Red Earth, Black War (Alternate Communist Bloc ISOT into Original Magitek Fantasy, CK3)
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An alternate Earth in the year 2045 is displaced across time and space onto the surface of a vast magitek fantasy world in the midst of one of its worst periods of upheavals and crisis. Already being torn apart by revolutionaries, reformists, liberals, reactionaries, fascists, and monsters; the world of Xarazanth might just need the guidance of the Communist International to save it from the storm. But can you; the plucky Central Committee of its newest special task force; help steer the ship towards a brighter future for proletarians of all species?
Turn 0 and Introduction


Judeo-Spartacist Bolshevik-Kabbalist
Sanctum Arcanorum
Good day comrade! The year is 2045 and the state of the proletarian revolution is good as the American lead Global Treaty Organization nears its final days.

With the work done by comrades Bukharin, Trotsky, Zhou, and Chen in the formative years; we saw the gift of a unified China and a blossoming Peasant-Worker alliance in the critical years after the time of Doctor Sun and Lenin had passed. With our comrades in Turkey and Iran, our four nations developed in peace towards a program of voluntary collectivization and rekindling the flame of international revolution snuffed out by the betrayal of the German Social Democrats and the inaction in Italy.

All was well until the fascist beast reared its head on both flanks. The Nazi and Fascist monsters in Germany and Italy, and the Imperialist behemoth of Japan. Though internal treachery and simple luck allowed the Fascists to sweep aside France and much of southern Asia, at the Dneiper and Central Plains they would meet their eventual ruin before being turned back to their dens and pursued to their homelands. While the Americans and British busied themselves in Spain and the Philippines, we pressed to the heartland of the foe itself, and brought the light of liberation to Korea, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Italy and more.

The Americans, French, and British spurned our offers of peace and sought to smash the flame of revolution in the French countryside and streets not long after the handshake at the Meuse River and began the so-called cold war shortly after the surrender of Japan. In a grand struggle with dramas played out across the world from such trials as the decolonization of Southern Asia, the Swiss collapse, and Africa to the revolutionary wave in Latin America or the Swedish Spring and Irish dilemma, our Ulaanbaatar Pact battled their Global Treaty Organization for nearly a hundred years.

Now the cold war nears its end. The economy of America has withered from the decline of the rate of profit to a shadow of its former glory. The esteemed multiparty "democracies" of the Bourgeois ruled states have withered into fig leaves and had the pressures of the cold war not driven them to embrace fast breeding reactors to the extent they did, it is likely they would have catastrophically diminished fossil fuel reserves in an effort to maintain pace.

Our great alliance is divided principally into three camps that look upon the three most senior members of the Ulaanbaatar Pact, the Deutsch Federative Council Socialist Republic, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the Socialist Republic of Zhonghua. Though not formally divided into these groups, this map shows which country the members of our Pact feel the most kinship with and have cultivated the closest ties to. Though to be sure these camps are ephemeral and change frequently as the years progress.

The launch of the Star-Sentinel satellite network to forever eliminate the threat of nuclear war earlier this year, of course, met with desperate anger from our dying foe whose missiles can no longer threaten our homes and the fruits of our labour, but the dying beast has little recourse to act upon its fury. With its technology falling ever behind and the sigh of the oppressed labourer and the underclasses of minorities and populace growing ever louder, the end cannot be far away now. Though there is worth of large military build-up by GTO forces in what is doubtlessly meant to be a final play for time through conventional force of arms, should they take this step it will not be our doom they beget.

We are pleased that you have decided to work with our special task force for preparing the way for revolution abroad as the death throes of Capitalism draw ever nearer. Your record is impeccable, and your talents quite vast. You would do well with our task force were all that our goal. Of course, it hardly is that simple. Circumstances have changed dramatically.

Earlier today, the spiderwebbing cracks in spacetime that have been advancing through the visible universe began approaching our planet. Contact with Mars outposts was lost when some of these cracks expanded into shattered topography and consumed the planet entirely. Earth itself would follow, and for a time all visuals were lost until our collective sight was restored to find that our satellites have been pushed to a far higher orbit and the horizon now stretches for more than forty thousand kilometres.

The night sky has also been completely transformed, with the sky now bearing an entirely wrong number of moons; most of those immediately visible to the unassisted eye being both far larger than Luna and apparently inhabited. Though we are not seeking to rush to conclusions, it would seem that the entirety of our planet has been displaced in spacetime and deposited into a new continuum entirely, upon the surface of an impossibly large world with a diameter more than ten times that of our Sun. While all of our devices function largely normally, the answer to the question of why gravity remains normal continues to elude us.

One thing is quite certain though, radio intercepts show that we are by no means alone and that virtually all the new communiques are in languages unfamiliar to any linguist or diplomat. And our sonar buoys detect unfamiliar presences stalking the waves beyond the waters of Earth.

Furthermore, Antarctica seems to have been displaced to a position relatively close to Australia, which will doubtlessly seek to exploit the situation. However, as our continents are now laid out upon a flat plain, there is little means for America to adequately support Australia.

Entrusted unto you and your unit is helping the organisational bodies of the Communist International adjust to this situation and assisting the high command of the International Proletarian Defence Pact; often referred to as the Ulaanbaatar Pact; with the military situation. Also entrusted to your command will be a special formation of volunteers dispatched from the member states of our pact to be committed to tasks above and beyond the expected duties of conventional military units. You are in essence, the troubleshooters of the Proletariat, and your duties will be heavy indeed comrade. But we do not entrust these burdens unto you without the utmost confidence in the abilities of you and your comrades.

We welcome you, then, to the Otmezosob (Otdel mezhdunarodnykh osobykh obstoyatel'stv or OMOO)


Forming the Otmezosob Committee Part 1.

Commissar in Chief (This is you)

[]: Valeriya Mykhailivna Rudenko: A Ukrainian Woman with a distinctively relaxed attitude towards her duties, Valeriya is an experienced manager of personnel and well regarded as a people person who can build teams from even deeply disparate individuals. Though relatively unproven in genuine crisis due to being rather young, Valeriya has demonstrated tremendous aptitude in simulated exercises, particularly when it comes to decisive action in highly contested debates and environments and managing complex and tight budgets. A masterful planner who has advised many a five-year plan and deeply familiar with the ins and outs of Cybersyn, Rudenko is regarded as something of an economic prodigy. Cool under pressure and even seeming to revel in having stress placed on her, Valeriya's chief weakness is her relatively limited connections due to her political career having only really begun in 2038. She will be seen as needing to prove herself if selected for the burdensome task of shaping the policy of the people's of nearly three-quarters of the Earth.
  • +: Enthusiastic; Rudenko is much more resistant to developing stress points as a result of her job, only accruing stress at one quarter the normal rate.
  • +: Personable; Rudenko greatly enjoys working with people and enjoys handling negotiations herself when possible, and is relatively easy to make friends with, making her more likely to succeed at diplomatic actions with a +10 bonus.
  • +: Organizer; Rudenko is a masterful organizer of assets and gets a +15 administration roll bonus to virtually all administration checks that increases to +20 when in a high-stress situation. Her skill in administration also applies to military and espionage actions; where she gets a small +5 bonus.
  • +: Planning Sorceress: Rudenko grants one additional die for each economic field such as production, agriculture, and military design and she can reroll the outcomes of planned economic activity and take the better of the two.
  • +: Mediator; Rudenko thrives in highly contested environments and is extremely good at swaying a debate one way or the other. She may reroll diplomatic actions that are needed to resolve a conflict between two or more parties.
  • +: Former Prodigy, Valeriya gets a +5 bonus to most checks except when under crisis, which causes her to lose her bonus entirely. This bonus doubles to +10 for Academic checks and triples to +15 for Administration checks.
  • =: Soviet Citizen; As a citizen of the Soviet Union, Valeriya's appointment as Commissar in Chief would increase Soviet influence in the Otmezosob by five and also automatically generates five Soviet favour points per turn.
  • -: Inexperienced; Rudenko has not been tested in a genuine crisis and will take a temporary -5 penalty on most actions (as she loses her former prodigy bonus in times of crisis this becomes -5) in times of crisis until she loses the inexperienced trait.
  • -: Lacking in connections; Being new to her post means that Rudenko will need time to build up the networks of trust that underpin virtually all forms of collective organisation. She generates -5 ULAPAC and Comintern influence points until this modifier is obsoleted.
  • -: Disliked by the GTO; Rudenko is distrusted by the GTO for her policy proposals of promoting revolution in the remaining peripheries of America's sphere and doubling efforts to assist the underclass organise. Her appointment to Commissar in Chief would be seen as a direct threat by the GTO. She takes a -5 penalty to diplomacy with the GTO and increases the likelihood of hostile actions by the G.T.O.

[]: Mannfred Lukas Meyer: Extremely young but upbeat with regards to his political duties, Mannfred is boundlessly energetic and highly approachable even if he has a habit of taking on too much work on his own head. Charming and with strong ties to the field of education, Mannfred has no real enemies and has made a number of friends. However, he is regarded as perhaps a bit naive when it comes to diplomacy and the tepid approval that the G.T.O has for him being appointed is seen by some as a sign of an overwillingness to compromise. Mannfred is, however, committed to the future of the communist youth, and none will fight harder to ensure that the next generation of mankind advances into it with the best possible preparations.
  • +: Enthusiastic; Mannfred is much more resistant to developing stress points as a result of his job, only accruing stress at one quarter the normal rate.
  • +: Charming; Meyer is likable, twinkishly handsome, and has made a number of strong friendships already as he has consistently proven to be trustworthy. He gets a +5 bonus to diplomatic actions and generates +4 ULAPAC and Comintern Influence points.
  • +: Champion of the Youth; Meyer is heavily tied to the education department of Germany and is well regarded for his ceaseless efforts for pushing educational policy to the best that it can be. Under Meyer, gain three extra dice for usage in research rolls and a +15 bonus to rolls relating to improving research infrastructure.
  • +: Young Scholar; Meyer was a prodigy as a child and shows an almost inherent aptitude for learning more information, and gains a +15 bonus to academic rolls that increases to +20 when dealing with structuring research or educational programs.
  • +: Polytechnic Magus: Meyer has deep roots in the Polytechnic academies and will reduce research times by one turn across the board as he knows how to best maximise the benefits of science towards the ends of the organisation.
  • +: Former Prodigy, Meyer bonus to most checks except when under crisis, which causes to lose his bonus entirely. This bonus doubles to +10 for Administration checks and triples to +15 for Academic checks.
  • =: German Citizen; Meyer is a native of Deutschland and as such his appointment increases Deutsch influence on the Otmezosob by 5 and automatically generates five Deutsch favour points per turn.
  • -: Naive: Meyer is overly trusting at times and tends to assume the best out of everyone he meets. He takes a -5 penalty on opposed diplomatic rolls attempting to deceive him or sway his opinion.
  • -: Not a fighter: Meyer is neither experienced nor deeply familiar with the way war works, though he knows better than to poke his nose into the affairs of his military staff. As such, until he improves his martial aptitude, he may not assist military rolls and if forced into military actions; takes a -10 penalty on them.
  • -: Barely of Age: At just twenty-two, Meyer is extremely young and his election would be somewhat unusual. He is as such, considered to have less weight in resolving disputes between members of the Stavka and takes a -5 penalty on such rolls.

[] Xuan Xiulan: Also in the camp of young communists up for election into the office of Commissar in chief is Xuan Xiulan of China. The young woman comes from a primarily military background and though some have concerns about her representing a form of red bonapartism, she has the admiration of the soldiery and the respect of many in the civilian sphere as well. With her successful support of many revolutions in the African continent and her participation in the final liberation of Thailand in 2040, she has more than cut her teeth in the efforts to gradually strangle the GTO. While there are those who are favoured over her, should the new situation we find ourselves in prove to be one that will bring war to our shores, there are few that would prove to be more adept at dealing with the invader. Though of course, she would doubtlessly enrage the GTO by simply appearing in the headlines.

  • +: Experienced; Xiulan gets a +5 bonus to most checks and a +10 bonus when under significant stress or pressure due to her familiarity with the ins and outs of the operations of the ULAPAC unless they are situations in which she would take a penalty.
  • +: A Soldier's Comrade; Xuan is adored by the soldiery for her acts of heroism and skilled command in many crises and skirmishes with the GTO. Xuan gets a +15 bonus to military actions that increases to +20 when engaging in aggressive actions and generates +5 ULAPAC influence points.
  • +: The Shadow Dragon; Xuan has a background in special forces and gains a +5 espionage bonus to actions involving covert operations that increases to +10 when it comes to spreading revolutions.
  • +: Stress Immune; Xuan almost never accumulates stress points at all due to her tremendous aptitude at handling pressure and can thus be expected to do high intensity work nearly constantly without issue.
  • +: Mikhail Frunze Reborn; Xuan is an expert at not merely defeating the enemy on the field of battle, but assisting the people living in the areas that see her soldiers going through them in establishing revolutionary governments. Gain three additional dice for establishing revolutionary governments in captured territory.
  • +: Shepherd of the Soldier: Xuan is an expert at keeping her soldiers from suffering casualties and doubles the chance that casualties will only be temporary.
  • =: Chinese Citizen; Xuan is a child of Zhonghua and as such her election increases Chinese influence on the Otmezosob by 5 and automatically generates five Chinese favour points per turn.
  • -: Absolutely hated by the GTO; Xuan's election to the position of Commissar in Chief of our organisation would almost certainly be seen as a declaration of hostile intent to the GTO and make a military resolution to the problem of the Capitalists virtually a necessity within a decade; possibly diverting resources into an additional conflict with the Americans.
  • -: The Young Bonaparte; Many see Xuan as the military overstepping the boundaries of its influence in revolutionary society and whisper fears of her favouring overly aggressive solutions to most problems. Xuan generates -5 Comintern influence points per turn.
  • -: Aggressive; Xuan is indeed, someone who typically prefers to resort to force when faced with most dilemmas and takes a -5 diplomacy penalty when dealing with questions that don't revolve around the military and will typically prefer to delegate such tasks entirely to her Commissar of foreign affairs.

[] Sirvan Vahdat: An experienced veteran of the Iranian Communist Party and the inner workings of the Communist International, Sirvan has drifted along multiple career tracks from the military to civil service to Communist party politics and diplomacy across a long and distinguished record of service. Well regarded for his virtual incorruptibility and varied skillset, Sirvan is perhaps long in the tooth but remains deeply dedicated to his duties, whatever they may be. Sirvan is even respected by the GTO due to his role in negotiating peaceful solutions to the crises in Japan and France that saw the fall of the American aligned governments there when he was a young diplomat. An advocate for detente and understanding between the blocs, the GTO genuinely seems to hope that he will be elected to the position, and those who hope for peace also look to him for amicable solutions to the world's problems; even in the now greatly expanded world that we live in.

  • +: Old Wizard of Tehran: Sirvan has been a dedicated servant of the Iranian Federative Council Socialist Republic and the Communist International for decades. Sirvan gains a +10 bonus on virtually all checks unless he would take a penalty instead. This bonus doubles on Diplomacy checks.
  • +: Old Administrator: Sirvan has been around the block in administrative duties and gains a +5 bonus to Administration checks and can reroll up to two failed administration rolls per turn.
  • +: Man of peace: Sirvan is skilled at defusing potential conflicts before they happen or de-escalating tense situations while still ensuring that the people's cause comes ahead. Sirvan gets a +10 bonus to conflict de-escalation or resolution diplomacy checks and an additional +20 bonus to diplomacy checks in general.
  • +: Party support: Sirvan gets three additional dice for establishing above ground channels of revolutionary activity per turn, such as supporting foreign parties, trade union movements, and activism.
  • +: Beloved by the GTO: Sirvan's role in negotiating amicable peaces with the GTO has meant that he is one of the few "commies" that even the GTO offers a great deal of respect for, and his election would greatly de-escalate possible tensions with the Americans. Sirvan will make the GTO much less likely to make hostile actions and largely eliminate the possibility of conflict with the GTO being started by the Americans.
  • +: Comintern Regular: Sirvan has been drifting amidst various positions in the Communist International for longer than many of the other candidates have even been alive and is well aware of how things work within it, giving a +10 bonus to the generation of influence points with the Comintern.
  • -: Peacenik: The ULAPAC however, regards Sirvan as not overly suited for service in wartime and the ULAPAC STAVKA is unlikely to wholly approve of his election. Sirvan takes a -5 penalty to generation ULAPAC influence points and his election makes it less likely that aggressive solutions will be available to the player.
  • -: Honourable: Sirvan dislikes the cloak and dagger approach to spreading revolution and prefers to work with more open channels such as supporting unions and above ground parties to create the base needed for a worker's movement to flourish. Sirvan has a general -10 penalty to Espionage rolls.
  • -: A bit behind the times: Due to his commitment to political affairs, Sirvan doesn't keep up as much with what's what in Academia and cannot assist Academic rolls and if forced to, takes a -5 penalty to them.

[] Zarina Mastache: A respected veteran of revolutionary conflicts in Latin America, Zarina is Mapuche on her father's side and Sephardic Jewish on her mother's; hailing from Chile and is regarded as an almost peerless expert in the science of revolutionary conflict and covert action. The Steel Woman of the Southern Cone is sometimes feared for her rather hardline attitude towards dealing with counter-revolutionaries and her endorsement of Red Terror to deal with obstinate counter-revolutionaries who refuse to put down their arms as well as her endorsement of protracted violent revolutionary struggle against imperialist forces. Regarded as supremely dangerous by the GTO, Zarina outright welcomes the hatred of class enemies and makes no attempt to hide her admiration for figures such as Felix Dzerzhinsky or Ernst Thalmann. However, those who fight the revolutionary struggle around the world adore her as the woman with the right stuff to finally beget an end to Imperialist tyranny.
  • +: Protracted Warrior: Zarina gets a +10 bonus to military action rolls.
  • +: People's war: Zarina gets a +12 bonus to any rolls relating to revolutionary activity that doubles when she is working with especially downtrodden groups such as imperialised countries or ethnic underclasses.
  • +: The mistress of insurgency: Zarina gets three additional revolutionary activity dice per turn
  • +: Guerilla Mistress: Zarina gets two additional guerilla military activity dice per turn.
  • +: The great weaver: Zarina is a peerless spymaster and has an astounding +15 bonus to any and all espionage actions and will grant an additional agency ring if elected.
  • +: By the throat; Zarina doubles the likelihood that enemy casualties suffered in military actions will be permanent.
  • -: Mortal enemy of the GTO: Zarina's election to the position of Commissar in Chief of our organization would doubtlessly be used as a causus belli for war by the Americans and would make cooperation with them on most issues impossible for the duration of her term.
  • -: Third worldist: Zarina's tactics typically focus on the less developed sections of the world and are generally speaking not quite as suited to the situation of already industrially developed and modernised nations, her bonuses are halved when supporting revolutionary action in countries considered to be developed (thus negating her bonus to working with the underprivileged in developed nations)
  • -: Memories of Dzerzhinsky: Zarina makes a lot of people very nervous and despite her age and experience, and the thing is that most regard the apparatus of a Red Terror to be a temporary tool at best to be eliminated as quickly as possible before it seeks to justify itself. Zarina takes a -4 influence point generation penalty with both ULAPAC STAVKA and the Comintern.

[] Shido Shaciye Shuuriye: A Somali man who has served in just about every capacity to the point of having even been a Cosmonaut at one point in his younger years during the 2010s, Shido is a man of compromise and many trades. Having served as both a physical and an intellectual labourer and even as an accomplished novelist; Shido has connections in just about every circle and the smiling Somali man has virtually no enemies to speak of. Shido is also known for being rather lucky and always seeming to know when and where to commit to certain actions for the best possible results. Able to do anything and everything to ensure the triumph of the revolution, Shido makes sure to avoid tying himself too much to any one field or form of activity or tactic. However his desire to keep everyone pleased has lead to him frequently being highly stressed, and many worry if he is pushing himself too hard to stay on everyone's good side.
  • +: Generalist: Shido receives a +8 bonus to all rolls.
  • +: The Lucky Man: Under Shido, you may choose to reroll up to three results and take the better of the two.
  • +: Friends on all sides: Shido gains two favour points with the Soviets, Chinese, and Germans per turn and gains five influence points with both the ULAPAC and the Comintern per turn.
  • +: Amicable with the GTO: The GTO has no real complaints with Shido and largely regards him as a reasonable man, thus reducing the chance of hostile conflict with the Americans and making them more likely to accept deals.
  • +: Experienced at peacetime: Shido gets an additional +10 bonus on all rolls unless stressed, at which point it drops down to +5.
  • +: The Decisive One: Shido may commit one extra dice to any action of the player's choosing for free due to his experienced, general purpose leadership.
  • -: No specialities: Shido may not choose to specialise in a certain field or go down speciality paths.
  • -: Conflict Averse: Shido will typically back down if challenged on a decision by the ULAPAC Stavka or the Comintern should he be unable to convince them rather than having the option to try to argue the point further (cannot make later diplomatic rolls if an influence check fails).
  • -: Frequently Stressed: Shido accumulates stress points at double the normal rate.


This quest is set in the same Fantasy setting as is used for Lonely Earth in the same general region of the world of Xarazanth; the Zonth Ocean. A stretch of water dotted with continents and islands that spans for about the same surface area as the planet Jupiter. You will be dropped into the midst of the Zonth Oceanic wars and have to navigate a tricky and tangled situation of prolonged conflict, building alliances with other revolutionary or at least non-hostile governments, keeping the G.T.O in check, keeping an eye on liberal or reactionary co-belligerents, and helping the members of the Comintern navigate the social upheaval of the ISOT. With fortune, the enemies of us all will lie beaten and a glorious red dawn shall rise over Xarazanth. With poor direction, the children of the Red Earth will just be another set of casualties in a world continually being ravaged by monsters and warfare.

You do not need to have read Lonely Earth and information on the setting of the Worlds Aflame will be offered as it becomes relevant. Information on this alternate cold war near-future setting will also be offered periodically to help fill in the gaps. Fret not about lacking knowledge, the journey of discovery is all part of the fun.

This will work as a sort of a hybrid between a CK3 and a HOIIV quest with more of an emphasis towards CK3 and its characterisations and less on HOIIV's finagling over the exact formation troops are deployed in. Though this will still come up as a feature.

There are a few important numbers to keep track of: Resource Points that represent the capital available to you and your organisation as you seek to carve out the future of the revolution on Xarazanth. Every fifty resource points translates into an added dice to roll on an attempt to develop a project but projects also have a minimum resource point cost. Resource points are divided into Industrial, Intellectual, Cultural, Diplomatic, and Political. You will have to play a balancing game of determining which projects need your attention the most, the requests of the ULAPAC member states, and the expansion and defence of the revolution.

National favour points that represent how much the superpower members of the ULAPAC favour you (and as new superpowers are added to it, they'll have their own favour points tracked), Comintern favour points that track how much the parties and movements that make up the Third Communist International support you, and ULAPAC STAVKA favour points that track how much the military command of the ULAPAC is willing to back your plays. As your organisation develops you may also gain favour points with other international organisations. You start with 50 of each type of favour points and losing too many risks having your support drawn down or even cut off while gaining more will give you myriad bonuses.

Finally, there are Military Points which represent how much military force you have to concentrate into a military project. Every ten military points translates into another dice that can be concentrated into that military region of operations. When military actions are resolved, casualties will be determined by a few factors. The difference between the loser and winner's rolls, how many dice were committed to an engagement, and factors such as terrain, technology/esoterics, and leadership. Casualties are the military points that will not be refunded after an engagement and are divided into temporary (will need a turn to be refunded) and permanent (will never be refunded.)

At the more personal level, there are also the following stats to keep track of: Health as well as the Stress meter. The more a character is forced to act out of what they feel comfortable with doing, the more stress they accumulate. Too much stress will lead to mounting penalties and can even outright kill the character if it exceeds the Health stat. Health determines among other things, how much a character can be pressed and how likely they are to die of unexpected reasons or survive long enough to receive medical or magical assistance if injured.

Roll bonuses and penalties are always per dice unless explicitly noted otherwise.

Your choice of characters for the committee will greatly affect how information is presented to you and will decide who will be available for the picks for other positions.
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at the Dneipnir and Central Plains they would meet their eventual ruin before being turned back to their dens and pursued to their homelands. While the Americans and British busied themselves in Spain and the Philippines,
Huh. No Stalin mistake of ignoring Barbarossa intel + the Western Allies opting for a peninsular route
[x]: Valeriya Mykhailivna Rudenko

I've read lonely earth, so I think you want somebody reasonably diplomatic externally, but willing to be hostile to the GTO. Not having to worry about stress is good, and inexperienced and lack of connections can be dealt with over time.
[x] Xuan Xiulan: Also in the camp of young communists up for election into the office of Commissar in chief is Xuan Xiulan of China. The young woman comes from a primarily military background and though some have concerns about her representing a form of red bonapartism, she has the admiration of the soldiery and the respect of many in the civilian sphere as well. With her successful support of many revolutions in the African continent and her participation in the final liberation of Thailand in 2040, she has more than cut her teeth in the efforts to gradually strangle the GTO. While there are those who are favoured over her, should the new situation we find ourselves in prove to be one that will bring war to our shores, there are few that would prove to be more adept at dealing with the invader. Though of course, she would doubtlessly enrage the GTO by simply appearing in the headlines.
[x] Shido Shaciye Shuuriye: A Somali man who has served in just about every capacity to the point of having even been a Cosmonaut at one point in his younger years during the 2010s, Shido is a man of compromise and many trades. Having served as both a physical and an intellectual labourer and even as an accomplished novelist; Shido has connections in just about every circle and the smiling Somali man has virtually no enemies to speak of. Shido is also known for being rather lucky and always seeming to know when and where to commit to certain actions for the best possible results. Able to do anything and everything to ensure the triumph of the revolution, Shido makes sure to avoid tying himself too much to any one field or form of activity or tactic. However his desire to keep everyone pleased has lead to him frequently being highly stressed, and many worry if he is pushing himself too hard to stay on everyone's good side.
[x]: Valeriya Mykhailivna Rudenko

Would've voted for the more experienced Xuan if not for making the GTO situation hotter while facing the new, massively expanded global situation
[X]: Valeriya Mykhailivna Rudenko

Reasoning: We don't want to have to deal with a hot war right off the bat, those are generally bad. Instead the penalties to our influence are more pronounced but also can also be removed. This seems like a more than acceptable tradeoff to me.
[X] Sirvan Vahdat

For the diplomacy... and the chance to make him literally the Old Wizard of Tehran

Edit: [x]Valeriya Mykhailivna Rudenko

As the pragmatic vote, for now.
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[X] Xuan Xiulan

Comrades, it is of the highest priority to first liberate the global proletariat so we may commence operations going forward without the dagger of the capitalist at our back.
What are the differences between the Soviets, China, and Germany?
Germany has the highest concentration of highly educated personnel and tends to be the most resolutely anti-liberal and radical due to the memories of the failings of the Weimar Republic and the horrors that it would birth. The Spartakusbund is the most orthodox of the big three communist parties of the world and has synthesised a position from the works of Luxemburg, Liebknecht, Thalmann, Kautsky and even some of Pannekoek and Bordiga. As a reaction to the dreadful years of the NSDAP government they're also one of the most wildly progressive, with Bukharin's government encouraging a full dismantling of all institutions of German conservatism which were all blamed for the rise of the NSDAP. The Germans are perhaps the most conflict averse faction though, having remembered the trauma of the two world wars quite well even a hundred years later. They prefer to not fight unless it is necessary, but if it is necessary they prefer to fight to win as quickly as possible.

The Soviet Union is largely fitting to Lenin's initial ideal for it, having maintained the alliance between the peasants and workers; though the peasantry has largely disappeared as a class following the mechanisation of agriculture as part of the voluntary collectivization and industrial programs. After the end of world war two, a hard hit but not quite as bad as OTL Germany and Italy cooperated with the Soviets and Chinese to help rebuild damaged areas (also the Siberian and west Chinese plans had lots of industry out of the reach of the Axis.) The Soviet Union has immense natural resources and substantial global presence and is something of the jack of all trades of the big three. The Soviets are generally on the more pragmatic side, they will do whatever is needed to work and are not at all against changing plans as the situation demands. They're generally on the more belligerent side, and with the arctic coast now much more vulnerable, will seek to be proactive in its defence.

The Socialist Republic of China is derived from a merger of the Sun Yat Senist factions of the KMT and the CCP under people like Zhao Enlai or Chen Duxiu with some influence from Mao. With a greatly truncated Chinese Warlord period followed by the starting of land redistribution and voluntary collectivization programs, China modernised significantly faster and earlier and was something of an industrial power by the time of Japan's attack to begin with. While the Soviets and Chinese faced a two front war, they were able to hold fast and managed victory on both fronts. The Chinese have the largest pool of manpower by far and tend to have a very enthused attitude towards spreading revolution by any means necessary. The Chinese also seek to emphasise the struggles of less developed countries and the necessity of working with the peasant as well as the worker, and tend to be the most supportive of traditional national liberation movements.
...huh, Pakistan-India-Bangladesh are recent arrivals to the bloc? Cuz it seems like since they're dotps, at least one of Pakistan or Bangladesh could move towards unification w/India; tho maybe the chaos of partition means that it's still WiP even by 2046?
Just because thier are new threats as well does not mean we should abandon our fight against the GTO, on the contrary, we must do everything in our power to oppose them, and unify Earth under the glorious banner of communism, so as to be able to fight off our new threats. Therefor who can we pick other then Zarina? By far the most aggressive we will crush the GTO right away, as thier colonies revolt and they are crushed by our might. (Plus, who doesn't like a little mass purging on the side?)
Just because thier are new threats as well does not mean we should abandon our fight against the GTO, on the contrary, we must do everything in our power to oppose them, and unify Earth under the glorious banner of communism, so as to be able to fight off our new threats. Therefor who can we pick other then Zarina? By far the most aggressive we will crush the GTO right away, as thier colonies revolt and they are crushed by our might. (Plus, who doesn't like a little mass purging on the side?)
Xuan is about as likely to get in a war with the GTO as Zarina.
The difference between Xiulan and Zarina is that Xiulan will make world war 3 by 2055 or even sooner likely impossible to avoid.

Zarina will cause President Karen Jane Whittaker of the USA to declare war within three months assuming Zarina doesn't declare America illegal and begin bombing first.
Massive bruh moment on Zarina

Wondering if she, like Dzerzhinsky, would not only try to disband the organization enacting Red Terror on the defeated GTO, but also Thanos Snap its actors (possibly including herself)

I'll wait a bit to see if Zarina can gain any traction, and if it looks like one of the more pacifist candidates can win I'll switch my vote to Xiulan. But Zarina is still my preferred candidate I think, although that does seem like a bit too early to fight WW3
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