Royal Knight (ZNT/Fate) First Fic

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First fic, its a oneshot since its LITERALLY the first thing i've really wrote, I've only...
Royal I


The Devil of Ghosts
United States
First fic, its a oneshot since its LITERALLY the first thing i've really wrote, I've only written one omake before. While i won't say don't criticize, please be a little gentle. It is likely out of character, though it is kind of AU for the ZNT side. I know it is pretty short, but i feel that I can be somewhat forgiven as it is truly my first attempt and ontop of it being a oneshot. I thought about this kind of scenario when i first started SB *and then later SV* years ago, after watching both Fate Prototype and Zero no Tsukaima. Well its more ZnT than Prototype, since i didn't really think of where to go after this scene. So SV, let me hear your thoughts. I am a bit worried, my first try and it doesn't really incorporate the other side of the crossover I envisioned until the very end and its only a mention. Should I change it to only ZNT until then? Who knows, cause I DON'T! Also it Swaps Henrietta and Louise a bit.
Crossposted from SB.

Royal Knight

Disappointment, shame, powerless, bastard. They named her all these things, not to her face, for the teen was above their station regardless of how superior they think themselves, her magic may only cause explosions that do no harm, but even still she was no commoner; however the lack in casting put shame upon her esteemed family, but even still she would not give up, and despite all her failings, she continued to learn, math, language, etiquette, dancing and even singing. Teachings befitting one of such birth as she, even if she feels inadequate.

The chirping of birds brings the girl from her thoughts of the past, and oh how the garden of the castle is beautiful as the dew of the morning dribbles away. In contrast to the serene sight of a beautiful girl amidst flowers of a magical castle, her thoughts are ugly and self-defeating.

'The Summoning Ritual is today' the flowers in her hands crumple as they mildly shiver, 'Can I do it, can I defy the expectations of all and prove that I am no failure, that I have true magic?' The girl ponders as she stands, nerves once again shivering through her.

A bell in the distance sounds, 'Ding... Ding... Ding' and as if on que, "Millady, it is time for the summoning." Formal and stiff, sword at her waist, her loyal guard.

"Then let us be off" with a small smile and guard at her side, the most confident she can be in such a situation where none, not even she can truly expect success. Not even her mother or father could bring themselves to think such, the young mage suspects. Walking through the pavilion to reach the Summoning Building, she clenches her dress for but a moment to calm herself as the herald annouces her coming but she can pay no mind as it is time and all stare at her from some distance, the important and noble, her nerves begin to get to her if not for seeing a certain someone, strawberry hair and confident gaunt as she strides up the stairs to the entrance of the giant Summoning Building.

"Your Highness its good to see you again" her formal yet comforting tone reminds the taller girl of their meeting all those years ago when the confident girl was introduced as a playmate.

"You as well Louise, it truly has been to long." she says while resisting the urge to pull her friend into a hug, and it truly was an overwhelming urge, as the very near future threatens to overwhelm her.

As if sensing her struggle, Louise puts a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You need not worry, Your Highness, I know you will perform the summoning successfully and dispel those putrid rumours once and for all." her comforting words bring a smile to the nervous mage,

"I thank you for your kind words, and shall take them to heart." she resolves herself, face made of steel. Her dear friend steps aside as she heads towards the circle, and the sight is truly one could call grand, a carefully groomed garden lays nearby, as a stark contrast to the very artificial structure around it, a room connected to the Audience chamber, those that summon their familiars here are well-regarded as being close to the Royal Family, in fact Louise is to summon hers here as well as other children of Dukes and Duchesses, a status symbol now. The King and Queen already settled in on thrones stationed above the Circle Room with various nobility viewing the event nearby. The Princess is to be the last summoned as is tradition, and typically this would be a great thing, to show off the power of the Royal Family, but this Princess is a failure, an Explosive disappointment, and it only brings anxiety.

The Herald clamours for attention, "Presenting his Majesty, Henry de Tristain!" At this all looks towards the King.

"I welcome you all here, for today is an important day in the lives of mages, a day you meet a partner as close if not closer than your loved ones. Today is the day you summon your familiars and prove your prowess as mages, this will mark a partnership that will last the rest of your lives, I wish you all luck, may the Founder bless you." Short, sweet and to the point, The King was not one for long winded speeches and with its end marks the beginning of the event as the first child marches his way towards the circle to summon the first familiar of the day, this places the child in some importance as he sets the tone of the summonings and to summon first is indicative of the influence the child's family commands, his blonde hair and confident, not arrogant stride is only emphasized at his wink towards some female nobles who swoon a bit. Who is-

"Guiche de Gramont, your Highness" Louise answered your unvoiced question as she comes up to your side. Smirking she says, "The confusion on your face belies your question."

Sheepishly the Princess rubs her hair, "de Gramont… He is a son of the Marshal? I've never heard of him before."

Louise shrugs, "He is not nearly as talented as his siblings or Father, though at the Academy his womanizing is quite known."

"I see" The Royal responds with disinterest even as her hand clenches her dress as Guiche finishes his summoning for a Earth mole. 'Will I be able to get a familiar even half as good as that? Get one at all?'

She sighs "What do you think you'll summon Louise?" unclenching her dress, even as the petite girl looks at her with worry,

"I am hoping for a Dragon, or a Manticore, like my mother before me." The hope in her voice brings a smile to the Princess, and then it was her turn, "Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, come forward!" Louise begins to walk towards the circle before turning towards her dear friend,

"I know you will succeed have no fear" Louise whispers and then she reaches the circle.

" I Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, in the name of the great Five Pentagon Powers, following my fate, ask that you heed my call, my beautiful, peerless and compatible partner, wherever you may be, Come! Come to me and form our pact!" Wind raves and what appears from that wind is a beast, with the face like that of a lion, but with wings that lets it flow through the air like the wind that is its affinity. A roar blasts and shakes the foundations of the building and you hear nearby calls of her being the Next Heavy Wind, a potential Manticore Knight like her mother.

The elation at her Friend's success soon tumbles down to anxiety as the Herald announces the Next Summoner, the Last.

"May the Princess Henrietta de Tristain come forward and summon her familiar!" Silence, even those that were just a short moment ago talking casually ceased their talks, some even sneering and smirking at the Princess. With trepidation she approaches the circle of summoning, the ritual that she has spent the last few months studying and researching so that she may at last succeed where she has failed so many times before,

" I, Henrietta de Tristain summon thee, a Protector and guide, a noble soul for which I may confide, a servant for which i may trust my life, please I beg of you familiar on any world, answer my call!" With a flick of her wrist and the use of her willpower she urges her magic to respond, confidence growing as she speaks.

*BOOOOOM* A Roar shoots out like an earthquake as dust and dirt blows about. 'No… NO! Please not be nothing!'

And yet in spite of her wish, nothing it was. Tears begin to glisten at the edges of her closed eyes, and her face begins to redden in shame and humiliation. She opens her eyes despite her fears, only for them to widen as the very room continues to shake, a red beacon and unseen pressure bursts. Only to stop and a golden light forms in the air.

Blonde Hair, emerald eyes, and a warm smile frames a handsome face as a Shining Knight descends.

"I ask of you, are you my Master?"

The Failure, The Disappointing Princess begins to weep, not of sadness, nor of humiliation… but of sheer relief not even noticing the symbol that now ordained her hand.
Ok if anyone has anything to say, improvements, mistakes, Encouragement.... discouragement. Let me know, I'll respond when i wake up.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, I truly appreciate it.
It's good so far but too short for me to tell if it will stay that way. either way you have my interest.
Royal II

Royal Knight​
Her crying would have to soon come to an end, for while her magic worked, what it summoned was an oddity, nevermind that she needed to complete the ritual which would be a bit awkward considering it is a man, not a beast or reptile. The glow on her hand drawing her attention,

'What... ? What is this symbol and how do I have it?' Only the Familiar should sport a mark, not the master, 'Did my magic somehow backfire and cast me as the lesser?' not even noticing as the blonde knight looks at her with worry,

"I ask again, are you my Master?" the immaculate Knight requests, shaking her from her depressive revery.

"Y-Yes! I have summoned you, Sir Knight" she spouts in a panic, the success she has made so very new.

The knight chuckles, "There is no need to be so nervous, millady" he casts her a comforting smile, it made her feel little as the realization of what she summoned comes to her. 'A human? I summoned a human. Not a magical creature nor a powerful being like Louise,' she sighs at these thoughts

"I am Saber, Master" he says suddenly, and as if the silence from before was a lie, their world suddenly burst into noise,

"She summoned a human!?" one said, lost amongst the many sentiments like it.

"He does not look like a commoner." others whisper with each other.

"Enough, Silence shall be had!" The king slammed his hand on his chair which resounds through the room. "Henriette, continue the ritual, regardless of his humanity, the ritual is to be completed, this tradition has not been broken since the Founder established it, and I will not see it be done such today." leaning forward, The King continues, "We can discuss the implications and consequences of this later." He says with a wave of the hands.

Nodding, more to herself than the King she walks towards her summon...what did he say? Her Saber, "Sir Knight, or Saber, please forgive me for this discourtesy." she says as she approaches him.

"What do you mean, is the Servant ritual not done? Though I have never been summoned amidst an audience before." Ignoring his words and their strangeness for this moment, she reaches for his head. Curiously the Knight allows himself to be bent down, and she quickly presses her lips against his cheek.

A Contract, Saber feels at once, a Foreign magecraft that he could dispel if he so chose, but there was no reason to do so even if it may be reckless to accept, he was already bound to her, and she looked so desperate, he could not just let her fail, 'Have the magus discovered some new addition to the Grail War… though this feels different, nevermind how primitive everything around looks compared to those cities of steel and glass' Saber thinks to himself, and he allows this contract,

And then pain, not the worse he has ever felt, but enough that it'd knock out a normal human in its intensity, as symbols burned their way into his hand, unreadable symbols. The pain so sudden that he couldn't help but let a little shock on his face; however.

Henrietta de Tristain stepped back as soon as she finished her magic binding, a little embarrassed for the kiss. As soon as the Ritual was complete, an Artificer approached his face curious, 'Strange, none of the summonings before warranted a researcher and reconstructor of the old for coming here?' She wonders this to herself as she inspects her Familiar, "Is the summoning of a Human, some old affliction and quirk of my failed magic?

"Princess, The King has requested my presence, please come with me" The Princess is of course obliges,

"Sir Knight, can you come with me?" She looks at Saber and requests this.

"I am your Servant, Master, I will follow." He soon falls in behind her as the Artificer leads them off, Henriette noticing the confused and worry look of his childhood friend near her Manticore, but cannot not ward her worry off for now, "Master, It is joyous that you did not explode of fear for I thought you might for a good bit there." He says with a smile, her face turning a slight red, "I-I was just nervous!" she says indignantly summoning a chuckle from her Familiar.

"Do not worry, Master, you performed the Servant ritual well." He reassures her and she accepts with a nod, though she could not help the slight smile that now rests upon her lips.

As they talk, they proceeded into a large room, a Laboratory, books of wonders and ancient knowledge surrounds them, more than a Library, a room for the Royal Artificer.

The man in question, turns first to the Heroic Spirit, "Do you have a mark or symbol upon your body, Sir…" he asks awkwardly,

"Saber, and yes I do" His right gauntlet disappears into blue motes, a strange marking upon his hand, though none focused on that immediately, "What the!? Where did your gauntlet disappear to? What Magic is that?" Henrietta grabs his hand in haste.

"The armor I wear is bound to me, I can summon it on and off at will." The King of Knights responds, "Though I have nothing to wear underneath this armor, so I am afraid I would give you an indignity losing anymore armor." The Artificer shaking from his initial shock, "You did appear in a ritual of magic and in golden light…" he mumbles to himself, "May I see you hand, Sir Saber?"

The Knight takes it out of his Master's hands and offers it silently, and the employed man gently grabs it, intently studying the runes upon them, "Strange, these are unlike other familiar runes…" speaking of runes, Henrietta looks upon her hand even has Saber speaks, "Familiar runes…? Strange indeed, bounding a Servant with such is not easily done, if it was at all possible." As he looks around the room he continues, "Normally only Masters would get such markings, like you have, Master" he gestures towards her hand, attracted even the Artificer who was intently studying some ancient books, and examining Saber's hand.

"Yes, you have runes engraved on the back of your hands aswell, what are they?" The Artificer looks inquisitively towards the Familiar,

"The Command Seals, of which there are three, are absolute commands you have towards me, regardless of my thoughts on the matter, you could order me to strike down the innocent and good, of course once you lose all three seals, you lose your life for forcing me to such deeds." He says as he hands shake with mild offense at such a notion, "Of course these seals can also be used to enhance my abilities if we are of one mind towards a goal, such as striking an enemy it will cause that strike to be made with much more force than before."

"Essentially mind control then?" The Artificer with his arms crossed and frown framing his face questions, and she is inclined to agree, she rather dislikes the idea of taking the will of another.

Saber shakes his head, "As I said, it can be used to enhance my abilities, and while it can take my will away, I doubt you would do so, Master, I can tell you are kind."

Speaking of which, what were his abilities? Henriette did not know, while his knowledge on these 'seals' as he calls them is quite advanced, what does that mean for his abilities?

"What are your abilities anyways, Saber?" She looks him up and down, "You don't look much like a mage."

"No I wouldn't, a Knight does not wield magecraft as a magus would, though its obvious something is strange, both with this mark upon my hand and the fact that I am a 'Familiar' and called such rather than a Servant." Saber responds, and as he was to continue his explanation, a bell sounds and servants walk in,

"Your Highness, His Majesty requests your presence along with that of your familiar's in the dining hall, it is time for Supper."

Sighing, "I would be remiss to not accept my Father's invitation, shall we go Saber?" The Servant perking up at the sound of food,

"Of course, Master, and Goodbye, Sir…?" Looking towards the Artificer,

"Jean, Jean Colbert" The Royal Artificer responds as he continues to read his book.

"Then have good fortune Sir Colbert" The Princess and her Servant proceed to dinner, leaving the room behind as Colbert glances up, and then returns to his book, Runic History - Void and the Founder 10th Edition.

Arriving at the dining hall, her mother and father await, the King at the far end of the table, and his queen by side. Noticing her arrival the King sighs, "My daughter, how was your visit with the Artificer, has he discovered anything?"

Henrietta approaches and with the help of a maid sits on the other side of her mother,

"No father, when you summoned us, he was deep inside a book after examining my Familiar's hand, though he was a bit distracted by the mark upon my hand." showing and waves towards her right hand upon which the seals sit.

A light of Interest sparkles in the King's eyes, "You must tell me about this marking sometime, but for now I would like to talk to your familiar, and you can sit down you know?" Henrietta gaps for a moment, she forgot about him for a moment he was so silent, looking behind her, she sees him some ways off standing as if but a simple servant… and upon his mention he looks up and walks towards the table, but does not sit down,

"Is it not impolite for a mere familiar and servant to sit down at the same table as the King?" Saber asks, as he bows slightly.

But the Kings waves it off, "Just sit down, there is no need to be so formal, after all you did forge a partnership with my daughter, nevermind that your summoning even if odd dispelled… some rumors and for that you have more than earned the right to sit at the table!" obliging the King, Saber sits down, and just in time as maids and butlers burst through the doors with a feast befitting a King.

"Ah yes, Supper has arrived! Familiar try some of the food, I know not where you were summoned from, but you surely have not tried the Tristain specialties." The food is set, and as if a Lion, Saber begins to devour the food, not a single spill nor improper action, yet the food disappears all the same. The Queen, the King and the Princess can just stare in awe at the speed and ferocity.

Saber's hand stops, "Oh dear me, I apologize, that was unbecoming of myself, but the food was truly delicious and I am forever grateful for the chance to taste it."

The King awkwardly chuckles, "Ofcourse, so what is your name, Familiar?" he asks with a keen sparkle,

"Saber, your Majesty, that is what I am called." but the King would not relent,

"But that is not a name, Sir, That is more akin to a Title." Saber of course sighs as this as he lays down his spoon and fork, "Your Majesty, Saber is my name for as long as its required, only my Master should know my true name as is right and intelligent of a magus, I know not if and when other Servants will be summoned and if they do, my True Name can be used against me as it reveals any of my weaknesses."

The Kings glares at the Knight, but he merely looks back unaffected by the glare of the most powerful man in the country.

"Fine, have your secrets for now, I will find them out eventually anyways." he glances at his Henrietta, Saber's Master and the King's daughter.

The rest of the feast was cast mostly in silence, though Henrietta and her family did chat on small things, Dinner is no place for politics and such after all.

Her bedroom was massive, at least she thought so, Henriette loved the space, her home, away from the guiles of politics and the whispers of her detractors, though they have greatly lessened at the summoning of her Servant, her Knight, Saber. Henriette lets out a chuckle at remember his insistence he stay with her to guard her, apologizing for the faux pa, but claiming a Servant must guard his Master, though he eventually relented and was given a room close by.

Dressed in her nightgown, she settles in her bed, sighing contently at her success on this day, something she was scared of failing at for so very long. She drifts away…

Dreams of Kings, Knights, a Mage and a sword in the Stone.


AN: Ok, the non-negative reviews inspired me to write one more part, :p.
Well now, that a way to use Jean to his full potential. He did like to build thing and kindda eccentric, make him teach teenagers is a waste of his ability.

So even summoned in another world, saberface can't astralize like other servant?
Also I am curious what would happen next. Now I know you you were doing a one shot but regardless my interest is at a high right now.
Also I am curious what would happen next. Now I know you you were doing a one shot but regardless my interest is at a high right now.
I will try, I was able to throw these chapters out in about 2 hours each of writing, but its going to lengthen a lot more in terms of time due to various factors, nevermind that i need to research the Nasuverse a bit more, since my knowledge is actually pretty low truth be told.
Royal III
Ok, the dream sequence is short, its there pretty much to signify what she's dreaming of, like many other fics of Servants.
Oh and the lead in to the first conflict.

Royal Knight​

'If you pull this sword out, Arthur. You will no longer be human' the mysterious woman warns the Knight, but the boy continues on his path towards the sword,

'If I can make people happy, it is surely not a wrong decision.' pulling out the blade with one flowing motion and raises it in the air.

With a gasp, the Crown Princess of Tristain awaken, 'Arthur… is… is that his name?' she wonders to herself as she rubs the sweat from her brow then she pulls the covers completely off her form and throws her leg off her bed and sits, 'What were those dreams and why did I see Saber… no Arthur?' confusion written for but a moment before a look of resolution brings itself on her face.

'I must find out, why did he not tell me this yesterday? I need to know' Henrietta gets off her bed and marches out, narrowly missing her maid on the way out, "Your Highness, where are you going in your nigh go- Your Highness!" her maid yells out as she continues to rush off towards her Servant's room, she'll apologize to Siesta later.

*Bam* The door rockets open, "Saber!" she yells out, her Servant already dressed in his extremely well fitted and well made armor. "Master, I wasn't expecting this kind of visit so soon." he says with a playful grin.

Henrietta can only sputter, "N-no, I.. I was." she eeks out with her face slightly red, before shaking her head, "Arthur!" shes yells out indignantly. His naming makes him straighten up, "I see, you've been having dreams of my past already." he explains, his sudden seriousness draining the anger from the Princess,

"Yea, last night. I saw so many things, but the only things that really stuck was your name and a sword in a stone… Excal-?" "Caliburn" tilting her head at that,

"Caliburn?" she questions, she was sure Arthur's sword was called Excalibur, though she didn't understand why she was adamant about that.

"Caliburn is the sword in the stone, the sword of selection, Excalibur was my sword later in life given me by the Lady of the Lake and the one I wield now as Servant Saber as it was my most famous."

At that she was curious, "Famous, why would renown make one sword be the one you wield rather than the other?"

Sighing, "Its due to my nature as a Heroic Spirit, a being that as accrued great fame and acclaim in their life that they transcend to the Throne of Heroes, they are akin to Gods in a way." at the description Henrietta can't help but show confusion, "Heroic Spirits, in all my life as a mage, even a poor one as myself, I have never heard of Heroic Spirits…"

Arthur can do nothing but sigh as he takes a seat on his bed, "I feared that, I suspected that I may not be where I should, though the moons I saw last night confirmed it, I am not on my world, a different world, a different magical system and a Master that has no idea how she summoned me and branding me with a rune that I have no idea of its effects." At that Henrietta can't help but feel some shame, "I am sorry, Arthur, I brought you here against your will and took you away from your home."

The Knight shakes his head as he stands and moves over to his Master, putting a hand on her shoulder, "There is nothing to apologize for, you did not bring me here against my will, how could I not come from such a desperate and pleading speech? And my home was gone long before you asked for my aid."

"What happened to it, If it is not to much, Arthur" She asks carefully, moving his hand from her shoulder.

"It was destroyed because of my failings", at that Henrietta was slightly confused at that

"How could it be your fault that your home was destroyed? Surely it could not be your fault, for while I have not known you long, you have been nothing but kind and just…" conviction of this idea marking her face, but the Knight can do naught but shake his head, "If you do not know, then you'll find out" he shrugs off the conversation, "I think it is time for breakfast, Master." He walks past Henrietta, "But Arthur…" before she could continue her protest, Siesta catches up and breathing heavy,

"Milady, why must you run off?" She has some morning clothes in her hands, Arthur wandering off to the dining hall, "Best hurry before all the food is gone, Master~" he laughs as Henrietta's cheeks begin to puff,

"Why that no good…" sighing, Henrietta turns towards her room to get ready for the morning.

Arriving at the Dining Hall, Saber sees noone has arrived yet, neither the King nor the Queen, though there are a few maids and a butler waiting, "Ah Master Saber, His and Her Majesty will arrive later, so if you'd like we can bring breakfast early, and noting the ruckus you made last night, I am sure The Princess is not far behind." at this Arthur could only rub his head sheepishly,

"It is my duty as her Serv- uh, Familiar to guard her, but yes she will arrive shortly, so getting breakfast now would be good." taking a seat Saber has nothing to do but wait alone while the servants go get the food. 'This land is so strange, it is very reminiscent of various countries of my time and world.' looking around he can see various paintings from famous though unknown artists, depicting a great variety of things, the large hall was filled with objects all centered around this giant table fit for over a dozen. 'Regardless, If i am here then there might be other Servants, so I must be careful of that as well as the unknown magics performed here by these magus' in the midst of these thoughts, Henrietta finally arrives, dressed in a beautiful purple dress, and a small crown adorning her head.

"Ah Ar- er Saber, I apologize for taking so long." of course the Knight merely waves it off.

She took some time deciding her dress, it was always entertaining for her since her childhood to peer over her clothing, always looking her best even in spite of those that try to tear her down to her worst. Henrietta takes a seat next to her Knight as he waits for breakfast to arrive, "Arthur, what did you mean by-" As if to deny her curiosity, servants burst in, food at the ready they set up the table and the food is ready, but neither the Princess nor her Servant could start as the King walks in, his personal aides moving a cart of steaming plates.

"That is my father's favorite foods, he eats them at least once or twice a month, prepared specially by the Royal Chef. No one but he may make the meals, though he does have a few cooks to help prepare them" Answering Saber's unvoiced question,

"I see, they must be good, where does he get them from?" Henrietta opens her mouth to answer, but is beaten to it by the King,

"Albion, my homeland, a beautiful place…" The king drifts into his memories even as Saber slightly flinches at the name, confusing Henrietta slightly as she gives him a questioning look, the Knight just shrugs it off. The King takes a seat at the head of the table

"No matter and ah, Henrietta, Your Mother won't be joining us this morning, she is preparing for a trip to Duchess Valliere's, so you may want to wish her luck on her journey after breakfast." she nods at that

"Of course Father, mayhaps she can pass greetings to Louise's sisters for me." with the food ready and the King's special plates in order on the table, it was time to eat, Saber begins his signature destruction of the table. Henrietta slowly but gracefully taking her slices of food. The King rubs his hands together, time to eat, he has been waiting weeks for these foods to arrive, be prepared and finally served. He digs in.

'So Good!!' The King eating faster than usual, almost half as fast as Saber, coughing the King is forced to stop, 'I guess I was hungrier than I thought, almost cho-' coughing again and again, not even the King of Knights could have realized.

"Father, are you okay?" his daughter gets up to rub his back, "You should not eat so fa- Father!?" blood shoots out of his mouth as he coughs, Saber realizing at once, "Get a Doctor, Now!" The Familiar yells, Servants scrambling at his order. Even through all of this, there was only one thought in the King's mind,

'Why does this food taste like blood?'

AN: Well the first conflict is not something easily faced. Though I regret that this chapter is so short. Ohwell, hopefully I can keep the creative juices flowing.
Last edited:
Royal IV
Royal Knight​

A/N: Wow… It's been awhile, but I will try to come back, this chapter was hard to write, My lack of planning makes it hard to just make consistent updates. I will always try to come back to this since its my first piece of writing i've truly contributed to this site. Part of the problem was describing something I have yet to experience… Parental Death. Hopefully you like this update.

Grief, the word itself does injustice to her feelings, how does one describe the sense of loss that is the death of a parent. Especially one who was so supportive despite her disabilities? Henrietta could not even fathom how life will continue now that he was gone… she feels so numb, only barely noticing the hand on her shoulder,

"Master… No, Henrietta, I know not how to comfort you, but I promise, no… I swear by my oaths as a knight, that I shall bring the assassin to justice" Her Noble Knight, her Saber, Arthur lightly squeezes her shoulder. It's already been a week since his death, her father's grand funeral still be prepared. Her Mother locked in her room, despite officially being the Regent, "Sadness overtakes Mother, just like it takes me… but I must be strong" she shakes her head as she truly looks around for what seems like the first time in… five months. Her room that previously felt so large, now feels choking, the pressure that now is now beared on her shoulders as her mother secludes herself away, 'She is regent as I am still under age, but with her… hiding away, I must do this myself, as I will be Queen.' she gently pushes her Knight's hand away.

"Thank you, Arthur, but I must do it myself, otherwise what would be the point?" at this, Arthur can only solemnly rebuke her,

"No, Master, you do not have to do this alone, my promise shall stay, but we can do it together, and with your authority even if its blunted by your age can help immensely" Arthur begins looking a bit sheepish even in this situation,

"I may have used my position as your familiar to begin the process to track down the perpetrator by your command, and for that I apologize." despite herself the Princess can't help but chuckle at his earnestness,

"It is fine, Arthur, in this case you did well. It is about time I at least try to overcome this weakness." she allows herself a small smile, she stands up and pats her dress down. She begins to walk towards the door, seeing the time of day, it's probably time for lunch… the thought of food still making her cringe a bit.

"Well then, shall we go, Arthur?" her tone almost whimsical if not for the events that have passed, a whirlwind it could be considered.

"Of course, Master... " The knight quickly follows behind her, like a whisper almost too quiet to hear, but hear she did, "It is not weakness to grieve, Master" the sentiment putting a smile on her face,

"Thank you, Arthur" and she was sincere, in only the short time she has known him, he has been a pillar where before only Louise and her parents were, for the first time in her life was she glad for her strange magic that it allowed her in some way summon such a unique familiar.

Entering the Dining Hall, Henrietta cannot help but stare at the seat where her father Perished by the hand of poison, a most foul instrument. Powering through the sadness that starts to envelope her, she approaches her seat… the one furthest from her father's. Saber takes the one next to her, he glances at her with sympathy.

Ignoring her plight, she begins to focus on another subject, the one she must focus on as she resolves herself to the pursuit of.. of Justice,

"So, what have you done to begin the investigation, Saber?" The Knight, seeing her resolve offers his answers,

"So far I've ordered your loyal bodyguard… Lady Anes I think it was?" Anes… ah, Agnes her most loyal of retainers, "Agnes, she is the Captain of my guard and in charge of the Royal Musketeers" the Princess clarifies,

"Oh yes, Lady Agnes, I had ordered her to begin investigations into the cooks and the chef who prepared the food, obviously one of them is either the assassin or in some way related to the assassin, but that path was cut before it could begin, one of the aides to chef died of the same poison that…" he leaves it unsaid, but she knew he was referencing her father, Founder bless his soul.

"That murdered my Father" Arthur silently nodded before continuing on,

"I told Lady Agnes to continue questioning the other aides and the Chef, hopefully we can find out more about the aide before any trail becomes cold." he lets out of a breath in frustration.

"I have also ordered your Royal Artificer to put his research on hold and to investigate the source of the food." Henrietta could only blink at this,

"The source…? Wait, did you tell him to travel to Albion!?" she stands up almost knocking the chair to the ground,

"Yes, normally it would be easier to ask for aid from the the Royal Family who are your kin, but this… organization, Reconquista, puts a damper on that prospect." At the mention of the infamous group, the Princess can do naught but calm down.

"Your right, Arthur, it is and will continue to be difficult to trust sources from the Royal Family as it continues to be dwindled down by the rebels, if only I knew anyone I could truly trust from the Tudors, but I have never met any of them." She could only sigh at this twist of luck, being forced to send men into a nominally friendly country makes her feel ill at ease, but with the corruption and conflict at every level of the nation, it is hard to trust them. The dogma of the rebels also make it difficult to communicate with them.

"So yes, I sent Sir Colbert to investigate the source, his skills as both an artificer, and a former soldier will be invaluable to his mission." in truth Henrietta wasn't sure about the Artificer, she never paid him much mind before the ceremony, but she can only nod to Arthur's logic, but how does he know he was a Soldier?

"How did you know he was a soldier?" she can only assume it's his experience, for her Saber seems to be a man of great skill in battle, so maybe like can sense like? Arthur can only chuckle, a teasing glint in his eye, "I asked him, Master, how else would I know?" Henrietta can only huff, crossing her arms, "and Yes, It's also because of his bearing, despite his air of casualness, he has the makings of a trained magus" that certainly made sense to her, and well it was of no true importance and with her curiosity sated she can only move on; however before she can do so, her loyal guard bursts through the door,

"Milady, I bring news from the interrogation of the Chef and Aides!" This brings some relief to the Princess, finally some progress for her goal.

"Well Agnes, Speak!" She commands, the authority in her voice belies her previously dour personality

"Yes, Your Highness, The aide that was poisoned, the Chef claims that he came from Bredan, a modestly sized town near the Border towards Albion, the Chef also informed me that he recruited him in a pub, apparently the wretch also helped the cook of the establishment." This information presented an opportunity for truth,

"Saber, You and I shall travel to this town and investigate its connection to the assassination." at this Saber and Agnes look at her bewildered,

"But your highness, you cannot! You must stay here as it is both unsafe to travel, and not to mention the fact that you are to be Queen, you are far too important to risk, who is to govern in your absence!?" At this Henrietta's resolve is shaken; however she has to do this, she has to!

'This is my responsibility to claim justice! I have to do this, there is no other way.'

Arthur, is of two minds and is unable to speak, he on one hand supports his master's wish to investigate, but his duty is to protect her, despite how brave and righteous her actions. Just as Henrietta was to retort, another figure enters the room,

"Let her go, Agnes, as her Regent, I am supposed to govern in her stead anyways, I've raised her for her entire life, there is no convincing my daughter when she has that look in her eyes." Her mother, Marianne, in all her beauty and glory stands there as if no grief ever bound her. Her words full of conviction that even Arthur couldn't help but be completely swayed.

"Thank you, Mother, We must prepare swiftly, but first…" The princess stands, and run to her mother, abandoning all etiquette, as she leaps into a hug, the Mother and daughter embrace, the sadness seems to emerge and disappear in equal measures as they gain a measure of relief from each other's love.

"Be strong, Henrietta, I know you will find the assassin, and those that control them" her mother whispers, and despite all the comfort, it must end as they seperate. With one last smile, Henrietta looks towards Arthur, "Come, Saber, we must prepare for a journey!"

A small chuckle emerges, "Of course, Master, let us be off."