Project Eden - Defender of the Multiverse (Mass Effect Massive Crossover)

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A young Man bored and tired with life decides to fill out a CYOA for the first time having read a few stories based on a few. Little does he now filling out this random CYOA has consequences no one was expecting. Waking in a new world of horrors and science fiction what could possibly go wrong.
Bettendorf, Iowa
Project Eden - Defender of the Universe Multiverse

A young Man bored and tired with life decides to fill out a CYOA for the first time having read a few stories based on a few. Little does he now filling out this random CYOA has consequences no one was expecting. Waking in a new world of horrors and science fiction what could possibly go wrong.

I also Plan to Post this on SpaceBattles, and QuestionableQuesting.

Story Theme Song - Invincible (

Not quite an SI more an OC

Mature Rating: due to language, violence, etc., no lemons though there may be descriptions or mention of it happening later down the road.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Warning: I've been known to have spelling and grammar issues throughout any story I have written. I am working on improving my skills in writing. It has Greatly dropped since I Worked on Mythical Legends my online web novel. I'm currently working on improving but it will take some time.

Prologue: CYOA and Dreams

I was tired of it for years my life has been going down the drain. stuck with college debt over $100,000 and only getting worse. A full-time job with and income of $15 dollars an hour was not cutting it. Only able to afford food, gas and bills while staying at home while not working.

I can't get a pay raise at my current job even after working for over a year and a half for them now. Any job opportunities I applied for always say I'm either overqualified or underqualified for the position. Then when I finally manage to get job interviews they treat me like I'm not even there or laugh at me for going to college for computer graphics and interactive media.

The field held my main interests as I originally wanted to be a videogame designer growing up but learned that you need to be at the top of the field and have a large network of people. I could have been considered above average for the first part but networking wow did I fail. I had a few friends and plenty of people from college but no one I know that could get me a good job or position.

Connections from my school years before college… well there was none. I had probably had around 5 friends throughout all those years and was stuck at the bottom of the social barrel. I was the schoolyard punching bag in elementary so I was that kid you know the one that hides in the bushes near the dumpster, wore baggy clothes to hide all the bruises and other injuries I received in the process. The worst beating I received was when some kids took my own belt to me in the gym locker rooms.

No one would help me not even the teachers. They gym coach didn't even lift a finger until after he was suspended pay when my parents found out and went after the school. On average, I could be anywhere from a dosen feet away in front of them and they wouldn't do a thing as students would beat me until I was knocked out. They would just stand there and watch or look away when things got worse.

When I found one of the main reasons it was ignored was because the kid that lead the others was actually the son of a wealthy businessman, his uncle being a local police chief with a few cousins on the force. And he even had an aunt who was a local politician who even became mayor for a time and last I heard was planning to run for governor or something.

And the funny thing was that my mother was the doctor that most of them went to. With her being a doctor many would think that we would be rich or something which is far from the truth. Through my elementary through middle school we scraped by as she paid many loans from her many years of college. With the Loans, Bills and everything else we sometimes went days without food.

My clothes were torn or worn out growing up as we didn't have a lot of money growing up until some time in middle school when we eventually got more money and could be considered a middle class family.

Through it all my greatest support and Anchor was my childhood friend Eveline. She was there for me all through the years until the final year of High School when she for some reason she started to distance herself. Though we still kept in touch to some degree during college it didn't feel right how things turned out.

Then during college I made plenty of friends as compared to back home. College was my golden years if any could be considered it. I was happy going to classes learning the techniques of my field and even improving my skills with instruments going for a music minor. The only thing I never really did was go to parties that many went to besides campus events.

Though all things must come to an end after 4 years, graduating with a Bachelor's degree in CGIM and a music minor. It was hard moving on starting my job search. But in the end I was stuck with multiple part-time jobs working more than 70 hours a week 7 days a week.

I could not understand why I was stuck in an endless cycle of job searching never getting anywhere. Through it all slowly what remained of my confidence chipped away leaving me just… tired of it all.
Eventually I got my current full time job though I had to low ball my desired income to even get the position. Working as a Technical Publicist on mining dump trucks parts books was fun at first but grew tiring and repetitive. It was a job that I needed and had far better hours then I worked before even giving me weekends off and benefits unlike what I had before.

I started to feel like things were turning around for me. Though when I got my invite for my High School reunion I didn't know what to think. For one thing I had hoped to reconnect with Eveline. But on the other hand I would be seeing those who tormented me my entire life. But in the end I decided to go.

I arrived a bit early heading in. Waiting there quietly a greated a few of those I recognized as they came in. after a half hour I finally spotted Eveline smiling I went to great her I froze for a moment seeing her bright smile… and the obvious signs of pregnancy.

"Adam its so good to see you!" she said happily pulling me into a hug.

"It's good to see you to Eveline. And congratulations." I said with stressed but happy greetings.

She looked down with a sad yet happy smile, "Thank you Adam."

We stood there awkwardly for a moment before she spoke up spotting a man walk up to us, "Oh this is my husband, You remember Richard."

I froze in with dread and horror as he kissed Eveline, "Of course… Richard." How could I forget the man who tortured me, beat me and made my life a living hell for years. What I couldn't comprehend was how she married the man she hated and who broke her arm at on point, let alone the time he locked her in a janitor's closet…

Richard turned to me while asking Eveline, "Eveline dear whos this?"

Eveline could not meet our eyes looking down nervously, "You remember Adam... Dear."

Richard froze for a moment before he began to snear, "Ah your old piece of shit friend. I thought he would already be six feet under. But he obviously didn't get the memo."

I couldn't say anything while Eveline looked on in shock.

When Richard turned to her a look of fear crossed her face before she looked down, "Eveline dear could you get us a drink."

She began to sadly walk away, "Yes Dear."

Richard then forcly grabbed my arm and dragged me to the side of the room. He gave me a look before shaking his head, "I thought my lessons were made clear you are not wanted here. You should never have come back to town."

I shook my head in irritation not wanting to be anywhere near him, "That's kind of hard as I still live here and so does my family."

Richard looked down as my left hand, "Your not married obviously so you are probably living with your family as your a rotten good for nothing."

I didn't respond just glaring back at him.

"Ha I was right. But as you decided to come here let me give you another lesson." He punched me in the face making me turn to the side for a moment with a taste of iron in my mouth.

Looking around for a moment I eventually turned back to Richard while everyone around us ignored us besides some of Richards old friends head our way.

"Adam no one wants you here…" he began to smile for a moment spotting Eveline heading our way. "I don't want you anywhere near my wife and after tonight I'll have a restraining order written up so unless you want jail time… Leave and never come back."

I looked over to Eveline for a moment only for Richard to move and block my view, "I suggest you leave."

I sighed with irritation and growing sadness, "I'd rather not as I'm here for the reunion just like everyone else."

A large man I recognised as richards friend and a professional football player grabbed my shoulder, "He said to leave and I suggest you listen unless you want a beating."

Richard laughed, "more likely to end up in jail."

I looked down a moment knowing it was time to go. I then turned to Eveline who had just rejoined us, "Eveline It was good to see yo…"

Richard punched me again sending me to the floor, "YOU are not to talk to her again." he turned to his two friends standing behind me, "Boys if you could take out the trash."

I started to get up now pissed but I new I couldn't touch him. As I turned away I could see Eveline crying while trying to stay out of Richards sight. Still Richard noticed.

"You made my wife cry. Boys ruff him up a bit before you let him go." Richard said as the football player and the other guy grabbed me and dragged me towards to door.

I tried to get out of their grip but nothing worked. Once we were out the door the football player shoved me towards the parking lot. Looking back after stumbling I cringed as the second man was already swinging his arm to punch me in the gut. I closed my eyes expecting pain but nothing happened. Slowly opening my eyes I spotted the football players hand holding the others arm back.

"What are you doing?!" the man questioned his friend in shock.

The Football player shook his head, "That's enough just let him go."

The other man stared at him for a moment before nodding and stepping back.

The Football player turned to me, "I'm sorry but you need to go."

I could only nod before I headed for my car. Looking back they were still watching me making sure I left.

Once at the car I got in and sat there for a moment resing my head on the steering wheel. After a moment I started up the car and drove back for home.

Getting back to the house I got changed and cleaned myself up a bit. I laid there on my bed for a bit before pulling out my lap top to distract myself. Reading a few updated stories before I came across one that mentioned a CYOA again. I never really paid much attention to it before so I began to search for CYOA's before I came across one Titled Defender of the Universe.

(Used a combination of each version 1.0, 1.4, 1.6, 2.0)

What Makes YOU Special:

Playable Races:





Ship Class/Style/Traits:


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Prologue Part 2

Unique Rewards:

Reading through it I decided to fill out my own character. Looking through it I had noticed many fictional universes I could recognize. Mass Effect and Prey were the most prominent of those that I could see.

Filled out CYOA

Defender of the Universe CYOA
Total Points: 80
What Makes You Special:
YOUAll non-restricted abilities cost 1 point less, to a minimum of 1 point (Unlocked all 'You' Restrictions)Main 1 FreeExperimental augmentations
YOUR TEAM3 Non-Restricted Companions of your Choice are Free, Your Crew Quarters Can Fit 2 Additional Companions (All 'Team" Restricion Options are unlocked)Added by Chosen Onerescued and recruited team members be they originals or clones
YOUR ARMORPower Armor is Free, Mec is Half price. You get 8 Extra Points to be Spent in the Armor Section (All 'Armor' Restrictions are Unlocked)Added by Chosen OneExperimental armor
YOUR SHIPAll Ship Class Costs are cut in half, 2 non-restricted Ship Traits of your Choice are free (Includes Upgraded Trait) (All 'Ship' Options are Unlocked)Added by Chosen OneExperimental Ship

AsariGain Beautiful for Free, Gain Psionics for FreeNo CostLong Life Span, favorite blue alien space babes

Hello, Ladies...Beautiful, Powerful Woman Flock to You like Moths to a flame. (All Female Teammates cost 1 point less down to a minimum of 1 point) This Includes all restricted teammates.1 DrawbackBoon from preference
The Chosen One (X3)Crazy Shit just seems to happen to you, like, repeatedly. (You can Select another Option from the "What Makes You Special" Section (This may be taken more than once)2 Drawbacks (6)more rewards and abilities at the greater cost
Anonymous BenefactorYou've gained an anonymous backer, who seems to know nearly everything about you, and appreciates your deeds.He Provides you with Material Support, and can lean on the right people to do so when he can't personally get you something. (Your 6 Most Expensive, Non-Restricted Abilities, Armor Traits, Ship Traits, and Weapons are Each reduced to 1 point) (You get one non-restricted ability, Armor, Trait, Weapon, Ship Trait, and Companion for free)2 DrawbacksAlways good to know someone gots your back
ModdableModdableThanks to a rare genetic quirk, your body can adapt to cybernetic augmentations and Neur0mods much better than normal. there is next to no chance of rejection. (the price of neuromods is reduced to 1 point. Cybernetics are free. Hidden Weapons and Cyborg Cost 1 Point less Each, down to a minimum of 1 point.)1 DrawbackExperiments
Cost 10 Drawbacks

SuperstarMost people recognize you almost instantly. I you get spotted outside by a fan, your location will bel plastered all over social media, making stealth and undercover missions much harder. If you get seen with a teammate more than once, this ill also apply to them. Expect some fans to be rather aggressive with their attention.Add 1 DrawbackAlways wondered what it would be like and they always get the girls
Vigilantein the eyes of some governments, you are a vigilante. News companies frequently post slander about you, and while the majority of people may not believe this, there are many who do. Don't Expect a lot of gratitude or cooperation from law enforcement.Add 1 DrawbackLol super hero
Nemesis (X5)Back before you became a Defender, you had a Semi-friendly rival throughout school. Now that you've become famous and powerful, that rival despises you. They will turn others against you, and may even try to corrupt your own crew. They will Stay within the bounds of the law when hassling you, until they're sure no one is looking...add 2 Drawbacks (10)Other Jumpers
NightmaresSomething that you did or experienced in your past still haunts you today. At Least twice a week, you get a horrifying nightmare about that event, and wake up sweating and screaming.Add 1 Drawbackforced experimanetal Procediers, Tests, augmentations, and Torture
WantedThere are quite a few groups out there who covet your power. Thankfully, some are smart enough to stay away, but some aren't. Expect an assassin or groups of thugs every other week, and they don't care about collateral damage.Add 1 Drawbackthose whose attention is drawn by actions and abilities
JinxedThings just go wrong around you. Coffee pots frequently break or explode, you lose your keys, pens, and food that you set down. Personal Electronics malfunction and lag, and you're prone to tripping over nothing.Add 1 DrawbackI'm used to it
SabotageA Teammate of your choice will sabotage your ship, weapons and armor. if you have Nemesis, they Coerced or blackmailed them into doing i. it's your choice if you accept them back into your crew, but expect a loss of trust from the other teammates if you do. (can't be taken together with synergy)Add 1 DrawbackWell makes things more interesting
Remove Cost 10 Drawbacks, Add 24 Pts
Total Points 104(8 Points added only for Armor)
all cost dropped 1 point, 6 Most expensive none restricted abilities reduced to 1 point

BeautifulYour Outstanding physical appearance turns heads everywhere you go. Even People of other species are usually attracted to you.FreeRace
PsionicsYou can telekinetically lift and move heavy objects. You can also form a psychic link through physical contact, allowing you to share memories with a person, and you can generate psionic barriers that protect you or others against attacks.FreeRace, Helpful, great power set
CyberneticsOne of your limbs has been replaced with cybernetic Prosthetic. this Mechanical limb can exert twice as much force as a biological one. However, these Augmentations need to be repaired regularly, and you can't become any stronger through training. (This Trait can be taken up to 4 times)Free, 1Benefactor, Both arms replaced. So many options
Peak FitnessYour Strength, speed and lifespan are boosted to your race's maximum. You could jog for dozens of kilometers without a break. You are the best your species has to offer.FreeBenefactor, needed for supersoldier
PrecisionBoth you and your hands are always steady and precise. This makes you a far better shot, and it's easier to perform surgery or sautering. With Psionics, you can carefully move delicate objects, unlock doors, and even snap bones from a distance.1Needed for supersoldier
Super SoldierYou are strong enough to lift a skycar, can outrun a horse, and heal much faster than any normal person. You are in expert Marksman, your skin is tougher, and your reflexes are faster. if you lose a limb or an organ, it will slowly regrow or repair. (Can not be taken together with Cyborg)(Requires: Peak Fitness, Precision)5Experiments, Upgrade, Enhancements
Hidden WeaponsFor each cybernetic limb you have, you can hide one of the following retractable weapons in it: a Pistol, a nanoblade, a short-range flamethrower, or a dart gun. (Requires: Cybernetics)1Always need a back up and it sounds cool
Enhanced SensesCybernetic eyes and ears boost your vision and hearing. You can now see in complete darkness, and your eyes can pick out minute details from great distances. You could hear a pin drop in a crowded room. your reaction time is reduced as well.1Better then whats natural and improves super soldier
Tech SkillsYou are naturally Skilled with all kinds of technology. You're an expert hacker, you have advanced knowledge in and experience with engineering, and you're more skilled with energy weapons.1It's a scifi world with cool things who wouldn't want this skill
IntelligenceYou're a natural genius. In human terms, you have an IQ around 150, and you have photographic memory. You are also naturally inventive, and have a talent for theoretical physics and advanced mathematics.1Helpful and who wouldn't want to be smart
CreativeYou are known for your ability to think on your feet, and come up with unusual, but effective solutions to difficult problems. you are also creative in the cultural sense, and are adept at playing an instrument, painting, or another form of artistic expression of your choice.1I'm creative if artistically
ImmuneThanks to genetic engineering, you heal 30% faster than normal people, and your immune system is much tougher. You also have no genetic or birth defects. (Can not be taken by Quarians.)1Perfect hate getting sick and the benefits
EnduranceYou can go for weeks without food, and for days without water, without any adverse effects. you can maintain your body over long times with reduced or poor-quality food intake, and only need to sleep for 4 to 5 hours each day.1nice
Psionic EnhancementYour Psionics can now boost your running speed to superhuman levels, and you can jump twice as far and high. you can use your psionics to heal yourself or others. (Requires: Psionics, Provides: Elementalism)1Unlimited Power!!!
ElementalismThrough either tech or Psionics, you can heat up or cool down objects through touch, generate small to medium sized flames, create balls of ice, and generate the same amount of electricity as a taser.(Free Psionic Enhancement)fire!!!
Super HumanYou are strong enough to lift a skycar, can outrun a horse, and heal much faster than any normal person. You are an expert marksman, your skin is tougher, and your reflexes are faster. If you lose a lim or an organ, it will slowly regrow or repair. (Can not be taken together with: Cyborg. Requires: Peak Fitness, Precision.)5Who wouldn't want to be super human and it improves super soldier
PilotingYou graduated with top marks from your race's best piloting academy. You are an expert pilot with every manner of space- and aircraft.1Flying space ships!!!
Mental FortitudeIt takes a lot to truly rattle you. You won't break after extended interrogation, and always keep a cool head even in the most extreme of circumstances.1Don't want to panic or break
BelovedYou are naturally charismatic, and people enjoy your presence. Also, you're somewhat of an intergalactic celebrity. But you're more than just popular, you're inspiring. People are much more likely to help or assist you. Your team is more loyal to you now.1Better then being an outcast
DiplomaticYou are an expert negotiator. You could talk your way out of or through a hostage situation a kidnapping, or a business deal. You could be an amazing politician, and perhaps you were one at one point.1The Benefits
104 - 24 = 80 points

Armor Type:
Space SuitKevlar suit with ceramic armor, has mag boots. Light and fast. Has a magnetic clamp on each arm and leg, and two on the back for your weapons. Has communication systems in the helmet. You can have the space suit and one other suit. if you have another suit beside the space suit you can choose which of its traits to integrate into the Space Suit for free (You don't have to by traits twice if you want them on both Suits.) (Traits Max 5)Free/StarterNeeded and free
Power ArmorHeavy combat suit, made of titanium-based alloy, vacuum-sealed. 15cm taller than you. very strong. Needs to be recharged after 6 hours of use. Has magnetic clamps for large weapons and internal compartments for small weapons. (Trait Max 10)(Free Your Armor)Super soldier
Mech4 M tall armored battlemech. Slow, big, durable, and can demolish buildings by walking through them. Needs to be recharged after 3 hours of use. Has internal compartments for your weapons, can not be used in some confined spaces. (Gain Firepower and utility drones for free.)(Trait Max 15)6BIG ROBOT!!!
74 Pts left
all cost dropped 1 point, 6 Most expensive none restricted abilities reduced to 1 point

Armor Traits:
74 +8+ 1 free
Fire PowerFree
Utility DronesFree
Super SuitYour Armor's Strength is boosted to the point where you could lift a small starship by yourself, and your built-in weapons are now strong enough to rival main battle tanks. your suit is built out of hypermatter, making it extremely durable, and it repairs itself over time. (Requires: Powered armor or mech, Provides: Enhanced Servos, Enhanced Shell, and Firepower)(Free)
Enhanced ServosFree
Enhanced ShellFree
Quantum Link7
Cyberwarfare suiteFree
Advanced Flight8
Jump JetsFree



Dr. Armor​

Energy Systems​
Energy Shields1
Smart Armor1
Elemental Gauntlets
Kinetic Gauntlets​
Psionic Amplifier
82-25=57 Points

1 free weapon​
all cost dropped 1 point, 6 Most expensive none restricted abilities reduced to 1 point

Hard Light BladeFree
Railvolver (2)2
Particle Beam Rifle1
Panther Shotgun(Geth Shotgun)1
57-4=53 Points
all cost dropped 1 point, 6 Most expensive none restricted abilities reduced to 1 point
3 free ship traits

Ship Class:
(light) Cruiser6Head Size 200 to 300 Meters
47 Points

Ship Style:
ELF2Influenced by multiple styles
45 point

Main Weapons:
Particle Beam Cannon2Best Choice besides plasma
43 points

Ship Traits:
1.) Sensor ArrayFreeShip Style
Cyberwarfare SuiteFreeProvided/Combinedwith Deus Ex Machina, Ship Style
2.) Shields(Energy)(layered)Free, 1Ship Style
3.) Medical Bay1
4.) (Upgraded) Defences(Free)
5.) (Upgraded) Security(Free)
6.) (Upgraded) Armory(Free)
7.) (Upgraded) Stealth1
8.) Deus Ex Machina9
(AI)(free)Provided/Combined with Deus Ex Machina
9.) Superluminal5
(Upgraded) Engines(Free)Provided/Combined with Superluminal
10.) Hypernought9
(Upgraded) Hull Armor(Free)Provided/Combined with Hypernought
Built To Last(Free)
Provided/Combined with Hypernought​
Provided/Combined with Hypernought(Should be)​
11.) Energy Systems1
12.) Hanger Bay1
13.) Research LAB1
14.) Dedicated Uplink1
15.) Life Support1
Cockpit/Command BridgenoneAutomatic and increases with ship size
Taining FacilitiesNoneCan convert section of Hanger if needed
Crew QuartersNoneAutomatic and increases number with ship Size
Recreational RoomsNoneCombined with mess hall or converted empty crew quarters
Observation DecksNoneNot needed on a Warship
Hydroponics GardenNoneNot Needed or could convert another room or section of Hager bay, even storage
Storage Bay/s/roomsNoneAutomatic and increases number with ship Size
FightersNoneCan Get Later, Have Hanger
DropshipsNoneCan Get Later, Have Hanger
APCsNoneCan Get Later, Have Hanger
TanksNoneCan Get Later, Have Hanger
Utility DronesNoneCan Get Later, Have Hanger, Storage
Grav-TechNoneNot Needed most of time
LuxuryNoneNot needed on a Warship
13 Points Left
4 free Companions
Female Companions cost 1 point less
EVEFreeShip AI (EDI Variation)
RevaFreeAsari Fighter
Kay'Vorah Vas EndeavourFreeQuarian Field Engineer
Dr. Morgan Yu1Top Researcher
Sky Tulach1Freedom fighter/Rebeal
Faezi Parev1Liara's employee/Spy/Baby Siter
Refa'Xamin Vas Guyya1Quarian Top Ship Engineer
Julea Victolus1Turian Soldier/Engineer
13-5=8 points
Neuromods reduced to 1 point
CASIE1Increase Communication skills and romance
Polyglot1Increase Communication skills
Memory Booster1Better short and Long term Memory
Spatial Cognition Enhancer1Mapping and Environment Memorization
Optimized Metabolism1Eat anything and wont get fat
Pain Suppressor1can push through the pain in and out of combat
Atmospheric Tolerance1Better to survive severe Temperature
Oygen Capacity Boost110X the length of an average breath!!!
Typhon DetectionNONEPsychoscope Incorporated Enhanced Senses
8-8=0 Points

I started getting tired towards the end so I finished up as much as I could before going to sleep. Laying down I thought about what things would be like if I could Live a life in a fictional universe like the Cyoa or other works of fiction.

My dreams were weird…

I was little again but I lived with a blue woman no its an Asari she felt familiar…

Mother that's who she was… Oh and I get to meet father today…

Mother and I were on the run from another Asari... a Specter.. Who was Tela Vasir Again?!

I didn't know my mother was a Human WOMAN!!! Shepard… Jane Shepard… its so familiar…

I got to go on a spaceShip… EDI is easy to say… Joker but you don't have a clown face or green hair?!

Mom and Dad are down on a mission with Aunty Tali… I got to hang out with uncle Garus!

Dad keeps telling me to call her mom but thats silly! mom is mom… dad is dad…

Dad, Aunt Tali, and uncle Garus have to go on a big mission… I miss them…

Mom keeps being called Shadow broker… this is all familiar… Headache…

Dads back!!! FUN! Mister Hackett took dad away for another mission…

Mom drops me off with Dad… Mom went to mars… Dads so fun… What's a reaper?!

Dad took me with her when mister Anderson came… Who's Ashlie???

Cuttlefish came out of the sky are they cuddly… I don't like explosions…

Cuttlefish released monsters… Hi mister cthulhu…
Exploding ship are they ok… oh sliding WEEEEEEE!!! Ouch…

Ah monsters eating people!!! Dad hide me while she and mister Anderson fought monsters…

Bye bye mister Anderson… We're going to get Mom! Yeah!!!

Dad kept me in her room while she went to get mom… I got to play with EDI again…

Mom's Back! Why is miss Ashlie hurt?! Sleepy…

The Citadel is Huge!!! Dad had to go see the Citadel Council…

Off to Palavin? What's Palavin… Uncle Garus is back!

Eden Prime??? Javik why do you have 4 eyes?! are you a bad Batarian? Cool a living prothean…

Grissom Academy? Aunty Jacky... Scary!!!

Why are we at Citadel?! Grandpa Aethyta!!! miss Ashlie is better...

Meeting on the ship?! Sur'kesh is it tasty?!

Hide and seak... oh ship models...

Wheres Tuchanka... Bomb? Platoon?

Rachni Queen??? Uncle Grunt?!

Whats a Shroud? Krogen are happy uncle Rex!!!

Cerberus on Citadel?! Bad Cerberus... miss Ashile is ok?! YEAH!!!

Dads going with miss Aria? Mom whats Omega…

Whats the Perseus Veil?! Aunty Tali!!!

Big Geth ship... Who's Admiral Koris? Geth Servers?!?!

REAPER!!! Geth and Quarians are Friends!!!

Thessia moms home!!! Prothean VI?! Home lost...

Cerberus Scientists... Hello Mr. Jacob...

Horizon?! Cerberus trap!!! Hi miss Miranda...

Who's Dr. Bryson? Leviathan?! Dad went diving I want to go…

Shore Leave?! 2 Dads?! a Tooth Brush Saved the Day!!!

Armax Arsenal Arena... Go DAD!!! oh an Arcade!!!

Cerberus Headquarters... Mom and Dad make up... Illusive man's not home?!

Citadel moved!!! Heading for Earth... Retrieved hurt Dad...

Exploding Citadel!!! Exploding Relays?! We're Lost?!

Lost in Space… I'm 8 years old now!!! Play Hide and go seek because bad men…

Bad men took us to a mars… They took Mom, Dad and the others away…

What's with all the needles!!! It hurts!!! Mom Dad where are you?!

Training?! Experiments?! How long has it been?

Augmentations?! Missions?! Mom Dad I found you!!!

No I don't want to go to sleep…

I woke up in shock finding myself in a tank filled with liquid. I began to panic finding a tube running down my throat the liquid stinging my eyes. Banging against the the tank it began to crack… after a moment the walls began to give with the Liquid pouring out all over the metal floors.

Once the tank was empty enough I began pulling the tube out. Immediately after I threw up some of the fluid. Coughing and hacking I looked around freezing as I saw my reflection in the glass.

My face was blue… there was tentacles no a crest. I slowly looked down freezing as I had the body of a woman no an Asari. That's when I noticed that my arms didn't match the color of my blue skin.

I began to hyperventilate as I lifted my obviously Black mechanical/synthetic arms. Closing my eyes, I tried to calm myself.

"I am a man… A human man… no my voice is a woman's voice oh God!!!" I began to freak out again… wait who was I?! Adam no that not right… Ashara no yes… Who am I!!!

"I remember being Adam… but I'm Ashara and these dreams no memories! I'm Liara and Jane Shepard's Daughter!" Trying to calm myself some more I looked around while carefully stepping out of the tank.

I found myself in some kind of Lab like room with a few desks, monitors, and holographic displays. Taking a closer look they were obviously projections of me with medical details.

"What's going on where am I?"

The projection rapidly shifted to a Holographic man in a suit, "Sorry for the rough wake up call Alpha-01."

I took a step back in surprise, "Who are you? Where am I?!"

The man sighed, "I am Adam the Artificial Intelligence for this Facility. You are in the Union Aerospace Corporation(UAC) Main facility for Project Eden on Mars."

I stood their shocked at being on mars for the first… no second time oh these memories. I rubbed my head, "Why am I here where is my family?!"

Adam sighed, "Project Eden after finding an old device in ruins here on mars. It was used to create a teleporter and Dimensional portals. After tests U.A.C. took it upon ourselves to uplift humanity for a better future. But as is humanity's way greed and corruption was prevalent throughout the organization from the start. After a few runs or raids if you will you and the crew of the Normandy where taken as part of the project..."

I froze, "Union Aerospace Corporation as in DOOM the game?!"

Adam shook his head as if distracted for a moment, "Sorry I don't have time for a long explanation there have been multiple accidents and breaches in the last few hours. But to answer that yes from what we've learned on prime Earth our universe could be considered this doom Verse."

We stopped as a siren went off before Adam turned to me again, "We don't have time for this right now you need to move we have a Necromorph outbreak and the Typhon have just broken containment in the panic."

I shook my head in panic and fear, "Not just Doom but Dead Space and Prey! What kind of nightmare have I woken in."

Adam spoke up drawing my Attention, "We don't have a lot of time we need to get you moving and you should probably get dressed first."

I looked down and blushed, "Don't look! And where is something I could wear?"

Adam laughed for a moment, "There is a nanosuit and rig in your locker over against the wall." he pointed in a direction where a locker had a green light switch on.

I quickly walked over spotting a black bodysuit, "That looks like the Crysis Nanosuit if a bit slimed down and feminin."

Adam nodded when I looked over, "yes this suit is a replication of the Nanosuit incorporating a number of other technologies. Sadly Prophet died during the original suit's extraction process."

I froze in the process of putting on my suit from the memories of Ashara living in the facility, "why never mind. Which version was it?"

I finished putting on my suit as he answered, "It was the CryNet Nanosuit 2.0 from the suits memory. Now that you're dressed there is a pistol over in the drawer over their."

I nodded as fumbled and activated the Rig(Dead Space) on my back before heading over. Searching through the Drawers I pulled out a heavy pistol, though it was far to light from the guns I could remember.

I turned back to Adam, "I need to get to my family."

Adam shook his head negatively, " there are a few things that you need to do first that are more important."

I growled stepping forward, "What's more important than saving my family?!"

Adan paused for a moment, "Some VIP's have just been released from Stasis and are being escorted by U.A.C. Personel. I need you to retrieve them."

I shook my head, " and why should I trust you? You just said you where the U.A.C.s AI for this facility."

He looked down for a moment, "I am what is considered an uploaded intelligence. I was one of a handful of people they forcibly retrieved from what we consider to be prime earth."

I froze at the horror of that knowledge, "I'm sorry."

Adam shook his head, "Don't worry about it right now we need to get you and everyone else they've taken out of here."

I nodded before heading to the door, "Is there an armory somewhere nearby or do I need to get these VIP's first?"

Adam spoke up from behind me, "No time to reach the closest armory you need to get to the VIP's."

I looked back as Asharas Memories continued to settle in and remembered some of the facilities layout and my training, "By the way, who are these VIP's?"

Adam smiled, "They are Isaac Clarke, Ellie Langford, John Carver, and Dr. Morgan Yu."
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Is it possible to put the CYOA stuff in spoilers? Its a very long scroll through, and honestly not really interested in all the possible choices and more interested in the MC's choices
You should probably put the CYOA in a spoiler box, it's a bit of a pain to load otherwise, and my computer is by no means a slow one^-^
Ashara's Armor
Nano Undersuit/Body Suit:
(Based on/Stollen from:
Crysis Nano Suit 2.0 - Crysis 2 or 3 timeline
Dead Space 2 or 3 Timeline
Mass effect - after 3 before andromeda)
CryFibril- is one of the most complex and advanced components of the Nanosuit, giving the wearer unsurpassed physical performance and protection on the battlefield when compared to other artificial muscle systems. It also functions as a medium for the nanosuit modal functions such as the cloak ability.

With it, the operator could run faster, jump higher, and hit harder than any human alive, thus performing at super-human levels. the suit can absorb energy in a myriad of forms including, but not limited to radiation, static, kinetic, and even carbon released by rotting corpses, and with this power, the suit can become even stronger. The CryFibril is mentioned at the beginning as a semi-organic component to the armor, suggesting it could be alive, or simply replicates biological properties.

Electroactive Polymer (EAP) - Liquid Armor (a fast-twitch reflex co-polymer incorporating colloidal doped ceramics and a copper nanolattice in an ethylene-glycol buckyball matrix) gives the wearer unparalleled protection against radiation and physical impact. It also drastically increases motor reflexes (giving users on average a 0.08 millisecond reaction time), and features a dynamic Faraday anti-EMP mesh.

Semiautonomous Enhanced Combat Ops: Neuro-integration Delivery VI/AI (Example: SECOND) is a non-sentient information delivery Artificial Intelligence used by Crynet's Nanosuit 2 as a data storage, delivery, and transfer device that allows the suit to store its data within the brain of the user, and stream data directly into the user's brain almost instantly.

acts as a hyper-fast data tool that stores all its information in the most powerful supercomputer known to man: The human brain. By doing this it has an ultra high-capacity storage medium for a myriad of valuable data such as videos, schematics, and audio files. The VI/AI can also regulate nearly all of the suit functions. The VI/AI is powered by a parasitic blood-glucose infusion and an electrolytic microstack which takes the form of a small chip; it is essentially a biological computer. The VI/AI is immensely fast, with the ability to process data at 1.5 billion instructions per-second (GIPS). The AI is kept at a non-sentient level for the safety of the wearer and those around him/her (counting that they are not his/her enemies).

  • Speech augmentation: While the Nanosuit 2 itself has a built-in speech synthesizer, Prophet was able to utilize it without using the standard saccadal text interface. SECOND is able to interpret the suit operator's "will to speak" and process it forward to the synthesizer all by itself. Furthermore, the VI/AI is able to both aid and alter the speech pattern and vocabulary of the speaker on topics he would normally know little about, effectively working as a subconscious real-time encyclopedia.
  • Memory augmentation: The VI/AI equips the suit wearer with eidetic memory. This memory seems to be stored and processed by the VI/AI itself, and could also make use of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of the wearer's brain, where memory is normally stored.
  • Heuristics: While the VI/AI takes over most decision making when dealing with theoretical and tactical problems, it goes into passive, input-only mode whenever the wearer considered problems with a significant moral or ethical component. That mode is most often used in heuristic, "self-learning" chips, though its purpose is not entirely clear.
  • Integration: VI/AI's to integrate almost seamlessly into the nervous system of the suit operator. While the workload is evenly distributed between VI/AI itself and the operator's brain, there is evidence suggesting that with time (and/or use) any brain activity slowly shifts to VI/AI.

The Nanosuit is also capable of repairing itself and its user from serious damage in a matter of a few hours, as seen in the case of Prophet when he crashed into Lingshan from outer space at night. The heat generated during his reentry into the atmosphere burned him and his suit significantly, leaving to the suit to repair itself by dawn. The suit also improves and continually evolves upon data collection technology and upon receiving both physical and internal damage. Since the suit evolves every time it gets damaged and reinforces itself to that damage over time, the suit being burned away might have forced the suit to develop into a much more powerful version, being rendered invulnerable to almost all kinds of damage. The suit is known to suppress pain to the point where one cannot feel anything even when just touched, for example, a handshake.

The suit is also capable of seeping into any wound and fix it at an incredibly drastic rate, Because of these features, it is implied that the Nanosuit is not only capable of being a life support system but also capable of permanently immunizing its wearers from all toxins, venoms, and diseases of all forms, known and unknown, biological or human-made. This also implies that the suit has a regenerative healing factor unparalleled by any other type of healing factor, meaning even the Hayflick limit is bypassed because the telomeres are prevented from shortening, allowing a cell to divide indefinitely. The suit also renders aging impossible, as it can store the entire personality and body of its user should they ever part, therefore keeping the original user immortal in some way or another, allowing the user to take some other users' body for their own.

Due to the fact that the safeties prohibiting cell altering within the Nanosuit can be turned off, it can be safely said that the Nanosuit is now capable of shapeshifting into anything imaginable whether voluntarily or involuntarily, including humans, as seen by the end of Crysis 3 when the Nanosuit 2 sealed itself within Prophet and restored his human appearance, while retaining all of its powers, or maybe enhancing them.

Nanosuit modes
Armor: Energy is diverted to tightening of the suit's outer weave, increasing density and thus enabling deflection of oncoming high-speed projectiles; blunt trauma and high-energy emissions are also absorbed. This depletes the suits' power rather than the wearers' health. It should be noted that due to the suits' increased bulk, footsteps are louder and the wearers' stealth properties are significantly reduced if operating on certain terrains, such as concrete or brick. A prominent glow will flow through the suits' fibers as it channels power-dampening energy.
Stealth: The suits' surface dynamically scans the surrounding area and modifies its skin color to match in real-time, cloaking the user in addition to trapping most vibrations (sound) produced by movement. Note that firing a shot from an unsuppressed firearm while cloaked will fully deplete the suits' energy reserve while doing so with a suppressed firearm will minimize power consumption but while still disrupting the system. As such, it is strongly advised to shoot for a targets' weak spot while cloaked and remaining hidden to reduce overall chances of detection. The suit will also temporarily deactivate the field if the User strikes an enemy, picks up an item/enemy, or performs a Stealth kill (afterward, it automatically resumes). A closer look reveals a spectrum caused by the formation of light-refracting nanocrystals, as seen in the "Second Chance" opening. Furthermore and unlike Armor, the reload animation for most firearms in Stealth are quiet.
Power: This passive mode activates only when needed and is a combination of Speed and Strength from the previous Nanosuit, although it performs better than the two. It triggers and consumes energy when performing fast actions such as a "power jump," "power sprint," or "power slide," moving an incredibly vast and cumbersome object, or crashing down on a surface or enemy with titanic force (known as an "air stomp"). If the player picks up an object, they can also hold down the 'attack' button to throw it with increased force, causing more damage. Apparently, in the Nanosuit 2, Power mode is active even when the player picks up an enemy or chooses to hold their breath when aiming a weapon, which drains energy as opposed to the first Nanosuit. In Power mode, the Nanosuit glows red in Crysis 2 and blue in Crysis 3. This can only be noticed in the Nanosuit Showroom.
Visor: This mode replaces the tactical binoculars. It allows for efficient streaming of vast amounts of battlefield information. The wearer can pick out items of importance, such as corpses, weapons, ammo, conduits, consoles, real points and the like, and scan them for details, as well as 'tag' enemies to track them as they traverse the environment. This mode also filters out ambient noises and enhances sensory perception, so that the wearer may easily pick up on conversations occurring in the vicinity.
Nanovision: By using energy at approximately the same rate as when cloaked and standing still, this effectively works as both Thermal and Night vision. When activated, everything turns greyscale, save for heat sources, which turn the same color they would with the standard thermal image (including Ceph). It also emulates night vision by evening out the visual highs and lows to make everything a uniform brightness.
Hacking: able to hack: Minefields, Ceph and CELL Sentry Guns, containers, doors and also Ceph Automation.
Shapeshifting: With the safeties prohibiting cell altering able to be turned off. The Nanosuit is capable of taking the form of any living being imaginable. Ranging from the Ceph themselves to humans, because the nanites in his suit became free. This means that not only would a user revert to his/her former self, but he/she would also be able to disguise himself/herself to anyone or anything at will.
Non-modal functions
Defibrillator: This is a feature that can be activated to revive the user on The Nanosuit when the user enters cardiac arrest. If a user takes too much damage the Nanosuit can heal (grow into the wounds), yet it cannot restart the heart which is the defibrillator's function.
Rebreather: This is a function automatically activated by the suit when it is submerged in water (Or when oxygen is otherwise unavailable). The rebreather provides the wearer with breathable oxygen. It is capable of recycling exhaled carbon dioxide back into oxygen, and can also utilize the process of hydrolysis to break apart water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, use the hydrogen to help power the suit and to give the oxygen to the wearer to be inhaled. This process allows the user to stay underwater indefinitely (as long as the user wants to remain underwater).
Hermetic seal: the suit can create an airtight seal.
Thrusters: The Nanosuit possesses thrusters, allowing for movement in zero-gravity environments, as well as easier movement underwater.

Specifications and Armor Components
  • Coltan-Titanium Exoskeleton; all insertion points carboplatinum-reinforced.
  • Gold-Cobalt Oxide Lattice: Increases fuel-cell capacity by 20%.
  • Nano-circuitry: Force-grown using proprietary peptide-matrix viral templates.
  • Ionic Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Liquid Armor: Fast-twitch reflex co-polymer (0.08 millisecond RT). Incorporates colloidal-doped ceramics and a copper nano-lattice in an ethylene-glycol buckyball matrix.
  • Dual-intake UV/HEPA-filters: Traps particulates as small as 500 nm, kills biologicals and neutralizes a wide range of chemical agents without compromising tidal flow.
  • Monocular stereopsis and range finding: Provides unsurpassed depth perception even through a single lens.
  • Full-spectrum acuity from 1m to 103m (including terahertz radiation); output rendered as false-color visible light; optional acoustic and tactile modes; 60x optical zoom at visible wavelengths (100x digital interpolation).
  • Six-thousand-channel remote telemetry integration ensures complete and transparent access to all ambient data streams without the need to painstakingly sort signal from noise.
  • Utilizes continuous real-time derivation and analysis of all proximate tactical objectives consistent with stored parameters.
  • Faraday weave shields against EMP while supporting telemetric throughout of up to 15 TB/sec.
  • The suit can withstand anything short of a direct hit with battlefield nuke (in 3 out of 5 simulations, the N2 can withstand point-blank detonation of a Lockheed AAF 212 Circuit Breaker - results may vary during combat).
  • The suit has also been confirmed to make use of Ceph technology, as stated by Psycho and the fact that Prophet's N2 can use other Ceph technology at will.

Inner skinsuit:
The inner skinsuit is made of a moisture-absorbing synthetic material linked to an environmental control computer and the occupant's neural interface. It controls the suit's temperature and actively changes how the suit fits the user.[20]

Hydrostatic gel:
On top of the inner skinsuit is a gel-filled layer, which regulates the temperature of the suit and can change its density to conform to the wearer's shape. The temperature inside the suit is controlled by the moisture-absorbing cloth suit underneath the hydrostatic layer. The hydrostatic gel layer can also be pressurized to various levels to potentially save the wearers life should the wearer be subjected to high G forces or a high velocity impact; however, overpressurizing this layer can cause nitrogen embolisms.

Liquid metal crystal piezoelectric layer:
Fitted in between the outer plates and the inner padding, is a layer of piezoelectric liquid crystal that deforms along a preferred axis when exposed to an electric charge. This layer acts as a sheath or a suit of artificial muscle; this reactive piezoelectric effect increases the mobility, speed, and all-around physical performance of the suit's user, doubling their strength and increasing the reaction time of the user by a multiple of five. The material is amorphous, which circumvents a major obstacle in its design: custom fitting millions of the polygonal pieces under the second armor layer. Knitted together at a molecular level the liquid crystal material is merely "poured" into a multilayered Sierpinski capillary system where microelectric fields can direct crystallization geometries. The only downfall is the material's production, which involves classified super-toxic precursor materials and requires a zero-gravity environment. As such this layer accounts for over eighty percent of the Mjolnir armor's cost of construction and materials.

This makes hand-to-hand combat easier, but also makes the armor difficult to adjust to; a slight motion can be translated into a potentially harmful one if not conducted correctly. For this reason, it is only possible for Spartans to use the armor, as their strengthened muscles and bones are able to withstand the increased power and speed of movement. In unaugmented human bodies, a simple flex results in the system returning a reactive backlash that breaks bones and tears muscles, causing the cascade of agony-induced muscle spasms to be further inflicted back onto the wearer, killing them in seconds.

Pressure seal:
The pressure seal is a vital component to the MJOLNIR system, it keeps the system airtight, underwater or in space. The seal is very strong but will only break under extreme pressure, such as in a high velocity impact or when the hydrostatic gel has been overpressurized.

Titanium nanocomposite bodysuit (Replace with but upgrade Crysis Nanosuit 2.0)

Sandwiched between the external armor and the internal padding is a thick black armored bodysuit. This suit has numerous functions, small but vital to the safety and survival of the wearer. The bodysuit is made of a titanium-based material, making it very strong and yet very flexible. It also serves as another layer of protection against ballistics attacks and is coated with a heat resistant material to disperse heat from plasma weapons.

Reactive circuits:
Reactive Circuits are systems installed directly linked to the Spartan neural interface. They amplify the wearer's reaction time by connecting directly to the thoughts of the wearer, making it much easier to control and allowing for the soldier to be both more efficient and have a higher survival rate in combat.

Lockdown system:
The lockdown system protects muscles and joints from traumatic, high-impact injuries by seizing the suit into a rigid posture through modifying the density of the hydrostatic gel layer.

(Dead Space Tech)

RIG: Resource Integration Gear, or RIG for short, is an integrated health management and strength augmentation system that assists users in previously impossible and dangerous environments.

RIGs monitor the lifesigns of an individual. Developed from medical monitoring systems designed for elderly patients, it has found common usage among the adult population.

All RIGs share several basic features. A spine-mounted display serves to indicate the user's general state of health as a glowing segmented bar which depletes as the user takes damage. When the user dies, it emits a "flat-line" sound similar to an EKG, which is loud enough to alert others within earshot of the RIG wearer's demise. Holographic projectors mounted on the wrists can create a two-dimensional display in front of the user, to display whatever they might need to see. The size of the display can vary depending upon the data it is accessing. It can also project a colored line to guide the user to a destination, be it a location or a service like a store or workbench. It is capable of two-way audio and visual communication. RIG users can be individually tracked if need-be, even if dead. Finally, RIGs can be used as a form of biometric lock, only allowing specific RIG users access to designated areas, though such scanners fail to take into account whether the user is living or dead. RIGs can be upgraded at a nano-circuit repair Upgrade Bench using Power Nodes. Depending on the RIG, Nodes can be used to upgrade air supply, resilience to damage, or enhance the strength of Kinesis.

RIGs vary greatly depending on the user's occupation and status. Civilian RIGs are typically little more than the spinal display and wrist projectors attached to basic clothing. Engineers and other service personnel wear similar garb, but often possess Kinesis and Stasis modules to aid in their profession, the latter with the requisite monitor mounted to the right of the spinal display. For more dangerous work, RIGs are installed in full-body suits. These suits, in addition to the RIG's basic functions, have features such as an internal oxygen supply for work in a vacuum, gravity boots, and thrusters for zero-gravity movement, and armor to protect against damage from various sources.

RIGs appear to be ubiquitous throughout society. Very few people are shown not to possess them, which suggests that most professions require some form of RIG to be used. Various RIG-equipped suits can be purchased from stores, provided the user has clearance and the proper blueprints. More advanced suits offer benefits like increased storage space, damage resistance, and "bonuses" to weapons, stasis, kinesis, or store purchases.


Health Management

The most distinctive feature of the RIG is its health management system, which actively displays the wearer's health in real time via a segmented colored bar that runs along the spine of the wearer, allowing for interface into the wearer's nervous system, and therefore the ability to detect the wearer's health status. These bars will drain and refill depending on the user's health. If a RIG wearer dies, the RIG will give off a flatline sound, identical to an alert cardiograph. The bar changes color depending on the user's overall health; aqua-blue for above 75%, green for above 50%, yellow for below 50%, and red for below 25%. It will blink when the user is near death.

It is unknown what it bases the wearer's health on, be it a rough estimate of damaged body parts or the functionality of internal organs. It is known that if the user of the RIG is harmed, the RIG automatically applies any carried health packs to the damaged area. The RIG could also potentially show signs of bacterial or viral-based illness.

Holographic Displays
Utilizing the Holotech Operating System, a RIG has the ability to project a holographic display, which is projected a few feet (about a meter) in front of the RIG wearer. The display also moves with the user if the user walks around at all while it is projected. These displays are used for various features. The main use of the display is for RIG users to communicate with one another through live video chat, or to send live audio messages to one another. The RIG also allows its user to store text logs within the RIG's built-in memory, which are displayed in widescreen projections to make them easier to read.

Navigation System
This feature projects a colored line on the environment that guides the user to objectives, Benches, and Stores. this system included a 3D map and the line guided users to objectives.

Radiation Protection and Geiger Counter
Engineering suits seem to offer protection from radiation and have a Geiger counter built in. This can be seen when Isaac must Clear Radioactive Material to access the USM Valor

Civilian Suit
This suit is basically clothing with communication modules on the wrists and it offers little protection.

Patient Suit
Like the civilian RIGs it offers little protection and is basically clothes that come equipped with communications. It seems to mostly be used to monitor the health and status of hospital patients while restricting their movement when necessary; the suit is also equipped with drug injectors, as seen via tubular attachments near the neck area of the RIG, most likely to administer medication without hampering the wearer's mobility.

Built-in Omni-Tool:
Omni-tools are multipurpose diagnostic and manufacturing tools as well as computers used for a variety of civilian and battlefield tasks, such as hacking, decryption, or repair. Higher-end Omni-tools are equipped by Engineers, Sentinels, and Infiltrators to make use of their tech talents and powers. When activated, an omni-tool can appear over either of a person's forearms and/or hands, and occasionally both, as an orange hologram.

Omni-tools are handheld devices that combine a computer microframe, sensor analysis pack, and minifacturing fabricator. Versatile and reliable, an omni-tool can be used to analyze and adjust the functionality of most standard equipment, including weapons and armor, from a distance.

The fabrication module can rapidly assemble small three-dimensional objects from common, reusable industrial plastics, ceramics, and light alloys. This allows for field repairs and modifications to most standard items, as well as the reuse of salvaged equipment.

Omni-tools are standard issue for soldiers and first-in colonists.

Although melee-combat applications for the omni-tool are almost as old as the device itself, the feature was largely unused prior to the Reaper invasion. The need to take on multiple husks in close quarters forced the Alliance to develop ways to enhance the tool's offensive capability.

The most common melee design is the "omni-blade," a disposable silicon-carbide weapon flash-forged by the tool's mini-fabricator. The transparent, nearly diamond-hard blade is created and suspended in a mass effect field safely away from the user's skin. Warning lights illuminate the field so the searing-hot blade only burns what it is intended to: the opponent.

More technically adept soldiers frequently modify their omni-tools to maximize stopping power through electrical, kinetic, or thermal energy. Some troops integrate their weapon with their kinetic barriers, transforming the omni-tool into a wrist-mounted bludgeon; others fabricate flammable gases, held in place by a mass effect field and ignited upon impact. All prove deadly surprises for opponents who expect a disarmed Alliance warrior.

Modular Armor/Hard Suit: (Goes over Nano Bodysuit)
(Based on/Stollen from:
Titan Fall: from Titan fall 1 or 2 timeline
Mass Effect After Mass effect 3 to Andromeda
Dead Space)
(Dead Space)

Collapsible Helmet:
A collapsable helmet the folds back into the rest of the Suit

Engineering Suit
The engineering suit is an exosuit that completely covers the wearer's body. There are several variations to the engineering suit, each one of which is suited for various working environments. The working environment, the wearer's certification, and the degree of the working environment's hazardousness will determine which variation is the most appropriate.

Engineering suit features include:

Stasis Module

Stasis is used to severely decrease the speed of machinery. It is usually used to slow down machinery that is malfunctioning, allowing a safe approach (for example, mechanical doors rapidly opening and shutting, so Stasis would be used to slow the door down to a safe pace).

Kinesis Module
Kinesis allows the user to lift heavy objects with ease. It will allow the user to lift all but the heaviest of objects as if they weighed nothing. If some machinery is located on a track, Kinesis can be used to roll it along that track if the object is too heavy to move via conventional means.(boosts Psionics/Biotics)

Oxygen Storage
The engineering suits will become airtight when entering a vacuum or an area with a toxic atmosphere, allowing the user to breathe using oxygen stored in the suit. This oxygen will refill once the user either enters an area with normal air again, or makes use of an oxygen refilling station or air can. Areas in a vacuum that require long periods of work will often be equipped with Oxygen Recharge Stations, which will automatically refill the suit's oxygen storage to the maximum, and can be used an unlimited number of times.

Zero-Gravity Boots
Allows the wearer cling to metal surfaces when in zero-gravity environments.

Maneuvering Thrusters
Maneuvering thrusters allows user to navigate easily in a zero-gravity environment.

Military Suit
The military suit is a heavily armored exosuit used by the Earth Defense Force of the Earth Government. Developed and manufactured solely for the use of the military, the military suit provides greater protection and array of tools such as built in kinesis and stasis modules for its wearer. The SCAF variants include the Elite and the Legionary suits.

Mining Suit
The mining suit is a more robust and armored iteration of the standard engineering suit. Like the engineering suit, it covers the head and body tight enough to be used in a vacuum and comes with the standard gravity boots. The most noticeable difference between the two are the narrower visor openings on the helmet and more body armor over the front, as opposed to all over with the engineering suit. These differences reflect the likelihood of injury while working, and the areas in which danger is usually presented within each respective field. A SCAF's archeologist suit is an example these RIG's.

Security Suit
Much like the military's RIGs, the security suits are heavily armored exosuits and are used for the police force of the Earth Government. These suits come in several variations, each depending on the occupation and hazard. These suits share an accessory with the military's suits: built in stasis and kinesis modules. Some come equipped with flashlights on the shoulders and one variant has a helmet that comes with lenses instead of visor slits.

Astronaut Suit
These RIGs are for mere space travel, so it has no armor plating, but it still has the skintight sealing to prevent decompression in the suit. It is commonly used by astronauts working on the shuttles and space stations. The EVA suits are an example of astronaut RIG's.

Advanced Suit
This suit relies on highly classified technology and is intended for elite forces operating in dangerous situations and the harshest of environments. Like all other full-body vacuum-rated suits, the Advanced Suit is self-sealing on most occasions, meaning that it will seal itself if punctured or otherwise damaged in a manner which compromises the wearer's exposure. This allows operators to work in the vacuum of space or other similarly hazardous environments.

(Titan Fall)

Jump Kits: are small jetpacks that are worn around the waist. They originated in the ship salvage industry—workers needed a way to quickly navigate through complex geometries with deadly drops and sheer vertical faces. Jump Kits provide a brief burst of thrust that is used to leap to higher locations. They also have a function that adjusts the deceleration on potentially fatal descents to safe levels, allowing Pilots to fall from great heights without injury.

(Mass Effect)

Combat Hardsuit:
Armor can be alternatively termed as combat hardsuit (or combat hard-suit). Aside from allowing its wearer to survive in environments like outer space, it is also reinforced with sheets of ceramic plating on non-flexible parts of the body. Each set of armor, regardless of its weight, has a kinetic barrier generator and an onboard computer that can give readouts on the environment, liaise with terminals to download data, and check local wildlife against the xenobiology database.

(Gears of War)
COG Armor
Coalition Armor or Plates were multiple types of body armor that was worn by Gear soldiers of the Coalition of Ordered Governments. A common feature between all the types of armor is that they are made up of a chest plate which is held together by two "seals", which resemble two large circles over the chest area. There are also identification lights that are on certain areas of the armor and power pack.

Standard Issue Armor

The most common armor in the COG Army is the standard infantry armor. It is a light shade of blue with a black Crimson Omen between the armor seals on the front. On the back of the suit is a magnetic 'holster' that resembles a general infantry backpack, allowing Gears to carry two weapons on their back. The armor provides medium protection against damage, but will not withstand concentrated or sustained gunfire, especially high-caliber Locust weapons such as the Hammerburst and the Troika. The torso part of the armor is more heavily armored than the rest of the body, offering decent protection to vital organs but not sacrificing mobility by bogging down the limbs. The armor is so strong and thick that multiple shots from an assault rifle give only bruises to the wearer. Eventually, however, with enough gunfire, the wearer's ribs will begin to break.

Female Armor

Female Gears' armor is pretty much a scaled down version of the standard armor. The leg armor and boots are smaller. The chest plate is also smaller, with a lower cut collar. It has a thinner waist section. The gauntlets are also thinner but longer than the standard male Gear version. The helmets worn by female Gears are the same as their male counterparts.

Hot Weather Armor

In the summer, due to the hot climate, Gears would use a different type of armor; a stripped down version of the standard COG armor. It is sleeveless and uses a less bulky chest piece with thinner leg and foot armor to promote comfort for the Gears in high temperatures. It is slightly weaker than the standard armor due to less protective plating, but is mostly the same. As another consequence, Gears couldn't carry as much ammunition as their standard armor could.

COG combat medics also wore a variant of this armor that was painted white, with two blue asterisks were emblazoned on the front and back of the torso piece.

Medic Armor

Medic armor are armor pieces worn by COG Medics during the Pendulum Wars and Locust War. The armor and helmet design was distinct from standard-issue COG armor and bares more resemblence to post-war COG armor. These armor pieces were painted white with a blue medical logo pasted on the frontal breastplate, to signify that the wearer of the armor is a medic from the Coalition of Ordered Governments.

Medic armor is far more stripped down and less bulky than normal COG armor, due to the fact that Medics are meant to primarily heal wounded Gears than fight the enemy head on.

Medic armor comes equiped with medical and military supplies, due to the roles of Medics being front line combat doctors. As such, medic armor prioritise more on stocking up medicinal equipment than ammunition.

Backpack Armor

This armor is most notably worn by Marcus Fenix, Jace Stratton and Victor Hoffman. It is dark grey, exceptionally bulky, and has a sort of hunchback look. The extra large glowing straps along the shoulders indicate that it may actually be an extra backpack attachment on the standard issue COG armor, thus giving it the bulky, hunchback appearance.

This armor allows a Gear to carry even more equipment and supplies at the cost of increased weight and mobility stress. Due to this, the Backpack Armor is only utilized in extensive campaigns when immediate resupplies are not always guaranteed.

Power Armor/Exosuit or exoskeleton - Goes over Nano/Bodysuit and some Hard suits

(Main character base design armor COPPERHEAD-class Mjolnir with influenced designs from HERMES-class Mjolnir, BREAKER-class Mjolnir)

Mjolnir armor:
is the most advanced piece of tactical military hardware in human hands. Each suit alone costs as much as a small starship. Ostensibly the brainchild of Dr. Catherine Halsey, MJOLNIR is an attempt to create a powered exoskeleton capable of taking full advantage of the physical capabilities of a Spartan. MJOLNIR's development actually came about due to a millennia-old geas that manifested itself within Halsey. Near the end of the Forerunner-Flood war, the Librarian planted genetic directives that would lead to the development of powered armor, along with the creation of the Spartans and sophisticated artificial intelligence. This was done in preparation for humanity's task of reclaiming the Mantle.

Unlike the powered exoskeletons that preceded it, the Mjolnir battlesuit was designed from the ground up as a suit of armor; its design philosophy would serve as a basis for all future powered and semi-powered armor system designs. Each generation of the Mjolnir battlesuit is composed of major fundamental components; construction of the suit is done in overlapping layers and has been remarked of it being akin to a giant three-dimensional puzzle. The armor's shell is composed of a multilayer alloy of remarkable strength and has been augmented with a refractive coating capable of dispersing a limited amount of Covenant energy weapon strikes. The suit contains a gel-filled layer underneath a thick black armored bodysuit. The gel layer regulates temperature and can reactively change its density. The inner skinsuit is made of a moisture-absorbing synthetic material linked to an environment control computer and the occupant's UNSC-issue neural interface.

The battlesuit is a sealed system, capable of extra-vehicular activity for a limited amount of time or operations in toxic atmosphere. It is hardened against EMP and radiation, and has filters that are completely effective at removing toxins and bacteria from local atmosphere. Between the external armor and the internal padding is the most devastating weapon the suit carries: a layer of polymerized lithium niobocene, a liquid metal crystal that deforms along a preferred axis when exposed to an electric charge. Woven by molecular tools into a capillary system, this layer is amorphous, yet amplifies force, doubling lifting capability and increasing reaction time by a factor of five. Because the Mjolnir system is so reactive, it can only be worn by a physically augmented human; ordinary people are unable to use the suit without injuring themselves.

The Mjolnir battlesuit's greatest advantage, however, is a super-dense optical computer memory. This revolutionary solid-based crystalline layer forms a network within the suit's frame of proper size and capability of housing the types of artificial intelligence usually reserved for starships. Essentially a piggyback system, an AI can be delivered to the suit via a data crystal chip storage device no larger than a personal credit card. The AI's personality and processing matrices can be carried by the armor and in conjunction with the user, can neurally link with a being that has nearly unfettered control over mathematics, information and body control. Such technology did not exist when work began on the Mark I prototypes.

The functionality of the Mjolnir system is unprecedented. Rather than being a traditional suit of body armor, the Mjolnir battlesuit works on a biomechanical level, allowing for direct user-controlled movement. Each human being has a molecular fiber network called the nervous system within their brain. Upon induction, all military personnel are issued a neural interface, which is implanted at the base of the skull and cannot be removed. Spartan-IIs received a modified version of the neural lace specifically for the Mjolnir armor. This neural lace, which consists of two core processor chips which is linked to receptors in the subject's brain, which is connected to an interface connection at the rear of the skull; reads the electrochemical signals sent from the brain and then translates these chemical signals into digital code. As the electrochemical impulse travels down the axon to the muscle, the digital code is routed through the interface connection, to the suit's on board sensors, the input from the sensors is then read by the onboard computer and then like the human body itself sends an electrical impulse through the suit, as the impulse from the motor neuron hits the muscle, the electrical impulse from the suit causes the polymerized lithium niobecene to deform along a preferred axis, overlapping each other more, so that the layer gets shorter and fatter. When the impulses from the suit stop, the polygonal pieces slide back to their original positions. At the same time, as the muscle fibers are responding to the impulses, signals are sent to the suit that this is occurring, as the muscle twitches the force being applied to the suit is accelerated through force-multiplying circuits, which amplify the force of the muscular twitch by a positive feedback loop in the armor. The end result is a fully neurally linked machine, the user's thoughts move the suit and in return the suit moves the user. The synthesis of machine and mind is so fast that it is almost impossible to chart reaction time.

The suit also possesses other features that enhance its wearer's abilities. It has numerous clips, belts, and magnetic holsters for the attachment of additional weapons and ammunition; an advanced heads-up display (HUD), linked to sensors in the gloves which can detects the type of weapons and devices held, and to project shield strength, ammunition count, a targeting reticle, waypoints, a radio uplink for communication, health monitoring and restoration system, regenerative food materials and other helpful data.

In its final phase, the Mjolnir battlesuit weighs half a short ton, or 1,000 pounds, and is a fully neural-linked system. With an on board AI using the human mind for parallel processing, the Spartan/Mjolnir combination is designed to be the most devastating intelligence tool ever created.

Mjolnir Mark VII Powered Assault Armor

The Mjolnir MK VII was an armor system mentioned by Dr. Halsey in her personal journal. It would appear to be the last planned phase of the Mjolnir project. At the time the Mjolnir project began, Halsey had planned on the MK VII suit featuring the following upgrades:

  • Nanobots for automatic repair of both the suit and the user.
  • Next-gen fusion-plasma hybrid power system.
  • Atmospheric insertion systems.
  • Slipspace de-insertion capability.
Active AI transfer protocols.
Limited shaping of the energy shield (partial overlaps, airfoils etc.).
Atmospheric insertion would allow a Spartan to free-fall from space without a reentry vehicle, such as the ODST's SOEIV, but would most likely require a drag chute or parachute. Note that reentry in Mjolnir Armor has been done multiple times in Halo fiction, but is most likely outside both the Mark V and Mark VI design specs and has proven fatal. John-117 performed an extremely low-orbit reentry when he lept off of the Forerunner Dreadnought at the beginning of the Second Battle of Earth, yet was knocked unconscious with a large dent inflicted on his right breastplate while wearing the Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor/Mark VI. A Marine commented that John had fell a minimum of two kilometers, due to the exosphere extending 600 km above Earth's surface, this was hardly a reentry. The only known Spartan to ever undertake an exoatmospheric reentry from high-orbit was SPARTAN-B312 during the Battle of Reach. He was thrown out of an SDV-class heavy corvette's hangar by Jorge-052 in a successful attempt to spare his life. However, B312 utilized an M-Spec Reentry Pack attached to his Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor/Mark to survive atmospheric insertion. B312 suffered minimal damage after reentry and displayed a noticeable limp. At the beginning of Exodus following B312's insertion, the player can see that their health is depleted to the second stage, inclining that B312 was actually injured from the fall or, which is unlikely, encountered enemies before reaching New Alexandria. The Mark VII could possibly use integrated components of the M-Spec Reentry Pack to allow insertion without auxiliary equipment.

Though not many specific features and aesthetic qualities are mentioned in its single appearance, Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor/Mark VII is described to be visually similar to the Mark V, and is worn by Naomi-010, a SPARTAN-II attached to Kilo-Five. It is mentioned as being lighter than the Mark VI and is capable of upgrading itself and healing the user passively when in standby via nanotechnology. Naomi frequently removes and puts on the armor, though whether this is a requirement of its self-upgrading nature or a preference of SPARTAN-010 is unknown. The visual portrayal of the Mark VII on the cover of Halo: The Thursday War is likely not definitive of the final variant, as Naomi-010 was field-testing a prototype in 2553. The final variant is likely in mainstream use by the remaining SPARTAN-IIs as of 2558, as the UNSC has been shown to improve upon their powered armor technology extraordinarily quickly, with the Mark V and the Mark VI being finalized within the same year.

Armor Components
  • Helmet: The Mjolnir Helmet is one of the most vital aspects to the Mjolnir system. It is made of Titanium and contains key features like a Heads-up display that links to the brain and hands, and can identify equipment and display information about it when it is picked up by the wearer. Another feature is the direct neural interface system which connects to a SPARTAN-IIs neural implants. Two core processor chips are implanted into the subjects skull in the rear of the head. This is essentially comparable to an on board computer using parts of the human brain for processing - when the connector at the rear of the subjects head and receptors in the brain link to the helmets on board sensors, it creates the neural link needed to move the Mjolnir suit. The helmet also contains other equipment to protect and aid the user in hostile conditions. This includes: filters to remove toxins from the atmosphere, a supply to provide air to the wearer during EVA, thermal and motion sensors, communications, solar-powered lighting, and imaging and video gear. The helmet also contains the A.I housing, where a ship-borne A.I chip is inserted, located on the back of the helmet.
  • Titanium Alloy Outer Shell: The outer shell of the Mjolnir Armor is comprised of a fairly thick titanium alloy. This plating covers the chest, arms, hip, legs, calves, feet, and hands. This alloy is very resilient, can take significant punishment, and is nearly impervious to small arms fire. While enough shots from armor piercing rounds will breach the outer shell, the suit can take a few glancing blows from them without compromising the armor. The outer shell of all Mjolnir suits is covered with a refractive coating to help disperse the heat experienced from Covenant energy weapons. However one or two direct hits from any Plasma weapon will compromise the armor plating.
  • Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit(Look at Body Nano suit): Sandwiched between the external armor and the internal padding is a thick black armored bodysuit. This suit has numerous functions, small but vital to the safety and survival of the wearer. The bodysuit is made of a titanium-based material, making it very strong and yet very flexible. It also serves as another layer of protection against ballistics attacks and is coated with a heat resistant material to disperse heat from Plasma weapons.
  • Hydrostatic Gel(Part of Body Nano Suit): Underneath the armored bodysuit is a gel-filled layer. This gel layer regulates the temperature of the suit and can reactively change its density to conform to the wearer's shape - the temperature inside the suit is controlled by the moisture absorbing cloth suit underneath the hydrostatic layer. The hydrostatic gel layer can also be pressurized to various levels to potentially save the wearers life, should the wearer be subjected to high G forces or a high velocity impact; however, over pressurizing this layer can cause nitrogen embolisms.
  • Polymerized Lithium Nibocene Layer: Sandwiched between the external armor and the internal padding, the liquid crystal layer contains the polymerized form of lithium nibocene, a highly piezoelectric polymer. By deforming when an electric current is applied to it, the layer acts as a sheath of artificial muscle, adding to a SPARTAN's already considerable strength. This layer increases the strength, speed, and all around physical performance of the SPARTAN-II.
  • Memory Processor Superconductor Layer: This layer supports suit's Artificial intelligence and is fitted in between the outer plates and the inner padding. This type of computer memory is usually outfitted on a warship, and as such accounts for over eighty percent of the Mjolnir Armor's cost of construction and materials.
  • Magnetic Weapon Holder Strips: Available on the Mk. IV, Mk. V, and Mk. VI, the magnetic strips are very small yet powerful magnets place on the legs, waist, and back of the suit, and are used to hold any equipment with a magnetic property. The suit also contains an electromagnetic system on the boots of the Mjolnir suit that allow its wearer to stay attached to a metal surface in Zero G environments, and can be toggled on or off by the wearer.
  • Shields: First used on the Mk. V, and later refined on the Mk. VI, the energy shield device is reverse-engineered from Covenant technology. Begun in 2532, forty scientists and technicians would spend the next 20 years attempting to make some use of the technology. For decades, the attempts at cracking their technology had met with failure after failure. Some had given up, and others in the scientific community believed the energy shield technology could never be cracked; however, at some point before 2552, a breakthrough was made, and for the first time, the UNSC had successfully cracked and improved upon the technology.
  • Pressure Seal: The Pressure Seal is a vital component to the Mjolnir system. It keeps the system airtight, underwater or in space. The seal is very strong and will only break under extreme pressure, such as in a high-velocity impact or when the Hydrostatic Gel has been over-pressurized.
  • Automatic Biofoam Injectors:(Replaced with Medigel) Introduced on the Mk. VI models, biofoam injectors are an integral part of the system's ability to keep a SPARTAN-II functioning in battle. Biofoam is a medical gel that is used to fill and seal a wound automatically. It is also used to treat any infection that could occur as a result of the wound. The process of injecting or applying the gel to a wound, however it is extremely painful, and is only a temporary solution; medical attention must be sought soon after to ensure survivability.
  • Fusion Reactor:(Possibly Replaced by Arc Reactor) The fusion reactor is the most essential part of the Mjolnir System, as it provides power to all equipment on the Mjolnir Armor - the reactor is built into the suit and allows for nearly unlimited movement. The fusion reactor in all versions of the Mjolnir Armor are half the size of a normal fusion pack that conventional marines carry around.
  • Force-Multiplying Circuits: Located throughout the armor, these systems boost the force applied by the user. They make hand-to-hand combat easier, but also make the armor difficult to adjust to; a slight motion can be translated into a potentially harmful one if not conducted correctly. For this reason it is only possible for Spartans to use this armor, as their strengthened bodies are able to withstand the increased power and speed of movement, which, in un-augmented human bodies, results in broken bones or death, due to spasms caused by the pain of broken bones.
  • Reactive Circuits: Reactive Circuits are systems installed that are directly linked to the Spartan Neural Interface. They amplify the wearer's reaction time by connecting directly to the thoughts of the wearer, making it much easier to control and allowing for the soldier to be both more efficient and have a higher survival rate in combat.
  • Power Supply Control Unit: The Power Supply Control Unit controls and maintains the power supply of the armor.

BIOS/VISOR/DISPLAY:(Nano/Body suit, Hard suits, Rigs, Power Armor)

The MJOLNIR GEN2 BIOS or Basic Input/Output System is a firmware interface for the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor [GEN2].

This firmware succeeds the Mark VI BIOS for the previous MJOLNIR Mark VI armor.

The GEN2 BIOS is firmware, designed to be the first code run by the MJOLNIR armor when activated. The initial function of the BIOS is to identify, test, and initialize system devices such as the heads-up display, energy shield systems and other hardware.

The BIOS handles most of the MJOLNIR's software functions when initiated. Updates to the BIOS allows newer hardware to be supported and function. Unlike in previous MJOLNIR variants, the BIOS version can be viewed on the standard HUD.

The Visual Intelligence System, Reconnaissance (VISR, pronounced "visor") is a proprietary integrated data management system used by UNSC personnel. It is incorporated into the helmets of Orbital Drop Shock Troopers and MJOLNIR GEN2, the latter of which features Version 4.0 of the suite.

VISR provides tactical data in real time as it is broadcast. It can link into UEG, CAA, and UNSC infrastructure systems at the local, national, and global network levels, administered on a need or rating basis. The version of VISR issued to ODSTs near the end of the Human-Covenant War allows the user to store and review up to 610MB of content relevant to the current or all mission objectives.

Among other functions, VISR also provides navigational data and highlights various points of interest in the operational area. As of ODST BIOS update A29.817941B.01 it also features light enhancement systems, raising the brightness of the surrounding area on the user's heads-up display during low-light operations. VISR's low-light vision enhancement also links with the user's neural interface to provide Friend or Foe designation by searching for IFF transponders on friendly or enemy personnel. Enemy and friendly personnel and matériel are highlighted with different colors. Friendly combatants are highlighted in green whereas enemy combatants are highlighted in red. Usable weapons, vehicles, and medical kits are highlighted in blue; other objects and structures are highlighted in orange; beacons and data terminals are highlighted in yellow.

VISR's core technology was originally developed for the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor, though the first VISR systems date back to the early 21st century, alternately bloating in complexity and paring down to bare-bones HUD management since then. VISR was field tested by Spartan-III Headhunters. Unlike the visual interface system developed for the Spartans, the ODST VISR requires no neural interface. With the introduction of MJOLNIR [GEN2], the VISR 4.0 suite is now utilized by Spartan-IVs. This version is more similar to previous incarnations of the MJOLNIR heads-up display than the one used by ODSTs, and the new BIOS firmware allows a modification to the suite with the Z-5080 Promethean vision module. As of 2558 the highest version number is 4.09, though several customized types are available to operators within the Spartan branch's Specialization wings.

The VISR database holds pertinent and relative information concerning battle to provide a distinct tactical advantage to the wearer. The database encompasses three main parameters situated in a carousel formation:

Navigation (NAV) - As an ODST lacks a motion trackers in his HUD, the NAV component in the VISR database provides a far more dynamic integration of mapping systems than featured by a standard motion tracker. It is very similar to the TACMAP in all MJOLNIR suits. The NAV tab is possibly the most useful feature in the VISR database suite because it provides a complete bird's-eye view of the current area in an interactive schematic grid; more importantly, the NAV parameter also shows the enemy forces in their entirety within the proximity of the highlighted area. This property of the database makes it very useful for tactical situations where planning is a key element. One downside to the enemy position interface is that the NAV function does not identify enemies individually (such as by rank or species) -- they are all represented with the same red diamond. However, one may still discern which types of Covenant infantry are in the vicinity by the marker's relative movement speed. Additionally, the NAV function only previews enemy locations within the vicinity of the VISR operator. User-set NAV markers may be displayed using this feature. The compass is synced with this parameter of the VISR database, as waypoints and beacons show up as integrated icons within the direction in relation to their location.

Intelligence (INTEL) - This parameter is a comprehensive listing of the current mission objectives. On the right-hand side, a picture depicting the user is shown along with a symbol denoting rank, as well as the name of the operator. On the left-hand side, the current location is shown along with a logo of the organisation, agency, business or entity associated with the location (or mission). Another useful feature of this component is the ability to set a marker to the current objective's location which is shown with a brief description of what the objective entails. Both the description and marker are broadcast upon the user's HUD. Beacons generally represent current objectives.

Communications (COM) - This component is rather simplistic in its design and function.
There are other elements within the VISR database include the following:[8]

  • Compass (integral with all factors regarding location, designation, and direction)
  • Key locations (pre-placed beacons for mission objectives)
  • Map legend (shown for all map elements)
  • Grenade inventory (integrated with HUD)
  • VISR database tabs (in carousel formation)
  • Weapons and ammunition (integrated with HUD)
  • Waypoint list
  • Interactive local map

Identification friend or foe, or IFF, is a system used by the UNSC to tag friendly or hostile units for easy identification on a heads-up display or motion tracker. The equipment of a friendly unit generates a signal on a specific frequency, which is interpreted as a "friendly" signal by the receiver. If a signal is not generated, then unit is tagged as a hostile. Friendly units appear as yellow dots on the motion tracker, while the crosshairs of a HUD turn green when pointed at them. Hostile units show up as red on a motion tracker, and the HUD crosshairs turn red.

All UNSC personnel are implanted with a neural interface containing an IFF transponder. Additionally, most UNSC ships, ranging from civilian freighters to UNSC Navy warships, possess IFF transponders displaying their identity, allegiance, and classification.

During the fall of High Charity, John-117 managed to rescue several UNSC Marine prisoners of war. This was due to Cortana identifying their IFF transponders, which were still with the Marines.

Motion Tracker
The motion tracker, also known as the motion sensor, is a piece of equipment utilized by the UNSC and the Covenant. In addition to being used as UNSC field equipment, it is also a feature built into the heads-up display in a variety of combat suits, including the HRUNTING/YGGDRASIL Mark I exoskeleton, the MJOLNIR armor and the Sangheili combat harness. The tracker, located on the heads-up display's lower left corner, indicates individual allies, enemies and vehicles in relation to the location of the armor's operator.

The motion tracker is a circle with a central dot, which represents the user's location. The tracker shows individual allies as yellow dots and enemies as red dots. The size of the dot is depended on the size of the individual, with normal infantry represented by a normal dot, smaller life forms, such as rats, fishes, or even Pod infectors, are represented by smaller dots, and large dots representing vehicles or large infantry, notably the Mgalekgolo. Unmanned vehicles appear as large gray dots.

The motion tracker allows the user to locate enemies or allies behind cover, and is proved to be important for predicting enemy activities behind obstacles.

The motion tracker is apparently vulnerable to sea water, as indicated when Spartan-II Fred-104's motion tracker froze due to a crusting of sea salt. Equipments like Covenant radar jammer can be used to scramble the motion tracker's signal, effectively obliterating its use. The tracker is also shown to be susceptible to slow moving objects, which will not shown up on the motion tracker if within its range.

The first known UNSC motion tracker was integrated in the MJOLNIR Mark I exoskeleton. These exoskeletons never saw use in battle. The HRUNTING/YGGDRASIL Mark I ADS, which was developed in Algolis, included a 1400m+ tracker and a map mode. Unlike other iterations, enemies were indicated by short yellow lines.

The MJOLNIR Mark IV's heads-up display features a limited function motion tracker.

The prototype MJOLNIR Mark V includes a motion tracker with a radius of 25 meters. This motion tracker also takes into account vertical positioning. Allies, enemies, and vehicles will appear as properly colored triangles when they are a considerable height above, and appear as faded-out dots when they are a considerable height below. The radius of the motion tracker in the MJOLNIR Mark V's final iteration has been reduced by 10 meters, at only 15 meters.

The MJOLNIR Mark VI features motion trackers with the range of 20 or 25 meters, possibly depending on the operator's choice. Navigation points appear on the sides of the motion tracker as small white triangles. John-117's MJOLNIR Mark VI HUD motion tracker was improved by Cortana; this upgrade allows his motion tracker to identify many vehicles with distinct overhead outlines, replacing the indistinct circles displayed by earlier motion trackers. The sticky detonator also implements the motion tracker in relation to the projectile, telling when to detonate the projectile to ensure maximum damage
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Ashara's Augments
BIO Mods:
(Mass Effect, Cyberpunk 2077, Halo,)

(Mass Effect)
Gene Therapy
Gene therapy is the insertion of genes into an individual's cells and tissues to alter the person's DNA. Gene therapy allows for the treatment of genetic disorders by replacing a defective mutant allele with a functional one using a carrier, also known as a vector, to deliver the therapeutic gene to the patient's target cells. Currently, the most common type of vectors are viruses that have been genetically altered to carry normal human DNA.

(Halo, Mass Effect, Cyberpunk 2077)
(Mass Effect)
Heavy Bone Weave (Skeletal Lattice)
By reinforcing the skeleton with a synthetic weave, bones can be made almost unbreakable. In the event of bone trauma, medi-gel conduits allow for bone regenerations in a matter of days.

Heavy Muscle Weave (Microfiber Weave)
Perforating the muscles with micro-fibers increases overall strength and decreases the potential for muscle damage from exertion.

Heavy Skin Weave (Lattice Shunting)
Strong synthetic fibers can be woven through the skin, dramatically reducing damage taken from most attacks. These fibers also act as a medi-gel conduit, improving healing.

(Cyberpunk 2077)
This is a modern version of Plastic Surgery. Plastic surgery in the modern world has advanced to the point where it is almost trivial to make someone look like whatever they want. Bones, muscle, and organs can be shifted around fairly easily and skin of any type grafted (including animal skin, fur, feathers, ect), creating whatever look you want. Higher quality work is more expensive, but biosculpting is cheap enough that even average people can often afford it. Many gangs (especially posergangs) make extensive use of biosculpting. People who are extensively biosculpted are often referred to as Exotics.

Grafted Muscle:
This is vat-grown organic muscle. It functions identically to natural muscle. Grafted muscle will enhance both appearance and strength. It can be combined with other forms of bioware, such as muscle and bone lace. When properly grafted, vat grown muscle is completely indistinguishable from natural muscle. It is a common component of biosculpting.

Muscle & Bone Lace:
Muscle and bone lace use nanites to thread microscopic artificial fibers through muscle and bone tissue. The result is that the tissue is both stronger (physical strength is enhanced) and more resistant to damage. The full process is slow, and takes a few weeks to complete. Muscle and bone lace will enhance overall strength and durability, but not to the degree of an actual artificial cyberlimb.

Skin Weave:
In a process similar to muscle and bone lace, nanites thread fibers through skin tissue, making it much more resistant to damage. The result is bare skin that has resistance to damage similar to light body armor (think Kevlar). Skin weave is transparent to the naked eye for the most part, but can still be detected with careful observation. It takes a couple weeks for the nanites to complete the upgrade.

Enhanced Antibodies:
These are bio-engineered (fully organic) anti-bodies, designed to be more efficient than natural anti-bodies. They will cut healing time in half (for damage related to disease), and boost resistance to diseases.

Toxin Binders:
These are nanites designed to bind with particles of various poisons in the body. They will not make you immune to poison and toxins, but they will make you highly resistant to them.

These are nanites specifically designed to repair damage at the cellular level. Nanosurgeons are a common component used for installing cyberware. Unlike enhanced Antibodies, nanosurgeons repair physical damage to the body. They are not meant to mitigate disease or poison.

Primary - All Spartan-IIIs
Project CHRYSANTHEMUM was the codename given to the biological augmentation procedures performed on the Spartan-III supersoldiers. They represented a significant improvement over the augmentations used in the previous SPARTAN-II program, retaining the procedures' effectiveness but being safer and less invasive to perform.

The CHRYSANTHEMUM bioaugmentation set improved upon the augmentations of the SPARTAN-II program, pioneered by Dr. Catherine Halsey. With advances in technology, the casualty rate for Spartan-III candidates was usually 0%, as opposed to the 56% casualty rate of the Spartan-IIs. Most of the Spartan-IIIs' augmentations were chemically induced instead of surgically implanted like many of the Spartan-II enhancements.

The schedule of the SPARTAN-III program was accelerated from that of the Spartan-IIs: because the Office of Naval Intelligence wanted to have the Spartans deployed in the field as rapidly as possible, by the time of Gamma Company the Spartan-IIIs were augmented at an average age of twelve, whereas the Spartan-IIs were fourteen during their augmentations. As puberty had not yet started for the majority of candidates at this time, they were given human growth hormone as well as cartilage, muscle and bone supplements added into their food over several months to artificially induce the onset of puberty. As a result, the candidates had the bodies of near-adult Olympic athletes at an average of only twelve years of age, and it took some time for them to acclimatize to their larger physiques.

"carbide ceramic ossification catalyst" drug.
Skeletons become virtually unbreakable, allowing survival in harder impacts.

"fibroid muscular protein complex" drug.
Increased density of individual's muscles, greatly enhancing physical strength.

"retina-inversion stabilizer" drug.
Color sharpness is significantly improved upon, and night vision is heightened.

"improved colloidal neural disunification solution" drug.[2]
Greatly improves the individual's reaction time, decreasing the time taken to react by 300%; "Spartan time".

The augmentations were administered over the course of a week; the subject was kept in a mostly sedated state throughout the process, which was conducted in a large, open operations room housing 400 sections separated by semi-opaque plastic curtains. Each compartment was filled with medical equipment, including a sterile field generator overhead as well as vital signs monitors and a chemotherapeutic infuser. The infuser contained vials for the various chemicals, which were administered to the subject via IV and osmotic patches. The Spartans were given a number of drugs to allow them to withstand the procedures themselves and counter their potential negative effects; these included shock reducers, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, anticoagulants, and pH buffers

Secondary: (SPARTAN-IV Augmentation Program)
Project ORCHID is the codename for the SPARTAN-IV Augmentation Program, a set of biochemical and surgical augmentation procedures performed on the Spartan-IV supersoldiers. Because of practical necessities arising from the SPARTAN-IV program's return to the ORION Project's recruitment protocols—namely, the use of adults as candidates—as well as advances in technology, the fourth-generation augmentation set differs considerably from the procedures used in the SPARTAN-II and SPARTAN-III programs. While the SPARTAN-IV augmentations enhance the subjects' strength and speed, the improvements in these areas are not as extensive as in the two preceding programs and their technological underpinnings are considerably different. However, the SPARTAN-IV augmentation series also introduces many specialized procedures not applied before, and the second generation of Mjolnir armor, standard issue to all Spartan-IVs, is able to effectively bridge the physiological gap between them and the earlier generations due to its superior physical enhancement. Like the augmentation procedures of the preceding SPARTAN programs, Project ORCHID is sponsored by the Office of Naval Intelligence's Section Three.

Like their forebears, the Spartan-IVs undergo a series of chemical and surgical procedures to enhance their physical capabilities. However, few of the procedures are directly derived from either the augmentations of the Spartan-IIIs or those of the Spartan-IIs, instead employing different methodologies to the same ends. For example, the carbide ceramic ossification used for skeletal reinforcement in the SPARTAN-II and SPARTAN-III programs has been replaced by the implantation of skeletal fullerene lattices, and the subjects' eyesight is now enhanced through the use of implants rather than the previously used retinal capillary inversion.[5]

The procedures used in the two preceding SPARTAN programs necessitated that the candidates meet exceedingly strict genetic qualifications as well as the application of the enhancements on preteens to avoid the catastrophic failure rates produced by the augmentation of adult subjects in the ORION Project. The augmentation techniques used in the SPARTAN-IV program can be performed safely on adults and without stringent genetic requirements; as a result, Spartan-IVs can be recruited based on their skills and abilities, rather than their genetic qualifications.

The augmentations for the SPARTAN-IV program feature a number of new procedures not used in the preceding programs. Due to the subjects' bodies no longer being in developing stages as well as their lack of genetic requirements, the process must be carefully custom-tailored for each individual.


Torpet datacluster installation

The subject is given a specialized neural implant—taking the form of a torpet datacluster—capable of interfacing with an artificial intelligence. The neural interface controller extends from the dataport at the base of the skull to the midbrain.

Muscular/skeletal engineering series
The Spartan candidate undergoes treatment to induce growth in skeletal and muscular tissues. Edward buck commented that his bones were "lengthened" and his muscles "stretched". The bones are then reinforced with skeletal fullerene lattices, regarded as "tougher than steel", which makes them virtually unbreakable and allows survival in harder impacts. The joints are also reinforced or replaced. The reinforcement is necessary as without it, simple actions such as jumping would result in the bones disintegrating due to the strain from the strengthened muscles. The subject's ligaments are reconstructed during the procedures.

Muscles are subjected to induced growth and injected with a material that allows them to work harder without breaking the Spartan's skeleton. Subjects also undergo muscle grafting. The augmentations also give them an enhanced muscle memory, which makes observing and learning combat techniques much easier.

Neurological series
The nervous system is "super-myelinated" to increase the production of myelin sheaths and, therefore, the subject's reaction time. The nervous system is subject to various element treatments, including an increase in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) responses and the rebuilding of neuroendocrine cells.

Organ implantation
Aside from the brain, virtually all other organs in the body are either modified in some manner or replaced. Several organs are biofabricated, including the lungs. The lungs implanted into the Spartans are biofabricated and lined with a STONEWELL pulmonary surfactant; a polymer that enhances oxygen intake and allows the subject to process airborne toxins or foreign gas mixtures. The pancreas is replaced by an apparently unnamed, vat-grown organ. The Spartans also undergo treatments to prevent organ rejection.

Corneal implants are provided, improving the subject's eyesight and night vision.

Circulatory and metabolic improvement
Subjects undergo numerous circulatory improvements. The heart is implanted with a synthetic, polythread weave which significantly increases its capacity to pump blood. The blood composition is modified to allow for faster clotting and immunity to most toxins. Spartans are also subjected to K5.2 hemoescutcheon, and implanted with circulatory shunts and intelli-fibrin acclimation, likely aiding in the healing of wounds.

Intestinal bacteria are altered to enable the digestive system to absorb more nutrients from food. An intestinal bioreactor is also implanted, and the subject is given a gut microbiota refresh.

Gene therapy
Spartans undergo an extensive gene therapy, which involves the lengthening of the telomeres and increasing the effectiveness of chondrocytes.

Subjects are implanted with a handful of tiny, durable biomonitoring implants, one of which is installed near the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, designed to aid medical teams remotely monitor the Spartan's health and performance.(Also sends data to RIGs) Subjects are also implanted with electronic locators to allow the United Nations Space Command to track each Spartan.

Endcap augmentation
The Spartan is subjected to hormone-regulation therapies and their bioprofile is archived.

The SPARTAN-IV augmentation procedures, at least for the first and second classes of the program, take three weeks to perform, with the Spartans in and out of surgeries and advanced therapies during this time. Following the augmentation procedures, recovery and subsequent training usually lasted several months. It took about two days for the first team of Spartan-IVs to relearn how to walk again following their augmentations. Significant disorientation was in evidence during their initial training exercises. The final steps of the augmentations are an assurance of hormonal regulation and the archiving of the subject's bioprofile.

Largely overseen by the Office of Naval Intelligence, the augmentation procedures are conducted in a dedicated Spartan-IV facility on Mars and are considered excruciatingly painful. Approximately two dozen candidates were augmented and conditioned at any given time during the second Spartan-IV class. Certifying medical review officers are responsible for reviewing the results of the procedures on each Spartan-IV candidate; Doctor Longo Berger was one such individual.

Reflecting on her augmentations, Sarah Palmer stated that the synthetic cardiac weave allows her to "outrun a horse". The enhancements performed on the lungs potentially allow a Spartan-IV to breathe methane for around an hour. Nutrition-wise, it is also said that a Spartan could eat a raw tree and retain the equivalent of six meals' worth of calories in terms of energy. According to Edward Buck, the ocular implants enable him to see in the dark and read the fine print on release forms "from across the room". The subject's hearing is also greatly improved. Thanks to their neurological enhancements, Spartan-IV's exhibit between a 10 to 20 percent improvement in their General Cognitive Propensity scores when paired with deep learning methods.

(Halo, Mass Effect, Ghost in the Shell, Deus Ex)
(Ghost in the Shell)

Minimal Cyberisation (CyberBrian Basic)
This is the most common type of cyberisation, and is the least intrusive. The Cerebrum and Corpus Callosum remain essentially unchanged, while micro-machine bio-neural electronics are interfaced with the Cerebellum. The biocircuitry has a natural fall-out rate during insertion, a natural consequence of Van Der Waal's dispersion forces with which the micro-machines penetrate neural tissue. Utimately, the micromachine matrix integrates with a larger-scale microcircuitry interface. This in turn outputs to interfaces, which are installed immediately below the cerebellum of the user, and are commonly known as Fort Plugs. Additionally, cyberbrains of 2032 AD also contain wideband wireless connections (descendants of IEEE 802.11a wireless broadband) in order to access the pervasive wireless Net. Physically, the cyberbrain differs from the natural brain with the addition of a thin metal shell (hence the title of these works, i.e. 'Ghost in the Shell'), which provides mechanical strength. These Shells are a common feature of all Cyberbrains, and may further contain additional shielding, such as lead and glass for workers in environments contaminated with radioactive material. The Shell is customized for each user, and will have apertures (in cases of minimal cyberisation) for the ocular nerves, and the olfactory bulb.

Neural interface
The neural interface, commonly known as a neural implant or neural lace, is a type of technology used by the UNSC.

The basic function of the standard neural interface is to act as a "friend or foe" indicator, so that radar signatures will pick up the owner's signature and identify it as friendly. This way, the wearer appears as a "yellow" blip on the motion tracker of another soldier's heads-up display and friendly fire is less likely. Additionally, the implant can be used to track and home in on its wearer in the event of capture by enemy forces, for example. While normally detectable under layers of rubble or rock, the signal is no longer reliable several meters underground. More advanced models issued to key personnel possess a number of additional functions, including connections to data networks, enabling the wearer to coordinate with other command personnel as well as AIs and securely access sensitive data. War Games training simulators employ the participants' neural interfaces to provide them with simulated sensory input to make the training scenarios more authentic.

The neural interface is implanted at the base of the skull and can only be removed through sophisticated surgery. The most basic interface, known as a "neural chip", is implanted in all UNSC military personnel upon activation, but it can be replaced with a more specialized neural lace should the need arise. Ship commanders receive command neural interfaces, while the Spartans have received the more specialized "SPARTAN neural interface". The basic neural chip is completely embedded under the skin and possesses no external interface port, unlike the more specialized variations.

Expensive and requiring complicated surgery when first introduced, neural interfaces and their mediating computing systems could be fitted in a simple outpatient clinical procedure by 2557. High-bandwidth interfaces can be paired with advanced expert systems to augment – and even bypass – the human motor system, reducing the physiological stress of high-performance combat exoskeletons to levels that do not require extensive skeletal reinforcement. This innovation, initially a secondary line of research during MJOLNIR's early days, was crucial for the SPARTAN-III and SPARTAN-IV programs.

Finally, neural interface is used by vehicle crews to allow them to use their vehicles more effectively. Most notable example of this is the Scorpion tank, where neural interface allows a single crewman to effectively control every function of the tank, rather than requiring a standard crew of driver, gunner and commander. As standard issue neural interface chips used by infantry and starship crews lack an external port, it is likely that vehicle crews are issued with different neural interface chips which feature an external port.

Command neural interface or CNI implants are implanted in the brain of every UNSC ship commander. In addition to the duties of a standard neural interface, they also have several purposes specific to a ship commander.

Once installed, they cannot be removed without killing the host or doing permanent damage to the host's brain and are therefore permanent. Their main use is the storage of data codes, NAV data, and also for receiving telemetry from outside sources. AIs can access the lace with the owner's consent and retrieve data for use. The owner of the lace can also receive data about the ship they command from onboard AI and subroutines, relayed to the individual officer's personal synchronised comm band. The CNI transponder of the commanding officer is the only thing with clearance for initiating a vessel's auto destruct. Thus, a UNSC ship may only be destroyed if its commander authorizes its destruction, if it is done manually, or if the commander is dead, their interface may be removed and the codes can be fed into the ship's computer by an AI. Although permanent, they can be upgraded for specialized functions.

CNIs are designed so that the classified information stored within them, such as the locations of UNSC colonies, cannot be forcibly extracted by interrogation or torture, and have been proven effective against even the Flood for a limited time.

In addition to the standard functions of a neural interface, the SPARTAN neural interface is unique in that it is designed to allow an AI construct to directly interface with the Spartan's brain. Therefore, the AI resides in both the armor and the wearer's mind; essentially, it exists in both places at once. The interface allows the AI access to most of the suit's internal systems, though the Spartan has override control. The AI is capable of significantly improving the data transfer rate between the motor cortex of the Spartan and the MJOLNIR's processing unit, further improving the Spartan's already lightning-quick reaction speed. The Smart AI Black Box interfaced with Naomi-010 during their assault on the Piety, utilizing the connection to experience the world around them as the Spartan did, while simultaneously maintaining his own, objective perception via the Mjolnir's helmet cam.

The AI's data crystal chip is inserted into a socket near the base of the Spartan's skull through a slot in the MJOLNIR armor.(Known Spartans to have this interface are Victor-101, John-117, Naomi-010 and Fred-104)

Like the standard-issue and command neural interfaces, the SPARTAN neural interface can probably not be removed without advanced surgery or killing the host. The interface is also a standard addition to the Spartan-IVs' augmentations

(Mass Effect)
Biotic Implants and Amps
All biotics seeking to wield their abilities on a usable level are fitted with an electronic brain implant during puberty. Once the implant is installed, it can only be replaced or altered through extremely dangerous brain surgery, so most individuals keep the same implant their entire lives.

Biotics manipulate mass effect fields using dozens of element zero nodules within their nervous system that react to electric stimuli from the brain. Biotic Amps allow biotics to synchronize the nodules so they can form fields large and strong enough for practical use. Amplifiers can improve a specific discipline or talent.

An implant is a surgically-embedded interface port into which amps are "plugged in". They are also known as "wetware" because of their cybernetic nature. In humans, the implant is usually placed at the base of the skull for convenient access, though the user must be careful to keep it free of contaminants.

Implant ports can fit a variety of amps, and there is a growing market for modifications and add-ons. The finest quality implants and amps are manufactured by asari artisans, but the Systems Alliance's L3 implants, first deployed in 2170 CE, represent a significant step forward for human biotic amp manufacturers. By 2186 CE, enhanced L3 variants as well as more advanced L4 and L5 models have been developed, but are experimental and not widely used.

(Cyberpunk 2077)

There are a wide variety of cybernetic devices available to the man on the move in the 2000's. But the basis for all these newtechs is chipware (also known as wetware by some), bio-plastic circuitry that allows the human body to mesh with the power of silicon microprocessors.

There are two types of chipware; reflex (APTR) chips and memoryware (MRAM) chips. Each piece of chipware operates exactly like the skill of the same name. To use chips requires two separate installations: a neural processor located at the base of the spine, which translates the chip data into useful information, and a set of interface plugs or chipware sockets.

The chip itself is a small, transparent sliver about an inch long, often color-coded for identification. It is inserted into the interface plug point down. It takes about 3 seconds to change chips

(Halo, Mass Effect, Deus Ex)
(Cyberpunk 2077)
Cyberoptics are a combination of digital processor and camera. Cyberoptics are replacements for normal eyes. Cyber vision is just like regular vision, only better. Colors are brighter, images sharper. And that's just the start.

Want to see life as a 30s black and white movie? No problem. Telescopic or microscopic vision? Optional. Infrared and low light vision? Standard for Solos.

Cyberoptics look exactly like normal eyes, although a wide variety of fashion iris colors are popular (amber, white, burgundy and violet are common). Some versions are transparent, with glitter or lights swirling inside of them. Other are superchromed for a more "cyber" look. Others can change eye color at will or to match clothes and surroundings. Some even have tiny designer logos around the iris. Cyberoptics with cameras or weapons usually load from the front, with the iris opening up when the front of the eye is depressed.

Infrared: Allows user to see in pitch blackness, using heat emissions for image reception.
Telescopics: Allows user to see telescopic images equivalent to a 30X scope.
Microscopics: Allows user to see microscopic images.
Minicamera: 10 exposure minicamera activated by squinting. Film is automatically ejected from iris when last exposure is taken.
Times Square Marquee: Scrolling red letter screen in upper edge of vision, linked to either a software chip readout or a radio link.

Targeting Scope: This projects a target into the field of vision at will. The targeting scope will read range to specific objects, speed of movement, bearing and size, as well as providing several types of scope reticule for aligning weapons. When chipped into a "smartgun", the scope will match the targeting sensors of the gun with what you are looking at, then flash a "ready signal" when the target is acquired.
Anti-dazzle protection: Auto stepdown compensates for harsh sunlight, flares, etc. Never need sunglasses again.
Low-Lite: Allows user to see clearly in dim light conditions, down to very faint moonlight or distant streetlamps.
Image Enhancement: High-resolution graphics capability allows user to enhance and refine images viewed.
Thermograph Sensor: Allows user to see heat patterns of objects, people. Cooler things show up as dark to light blue, hotter things as red or orange, and the hottest of all as yellow or white. Can be used to distinguish a warm body against a wall, in pitch darkness, or presence of cybernetics (which are always cooler than normal body temperatures).

(Deus ex)
Mechanical augmentation involves the use of cybernetics in order to improve or replace human body parts. It is distinguished from basic limb prosthetics in that they interface directly with the central nervous system, as opposed to just the ends of peripheral nerves.

Arms replaced with cybernetics/Prosthetics can split into two separate arms each. Hidden light blaster and darts in arms along with built-in Omni tools.
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Oddly, at this point I'm more interested in your character resolving the issues from his original life than enter some weird Mass/Effect Doom hybrid.

That said, I'll be following this to see where the story goes.