Rebuilding Worm for RPs and Quests

I'll be honest, I really liked Worm and the setting. Yes, it did have problems with pacing and the worldbuilding could have used more finetuning which I'm sure most people will agree with. Still it's an interesting place to set stories and quests in and I'd like to help further that. Now what this thread is for is adjusting groups, locations and individuals in the Worm cosmology to see if we can make things funner. While I'm trying to stay relatively close to the source material, I'm probably going to make significant changes sooner or later. What I'd like for you to help with is coming up with new spins on the setting and Brockton Bay in specific. Below are some of the changes I've been thinking of.
  1. Azn Bad Boys: Instead of one giant organization I'd break it up into dozens of smaller factions with infighting being semi-frequent. Lung and the threat of E-88 would act as a stabilizing force of sorts ensuring that things don't devolve too much into violence. Think something like the Triad.
  2. Empire Eighty-Eight: Rather than focus on the neo-nazi elements instead play up the nativist aspects. The E-88 formed from the sudden influx of immigrants and which was only bolstered when job opportunities died down. Perhaps like with the ABB have them be relatively segmented with different portions being primarily led by E-88 Capes and with Kaiser acting as a unifying force.
  3. PRT: The Bay is effectively in a cold war between ABB and E-88 which the PRT should reflect. Have groups of troopers patrolling the street for civilian 'safety' and the like.
  4. Capes: Add more of them to give player more possible allies and enemies. I'd keep them relatively low-powered as to not overshadow canon characters and inadvertently make Mary Sues.
  5. Panacea: Nerf her powers so that it only works on gross anatomy which should help reduce how broken she is in comparison to everyone else and help patch possible plot holes. As for Bonesaw the same would apply adjusted to her powers of course.
  6. Cauldron: For street games I'd cut them out entirely as they're not needed unless you want to use them as a plot device.
  7. Coil: I'd cut him out as well since his powers are just too polarizing. Alternatively, I'd somehow limit his power or just give him an alternate if similar one.
  8. Lethality: Probably increase it as powers should be dangerous. If you want to knock someone out rather than kill them you're usually going to have to hold back depending on your power which can be dangerous if the other person doesn't have the same compunctions.
So what would changes in Wom would you make for a a better gaming experience?
Well as someone who's run 28 successive RP's (both inside and outside Brockton Bay) I have a lot of opinions and insight into this (or at least tons of experience). I'm going to go over your points and then later (when I've got more time) add some stuff of my own.

  1. Breaking apart the ABB doesn't work with Lung still in the game, and removing Lung just isn't an option. The reason why is simple, Lung won't accept any infighting, all Asian groups will work under him or they'll die. That's exactly what happened in story and makes sense, he is an aggressive person and his power enables that level of power.
  2. If the E88 aren't Nazi's and aren't a single group, any mid-level parahuman with a brain will stomp them into the dust, hell, even a mid-level parahuman who's intelligent can take down multiple E88 capes in one go, it's why they travel in groups. Why does the Nazi part matter? It's because they wouldn't have their allies in Europe (G-something complex sounding and German, I don't care enough to find it) and parahumans from across the US wouldn't have shown up to aid them, meaning it would be like Uber and Leet in terms of danger, just Kaiser, and maybe one or two others. That's no threat at all to anyone. Them being Nazi's is also a great catalyst if one of your players isn't white, hell, half of my party is always non-white, and we allow changing race as a complication for this exact reason, Nazi's will hunt you down. Note, being a different race isn't bad, but Nazi's attacking you because of this is bad.
  3. This is actually a good idea, kind of like Protectorate and Ward patrols, I've actually done this once or twice and it's worked out pretty well. (also like police patrols)
  4. This is actually a canon thing, Wildbow said there's about 20-30 mid to low tier capes in Brockton Bay that aren't named, so go to town. This is also something I always do, you can even make small hero or villain teams that just aren't big name groups.
  5. I don't see any reason to do this. A) it changes years of history, breaking the Endbringer fights and changing the dynamic of the city. B) Broken? Sure, but she'll never use that power, so it levels out. Also, the Triumvirate's pretty broken, so are the S9, and Narwhal, so is Lung, even the Travelers, Armsmaster, hell, all capes. It kind of falls apart quickly. Some people are just stronger than others. Also, why nerf Bonesaw? I really don't see a reason.
  6. I don't think they should be cut since they won't have much impact anyway, just have them in the background and leave them there. Unless they're Ryan Bendix or comparatively earth-shaking then there's no need for them to step in.
  7. Coil isn't actually as powerful as believed. Wildbow confirmed that he actually has a complex precog power. he chooses two initial conditions (do cross the street now, don't cross the street) and his power tells him to stay put in reality. In his mind, he sees what would have happened if he did cross the street (namely that he gets hit by a car). In other words, it tells him which option would be something he'll like better in the end and makes him act that way and gives him the knowledge of what would happen if he did the other. This means that Coil won't be literally stopping the world where he doesn't live, but he wasn't there in the first place. You do have to make him smart and capable, but if the player sees him then he's actually there and just a squishy human.
  8. This is something I entirely agree with, when someone with a Brute power and swings wildly at a normal's head it goes splat, enough said.
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Well as someone who's run 28 successive RP's (both inside and outside Brockton Bay) I have a lot of opinions and insight into this (or at least tons of experience). I'm going to go over your points and then later (when I've got more time) add some stuff of my own.

  1. Breaking apart the ABB doesn't work with Lung still in the game, and removing Lung just isn't an option. The reason why is simple, Lung won't accept any infighting, all Asian groups will work under him or they'll die. That's exactly what happened in story and makes sense, he is an aggressive person and his power enables that level of power.
  2. If the E88 aren't Nazi's and aren't a single group, any mid-level parahuman with a brain will stomp them into the dust, hell, even a mid-level parahuman who's intelligent can take down multiple E88 capes in one go, it's why they travel in groups. Why does the Nazi part matter? It's because they wouldn't have their allies in Europe (G-something complex sounding and German, I don't care enough to find it) and parahumans from across the US wouldn't have shown up to aid them, meaning it would be like Uber and Leet in terms of danger, just Kaiser, and maybe one or two others. That's no threat at all to anyone. Them being Nazi's is also a great catalyst if one of your players isn't white, hell, half of my party is always non-white, and we allow changing race as a complication for this exact reason, Nazi's will hunt you down. Note, being a different race isn't bad, but Nazi's attacking you because of this is bad.
  3. This is actually a good idea, kind of like Protectorate and Ward patrols, I've actually done this once or twice and it's worked out pretty well. (also like police patrols)
  4. This is actually a canon thing, Wildbow said there's about 20-30 mid to low tier capes in Brockton Bay that aren't named, to go to town. This is also something I always do, you can even make small hero or villain teams that just aren't big name groups.
  5. I don't see any reason to do this. A) it changes years of history, breaking the Endbringer fights and changing the dynamic of the city. B) Broken? Sure, but she'll never use that power, so it levels out. Also, the Triumvirate's pretty broken, so are the S9, and Narwhal, so is Lung, even the Travelers, Armsmaster, hell, all capes. It kind of falls apart quickly. Some people are just stronger than others. Also, why nerf Bonesaw? I really don't see a reason.
  6. I don't think they should be cut since they won't have much impact anyway, just have them in the background and leave them there. Unless they're Ryan Bendix or comparatively earth-shaking then there's no need for them to step in.
  7. Coil isn't actually as powerful as believed. Wildbow confirmed that he actually has a complex precog power. he chooses two initial conditions (do cross the street now, don't cross the street) and his power tells him to stay put in reality. In his mind, he sees what would have happened if he did cross the street (namely that he gets hit by a car). In other words, it tells him which option would be something he'll like better in the end and makes him act that way and gives him the knowledge of what would happen if he did the other. This means that Coil won't be literally stopping the world where he doesn't live, but he wasn't there in the first place. You do have to make him smart and capable, but if the player sees him then he's actually there and just a squishy human.
  8. This is something I entirely agree with, when someone with a Brute power and swings wildly at a normal's head it goes splat, enough said.
Finally Coils power is explained per WoG, fanons version is far too OP to canon...
Well, the ideas i'm toying with for a Worm RPG campaign boil down to:

1 don't set it in Brockton Bay.
2: No Canon Characters as PCs, and canon characters showing up is relatively rare unless it's an Endbringer fight and the Triumverate shows up or similar.
3: Sometime before Canon, either a year or two, or more.
4: I'd probably have the PRT and other Law Enforcement being somewhat more harsh than in Canon. Characters acting like Murderhobos means the PRT teams start packing Lethal Ammo and well, if you're known as homicidal it's not exactly hard to believe a hero or some containment squads had to kill you in self defense.
4.5: Just because you're a cape doesn't mean you're immune to bullets (unless that's your power), so on the flipside with Heroic PCs, the more ruthless villains and normal criminals would be much more likely to just shoot you in the head than in canon. Depending on context of course.
5: I'd probably let Tinker Tech be slightly more common/require less maintenance. Not enough to make it common, but enough that it's a bit more plausible that a Tinker could provide the rest of his team with gear, it could be bought on the black market, and elite PRT teams could have some of it and thus be somewhat relevant in a high level cape fight.
Breaking apart the ABB doesn't work with Lung still in the game, and removing Lung just isn't an option. The reason why is simple, Lung won't accept any infighting, all Asian groups will work under him or they'll die. That's exactly what happened in story and makes sense, he is an aggressive person and his power enables that level of power.
No, it doesn't really make sense.

If the E88 aren't Nazi's and aren't a single group, any mid-level parahuman with a brain will stomp them into the dust, hell, even a mid-level parahuman who's intelligent can take down multiple E88 capes in one go, it's why they travel in groups. Why does the Nazi part matter? It's because they wouldn't have their allies in Europe (G-something complex sounding and German, I don't care enough to find it) and parahumans from across the US wouldn't have shown up to aid them, meaning it would be like Uber and Leet in terms of danger, just Kaiser, and maybe one or two others. That's no threat at all to anyone. Them being Nazi's is also a great catalyst if one of your players isn't white, hell, half of my party is always non-white, and we allow changing race as a complication for this exact reason, Nazi's will hunt you down. Note, being a different race isn't bad, but Nazi's attacking you because of this is bad.
This sounds pretty daft. The Undersiders are a minor gang of dodgers, whose Coil-orchestrated formation isn't considered suspicious in the least, and they get by with four members. The Merchants have four adult members, and they're a coherent gang. ABB has three capes, Faultline's crew effectively has three at the story's start. Why can't Hookwolf's gang of three streetfighter parahumans survive distinct from Kaiser's crew of six white supremacist parahumans (and the intern, Rune) and Purity's gang of four vicious vigilantes?

You seriously think you need to be a Nazi to be racist in America? Hell, if you want to talk about people in masks who attack non-whites to "protect their community", the KKK were good ol' Christian murrikans, and they're still around and more of a emotional issue for anyone who's not white. You don't even need either of those to have a good crew of racist supervillains - just employ the usual rhetoric used to defend murderous cops.

I don't see any reason to do this. A) it changes years of history, breaking the Endbringer fights and changing the dynamic of the city.
No it doesn't.

B) Broken? Sure, but she'll never use that power, so it levels out.
If you're removing a power she'll "never use", then all you're doing is defusing an obnoxious timebomb and preventing players from stealing or coercing or mind-controlling her into using that power for them - which is a perfectly sane decision as a GM.

Also, why nerf Bonesaw? I really don't see a reason.
She's effectively capable of doing whatever she wants so long as the author vaguely justifies it by putting "bio" at the front, which is stupid. If she's the Slaughterhouse 9's combat medic and torture artist, that works perfectly fine - but if she's a walking bioweapon WMD who pals around with nihilistic serial killers, there's no excuse for not just carpeting her general location with high-yield explosives until you're convinced she's no longer capable of producing The Satan Bug using the contents of a spice-rack.
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I think the main reason I wanted to break up the E88 and ABB, was because they're too, monolithic, I want to say? Now that works for the PRT because they're government entity even accounting for all the corruption that would have seeped in from being in a place like the Bay. But the gangs? They're too well organized for my tastes and seem more like little armies than actual gangs. Something more like the Mafia or Triad than what was shown in Worm would be better I think.

For the ABB, it should be a nest of vipers that's only kept from imploding by the presence of Lung and the threat of the E88. Even before Lung came there would have been rivalries, hatreds and vendettas between the disparate gangs that wouldn't just dissipate when the ABB formed. Now this is nice and all but what does it mean for quests and RPs? Essentially that you can mess with the ABB, or more specifically one of the gangs that make it up, and not have them all come crashing down on you. Why? Because they'll be shown as weak which the others won't hesitate to take advantage of as the appearance of strength is just as important as having strength. It's also partly because I like the idea of Lung playing the different power blocs that make up the ABB against each and being pretty hands off for the most part because when he knows that when he does take action it makes waves which aren't always good.

The same applies to the E88 though for them it's more about reputation within the group and not quite as much a vipers nest. So if Hookwolf lost a fight he's not going to go to Kaiser unless he really thought it to be vital as it'd look bad on him. Instead he's going to lick his wounds and see about getting even when he gets the chance.
Well, the ideas i'm toying with for a Worm RPG campaign boil down to:

1 don't set it in Brockton Bay.
2: No Canon Characters as PCs, and canon characters showing up is relatively rare unless it's an Endbringer fight and the Triumverate shows up or similar.
3: Sometime before Canon, either a year or two, or more.
4: I'd probably have the PRT and other Law Enforcement being somewhat more harsh than in Canon. Characters acting like Murderhobos means the PRT teams start packing Lethal Ammo and well, if you're known as homicidal it's not exactly hard to believe a hero or some containment squads had to kill you in self defense.
4.5: Just because you're a cape doesn't mean you're immune to bullets (unless that's your power), so on the flipside with Heroic PCs, the more ruthless villains and normal criminals would be much more likely to just shoot you in the head than in canon. Depending on context of course.
5: I'd probably let Tinker Tech be slightly more common/require less maintenance. Not enough to make it common, but enough that it's a bit more plausible that a Tinker could provide the rest of his team with gear, it could be bought on the black market, and elite PRT teams could have some of it and thus be somewhat relevant in a high level cape fight.
1-4) Not bad, I've run stories with this before, just make sure that that you've got enough parahumans, their alignment, the gang/underworld dynamic, etc. well before you start. I made the mistake to not and it was very chaotic as I had to keep making/finding capes just as they ran into them.
No, it doesn't really make sense.

This sounds pretty daft. The Undersiders are a minor gang of dodgers, whose Coil-orchestrated formation isn't considered suspicious in the least, and they get by with four members. The Merchants have four adult members, and they're a coherent gang. ABB has three capes, Faultline's crew effectively has three at the story's start. Why can't Hookwolf's gang of three streetfighter parahumans survive distinct from Kaiser's crew of six white supremacist parahumans (and the intern, Rune) and Purity's gang of four vicious vigilantes?

You seriously think you need to be a Nazi to be racist in America? Hell, if you want to talk about people in masks who attack non-whites to "protect their community", the KKK were good ol' Catholic murrikans, and they're still around and more of a emotional issue for anyone who's not white. You don't even need either of those to have a good crew of racist supervillains - just employ the usual rhetoric used to defend murderous cops.

No it doesn't.

If you're removing a power she'll "never use", then all you're doing is defusing an obnoxious timebomb and preventing players from stealing or coercing or mind-controlling her into using that power for them - which is a perfectly sane decision as a GM.

She's effectively capable of doing whatever she wants so long as the author vaguely justifies it by putting "bio" at the front, which is stupid. If she's the Slaughterhouse 9's combat medic and torture artist, that works perfectly fine - but if she's a walking bioweapon WMD who pals around with nihilistic serial killers, there's no excuse for not just carpeting her general location with high-yield explosives until you're convinced she's no longer capable of producing The Satan Bug using the contents of a spice-rack.
Ok, so read your other post and I've got a few things to say.

ABB: Well, I don't think you paid enough attention to the backstory. Lung killed all the Asian parahumans that didn't work for him. You're not wrong about what they'd try to do, but it doesn't work well enough. The reason why Lung managed to unite them was simple, work for him or you, your loved ones, and you community literally burn down around you. The other gangs don't so much 'hold him off' as much as run away. Even the full E88 could barely hold him off, and that was including Purity, Night, Fog, and Crusader in addition to the other main heavy hitters, and even then it was only hold him off. It isn't that he can't be beaten, but Skitter managed to think around the issue, one time attacking before he was ramped up at all (one of the main ways to beat him) by injecting tons of venom, and the second time was getting Newter's fluids in his eye (remember that Newter was taken down by [I believe Oni Lee] so that he couldn't take down lung) which no other parahuman there could easily do, in fact, I can't think of any in the Bay who could do it as easily as she did. Without that single attack, Lung would have won the gang war most likely (and definitely that fight, since he won several others), especially with Bakuda and Oni Lee on his side.

Would there be smaller splinter gangs, yes, there are a few as far as I know, but as you said they're tiny which is why the ABB is the major Asian gang. As to why Lung couldn't take over the gangs, well Lung would probably allow you to kill other Asians, but only as the last resort. I also remember him taking protection money from people who weren't in his gang but were in his territory, so if he really needed to he'd just attack you at home. Sure, some Asians aren't in his gang or pay money, and some most likely would leave, but with how poor the people in the docks are I don't think all of them could afford to move. In addition, he protects them from the E88 who would happily kill all of them, and as I said earlier he can deal with the E88, so technically the E88 increases the number of recruits in the ABB.

E88: I'll agree, you don't need to have that many parahumans to be a gang, but to hold territory, collect protection money, to deal with Lung, or fend off any of the heroes (who otherwise would outnumber every gang)? They'd at best be tiny groups that held a few blocks. The Merchants manage to hold ground (barely I might add) because of the hordes of members they have. With 3 Nazi groups then each one would have only a third of the members, probably less since some join for money and protection (plus arrests would be harder to break out of since they'd have less firepower to save them plus they'd be more likely to all get arrested in one fell swoop, hell, all of New Wave could take any of the groups on and win, instantly removing a gang) which would be heavily reduced with so many less people. In addition, Geselleschaft wouldn't sponsor any of them, meaning Night, Fog, and possibly others throughout the years wouldn't have been there, and the E88 wouldn't be a known group, meaning many others wouldn't have come across the east coast to team up (suspected: Cricket, Hookwolf, Stormtiger, possibly others that aren't around anymore), in other words they would have far less power or members.

Sure, this doesn't stop their racism, but without a strong backer, it's just some white guys mumbling in a back alley who get beaten up by Glory Girl a week later.

Amy: Without her saving capes every Endbringer attack then likely at least one or two from Brockton would be dead, removing heroes, and with fewer heroes overall then the world would be in a worse place. Also, Brockton Bay would lose one of its main attractions (someone who can heal anything), meaning less economic power (and that's saying something), meaning an even worse state of the Bay. As to mind controlling her, what you're supposed to do as a GM is allow players to make mistakes. If they Master her then make some High-end capes come after her (Narwhal maybe, or a Guild squad to hunt them down) maybe even a kill order since she'd be and S-class threat. Don't baby-proof the world, punish mistakes.

Bonesaw: She entirely is capable of doing that, but the S9's (specifically Jack's) modus operandi does not allow for doing that. Killing is only to be done directly, so she could, but won't. She only uses WMD's as a 'you can't kill me even though you want to' thing. I think Brockton Bay was the furthest she went (or at least in confirmed) in the WMD category, and only after they broke the 'rules' of the fight. Basically, Jack (who is Mastering Bonesaw, actually confirmed WoG) won't let her even if she wanted to. This is also likely why she began becoming normal after Jack wasn't awake for years, he couldn't affect her during that time.
Ok, so read your other post and I've got a few things to say.
I'm not questioning your knowledge of the Worm backstory, I'm questioning that backstory's relationship to how human beings actually work. You're laying out how it actually happened in Worm - I'm pointing out that how it actually happened in Worm is usually fucking stupid, so why not change it if it helps your games?

You're fussing over shit like "Night and Fog wouldn't be on Purity's team if she weren't allied with Germany". That's window dressing - the proper answer is that Germany having a Nazi supercriminal organization running the show is inane, and you can just turn Night and Fog into regular superpowered psychos without losing anything at all.

Lung's reasoning behind (and ability to) seize control of all Asian criminals in Brockton Bay was a vaguely racist nonsense handwave to begin with - if you want there to be other Asian gangs for your game, you lose precisely nothing by changing it. We don't see Brockton Bay being treated as a world hub of medical tourism, because it isn't, so stopping Panacea from remaking your genetic code to fix your anemia doesn't change anything.
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I think the main reason I wanted to break up the E88 and ABB, was because they're too, monolithic, I want to say? Now that works for the PRT because they're government entity even accounting for all the corruption that would have seeped in from being in a place like the Bay. But the gangs? They're too well organized for my tastes and seem more like little armies than actual gangs. Something more like the Mafia or Triad than what was shown in Worm would be better I think.

For the ABB, it should be a nest of vipers that's only kept from imploding by the presence of Lung and the threat of the E88. Even before Lung came there would have been rivalries, hatreds and vendettas between the disparate gangs that wouldn't just dissipate when the ABB formed. Now this is nice and all but what does it mean for quests and RPs? Essentially that you can mess with the ABB, or more specifically one of the gangs that make it up, and not have them all come crashing down on you. Why? Because they'll be shown as weak which the others won't hesitate to take advantage of as the appearance of strength is just as important as having strength. It's also partly because I like the idea of Lung playing the different power blocs that make up the ABB against each and being pretty hands off for the most part because when he knows that when he does take action it makes waves which aren't always good.

The same applies to the E88 though for them it's more about reputation within the group and not quite as much a vipers nest. So if Hookwolf lost a fight he's not going to go to Kaiser unless he really thought it to be vital as it'd look bad on him. Instead he's going to lick his wounds and see about getting even when he gets the chance.
The ABB is a nest of vipers, inside it almost certainly has rivalries based on race, each trying to be in control of the ABB while Lung keeps them from killing each other. I doubt the ABB would care too much if a new cape was needling them, but going too far wouldn't be at all dangerous if they weren't so powerful.

E88 is even worse for this, give an example fight that you don't think would be a curb-stomp for the hero (I'll be representing this, you pick a power, some mid-to-high range powerset) and a set of one of the small E88 offshoots plus the setting that I'd be attacking them in and I'll explain why it wouldn't be too hard to at least capture one (for the lower end) or all (higher end). What makes the Protectorate a group that someone wants to join is exactly because of how imposing the gangs are, it's supposed to be a risk to go after them, otherwise it's too easy for you players to win and 'save' Brockton Bay, the Wormverse isn't supposed to be forgiving.
I'm not questioning your knowledge of the Worm backstory, I'm questioning that backstory's relationship to how human beings actually work. You're laying out how it actually happened in Worm - I'm pointing out that how it actually happened in Worm is usually fucking stupid, so why not change it if it helps your games?

You're fussing over shit like "Night and Fog wouldn't be on Purity's team if she weren't allied with Germany". That's window dressing - the proper answer is that Germany having a Nazi supercriminal organization running the show is inane, and you can just turn Night and Fog into regular superpowered psychos without losing anything at all. Lung's reasoning behind (and ability to) seize control of all Asian criminals in Brockton Bay was a vaguely racist nonsense handwave to begin with - if you want there to be other Asian gangs for your game, you lose precisely nothing by changing it. We don't see Brockton Bay being treated as a world hub of medical tourism, because it isn't, so stopping Panacea from remaking your genetic code to fix your anemia doesn't change anything.
Alright, thank you for the clarification. I'm still going to say another bit because I don't think it will help your games, I've tried it myself (both with the players having Worm knowledge and not) and it simply hasn't worked out. The hardest thing for a GM isn't a fight, it's worldbuilding and keeping things consistent. I raised issues with the gangs staying around which without them your Heroic players don't have opposition to fight. Sure, you can let them be taken down and keep making new ones but eventually, the gangs and parahumans in them will start becoming very one-dimensional. As for what you've now brought up I say why is that? Criminal organizations have run puppet regimes before (albeit not often) and with parahumans the existence of once wouldn't be as surprising since they literally have more power. Lung being an incredibly powerful cape isn't racist or a handwave (although his gang is racist, that's kind of their thing). You also ignored the endbringer and Bonesaw comments but allowing Amy to doesn't actually make you lose anything either. I'm not sure about the medical tourism, but I believe it's certainly a possibility. To give an example of punishing stupid action, I once let my most amoral player have a telepathic mind control power and let him use it to kidnap people, Dragon came and crushed him after he Mastered a few hundred people and 10-20 capes (simply because talking to them was too difficult in his mind). If you don't want the canon Brockton Bay just use a different city, Chicago, Boston, New York, hell go to Canada for all I care (it's stupidly cold here), but why change Brockton Bay like what you're suggesting?

Edit: you can also try what I suggested in the above post, and sorry for double posting but these are long and my computer can barely handle one of these at a time.
You seriously think you need to be a Nazi to be racist in America? Hell, if you want to talk about people in masks who attack non-whites to "protect their community", the KKK were good ol' Catholic murrikans, and they're still around and more of a emotional issue for anyone who's not white. You don't even need either of those to have a good crew of racist supervillains - just employ the usual rhetoric used to defend murderous cops.
Errr, the KKK isn't Catholic, it's intensely anti-Catholic.
Errr, the KKK isn't Catholic, it's intensely anti-Catholic.
Whoops, got mixed up with the way they wear Catholic costumes. Christian, then.

Point is, literal Nazis have never been much of a homegrown threat or cultural infection in America. They're very much an outside concept, which is why using them to represent "American super-racists" is a transparent attempt at othering racism. Hell, something like a third of Empire 88 are literally Nazi Germans, which is so staggeringly unlikely post-vergangenheitsbewältigung. It's a deliberate move to soften and distance the issues at play, and make them easier to engage with punching - or rather, easier to engage without thinking. Oh, those nasty Nazis! We'd better go slap those swastikas right off them. Thank goodness we're not Nazis, and their evil has nothing to do with our culture.
  • Panacea: Nerf her powers so that it only works on gross anatomy which should help reduce how broken she is in comparison to everyone else and help patch possible plot holes. As for Bonesaw the same would apply adjusted to her powers of course.

Honestly, i think is better to remove Panacea completely. There is no way to keep her in a coherent story that:

A: Doesn't nerf her power to such a level that is completely different from her canon one.

B: Keeps her role and circunstances similar to canon.

Why? Well, becuase even if you only leave her the power to cure cancer, she can still produce hundreds of millions of dollars in medical services each year. And, frankly, people wouldn't treat a resource worth billions as they treat her.*

(Just for a start, he would have full time bodyguards).

*(Her canon power, of course, has incalculable value).
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