Risen to the Stars

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A Stellaris-inspired civilization management quest. What will you become?
Species Generation I


In Madness Fallen
United States
Hey, conveniently, I have a glut of free time with classes being canceled, so I figured I should get back into things in my writing, which has fallen to the wayside, somewhat.

As there was a recent update to a game I enjoy, and I have already made a foray into this setting in the past...


There are, approximately, one hundred thousand millions of stars in a galaxy. Ten to the twelfth power. There are roughly that many galaxies in the universe. Like the human body, which contains an average of one hundred thousand millions of surface bacteria, each of these innumerable galaxies are microcosmic macrocosms of the evolution of life, rising up and dying out, unnoticed on even the grandest scales. Even if, by some accident of fate, a species came to be that proliferated across an entire galaxy, it would be utterly inconsequential if their galaxy were wiped from creation in an instant. Because even if, for every star in their galaxy, there were a billion lives, that hundred thousand million billion lives would only be a fraction of a percent of a percent of a...

You get the idea, yes?

Somewhere, in one of those innumerable galaxies, there exists a species embarking on a journey, like a thousand first journeys before it, becoming an interstellar race.

How did they come to this cosmic baby step?

[] Unity
-Brought together by empathetic discourse, this race crossed the hurdles of cultural, religious, and ideological division to become something greater...
Pros: Factions are less likely to be upset by differences with one another, or with other races, and are more willing to make compromises and find peaceful solutions, making them excellent diplomats.
Cons: Lack of necessity for weapons or wartime doctrine in the past centuries has left this race unprepared for violence.

[] Force
-Brought together by the vision of a conqueror and their descendants, this race has been unified by the shedding of blood...
Pros: Due to certain practices and decisions made by past autocrats, there is little, if any, internal friction caused by petty things such as 'culture' or 'ideology' to begin with. Lifetimes of war and conquest have left this race with a proud military heritage.
Cons: Diplomacy has failed their enemies in the past. This race has developed the idea that violence solves most problems, and are very preoccupied with their position in the galactic hierarchy.

[] Intellect
-Ever the enemies of populism and ignorance, the intelligentsia of this race schemed quietly, for centuries, to bring the world under their enlightened rule...
Pros: A society ruled by the pragmatic and rational, this race has experienced something of a scientific revolution in the recent past.
Cons: A society ruled by the pompous and self-absorbed, the members of this race who do not conform to the ideals of genius touted by the ruling class are only kept in line by the continual assurance of easy prosperity and virtual escape from their difficult, mundane, labors.

[] Morality
-Since ancient times, this race has been buoyed up by the grand claims of it's orators, by their ever-advancing models of moral, just, and right behavior. Transcending even religious boundaries, their greatest Moral Philosophy has bound them together, as one...
Pros: This race's very convincing philosophy leaves nearly all of it's members with a sense of certainty, and happiness.
Cons: This race's very convincing philosophy is rather convoluted and difficult to follow, but it wouldn't be that irksome if they weren't convinced of their need to convince others of it's goodness.

[] Risen
-This race has benefited from the knowing hands of another species, catapulting them forward thousands of years in technological development...
Pros: Know that other species exist, benefit of some type of advanced knowledge for some time.
Cons: This race has been uplifted, which comes with a number of difficulties.

[] Consensus
-Through a quirk of biological, or mechanical, wonder, this race is capable of incredible empathic links to it's other members, to the level of casually reading the thoughts of one another...
Pros: Special option in the next phase of species generation. Greatly improved happiness of members of the race.
Cons: Such deep connections to one another have left this race rather unready for the complexities of normal interactions with other species.

-This race is a collectively conscious entity, whether by design of a creator or a quantum fluke...
Pros: This race is a gestalt entity, a consciousness that technically only exists as one being with multiple physical bodies.
Cons: This race is terrifying to races much less interconnected than itself, who all, invariably, eventually adopt a saying, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely".

Second stage of species generation to follow, which will account for more specific elements of biology, society, and/or design.
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Civ Sheet
The Council of Dallon
Oligarchic Republic - This entity is ruled by a group of powerful individuals and families, which allows for the rise and fall of powerful factions over time. Rulers are elected once every fifteen years. (next election begins on turn 25)
Governing Ethos: Peaceful Interaction (Xenophilia)

Xeno Diplomacy Initiative (Xenophilia) - Ruling Party
-The Xeno Diplomacy Initiative is primarily interested in cooperating with others. They support increased relationships between nations, federal membership, and trade. They prefer not to go to war with other nations, and are upset by being the only citizen species in the nation.
-Currently ruling (Federation Membership, -Only species in nation, -At war with another race): Boost to relations gain and base relations with other polities, others more willing to make mutual commitments with you

The Enclave (Spiritual/Moral) - Notable Party
-The Enclave is a coalition of psychically gifted Dalfea with a deep attunement to their abilities, and others. They support moral leadership according to the prevailing ethos of the nation, and the exploration of psychic abilities. They can be upset by attempts to modify or create life.
-Currently content (The Stirrings, Power of the Mind, -Gene Modding recently performed): Positive random events

Life Improvement Party (Materialist/Scientific) - Notable Party
-The Life Improvement Party is primarily composed of the educated and scientists, who have embraced transsapience in all it's forms. They support developing and using advanced robotics, genetic modification, and myriad other technological marvels to ease the burdens of life, and extend the productive years of sapients. They aren't easily upset, but they can be annoyed by inadequate focus on novel research.
-Currently pleased (Recent mod, recent discoveries, -Exploration halted): +10 trickle to each of Sapien Science, Material Science, and Physics

Minerals: 71.5 (+4 and +3d2)
Energy: 25.5 (-0.5 and +4d2)
Food: 54.75 (+4.25)
Alloys: 5 (+6)

Excess Amenities: 1-> Converts to random benefits each turn

Tribute: 1 alloy, 2 energy

Character Limit: 4/5
Special Characters: Ambassador 1/1

Positions Filled:
Our Most Beneficent Chancellor (Entity Ruler) - Veliana Sek'Mah, 79 (Skill 4: Family First - gain +4d4% population growth per turn // Mind-Whisperer - 16% chance to gain an additional focus each turn) 11/54
Our Most Respected in Scholarship (Head of Research) - Kalisa Cul, 53 (Skill 4: Genius** - Automatically generate 60 research points towards a random project each turn // Psychic Researcher - Projects have +8% of breakthroughs) 2/46
Our Most Charitable Artisan (Head of Social Welfare and Programs) - Mereli You'Dal, 47 (Skill 2: Doctor - Increase base growth rate for all worlds by 0.4% //
Empath - Gain 0.4dCulture per turn) 9/30
Our Most Prescient in the Void (Head of the Fleet) - Not Filled
Our Most Valiant of the Hearth (Head of Planetary Defense and Expansion) - Not Filled
The Secret One of Our Council (Psionics Expert) - Attikoverious the Silent One, 82 (Skill 4: Diviner - 12% chance to trigger a reroll) 11/54
Our Finest Speaker among the Aldiran Arm Federation - Voros Wem'Vek, 74 (Skill 3: Lobbyist (Member Version) - Grants +1 Votes in Federal/Galactic Resolution Cycles // Empath Negotiator - Double Lobbyist strength) 26/46
Our Finest Speaker among... (Regular Ambassador to other entity of choice) - Not Filled

Temperate Continental World - 0 Negative Consequences, 0 Special Features, 5 billion crowding limit
Requirements: 2 Amenity Goods, 4 Energy, 8 Minerals, ~25.25 Food
Produces: 0.5*(Pops)+2d2 Mineral, 0.5*(Pops)+2d2 Energy, 3+(Pops) Food

Building Slots: 6/6
-Seat of Government - Generates 1dCulture, 1dTech, 2 Focuses per turn, +2 Character Cap
-Industrial Sector - Upkeep: 4 Minerals. Generates 2 World Amenities, Generates 2 units of Alloy per turn
-Industrial Sector - Upkeep: 4 Minerals. Generates 2 World Amenities, Generates 2 units of Alloy per turn
-Research Complex - Upkeep: 2 Energy. Generates 1dTech per turn, +1 Character Cap
-Research Complex - Upkeep: 2 Energy. Generates 1dTech per turn, +1 Character Cap
(P)Gene Repair Complex - Upkeep: 1 World Amenities. Grants +0.5% base population growth (base 1.5%).

Population: 23 Units (~2.303 billion Dalfea)
-Generates 11.5+2d2 Mineral per turn
-Generates 11.5+2d2 Energy per turn
-Generates 3+23 Food per turn

Growing at 103% effectiveness (+3% Dalfea Eternity)
Projected growth this turn: 111 million
Losing 11 million to Ossina's Hearth from emigration
Local Space: (FULL) 3 Energy upkeep
Asteroid Mining Site (+2 Minerals per turn)
Extremophile Research Site (+5 progress to oldest active Sapiens Science project per turn)
Material Research Site (+5 progress to oldest active Materials Science project per turn)
Ossina I - Tundra World (4 Negative Consequences, Mineral Poor, 2.5 billion crowd limit)
Planetary Ice World - 5 Negative Consequences, 1 Special Features, 2.5 billion crowding limit
Special Feature: Fascinating Flora (+1d(5*Pops) Sapiens Science tech die)
Requirements: 1 Amenity Goods, ~1 Food
Produces: 1d2 Mineral, 0.5*(Pops)+2d2 Energy, 4+(Pops*1.5) Food

Building Slots: 2/2 (2 locked due to consequences)
-Colony Admin - Can be improved when local population is at least 5 million.
-Research Complex - Upkeep: 2 Energy. Generates 1dTech per turn, +1 Character Cap

Population: 1 Unit (~123.1 million Dalfea)
-Generates 1d2 Mineral per turn
-Generates 0.5+2d2 Energy per turn
-Generates 4+1.5 Food per turn
-Generates 1d5 Sapiens Science Dice per turn

Growing at 53% effectiveness (+3% Dalfea Eternity, -10% per consequence)
Projected growth this turn: 2.5 million
Immigrant Attraction at 10% effectiveness (+50% New World, +10% Private dockyards, -10% per consequence)
Projected immigrant pull this turn: 11 million consumed from Dallon
Local Space: (Ideal Research Sites, 1/2 tiers) 1 Energy upkeep
Field Interaction Site (+5 progress to oldest active Physics and Materials Science project per turn)
Planetary Gaia World - 0 Consequences, 1 Special Feature, 3 billion crowd limit
Special Feature: Paradise (+10% growth, +33% immigrant attraction)
Colonies don't produce anything or require anything

Population: 6/10 progress to self-sufficiency
Local Space: (Large Rare Resource Deposit, 1/2 tiers) 1 Energy upkeep
Graveyard Salvage (+2 Alloy/turn)
Minor Space Amoeba infestation (Interstellar Nuisance, pacified)
Local Space: (Asteroids, Nests, 1/4 tiers) 2 Energy upkeep
Rare Earth Mining Station (+3 Energy/turn, no upkeep)
Amoeba Research Site (+10 progress to oldest active Sapiens Science project per turn)

HERE ROOSTS KALVANOX, ANCIENT AND MIGHTY! (Empire-Scale threat, generally passive) (Tribute arrangement, non-aggressive to you)
A hoard world is likely present here.
An otherwise inhospitable system, an enormous crystalline structure can be found orbiting the pulsar, soaking up exotic radiation. Occasionally, small clusters fragment off, attach to asteroids, and form smaller, more active, crystalline bodies by consuming the raw materials.
Pulsars are great research sites, and interfere with shielding technology.
Inhospitable and viscerally uncomfortable, this system contains only a single supermassive black hole, and a strange gateway with a tireless worker attached to it. (Unknown Threat, might remain passive, might become extremely aggressive after a period of time)
Black holes are incredible research sites, and contain unusual rare resources. They also interfere with hyperspace drives and sublight maneuvering.

The Dalfea Species:
Intelligent II
Latent Psionics
Tin Tummies

The Dalfea are bipedal mammalians possessed of preternatural beauty and longevity. They have a rich mythology of godlike powers and magic, with many epic romances. They have a deep appreciation for art, typically of themselves. The Dalfea were uplifted in their late renaissance, during a proliferation of arts and romanticism, and seem well-fit for inter-species diplomacy.

Present on:
Dallon (Homeworld)
Ossina's Hearth (Frontier World)

Current Project:
Progress and Discovery - 62/600

Power of the Mind - Psionic Social Integration
Psionic Census Program - 20% chance that a new character has a minor psionic trait (a 1's die roll of 9 or 0)
Telepath Relations Corps - Gain a character slot, to be used only on Ambassadors
Normalization Program - +10 to all Social and Culture dice
Psionic Studies - Display a psionic tech each time new technology projects are rolled.

Progress and Discovery - Exploration and Research
Mapping the Galaxy - 50% chance to explore automatically each turn
Culture of Learning - +50% Experience gain for characters

The Stirrings - +40% chance of discovering a psychic talent(5-0 on the one's die), Psionic Potential racial trait improved to Latent Psionics (+5% culture and technology earned), Unlocks The Awakening Ascension.

Mechanical Effects:
+10 Breakthrough range
+150% Character Experience gain
Social and Cultural Rolls are increased by 21 (flat bonus, after all percent bonuses)
Character Skill Limit of 6, initial skill 1 or 2 (bonuses depend on character job)
Population Growth values increased by ~3% per turn (additive with other percent bonuses)
Average Age is 144 years (~50 turns of adulthood)
Pop Food Consuption per Unit is 1.15 (normally 1)
60% chance that a new character has a minor psionic trait (a 1's die roll of 5 to 0)
+5% to all Culture and Technology points earned
Grants a free ambassador character slot to the polity
50% chance to explore automatically each turn
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Tech Sheet
Current Projects:
303/1000 Crystal Study
-Has a very good chance to spin-off tech projects related to crystal physiology sometimes, completes for a rare material project
Tactical Nuclear Weapons: 188/250
-Enables Tier 1 missile weapons
Destroyer-Class Ships Construction: 47/450
-Enables Size 3 ships, Destroyers
Wave Capacitors: 165/400
-Enables Shield-boosting capacitor support systems
Spatial Matrix Targeting: 0/450
-Enables Targeting Computing support systems

70 accumulated Sapiens Science points

200 Reserved Military Order points

World Government Empowerment (Allows Seat of Government, Colonial Capitol buildings)
Streamlined Social Programs (Enhances Culture dice)
Gene Repair Clinics (Build Gene Repair Complex)
Gene Rejuvenation Complexes (Improve Gene Repair Complex to Rejuvenation Center)
Genome Editing (Enables modification projects, +1 Gene points)
Allele Modification Algorithms (+1 Gene points, reduces work required for species modification)
Planetary War Model (Can build marine transports)
Trade Protection Streamlining (Ships automatically suppress piracy regionally)
Hostile Habitats (Can develop controlled space)
Academic Subsidization (Build Research Complex)
Grav-Linked Hyperdrive (Allows Starships to enter other systems)
Hyper-Sensitive Wave Detection (Explore when you explore)
T II, Wave Harmonics (Enables shields for ships)
T II, HE Visible Wave Projection (Short Range, strong vs armor)
T II, Low-Temperature Fusion (Power system improvement for ships)
Advanced Alloying (Industrial Sectors also produce 2 Alloys)
T II, Alloy Neutron Packing (Enhances ship armor)
Planetary Industry (Build Industrial Sectors)
Deep Space Station Management (Build Stations in select systems)
T II, Continuous Reaction Drives (Enhances speed, evasion of ships)
T I, Drive Recyclers (Further enhances evasion of ships)
T I, Dense Payload Systems (Enables Torpedoes)
Simple Railguns (Medium Range, strong vs shielding)
Those who came before (Reserved for Precursor Sciences)
We are but motes of dust (Reserved for Higher-Dimensional Theory)
Psionic Theory (Characters with Psionic traits gain slightly more experience)
Space Amoeba Pacification (Space Amoeba ignore you)

Ships automatically suppress piracy in their region
50% chance to automatically explore a second time when exploring
+2d10 to all culture dice
+2 Gene points
Final genetic modification project cost modified by 0.9
Industrial Sectors produce 2 alloys each
Characters with Psionic traits gain slightly more experience
Space Amoeba pacified
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Own Fleets and Other Political Entities
Notable Stations:
Superstructure: 1/1
Berthing Docks - Ships stationed in Dallon cost nothing to maintain
Slots: 2/2
Shipyard - Builds ships at a rate of 4 Size per turn
Trade Network - Collects and generates trade in a portion of the Outer Rim (Currently generating 5 Trade points)

Superstructure: 1/1
Market Exchange - +2 Energy per turn.
Slots 2/2
Private Dockyards - Increases regional trade network effectiveness by 2, increases all immigration pull to the least crowded worlds by 10% (flat additive)
Trade Network - Collects and generates trade in a portion of the Outer Rim (Currently generating 3 Trade points)

Exploration Ship: The best and brightest Dalfea man this ship. It is currently positioned over Dallon.
Current Docked at Dallon
Total upkeep during fleet action: 8 energy, 2 alloy per turn active

Commodore Shaltan: Capital Ship Hunter - All ships gain +5% accuracy and evasion, and +1 Capital-Killer weapon damage, against Main Cruisers or larger.
Spinal Mass Accelerator (acc-30-70-60, shieldbreaking, penetrating, siege ship mentality, spinal T2)
AF Cruiser Body type 6 (3 combat initiative, 6 structure, 8 armor, 5 shields, 5% base evade)
-Missile/Torpedo Loadout (acc-80-70-60, ignore shields, interceptable, capital buster mentality, quad-shot T2)
-AF Destroyer Body type 4 (5 combat initiative, 4 structure, 3 armor, 3 shields, 10% base evade)
Stingray-class Corvettes New Path, Risen, Striker, Trailblazer
-Torpedo-boat loadout (acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-killer, bomber mentality, Tri-linked T1)
-Offensive Corvette Body (8 combat initiative, 1 structure, 1 shields, 0.75 armor, 8% base evade)

Eagleray-class Corvettes Solon, Venak
-Enhanced firing system (+1 shot per firing cycle)
-Gun loadout (acc-20-60-50, shieldbreaking, swarm mentality, Tri-linked T0)
-Offensive Corvette Body (8 combat initiative, 1 structure, 1 shields, 0.75 armor, 8% base evade)
Total upkeep during fleet action: 2 energy, 1 alloy per turn active
AFS Sting, AFS Hope
-Twin Lasers (acc-X-50-80, weak to shields, armorbreaking, screen swarm mentality, twin-shot T2)
AF Frigate Body type 3 (7 combat initiative, 2 structure, 1 armor, 2 shields, 15% base evade)

Size: Current limit: 2 (Corvette) (Frigate)
Slots: 4 per size
-Slot X
-Slot X
-Slot X
-Slot X
Armor: Best Available (Neutronium: 0.75 Armor per size - Ablative up to 1 damage)
Shielding: Best Available (L-Wave Shields: 1 Shield per size)
Engines: Best Available (Plasma: 9 - Size evasion %)

-Simple Railguns: acc-20-60-50, shieldbreaking (+50% damage points to shields), 1 base damage
-Blue-Spec Lasers: acc-X-40-70, armorbreaking (+50% damage points to armor), 2 base damage per size
-Torpedo Bays: acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-killer (+10 acc against ships size 5 or larger), 3 base damage per size

-Power Supply (Cold fusion - Supports 3 powered systems, excess diverts to extra stats in combat)
-Increased Armor (Neutronium - Treat size as 1 higher for Armor and Evasion)
-Afterburners (+Engine Tier (3%) evasion)

-Structural Systems (Nothing in slot, +1 Structure, base 1 structure per size, easier design threshold)
Stingray-class Corvette
-Torpedo-boat loadout (acc-70-60-50, ignore shields, interceptable, Capital-killer, bomber mentality, Tri-linked T1)
-Offensive Corvette Body (8 combat initiative, 1 structure, 1 shields, 0.75 armor, 8% base evade)

Mantaray-class Corvette
-Laser loadout (acc-X-40-70, armorbreaking, interceptor mentality, Tri-linked T2)
-Offensive Corvette Body (8 combat initiative, 1 structure, 1 shields, 0.75 armor, 8% base evade)

Eagleray-class Corvette
-Enhanced firing system (+1 shot per firing cycle)
-Gun loadout (acc-20-60-50, shieldbreaking, swarm mentality, Tri-linked T0)
-Offensive Corvette Body (8 combat initiative, 1 structure, 1 shields, 0.75 armor, 8% base evade)

Electric Ray-class Frigate
-Multi Loadout (acc-70-60-70, T0 Guns, T2 Lasers, T1 Torpedoes, all-attack mentality, prefers diverting power away from non-ideal weapons)
-Heavy Guns Frigate Body (7 combat initiative, 6 structure, 2 shields, 1.5 armor, 7% base evade)

Galactic Map:
The Totha Arm - Galactic Core - Inner Reach - Outer Reach - Far Rim (The Psoq'a Swarm - GALACTIC THREAT)
The Fafna Arm - Galactic Core - Inner Reach - Outer Reach - Far Rim (The Psoq'a Swarm - GALACTIC THREAT)
The Aldiron Arm - Galactic Core - Inner Reach - Outer Reach - Far Rim (The Aldiron Arm Federation)
The Gevil Arm - Galactic Core - Inner Reach - Outer Reach - Far Rim (Minor States)

Other Entities:
Current Chair: An'tak'he

Proposal Circuit: Derailed due to threat

None you need know about.
Made up of four member races, the AAF is a defensive and economic coalition of the majority of interstellar governments that make the Aldiron galactic arm their home. Recently, the Council of Dallon has offered significant commitments to empower the federation directly, and earn a membership, throwing internal federal politics into disarray.

As a full member of the AAF, The Council of Dallon possesses two votes due to their size and contributions, may send delegates to be elected as Federal Chairperson, and may propose federal resolutions at the beginning of each deliberation cycle.

An'tak'he United Stars (6 votes)
-The An'tak'he is a mono-species democratic member of the AAF, currently holding a majority of votes, primarily due to their controversial decision to uplift multiple primitive species and ingratiate them by heavily subsidizing their advancement, technically against the rules of the federal charter. They are known to be focused primarily on expanding the federal navy and declawing the various member races of the federation, seeking a more centralized and unified government on Aldiron. They currently sponsor the growth of The Thraxxi Union, The Velen League, and The Concord.
-The An'tak'he are both proud of your growth, and concerned at your growing influence. Formerly the premier power in the federation, they are worried you will usurp them if you continue your meteoric rise.
-Species: The An'tak'he are a caterpillar-like race of arthropods, on account of their fuzziness and general body shape. They are known to be rather cute, due to their somewhat smaller size compared to most races.

Gellar Monarchy (Member) (3 votes)
-The Gellar Monarchy is a declining, older empire, native to a region of the arm close to the galactic core. A major threat containment war broke most of the monarchy's reputation when they abandoned a client species on the other side of the Fafna arm to fortify the hyperlane bridges to Aldiron, abandoning the attempt to contain the threat and allowing it to run wild across the arm, leading to the fall of several species. This callousness prompted other clients on the clockwise Gevil arm to secede from the monarchy. They are still heavily militarized and possess a few clients, and regularly push for expeditions into other arms to claim systems into the federation.
-The Gellar are impressed with your abilities, and angry with your moralism. Despite the fact that they butt heads with your delegates regularly, they hold no ill will towards such an 'effective' species.
-Species: The Gellar are a reptilian species likely descending from some form of lizard, infamous for their tactical acumen and resilience in combat.
-Species: The Ulvar are a large, bear-like mammalian race. They are incredibly tough, and incredibly ugly.
-Species: The Fillan are avians, thought to be evolved from predator-species on their homeworld. Despite their origins, they appear to have developed into intellectuals and thinkers.

Halon Corporation (Member) (4 votes)
-Halon Company rose out of the ashes of a nuclear near-catastrophe on their homeworld. Focused primarily on advanced terraforming projects and other green initiatives, they proceeded to become the go-to galactic experts on geology, ecology, and planetary design. Their services are exorbitantly expensive, but even a cursory glance at the surface of the four planets in their home system proves the value of hiring them on for projects. "Make life worth living, make your world worth living on. Halon Corporation."
-Halon corporation has had some minor friction with your delegates in the past, but they cannot begrudge your effectiveness.
-Species: The Hanar are a small but clever race of avians, with traits similar to many songbirds.

The Council of Dallon (Member) (4 votes) (you!)

The Thraxxi Union (Associate) (2 votes)
-The Thraxxi Union is a relatively new species in the federation, though still older than the Dalfea. They are the current vogue among social scientists in the federation due to their unique ability to comprehend each other's thoughts without the aid of verbal language, which, according to some, may be vestigial remnants of a time before their apparent telepathic evolution. They possess an unusually strict hierarchical code.
-The Thraxxi are extremely upset at your rapid rise. Their delegates have taken to slandering yours even during deliberations, and have accused the Dalfea of manipulating the minds of the member races to ingratiate them.
-Species: The Thraxxi are an insectiod race of arthropods, complete with simple exoskeletons. They are a short-lived, rapidly-breeding race of slightly more simple creatures, possessing an unusual telepathic ability.

The Velen League (Associate) (2 votes)
-The Velen League is a border entity, whose home system is a critical hyperlane bridge to the Gevil arm. Unsurprisingly, they have begun trying to expand their holdings to other critical galactic trade lanes, hoping to grow their trade network.
-The Velen are, perhaps, even more angry with you than the Thraxxi, going to the point that they categorically refuse to agree to any proposal your delegates propose or support, even ones that would aid them.
-Species: The Velee are a rare, silicon-based species roughly analogous to mammals and requiring an exotic diet of solar radiation and rare minerals to survive.

The Concord (Associate) (1 vote)
-The Concord is an oddity on the galactic stage, having virtually no interest in interstellar expansion or growth. Claiming to be fairly old by the standards of most members of the Federation, their homeworld was discovered shortly before your own, though they appeared to already possess very advanced technology for their apparent lack of significant space presence. Supposedly, they achieved a planetary unification several thousand years ago, and have since dedicated themselves to a form of pious study and contemplation.
-The Concord remain ultimately inscrutable.
-Species: The Sali are molluscs, of a sort, similar to octopi. They have been known to live in excess of half a millennium.
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Feel free to post, and be aware that a missing vote option "Risen", has been added.
[X] Force
-Brought together by the vision of a conqueror and their descendants, this race has been unified by the shedding of blood...
Pros: Due to certain practices and decisions made by past autocrats, there is little, if any, internal friction caused by petty things such as 'culture' or 'ideology' to begin with. Lifetimes of war and conquest have left this race with a proud military heritage.
Cons: Diplomacy has failed their enemies in the past. This race has developed the idea that violence solves most problems, and are very preoccupied with their position in the galactic hierarchy.
There are, approximately, one hundred thousand millions of stars in a galaxy. Ten to the twelfth power. There are roughly that many galaxies in the universe. Like the human body, which contains an average of one hundred thousand millions of surface bacteria, each of these innumerable galaxies are microcosmic macrocosms of the evolution of life, rising up and dying out, unnoticed on even the grandest scales. Even if, by some accident of fate, a species came to be that proliferated across an entire galaxy, it would be utterly inconsequential if their galaxy were wiped from creation in an instant. Because even if, for every star in their galaxy, there were a billion lives, that hundred thousand million billion lives would only be a fraction of a percent of a percent of a...

You get the idea, yes?

Somewhere, in one of those innumerable galaxies, there exists a species embarking on a journey, like a thousand first journeys before it, becoming an interstellar race.
This is sorta hilarious, when this quest will throw that statistic of how unlikely a species will reach space-faring technology and make a space government, out the window, as each galaxy is composed of what? (because this is a quest...)Thirteen to one thousand different species?


I haven't seen a hive-mind quest before.
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Oooh, ties.

Maybe some especially passionate people wouldn't mind sharing their vision for their vote winning, so I can say if it's possible or not?

I am going to allow greater creativity on specifics in gen II, but at the same time, based on your ethos vote I will be restricting certain combinations of genetics, social concepts, and origins.
Oooh, ties.

Maybe some especially passionate people wouldn't mind sharing their vision for their vote winning, so I can say if it's possible or not?

I am going to allow greater creativity on specifics in gen II, but at the same time, based on your ethos vote I will be restricting certain combinations of genetics, social concepts, and origins.
Can you reveal for origins what that means for the options that are tied? Those tied are"Risen","Force","Unity", and "We Are One".

edit: Oops, Unity only has two votes.
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Origins are the specific conditions that brought about your species' world government prior to their interstellar leap.
Since Force is the only 'normal' pick with a strong running, it wouldn't really be fair to say it has a generic option, but it does have one, basically the world dominance of fascism. You can crank it up to 40k with a species-ist superiority complex strong enough to support purging of all other species, go for hyper-meritocracy, or go a little more 'honor-bound warriors'. In any case, there will always be a sprinkling of authoritarianism and militarism; the species will always see interactions in shades of hierarchy and competition.

Risen is a weird child. Your ethos is not determined by Risen, your Origin determines your ethos. If you accidentally evolved on a nature preserve ringworld from some ancient race, you might be a little more materialistic, a bit thankful for the kindness of some precursor that actually, willingly, put effort into creating a place for life to thrive in a hostile galaxy. Maybe you're rising up from the ashes of your own former interstellar empire, thoroughly disabused of the notion that outsiders can be at all good. Transplanted to your own private Eden world? Uplifted by another race, whose ethos would influence your own? In any case, Risen comes with other problems, namely that having access to stupidly-advanced precursor technology, or a hand-tailored ecology, makes your race unused to certain hardships, like developing ideas of your own or dealing with harsh conditions. Or maybe you just rose too fast, and your species' hard sciences have far-to-far outstripped your social sciences and philosophies.

WE ARE ONE is similar to Risen, in that the ethos is determined more by the Origin, or how the fuck you work. Rise of the Machines? Over-evolved ants(actually, this belongs in Consensus...)? Eldritch psychic overmind? Some freak evolution of a mass quantum link instead of a frontal lobe? Do you want to CONSUME ALL BIOMASS or turn the galaxy into a massive data processing center to calculate some long-forgotten answer for a long-extinct question-giver?
WE ARE ONE is similar to Risen, in that the ethos is determined more by the Origin, or how the fuck you work. Rise of the Machines? Over-evolved ants(actually, this belongs in Consensus...)? Eldritch psychic overmind? Some freak evolution of a mass quantum link instead of a frontal lobe? Do you want to CONSUME ALL BIOMASS or turn the galaxy into a massive data processing center to calculate some long-forgotten answer for a long-extinct question-giver?
What about the RIck and Morty hive-mind option shown with UNITY? Where the hive-mind isn't radio signals, but biological infection with psychic proximity (it's really not clear what kind of hive-mind UNITY is).
What about the RIck and Morty hive-mind option shown with UNITY? Where the hive-mind isn't radio signals, but biological infection with psychic proximity (it's really not clear what kind of hive-mind UNITY is).
Proximity-based collective consciousness is closer to Consensus, mechanically. A true gestalt consciousness in WE ARE ONE is capable of acting on a galactic scale as a single entity. A proximity-based collective can lead to isolated feedback loops and localized consciousness that differs from the homeworld consciousness.

Basically, WE ARE ONE attempts to subsume all individual personality under the hive-mind. Consensus allows and encourages individual personality, but everyone exists in a state of perpetual 'I know what everyone around me is thinking, and why they're thinking it, leading me and everyone around me to embrace or encourage psychologically rigid ideas so we don't annoy or horrify each other'.

I have now read the plot synopsis of how UNITY works. An infection-spread consciousness is extremely difficult to justify, it would require complex organs dedicated to the link, which means it would have to be a universally effective retrovirus that generates the same organ tied to the same network across any species, regardless of any biological quirks any species might possess. You could feasibly engineer such a virus on a case by case basis with enough xeno-biological study, but it would not be an easy task or universal solution for all species.
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