Rising Stars (Stellaris) [Video Quest]

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Fourteen years ago, the worlds end began. For a seventh time, Earth went to war with a...

Fourteen years ago, the worlds end began. For a seventh time, Earth went to war with a totality of effort, the blossoms of nuclear light spread across the world. All over the revelation and desire to posses the latest technological marvel, The Hyperdrive. Whoever controlled it would control access to the stars, and the fate of the entire world.

No one won. Still scared and still weakened from the sixth world war a mere decade and half before, most of the worlds nations quickly collapsed in the chaos, their populations descending into the anarchy of survival. The greater nations lasted less then a month later, before the earth herself rebelled. No one knows what triggered it. Cosmic chance, a stray nuke, or simply the will of the planet, it mattered not. Yellowstone erupted, Iceland turned to fire, and the great African rift became a sea of molten rock. The hundreds of volcanos erupting across the world at the same time was just icing on the cake. With the ecology of earth radically shifting, and soon the greater nations collapsed to internal strife, as the sky's darkened with ash.

It was seven years ago that we managed to assemble a measure of order to this chaotic mess. To reclaim civilization once again from barbarity. For once, Humanity was united. It is now January 1st, 2200, and the first exploration ship has been finished, ready to set out and map the hyperlanes, and to start the path that will see humanity rise to the stars!

but first, a few questions, to see who humanity is now that it is united and whole once again.

In what ways was it united in the aftermath of this great disaster?

[] Through absolute force. Once control over the orbitals was established, crushing any resistance was easy.
[] As the last remnants of a great nations army, it was easy to intimidate the small remaining militias to submit.
[] With the fate of humanity on the line no one but a few bandit groups wished to make trouble.
[] through words and diplomacy. agreements were reached to minimize points of conflict, and minimize our conflict until the survival of humanity has been guaranteed.
[] Humanity was sick of war. to many times had the world been reduced to barbarity, and now it was the potential death of Terra itself.
[] All is one and one is all.

How dose humanity see potential alien life that might be out there among the stars.

[] Despite the many hardships inflicted on the world, many still dreamed of finding life in the stars.
[] Perhaps they would even inspire humanity to be better then their past would indicate, and drive them to new heights.
[] or they could be just like us.
[] full of prejustices, spite, and pettiness.
[] something to be shunned and feared.
[] All is one and one is all.

What is the roll of the government, at least in relation of order and freedom?

[] We are to unruly and unpredictable to survive, without absolute governmental authority to insure order. we have proved to many times that we can not be trusted to be ruled by the masses.
[] Strong governmental control is necessary to keep order, but it itself must have checks and measures to keep it in line.
[] government is a fine balancing act between order and freedom.
[]Government is meant to serve the people, not control them. even if it is not efferent, the freedom of the individual must be preserved.
[] Government is there only to deal with the greater issues, not regulate day to day life.
[] All is one and one is all.

How dose the population view technology and it's roll in the past/future?

[] Our Lord in heaven lighted our way to recovery, and cast down those who looked to machines to save them.
[] Yet it was also these machines that our lord blessed that will guide us into the heavens.
[] Most of the population is indifferent to technology at large. a convenient tool, but just a tool.
[] Without technology, we would not have managed to recover from our civilizations destruction so many times.
[] In fact, despite it's roll in our destruction, it has improved our lives so much, and given us ever greater hope for the future!
[] All is one and one is all.

What is the core of the new government of united humanity?

[] The Imperial family were the ones who saved us. who lead us out of the dark time and gave us hope for a future.
[] The Military held control firmly, and it was through them that order was maintained in the dark times.
[] the council helped establish our current peace, and organize our efforts to return to the heavens above.
[] Once the initial crisis was over, our leaders were elected, and firm checks were emplaced to insure the success of our democracy.
[] All is one and one is all.
OOC: one vote per section. No plan-voting for chargen.
Write ins are.. acceptable, but won't affect gameplay other then flavor right now, as mechanics are purely mechanical at this point and have no flexibility.

Anyway, Welcome to Rising Stars.. and experimental stellar civilization game. Gameplay is pretty straight forward, It's going to be the updates that are a bit experimental... how so you will see in part two of turn zero, when the rest of the options for set up are listed. I hope you will give it a chance till at least then. I'll reserve one post for links and stuff, but feel free to post after that.
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[x] Through absolute force. Once control over the orbitals was established, crushing any resistance was easy.
[x] or they could be just like us.
[x] Strong governmental control is necessary to keep order, but it itself must have checks and measures to keep it in line.
[x] Most of the population is indifferent to technology at large. a convenient tool, but just a tool.
[x] The Imperial family were the ones who saved us. who lead us out of the dark time and gave us hope for a future.
[X] As the last remnants of a great nations army, it was easy to intimidate the small remaining militias to submit.
[X] or they could be just like us.
[X] government is a fine balancing act between order and freedom.
[X] Without technology, we would not have managed to recover from our civilizations destruction so many times.
[X] Once the initial crisis was over, our leaders were elected, and firm checks were emplaced to insure the success of our democracy.
[x] through words and diplomacy. agreements were reached to minimize points of conflict, and minimize our conflict until the survival of humanity has been guaranteed.
[x] or they could be just like us.
[x] Strong governmental control is necessary to keep order, but it itself must have checks and measures to keep it in line.
[x] Without technology, we would not have managed to recover from our civilizations destruction so many times.
[x] The Military held control firmly, and it was through them that order was maintained in the dark times.
[x] Through absolute force. Once control over the orbitals was established, crushing any resistance was easy.
[x] or they could be just like us.
[x] Strong governmental control is necessary to keep order, but it itself must have checks and measures to keep it in line.
[x] Most of the population is indifferent to technology at large. a convenient tool, but just a tool.
[x] The Imperial family were the ones who saved us. who lead us out of the dark time and gave us hope for a future.
[X] through words and diplomacy. agreements were reached to minimize points of conflict, and minimize our conflict until the survival of humanity has been guaranteed.
[X] Perhaps they would even inspire humanity to be better then their past would indicate, and drive them to new heights.
[X] government is a fine balancing act between order and freedom.
[X] In fact, despite it's roll in our destruction, it has improved our lives so much, and given us ever greater hope for the future!
[X] the council helped establish our current peace, and organize our efforts to return to the heavens above.
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[x] As the last remnants of a great nations army, it was easy to intimidate the small remaining militias to submit.
[x] or they could be just like us.
[x] Strong governmental control is necessary to keep order, but it itself must have checks and measures to keep it in line.
[x] Yet it was also these machines that our lord blessed that will guide us into the heavens.
[x] The Military held control firmly, and it was through them that order was maintained in the dark times.
[X] through words and diplomacy. agreements were reached to minimize points of conflict, and minimize our conflict until the survival of humanity has been guaranteed.
[X] Perhaps they would even inspire humanity to be better then their past would indicate, and drive them to new heights.
[X] government is a fine balancing act between order and freedom.
[X] In fact, despite it's roll in our destruction, it has improved our lives so much, and given us ever greater hope for the future!
[X] the council helped establish our current peace, and organize our efforts to return to the heavens above.

Friendly neighborhood Technocracy.
[X] through words and diplomacy. agreements were reached to minimize points of conflict, and minimize our conflict until the survival of humanity has been guaranteed.
[X] Perhaps they would even inspire humanity to be better then their past would indicate, and drive them to new heights.
[X] government is a fine balancing act between order and freedom.
[X] In fact, despite it's roll in our destruction, it has improved our lives so much, and given us ever greater hope for the future!
[X] Once the initial crisis was over, our leaders were elected, and firm checks were emplaced to insure the success of our democracy.
[] With the fate of humanity on the line no one but a few bandit groups wished to make trouble.
[] or they could be just like us.

[] government is a fine balancing act between order and freedom.
[] Government is there only to deal with the greater issues, not regulate day to day life.

[] Without technology, we would not have managed to recover from our civilizations destruction so many times.
[] The Imperial family were the ones who saved us. who lead us out of the dark time and gave us hope for a future.

Not sure what level of control to go with. It would inevitably be the governments that fuck everyone over, but it's now the imperial family that, with my vote anyway, would be smacking everyone upside the head and getting them to realize what idiots they are being and we need to work together.

[] All is one and one is all.

I have no idea what to make of the invisitext option(s) though. It sounds hive-mind-y, but that's a very spiritual saying, and it's there for every option, including the alien one, so...
[] With the fate of humanity on the line no one but a few bandit groups wished to make trouble.
[] or they could be just like us.

[] government is a fine balancing act between order and freedom.
[] Government is there only to deal with the greater issues, not regulate day to day life.

[] Without technology, we would not have managed to recover from our civilizations destruction so many times.
[] The Imperial family were the ones who saved us. who lead us out of the dark time and gave us hope for a future.

Not sure what level of control to go with. It would inevitably be the governments that fuck everyone over, but it's now the imperial family that, with my vote anyway, would be smacking everyone upside the head and getting them to realize what idiots they are being and we need to work together.

[] All is one and one is all.

I have no idea what to make of the invisitext option(s) though. It sounds hive-mind-y, but that's a very spiritual saying, and it's there for every option, including the alien one, so...
Sounds a bit like the worm to me, if you've ever played Stellaris.
[x] Through absolute force. Once control over the orbitals was established, crushing any resistance was easy.
[x] or they could be just like us.
[x] Strong governmental control is necessary to keep order, but it itself must have checks and measures to keep it in line.
[X] In fact, despite it's roll in our destruction, it has improved our lives so much, and given us ever greater hope for the future!
[x] The Imperial family were the ones who saved us. who lead us out of the dark time and gave us hope for a future.
Adhoc vote count started by Chrestomanci on Nov 13, 2018 at 11:33 AM, finished with 15 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] or they could be just like us.
    [x] Strong governmental control is necessary to keep order, but it itself must have checks and measures to keep it in line.
    [X] government is a fine balancing act between order and freedom.
    [x] through words and diplomacy. agreements were reached to minimize points of conflict, and minimize our conflict until the survival of humanity has been guaranteed.
    [X] In fact, despite it's roll in our destruction, it has improved our lives so much, and given us ever greater hope for the future!
    [x] Through absolute force. Once control over the orbitals was established, crushing any resistance was easy.
    [x] The Imperial family were the ones who saved us. who lead us out of the dark time and gave us hope for a future.
    [X] Perhaps they would even inspire humanity to be better then their past would indicate, and drive them to new heights.
    [x] Most of the population is indifferent to technology at large. a convenient tool, but just a tool.
    [X] As the last remnants of a great nations army, it was easy to intimidate the small remaining militias to submit.
    [X] Without technology, we would not have managed to recover from our civilizations destruction so many times.
    [X] Once the initial crisis was over, our leaders were elected, and firm checks were emplaced to insure the success of our democracy.
    [x] The Military held control firmly, and it was through them that order was maintained in the dark times.
    [X] the council helped establish our current peace, and organize our efforts to return to the heavens above.
    [x] Yet it was also these machines that our lord blessed that will guide us into the heavens.
Right, Votes totaled and collected.. and it's a close race. a bit to close in point values to decide cleanly. While I script and prepare for the update, I'm going to toss out a quick-vote.

which is a greater priority:
[]Government Authority

got 1 hour to vote. One of the two options is defiantly in, the other is in only if it gets enough votes.
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Nov 14, 2018 at 5:35 PM, finished with 17 posts and 10 votes.

  • [x] or they could be just like us.
    [x] Strong governmental control is necessary to keep order, but it itself must have checks and measures to keep it in line.
    [X] government is a fine balancing act between order and freedom.
    [x] through words and diplomacy. agreements were reached to minimize points of conflict, and minimize our conflict until the survival of humanity has been guaranteed.
    [X] In fact, despite it's roll in our destruction, it has improved our lives so much, and given us ever greater hope for the future!
    [x] Through absolute force. Once control over the orbitals was established, crushing any resistance was easy.
    [x] The Imperial family were the ones who saved us. who lead us out of the dark time and gave us hope for a future.
    [X] Perhaps they would even inspire humanity to be better then their past would indicate, and drive them to new heights.
    [x] Most of the population is indifferent to technology at large. a convenient tool, but just a tool.
    [X] As the last remnants of a great nations army, it was easy to intimidate the small remaining militias to submit.
    [X] Without technology, we would not have managed to recover from our civilizations destruction so many times.
    [X] Once the initial crisis was over, our leaders were elected, and firm checks were emplaced to insure the success of our democracy.
    [x] The Military held control firmly, and it was through them that order was maintained in the dark times.
    [X] the council helped establish our current peace, and organize our efforts to return to the heavens above.
    [x] Yet it was also these machines that our lord blessed that will guide us into the heavens.
What, the vote isn't over? I didn't vote because I missed the deadline, but if it isn't closed...

[x] Government Authority
arrghhh. busy week at work, and got called in for an extra day. But everything is written and recorded. Just need to upload and spellcheck, so expect the update sometime tonight.
Vote tally:
--------- Militant-pacifistic 16+2-5-2= 11
[8] Through absolute force. once control over the orbitals was established, crushing any resistance was easy. (+2MP)
[2] As the last remnants of a great nations army, it was easy to intimidate the small remaining militias to submit. (+1MP)
[0] With the fate of humanity on the line no one but a few bandit groups wished to make trouble.[0MP]
[5] through words and diplomacy. agreements were reached to minimize points of conflict, and minimize our conflict until the survival of humanity has been guaranteed.[-1MP]
[1] Humanity was sick of war. to many times had the world been reduced to barbarity, and now it was the potential death of Terra itself. [-2MP]
[Hidden][3] All is one and one is all.
Xeno-relations 6-2-4=0
[0] Despite the many hardships inflicted on the world, many still dreamed of finding life in the stars. [1X]
[3] Perhaps they would even inspire humanity to be better then their past would indicate, and drive them to new heights. [2X]
[9] or they could be just like us.. [0X]
[2] full of prejustices, spite, and pettiness. [-1X]
[2] something to be shunned and feared. [-2X]
[Hidden][3] All is one and one is all.
Authoritarian-Egalitarian 8+8=16
[4] We are to unruly and unpredictable to survive, without absolute government authority to insure order. we have proved to many times that we can not be trusted to be ruled by the masses. [+2AE]
[8] Strong governmental control is necessary to keep order, but it itself must have checks and measures to keep it in line. [+1AE]
[4] government is a fine balancing act between order and freedom. [0AE]
[0]Government is meant to serve the people, not control them. even if it is not efficient, the freedom of the individual must be preserved. [-1AE]
[0] Government is there only to deal with the greater issues, not regulate day to day life. [-2AE]
[Hidden][3] All is one and one is all.
Spiritualist-Materialist 2+3-2-12= -9
[1] Our Lord in heaven lighted our way to recovery, and cast down those who looked to machines to save them. [+2SM]
[3] Yet it was also these machines that our lord blessed that will guide us into the heavens. [+1SM]
[4] Most of the population is indifferent to technology at large. a convenient tool, but just a tool. [-0SM]
[2] Without technology, we would not have managed to recover from our civilizations destruction so many times. [-1SM]
[6] In fact, despite it's roll in our destruction, it has improved our lives so much, and given us ever greater hope for the future! [-2SM]
[Hidden][3] All is one and one is all.
[8] The Imperial family were the ones who saved us. who lead us out of the dark time and gave us hope for a future.
[3] The Military held control firmly, and it was through them that order was maintained in the dark times.
[1] the council helped establish our current peace, and organize our efforts to return to the heavens above.
-[1]The Church has saved humanity, and the high priests rule over the masses speaking with the wisdom of the Lord.
[3] Once the initial crisis was over, our leaders were elected, and firm checks were emplaced to insure the success of our democracy.
[Hidden][3] All is one and one is all.
supplementary vote:
[0-2]Government Authority
3 votes for technology on time, 6 votes total. 2 against but nether on item. quota needed... 5. Technology dose not meet the required threshold.
that means the winning outcome of the votes are...
Fanatic Authoritarian and Militarist, with an Imperial family to rule us.
So we have our starting ethics, and can move onto the rest of the character creation, which is a lot more straight forward.
But perhaps I should get into the game itself before I do anything else..

As you can likely guess, the experimental part of the game is the fact that the updates will be in video format, rather then written. Mechanics will be handled by the computer game "Stellaris" with a lot of mods added. Turns will be one in game year, which I comment on, read events out, and try to give a dramatic flair to.

Turn starts with me imputing the results of the forums voting. using console commands to add any bonus/penalties from omakes, and last turns random event. Sending out any forum proposed diplomacy, and any other tasks the forum sets me to do in game.
Once everything is done, I set a science ship or fleet to follow, then hit start. I provide commentary, report off any events and anomalies in a dramatic fashion, possibly even read out any cannon omakes. minor choices will be done as they happen, and will favor our ethics and/or any disagreement with previous ones via the forum. If a major event like a war or in game crisis happens, I'll pause and put up for vote for reaction to it.
When we reach January 1st again, I will pause the game and save. then I'll list all the potential options we have to build, list technologies available to research if one has been finished, possible stars to explore, and anything else that needs to be put up to vote. I will also roll a 1D100 for a random event, with something positive happening on a 81-100 or something negative on a 1-20.
I will be using console commands to reflect forum made choices and the random events, but don't worry to much. I'm setting the difficulty to the second highest setting, in addition to the erratic results that might happen due to player voting, so it's going to be more of a equalizer then anything else.
anyways, here is the written format of the potential options for the second half of the faction creation.

Game will continue as long as possible, and will end when I get no votes, or an update to the game or mods break the game. (which should not happen, as I think I managed to turn updates for it off). I am going to try and get a update out every 2-3 days, barring RL interruptions. which might happen since I am in the process of moving.
[]Omake write-in, if someone wants to do one. popular choice between them if more then one is submitted.
City appearance
[]Drow city
[]Ilythiiri city
[]Elven city
[]Humanoid city
[]Mammalian city
[]Reptilian city
Civics 1
[]Climate Shift
[]Ecological Disaster
Civic 2
[]Aristocratic Elite
[]Barbaric Despoilers
[]Corvee System
[]Cutthroat politics
[]Distinguished Admiralty
[]Ecumenopolis Home
[]Efficient Bureaucracy
[]Elegant Artistry
[]Feudal Society
[]Functional Architecture
[]Great firewall
[]Mining Guilds
[]Nationalistic Zeal
[]Philosopher King
[]Police state
[]Shield Power Relays
[]Slaver Guilds
[]Warrior Culture

Advisor Voice
[]The Soldier

Empire Name
[] Random generation
[] Write in

Ship appearance
[]Drow ships
[]Ilythiiri ship
[]Elven ships
[]Asari Ships
[]Pirate ships
[]Humanoid ships
-[]Dark humanoid ships
[]Mammalian ships
[]Reptilian ships
[]Avian ships
[]Molluscoid ships
[]Fungoid ships
[]Arthropoid ships
[]System alliance ships
[]CIS ships
[]Republic ships

Ruler gender:

Ruler name
[] Write in
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