Reach the Stars, Explore the Void REBOOT : A Stellaris-inspired quest of research and exploration

They have some harvesting skills, will still being carvers above all.
More skilled workers with greater skills.

To bother a bit more. Is Prism-foresting three parts? That is, growing-Harvesting-Carving? Or is there morr aspect and how would thrse workers fall into that.
[X] Plan: We Make the Tech
-[X][Debate] Abstain
-[X] Sponsor programs of historical recovery and archeologies [-6 Influence]
-[X] Sponsor space societies and various works of fiction [-4 Influence]
-[X] Find as much good apprentices as the master carvers could want [-4 Unity]
Right, so i stand corrected then...(is that how the saying goes? I think so. I was wrong about the prism-carvers not being able to grow Prism's as well then)

In which case. Looking at it from the perspective,.of what each gives.

Using unity on the debate, is essentially causing a cultural change of appreciating more sustainable methods of farming then. I think this is especially important due to the natural dangers that might come with a militarised society.

It might also, in longer term lead towards better buildt and long lasting items, but that's more of a hope, then guaranteed like the sustainable part is.

The alternative is the apprentices. In which case, they won't be affecting society at large and mostly just the Division.

It means, it will be a lot easier for the australian Outpost to aquire Prism-crystals and manufacturing them as they desire. Which, seems really important in terms of tech-organization's where one would need to custom make and change prism's because your experimenting with it.

Also, having own forest means lack in other City-states or even attacks from Builders won't be as bad.

The third fact, is that we can only vote on the debate now, while sponsorships are suppose to last a few turns.

Effect on society at large versus benefiting the division.

We could theoretically go for both unity on de and the unity for apprentices. But i don't think that's feasable. That would if we keep price of 3 unity, be a total of 7 unity. That is a lot for us currently. I don't think that's a price we can easily pay, or that we should. Should just be one of them in my opinion.
[X] Plan: We Make the Tech

I feel this is a good spread, and will let us get a feel for how actions work in this mechanic, without over-spending.

Looking at the costs for assets/activations, I think swinging the debate will cost more than we can afford. Prices there have been 20-40 influence, and I can't imagine influencing the entire world being cheaper than buying a single team. My intuition feels like we'd need to spend 10/10 i/u to start tipping the debate, with maybe double that to be really sure our choice wins. I could see a 5/5 spend just to test how effective our say is in these kind of issues, but less than that feels like we'd just be wasting our resources.

[X] Plan Test our Impact
-[X][Debate] Take the Orders side [-5 influence, -5 unity]
-[X] Sponsor space societies and various works of fiction [-4 Influence]

This plan would let us get a feel for how effective actions in this phase are, without any confusion from overlapping our actions.
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[X] Plan Sustainable and cultural Prisms
-[X][Debate] Take the Orders side [-3 influence, -3 unity]
-[X] Provide equipment to the master carvers [-3 Influence]

Well, have debates the merits of this. I think it hits the more important point and i think given the deadlock this is enough. The popular movement being especially interesting to read about.

Also a secondary plan with apprentices. I'm lowering unity on the debate and upping the influence jn order to counteract the unity cost from the apprentices. Can't say I'm fully sure on getting apprentices right this turn. But if there is..popular support amongst the questers then.

[X] Plan Sustainable and apprentices with Prisms
-[X][Debate] Take the Orders side [-4 influence, -2 unity]
-[X] Provide equipment to the master carvers [-3 Influence
-[X] Find as much good apprentices as the master carvers could want [-4 Unity]
[X] Plan Sustainable and apprentices with Prisms

Can't say I'm fully sure on getting apprentices right this turn. But if there is..popular support amongst the questers then.
If it makes you more comfortable with the option:
Apprentices should logically also take some time to scale, so fits the Orders side in the debate.
On Another note. Anyone got idea on how xp worked. I had a guess that it was based around the amount of turns spent researching,but we got 3 xp this turn, while Aarona got one earlier for project.
On Another note. Anyone got idea on how xp worked. I had a guess that it was based around the amount of turns spent researching,but we got 3 xp this turn, while Aarona got one earlier for project.
Maybe it's not on turn spent but progress gained? Aarona spend 1 turn but required only 2 progress points, while Astra Team and Xenonaturalism made 8 progress in 2 turns.

[X] Plan Sustainable and apprentices with Prisms

Tbh, I would rather reserve our unity for our first tradition rather than gambling, but if we are going to be some sort of political actor, might as well go all in for the cause of sustainable (prism) forestry.

Also, I just notice this, but @OldShadow, are we still in the first turn or is it just a typo?
The Labour of Hope's First task.
The Labour of Hope's First task.

The flagship of Earth's first true spacecraft stood shining before them. Workers carrying crates of supplies. As engineers inspected, opened every plate and section of the ship to ensure it was working as planned. Failure could not be tolerated with this.

The Labour of Hope. Constructed by some of the finest minds of Earth, was getting ready for her first flight. Her hull, flickered with subtle vibrations as the Dreamlands tethered within seemed to pulse in excitement.

When it had come to the task of what should have been the Labour of Hope's first mission there had been furious debate amongst the leaders of Earth's goverment. As the Leader of it's class, it would go down in history.

To harvest comets, so minerals and their ever precious water fluid might be secured some would argue. Or perhaps to build satellites at a scale previously imagined, other fired back. All grand goals that would have been usefull for helping the Great Struggle on Earth. And yet in the end, neither of those points was what had won the struggle of what would have been the Labour of Hope's first task.

Created to serve as a beacon of Hope. Created to be just as much symbol as a worker-shuttle, so if that was the case. Should her first mission, not have been in done in the name of Hope and Symbolism.

In the end, with grumbling and debate it was decided. Few could have argued it was not a fitting first mission. And so, the ship was aimed skyward. Towards the vestiges of the mad tyrant.


High above Earth lies orbital debris, and blinking satellites. Their presence marked by the flashes of light from Prism-crystals as vital information is send around the globe, ensuring that High Command and the various City-States are connected.

Not all debris in orbit is fashioned from Human hands however. The Catalog, the shattered remains left behind by their foe still lies above from when it had retreated so long ago. Within the Labour of Hope, brave astronauts and engineers run from computer to computer as they calculate and plan their course. The shuttle-ship steadily come closer to the remains of the Catalog.

Though it may have drifted lifeless above for a century, though the Labour of Hope may have been crafted by the strongest of materials know to man, tempered by the might of several Singularities and enpowered by the Dreamland that now lurked within it's hull. None are willing to underestimate the greatest of their foe. Strong enough to have even wounded the Crystal Titan in their battle.

So they stare, paranoid even as the station stands as quiet as it have for a hundred years. Untill finally, with a thud, the labour of Hope stops beside the silvery surface. The sound of air from pressure fills the area, as a cargo door opens on underneath the shuttle. Before Singularities in the ship flare with a crackle of crystals as laws of physics are bound and changed. Gravity re-established.

Then, dressed in airtight suits, modified from their base as red-water proof suits. Men and woman come out, wielding hue-glowing light tools. Made with the latest advancements of the Academy in Prism-crafting, they are amongst the best equiped men of the High Command.

Laser flares as they start to torch the surface of the Station. Lasers capable of scratching even the impervious Builders, struggle as they have to painstakingly craft a entrance hole. The silverly surface of the space station surpassing even the famed toughness of the metal Builders. Still progress is made, slow and steady.

Then, it is thorn open, as for the first time in a century humans step back onto the station of the Catalog. Witnessing the horrors of their long gone captor's home.

First comes the soldier, with lances of light as wary eyes are cast in every direction. Ready to spot and put down anything that moves. For any last suprises or traps from the Catalog. Then, the bulk of the people on the ship follows. Scientist and workers alike.

Scientist studied in the art of fission descends upon the mysterious generators of the Catalog. As fuel and materials is carefully put into sealed metal containers, tempered by Singularities untill nothing may escape from it. As the flash of Prism-light fills the room, photo's to be studied, in order to gleam the slightest hint of how the Catalog works and it's weakness. The Catalog may escape human understanding, but it does not mean they'll give up an advantage like this.

Tamers, with zealous motion seeks out ancient feathers and shards of Crystal Bird wedged in the Station. Even now, still glowing the multicolored hue of the Crystal Titan. To be kept as relics for the Orders and Tamers, to serve as inspiration for all whom look at them of their ancient deeds. The Crystal Bird is after all, most respected of the Titans.

Even one of the Singularity-bound of the famed Speaker Arona Rewiti conclave follows. To look upon and study the fallen Builders of the Station. Are they different? Does their signal vary? All to ensure their mandated task is fufilled to the best of their ability. They'll inspected all the clues they can find.

These tasks are however not the main purpose of the Labour of Hope's mission. No, for following behind them all come the Silent Gravekeepers. Marsh Light glittering behind them and worms lurking by their necks as they seek out their targets.

Besides a reactor, a man who's face none can remembered is wraped and tended to by trained Gravekeeper to keep the effects of memory worm at bay. He may have been one of the Lost, but they are trained to find their bodies.

Atop a Builder, a woman with half her body crystallised lies, in death dragging on the silver servants with her. Climbing atop, the gravekeepers lift her body, as they silently and precisely remove the crystals embedded in her. To be kept as memory and study. To ensure body is kept safely and can be transported.

In a room, with electronics smashed wildely. A man half scorched by fire is extracted from the floor, with carefull application of Prism-lasers.

This and more is done, as the Silent Gravekeepers swarm and find the dead of that long lost desperate final attempt from a century ago.

Untill the Station has been scouted of all the bodies. Cargo secured the ship shudder as it turns to leave. The Labour of Hope's first mission. To extract the bodies of Humanities finest Hero's. A resounding success.


Amongst the people that studied the past it was well know that burying the dead was a practiced tradition in the old countries.

Often with the marks of the Cross-Lord. From the hills of Europe to the Industrial lands of the Americans. Even destroyed by Catalog as Earth was, one could find numerous graves with these markings around the world.

These day, graves were not as common. Resources spend on building graves were often better spend ensuring the people of know could live a comfortable life. And so like many things, it had been discarded in the pursuit of survival.

There does exist exceptions however. In the desert sand of the South, where the Cross-lord was said to have been burried the Silent Gravekeeper exist.

An originization founded in the aftermath of the Invasion, they believe that the hero's of the Great struggle can only be properly rewarded when dug in graves, akin to what they believe is the long lost pyramid graves of the Cross-Lord. Thus, they dedicated themself to ensure that all the soldiers of the High Command may be entrusted safely to the soil. Even if, many graves are empty and more symbolic in their dedication.

Today, their oldest graveyards, some of the first graves are dug up. Empty, as is to be expected from those that had died above.

Now, a century later they are finally being filled. The corpses so carefully gathered from the station laid in chests, as the Gravekeepers cast sand atop them. With ritual mourning songs in the air.

As soldiers gathered today salute the graves. The scratching of pen upon paper by nearby journalists, ready to bring the news out to the people of Earth. A general stands on a podium, his face serious as the light of Prisms flash in his face.

"Today, we have fufilled a promise towards some of our oldest Soldiers. The courage men and woman whom together with the Others and the Crystal Titan defeated the Catalog so long ago and ensured we had a future.

The scars are finally being healed, and these valient men are being brought back to the Earth whom they gave everything from. It is the marking of a new era. One where the Catalog's tyranny may truly start to be vanquished.

Let their sacrifice be remembered. Let their example push on us that lives today. They gave us a future, and it is our duty to ensure that all life may be given the same."
The Labour of Hope's First task.

The flagship of Earth's first true spacecraft stood shining before them. Workers carrying crates of supplies. As engineers inspected, opened every plate and section of the ship to ensure it was working as planned. Failure could not be tolerated with this.

The Labour of Hope. Constructed by some of the finest minds of Earth, was getting ready for her first flight. Her hull, flickered with subtle vibrations as the Dreamlands tethered within seemed to pulse in excitement.

When it had come to the task of what should have been the Labour of Hope's first mission there had been furious debate amongst the leaders of Earth's goverment. As the Leader of it's class, it would go down in history.

To harvest comets, so minerals and their ever precious water fluid might be secured some would argue. Or perhaps to build satellites at a scale previously imagined, other fired back. All grand goals that would have been usefull for helping the Great Struggle on Earth. And yet in the end, neither of those points was what had won the struggle of what would have been the Labour of Hope's first task.

Created to serve as a beacon of Hope. Created to be just as much symbol as a worker-shuttle, so if that was the case. Should her first mission, not have been in done in the name of Hope and Symbolism.

In the end, with grumbling and debate it was decided. Few could have argued it was not a fitting first mission. And so, the ship was aimed skyward. Towards the vestiges of the mad tyrant.


High above Earth lies orbital debris, and blinking satellites. Their presence marked by the flashes of light from Prism-crystals as vital information is send around the globe, ensuring that High Command and the various City-States are connected.

Not all debris in orbit is fashioned from Human hands however. The Catalog, the shattered remains left behind by their foe still lies above from when it had retreated so long ago. Within the Labour of Hope, brave astronauts and engineers run from computer to computer as they calculate and plan their course. The shuttle-ship steadily come closer to the remains of the Catalog.

Though it may have drifted lifeless above for a century, though the Labour of Hope may have been crafted by the strongest of materials know to man, tempered by the might of several Singularities and enpowered by the Dreamland that now lurked within it's hull. None are willing to underestimate the greatest of their foe. Strong enough to have even wounded the Crystal Titan in their battle.

So they stare, paranoid even as the station stands as quiet as it have for a hundred years. Untill finally, with a thud, the labour of Hope stops beside the silvery surface. The sound of air from pressure fills the area, as a cargo door opens on underneath the shuttle. Before Singularities in the ship flare with a crackle of crystals as laws of physics are bound and changed. Gravity re-established.

Then, dressed in airtight suits, modified from their base as red-water proof suits. Men and woman come out, wielding hue-glowing light tools. Made with the latest advancements of the Academy in Prism-crafting, they are amongst the best equiped men of the High Command.

Laser flares as they start to torch the surface of the Station. Lasers capable of scratching even the impervious Builders, struggle as they have to painstakingly craft a entrance hole. The silverly surface of the space station surpassing even the famed toughness of the metal Builders. Still progress is made, slow and steady.

Then, it is thorn open, as for the first time in a century humans step back onto the station of the Catalog. Witnessing the horrors of their long gone captor's home.

First comes the soldier, with lances of light as wary eyes are cast in every direction. Ready to spot and put down anything that moves. For any last suprises or traps from the Catalog. Then, the bulk of the people on the ship follows. Scientist and workers alike.

Scientist studied in the art of fission descends upon the mysterious generators of the Catalog. As fuel and materials is carefully put into sealed metal containers, tempered by Singularities untill nothing may escape from it. As the flash of Prism-light fills the room, photo's to be studied, in order to gleam the slightest hint of how the Catalog works and it's weakness. The Catalog may escape human understanding, but it does not mean they'll give up an advantage like this.

Tamers, with zealous motion seeks out ancient feathers and shards of Crystal Bird wedged in the Station. Even now, still glowing the multicolored hue of the Crystal Titan. To be kept as relics for the Orders and Tamers, to serve as inspiration for all whom look at them of their ancient deeds. The Crystal Bird is after all, most respected of the Titans.

Even one of the Singularity-bound of the famed Speaker Arona Rewiti conclave follows. To look upon and study the fallen Builders of the Station. Are they different? Does their signal vary? All to ensure their mandated task is fufilled to the best of their ability. They'll inspected all the clues they can find.

These tasks are however not the main purpose of the Labour of Hope's mission. No, for following behind them all come the Silent Gravekeepers. Marsh Light glittering behind them and worms lurking by their necks as they seek out their targets.

Besides a reactor, a man who's face none can remembered is wraped and tended to by trained Gravekeeper to keep the effects of memory worm at bay. He may have been one of the Lost, but they are trained to find their bodies.

Atop a Builder, a woman with half her body crystallised lies, in death dragging on the silver servants with her. Climbing atop, the gravekeepers lift her body, as they silently and precisely remove the crystals embedded in her. To be kept as memory and study. To ensure body is kept safely and can be transported.

In a room, with electronics smashed wildely. A man half scorched by fire is extracted from the floor, with carefull application of Prism-lasers.

This and more is done, as the Silent Gravekeepers swarm and find the dead of that long lost desperate final attempt from a century ago.

Untill the Station has been scouted of all the bodies. Cargo secured the ship shudder as it turns to leave. The Labour of Hope's first mission. To extract the bodies of Humanities finest Hero's. A resounding success.


Amongst the people that studied the past it was well know that burying the dead was a practiced tradition in the old countries.

Often with the marks of the Cross-Lord. From the hills of Europe to the Industrial lands of the Americans. Even destroyed by Catalog as Earth was, one could find numerous graves with these markings around the world.

These day, graves were not as common. Resources spend on building graves were often better spend ensuring the people of know could live a comfortable life. And so like many things, it had been discarded in the pursuit of survival.

There does exist exceptions however. In the desert sand of the South, where the Cross-lord was said to have been burried the Silent Gravekeeper exist.

An originization founded in the aftermath of the Invasion, they believe that the hero's of the Great struggle can only be properly rewarded when dug in graves, akin to what they believe is the long lost pyramid graves of the Cross-Lord. Thus, they dedicated themself to ensure that all the soldiers of the High Command may be entrusted safely to the soil. Even if, many graves are empty and more symbolic in their dedication.

Today, their oldest graveyards, some of the first graves are dug up. Empty, as is to be expected from those that had died above.

Now, a century later they are finally being filled. The corpses so carefully gathered from the station laid in chests, as the Gravekeepers cast sand atop them. With ritual mourning songs in the air.

As soldiers gathered today salute the graves. The scratching of pen upon paper by nearby journalists, ready to bring the news out to the people of Earth. A general stands on a podium, his face serious as the light of Prisms flash in his face.

"Today, we have fufilled a promise towards some of our oldest Soldiers. The courage men and woman whom together with the Others and the Crystal Titan defeated the Catalog so long ago and ensured we had a future.

The scars are finally being healed, and these valient men are being brought back to the Earth whom they gave everything from. It is the marking of a new era. One where the Catalog's tyranny may truly start to be vanquished.

Let their sacrifice be remembered. Let their example push on us that lives today. They gave us a future, and it is our duty to ensure that all life may be given the same."
Nice, very nice
Silent Gravekeepers are canon, but the Labour of Hope do not have the lift capacity for a full expedition.
However, actions related to exploring debris from the Catalog will come...
I've been debating if we want to maybe increase the influence on the sustained and apprentice plan.

Currently we got 24 influence, the equipment takes us down to 21. Then the debate at the current 4 takes us down again to 17.

I think, given how locked it was from my reading of the Debate, it might be enough especially with the unity but maybe adding 2 more influence to make it a 6 and bring us down to 15 might be better? In order to be sure?

And that might also give us greater benefit, if I'm unserstanding the division controll part. I'd not want to change the plan without at least hearing opinions though.

Slightly upset that no one seems interested in supporting the preservation of history.

Assuming no other crisis happens, I'm willing to consider doing that in two/three turns when we get a new influence influx. I just didn't want to make cities add space and industry, when it's one of the current problems, due to how encloursed cities have to live.

But by that time, campaign against lacks should be done. So, i think I'd be a lot more up for it at that point
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Still history is actively degrading due to the existance of Memory Worms and the longer it is put off the less there is to save.
My understanding/read on that, and it might be faulty is that the memory worms ran amock in the start. So the first couple of decades but is generally not an issue at this point in time. So, they aren't actively degrading stuff at this point in time.

It's probaly more Builder attacks at this point in time, or potentially red-water depending on how it effects errosion. So, still an issue admitetly.
My understanding/read on that, and it might be faulty is that the memory worms ran amock in the start. So the first couple of decades but is generally not an issue at this point in time. So, they aren't actively degrading stuff at this point in time.

It's probaly more Builder attacks at this point in time, or potentially red-water depending on how it effects errosion. So, still an issue admitetly.
Mostly right, their are some wild Memory Worms, but they are rare.
It is just that humanity cultural heritage has been wrecked by the Invasion, and what is left uncarred for due to others priorities (like survival).
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by OldShadow on Jun 7, 2024 at 6:31 PM, finished with 29 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sustainable and apprentices with Prisms
    -[X][Debate] Take the Orders side [-5 influence, -5 unity]
    -[X] Provide equipment to the master carvers [-3 Influence
    -[X] Find as much good apprentices as the master carvers could want [-4 Unity]
    [X] Plan: We Make the Tech
    -[X][Debate] Abstain
    -[X] Sponsor programs of historical recovery and archeologies [-6 Influence]
    -[X] Sponsor space societies and various works of fiction [-4 Influence]
    -[X] Find as much good apprentices as the master carvers could want [-4 Unity]
    [X] Plan Sustainable and cultural Prisms
    -[X][Debate] Take the Orders side [-5 influence, -5 unity]
    -[X] Provide equipment to the master carvers [-3 Influence]
    [X] Plan Test our Impact
    -[X][Debate] Take the Orders side [-5 influence, -5 unity]
    -[X] Sponsor space societies and various works of fiction [-4 Influence]
Oh @OldShadow was reading asset while formulating plans. The Speaker's Singularity trait's not been updated into Conclave bound on the latest turn post.
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Turn 3, 106 After the Invasion, Action Phase : Let the people speak
[X] Plan Sustainable and apprentices with Prisms
-[X][Debate] Take the Orders side [-5 influence, -5 unity]
-[X] Provide equipment to the master carvers [-3 Influence
-[X] Find as much good apprentices as the master carvers could want [-4 Unity]

Turn 3, 106 After the Invasion, Action Phase : Let the people speak

[X] Plan Sustainable and apprentices with Prisms
-[X][Debate] Take the Orders side [-5 influence, -5 unity]
-[X] Provide equipment to the master carvers [-3 Influence]
-[X] Find as much good apprentices as the master carvers could want [-4 Unity]

The principle of the Great Struggle is, above all, what unifies all of Humanity.
An idea, born from the Invasion, that all humans, and beyond, all living beings, are at war everyday against a cold, uncaring universe.
To live is to fight, to fight against hunger, against lack, against illness, some say against death itself.
From the principle of the Great Struggle was born another : the value of struggles. In time and with constant effort, all ills will be vanquished, or humanity will disappear, there is no compromise. Not after the Invasion.
But on what to focus now, which battles to fight today, and which one to fight tomorrow, is decided through the plans of the Earth's Defence Council from above, and from what every person or organization is willing to spare for a particular cause from below, what they throw into the fires of war of their own free will.
This is the Value of Struggles, something like the "ballot" of pre-Invasion time, that our ancestors earned through struggle.

You felt the value of struggle long ago, when you were elected by your men. They choose to put their life, their pain, into your hand, to invest it in you, and your superiors respected this choice.
So, once you and your subordinates have made your choices on supporting the Order, in their more long-time view on how to deal with the new need for Prism Crystals, you called upon those that were ready to put their resources and time into this project of their own will.

Not to try to convince those that were already implicated in the debates, but to exchange favors with a thousand minors officials and elected representatives, to spread ressources and messages through the popular network of consultants, writers and fiction clubs inclined to listen to the Division.

From your efforts came waves of popular initiatives, of unlocked funds and space to train new foresters for the Prisms Forests, and you made sure this wave was felt in the debates.

As a soldier, you find both political intrigues and lies unworthy of the Great Struggle. Your duties demand you give to the people the means to voice their approval with their dedication, and if it displeases some of your superiors, so be it.

In the end, this show of support is enough to make the balance of power shift, and the Council agrees to the Order's plan (after a few compromises).

Already, vast, decades long-plans are being drafted to spread further the Forest Prisms in the exclusion zones of Earth, and to train a new generation of Foresters, Harvesters and Carvers to care for those new, great Forests.

As for the Division, you received a polite, unofficial message of thanks from the Orders, with the tacit agreement that the Division has earned a right of inspection on the new Prism Forests initiative, something quite helped by your implications in supplying and providing apprentices to many isolated masters Carvers.

Technology developed : Prism-light Integrated Manufacturing (Industry, Anomalous)
A new industrial framework, were distributed, large-scale Prisms Forests cared for by skilled personnel provide both rare Prisms and an abundant of more common ones for new-generations factories, using the more precise and efficient Prisms to replace traditional machine-tools.
Locations settled by the Civilization will develop increasingly complex Prism-Forests and use them to upgrade their industry, generating increasing bonuses with time.

The Division has earned some support from the Orders for its help, and some right of inspection over the new programs, reducing the costs of some options and unlocking new ones in the Consequence Phase.
First visible results of the new plan are expected in 3 to 4 Turns.

Now, as always, you go back to work.

Forward Defence Research Division
Current priorities :
-Develop a FTL-capable military starship
-Develop a way to eliminate the threat of the Red Water
-Help current efforts to reclaim Earth and eliminate the menace of the Builders.

Red actions and assets are affiliated to the High Command
Blue actions and assets are affiliated to the Tamers.
Others actions and assets are unaffiliated or affiliated to civilian local governments.

Born inside the Brits minorities of the Indian Union cities-states in 50 A.I, Ram of Northwood had an usual childhood, beyond some noted distaste for his kin faith in the Crossed Lord and the Communion of Blood, until he showed real promise during his assignment to mandatory boot camp, showing a real talent for organization and engineering that made him be transferred to the High Command's Logistical Division, and accept an officer commission.
Universally recognised as a cold, rigid man with a real talent for organization, Ram proved his valor and climbed the ranks in many projects, earning multiple recommendation in particular for his work on the construction of the Great Railways.
Despite his lack of theoretical knowledge, his sheer talent for management was enough to make him be chosen for the post of Director.

Traits :
  • Methodical : All details, considered and accounted for. Reduce consequences for failure in risked actions (do not apply to Exploration).
  • Logistical wizard : Colonel Northwood is nicknamed as the breaker of delays, the straightener of logistics, the ever-optimizer, and they are more than deserved. +1 Asset activatable each turn
  • Colder than Ice, Straighter than Steel : With no humor, friends or families, Colonel Northwood lacks the abilities and desire of understanding some of the most…outlandish individuals and projects.Reduced chance of having access to Rare Technologies.
Academy of Xenonaturalism
Brave, adventurous souls and skilled minds from all horizons, united beyond their old loose cooperation into a true Academy.
Lv 2 (3/20) Academy
Specialization : Environment Management, Biology
Traits :

  • Student of the Odd : The Academy of Xenonaturalism was at first formed to study the Others, from all possible angles and by people from all horizons. This heritage makes the Academy the most prominent institution in the study of the Anomalous. Asset is considered to be a specialist for all Anomalous actions.
  • Explorer : The Academy is home to those able and willing to go beyond and map the unexplored. Assets can be assigned to Exploration actions.
Astra Design Team
The Astra Designing Team was created by the High Command for one duty : produce starcrafts and satellites for the High Command, and have been doing that for the last 20 years. It is the home of military engineers specialized in Voidcraft, and nothing else.
Lv1 (3/8) Team
Specialization : Voidcraft
Trait :

  • Highly Specialized : This team has been highly specialized in one specific domain, and is notably incompetent outside of it. Asset Level is tripled, and not doubled, when assigned to a project with their Specialization,but is halved when not assigned to an action with their Specialization.
Order of the Bird of Crystal
The Tamers Order dedicated to interacting with the Bird of Crystal, most interactive of the Titan that helped us assault the Catalog, this Order is renowned both for their skill in negotiation and their skills in survival, every members regularly making the dangerous journey to the icy, storm-filled and crystal-covered lair of the Bird.
Lv1 (0/10) Academy
Specialization : Statecraft
Traits :

  • Talented Speaker : The Tamers of this Order are renowned for their abilities as negotiator and mediators, and will be happy to help the Division with those abilities. Increase by its Level Influence and Unity rewards for actions completed by this Asset. If not activated, generate 1 point of Influence.
Speaker Arona Rewiti, Singularity-bound
Arona Rewiti is a quite bound, but already renowned woman, being one of the few that succeeded in forging a permanent bound with a Singularity. Speaker Rewity has since then been followed anywhere by her bound, human-sized Singularity, that she calls Blue of Night's Noon, and freely shares the odd insights she gets from Blue.
Lv1 (1/5) Figure
Specialization : Particles, Field Manipulation
Traits :

  • Bounded Conclave : The character is in command of a conclave of 5 Bounded, giving them access to the combined insights and might of enough of the reality-bending Others to destroy a City.
    Randomly enhance results of Particles and Field Manipulation actions,%50 chance of counting the Asset as 1 level higher before Specialization doubling when assigned to an Anomalous action, Figure is more resilient due to the Singularities's protection and can be considered a strategic asset.

  • Explorer : This Figure is willing and able to explore the unknown. Can be used on Exploration actions.
Influence : 16/20
Unity : 4/20

Influence and Unity represent the political influence of the Division and its cultural impact respectively. Both resources will be won through completed actions, and can be spent to influence decisions (Influence) or humanity's culture (Unity).
Unity as a goal number, at start 20. When the Division reaches the goal number of Influence, they can spend the goal number to acquire a Tradition, representing the inner culture of the Division and its institutional roots in the wider society.
Mandates :
Helping the Division of Necessities
Track the Builders must be selected each turn until the Project succeeded

State of Earth : Most of the planet is inhibited and lifeless, human habitation is mostly made up of Cities-States and nomads band of Ranchers herding Others. Others and engineered organisms have begun recolonizing Earth, being robust enough to resist Red Water poisoning.
Virtually every form of liquid water on Earth is contaminated by Red Water, and demands costly purification to be drinkable. Most drunk water comes from extracted polar ice, which is then recycled.
Builders' attacks are a constant threat, not able to threaten human civilization but causing damages, hindering reconstruction efforts and causing the deaths of innocents.



Singularity Integrity Field is not available this turn

[] Zvanov-Wang Purification Protocols (Environment Management) [0/25]
Despite years of study, very little is known of Red Water. It seems to simply exist and spread in water, and modify the properties of individual water molecules without visibles modification of their physical structures.
The only way currently known to purify Red Water demands both limited SIngularity-derived materials, and enormous amounts of energy, demanding dedicated nuclear reactors for their function.
However, a laboratory has recently had viable success through the use of intense radiations modulated through Prism-lenses in purifying Red Water, a methodology that, if developed, would greatly simplify water purification.
Some…reckless officers have already proposed to modify nuclear missiles to litteray nuke the Red Water out of Earth.

Develop sustainable, radiation-based Red Water's purification system. Unlock Purification Nuclear Missiles. ???

[] Bioengineered Crops (Biology) [0/8]

Through decades of thankless labors, naturalists and farmers were able to select plants able to grow and survive beyond the sealed environment of our greenhouses. This is why algaes plantations and bamboo forests can now be spread and used.
We could go further, with newly developed tools allowing to directly modify the genetic code of living beings, it may be possible to allow trees, cereals and many others to spread beyond fortified vaults and greenhouses. And maybe, to actually be able to eat something grown in soil.

Enhance agricultural production, vegetables can be spread in contaminated environments.

[] Faultines Algorithms (Computing) [3/8]

The faultlines in reality through which traveled the power of the Catalog open to us the opportunity to travel faster than the speed of light like the Singularities, and finally strike down this heartless monster.
However, we should probably study those faultlines and determine the rules governing them before trying to use…

Hyperlines Theory developed.

[] Spatial deployments (Military Theory, Voidcraft) [0/8]

With the need to rapidly redeploy troops against sudden Builder's attacks and the fact humanity will need to strike beyond Earth to bring down the Catalog, a standardized doctrine and equipment for the transport and deployment from space in general, and the orbit in particular, would be extremely useful.
Develop orbital deployment and void marines. Path to unlock interplanetary military actions.

[] Marsh Lights Canisters (Particules) [0/12]

When people see the modern Marsh Lights, many wonder why they were once so feared, their entropic field only dangerous if one stays near them for too long without the Lights being otherwise fed.
This is because they have never seen the Marsh Lights feeling menaced, like during the Invasion, never seen them reproduce fast enough to be able to double their number in less than a minute and generate entropic fields strong enough to reduce a man to ashes in seconds or bring a Builder down.
Thankfully for Earth, this state is temporary, and the Marsh Lights rapidly return to their normal, peaceful shelves afterward.
The Canisters project is nothing more than a weaponization of this "survival frenzy", by putting Marsh Lights into a sealed rocket, and firing it at an enemy force will trigger inside the rockets a series of reactions generating stimulus causing the frenzy.
Needless to say, the Canisters would ensure the annihilation of most foes under a swarm of rapidly reproducing Marsh Light and intense entropic fields.The main issue is to ensure the safety of such weapons.

Develop Marsh Lights Canisters, Entropic missiles usable for both armies and starships.

[] Worms Tape (Anomalous)(Biology) (Rare) [0/20]

Memory worms can be put in a state of near-hibernation when put into a medium once containing information (papers, tape, minds) kept fed through random information bursts, in particular music.
The concept of the Worms Tape is to use this ability to concentrate a huge amount of Memories Worms, before unleashing them against a foe through a targeted sonic or radio wave.
Of course, we would first need to ensure both that the Worms cannot reproduce excessively and will enter in dormancy after having devoured the memories of our foes…

Unlock Early memetics weapons

[] Adaptive Bureaucratie (Statecraft) [0/8]

To better respond to the shifting demand of the Campaigns and of human civilization, a new form of administration is needed, nimble, unhindered by petty rivalries and unnecessary procedures, with the ability to mobilize the power of the power and their ability to cooperate for the common good will ensuring the objectives of the Campaign are fulfilled.
Such a new administration necessitates a revolutionary new framework.

Help administration of Earth, encourage institutional flexibility. Path to efficient interplanetary administration.

[] Spaceport Design (Voidcraft) [0/8] MODIFIED

According to the Astra team, before humanity can truly explore space, use the resources of the Solar System to help the Reconstruction and pursue the Catalog, a space station large enough to build spacecraft without the constant issues caused by gravity must be designed.
With the help of our new shuttles, this new station may easily be used to spearhead permanent space research and mining efforts.

Unlock starbase, spaceport, research and mining stations construction

[] Global Prisms-Light Energy Systems (Anomalous, Field Manipulation) [0/8] NEW

From the basis of the Prisms Forests and the new, Prism-derived industries, it may be possible to create a global energy network, where power is turned into waves and transmitted through the Prism-Forests all over the world.
This would help both the stability of local networks and make available a huge quantity of energy for large-scale projects, among them accelerating the growth of Prisms Forests.

Develop Prisms-based global energy network

[] Struggles against Boredom-Ignorance Holographic Merger Proposal (Society) [0/8] NEW

From the Media branche of the American Corporate Board, this widely ambitious project proposes the creation of easily-adaptable holographic projectors able to network with one another to widely spread entertainment and educational programs to the greater numbers and help train new workers even with limited resources.
Next-generation, mass-productible holographics entertainment and education systems


[] Track the Builders (Computing) [DC 60 0/1] MUST BE TAKEN

It is hard to find the Builders, their energy traces faint and easily missed with all the strange contaminants spread by the Invasion.
However, with enough Prism-lenses, times and calculations, we should be able to find them, and the hidden bases from which they breed and rest.
Once they are found, the High Command will be able to campaign against them. It will not be easy, but they will be eliminated.

[] Study the Builders (???) [DC ???] Estimated Very Hard
Now that the Builders are attacking in force, there are voices rising again demanding complete studies of the Builders, to try to learn their weakness and function.
Their demands are probably impossible. The Builders, like most tools of the Catalog, are solid state systems made of intricate nanomaterials and complex energy fields that human science struggles to even understand. The Others, who are just as incomprehensible in many ways as the Builders, are at least cooperative.
Still, it may be worth the price.

Try to understand the Builders

[-] Beseech the Titans for help

The situation is not dire enough for this. After all, as the Tamers say, awakening a Titan has more in common with triggering a storm or a tsunami than anything else.
We would not want a City to be accidentally crushed.


[] Test Drive (Unknown Difficulties)

We have a prototype of FTL drive, we have shuttles able to set-up bases on Mars and reach the Outer Solar System.
More importantly, we have people ready to risk everything in the name of helping humanity reach the Catalog, ready to test with their own lives this new technology.

FTL Test Drive

[] Breach the Silvers Cities (Unknown Difficulties)

For more than a hundred years, the silver cities have been put under quarantine, explorations of those remnants a tertiary priority before the need to eliminate the Builders, ensure human livelihood and rebuild Earth.
It is perhaps time to change this.

Send an expedition to the silver cities

[] Debris of the Invasion (Unknown Difficulties) NEW

Above us, in the outer atmosphere, lies the debris of the Catalog's construction, stations and part of the Catalog's mothership destroyed during our strike against it and its flight from the Solar System.
With the new Workhorses-class Shuttles, we could send an expedition to explore those debris, claim any secrets in it, and perhaps bring the bodies of fallen heroes, humans and nots, back to Earth, to give them proper graves.

Send an expedition to the debris of the Invasion in orbit

4 hours moratorium.
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