[X] Prison

[X] Grievous (After finding out that they Cause his Near-Death, he will want to make up for the Death he cause.)
[X] Prison
[X] Grievous (After finding out that they Cause his Near-Death, he will want to make up for the Death he cause.)

I can't not pick Grievous for this vote.
Winners: Prison, Grievous (After finding out that they Cause his Near-Death, he will want to make up for the Death he cause.)

1 Year since the End of the Clone Wars
The year is 1 YABC

You sit in your chair Next your wife, meditating on your new life. You stretch out your senses and see everything in Green energy From you to the edge of the galaxy. 'Sir I think it's time to leave. Your needed elsewhere. I mean if you think you should that is..?' "I know, let me say goodbye to my family." You get up and head into the bedroom where your Wife lays, next to her was cradle. You looked in and see your twin children.

The little girl had bright green hair. The boy had red lines going down from his eyes. You kiss them both on the head, "Something wrong Dear?" You look and see her look at you with sleepy eyes, "No, I'm going to be gone for... some time. I hope you don't hate for it." She tugs at you hand, pulling you to her. She kisses you, "Promise you'll come back." You pull her close, "As you wish, My Queen."

You stay there for minute longer, then you float out of the window. You tap your head and find yourself at the edge of a dying star. "You sure this'll work? I mean I never dived into a star before." 'Sure as a Strawberry! It'll explode in few minutes so get ready Sir!' You sigh and began calculations.

Soon the star collapsed and you dived into it. You felt your entire being being torn and stitch back together. So you come out in a unknown part of the Multiverse, You look around and found nothing in the nearby and concentrate on the universe and find that you are in the......
You have arrive in the void between Worlds.
[ ] DC 1913
Find a world breaking at the seams.
[ ] Marvel 1941
Help the Captain stop the Red Skull and Hydra
[ ] Star Wars: Rebels
You'll appear just outside the Lothal system.
[ ] Star Trek: Voyager
Appear a year early then the Voyager.
[ ] Mass Effect 2
Help Commander Shepard's fight against the Collectors
[ ] Dragon Age: Imperium
Help change the World Thedus
You sigh and float towards the nearest world. You Hoped that you can help somebody in this new Universe. After an hour of boredom you find a dead moon and you begin to dig into it. Converting both precious metals and rock into Ingots or just materials. Once you have a pocket made, you seal yourself in and create an atmosphere. You then push the dead moon forward and head to the Location on your ring.
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