the chain around my arm tense up as I pulled on it, the edges on the back of my blade trappingit in the trunk and letting me swing around to bleed off some of the speed. In the span of about 15 seconds I was on the ground, and had performed an epic landing sequence.

I let my senses spread out as far as they could over the forest, feeling out the lights of my fellow students and the Grimm within. Already I could sense that some of the smaller lights had been extinguished. As for the Grimm? My senses showed them as some kind of Liquid darkness, forced into a shape by some kind of hard bubble. It wasn't like Aura, but it was probably why grimm dissolved when they were killed. Without what kept them together, they were just darkness.

A firm tug on the chain forced my sword out of the tree and falling into my waiting hand. With a mighty slash I strike behind me, cutting through the beowolf that was trying to ambush me. I sense more Grimm lurking in the woods, studying me, watching me. Suddenly my suspicion meter rocketed skyward. My thoughts swirled as I got a burn crystal out of my pouch and held it next to my sword, transferring the sorcery of the natures Fire, into the blade and trapping it there.

In all honesty it was horribly inefficient and as soon as I got the money and materials I was going to make something to accelerate the process. I put the crystal back into my pouch, my sword charged as high as it would go. A quick glance at my scroll and I start walking north, slicing and burning any Grimm that attacked me. They were mostly Creeps or young Beowolves, ones that were rather small and with low amounts of bone armor.

"Partner and Relic. Partner and Relic. Need to find a Partner!" My attempts at filling the silent forest were interrupted by a surprise Grimm from behind, an Alpha Beowolf.

"Well look at you! You even brought friends to the party!"

Though my sword could be used with both hands it felt right somehow to one hand it. Like something else was supposed to go in my other hand. A gun maybe?


It was easy to cleave through the lesser beowolves, but the Alpha had some thicker skin than that. It was actually kind of skilled too. I moved backwards to avoid it's claws, before parrying it with Voidcutter. Unfortunately I had used the last of the Burn energy some time ago, and it took too long to add more elemental juice to the thing. It didn't have a hollow space in the hilt to store dust, and something told me that Voidcutter would be…. Testy, if I tried to modify her. So That meant Making something later to fix the problem.
*Slice!* *Swish*

Unlike its younger counterparts, this Beowolf had a thicker hide on it's unprotected areas. So despite my incredible strength, and Voidcutter being Voidcutter, I could only leave deep gashes. It was surprisingly comforting to know that I wasn't OP.

"Enough Creature of Darkness! I have no more time to waste on you! Blade Blitz!" I didn't know what made call out my attack like it was an Arte, but it felt surprisingly good. It felt like I put my most into the Series of slashes that diced the Grimm up.


I spin and block the sword coming at my back and look my attacker in the eye. It was a potential student, who seemed to be using his semblance to fire blue flames out of his feet.

"Wait you're not-" The lapse in concentration, disrupted his jet flames letting him fall face first into the dirt.

My Partner for the next four years, ladies and gentlemen.
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I wondered if I would meet all my new found friends or teammates when they were trying to attack me. The human that tried to give me the old slice and dice, had picked himself up and was profusely apologizing, and actually explaining why he attacked me.

"Let me get this straight…. The Reason you almost stabbed me was because I look like the Man who killed your family and made you an orphan?" My incredulity was carefully suppressed, as while it was a perfectly valid reason to someone who had grown up on Remnant, I was a visitor from another realm. Plus from his description this mysterious figure should be about 40 by now, and I did not look 40!

"Well…. From the back anyway. All I can Really remember about him was that had a trench coat, and a sword!" He adamantly proclaimed as we continued to head north.

I could have sworn I heard his voice before.

"So I swore on the Morats name that I would deliver vengeance for my family!"

"All right Thero, why don't you put your murder boner away for now, we're about to talk to people."

The temple was rather small, only having enough space for the Relic pedestals, a full set of chess pieces, with some missing. I saw Blake and Yang getting their knight piece as we walked towards it. My partner and I looked at the Relics, contemplating which one to take. Well he was contemplating, I was doing.

"Queen piece get!"

I pocketed the white queen into one of my coats many pockets.


Wow. Jaune really does sound like a- Oh Shit!


Next thing I know my sword is deflecting a bolt of lightning away from my face and into a set of trees, where I could swear it impacted on Nora on her Ursa mount.


Yup. Definitely Nora.

"Did your sword just fly into your hand?" Blake asked in, what was for her, a rather astonished tone. Since this was her without her character development, it came out rather deadpan.

"Yes. Yes it did. Because my sword is the best sword ever."

Disregarding the potential sentience of my sword I looked over to where the beam came from to see-

"Oh Fuck!" More blasts of lightning came flying out of the woods from the tip of a rather strange looking Deathstalker. One that was, if my eyes weren't deceiving me, blinged out with Dust. Jaune and Pyrrha were sprinting away from it towards the temple.

"Jaune what the fuck did you do!"

"What makes you think this is my fault!?" He cries out as the Deathstalker slaps him away with a claw, flinging him through a tree. Another concentrated beam of electricity lances out from the grimms stinger blasting towards me.

"Nora! Hammer Time!" I shout to the energetic girl as I angle my sword to deflect the energy into her.

"You got it Mystery Man! But you better give me some Pancakes afterward!" The Thor inspired girl drew her hammer and absorbed the electricity I deflected into her, amping up higher and higher until she began to spark and pulse with pink lightning. Her manic grin would have give lesser men bowel trouble. To me it was just a sign she was ready to break something.

When the beam finally dies down, Nora leaps with her augmented strength into the sky, before blasting back down with Maginhilds grenade attachment, before slamming the face of the hammer into the Deathstalker with all the electrical power of an actual Storm god. At least I assumed so, considering the massive electrical explosion that blasted out from the impact.

I peeked past the clouds of dust to see a couple of bodies falling down from the sky, which if my plot senses were correct, were Weiss and Ruby. but the way they were both flailing around in the air was not inspiring any confidence. Looking a bit above provided the answer, the Nevermore from the episode, sporting some brand new dust bling.

'So. Much. Divergence. It hurts. It hurts the insides of my brain.'

"Pyrrha! Boost Me!"

I sprint toward the redhead as she kneels onto the floor and places her shield over her head. I step onto the shield and kick off of it with a soul infused kick, as Pyrrha sends some aura into the shield in response. I get sent off like a Rocket towards the two falling girls.

"Alley oop!"

I grab Ruby and Weiss, flipping into a kick as I smash my foot against the Nevermores beak, keeping him from munching on us and sending us back towards the temple. I snag the chain of my sword on one of the bone spikes of the Nevermore, willing it to stretch as my charges and I fall closer to the ground. I finally hit the limit of the chain and release the chain from the spike, falling the rest of the way. Which was the equivalent of two feet in height.

"Soooo…. Which one of you had the bright idea to go to the Nevermore rodeo?" I sheathe my sword once more as I let the girls go, my leg muscles burning and trembling from the raw force I exerted on them. Weiss sent a glare in Ruby's direction, who flushed with embarrassment in response.

"Aren't you all a band of colorful characters." Spoke a deadpan voice from the branches of a nearby tree. She was a snow fox faunus, with blue eyes, wearing a blue and black combat dress. By her side was her weapon, though I couldn't see it that well with how she was positioned.

"Zuri! Why did you just disappear like that?!" The voice had a strength to it, like the kind a knight of yore would have. The girl that bore the voice stepped out of the trees and into sight looking quite peeved. If I didn't know any better I would say she was Mitsuru's twin sister honestly.

Everyone around me began to enter their own personal discussions, but I was to busy trying to get my legs to stop aching.


The cry resounded across the forest, and caused me all kinds of pain in both my ears.




The Dust Enhanced Nevermore, which I decided to call…. The Gale Bringer for simplicity, perche itself above the ruins next to the cliff, crying out and beating it's wings, sending visible gusts of wind down into the forest and to the set of ruins everyone was currently huddled around. But that wasn't the scary part. What was scary was the roars that began to pick up all around us as we were pinned by the gales. And what chilled my bones were the cries of the other students within forest as they were torn apart by the beasts within. The sounds of gunfire and combat were sparse likely due to being incapacitated by the Gale Bringer's cry.

Eventually the Gale Bringer stops cawing but redoubles its wing beats, creating small tornadoes that began to sweep through the forest.

I heard everyone draw their weapons or arm themselves, I myself started enchanting my sword with an earth crystal, The other elements I had on me far to fluid or worked wrong in the presence of the enemy windstorms.


Everyone clustered together in front of the relic pedestals, ready to fight. And as I saw the first of the grimm crawl out of the sea of darkness that had overtaken the trees, I knew that we would need every ounce of skill, power, courage and luck that the twelve of us could muster if we wanted to get out of here alive.