Remember [FSN/FZ] - Thread The Third

Huh? What's wrong? Those guys are funny...Though just in case you guys don't know, there is a (approximately) 500 posts per thread limit over here so you might want to be careful with the derails.
With the Shirou fighting Gilgamesh thing. Shirou outright says that if Gilgamesh regains his composure, he'll lose.
Actually, he would care; as much as he hated himself, he always loved both his father and Ilya. Killing Kiritsugu is a strict no-no. That said, I don't think most masters know Kiritsugu's participating in first place, or don't know his name, so it's not like they'll make the connection.
As an aside, one of Kiritsugu's dying wishes was to not go down Archer's path. Fat load of good that did.
IRC the only people who knew about Kiritsugu before this fight were Kotomine and Tokiomi(and assumedly their servants). After this fight Lancer and Archibald joined that group, but considering the latter already hates him learning that he is some how related to Archer probably won't have all that much affect.
Also? We're worried about Kiritsugu now? The guy who lasted to the last battle of the Fourth Holy Grail War in canon? The guy with the Mind of Steel, which Kotomine esteemed so much that he declared Shirou has having all but won the moment he started to use it himself? Seriously, worrying about Kiritsugu beyond "well, yeah, he's in a Grail War is kind of silly."
Tvtropes currently redirects you to an article in a foreign language whenever you visit the homepage. At first I was confused, until I looked at the calendar.
OK, first bit of Chapter 10. This bit is stable and most likely going to be used.
The child staggered backwards, made a couple choking sounds, then fell. Before it hit the ground, a violet and green monstrosity erupted from its chest, spraying blood and viscera into the air. Saber had initially lurched forward to reach for the boy, but froze as she took in the gruesome display. Archer just sighed, closed his eyes, turned to Caster, and opened them again. What little emotion he had allowed to leak during the last minute vanished without a trace.
Saber slashed the beast in two, and turned back to Caster as it collapsed. Just as she opened her mouth to say something the two halves twitched and burst open, revealing two more identical monsters. Archer glanced over, then back to Caster. The mad mage spread his arms and bowed.
"You made a valiant attempt, Red Knight. You almost sealed off my assistance completely. Thankfully, Jeanne was never one for watching innocents die."
Archer slowly moved to put Caster between himself and the mess Saber was quickly escalating. Caster chuckled again.
"Indeed, it would have been quite tragic if she hadn't been freed from her contract with the World. Don't you agree, Counter Guardian?"
Archer stopped dead. His expression hardened for a moment.
Then, he smirked.
"Ah, Caster, you've made a mistake. If you hadn't just mentioned that, I still would have had a reason to hold back."
Caster gripped his spellbook with both hands, and lowered his voice.
"Perhaps. However I just needed to make something very clear. You are probably quite the hero yourself, are you not?"
Archer didn't respond.
"What do you think will happen if I unleash the full power I have available to me here?"
Archer shrugged.
"I don't know, why don't you try and find out?"
Caster shook his head.
"I don't need to, Beast of Alaya. When Jeanne was alive, while we campaigned, she dreamed. Sometime glorious dreams of future victories. Sometimes terrible dreams, where she would be summoned to disasters and become a storm, leaving no witnesses in her wake. It didn't take much research to determine she was dreaming of her own fate after death. I can manufacture a threat to the World in a very short time. Of course, with six legendary heroes scattered around, any possible disaster I cause could be quickly mopped up, don't you agree?"
Archer was still.
"Of course you do. But that's not the question. The question is: what happens to YOU both before and after the threat is gone? Will you be yourself? Or will you turn on everything that lives and breathes and erase this city from the map?"
Caster held his gaze for a moment, then smiled.
"Of course, I have no interest in wasting so much raw material. So, I'll make you a deal. Stop interfering with me, and I'll endeavor not to invoke the Counter Force. Leave me with no hope, and I will make your final hours on this plane Hell."
Archer pretended not to notice the dozen creatures working their way behind him. Saber struggled on, heedless of the continued horde she was creating. Apparently she was turning the encounter into a contest of prana.
Archer spun and flung his swords through the mass of monsters, then projected two more pairs and repeated the process. Every monster he even nicked with the blades fell. He turned back to Caster.
"I get the feeling you'll do that regardless. In any case, I also doubt you could do such a thing right now, and I seriously don't believe you could pull such a feat off without attracting a lot of attention in the process. Go on, do your worst."
Caster squealed in rage and raised the book over his head. Just as it began to glow and activate, a figure dropped from the air behind him and a red lance tip sliced it in half.
Caster fell to his knees and screamed as all the monsters died. Archer released the projection of the various swords pinning the undefiled corpses immediately and nodded to Lancer. Saber marched towards them, but before she made it all the way over Archer noticed the spellbook Caster was hunched over had healed itself.
"Finish him, QUICK!"
Lancer's eyes widened and he brought his lance down as Caster rolled to one side and all the monster corpses exploded into a red mist. Archer cursed and started running back toward the direction he came, activating his communicator.
When the mist faded, Saber and Lancer lowered their guards, exchanged a few words, and parted as Lancer dashed for the castle in a near-panic.
Saber turned to follow the sounds of Archer's escape, hesitated, then moved in pursuit.
Tokiomi sighed, and turned to Risei.
They were back in the Tohsaka mansion's study again, monitoring the battle for the forest as best they could. Mostly they parsed Kirei's reports, and occasionally Tokiomi could glean useful information from Archer's senses.
Information, such as the fact that he was apparently a Counter Guardian.
"I seem to have been asking the wrong questions, Risei."
Risei wore a mildly bemused smile.
"Next time, will you wait for me to arrive?"
"Yes, I have learned my lesson."
The two men sat in silence a few moments more, gazing at the different facets of Tokiomi's scrying gem array. Tokiomi cleared his throat.
"So. A Counter Guardian."
Risei raised an eyebrow.
"So it would seem."
It was everything Tokiomi could do as he suppressed a shudder.

I am not looking forward to playing games with Xenoforo to get my double spacing back.
Second bit of Chapter 10: This bit I am not happy with and is probably going to be scrapped. Posting here anyway so you can see where I've tripped and stumbled for the last month and a half.

Archer made great time as he dashed back towards Kirei. Now that he was moving in a different direction, he noticed the forest had changed little since he last used it himself; indeed, this was the very place he trained himself in 'heroic movement' by reinforcing his own body. It wouldn't have done for him to practice such things out in public, after all. The trees were all still in the same places, and he was just about back to the road when he felt Saber behind him.
Shit. If I go into spirit form, she'll keep heading in this direction and likely find Kirei. I don't have time to play with you right now, Saber!
He projected a pair of Kanshou and Bakuya, spun in the air mid-stride and threw them, then repeated this process twice more. He was rewarded with the rapid sounds of steel on steel as Saber unerringly deflected them all.
[As useless as it was, it's nice to know I can still do that trick without getting dizzy. That aside, what do I do? I can lead her back into the forest, or I can fight, or I can . . . ah. That will do nicely. Pity it will only work once.
He curved his path gradually, and was immensely thankful he was on something like home ground.
She would have caught me by now if I hadn't gotten my bearings in the forest back there. If I recall correctly, coming up here on my right should be . . .
As he expected, he could see the thinning edge of the forest and past it, the sky. He kept edging closer to it, waiting for the road beyond to sharply curve left and cross his path. When the trees in front of him began to thin, he got ready for his gambit. He projected a particularly shiny nameless sword, and used it as something of a rear view mirror. As the forest thinned further, he saw the telltale glints of blue and silver get bigger, and decided it was time.
He projected his bow and turned the sword into an arrow.
"I am the bone of my sword."
Mentally, he prepared the blades he needed.
He made the mightiest leap he was capable of once he reached the end of the trees. Directly below him the ground dropped sharply down onto a wall of bare rock, then flattened out as the mountain road swung around this edge of the forest. Just beyond that was a guard rail and another steep, long drop down into more forest. His jump carried him horizontally all the way out past the guard rail; there was over 150 feet of air below him before the tops of the first trees. He spun in air, bow nocked and drawn.
Saber reached the edge and made to jump . . . when she noticed the bow aimed at her and boosted her momentum by invoking Hammer of the Wind King.
Saber rocketed towards him, bent on meeting him wither her blade before he could get off a clean shot. However, just before she reached him he smiled and back-flipped down-
-using the spear that suddenly appeared behind his knees as a sort of gymnastics bar-
-and flung himself out of her reach as she sailed over his head.
A large, heavy-looking sword appeared with the flat of its blade towards Archer, and he kicked off of it to send himself gracefully back over to the road. Almost as an afterthought, he waved his hand towards the rapidly departing Saber and projected a handful of particularly heavy blades towards her, hilt-first. Each one she deflected sent her a little further past the point of no return.
Gritting her teeth, she lined up her feet with the top of the nearest tree and readied a Mana Burst. Archer looked on from (increasingly) above as she fell near enough, then blasted off of it.
He watched as the tip of the tree exploded behind her, giving her no momentum whatsoever.
He waved and turned from the edge of the road as she fell into the depths of the forest below.
Seconds later she bounded back up the edge of the cliff-face and was back on the road; however no trace of Archer remained.
Archer dashed back into the upper forest and was not surprised to shortly see an Assassin matching pace with him. It followed silently for a time, then spoke.
"Was that necessary, Archer?"
"I didn't have time to fight her, and it was the fastest way I could think of to lose her without involving your Master."
The Assassin considered this, then vanished back into the trees without a word.


Aaaand that's about where I sputtered out and tried to rethink the whole previous scene. Did Saber need to chase Archer at all? Why? Would it have worked better to just move the camera out of the forest as he got away? Etc.
Honestly yeah the initial idea is she just wanted to say something to him but then he started throwing swords and playing hard to get.
great first bit of chapter 10 and yah the second bit needs work.

.....and we need thread the fourth soon.
Angelform: hence, why I'm not happy with the second bit. At all. Even I am tired of Saber getting wtfpwned; I just can't have her WIN yet because then Archer probably dies horribly. She has to reach some sort of hidden point of "growth" (if one'd call it that) to attain victory over him, then leave him alive in a compromising/humiliating fashion. And that's just not her style. Hence, my dilemma.

Regarding her instinct, I stand by my interpretation that it only 'works' when she knows she's in deathly peril. She knows Archer is playing with her. She picked up on that a while ago. She doesn't know why. But she knows he's not been serious yet, and that annoys her.

Archer knows all about her instincts, and knows going for the fatal blow at any point it *seems* like he's beaten her will go badly- unless he is totally, absolutely ready, two miles away, with a clear shot. Aside from that, Saber is terribly easy to tease. And he needs as many melee-range encounters with Saber as he can get away with.

I hit the code button and deposited the raw HTML that I was allowed to extract from FFN; it made a little separate window in the post with the raw code. Is there a way to directly edit the html of posts?
Actually, isn't instinct just like battle instinct where if someone is about to use a special move, her instincts tell her to "Get the hell out of dodge"? It's a bit like spidey senses in that respect. But I don't think they would work against someone who's technically running away with no intent on harming her.

Edit: And ninja'd by the author, awkward.
Angelform said:
To say nothing of her leaving Lancer, who just used a sneak attack, alone with both their masters. Even if she trusts him as a fellow knight there is nothing to stop Lord Jerkass, who hasn't yet been shot given Caster was dealt with much quicker, from using a CS.
Given that it looked something made Lancer think it was a good idea to head back to his master and it wasn't a Command Seal (which would have teleported him without time to talk to Saber) chances are that Kayneth just got himself shot by an Origin Bullet right then.
Golden Lark said:
Angelform: hence, why I'm not happy with the second bit. At all.
I can't help much with the pursuit scene as is, but how about a change of scenery? Perhaps writing a different scene for now will give you some inspiration.
What about backtracking to the Kayneth-Kiritsugu fight? Although Caster was dealt with faster, it looks like Kayneth was shot faster too.
What about Iri and Maiya's escape? Did Kirei intercept them? Or perhaps he felt no need to now that Archer is giving him the answer he seeks, gradually?
... Personally, I just find it odd that Saber didn't comment on the Counter Guardian bit, and I find it hard to believe that she wouldn't have heard it.

I also find Archer's reaction a bit odd. He never wonders how Caster figured out what he is, it's just;

"Hey, Counter Guardian.
"I'm going to kill the crap outta you."

It just feels like there's something... missing.
alguLoD said:
... Personally, I just find it odd that Saber didn't comment on the Counter Guardian bit, and I find it hard to believe that she wouldn't have heard it.

I also find Archer's reaction a bit odd. He never wonders how Caster figured out what he is, it's just;

"Hey, Counter Guardian.
"I'm going to kill the crap outta you."

It just feels like there's something... missing.
To his objective driven mind, there's no need to find out the "why" or "how" at the moment. Caster knows, so he needs to die. Speculation as to why can wait.