Raven Empire (Assassin's Creed/multicross CK2 quest)

Turn 3

Secure Monasteries (DC 11): The monasteries were raided by your clan at the past, but there are still soldiers protecting those places. The idea of creating a trade route using the monasteries is great and you can't waste it! And don't forget about the knowledge!

Rewards: Gain all the monasteries in Mercia, increased population at Ravensthorpe. Trade route unlocked and 75% of the Mercia rivers under your surveillance. Knowledge about others lands.

Train your army (DC 5): your army is the symbol of your empire's strenght and it needs to be better. An army can't depend on numbers but in the quality, and you will made this quality appear!

Rewards: Better the quality of your army, every military action DC will be decreased by 1 point.

Take down the Ku Klux Klan (DC 0): A weak cult, with terrible ideas that should be destroyed forever.

Rewards: Eliminate the Ku Klux Klan. Gain 20 horses to your empire.

Norway and it's legendary animals (DC 20): there are some legendary animals at Norway. What about taming them?

Rewards: Increase the legendary animals militar unit.


Recruitment drive (DC 0, higher rools increase results): There are many persons who need a place to live. Make Ravensthorpe a beacon of hope to those homeless persons.

Rewards: increase population at Ravensthorpe, potential hero units and advisors.

May the father of understanding guide us! (DC 43): Not all members of the orders of ancients can be horrible persons. Try to make contact with them and see what happens.

Rewards: Diplomatic contact with the Order of Ancients. Possibilities to absorb the Order of Ancients into your empire. Unlock ability to explore others lands.

Reach out to the Lost Drengir of Ragnar Lothbrok (DC 33): A group of elite members of the Great Heathen Army leadered by Ragnar Lothbrok who remained loyal to him even after he was murdered in a snake pit. They are know as powerful warriors and can be of great help to your empire.

Rewards: Gain the Lost Drengir (6 liutenants) into your empire.

Reach out to the Warriors of Sunlight (DC 15): A cult that arrived from the land of Londran, their leader is a man called Solaire of Astora, a really friendly guy.

Rewards: Gain the Sunlight Warriors into your empire (50 cult soldiers) and Solaire of Astora as a hero unit.

Reach out to the Cult of Santa Muerte (DC 7): A cult that arrived from unknow lands, their leader is man named Gustavo Serrano, also called El Cardenal.

Rewards: Gain the Cult of Santa Muerte into your empire (10 cult soldiers) and El Cardenal as a hero unit.

Reach out to the Cult of Eternal Fire (DC 5): A cult that arrived from a land know as the Continent, their leader is a man called Caleb Menge.

Rewards: Gain the Cult of Eternal Fire into your empire (300 witch hunters, 230 guards and 500 ships)

Reach out to the Indomitable Village (DC 7): From the knowledge find in the romans ruins, it's a village that isn't at the romans control.

Reward: Diplomatic contact with the Indomitable Village. Possibilities to absorb the Indomitable Village into your empire. Unlock new learning action.

Recruit Norway criminals (DC 3): Use Norway criminals to your empire's benefit.

Reward: 100 norway criminals join your empire.

Recruit the remaining member of the Order of Ancients (DC 26): Recruit the members of the Order of Ancients that survived and talk with them.

Reward: survivors member of the Order of Ancients join your empire.

Reach out to Greece (DC 35): A beautiful land to your empire.

Reward: Raven Empire start operations at Greece.

Reach out to Egypt (DC 25): A beautiful land to your empire.

Reward: Raven Empire start operations at Egypt.


A better workplace (DC 35): The blacksmith Gunnar wishes to have a better forge to help Ravensthorpe.

Rewards: Gunnar is able to start mass producing things more effectively. Gunnar likes you more!

Knowing your territory (DC 10): Olsen is a great cartographer. Get him to discover the dangerous of Mercia and the best paths to your troops.

Rewards: Unlock maps to your territory. Soldiers know wich areas to avoid and wich paths to take.

New outposts (DC 4): Turn the romans ruins into outposts for your empire.

Reward: Unlock outposts across all Mercia. Martial actions had DC decreased by 2 points.

New temples (DC 4): Turn the romans ruins into temples for your empire.

Reward: Unlock temples across all Mercia. Piety actions category unlocked.


Rumor has it (DC 23): Send ears and eyes out into world to see and listen to the world at large.

Rewards: Access to the rumor mill. Find out how the others lands are doing.

The Hidden ones (DC 0, higher roll for better results): The Hidden Ones are spread across the world. Now would be a good time to know more about them.

Reward: Knowledge about the Hidden Ones.

Legacy of an old empire (DC 18): There are rumors of the return of the Roman Empire. What about checking out?

Reward: Knowledge about new faction. New diplomacya action unlocked.


The First Ones (0/500): The technology created by the First Ones is extremeley powerful. You can call the Hidden Ones and the Order of Ancients many things, but you can't deny that this technology has it's value.

Rewards: Understand the First Ones technology. Unlock learning action.

Fear the fire (DC 24): The idea of applying fire to your soldiers weapons is a good one. Fire can be your friend but also can be your enemy.

Reward: Able to applicate fire to the weapons of your soldiers.

Poison is slow but lethal (DC 32): The idea of applying poison to your soldiers weapons is a good one. Poison can be slow but it's certainly lethal.

Reward: Able to apply poison to the weapons of your soldiers.

Personal actions: Every hero can take one personal action in adittion to being assigned to an action.

Eivor Varinsdottir

Train: It's always good to train and better your skills.

Spend time with a hero:
Sigurd. Your loyal brother. You trust each other utterly and spend a lot of time together. But it's always good to spend some time with him.
Randvi. The love of your life. Your loyalty to each other is infinity and you is always spending some time with her. Nothing like spending some time with her.

Encourage your troops: Even with the respect you have from your soldiers, you want to be the a great leader for them. (Write in available)

Sigurd Styrbjornsson

Train: It's always good to train your body to future battles. Someone has to keep Eivor's alive during the battles, after all.

Study more about the others lands: The others lands that you saw during your travel awakened an interest to know more about them. There are a plenty of books with knowledge about them and you should read it.

Write letters to your father: Despite all the problems that happened because of your father's actions, he is still your father and the man that loved and cared about you and Eivor. Maybe it's time to forgive his mistakes and start a new family relationship.

Hunt: The idea of joining some soldiers and hunting some animals seems good, Ravensthorpe is always needing meat and animals parts. Why you would say no to the idea of having some fun and helping the heart of the Raven Empire?


Train: You aren't the best fighter of Ravensthorpe and you know that. You must be prepared to fight and the best way of being better to do that os training your body.


Train: You aren't the best fighter of Ravensthorpe and you know that. You must be prepared to fight and the best way of being better to do that os training your body.

Plan the locations of future settlements: Your husband said that you will be the one to help him with new settlements. The first step is to plan the best places to make new settlements.

Send scouts across Mercia: Being sure that things are going well is always good. Sending some scouts to know what is happening around Mercia is a good idea.

Plan battle strategies: a battle is not won by strenght but by intelligence. Planning strategies to possible battles is a way of being prepared for the future.
[X] Plan: Forty-Two
-[X] Secure Monasteries (DC 11): The monasteries were raided by your clan at the past, but there are still soldiers protecting those places. The idea of creating a trade route using the monasteries is great and you can't waste it! And don't forget about the knowledge!
Rewards: Gain all the monasteries in Mercia, increased population at Ravensthorpe. Trade route unlocked and 75% of the Mercia rivers under your surveillance. Knowledge about others lands.

-[X] Reach out to the Lost Drengir of Ragnar Lothbrok (DC 33): A group of elite members of the Great Heathen Army leadered by Ragnar Lothbrok who remained loyal to him even after he was murdered in a snake pit. They are know as powerful warriors and can be of great help to your empire.
Rewards: Gain the Lost Drengir (6 liutenants) into your empire.

-[X] A better workplace (DC 35): The blacksmith Gunnar wishes to have a better forge to help Ravensthorpe.
Rewards: Gunnar is able to start mass producing things more effectively. Gunnar likes you more!

-[X] Rumor has it (DC 23): Send ears and eyes out into world to see and listen to the world at large.
Rewards: Access to the rumor mill. Find out how the others lands are doing.

-[X] Poison is slow but lethal (DC 32): The idea of applying poison to your soldiers weapons is a good one. Poison can be slow but it's certainly lethal.
Reward: Able to apply poison to the weapons of your soldiers.

Personal actions: Every hero can take one personal action in adittion to being assigned to an action.
-[X] Eivor Varinsdottir
--[X] Train: It's always good to train and better your skills.

-[X] Sigurd Styrbjornsson
--[X] Write letters to your father: Despite all the problems that happened because of your father's actions, he is still your father and the man that loved and cared about you and Eivor. Maybe it's time to forgive his mistakes and start a new family relationship.

-[X] Randvi
--[X] Train: You aren't the best fighter of Ravensthorpe and you know that. You must be prepared to fight and the best way of being better to do that os training your body.