Reach the Stars, Explore the Void REBOOT : A Stellaris-inspired quest of research and exploration

Both Builder and railway are so low together, we might even see negative setbacks for it. On same nature everything else was really high, so

iirc, low Builders roll is good for us since it mean lower Builders' activities.

So maybe all those rapid shift toward crystal industry cause some sort of supply chain disruption?

And yeah, super glad we finally got the tracking done. Please, let's that give us a lot of unity. I really want to finally let it hit 20 and start playing with tradition...

Curious what the Nat100 will mechanically do.

If it's like the last time, high roll is not just a good thing for the civilization as a whole, but also for us in particular.
The last time it'a potential assets we could spend influence to acquire, consider this time it's about industrial retooling, maybe it have something to do with our sponsorship? Enhanced results? Get the result this turn instead of a couple turns away?
Yeah. And with the malus which should be at -6, we got a 2 in Builders. Which, isn't a 1 for critical failure but really close.

Hence my thought on maybe getting a minus in campaign against isolation.
Factional overview
Factional overview.

Within the Halls of the Research Division, a file is maintained. To ensure that all those whom serve the division may know and understand our allies.

Earth Defense Council.
Federal Governments of Earth, 16 seats made of representants from the High Command, Orders and Cities-States

High Command
The military High Command of Earth, responsible for military and economic planning.

High Command Logistical Department.
The Central planning to ensure that all the needs of Earth's Council are fufilled is done by the Logistical Department.

High Command Division of Conscription.
To recruit and train the people of the Great Struggle, is the task of the Conscription division, and to guide the armies of the High Command.

High Command Intelligence Division.
The Intelligence Division ensures that information is kept secure and that enemies of Great Struggle cannot infiltrate. The primary users of Memory worms.

High Command Division of Necessity.
For where Men are not enough, the Division of Necessity shall measures and approves usage of higher-grade Weapons.

High Command Division of Special Action.
The Elite of the military. Highly trained teams with Other's, capable of fighting even Builders.

Adjacents to High Command.
Technical Boots camps.
Resources are scares and education have often been left faltering. The Technical Boots camp were created to rectify this issue, and have trained most engineers around the globe.
Astra Design TeamForward Research Division Founder.
The Satellite and ship designer team of the High Command. Integrated into the Forward Research Division their duties have only increased with their resources.
Fourteenth Strategist.
Carrier of the Strategist memory worm.

Tamer Order
All Tamers are subordinate to the five Titan Orders. Ensures Other's are taken care of, and their materials are given to the Great Struggle.

Order of the Bird of Crystal Forward Research Division Founder.
The Crystal Titan's followers are among the most active of the Tamers. Know for their negotiation and survival skills. Was one of the Founders of the Forward Research Division.
-Order of Bird Computing Team.
Created as part of their duties with the Forward Research Division, this Order has acquired members with knowledge in Computers by giving therapeutic help to the ill and criminals.
-Bird of Crystal
Most reactive to human actions of the Titan, who once helped us strike at the Catalog. The bird sleep in their lair of the antarctic, in a nest made of their crystal feathers, and when they wake, they move faster than sound, the power of their wings able to shatter Prims, and fight by throwing razor-sharps feathers of crystals and striking their foes with their edged body.

Order of the Fiery Lizard.
Fiery Lizard
Most destructive of the Titan, who once vitrified Hawaii. The lizard sleep in the deep of the Pacific, around volcanic vents, and when they wake, they swins through the waves before reducing their foes to nothing with their fiery breaths.

Order of the Dragon
The Dragon
The most powerful, the most dangerous, shatterer of Kilimanjaro. In almost all ways, the Dragon sleeping under the sands is the biggest, strongest of all Titans, but it is also the hardest to wake, and the most destructive when it is.

Order of the Thunder Moth
Lighting Moth
Most active of all Titan, the Lighting Moth do not truly sleep, but fly through the atmosphere over Eurasia and the Atlantic, zapping from storm cloud to storm cloud. The Moth do not need to be woken, but to act, and stop their constant travels.
The Lighting Moth is perhaps the easiest Titan to wound, but is incredibly fast and reactive, moving so rapidly it seems as if it teleported. Its fuzzy furs seem made of electricity, and can produce powerful lighting strikers against its foes.

Order of the Marble Ape
Marble Ape
Calmest of the Titan, who once endured a direct strike from the Catalog, the Ape mostly sleep in the Andes, a mountain amongst others, and when they wake, they crush their foes with their fists and endure with little harms the greatest of assaults.

Adjacents to Tamer Orders.
Dreamlander cult.
Believers whom worship the dreamland's as terraformers of a benevolent God.
Singularity-Conclave Speaker Arona RewitiForward Research Division Founder.
Once a single person, Arona Rewiti has become one of the largest leaders of Singularity teams around the globe. An expert in field manipulation and particiles, she is one of the Forward Research Division Founders and the inventor of the (untested) FTL core.

The various city-states of Earth. Though all united under the Earth's Defence Council and sending manpower to the High Command, they are usually left to govern themselves, and organize into loose geographical and ideological leagues.

Leauge of Free Cities
The Anarcistic cities of Europe that in the wake of the invasion rose up and threw out their Imperial overlord. Know for their love of freedom, and conflict with the imperial and capitalistic city-states of the world.

Unitary Mangerial Board of America
A large capitalistic company that encompases the entire continent of America. With every Citizen being a shareholder, it is dedicated towards spreading prosperities for it's shareholders.
-Financial Prediction Department.

Northren Clans
The Northren imperial clans of the world, united under her Imperial majesity whom they pay tithie too, and whom ensures her subjects are taken care of.
-Cidumu Hala.
The Cidumu Hala clan is know for their specality in biological works. Considered one of her imperial Lady's favorite, their most notable acvhiement is the Red pine Tree.

Mourners Union
United under the Patriarchs, followers of the Three Faith mourn the lose of their holy cities, from their Cities in North Africa and the Middle-East.

Southern Democratic Alliance
Constitutional Monarchs and democratically elected Mayors form the Southern Democratic Alliance of India and Eastern Africa.

Enlightened Unity
From the remnants of the imperial bureaucratie and the ideas of a managerial state, the Enlightened Unity bound the Cities of the Pacific and Eastern Asia through a common bureaucratie.

Adjacent to the City States.
Space Mining Collective.
Founded as a result of the workhorse shuttle class ship. Predicted to launch opperations in 110 ATI.
The Practical Prism-Forester Gazette.
There exist many journals around the world, dedicated towards spreading word of the Great Struggle. Even amongst it's kin however, the Practical Gazette is well-know, with it's founding as a Prism magazine for Ranchers.

Academy of XenonaturalismForward Research Division Founder.
The first true research organization of Earth. Founded by skilled and brave men from all over the globe, they are the foremost research academy on Earth. Know particullary for their vast knowledge and understanding of Other's.

Forward Defence Research Division

First Director - Ram Northwood
The first Director of the Forward Defence Research Division. A previous member of the Logistical Division, he was elected as a result of his brilliant understanding of logistical and economic matters.

Academy of XenonaturalismForward Research Division Founder.
The first true research organization of Earth. Founded by skilled and brave men from all over the globe, they are the foremost research academy on Earth. Know particullary for their vast knowledge and understanding of Other's.

Astra Design TeamForward Research Division Founder.
The Satellite and ship designer team of the High Command. Integrated into the Forward Research Division their duties have only increased with their resources.

Order of the Bird of Crystal – Forward Research Division Founder.
The Crystal Titan's followers are among the most active of the Tamers. Know for their negotiation and survival skills. Was one of the Founders of the Forward Research Division.
--Order of Bird of Crystal's Computing Team.
Created as part of their duties with the Forward Research Division, this Order has acquired members with knowledge in Computers by giving therapeutic help to the ill and criminals.

Singularity-Conclave Speaker Arona Rewiti – Forward Research Division Founder.
Once a single person, Arona Rewiti has become one of the largest leaders of Singularity teams around the globe. An expert in field manipulation and particiles, she is one of the Forward Research Division Founders and the inventor of the (untested) FTL core.

Adjacent to the Research Division.
Historians – Notable: Elizabeth.
Those whom are dedicated towards underneath and rebuilding the history that was destroyed in the wake of the Invasion. Often a hard task, in a world ever pressed for resources and apathy.

The Others
Anomalous creature whom is alligned with High Command and humanity.

Memory Worms
Insect-like worms, whom devour and distorts information, in mental or physical vessels. Favoured by the Inteligence Division.

Marsh Lights
Small orbs of lights, their nature is that of cheerfull animals happy to play and frolic. Despite such nature, they can turn into deadly harbringers of entropy rapidly increasing rate of degradation around themself. Vital to the numerous nuclear reactors that feed and empower human civilization.

Alien mind with vast intellect and capable of bending the laws of physics, they are but 1000 of them on Earth, with their reproduction extremly slow. Know for binding with humans, and lending them their peculiar insight and powers. Much of human technology can owe their existence to the Singularities.

Immense might and inteligience, the five entities know as the Titans are capable of crushing mountains if they so desired. Each of the Tamer Order that is a part of Human goverment is dedicated to these Titans. Due to their extreme bizarre way of thinking from humans, communication is hard.

Plant-like beings made of crystals and shinning light, these flora Hive-minds are a large backbone of human industry, with their crystal-prism used in almost every facet of human industries.

Less of a being, and more akin to a living location, the Dreamlands can twist and mold the space they inhabit to become different. Though expensive to maintain, their presence can be felt upon most advanced human craft.

Notes: Upon finding error within this file, please report it as swift as possible to the nearest member of the Research member.
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Very nice work, just a few elements of note, to update when you can and have the time
Earth Defense Counci
Federal Governments of Earth, made of representants from the High Command, Orders and Cities-States
High Command
The democratically government of Earth, responsible for military and economic planning.
The military High Command of Earth, responsible for military and economic planning.
The High Command is not entirely democratic, it has inherited officer's elections from anarchists and socialists founders, but still is a somewhat conventional military (chain of commands, promotions, officers academies...). About 1/5 have been elected, mostly in lower posts, a proportion that increase during high intensity combats (lose being replaced trough elections. However, being elected do not prevent later promotions, witch is what happened to Colonel Northwood.

Also, you missed the Division of Conscription (Recrutement, Training, Conventional military actions)
Order of the Ancient Dragon
Just Order of the Dragon
The various city-states of Earth. Though all united under the Earth's Defence Council and sending manpower to the High Command, they are usually left to govern themselves, and organize into loose geographical and ideological leagues.
Mourners Union
United under the Patriarchs, followers of the Three Faith mourn the lose of their holy cities, from their Cities in North Africa and the Middle-East.

Southern Democratic Alliance
Constitutional Monarchs and democratically elected Mayors form the Southern Democratic Alliance of India and Eastern Africa.

Enlightened Unity
From the remnants of the imperial bureaucratie and the ideas of a managerial state, the Enlightened Unity bound the Cities of the Pacific and Eastern Asia through a common bureaucratie.

I should probably make a map of Earth...
So Earth has a corptocracy/capitalists, anarchists, communists, imperials, constitution monarchs, theocracy, and regular democratic governments all united as a single nation.

Damn potential alien diplomats are gonna be weirded out by the simple fact all these different beliefs haven't killed each other yet.
So Earth has a corptocracy/capitalists, anarchists, communists, imperials, constitution monarchs, theocracy, and regular democratic governments all united as a single nation.

Damn potential alien diplomats are gonna be weirded out by the simple fact all these different beliefs haven't killed each other yet.
The Great Struggle help.
"There are things in the void that do not care for our differences. For them, we are vermines to exterminate."
Yeah, t'is why i said we're kinda "nation state" civic, just in a minature version. "City-States" because we are technically more bound to a singular goverment through High Command, and a common idelogical idea "the Great struggle", but pretty close to being a nation state.

Also updated, with the new info! And yeah, did a quick read-through all the threadmarks, so i might have missed some stuff, like the division of Conscription.

Council has 15 seats, which 5 seat going to each of the three major factions, (High Command ,Tamers and City-States) after all, which i knew going in, so i don't know how i managed to miss an entire division.
Actually, it's 16 seats, with the city-states have 6 seats since, well, there are 6 of them.

Starts to spin rapidly
So- That's why we don't let me do math i guess! efajieafijaefjiaef

Anyhow, if people think i forgot something, or think it should be added, just ping me about it. I'll try to update it regurally.
Edit: actually, gonna add that 16 seat part to Earth Defence describtion.

Edited 2.0:
Added some more flavour text, to make it more describtive and more in line with Oldshadow's describitons. Also considering renaming the logistical department into logisticla division, since every other military branch is called a division. But that might have been on purpose?
Leauge of Free Cities
The Anarcistic cities of Europe that in the wake of the invasion rose up and threw out their Imperial overlord. Know for their love of freedom, and conflict with the imperial and capitalistic city-states of the world.
Unitary Mangerial Board of America
A large capitalistic company that encompases the entire continent of America. With every Citizen being a shareholder, it is dedicated towards spreading prosperities for it's shareholders.
Northren Clans
The Northren imperial clans of the world, united under her Imperial majesity whom they pay tithie too, and whom ensures her subjects are taken care of.

Also, would people be interested in a tech-timeline? For what tech we unlocked at what turn
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Turn 3, 106 After the Invasion, Consequence Phase : The Earthshakers
Turn 3, 106 After the Invasion, Consequence Phase : The Earthshakers
X] Plan Stay the Course, spaceport edition
-[x] Order of the Bird of Crystal
--[x] Faultines Algorithms [0/8] (Computing) [3/8]
-[x] Astra Designing Team
--[x] Spaceport Design (Voidcraft) [0/8]
-[x] Speaker Arona Rewiti, Singularity-bound
--[x] Track the Builders (Computing) [DC 60 0/1]
-[x] Academy of Xenonaturalism
--[x] Global Prisms-Light Energy Systems (Anomalous, Field Manipulation)

The earth shakes, you can see volcanic plumes in the horizon, you can hear news of attacks and devastating disasters, of the Great Railways being cut, of new Prism-factories churning out weapons, of the hidden base of the Builders being found out just as they activate.

Time for War

Forward Defence Research Division
Current priorities :
-Develop a FTL-capable military starship
-Develop a way to eliminate the threat of the Red Water
-Help current efforts to reclaim Earth and eliminate the menace of the Builders.

Red actions and assets are affiliated to the High Command
Blue actions and assets are affiliated to the Tamers.
Others actions and assets are unaffiliated or affiliated to civilian local governments.

Born inside the Brits minorities of the Indian Union cities-states in 50 A.I, Ram of Northwood had an usual childhood, beyond some noted distaste for his kin faith in the Crossed Lord and the Communion of Blood, until he showed real promise during his assignment to mandatory boot camp, showing a real talent for organization and engineering that made him be transferred to the High Command's Logistical Division, and accept an officer commission.
Universally recognised as a cold, rigid man with a real talent for organization, Ram proved his valor and climbed the ranks in many projects, earning multiple recommendation in particular for his work on the construction of the Great Railways.
Despite his lack of theoretical knowledge, his sheer talent for management was enough to make him be chosen for the post of Director.

Traits :
  • Methodical : All details, considered and accounted for. Reduce consequences for failure in risked actions (do not apply to Exploration).
  • Logistical wizard : Colonel Northwood is nicknamed as the breaker of delays, the straightener of logistics, the ever-optimizer, and they are more than deserved. +1 Asset activatable each turn
  • Colder than Ice, Straighter than Steel : With no humor, friends or families, Colonel Northwood lacks the abilities and desire of understanding some of the most…outlandish individuals and projects.Reduced chance of having access to Rare Technologies.
Academy of Xenonaturalism
Brave, adventurous souls and skilled minds from all horizons, united beyond their old loose cooperation into a true Academy.
Lv 2 (3/20) Academy
Specialization : Environment Management, Biology
Traits :

  • Student of the Odd : The Academy of Xenonaturalism was at first formed to study the Others, from all possible angles and by people from all horizons. This heritage makes the Academy the most prominent institution in the study of the Anomalous. Asset is considered to be a specialist for all Anomalous actions.
  • Explorer : The Academy is home to those able and willing to go beyond and map the unexplored. Assets can be assigned to Exploration actions.
Astra Design Team
The Astra Designing Team was created by the High Command for one duty : produce starcrafts and satellites for the High Command, and have been doing that for the last 20 years. It is the home of military engineers specialized in Voidcraft, and nothing else.
Lv1 (3/8) Team
Specialization : Voidcraft
Trait :

  • Highly Specialized : This team has been highly specialized in one specific domain, and is notably incompetent outside of it. Asset Level is tripled, and not doubled, when assigned to a project with their Specialization,but is halved when not assigned to an action with their Specialization.
Order of the Bird of Crystal
The Tamers Order dedicated to interacting with the Bird of Crystal, most interactive of the Titan that helped us assault the Catalog, this Order is renowned both for their skill in negotiation and their skills in survival, every members regularly making the dangerous journey to the icy, storm-filled and crystal-covered lair of the Bird.
Lv1 (0/10) Academy
Specialization : Statecraft
Traits :

  • Talented Speaker : The Tamers of this Order are renowned for their abilities as negotiator and mediators, and will be happy to help the Division with those abilities. Increase by its Level Influence and Unity rewards for actions completed by this Asset. If not activated, generate 1 point of Influence.
Speaker Arona Rewiti, Singularity-bound
Arona Rewiti is a quite bound, but already renowned woman, being one of the few that succeeded in forging a permanent bound with a Singularity. Speaker Rewity has since then been followed anywhere by her bound, human-sized Singularity, that she calls Blue of Night's Noon, and freely shares the odd insights she gets from Blue.
Lv1 (3/5) Figure
Specialization : Particles, Field Manipulation
Traits :

  • Bounded Conclave : The character is in command of a conclave of 5 Bounded, giving them access to the combined insights and might of enough of the reality-bending Others to destroy a City.
    Randomly enhance results of Particles and Field Manipulation actions,%50 chance of counting the Asset as 1 level higher before Specialization doubling when assigned to an Anomalous action, Figure is more resilient due to the Singularities's protection and can be considered a strategic asset.

  • Explorer : This Figure is willing and able to explore the unknown. Can be used on Exploration actions.
Gain this turn : 10 Influence

Influence : 26
Unity : 4/20

Influence and Unity represent the political influence of the Division and its cultural impact respectively. Both resources will be won through completed actions, and can be spent to influence decisions (Influence) or humanity's culture (Unity).
Unity as a goal number, at start 20. When the Division reaches the goal number of Influence, they can spend the goal number to acquire a Tradition, representing the inner culture of the Division and its institutional roots in the wider society.
Mandates :

State of Earth : Most of the planet is uninhabited and lifeless, human habitation is mostly made up of City-States and nomad bands of Ranchers herding Others. Others and engineered organisms have begun recolonizing Earth, being robust enough to resist Red Water poisoning.
Virtually every form of liquid water on Earth is contaminated by Red Water, and demands costly purification to be drinkable. Most drunk water comes from extracted polar ice, which is then recycled.
Builders' attacks are a constant threat, and now, with the activating Earthshakers, constant disasters threathen humanity.


[X] Order of the Bird of Crystal
-[X] Faultines Algorithms (Computing) [5/8]

Despite the current situation, the Order of the Bird of Crystal was able to continue their duties of caring and supporting their computing time.
This year, they have terminated mapping the Faultlines near Earth, and begun the slow, harduos work of turning empirical observations into a viable, reliable model.

[X] Astra Design Team
-Spaceport Design (Voidcraft) [3/8]
The Astra Design Team worked diligently, producing their first schematic, of an orbital, circular station generating gravity by turning like a wheel, with industrial installations put in the central structure to use the advantage of weightlessness.
Many issues are being solved, such as power (a nuclear reactor), shielding from radiation (Prism-derived materials) and food (hydroponic gardens), and new proposals for innovating designs, such as installing a Prism-Forest around the station or seeding Dreamlands inside, have begun being worked out.
But the Astra, with the recents news, show little enthusiasm for pursuing further their work, something you more than understand.

[X] Academy of Xenonaturalism
-[X]Global Prisms-Light Energy Systems [4/8]

For most of the year, you were quite focused on the encouraging progress of the Academy on the new network.
In particular, the ability of the Prisms, when properly shaped, to generate cohesive ray of light or other electromagnetic waves, with very little loss of energy, to receive and absorb those waves, and to transform them, had shown, despite intensive tests, very little limit.
As far as the Academy is concerned, energy could be produced in the Pacific, beamed to a satellite equipped with a Prisms system, and the satellite could transmit the energy to a Scandinavian base with little loss or delay.
For now the greater issue is stocking the energy and better controlling the tendency of the Prisms to "eat" a fixed percentage of the energy going through them, with little care for how much or how little is put through.

But now, you must admit you care little.

[X] Speaker Arona Rewiti, Singularity-bound
--[X] Track the Builders (Computing) [63/DC 60] [1/1]

Again, for most of the year, Rewiti and her Conclave walked the Earth, seeking information and good readings, going through lead after lead.
Again, at first, she found little of actual substance, surprising no one. Humanity had searched and failed to find the Builder's base long enough to know this was not easy task.

Then she did it. She found one base, albeit a small one, barely able to support five Builders, through a carefully calibrated Prism-lens, a curated map of Catalog-tech energy signatures, and no small help from the Singularities's insights.
There was joy, there was thanks, there was a strike team sent with portable nuclear warheads to deal with the cube of silver hidden under the Alps. There was work, as Speaker Rewiti worked with renewed enthusiams, slowly mapping every base on Earth, even as the High Command gathered the resources needed for a final strike against the Builders.

But, like a cruel joke (or, more probably, in reaction to the destruction of the first base), the bases truly activated, and the Earth shook. As was understood later, the bases were never built by the Catalog to simply support their Builders, or even to be hidden, for why would this creature care ?
They were built to shape the Earth to its designs, to unearth magma, use supervolcanoes and reshape the continents, like the upward monstrosity that dried up the Red Sea during the Invasion.
And now, all those half-build, malfunctioning bases, left behind by the Catalog, with their assigned Builders and production systems, have been truly activated, following their parts in already destroyed plans. In reaction, there have been more earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis in a few mouths than in the last 20 years.

If geologists and the readings of Speaker Rewiti are right, as the energy signatures of the bases become blindingly bright when watched through Prism-lenses, the bases, now renamed Earthshakers, have not reached their full activity yet.

Humanity needs to act now, need to reach under mountains and the seas, to destroy the Earthshakers before the abandoned toys of the Catalog doom us, and doom our planet.

Defender of Life+Popular Struggle

We will not be found waiting.

+ 10 Influence due to finding the base, +2 EXP for Speaker Rewiti

War against the Exterminators, due to multiple (some hidden) factors evolve into Bring down the Earthshakers.

Current know Earthshakers clusters, and ETA before they activate :

Various minors Earthshakers : Already activated, generate a constant stream of disasters.

Yellowstone Cluster : Will activate in 2-3 years, will explode the Yellowstone supervolcano.

Ring of Fire Cluster : Biggest cluster, will activate in 4 to 5 years, will explode the entire Ring of Fire.

Now, you found yourself again in the Council's bunker, with every competent individual that could be gathered, a deeply stressed Speaker Rewiti at your side.
It is time to make your voice heard, and ensure the Division help finally vanquish the Builders.

And so the debate on how to vanquish the Earthshakers begins. During this debate, the Division will be allowed to weight on the decisions (by voting for an option), or to more actively sponsor a decision (by investing Influence or Unity)

Choose how much the Division invest itself in the campaign against the Earthshakers :

[X] Fully, as is the duty of every human being (Defender of Life+Popular Struggle, choice automatically taken)
All research and projects will be modified into war-related ones until the fall of the Earthshakers, no non-war related actions can be taken.

[] Half-capacity
[] A little, maintaining current investment

For now, the Orders are trying to raise the Titans, who seem somewhat disturbed by the disasters, but unaware of their specifics origins, will the Council and High Command seek to destroy the Earthshakers with the available assets.

What should be the priority targets for the attacks ?

[] Minor Earthshaker [Priority] : Relatively easy targets, but very dispersed, their destruction will reduce the wave of disasters. [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

[]Yellowstone Cluster [Priority] : Concentrated, fortified target. Destruction prevents the explosion of Yellowstone. [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

[]Ring of Fire Cluster [Priority] : Dispersed cluster of strong Earthshaker undersea. Destruction prevents the explosion of the Ring of Fire. [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

[] Write-In [Priority] : The Council will hear Speaker Rewiti if she propose an unconventional strategy. [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

Due to their location underwater and underground, the Earthshakers can be easily reached by the Builders (who can dig effortlessly in most ground), but are beyond most of humanity's conventional assets.

The current strategy of the High Command is to distract the Builders with military actions around the Earthshakers and introduce strike teams inside the Earthshakers (if necessary by using Singularities), the strike teams being tasked with installing special bombs inside the Earthshakers to bring them down.

The question is, what type of payload will be privileged, and how much risk will be taken by the Strike Teams ?

Payload :

[] Nuclear [Payload] : Privilege reliability and immediate damage by posing portable nuclear bombs. [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

[] Marsh Lights [Payload] : Introduce Marsh Lights inside the Earthshakers, high-risk, high-rewards, either the Marsh Lights are rapidly detected or breed in enough numbers to reduce the entire Earthshaker to dust.

[] Memory Worms [Payload] : Introduce Memory Worms inside the data-system of the Earthshakers. With luck, this will make the Earthshakers self-destroy, and not cause a bigger disaster. [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

[] Write-In [Payload] : You are a scientific division, propose a bomb. [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

Risk :

[] Hard and fast [Risks] : Get a strike team in, get it out before the enemy can react. Limited risks for precious, hard to replace assets, reduced chance of the strike having full effect. [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

[] Full assault [Risks] : Multiples strike teams with multiple points of entry, ensure effectiveness, but require more assets per attack, and increase loss in case of traps or disasters. [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

[] Suicides attacks [Risks] : Send one team to their death, like the heroes that assaulted the Catalog. Increased effectiveness, for a limited, but fixed, cost in manpower. [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

[] Write-In [Risks] : Propose a strategy [Write-In invested Influence and Unity, if there is an investment]

Opportunities Requisition

Since the reveal of the Earthshakers, all over the planet, people have received a slip of Requisition from the Council.
An order and an apology to too many people, whose work and lives are required by the Great Struggle, ordered to leave home and family behind, at least for a time.
None like it, not even you, despite what some say behind your back about the "ice cube". It is humanity's duty, and it cannot, should not bring joy to any hearts.

Few in the Division have received the slip, scholars and technicians serving the war effort far more by researching new ways to bring down the Earthshakers than by working in factories, distracting the Builders or joining Strike Teams.

However, among those who received the slip, stand Speaker Rewiti and her Conclave.
It is quite logical, 6 Singularities-bound, well-coordinated and led by the discoverer of the Earthshakers would make an incredibly powerful addition to the strikes teams send against the Earthshakers.

But, above all, Speaker Rewiti is a scientist, and you cannot help but think she may be…misattributed in such a role, even in the current, dire situation.
No matter what your superiors insinuate, there is no sentimentality in this decision, only cold logic, but you doubt this alone would convince the Council to recede the slips of Requisitions…

Opportunities are not available this turn.
Speaker Rewiti and her Conclave have been requisitioned for the war effort.

[] Accept it [Requisition] : +5 Influence, Speaker Rewiti will be unavailable as long as the Earthshakers stand. Will help the war efforts. Risks of death.
Option will be open on how to use the free activation that will become available with Speaker Rewiti unavailable.

[] Refuse [Requisition] : -10 Influence, kept Speaker Rewiti.

[] Compromise [Requisition] : Speaker Rewiti and one activation will become unavailable, Speaker Rewiti will be sent with Division's assets to support the strike teams (preparing bombs, training, helping transport the strike teams…), reducing risk for herself and maximizing her impact on the war effort.
Will unlock new options in both Action and Consequence phase, representing the Division having more influence on the front (and on what Speaker Rewiti do).

[] Write-In [Requisition] : Perhaps there is another way...

8 hours moratorium

Honestly, the Earthshakers were supposed to only be revealed later as an explanation of why the Catalog build hidden bases (since it make very little sense to hide when your opposition are, for you, ants), but you were very unlucky behind the scenes, and now half-build geoengineering engines are activating !

On the others hands, you can enjoy for a few turns playing endgame XCOM with kaijus.
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Well. I can safely say I was not expecting, THAT. Let's see what we can do about it.
Can't do full reaction atm, but-

So guys, you feeling up for voidborn and orbital habitats :V

As for what to do...the yellowstone cluster seems like what we'd want to focus. I think we should just vote, and save influence.

That said

Speaker Rewiti and one activation will become unavailable,

This is refering to how many assests we can activate per turn @OldShadow from the compremise option?
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[X] Academy of Xenonaturalism
-[X]Global Prisms-Light Energy Systems [4/8]

For most of the year, you were quite focused on the encouraging progress of the Academy on the new network.
In particular, the ability of the Prisms, when properly shaped, to generate cohesive ray of light or other electromagnetic waves, with very little loss of energy, to receive and absorb those waves, and to transform them, had shown, despite intensive tests, very little limit.
As far as the Academy is concerned, energy could be produced in the Pacific, beamed to a satellite equipped with a Prisms system, and the satellite could transmit the energy to a Scandinavian base with little loss or delay.
So could this be used to create an orbital laser cannon?
Can't do full reaction atm, but-

So guys, you feeling up for voidborn and orbital habitats :V

As for what to do...the yellowstone cluster seems like what we'd want to focus. I think we should just vote, and save influence.

That said

Speaker Rewiti and one activation will become unavailable,

This is refering to how many assests we can activate per turn @OldShadow from the compremise option?
This refer to the assets you can activate per turn.
So with compromise, you go from four to three.
This refer to the assets you can activate per turn.
So with compromise, you go from four to three.

Right. Second, we got memory worm agents technology. How good do the Colonel think they can get with the active help of the Division(that is compremise decision) against the Builders
Right. Second, we got memory worm agents technology. How good do the Colonel think they can get with the active help of the Division(that is compremise decision) against the Builders
Good enough to help distract the Builders and help make payload, but not enough to serve as a main weapon.
The issues with the current tech level are :
  • You need enough Memories Worms to act fast on the Builders
  • You need them to be stable and controled
  • You need to transfer them to the Builders (need to be in speaking range)
Right so two plans. Not doing much write in here, because technology for fancier stuff just isn't there at the moment and untill we research that, i think nuclear bombs are the best way forward because we know how they work and High Command got experience with it.

Going for Yellowstonecluster first, because it's going to activate in 2-3 turns. The minor earthshakers are just that "minor", to the degree they can be. If we are lucky and get the yellowstone really early, then we can swing around to get the minor ones.

if we aren't, then we'll be lucky we did yellowstone first as we swing around for Ring of fire.

[] Plan Keep it Simple
-[]Yellowstone Cluster [Priority] : Concentrated, fortified target. Destruction prevents the explosion of Yellowstone.
-[] Nuclear [Payload] : Privilege reliability and immediate damage by posing portable nuclear bombs
-[] Full assault [Risks] : Multiples strike teams with multiple points of entry, ensure effectiveness, but require more assets per attack, and increase loss in case of traps or disasters
-[] Compromise [Requisition] : Speaker Rewiti and one activation will become unavailable, Speaker Rewiti will be sent with Division's assets to support the strike teams (preparing bombs, training, helping transport the strike teams…), reducing risk for herself and maximizing her impact on the war effort.
Will unlock new options in both Action and Consequence phase, representing the Division having more influence on the front (and on what Speaker Rewiti do).

Now, here's the write in option. Speaking for the :Understand the builder" project. Followed by Arona joining war in full with Division. Spending 5 influence, as just refusing would cost 10, and this still means she'd join war effort(with division) eventually.

Assuming this is field Manipulation and particles as IamtooSleepy theorised(and i do agree), she should have an expertise in this. She is not level 2 as was desired, but well. Can't exactly plan around that. And i think understanding the Builders just became, really really critical

[] Plan Robotic Understanding
-[]Yellowstone Cluster [Priority] : Concentrated, fortified target. Destruction prevents the explosion of Yellowstone.
-[] Nuclear [Payload] : Privilege reliability and immediate damage by posing portable nuclear bombs
-[] Full assault [Risks] : Multiples strike teams with multiple points of entry, ensure effectiveness, but require more assets per attack, and increase loss in case of traps or disasters
[] Delayed Comprimise [Requisition] : There are few experts on the Builders in the world that can rival the Speaker. Let us use her knowledge wisely by putting her on it every year, untill we can understand the Builders. After that, The Conclave and the division shall join the war-front in full. (-5 influence)

Is this a fine write in @OldShadow ? Basically making her manditory on study builder projects, and then we do the comprises action with Division support?
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Minor Earthshaker (ACTIVE) - ongoing disasters, messing with the trains. I think these need to be addressed immediately, before they (further?) disrupt our ability to act.

Yellowstone Cluster (2-3 years) [FORTIFIED] - the only fortified group, and the only set all in one spot; sounds like the perfect spot for a Kaiju Strike to me. Detonation will result in major/total loss for Unitary Mangerial Board of America [America group]. Should re-evaluate next year if Kaijus are slow to respond.

Ring of Fire Cluster (4-5 years)
- distributed, and last to detonate; we should address these after we've refined our methods elsewhere. Detonation will result in major/total loss for Enlightened Unity [Pacific group], probable heavy loss for Unitary Mangerial Board of America [America group], possible losses for Southern Democratic Alliance [S. India + N. Africa].

Yellowstone / Ring of Fire also likely to darken skies worldwide, set off mini-iceage.
[] Delayed Comprimise [Requisition] : There are few experts on the Builders in the world that can rival the Speaker. Let us use her knowledge wisely by putting her on it every year, untill we can understand the Builders. After that, The Conclave and the division shall join the war-front in full. (-5 influence)

Is this a fine write in @OldShadow ? Basically making her manditory on study builder projects, and then we do the comprises action with Division support?
Yes, it is fine
Minor Earthshaker (ACTIVE) - ongoing disasters, messing with the trains. I think these need to be addressed immediately, before they (further?) disrupt our ability to act.

Yellowstone Cluster (2-3 years) [FORTIFIED] - the only fortified group, and the only set all in one spot; sounds like the perfect spot for a Kaiju Strike to me. Detonation will result in major/total loss for Unitary Mangerial Board of America [America group]. Should re-evaluate next year if Kaijus are slow to respond.

Ring of Fire Cluster (4-5 years)
- distributed, and last to detonate; we should address these after we've refined our methods elsewhere. Detonation will result in major/total loss for Enlightened Unity [Pacific group], probable heavy loss for Unitary Mangerial Board of America [America group], possible losses for Southern Democratic Alliance [S. India + N. Africa].

Yellowstone / Ring of Fire also likely to darken skies worldwide, set off mini-iceage.

The issue is that each turn is a year. If we do the minor ones first, that means we might potentially have to do the Yellowstone in 1 turn, and if we fail that, then the sheer loss of resources and manpower might send us flying into a Death spiral.

The minor ones are bad, but they don't seem to be a total loss, in the same way the other two clusters are. They'll cause damage and slow us down, but nothing compared to if we fail the yellowstone one.

i think we're much better of doing yellowstone first, and if we lucky at getting it early, we can take down the minor ones.

The minor ones is a setback, the clusters are grand losses, if we don't get them down early.

Edit: That being said, i can make variation of my plan with the minor clusters instead, if people think that is the better first option.

I'm afraid it might cut it really close with the Yellowstone, but perhaps getting Builder bodies for study builders and reducing the active disaster might make it more.mangeable to focus a ful force on yellowstone with (hopefull) Titans

Assuming we do study builders, that might give it bonus, and with luck allow divsion to help fully with yellowstone assult
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i think we're much better of doing yellowstone first, and if we lucky at getting it early, we can take down the minor ones.
I understand your reasoning, and I honestly might come around during the next few hours.

However, I do also think that Yellowstone is about as perfect a target for the Kaiju as possible; heavily fortified, single location, and probably no major habitation for 200-300 miles.

Even if we do assault Yellowstone ourselves, I think I'd still prefer to spend a year preparing. I suspect it's likely to be a real meatgrinder, and that we'll need every edge we can get, even if that's just armong and training more troops.
I understand your reasoning, and I honestly might come around during the next few hours.

However, I do also think that Yellowstone is about as perfect a target for the Kaiju as possible; heavily fortified, single location, and probably no major habitation for 200-300 miles.

Even if we do assault Yellowstone ourselves, I think I'd still prefer to spend a year preparing. I suspect it's likely to be a real meatgrinder, and that we'll need every edge we can get, even if that's just armong and training more troops.

And here i am, coming more around to your proposal.

Okay, putting Aarona on study the builder letting us take down the minor ones in order to stabalize and let High Command properly get up an army for a full on assault on the Yellowstone.

Hopefully, we can out the Order of Crystal Bird on a "Beesech the Crystal Titan for aid" option.

The biggest problem is that yellowstone explodes in 2-3 turns, and Fire ring in 4-5 turns. Assuming tech keeps the general same cost as it has, that means worm tapes are 5 turns away even with the Academy. We might get marsh light canisters but that would also take Aarona 5 turns, assuming we do not get 50% chance. Which might at best reduce it to 3 turns.(Edit:Never mind, it's not anomalous, so it would take her 5 turns)

And that's too late for the Yellowstone attack, which is noted to be the fortified attack.

Can we do a write in like hmm.

[] Plan Robotics and Yellowstone.
-[] Minor Earthshaker [Priority] : Relatively easy targets, but very dispersed, their destruction will reduce the wave of disasters.
-[] Nuclear [Payload] : Privilege reliability and immediate damage by posing portable nuclear bombs
-[] Full assault [Risks] : Multiples strike teams with multiple points of entry, ensure effectiveness, but require more assets per attack, and increase loss in case of traps or disasters
-[] Yellowstone Comprimise [Requisition] : To understand the Builders would allow us to strike them far better. Arona's knowledge make her the best fit for this, but the yellowstone cluster is too dangerous to be let alone. For that the Speaker and Division shall interupt their studies on the Builders, join forces in the attack (-5 influence)

Basically, same as Aarona on mandated Study Builder action, except for the Yellowstone assult, where she and division tries to help. Since as Oldshadow commented. The Division would help making Worm attacks much more effective at getting into the Builders, which would be really great against fortified location

How does that feel?

(Also, Oldshadow. You have 4 points to the Astra team's research, when they should only have gotten 3(assuming we didn't get an extra point from something in background)
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