Putting our Heads together

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Hello this is my first attempt at a quest, I am big fan of rolling dice, Stellaris, and Civ builder RPGS. Thus we have this quest. You are a Hive mind based civilization based in the Stellaris universe. There will be no crisis' yet and there may be mod lore and fanon lore added to this quest as it progresses. Description will be updated when I have time
Hive Generation 0.1
Hive mind Generation 1

Cosmic Dust to Cosmic Dust, all things end, and all things begin. Where did you begin?

[ ] [Origin] A large creature appeared over us with a cylindrical object in its grasping apparatus

[ ] [Origin] A great flash of light scoured our world

[X] [Origin] Something was sacrificed and now it has become we

[ ] [Origin] Something was taken and now we are more

As our Consciousness formed many thoughts/feelings/ideas flowed in at once. We processed what was happening and from there we observed our surroundings, we were …

[ ] [Species Type] In a wet cave surrounded by detritus

-Fungoid Hivemind

[X] [Species Type] atop our throne observing the drones as they worked
-Insectoid Hivemind

[ ] [Species Type] Among a plain of Color, roots deep and head held high

-Plantoid Hive

[ ] [Species Type] Surrounded by pressure and heat, intense yet comforting

-Lithoid Hive

No Problem can be solved from the same level of Consciousness that created it.

-Albert Einstein

A.N. This quest will for the most part will allow players to control the Hive's growth, but what you can not control is what you are not aware of.
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Game Mechanics Pop Mechanics
This quest will be running on pop based system, you (the players) vote to apply pops to different tasks; Materials Gathering, Nourishment farming, Research, Military Action, and Exploration/Colonization. Pop growth is constant as long as there is space and nourishment

For the first part of the quest tasks are based on CK2 stats and pops will be distributed among them, reaching a certain tech level or control of the planet will then bring you to the next part which is space exploratio/exploitation

Pops can be specialized over time or created from the start for a specialized purpose

Research actions will be a 1d100 added to research progress for each pop added of the research, adding specialized pops to Researches related to them will add additional dice, but Researcher pops will always provide the most

Materials gathering and Nourishment farming are mathematical values. A function of (#Pops Assigned x Flat Output x Unit Efficiency)*Resource Utilization Efficiency

For Example:
3 Farmer Drone Pops and 1 Standard pop are applied to Nourishment collection action, you have no buildings or techs that enhance your production or utilization thus your output would be . ((3*70*1.25)+(1*70*0.75))*0.75=236 Nourishment produced this turn

Military and Exploration will be explained in a different post.

The different Type of Pops are
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by General_Hatvenom on Feb 17, 2023 at 10:11 AM, finished with 1 posts and 0 votes.
No votes were able to be tallied!

There were no votes or posts, so I'm going to roll 2d4 to decide what happened and hopefully have more votes on future discussions.

Dice roll was for
[Origin] Something was sacrificed and now it has become we
[Species Type] atop our throne observing the drones as they worked
Insectoid Hive
General_Hatvenom threw 2 4-faced dice. Reason: Origin and Species Total: 5
3 3 2 2
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Hive mind Generation 2
[X] [Origin] Something was sacrificed and now it has become we

[X] [Species Type] atop our throne observing the drones as they worked


The death of the great tree of life was felt across the planet, the weight of its impact shook the planet and its burning leaves choked the sky for months. Every living thing on the planet of Zosma-C felt the burden of its death, but none more so then Hive Queen Zhirma. She was more aware now of her burden of leadership then ever before. Zhirma, currently in the spawning chambers, was awaiting the newest generation of drones, stronger then ever before and prepared to handle the burden given to her hive by the will of the great tree.

As the first batch of drones

[X][Reproduction] Hatched from their eggs

-Vulnerable Eggs can be destroyed, need birthing queen

+Can be stored, moved locations, hidden

[ ][Reproduction] Climbed from their spawning pools

-can not be moved after made, take a long time to make, intense resource requirements

+faster unit growth, can be left alone to produce

The Queen's mandibles clicked in relief and her mind washed over the drone's simple neural networks allowing her to direct them to their tasks around the basic hive structure. She had come far since awakening at the base of the great tree, but still so far left to go. Without the tree's mighty branches providing cover from the sky, many surface creatures had retreated into the tunnels created by the great tree's roots in search of safety from the harsh sun, her included. Her current home was rushed, made from

[X] [Structure type] whatever remaining branches and leaves she could gather from the great tree's corpse.

-Construction is based on harvested materials and tool-based crafting.

[ ] [Structure type] the waxy resin she choked up into crude walls.

-Construction is based on secretions from units and pops, food based.

With the first batch of drones awake and preparing their new home, she could now start to plan for their future.

A.N. Do people enjoy this kind of quest, if so would they like a ck2 style quest about conquering the planet before they reach the stars?

Vote by Task
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[x][Reproduction] Hatched from their eggs
[x] [Structure type] whatever remaining branches and leaves she could gather from the great tree's corpse.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by General_Hatvenom on Feb 19, 2023 at 12:52 AM, finished with 3 posts and 2 votes.

  • [x][Reproduction] Hatched from their eggs
    [x] [Structure type] whatever remaining branches and leaves she could gather from the great tree's corpse.
    [X] [Structure type] the waxy resin she choked up into crude walls.

Its a tie between structure types, random roll says type will be

[X] [Structure type] whatever remaining branches and leaves she could gather from the great tree's corpse.
General_Hatvenom threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Structure types Total: 1
1 1
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True, but if we could boil everythi by down into just a need for nutrients, would make breeding/supplying things easier.
Hive mind First Turn of the Sun
[X][Reproduction] Hatched from their eggs

[X] [Structure type] whatever remaining branches and leaves she could gather from the great tree's corpse.
Hive mind First Turn of the Sun

The Queen never slept, for she did not need to. Instead she became more aware as the day turned to night there were many tasks left to be done and so little time to do them. Thankfully she now had her loyal drones to pamper and care for her and her eggs and to go out and protect them from harm. She had spent the last fortnight laying as many eggs as she could in her royal chamber as her drones gathered whatever food and detritus they could.

A.N. A fortnight is 2 weeks of time and is the measure of a single turn in the early game.

This coming fortnight she would focus on her research and allow her drones to do all the hard work.

You Currently have 10 Standard Pops to spend on actions.


Food = 100/1000/40 (Current/Max/Usage per turn)

Materials = 1000/10000/ (Current/Max/Usage per turn)

Diplomacy Actions

[ ] Establish borders

[ ] Search for other sapient's

[ ] Are we the only hive?

Martial Actions

[ ] Gather food

[ ] Gather materials

[ ] Enforce borders

Stewardship Actions

[ ] Fortify the hive

[ ] Build a farm

[ ] Build a mine

[ ] Build a lumber camp

[ ] Organize materials

Intrigue Actions

[ ] Search through the Great Tree corpse

[ ] Scout surroundings

[ ] Secure the hive against intruders

Learning Actions

[ ] Research constructions methods

[ ] Research Tool making

[ ] Research Weapons

[ ] Research armor

[ ] Research analysis techniques

[ ] Research farming/herding techniques

[ ] Research better Research techniques

[ ] Develop lesser queens

A.N. Please do plan voting
[X] A Base
-[X] Establish borders
-[X] Gather food
-[X] Fortify the hive
-[X] Secure the hive against intruders
-[X] Research constructions methods
-[X] Build a farm
-[X] Search through the Great Tree corpse
-[X] Research analysis techniques
-[X] Scout surroundings
-[X] Build a lumber camp