Reach the Stars, Explore the Void : A Stellaris inspired quest of research and exploration

Voting is open
The +1 Share for the Household per Turn, +1 Share for the Academy per turn is a valuable bonus for us. The Belters will be reliant on the Inner System for supplies and markets and it would remove some dissidents from Earth. There is plenty of space to keep groups apart.
Alright then

[X] Plan A Foundation for Scavenging and Jovian Rush
-[X]Imperial Academy Research Centers (1 RP)
--[X] Natural Warp Effect (Field Manipulation) [DC ??; ??]
-[X] Department of Ecological Restoration (1RP)
--[X] Warped Bacteria Cultivation (Biology) [??,0/2]
-[X] Oracles Circle (1 RP)
--[X] Adaptive Auxiliary Computing Core (Computing) [0/6]
-[X] Association for Historical Preservation (1 RP)
--[X] Reassemble the Past (Archaeostudies) [0/8]
-[X] Formalize scavenging (-2 RP)
Tantalus Dome
-[X] The Central Spire
The Jovian Rush
-[X] Expand the Station (-3 RP)
-[X] Scions of Tantalus
-[X] To Export Troubles
-[X] Coordinate with the Spooks (???)
Personal actions
-[X] A Meeting with the Past
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[X] Plan The foundation for the future.
-[x]Imperial Academy Research Centers (1 RP)
--[x] Natural Warp Effect (Field Manipulation) [DC ??; ??]
-[x] Department of Ecological Restoration (1RP)
--[x] Warped Bacteria Cultivation (Biology) [??,0/2]
-[x] Oracles Circle (1 RP)
--[x] Adaptive Auxiliary Computing Core (Computing) [0/6]
-[x] Association for Historical Preservation (1 RP)
--[x] Reassemble the Past (Archaeostudies) [0/8]
-[X] Formalize scavenging (-2 RP)
-[x] The Central Spire

- [x] Expand the Station (-3 RP)
- [x] Scions of Tantalus
- [x] To Export Troubles
-[X] Obtain the True Predictions (-5 Influence)
-[x] A Meeting with the Past

A carbon copy of @IamtooSleepy plan excpt I swapped out codanate with the spooks with Obtain the True Predictions because asking for they help when we have absolutely nothing to offer them is a terrible idea and would make us even more indebted to them then we're already are, but offering them access to a computer that could see into the future, well a way that would change espionage as we know it could make us too valuable for them to kill us.
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[X] Plan A Foundation for Scavenging and Jovian Rush
-[x]Imperial Academy Research Centers (1 RP)
--[x] Natural Warp Effect (Field Manipulation) [DC ??; ??]
-[x] Department of Ecological Restoration (1RP)
--[x] Warped Bacteria Cultivation (Biology) [??,0/2]
-[x] Oracles Circle (1 RP)
--[x] Adaptive Auxiliary Computing Core (Computing) [0/6]
-[x] Association for Historical Preservation (1 RP)
--[x] Reassemble the Past (Archaeostudies) [0/8]
-[x] Formalize scavenging (-2 RP)
Tantalus Dome
-[x] The Central Spire
The Jovian Rush
- [x] Expand the Station (-3 RP)
- [x] Scions of Tantalus
- [x] To Export Troubles
-[x] Coordinate with the Spooks (???)
Personal actions
-[x] A Meeting with the Past
Adhoc vote count started by GAWR on May 20, 2023 at 7:09 AM, finished with 14 posts and 4 votes.

Still a draw people anyone wants to change or add a vote.
Thank for the tally
I will let the vote run for 1 to 2 days, and then do the rolls.
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Okay, apparently the tally was set to be by line and it fucked up the result since that ignore plan vote.

Also, if any lurkers are following this quest, please vote. It feel really lonely having only 5 people voted
Ok so I'm only just now getting good at being an authoritarian at Stellaris. So what is the general direction we want for our plan this turn? And what are the differences between the two plans?
Ok so I'm only just now getting good at being an authoritarian at Stellaris. So what is the general direction we want for our plan this turn? And what are the differences between the two plans?
The general directions of the two existing plans are spending a lot of money on setting up long-term infrastructure (Formalize scavenging, Expand the Station) and do most of the "free" Jovian actions that did not also empower other factions too much. The actual research is between half of them going to study warp while the other is split between archaeology and making a more flexible computer.

The different between the two plans are that "A Foundation for Scavenging and Jovian Rush" is going to spend an unknown amount of recourse on trying to get the secret police infiltrating us to be more useful. "The foundation for the future" thought that is too risky when have so little leverage and replace it with getting the status and the long term prediction of the Empire.
Hmm from what QM and the setting has offered, what is the actual perspective of the spooks? We pissed off the imperator but made them happy, and yet their support is about not pissing anyone else off. So we honestly need the plan that lets us play ball. We had a good first turn but this one has made us lose some of that developed faith.

[X] Plan The foundation for the future.

We need to make nice and make friends with our ideologically fixed overlords. Were we more egalitarian or with more clout and history, we could push for more independent action. We haven't yet so let's make some friends and keep us together before the imperator gets pissed at us
Adhoc vote count started by OldShadow on May 22, 2023 at 1:57 PM, finished with 22 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan The foundation for the future.
    -[x]Imperial Academy Research Centers (1 RP)
    --[x] Natural Warp Effect (Field Manipulation) [DC ??; ??]
    -[x] Department of Ecological Restoration (1RP)
    --[x] Warped Bacteria Cultivation (Biology) [??,0/2]
    -[x] Oracles Circle (1 RP)
    --[x] Adaptive Auxiliary Computing Core (Computing) [0/6]
    -[x] Association for Historical Preservation (1 RP)
    --[x] Reassemble the Past (Archaeostudies) [0/8]
    -[x] Formalize scavenging (-2 RP)
    -[x] The Central Spire
    - [x] Expand the Station (-3 RP)
    - [x] Scions of Tantalus
    -[X] To Export Troubles
    -[X] Obtain the True Predictions (-5 Influence)
    -[x] A Meeting with the Past
    [X] Plan A Foundation for Scavenging and Jovian Rush
    -[x]Imperial Academy Research Centers (1 RP)
    --[x] Natural Warp Effect (Field Manipulation) [DC ??; ??]
    -[x] Department of Ecological Restoration (1RP)
    --[x] Warped Bacteria Cultivation (Biology) [??,0/2]
    -[x] Oracles Circle (1 RP)
    --[x] Adaptive Auxiliary Computing Core (Computing) [0/6]
    -[x] Association for Historical Preservation (1 RP)
    --[x] Reassemble the Past (Archaeostudies) [0/8]
    -[x] Formalize scavenging (-2 RP)
    -[x] The Central Spire
    - [x] Expand the Station (-3 RP)
    - [x] Scions of Tantalus
    -[X] To Export Troubles
    -[x] Coordinate with the Spooks (???)
    -[x] A Meeting with the Past

Vote ended.
Plan The foundation for the future win !
Rolls incoming.
OldShadow threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Research Total: 161
96 96 65 65
OldShadow threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Personnal Total: 81
81 81
OldShadow threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Scavenging Total: 33
33 33
Turn 2 Results
-[X] Imperial Academy Research Centers (1 RP)
-- [X] Natural Warp Effect (Field Manipulation) Roll 96 + 10 (Level) = 106, [DC 60/100, 2/2]

After intensive study and a high number of Dimension Breakers tests on asteroids without strategic importance, a notable breakthrough in Warp studies has been realized: the discovery of the Membrane.

A Warp Effect is a hole between our dimension and the Warp dimension, a narrow point where otherworldly physical laws can take effect, and need extremely strict conditions to be created and maintained. Natural Warp Effects are Warp Effects created by the transition of an object from our dimension to the Warp Dimension, and then back to our, creating a stable connection between the dimensions : if an artificial Warp Effect is a wound, a natural Warp Effect is a scar.

The Membrane is the energy field that is perforated by Warp Effect, a stabilizing force that produces Warp Field and reacts to an excess of Warp Effect in the same spot by ejecting objects into the other side of itself.

This is the greatest recent discovery in Warp Physic, the explanation of how Warp Effect works.

Discovery of mechanisms governing Warp Effect and Warp Field ! Membrane discovered !
Project modified, Mass Testing become Mass Warp Effect Production (Industry, Field Manipulation) [0/8]
Projects unlocked, Experimental Membrane Drive (Field Manipulation) [0/6], Gaz Giant Warp Seeding (Field Manipulation) [???]

[X]Department of Ecological Restoration (1RP)
-- [X] Warped Bacteria Cultivation (Biology) Roll 65+10(Level X Specialty)=75 [70, 2/2]

Chartered Minister Kolinsky,

As Order demand, receive the rapport of the Department of Ecological Restoration for the Second Olympian Quarter of the First Year of Exploration.

Now that the cultures have been set up, properly sealed, and the security warheads armed, and after preliminary studies, my department must admit that long term observation is the only viable road to studying the Warped Bacteria.

In the current time span of research, no viable structure of their effect has been discovered, what we once thought as new species born of the effect of Warp Exposure related as the effect of integrated materials into the bacteria structures.

As far as we understand, exposure to Warped Materials can cause a breakdown in the genetic structure of a bacteria, causing an unexplained chain reaction where, in blatant violation of the laws of thermodynamics, the bacteria generate new Warped Material at a high rate before bursting open.

After this burst, the neighboring bacteria either die, or grow tolerant to the Warped Materials and begin to integrate them into their structures, giving them unique properties but creating a risk for them to suffer the Warp breakdown. As such, the properties of the Warped Bacteria depend only on the new materials producible by organisms, which will need to be cataloged in the long term.

However, serendipity as given us a new tool. One of the cultures was accidentally contaminated with bacteriophage, virus that specifically targets bacteria for their reproduction. After a few generations, the bacteriophage had evolved to specifically target Warped Bacteria, and ignore every other cell type. As such, by cultivating this new class of bacteriophage, the Mutavirales , the Empire can develop phage therapies against the effect of Warped Bacteria, alleviating the effects of Warp Exposure.

Ongoing background research on Warped Bacteria, prerequisite for new Projects. Experimental therapy for effects of Warp Exposure on human beings.
-[X]Oracles Circle (1 RP)
-- [X] Adaptive Auxiliary Computing Core (Computing) [2/6]

As always, the Oracles are a secretive order, and beyond a constant stream of data requests from all over the Empire for their studies, there is no news of progress on their works in producing polyvalent computing cores. For any other group, you would be worried. But the Household is known both for secrecy and efficacy.

2 Progress on the research
-[X]Association for Historical Preservation (1 RP)
-- [X] Reassemble the Past (Archaeostudies) [2/8]

During this half year, the Association go to work, slowly amassing and cataloging every bits of data on the history and tech base of the Antedeluvians Empire, and in particular shifting through the impressive number of weird theories developed on Earth from the news that there an ancient advanced civilization on Earth thousand of years ago.
If your archeologists read another report on Atlantis, they are going to explode.

2 Progress on the research

[X]Formalize scavenging (-2 RP) (33)

In an ideal world, you could have wiped out a whole new department for the Academy in half a year from one of your favorite activities. But this is not an ideal world. Like every Imperial institution, you simply lack the qualified manpower to create miracles. So you adapt, you regularize, build up headquarters and acquire stable, reliable equipment.
At the end of the reforms, an almost self-funded corps of scavengers is now at your command. They can still be made better, but they are already quite upgraded.

Enhanced results for scavenging. One slot for a free ongoing scavenging action. Scavenging actions will unlock new research and perks.

Tantalus Dome
-[X] The Central Spire

It is hard work, but most of the basics work is finished. Tantalus Dome is airtight again, the rubble has been cleaned up, the main facilities (power plant, life support, main research and teaching halls, administrative buildings) restored, with the appropriate personnel moving in. And most importantly, the Central Spire has been restored.

Now, from the computers cores, data treatments and communications systems of the Spire flow a constant stream of data on every action and department of the Academy. Every data analyzed, every action compared and archived. All of this at your fingertips, and even before the true dig into the old databases has begun.

This feeling of control, is it what the Oracles feel ? What the Imperator feel ?

Vladimir's Academy clock at 2/3. Obtained Central Academy Command. Obtained Comparative Data Analysis Centers (+1 to a random activated Research Project each turn)

[X] Obtain the True Predictions (-5 Influence)

The Predictions are far more than the musing of Oracles, but the result of constant, tireless data analysis and simulation with some of the most advanced computer cores in existence, and done by people specifically conditioned and trained to be the perfect analysts for the Empire.

As such, by getting access to the Predictions, you can now see the potential crisis of the Empire in real time, and more importantly, see how your actions shall impact them.

It is a quite humbling experience, to realize that one error at the lower level of rulership could cause thousands of deaths decades on, and that the Oracles can barely keep up with their tasks of preventing such errors.

As long as the Academy has access to the Predictions, you will have information on the ongoing Crisis clocks of the Empire and the impact of the Academy's actions on the clocks.
Ongoing potential Crisis :
- Economic Collapse (4/10) (Caused by long-term economical distortions caused by the Reconstruction of Earth) : Stabilized by the current state of the Jovian rush, long-term problems of a need of constant growth of the Imperial Economy.
- Elites shortage (6/20, +1 per Turn) (Caused by a lack of elites and Warped technologies to rule effectively the Empire) : Increasing issues, more and more visible by the transformation of Earth from a backwater in reconstruction to an integral part of the Imperial system.
- Factionalism (3/15, +1 per Turn) (Caused by increasing polarization of Olympian society and the number of extremists on Earth) : Increasing rapidly with new political tensions.

- [X] To Export Troubles

One of the most irrational parts of the Olympian psyche is an immense phobia of Chaos. When the Olympians see something that they consider as a potential source of Chaos, they react with extreme, excessive violence. This is why ethical guidelines were developed, a way to control the fearful Olympian urge to annihilate danger. And this is why the Household cannot deal with non-violent extremists.

The religious group that does not want to share with others beliefs systems. The various segregationists groups that want to live only with people of the same skin colors. A thousand political groups each dreaming of their own little utopias. And countless others that simply cannot be integrated into the Olympian system, but cannot ether be eliminated, creating a constant source of conflicts in the Empire.

Which is why, taking examples from the history of Earth, the problem is exported. Like the criminals sent to Australia and the Puritans to North America, the Household pushed with methods both covert and overt the Troubles to seek a new life in the Jovian Belt, were they would be able to earn a living far from the Imperator's Eyes. And thousands begin to leave, seeking new lives in the Belt, and stopping to cause problems back on Earth.

Of course, if left to their own devices, they will probably just create new problems on the Belt. After all, even on the Belt, they will not be free of Imperial control. Especially since most of their equipment is actually rented Household properties.

+ 1 Academy Share per turn, +1 Household Share per turn.
As long as To Export Troubles is active, -1 to Factionalism clock per Turn, Activate clock Jovian Belt Insurgency (1/5, +1 per turn).

- [X] Expand the Station (-3 RP)
- [X] Scions of Tantalus

So the Academy uses another example from Earth history. No matter how rebellious and divergent from the main culture of an empire, distant settlements cannot revolt if their vital needs depend upon the empire. So the Station is extended, with new orbital industries, docking bays and picket vessels, and members of the Gens (with now sympathies for dissidence) are invited to build a vast hydroponics bay on orbit.

Soon, there is a city floating in the void, where merchants come to easily buy precious raw resources without having to risk the might of Jupiter's gravity or negotiating with countless mining settlements. And from the city come supplies, spare parts, food, and everything else needed for a mining communities. No one come to the miners, but the Academy vessels. Without us, they shall starve. And so, our control over the Jovian Belt strengthen.

+ 1 Academy Share per Turn, +1 Gens Share.
Logistical control of the Jovian Belt, increased independence from planet bound industries. Due to control over vital supplies lines for the Jovian communities, the Jovian Belt Insurgency become (1/10, +1 per turn).

[X] A Meeting with the Past (81)

Once upon a time, a young Vladimir Kolinsky and Augustina Aelius Clemens worked together to reconstruct Earth, and Augustina promised that one day Vladimir could visit her ancestral home, a doomed city near the Imperial Palace on Olympus Mount.

This was a time of hope, where you looked at Augustina as a mentor and a leader. Until you realized how conservative she was. How she took Earthers could not be trusted until at least 5 to 8 generations under Olympian rule. Until you realized that she would never consider Earth as a true part of the Empire, and always privilege Olympia. So, no matter how brilliant she was, no matter how many charities and good work she did on Earth, you betrayed her. You took all you could, and watched impassively as she and her conservative friends left Earth, unable to understand how you convinced true Olympians to help you in striking her down.

Now, as an old man, you are finally walking the streets of Urbs Aelius, and admiring its renowned gardens, after a short and tense meeting with Augustina. In many ways, the Polis reflect the goals of the conservatives amongst the Gens. Turning Olympia into a perfect garden for a perfect society. And for that goal, even a woman who (somewhat rightfully) hates you is ready to bargain.

The Gens do not want to deal with Earth, or Earthers, do not want their carefully organized society to be perturbed in the slightest way. But they are desperate for the resources needed to turn Olympia into a garden of Elysium. They are ready to work with the Academy for this goal. Even if they will never stop to consider the societies and cultures of Earth with scorns.

[] Accept : 1 relation with the Gens, unlocked Gens actions, lessened tension. Olympian economic prosperity will bring bonus RP like Earth's prosperity. Obtain Research Asset Augustina Aelius Clemens (1 RP) : Level 1 (Statecraft,New World), Connected : +5 influence when completing a Project
Gens Influence over the Academy, Promise to work every turn on Project Elysium-related projects.
[] Refuse
[X] Accept
Even if this is us funding the new team to do Project Elysium that is still worth it for four reasons: the improvements to Elysium will boost the economy, we get +5 influence each time the new team completes a project, the gens will like us more and the new team will gain xp.
[X] Accept : 1 relation with the Gens, unlocked Gens actions, lessened tension. Olympian economic prosperity will bring bonus RP like Earth's prosperity. Obtain Research Asset Augustina Aelius Clemens (1 RP) : Level 1 (Statecraft,New World), Connected : +5 influence when completing a Project

Considering this not only reduces the issues we have with the Gens who we must respect second only to the Imperator and Household but also gives us a research asset that is basically built for learning how to colonise new worlds and manage the resulting empire? Very good. I'd take it even without the way it makes it so all the realms in the Olympian Empire now generate RP for us as they improve, rather than every one bar the Capital World.

As for the rest of the update, I am a bit sad that we didn't get the new Scavenger Research Asset but what we did get was more than good enough despite the low roll. The research results were brilliant and the other results are... They are great because it shows us that we've headed off all bar one of the large issues threatening the Empire at this time. With the remaining threat being one we've already got an option to work on. And we managed all that merely by the addition of one single new threat which is just starting and thus at the stage where it's easiest to effect, though admittedly that can be a danger as well as a benefit.

Having said that, I think we are absolutely going to need to invest in supporting the Miners next turn. Because I suspect that the Miners are going to be the fact we're going to want to use to mitigate the Jovian Separatists issue. Make them the Imperial Loyalists of the Jovian Belt more or less, where they take pride in how they are 'masters of the Belt' who are loyal to the Imperator and the Academy, and not those greedy bastards or blinkered fools of the Conglomerates and Gens.
Project modified, Mass Testing become Mass Warp Effect Production (Industry, Field Manipulation) [0/8]
Projects unlocked, Experimental Membrane Drive (Field Manipulation) [0/6], Gaz Giant Warp Seeding (Field Manipulation) [???]
Hmm, it seem we are running out of an easy gains for warp project, so to speak. We will have to embark on a longer term research here sooner or later.
Also, that "Mass Warp Effect Production" is the priority project, since shortage of warp materiel is one of our crisis clock. Although maybe we can put that after "Half-Warped Materials" in case it would make the project easier? In any case, we have neither materials, industry or field manipulation specialist, so this is possibly where Imperial Academy is going to be allocated.

Ongoing background research on Warped Bacteria, prerequisite for new Projects. Experimental therapy for effects of Warp Exposure on human beings.
I suppose having to wait for further research is better than a research failure, but at least a preliminary finding is good enough for now.

Enhanced results for scavenging. One slot for a free ongoing scavenging action. Scavenging actions will unlock new research and perks.
Currently, those scavenging actions cost one RP, so it's not much of a saving, but hey, money is money, and you never know when that one RP is going to save our ass. (Future me here; hey look! We are taking on an obligation to doing project, which is going to cost 1 RP each turn, how convenience!)

Vladimir's Academy clock at 2/3. Obtained Central Academy Command. Obtained Comparative Data Analysis Centers (+1 to a random activated Research Project each turn)
I was hoping we might find a few clues about what sort of horrors are in the tunnels, but oh well. The Comparative Data Analysis Centers is less useful now since all of our project are currently all even numbers, and we are normally producing 2 research progress each turn. So unless it happens to roll to the same project before the project end, that extra progress is going to be a waste. But as our research assets level up and projects become more complicated, this will become more useful.

Also, what is Central Academy Command for anyway? Just help anti-corruption?

Ongoing potential Crisis :
- Economic Collapse (4/10) (Caused by long-term economical distortions caused by the Reconstruction of Earth) : Stabilized by the current state of the Jovian rush, long-term problems of a need of constant growth of the Imperial Economy.
- Elites shortage (6/20, +1 per Turn) (Caused by a lack of elites and Warped technologies to rule effectively the Empire) : Increasing issues, more and more visible by the transformation of Earth from a backwater in reconstruction to an integral part of the Imperial system.
- Factionalism (3/15, +1 per Turn) (Caused by increasing polarization of Olympian society and the number of extremists on Earth) : Increasing rapidly with new political tensions.
Let's see here. Economic collapse and elites shortage are what we already know and sort of begin to dealing with it. Factionalism maybe we will want to start on terraforming Mars?

As long as To Export Troubles is active, -1 to Factionalism clock per Turn, Activate clock Jovian Belt Insurgency (1/5, +1 per turn).
Is that -1 to Factionalism already include in the calculation? As in, are we current at +0 (down from 1) or +1 (down from 2)?

Logistical control of the Jovian Belt, increased independence from planet bound industries. Due to control over vital supplies lines for the Jovian communities, the Jovian Belt Insurgency become (1/10, +1 per turn).
Without us, they shall starve. And so, our control over the Jovian Belt strengthen.
Yet, our control alone will not stop the conflict, merely postponing it. And as they said, the reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely. We will have to do what the empire can not until now, and begin integrate it's marginalised people.

That being said, we might want to do "support our Workers" next turn if it is still there. We might even create a loyalist foothold amongst the increasingly hostile belt.

The Gens do not want to deal with Earth, or Earthers, do not want their carefully organized society to be perturbed in the slightest way. But they are desperate for the resources needed to turn Olympia into a garden of Elysium. They are ready to work with the Academy for this goal. Even if they will never stop to consider the societies and cultures of Earth with scorns.

[] Accept : 1 relation with the Gens, unlocked Gens actions, lessened tension. Olympian economic prosperity will bring bonus RP like Earth's prosperity. Obtain Research Asset Augustina Aelius Clemens (1 RP) : Level 1 (Statecraft,New World), Connected : +5 influence when completing a Project

A provincial conservatives like her who could never see behind their own small seat of power will eventually become an obstacle to the full realisation of the Orderly Garden beyond the small confine of Mars. Alas, they are in position of power and their concerns on being left behind do have some truth in them, therefore;

[X] Accept : 1 relation with the Gens, unlocked Gens actions, lessened tension. Olympian economic prosperity will bring bonus RP like Earth's prosperity. Obtain Research Asset Augustina Aelius Clemens (1 RP) : Level 1 (Statecraft,New World), Connected : +5 influence when completing a Project

Hopefully, the bonus RP will even out our increased expenditure.

...Also, I might really regret telling this, but I think you forget to roll for Vladimir's death again.
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Also, what is Central Academy Command for anyway? Just help anti-corruption?
...Also, I might really regret telling this, but I think you forget to roll for Vladimir's death again.
It mean you can begin to control Academy's wide policies. If this was a Stalin quest, it mean you can make the list of peoples to purge. Just lack the agents to actually kill peoples.
Is that -1 to Factionalism already include in the calculation? As in, are we current at +0 (down from 1) or +1 (down from 2)?
You are currently at 0. All the clocks will be put at the start of every turn, don't worry.
...Also, I might really regret telling this, but I think you forget to roll for Vladimir's death again.
After the current vote, I am going to roll for the factions actions and Vladimir's death. That would help make for interesting political situations.
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[X] Accept : 1 relation with the Gens, unlocked Gens actions, lessened tension. Olympian economic prosperity will bring bonus RP like Earth's prosperity. Obtain Research Asset Augustina Aelius Clemens (1 RP) : Level 1 (Statecraft,New World), Connected : +5 influence when completing a Project
Voting is open