Just for a clarification, what Sophie did was a light trick. It's not invisibility per se, as anyone looking will be seeing a distorted, transparent image of them.

Think dark templars from StarCraft. When not detected they look like a subtle distortion moving across the field.
To the players and people who follow the game!

The mechanics post has been updated slightly, and now contains a summary of the Hospitaliers and how they operated. I also made short character sheets for Mr. and Mrs. Leclair.

Also something you players should note: if your characters have active and alive parents, then you're considered to be in control of them for most scenes to keep things running smoothly. For example, characters' parents saying hello their child after school and such can probably be handled by you without too much interference from me, at least if you're not going to dwell there for long. Should the need arise or something happen (like me deciding a scene with them is warranted), I will naturally step up as the GM.
Hopefully, the police won't be on Yvette and Sophie's tail, or at least the inexplicably pristine windows might distract them for a little bit.

Either way, Yvette's rather keen on getting that giant hole fixed before she leaves, confused onlookers be damned.
RexHeller's sheet - Jayashri
I know that it's pretty late but Ziz told me I could apply just in case and this looks cool and I really want to use this character at some point so... Some of you will recognize her as a rejected submission for Etchedsteel's PMMM RP. I've adjusted her a little bit.

- Name: Jayashri
- Age: Unknown (never learned to count.)
- Occupation: Drifter/Magical Girl mercenary. Former child soldier.

- Soul Gem color: Blue
- Soul Gem position: In her right eye socket.
- Wish: "I wish to be the wind. I wish to be free."
- Context of the Wish: Jayashri was never in control of own her life. She was always being forced to follow someone else's orders. When the incubator approached her She wished not only to be free of physical bonds that had been holding her at that moment but also to be free to control her own destiny as well. She wanted to go where she wanted to go, do what she wanted to do and become what she wanted to become. "Nobody can hold the wind in their hands. No one can tell a storm not to rage or a breeze to turn violent. The wind can go anywhere and no one can stop it. I want that. I want that freedom."

- Appareance: Jayashri is dark skinned, dark eyed, and dark haired. She's also tiny, barely reaching 4 feet. Combined with her childlike face and she looks very young and very cute, discounting her missing left eye. Untransformed her clothes could be charitably described as rags with a ragged eyepatch covering her missing eye. Her Magical Girl outfit is an Arabian-styled vest and pants. The vest is dark blue and hangs open with Jayashri's chest being covered by white wrappings. Her pants are a much lighter shade of blue. Around her waist is a black and blue sash. While transformed he Soul Gem takes the place of her missing eye.
- Personality: Jayashri is quiet, cold and practical. She's mistrusts others and dislikes interacting with other humans. However she is capable of working with others to accomplish her goals, but she never lets her guard down. She doesn't enjoy killing but she has become desensitized to violence, leaving her no problem with using violence as a solution to her problems.
- Backstory: Jayashri's story begins when a bomb drops on her home. Her earliest memory is desperately pulling on her fathers hand, trying to pull him out of the rubble that he was buried under. Jayashri was found and taken in by one of the roving war bands that filled her home land and turned into a child soldier. She didn't know why they were fighting or who they were fighting against. Like the other child soldiers that the war band had forcefully recruited she was given the worst jobs: charging enemy encampments, clearing landmines etc. Unlike the other children, who were quickly killed off and replaced even quicker, Jayashri survived despite the odds.

Her tenacity and skill were noticed by the adults of the war band and they decided to train her into an assassin. After all, no one expects the cute little war orphan crying on a street corner. Jayashri was trained to use knives and sniper rifles with deadly skill so that up close or far away she could always take out what ever target she was pointed at. And she was pointed at a lot of targets. The wars raged for years, never ceasing, and for years Jayashri was sent after targets to kill and not once did she fail. Until one day where she suffered a string of bad luck and was captured by enemy soldiers. They tortured her, taking out their anger on the famous child assassin who had claimed so many of their comrades live, and when they were done they finished by taking her eye. They locked her in a cell, threw away the key and left her to die. She would have died there if not for the intervention of a small alien creature offering her one wish.

Now Jayashri works as an assassin for Magical Girls. If you have the grief seeds, Jayashri will solve any problems you have. Permanently. With the collapse of the Hospitaliers and the resulting chaos Paris seemed like the perfect place to drum up some business.
Manic Dogma's sheet - Deirdre DuFort
Possibly pissing in the wind slightly given how many others stand waiting, but this is a fascinating looking RP, and I think I'd regret not at least tossing my hat in the ring after asking permission.

- Name: Deirdre DuFort
- Age: 15
- Occupation: High School Student

- Soul Gem color: Red
- Soul Gem position: Affixed to her forehead, on a tiara
- Wish: "I don't want to be alone anymore...I wish I'd stop hurting people!"
- Context of the Wish: Alone with Kyubey, as her parents move the family's things into her new house.

- Appearance:
- Personality: After her wish, Deirdre is something of a stumbling idiot socially, after so long pushing people away. Desperate loneliness drives most of her behaviour, but when calmed down a dry-witted, if temperamental and somewhat selfish, individual begins to take shape.
- Backstory: The DuForts were a young couple when they had their first, and only, child. The girl was relatively normal at first, if overly fussy, and over the first year or two of her life her parents were free to adjust to the child at her own pace. This did not last through toddlerhood.

At first, Deirdre seemed merely a very moody child, throwing things, prone to tantrums at the slightest provocation, but when she failed to get better at controlling herself as she grew older stress began to be a regular part of the DuFort's lives. Not helped by how fast and tall she grew, Deirdre would quickly fly into violent rages over even minor annoyances, frequently beating the object of her ire with whatever she had to hand if not restrained. Even her parents were not exceptions to this, and for all the tearful contrition she'd show when calmed down it would take years before she made any progress in learning restraint. Meditation, scented candles, even a period spent learning Tai Chi were tried, but in the end the only way she found any success was trying to predict if something would set her off and isolate herself preemptively. Eventually, she just stopped trying to be around people at all, bitterly lashing out at people who tried to approach and filling her time by reading and wandering the forests surrounding her rural home.

In desperation, her parents have finally managed to get in touch with an expert in child/teen pathologies, and have moved to Paris so Deirdre can receive regular treatment. Wracked with guilt over the collection of new bruises her parents have, she leaves them to move the family's belongings into the new house and shuffles away to explore.

Kyubey leaps upon the opportunity.

- Any other additional information you wish to add:
<> I'm not totally clear on the precise effects of her wish (assuming I'm even the one who decides what they are), but I'm imagining that rather than stopping her temper from spiralling out of control it just makes her incapable of actually expressing it. This will probably be enough to make her really happy. At first.
<> An only child. Mainly because her parents were hesitant to bring another child into a household with her in it. She knows.
<> Her parents love her, she's still their daughter, but there remains a niggling little sensation of relief in the back of their minds whenever she runs off.
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Yo @DrZiztah, I'm thinking of dropping from the game.

Can we figure out a way to get her to bow out without being disruptive? Fleur could attempt a solo witch-hunt way over her level or something and just never be heard from again.

Also, maybe you can see if any of the other 12 people who submitted characters still want in or not.
Yo @DrZiztah, I'm thinking of dropping from the game.

Can we figure out a way to get her to bow out without being disruptive? Fleur could attempt a solo witch-hunt way over her level or something and just never be heard from again.

Also, maybe you can see if any of the other 12 people who submitted characters still want in or not.
PM sent.
Alright, as of this post, @Krekian will be retiring her character from the RP. I will be handling Fleur as required, though as soon as the scene allows, I will be keeping her mostly to the sidelines like Mireille.

Thank you.
Following some developments, @Rook and @Kensai will be retiring their characters from the RP. Like previously, I will be putting Claudette and Arjana to the back of the RP as soon as the scene allows.

That is all, thank you.
Hello, is there any chance this is recruiting? If it is, there's still a good chance I won't join, but I'd like to know at the very least.