Following an uneventful start to their mornings, those of the girls who are going to school set out on their journeys, arriving without incident.

Class 2A

The mood in class 2A is no different from how it was yesterday, everyone in class happily chatting away to themselves, spreading the same idle rumors that are the bread and butter of high school life; the main ones going around today are that there's going to be a history trip soon, and that Sakura and Kaoru were seen together near the ice cream bar after school yesterday.

As Yumi arrives, Eri shifts in her seat, glancing towards Yumi for a moment, before looking away again as Saki places a hand on Eris arm.

Mary arrives later, after Mr Nakazawa has begun going through attendance, and is met with an icy look from Class president Chiaki.

Class 2C

Class 2C's morning is as loud as it always is. Unlike most days, Nagisa isn't the sole source of the noise; much to the dismay of the people around her, Nanami has returned from her trip to the hospital, and is loudly bragging about "Highest quality care" and "Of course I wouldn't be gone for long"

Stuck sitting within earshot of Nanamis bragging, Minako very pointedly puts in earplugs, almost daring Nanami to say something about it. Yoshiko sits further away from Nanami, and seems to be very glad for that fact, as much as anyone can tell anyting from her perpetually deadpan expression.

Omihara Private school.

As Misaki arrives at class, everything seems just the same as it always has. Just another school day. As she takes her seat next to Claire, she notices something different; her neighbor seems somewhat tense today; she doesn't have her usual stack of textbooks with her, and keeps tapping on her Soul gem ring, sneaking glances out the window at the sunny morning sky.


Drifting aimlessly through the city, Emiko finds herself in the vicinity of Omihara as well, walking along the outside of the school pitches.[/COLOR]
Yuuko lounges in her desk, letting her gangly legs unwind under the seat in front of her. Tapping her pencil to her bottom lip, she surveys the classroom and its inhabitants.

Emiko's still gone. Shit, that's worrisome. What's she up to? Has she gone off the deep end? Is she gonna try an' find Misaki to finish what she start–no. No, don't make shit up. If Misaki's in trouble, she'll call me. An' Emiko doesn't even know where she goes to school. So there. Suck on that, anxiety!

Yuuko nibbles on her eraser, eyeing Nanami critically.

Ok, what the fuck is with this classroom and Utena cosplayers? Did I hear her name right? Nanami? Seriously? Oh god, we're in deep. We've reached a new level of cosplay dedication. I...I can't even be mad. That's just fuckin' impressive. Shine on, you crazy diamond.

Removing her pencil from her mouth, Yuuko frowns pensively.

The Peacekeepers are back. Aoi wanted to tear 'em down. I dunno if she was right to or not, but they're a threat, an' they're here. I think it's time to get better acquainted with these motherfuckers.

Glancing at Haruna, Yuuko winces in silent apology.

Forgive me, Haruna. Yer about to get caught up in my new technique: something I like to call the Demon King's Gambit.

Yuuko stretches, popping a couple of joints. She places her pencil upon her desk and looks serenely out the classroom window. Focusing her mind, Yuuko reaches out to every mind in the school, trawling for everyone linked into Kyubey's telepathic network. Then, with a psychic emanation subtle as a whisper, she insinuates a message into the margins of everyone else's consciousness:

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Misaki takes out her textbook and her notebook for the class in the morning, and looks around the classroom. Claire looks extremely skittish, and Misaki knows skittish. That's strange, though. Claire is super loyal to the Peacekeepers and as far as Misaki can tell has always been a model Enforcer. She shouldn't be in the doghouse with the Peacekeepers, and Misaki struggles to think of what other kind of a situation could make her act like that. It would be a lie to say Misaki's not curious, but it's not like she can just walk up and ask Claire what's wrong.

It's not like they're friends.

But now's not really the time to be thinking about things like this, so Misaki files this information away in her mind as information to consider later. After pushing all that out, Misaki scans through her notes from the previous school day. Despite the direction her life has taken since contracting, Misaki still feels school and studying are important. Misaki has to keep living like she's going to be living for a long time. She has to keep doing her homework and attending classes. There's a lot of life left to go yet. The sand in the hourglass is not running short. Misaki's future is important. ...Misaki has a future.

Misaki has to believe that. She has to think that way.

Class should be starting soon.
Mary slumps into her seat, not even recognizing the glare from class rep. School. Why am I here. I should be finding her, not wasting my time sitting in this desk. Accomplishing nothing.

She folds her arms up on her desk and slowly lays her head down onto them. Yuuko's obnoxious telepathy doesn't even get a reaction from her, other than a tightening of her fists and a wetness at the corner of her eyes. Stupid, idiotic moron.

Part of her wishes it was Yuuko that hadn't come back. Another part of her is horrified by that thought. She isn't even sure what to think about anything anymore.
As Yuuko sends out her telepathic pulse, in class 2A Eri and Saki give each other a look. In class 2C, Minako coughs, a spray of red coating her hand. Nagisa doesn't seem to stop in her rambling; it's hard to tell if she even noticed the message through whatever is normally passing through her mind. Yoshiko just turns and gives Yuuko a deadpan stare. And the classroom gets a little bit quieter for as Nanami's boasting pauses for a second or two.
She looks confused

Omihara Private School

Misakis morning preparations, and those of the rest of the classes, are all interrupted by a loud crack coming from outside.
As the class starts trying to find the source of the noise, Claire rises from her seat, scanning the room intently as she mutters to herself. "Not.... t now... Where...from"
Chalk clicks against the blackboard, scratching and skipping, punctuating the endless lecture."Now, if we divide by the cosine," says the teacher, smiling stupidly, much too cheerful for the morning, "we'll get the wingding of the hypotenoose, and then I'll be able to hang myself on it. Then this class will be over and I'll stop wasting your time with math nobody ever actually uses! It's a win-win."

Or something like that. It probably didn't happen that way, but Hirai Yui hasn't been paying attention to the lecture since it began five minutes ago. And even if it didn't, it might as well have. She peers down over crooked, ill-fitting glasses at her math notebook. Underneath the aimless swirls of ink she can spot a whole three equations. Four, if she gets really interpretive. If she tilts her head, maybe five, or maybe a tomato plant, talking with a frog that has a syringe poking out of its head, like a lumpy plastic tumor. The mental image makes her smile a big, toothy grin that looks too big for her face.

She should probably stop that. Wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea.

Class happens slowly after that, like a bad cramp. She scribbles more, spending the time scowling down into her notebook, occasionally brushing greasy black bangs out of her eyes. Sometimes she hears the teacher. Mostly she's off in more interesting places, like with that little frog with the syringe. She wonders what it would think about trigonometry. It'd probably tell her to do her homework.

Stupid frog.
If Haruna were to be perfectly honest with herself, she really didn't want to come to school today. Her classroom was as noisy as could be, but that made things easier to go unnoticed as her fellow students attentions were elsewhere, leaving her to her thoughts. But that was fine. She didn't want to talk to anyone. Not her classmates. Not even her friends really. Aoi was just gone and her group was in shambles. It made the prospect of going against the peacekeepers laughable. Her group was falling apart rapidly even without their influence.

Speaking of the peace keepers... Haruna gave them a dreary glance when she was sure they weren't looking.

She would have a job today. She wasn't particularly looking forward to it.

Haruna sighed tiredly. Just what exactly would they have her-


"Uh- w"


Did- Did she hear that right?

Haruna blinked, as the word registered clearly and she felt her face go increasingly hot.

Did Yuuko just say what she thought she just said?


Oh- O-Oh my-


'I- I- B-Beg your pardon???'

Haruna flushed. Her face heating up more and more.
Misaki flinches at the sudden sound, and her head quickly turns towards the window. The first thing Misaki notices is there are cracks everywhere in the windows. The second thing she notices is that there is also a giant crack in the wall.

Misaki's blood runs cold. The third thing Misaki notices is a shadow. She immediately recognizes the shadow as being in the shape of a person.

The decision is so obvious Misaki makes it automatically. Misaki jumps to her feet, knocking her desk and immaculately organized notes to the ground and immediately bolts to the door. She needs to be anywhere but here. Somewhere without windows, without a clear shot.

Misaki is extremely upset and unsettled that apparently someone is attacking a school in broad daylight.

The Peacekeepers won't stand for this.
"Why, want one?" Yumi's manages to inject a little strength into the rejoinder.
Oh shit. Yuuko can't tell if Yumi's angry or flirting; both prospects terrify her for completely different reasons.

'I- I- B-Beg your pardon???'

Haruna flushed. Her face heating up more and more.
Yuuko grimaces. She definitely should've warned her friends before pulling this stunt.

@Dirtnap @Firnagzen @Muramasa
"S-sorry guys," she says privately, "I'm gatherin' intel. I, uh, shoulda warned ya 'fore I started. But I'm gettin' results! Nothin' super-positive, but I found a new chick I've never seen before. I still gotta comfirm, though. Also...oshit, one sec."

Yuuko looks at Minako. Did she just...cough up blood?

"Y-yo, you ok? I didn't mean to...I mean, I
did, but I...Shit, you ain't allergic to penis jokes are ya?"
Takiwa High

With the register taken, there's one last announcement to be made before the morning classes begin; there'll be a history tour soon, exploring a number of sites of local significance, with a small report to be made afterwards.


"Huh? Nah, this is normal for me." Minako sends back to Yuuko, letting out a raspy giggle at the news about the field trip. "I don't think I'd even notice allergies at this point. Don't worry, it's not infectious. Well, the worst of it isn't."

Omihara Private School


Reaching the door, Misaki feels an unusual resistance to it as she tries to slide it open. Forcing the door open, Misaki finds a rapidly thickening curtain of vines covering the door from outside; through a rapidly narrowing gap, Misaki sees an unfamiliar girl standing on the other side of the curtain; a lanky brunette wearing a leafy leotard, bark bracings on her forearms. She's cradling an old fashioned looking rifle, and a pink soul gem sits in the centre of a flower placed over her heart.

Meanwhile, screams fill the classroom as the outside wall is torn away from the building, falling to the ground outside. Another girl flies into the gap, a short redhead wearing a baggy brown longcoat, the red oval of her soul gem set in a choker. As she flies into the classroom, black sand flies out from the sleeves of her coat, fusing into sharpened metal rods which the girl launches into the room. The spread of rods is aimed at Claire, but the attacking girl clearly cares nothing for finesse; the attack was only aimed in the general direction of Claire.

From her position at the door, Misaki sees the flash of light marking Claire transforming, the first of the stray rods striking the far wall of the classroom harmlessly... and the second stray rod heading right for her.

[Assign stats and refresh boosts now.]
[? Attacks Claire.]
[? attacks Misaki as secondary target. Roll defence vs 18 or take 3 damage.]


As Emiko ambles along the outside of the school playing fields, she sees a chunk of the school wall be ripped out of place, followed by screaming as a figure flies into the classroom-sized hole in the school. As the rubble lands on the playing fields, another figure starts running across the playing fields towards the hole, gathering momentum so for a jump that'll take them into the exposed classroom as well.
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Emiko grumbles as she throws a small bottle of bourbon across the ground, before it clatters and shatters against a brick wall. She stumbles, her hand lets out a bang against a dumpster, and she coughs. The alcohol burns her throat, then a bit of smoke hisses from her mouth as it burns in her throat.

And then the wall on the school explodes. Emiko stares in silent shock, her drunkenness vanishing as adrenaline and magic courses through her body. Then she grins a wicked grin, and a gun forms in her hand with a flicker of flame, before the rest of her costume comes into existence.

It was time to purge.
"M'kay, good, long as I ain't killin' anyone. 'Cuz, uh, shit." Yuuko thinks back at Minako. "Ok, stupid question, but have we met before? I coulda sworn I heard yer voice somewhere..."

@Muramasa @Dirtnap @Firnagzen
"False alarm guys. Thought someone was dyin' over here. Anyway I'm gonna keep doin' my scoutin'; see who's agreeable in our neck o' the woods. I can leave y'all out of it if none o' you wanna play the penis game."
Misaki doesn't like what she sees when she opens the door and sees a wall of vines and another magical girl in her way. It does tell her something, though. This attack isn't some impromptu thing. The target for this hit is clearly Claire, but sealing the doorway like this... it indicates a disregard for civilian casualties even deeper than just attacking a school would normally indicate.

As Misaki turns back to the classroom to evaluate the situation, she sees an errant metal rod flying towards her. She does her best to move out of the way, but it grazes the side of Misaki's face, and a small trail of blood begins to seep out. It's barely a wound worth noticing. But it confirms Misaki's suspicions. These two girls don't care if every single person in this room dies. ...They're killers. Like the Peacekeepers. But not exactly. Their disregard for collateral damage is different. And that difference only make them more dangerous.

Misaki can escape the room if she transforms. Misaki is fairly confident in that, and is about to follow through on that before a different idea comes to her. ...Maybe fleeing here is throwing away an opportunity. Misaki is not the Peacekeepers' favorite person right now. That is not a status that is very conducive to staying alive. If Misaki backs up Claire and bags these two for the bosses, maybe things will go back to normal with the Peacekeepers. If they're feeling especially generous, maybe it'll count for a seed or two. Either way, the reward is there. Misaki really needs to be Employee of the Month right now.

But two on two sounds like a fair fight. Misaki has no interest in a fair fight. Furthermore, Misaki's not a killer and suspects that Claire isn't either. So they would even be at a disadvantage. If she just charged in, the risks would definitely be unacceptably high. But they don't know Misaki is a magical girl yet. She can catch one of them by surprise, which could even the odds a bit. But Misaki's not in the market for even odds. There is a possible way to really tilt this in her favor, though. What these two girls are doing is so... beyond the pale that maybe if Misaki asks, the Peacekeepers will send backup for her. Maybe they have assets within the school Misaki is not aware of.

Misaki starts moving away from the door, slowly circling around to behind the magical girl in the classroom. Fuck. Once Misaki sends for help, she is officially a part of this fight. Whether she wants to or not. There's no use doubting now. This is right. Misaki needs a win right now, needs the Peacekeepers to stop freezing her out. Misaki takes a slow breath, and telepathies to the Peacekeepers...


"This is Misaki. I know this is a bad time, but this is urgent. My classroom is being attacked by two magical girls I don't recognize. They're targeting Claire but their attack isn't very precise. A lot of civilians are going to die. I am about to engage them. If you have anyone at or near Omihara Private School you can send, it would be a great help."

She should probably send something to Claire as well. She is the one in mortal danger right now. Misaki's not going to ask why these girls want Claire dead so badly. Honestly, Misaki doesn't care. Even if they have a really good reason, Misaki's path forward is set in stone now.

"Claire. This is Misaki. I'm not going to transform just yet. There's another magical girl through the doorway, but I think we should take down the one in the classroom first. I'm going to try to get behind her and take her by surprise. Try to keep me out of her field of vision."

Misaki feels fairly nervous as she continues circling behind her... opponent, now. It doesn't feel good, being locked into something dangerous that she'd rather not be doing. But Misaki is used to doing things she doesn't want to do by now.

She's an Enforcer. That's what Enforcers do.

[Misaki takes 1 damage (35/36), gains 2 Corruption. (5/127)]
[Misaki is attempting to move her way behind the Magical Girl in the classroom to hopefully next turn stab her in the back.]
"Actually, yeah," Yuuko replies. "An' it's bothering me. After Misaki dragged me away I used a Grief Seed, an' all that bad stuff just sorta vanished. Like, I haven't forgotten about it–about Aoi–but it's like, 'are you gonna sit there an' keep punishing yerself or are ya gonna do somethin' about it?' So I'm takin' action. Like, bold action. I'm gonna get her back, Bestgirl, or at least do her proud."

"But what's botherin' me is I don't think I woulda thought of any o' that if I didn't use that Grief Seed. So, like, we gotta keep our souls squeaky clean if we wanna–" Yuuko winces. She's been bombarding Yumi with all this info and didn't even ask how she's doing.

"Hold up. Are you OK? An' I'm kinda afraid to ask her myself but how's Mary doin'?"
"What, you don't recognise me?" Minako asks, some confusion in her mental tone. "Remember a couple days ago, your lot caused that snarl with the Misaki chick, then we showed up? Remember the one who looked like she got dragged out a grave? You're talking to -THE HELL?" Cutting off the link, Minako jerks forwards, glancing over at towards Nagisa and Yoshiko, who're both looking equally surprised. Well, Nagisa is. Yoshiko's still fairly deadpan, but she's still looking a little twitchier than usual, and they're all clearly having a talk between them.

It's the same story in Class 2A: Both Eri and Saki looked like they got a shock, before they started talking between themselves.

Omihara Private School

Claire transforms with a flash of light as the metal rods fly towards her, a loud CLANG coming from the flash as she does so. The light clears to reveal Claire in her transformed state, a set of plain, greek-styled white robes. Her soul gem rests in a small bracer on her right arm, the same shade red as her eyes. In her left hand, she carries a large, circular, brassy shield, which she's used to block the incoming attack.

Gold light flashes around Claires eyes as she stares coldly at the attacker. "You cannot hide your sins from me, murderer!" she calls, casting a hand towards the other girl, a sword of golden light forming in the air above the attackers head, its blade pointing down. "All things in life must be accounted for! Stand, and be judged!"

With that, Claire charges forwards, striking the other girl with a backhanded shield bash. As the other girl recoils, Claire casts her hand towards the door, a golden sigil inscribing itself in the floor by the vines. As the sigil forms, a chain flies up from its centre, filling the air with the scream of sirens as the fire alarm is set off. In response to the alarm, Mr Kazanagi stirs from where he'd taken cover, starting to escort the students nearest him out of the classroom through the door to the technicians room.

Meanwhile, the metal-wielding assailant has recovered from Claires strike, and fires a blast of black sand towards Claire; caught between protecting herself and protecting her classmates, she achieves neither; her shoulder gets stripped down to the muscle, and the pair of students also caught in the blast were blown against the wall, blood pooling around their unmoving bodies.

Meanwhile, the plant clad girl steps into the room, the vies blocking the door parting to allow her passage. As her foot brushes the sigil claire placed by the door earlier, golden chains spring up from the sigil ,wrapping around the girls body, and restricting her movements. As the girl struggles against her unexpected bonds, large flowers begin to bloom on the vines blocking the door, releasing a cloud of noxious purple spores into the air; the students who'd been taking cover by the door collapse, clawing at their throats, and Claire starts to cough up blood after inhaling some of the spores when she checked on her trap.

Claire seems to concentrate for a moment, glancing over at where Kana Hayashi cowers in the corner. After a moment or two, Kana seems to snap out of her panic, and runs towards the cloud, starting to drag the people closest to the cloud towards the technicians door on the other side of classroom.


Misaki receives a note of acknowledgement as the initial response to her message, which is shortly followed by a much more direct reply from Rina herself.

"Protect the civilians as best as you can. I am coming to deal with this myself, and will be arriving shortly."

This is followed by another message from Claire, sent just as Kana starts evacuating some of the students. "I've got their attention. Now's the best shot you'll get."

[Claire defends against attack.]
[Claire passes judgement on Metal. Claire places Wrath mark on Metal.]

[Round 2 begins ,assign boosts and allocate stats now.]
[Claire attacks Metal, dealing 9 damage. Reflector on self. ]
[Claire places binding trap.]
[Metal attacks Claire. Deals 5 damage. Takes 3 from reflector. Takes 7 damage from Wrathmark. Places hex on Claire.]
[Plant heals Metal for 1. Plant is caught by Claires binding trap. Is now bound. Plant summons toxic spores. Claire takes 6 damage and is now Bleeding. Misaki is currently unaffected as moved away from door.]

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Turn Stat Assignment:
Attack: Magic (10)
Defense: Fury (7)
Support: Heart (3)

Misaki flinches as she sees the bodies of two of her classmates slam against the classroom wall. She knows... knew their names. They weren't friends, of course. But there were there. They were a part of Misaki's life, if only as part of the background. And now they're dead. Misaki is a little surprised how upset she is. She was pretty sure how she was going to move forward with her attack even before this happened, but this only solidifies the idea.

She's going to throw everything at this bitch. Misaki's going to hit her with everything she has before she even knows Misaki is there. She's going to be big and intimidating and overwhelming and try to take one of them out of the fight immediately. Being an Enforcer, intimidation isn't unknown to her. Misaki finally finds herself in the perfect position when Rina sends to Misaki that she's coming herself. Suddenly the two attackers seem a lot less human to Misaki. They don't exist in any of Misaki's thoughts of what the future might bring. They're not going to get away and come back. This is the end of their story.

Claire then sends to Misaki that the girl killer obstacle that she's behind is as open as it will ever be. Misaki enters her stance, and then transforms in a flash of faint purple light. By the time transformation finishes, Misaki's attack has already begun, and she's already slipped into the mask of an Enforcer (both figuratively and literally).

There was absolutely no hope the girl could ever defend herself from this range. Misaki's glaive easily pierces through the longcoat girl's back and cuts all the way through her body.

After Misaki's polearm pierces through the enemy, a mass of shadow erupts from the tip and quickly forms into a copy of Misaki, weapon and and all, and immediately thrusts its own weapon through the enemy girl's front. After the shadow's attack hits, the shadow Misaki seems to melt into the weapon, and tendrils of black start oozing from out of the shadow weapon and coil their way around the murderer, until the weapon itself melts away into more bindings. The threads of darkness are everywhere around the girl in the longcoat. They most likely seal her fate. There's no way she can escape like this.

Misaki's not done yet, though. Misaki grabs the shoulder of the newly bound girl and forcibly spins her around. She'll probably take a hit for it, but moving the girl's vision away from Misaki's fleeing classmates is the only way she can think to follow Rina's orders. And if Rina gives you an order, you do it. Misaki's cold eyes gaze from behind her mask at the person that's not going to be around much longer. "One of you must have thought you were being very clever-" Misaki's punctuates her sentence by slapping the edge of her halberd across the longcoat girl's face, cutting from the side of her head to her mouth. "Why did nobody else think to kill their enemies by hitting their classroom?" Misaki quickly steps back and then immediately thrusts her weapon forward again, running the girl through one more time.

"It's because nobody else is that stupid."

[Misaki use Hamstring, uses shadow mimic, and then uses bonus action to attack again. All three attacks hit.]
[Misaki deals a total of 22 damage, and inflictss Bound on the girl in the longcoat.]
[Misaki gains a total of 11 corruption. (16/127)]
"I'm... managing," Yumi allows. She tries not to let the lump in her throat bother her. "I- I miss her, but I have to stay strong for Mary. She... she isn't holding up the best."

Yumi sighs quietly. "A-and yes, I- well. If we are our Soul Gems, t-then wouldn't it make sense if the... Grief would affect us?"
As Misaki lays into the metal-wielding girl, two more figures enter the classroom through the hole where the wall used to be. The first of them is a rapier wielding girl, wearing a pure white school uniform, with a feathery cape hanging over one shoulder, and a slight shimmer in the air around her.

"Jennifer!" she cries, as feathers fly around the metal clad girl, vanishing to reveal that the worst of her wounds have vanished.

Moments later, the second girl arrives. Unlike the feathered girl, Misaki recognises this one instantly. It's Emiko.


Arriving in the classroom, Emiko finds nothing but chaos; there's 5 other magical girls present, engaged in a fullscale brawl; there's the featherclad girl she chased into the room, who's just healed a redheaded girl who's wearing a long, baggy brown coat. That girl's currently struggling against shadowy bindings, and has a sword of golden light floating above her head. Vines block the doorway, with blooming flowers spewing a cloud of noxious spores into the air. There's another magical girl by the door, wearing a leafy leotard, who is currently held in place by a set of golden chains.

The students nearest the front of the classroom are being lead out of a small side door by the teacher, but there's already been casualties; there's a handful of bodies by the wall, slumped over in a pool of blood, and there's several motionless figures by the vine covered-door, with several of them clutching their throats. A purple haired girl is dragging some of the students away from the ever-growing spore cloud with surprising speed, and is seemingly unaffected by it herself as she takes them towards the front of the classroom.

Of the other two magical girls, one of them is Misaki, and the other is a tall, red-eyed blonde wearing white, toga-like robes, holding a brass shield in one hand. Gold light flashes around her eyes as she turns to look at the new arrivals, before calling out to Emiko. "You, the vigilante girl- assist us!"

[Feathers heals Jennifer (metal) twice for 14 healing total.]
Turn Stat Assignment:
Attack: Fury (9)
Defense: Heart (7)
Support: Magic (4)

Emiko glances at the toga-girl...then Misaki. She hisses, words indecipherable, before she scans the room. Stuck in the chains, probably the source of the spores, is a girl with an obvious plant theme.

And with that, Emiko knows what she's going to do. She twirls the revolver in her hand, fans the hammer, and jams it into the girl's face. Her eyes widen as Emiko's narrow, and she fires a single shot. The jaw is shattered as flames burst from the cheek, unhinge the lower half of her mouth and scorch the voicebox. The girl can't scream, but Emiko can see that she's welling up with tears.

Emiko turns wordlessly, arms spread, eyes scanning the room. She slams her hands against her chest. "Who fucking wants it?" She asks. "Who fucking wants some?!" She fires the same pistol at her temple, engulfing her body in flame as her eyes glow a deep, dark red. "Come at me, motherfuckers!"

[Emiko attacks Plant girl. Hit! Does 9 damage. Casts Reflection on self. +6 Corruption - Total 7/127]
Yuuko winces. "Sorry, sorry for ramblin'. I brain's goin' a mile a minute right now. I dunno how to apologize to Mary, 'sides cleaning up the mess I made an' getting Aoi back. There's just so much happening at once that–wait."

"That ain't yer name, bruh. The hell happened?"
Minako glances over at Yuuko, her eyes narrowing as she stares at Yuuko for a few seconds, looking the other girl over. "You really don't recognise me? I'd have thought the hair was a bit of a giveaway. But rotten armour, gas mask, loads of diseases? Was with Nagisa and the rest of us when we showed up couple days ago? Ring any bells?"

Minako pauses, and there's an edge to her voice that wasn't there before when she resumes speaking.
"And what happened isn't any of your business. Just three idiots from Kyoto doing something they won't get a chance to regret."

Omihara Private School

As Emiko and the feathered girl arrive, the toxic cloud continues to spread throughout the room, growing closer and closer to both Emiko and Misaki. As the cloud spreads, more students collapse, unable to escape; Kana has managed to evacuate another couple of the students, but there's only so much she can do, and it looks like the cloud is starting to affect her as well, if the blood running from her mouth is any indication.

Breaking free of the chains that were holding her, the plant-clad girl darts across the room, standing beside her feathered ally at the window, clearly communicating over telepathy. As she distances herself from Emiko, the vines at the doorway burst into motion, a pair of torso-sized hands reaching out to try and crush Emiko.

Meanwhile, the feathered girl strikes claire from behind, driving her rapier into Claires back. Claire responds with a shield bash of her own, but only manages to land a grazing blow, her strike seemingly turned aside mid-strike. Even so, a strike is a strike, and the sword hanging over Jennifers head begins to glow brighter as she struggles against the shadowy bonds holding her in place. She's almost broken free when a stream of foam hits her face, breaking her focus and foiling her escape attempt; Mr Kazanagi's picked up the fire extinguisher and is foaming the metal-wielder, giving a couple more students a chance to escape out the side door.

As the foam runs out, Jennifer clears the worst of the foam from her body, yelling with rage as she sweeps a stream of metal sand at chest height across the entire classroom; Misaki takes the brunt of the attack, but Emiko and Claire are both caught in its path as well; Claire manages to block the attack with her shield, but she's unable to prevent any of the collateral damage it inflicts. Mr Kazanagi managed to shove Misha the class president to the floor in time, but couldn't dodge it himself, leaving his barely recognisable body slumped on the floor by the side door. Kana almost got out of the way in time, taking a partial hit that sent her flying into the wall, blood streaming down the gaping wounds in her side. Leaving the person she was dragging behind, Kana bolts for the side door, pausing only to drag the shell-shocked Misha away from Mr Kazanagis body. There aren't any other deaths- most of the class is either already dead or has been evacuated, and anyone who's left is on the floor. The real damage caused by the strike was structural- the classroom's inner wall has been carved right through, including a load bearing pillar. Furthermore, the gas pipe and control box was hit, starting a series of small explosions throughout the classroom as the sparks from the metal sandblast ignite the now-leaking gas, starting a number of fires in and outside the classroom.

New combat round. Refresh boosts and assign stats now.
-Claire takes 2 damage from bleed.

-Spore cloud spreads. Emiko and Misaki, roll support DC 25 or suffer 6 damage and bleeding status.
-Claire attacks Feathers for 2 damage. Regenerates 4 hp. Reflector on self
-Mr Kazanagi stuns Metal (Jennifer) with fire extinguisher.
-Feathers attacks Claire. Deals 9 damage, takes 3 from reflector.
-Feathers heals her + allies for 5.
-Metal (Jennifer) Attacks Misaki. Roll defence vs 23 or take 21 damage. Metal takes 9 damage from AoN
-Emiko and Claire secondary targets of attack. Roll def vs 23 or take 10 damage.
-Claire defends vs secondary attack, wrathmark deals 6 damage to Metal.
-Hex does 1 damage to Claire.
-Plant removes bound.
-Plant attacks Emiko. Roll defence vs 26 or take 14 damage. Reflector will be placed on self if hits.

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Yuuko mentally rolls her eyes. She was wondering when the posturing would start.
"Chill, dude, I remember you. I'm just sayin', when you say, 'You're talking to THE HELL', it sounds like yer settin' me up for a manzai bit. An' while we both know the fastest way to an Osaka girl's heart is through a paper fan, it sounded like somethin' was wrong so I didn't drag it out, y'know?" A pause. "What I'm tryna say is, you clean up good when you ain't givin' off the whole Nurgle vibe. 'S'why I didn't recognize you at first."

"...Somehow," Yuuko echoes the sentiment. "Listen, I know you were gonna do this already but...keep an eye on Aoi's gem–on Aoi–for me, will you? I wanna know if it's getting darker, an' how fast. Gotta know how much time we got."

"An' please..."
Yuuko's eyes darken under her cap. "Keep Mary safe."