Power Rangers: Mythical Mania

@BL1T2W4K3 @Kensai @Meanjojo @Lizard Knight @always_confused @Darth Invictus

All of you had recently come to acquire the Star Gems, while you don't know what they are, or even just how valuable they are you know they are important, too important to show to anyone else.

But currently, you are all in your homes, maybe you are cleaning, maybe you are eating or you might just be watching some TV but you suddenly realize you have to be somewhere now, somewhere that you are certain you didn't have to be before but you feel the overwhelming urge to go there, to go to a place you have never been before and to take the gems with you.

Should you go? It's certainly not a natural urge and you don't know what is causing it, it probably isn't safe but you want to go.

(OOC: Sorry for the short start, half of it has gone missing and I wanted to actually get this out)
Sandra opens her eyes lets out a snort as her fancy rock thing seems to PUSH her somewhere.
She looks at the glowing, green, odd crystal in her hand.
"Oke...you are not a star satan rock right?"
The rock seems dormant
"No Cuthulu whatever bullshit right?"
The rock stays stoic
"...wel I don't like doing what I am told"
The rock, being a rock, cannot show that its distressed
"...but fuck it I have nothing better to do."
Sandra gets up, hands in pockects, and marches to the location her magic rock points to.
After walking a while she says to herself
"I am talking to rocks...its one of those days.
Reading a book, Anthony perks up as his favorite stone starts to glow.

"Huh... you've never done that before?" Poking the stone the urge from before became stronger, almost agonizingly so before breathing in and exhaling he smiles before getting up.

"Fine fine whatever ya want i'll do it". Picking up his backpack and putting his shoes on, Anthony pockets the stone as he heads out in the general direction it's been pointing at the last couple of minutes. I hope this isn't some evil ghost shit , He thought marching out the front door towards the unknown.
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As I finish up with a post-training shower and prepare to get started on some work, I feel a sudden urge to go somewhere. I don't even where, but as I gaze out my dorm window and look out at my surroundings, a path to wherever this place is seems to form, like I've always known how to get there. The path is incomplete, as if I have to actually start on my journey before I see the rest.

At first I do my best to ignore this urge, chalking it up to my general anxiety and feelings of loneliness, but the more I try to ignore it, the stronger the sensation becomes. To the point of giving me a headache when I go to bed in a failed attempt to sleep it off. I don't know why, but I feel like taking that shiny rock I found the other day alongside me for this jaunt out.

"Fine! Have it your way then!" Cursing at nothing in particular, I get dressed, grab the damn magenta colored rock and start walking. I think about jogging or even doing a little parkour to get to my destination but decide against that. I just showered and I'm not certainly not going to exert more effort than necessary just for a sudden urge and a pretty rock.
Rebby's heartbeat became irregular as she looked at the glowing blue gem she had in her hand. This hasn't happened before, so why did it happen now of all times? Her breathing became jagged as she felt as though the gem was telling her to go somewhere, she didn't know where exactly, but she felt like she would know if she went. She tried to ignore this feeling, thinking it was just something in her head after seeing the irregular glow of the gem. Instead this feeling, this yearning, just grew in intensity and never left.

She sighed in defeat and pocketed the blue gem, thanking her lucky stars that no one else was home. Weekend mornings were always her rest times, away from that woman. All she was doing was watching T.V anyway. She made sure to turn off the T.V, the lights, and put on a coat before she headed out. She gave a final clutch to the gem and started walking in whatever direction her mind was telling her to go.
Nathan checked the time, it wasn't too late, he took the gem out of his pocket and held it up to the light, thinking back to when he'd seen it, it was a deep golden yellow, so much it had been found amidst a hoard of golden coins and other pieces when he'd noticed it and palmed it. He'd never considered taking something from the museum before, it was career suicide, the RAF wouldn't touch him with a record, he'd been lucky to convince his parents to let him take a vacation to the other side of the pond just afterwards. With any luck the museum didn't even notice it was missing since the hoard hadn't been catalogued at that point, just brought in by some treasure hunter with a metal detector

Still, something had combined him he needed to have the gem, something, maybe the same something was urging him to go somewhere, he'd come this far, he might as well see it through to the end

With that he placed the gem back in his pocket, grabbed his coat and headed out the door
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Sayaka pushed her bowl of ramen away, still half-eaten. Normally she couldn't afford to waste food, but her stomach was churning and it felt like she'd throw up if she forced herself.

The desire was that strong.

She'd never felt like this before. She'd spent most of her young life trying to get away from things, from people, from situations - not run to them. And she didn't crave for stuff. You learned not to hope for too much when even filling your belly was a toss-up from day to day. She'd learned to make do with whatever she got, to keep her mind level no matter what happened.

So this... this was disturbing.

She fingered the stone in the pocket of her hoodie. Such a small thing, smooth like a river pebble, glistening black, and somehow cold to the touch - not a freezing painful cold, just a chill that felt like it could never get warm.

And it was calling to her, somehow. Telling her that she needed to get herself moving, out the door, out towards... what?

She needed to know.
As you follow the unseen direction you wander through the town, you walk past the people, the buildings and the vehicles, its a rather ordinary town, to be honest, not too successful, not too much of a failure, its right in the middle of things, the kind of place where average people live and average people die, you all see the exact same homeless man begging on the street corner at the same moment even when you are nowhere near each other and you get a sense of wrongness from the man, you walk faster, all of you nearly getting hit by a strange red car of a make you don't recognise and a license plate that is clearly illegal you got the same feeling from the car as you did from the homeless man.

Eventually, you end up by the coast and stare at each other as your gems start glowing through your clothing where you were carrying them so you can all see the gems that the others have. The water of the coast freezes into thick clear ice, water sloshing around on top of it freezing upon contact it creates a clear path towards a well-known section of rocks that has the appearance of a giant hand jutting out of the sea, its known for dragging unwary swimmers and boats into its deadly grasp and them never resurfacing.

(OOC: not particularly happy with this one but it gets the point across I feel)
Sandra stares at the others
Stares at her gem
At the ice
At the hand
"I don't know about you people, but I am having none of this shit."
She turns her back to the ice path and puts her hands in her pockets
"Any of you see a creepy begger and almost get hit by a car? Those felt...wrong. This feels wrong."
Sandra looks over her shoulder "This is some demonic shit, getting led her by rock and seeing an ice path to a cursed hand rock? Don't know about y'all but what ever they are selling I am not buying." The punk says, pointing at the hand formation.
Sayaka stared at the rough-looking girl.

"You're right," she said. "This feels wrong."

She looked round the motley group that had somehow gathered here.

"But tell me you could have done any different."

She held up the black gem and watched it glisten.

"This thing isn't going to leave me alone until I figure out what's going on. So I'm going to figure out what's going on."

She folded her fingers around the gem. Dark light spilled between her fingers.

"You can chicken out if you like but you'll just end up coming back anyway. Me, I'm going where this is taking me so I can end it one way or another."
Sayaka stared at the rough-looking girl.

"You're right," she said. "This feels wrong."

She looked round the motley group that had somehow gathered here.

"But tell me you could have done any different."

She held up the black gem and watched it glisten.

"This thing isn't going to leave me alone until I figure out what's going on. So I'm going to figure out what's going on."

She folded her fingers around the gem. Dark light spilled between her fingers.

"You can chicken out if you like but you'll just end up coming back anyway. Me, I'm going where this is taking me so I can end it one way or another."
Sandra smiles "Walking into the den of the beast, eh? Facing what ever tries to reel us in?"
Sandra turns around fully and strides forward "This is a dumb idea, you know that? But hey, might aswel punch the jaw of whatever is luring is here, before it eats presumbly." Cassandra says, laughing.
Nathan looked at the others, they each had a gem, so did he

This was fate, he hadn't been a big believer but that was before he stole what was clearly some sort of magical jewel from a museum and gone to the other side of the Atlantic on what was essentially a whim, he was living in strange times

"We bought the ticket, we might as well take the ride" he mused, holding the golden gem in his hand and staring out at the sea
Rebby became confused as soon as she somehow ended up in a group of people, all going to the exact same place. No one spoke a word as the gem she held started to glow, to which it was quickly discovered that everyone else had a glowing gem of differing color. A few seconds into the silence the sound of water slowly stopped sloshing along the shore line and the air grew incredibly colder. When she looked away from the other people the atmosphere was very noticeably different. The water was frozen, the air around them was cold and a little bluer than normal, the world around them had suddenly turned to ice.

She was too confused and shocked to let out a gasp, so she let her body swing around in all directions to get a better grasp of what was going on. It didn't ease her worries at all, so she stopped and looked at a suspiciously intentional frozen path of water that leads to a certain formation of rocks. She hasn't been out here at the shore much, but apparently the formation of rocks formed a hand. It is said that those who go near the hand are never seen again. At least that's what the rumor mill around school always said. Apparently criminals that are never seen again are said to have been dragged down to the depths by that hand. It was easy to dismiss them as rumors, but with how things are being right now... no, it's probably something else. This right now is a very unnatural phenomenon.

"I don't know about you people, but I am having none of this shit."
She turns her back to the ice path and puts her hands in her pockets
"Any of you see a creepy begger and almost get hit by a car? Those felt...wrong. This feels wrong."

What the big woman said made her eyes widen a little. Those are very specific words to say, so specific that it is exactly what happened to her. A red car if she was correct, with a strange license plate. She couldn't say anything on it as the woman was already on to her next subject.

"This is some demonic shit, getting led here by rock and seeing an ice path to a cursed hand rock? Don't know about y'all but what ever they are selling I am not buying." The punk says, pointing at the hand formation.

That would honestly be the most logical thing to do, but she knew that no one else would believe them if they told anybody. Who would believe anyone if they said the shore froze over and a solid frozen path lead to the hand-rock formation. However, she felt that intense feeling, the yearning, return alongside the glow of her gem. She clutched her gem and looked upon the frozen ocean. If she returned now she would have to return home, but she wanted to come back as late as possible.

She watched as the woman with the black gem respond to the big woman.

"This thing isn't going to leave me alone until I figure out what's going on. So I'm going to figure out what's going on."

She folded her fingers around the gem. Dark light spilled between her fingers.

"You can chicken out if you like but you'll just end up coming back anyway. Me, I'm going where this is taking me so I can end it one way or another."

Rebby clutched her gem even tighter as the woman spoke a simple truth. Even if she left she would probably come back everyday until she decided to go. When she doesn't know, but if she did it now there would be no room for doubts in her mind. The yearning would just come back again and again until she couldn't take it anymore. She felt a small kind of admiration for the brave woman, with her current get things done attitude. This somewhat set her mind in the mood to be able to walk towards the formation, across the frozen ice.

Sandra smiles "Walking into the den of the beast, eh? Facing what ever tries to reel us in?"
Sandra turns around fully and strides forward "This is a dumb idea, you know that? But hey, might aswel punch the jaw of whatever is luring is here, before it eats presumbly." Cassandra says, laughing.

Her small resolve somewhat weakened. She doubted she would be able to fight whatever came their way, but the desire to see something new and exotic still enticed her. She just hoped nothing too dangerous was abound.

She took a deep breath, "If everyone else is willing to go so be it. I'll follow." Even though this was a complete group of strangers, it was either safety in numbers or never having your body found again.
Sandra stares at the others
Stares at her gem
At the ice
At the hand
"I don't know about you people, but I am having none of this shit."
She turns her back to the ice path and puts her hands in her pockets
"Any of you see a creepy begger and almost get hit by a car? Those felt...wrong. This feels wrong."
Sandra looks over her shoulder "This is some demonic shit, getting led her by rock and seeing an ice path to a cursed hand rock? Don't know about y'all but what ever they are selling I am not buying." The punk says, pointing at the hand formation.

The gears in my head slowly creak in effort as I look at the heavy-set woman among our number until I finally come across a realization. "Cassandra?! Is that you?" 'Sandra', as she preferred to be called if I remember correctly, was one of the kids back where my mom and brother lived. We were never friends or paid much attention to each other, but we met a few times here and there. She was definitely a figure that divided the neighborhood elders. Some thought she was a bad influence, others admired her spunk. My brother fell in the latter category - and being an elder sibling, he counted as an 'elder' - and...so did I actually. I never spoke to Cassandra about it, but I recall a time back in high-school where she took on several boys who were bullying her younger sister. She came out of the scrap looking like shit, but she got her point across very clearly and they never messed with her or her friend ever again. (backroom gossip aside...it was high-school after all) I was going through a tough time back then and it was the support of my mom and brother that got me through. But while I owed a lot to them, I also owed Cassandra more than she realized. It was that memory of her confronting the bullies that got me to start working out and taking MMA lessons when I came out of my troubles.


Which is probably why I act a little too hyper when I realize its her and...rush and give her a hug. Hug over, I beam at Cassandra. "Its been a while..."
Sandra stares at the others
Stares at her gem
At the ice
At the hand
"I don't know about you people, but I am having none of this shit."
She turns her back to the ice path and puts her hands in her pockets
"Any of you see a creepy begger and almost get hit by a car? Those felt...wrong. This feels wrong."
Sandra looks over her shoulder "This is some demonic shit, getting led her by rock and seeing an ice path to a cursed hand rock? Don't know about y'all but what ever they are selling I am not buying." The punk says, pointing at the hand formation.

Sayaka stared at the rough-looking girl.

"You're right," she said. "This feels wrong."

She looked round the motley group that had somehow gathered here.

"But tell me you could have done any different."

She held up the black gem and watched it glisten.

"This thing isn't going to leave me alone until I figure out what's going on. So I'm going to figure out what's going on."

She folded her fingers around the gem. Dark light spilled between her fingers.

"You can chicken out if you like but you'll just end up coming back anyway. Me, I'm going where this is taking me so I can end it one way or another."

Sandra smiles "Walking into the den of the beast, eh? Facing what ever tries to reel us in?"
Sandra turns around fully and strides forward "This is a dumb idea, you know that? But hey, might aswel punch the jaw of whatever is luring is here, before it eats presumbly." Cassandra says, laughing.

Nathan looked at the others, they each had a gem, so did he

This was fate, he hadn't been a big believer but that was before he stole what was clearly some sort of magical jewel from a museum and gone to the other side of the Atlantic on what was essentially a whim, he was living in strange times

"We bought the ticket, we might as well take the ride" he mused, holding the golden gem in his hand and staring out at the sea

Rebby became confused as soon as she somehow ended up in a group of people, all going to the exact same place. No one spoke a word as the gem she held started to glow, to which it was quickly discovered that everyone else had a glowing gem of differing color. A few seconds into the silence the sound of water slowly stopped sloshing along the shore line and the air grew incredibly colder. When she looked away from the other people the atmosphere was very noticeably different. The water was frozen, the air around them was cold and a little bluer than normal, the world around them had suddenly turned to ice.

She was too confused and shocked to let out a gasp, so she let her body swing around in all directions to get a better grasp of what was going on. It didn't ease her worries at all, so she stopped and looked at a suspiciously intentional frozen path of water that leads to a certain formation of rocks. She hasn't been out here at the shore much, but apparently the formation of rocks formed a hand. It is said that those who go near the hand are never seen again. At least that's what the rumor mill around school always said. Apparently criminals that are never seen again are said to have been dragged down to the depths by that hand. It was easy to dismiss them as rumors, but with how things are being right now... no, it's probably something else. This right now is a very unnatural phenomenon.

What the big woman said made her eyes widen a little. Those are very specific words to say, so specific that it is exactly what happened to her. A red car if she was correct, with a strange license plate. She couldn't say anything on it as the woman was already on to her next subject.

That would honestly be the most logical thing to do, but she knew that no one else would believe them if they told anybody. Who would believe anyone if they said the shore froze over and a solid frozen path lead to the hand-rock formation. However, she felt that intense feeling, the yearning, return alongside the glow of her gem. She clutched her gem and looked upon the frozen ocean. If she returned now she would have to return home, but she wanted to come back as late as possible.

She watched as the woman with the black gem respond to the big woman.

Rebby clutched her gem even tighter as the woman spoke a simple truth. Even if she left she would probably come back everyday until she decided to go. When she doesn't know, but if she did it now there would be no room for doubts in her mind. The yearning would just come back again and again until she couldn't take it anymore. She felt a small kind of admiration for the brave woman, with her current get things done attitude. This somewhat set her mind in the mood to be able to walk towards the formation, across the frozen ice.

Her small resolve somewhat weakened. She doubted she would be able to fight whatever came their way, but the desire to see something new and exotic still enticed her. She just hoped nothing too dangerous was abound.

She took a deep breath, "If everyone else is willing to go so be it. I'll follow." Even though this was a complete group of strangers, it was either safety in numbers or never having your body found again.

The gears in my head slowly creak in effort as I look at the heavy-set woman among our number until I finally come across a realization. "Cassandra?! Is that you?" 'Sandra', as she preferred to be called if I remember correctly, was one of the kids back where my mom and brother lived. We were never friends or paid much attention to each other, but we met a few times here and there. She was definitely a figure that divided the neighborhood elders. Some thought she was a bad influence, others admired her spunk. My brother fell in the latter category - and being an elder sibling, he counted as an 'elder' - and...so did I actually. I never spoke to Cassandra about it, but I recall a time back in high-school where she took on several boys who were bullying her younger sister. She came out of the scrap looking like shit, but she got her point across very clearly and they never messed with her or her friend ever again. (backroom gossip aside...it was high-school after all) I was going through a tough time back then and it was the support of my mom and brother that got me through. But while I owed a lot to them, I also owed Cassandra more than she realized. It was that memory of her confronting the bullies that got me to start working out and taking MMA lessons when I came out of my troubles.


Which is probably why I act a little too hyper when I realize its her and...rush and give her a hug. Hug over, I beam at Cassandra. "Its been a while..."

Seeing this exchange of words Anthony was quiet the entire time before chiming in.
"Well this a nice coincidence as well as an appreciated one don't ya think", saying with a smile Anthony has his arms spread wide.

"I personally don't care what happens as long as it is fun and entertaining, also with a side of beating the shit out whatever forced us here in the first place". With an enthusiastic head nod he falls quiet once again as his gaze sweeps across the gathered group.
The gears in my head slowly creak in effort as I look at the heavy-set woman among our number until I finally come across a realization. "Cassandra?! Is that you?" 'Sandra', as she preferred to be called if I remember correctly, was one of the kids back where my mom and brother lived. We were never friends or paid much attention to each other, but we met a few times here and there. She was definitely a figure that divided the neighborhood elders. Some thought she was a bad influence, others admired her spunk. My brother fell in the latter category - and being an elder sibling, he counted as an 'elder' - and...so did I actually. I never spoke to Cassandra about it, but I recall a time back in high-school where she took on several boys who were bullying her younger sister. She came out of the scrap looking like shit, but she got her point across very clearly and they never messed with her or her friend ever again. (backroom gossip aside...it was high-school after all) I was going through a tough time back then and it was the support of my mom and brother that got me through. But while I owed a lot to them, I also owed Cassandra more than she realized. It was that memory of her confronting the bullies that got me to start working out and taking MMA lessons when I came out of my troubles.


Which is probably why I act a little too hyper when I realize its her and...rush and give her a hug. Hug over, I beam at Cassandra. "Its been a while..."
Cassandra is caught in the hug in the mid of her confident stride.
'Some is hugging me, what? Why, who is she, what even-wha?'

Cassandra freezes up, her momentum and the girl holding onto her causing her to lose balance...
and fall to the ground
'Welp, that just happend'
Cassandra looks at the girl hugging her with a dry expression, she looks KINDA familiar
"I am sorry but have we met before?"
Cassandra is caught in the hug in the mid of her confident stride.
'Some is hugging me, what? Why, who is she, what even-wha?'

Cassandra freezes up, her momentum and the girl holding onto her causing her to lose balance...
and fall to the ground
'Welp, that just happened'
Cassandra looks at the girl hugging her with a dry expression, she looks KINDA familiar
"I am sorry but have we met before?"

Laughing, I get up and brush myself off and offer Cassandra a hand. "Sorry about that. Just got a little overexcited. To answer your question, kinda yes, kinda no. Riya Khan. We never really spoke to each other much, but we're from the same neighborhood. You might recognize my mom and elder brother more than me. She tries to help out as a nurse when she has the time and my brother...well, he was that guy who arrived really stoned in that one community get together a couple of years back and gave one of the worst dance performances anyone has ever seen."
Laughing, I get up and brush myself off and offer Cassandra a hand. "Sorry about that. Just got a little overexcited. To answer your question, kinda yes, kinda no. Riya Khan. We never really spoke to each other much, but we're from the same neighborhood. You might recognize my mom and elder brother more than me. She tries to help out as a nurse when she has the time and my brother...well, he was that guy who arrived really stoned in that one community get together a couple of years back and gave one of the worst dance performances anyone has ever seen."
Cassandra takes the hand, and pulls herself up.
"Thanks, but I remember neither your mother or your brother. If I need a nurse that probally means I am not in a state to remember."
Cassandra smiles
"Also bold of you to assume I show up for community get together"
She pats Riya's shoulder
"But lets get to that creepy hand rock in the distance so we can go where our magical rainbow are dying to get too. Maybe punch said thing, fate willing."
Cassandra steps on the ice, stamps, and does some strides
"Good news, its magic bullshit ice. Extremely tough and not slippery, roll with it."
As expected, Cassandra doesn't remember me. But I remember her and what she inadvertently did for me, and that's enough.

Which reminds me, where are my manners? "As I said, my name is Riya Khan. Wish we met under more...normal circumstances, but I'm glad to meet you all, all the same. Shall we?" Giving a pleasant smile to all the others, I take a breath and step onto the ice-path. Finding it less slippery than I thought - as Cassandra had stated - I slowly make my way forward...
"I'm Nate, seems like we've all come this far, we may as well see it through to the end" Nathan replied, taking a step out onto the ice, the gem clasped in his left hand emitting a golden glow, the ice held so he cautiously moved forwards
Seeing as most of the people he just met have started to move, Anthony goes with the flow.

Shrugging he says,"Names Anthony Micheal's nice ta meetcha" expecting no greeting Anthony grips his gem before taking a leap of faith stepping on the ice.
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As you move along the icy path there are many close calls, with the water splashing up onto the ice and freezing you had to be quick, lest you get frozen to the ice as well. After the dangerous walk, you soon reach the hand of death or whatever people called it these days.

It's only once you all reach the hand itself that you realise that it is completely smooth, unnaturally so, you see no cracks or chunks missing, the only deformity in the hand is five star-shaped holes in the wrist, you realise that your gems would perfectly fit into them, the problem is, there are six of you and only five holes, that seems important.

You suddenly hear a cracking noise and as you turn you all witness the ice path crack and shatter, the only part remaining is the ice under your feet. The Gems are telling you that the only way out is through the hand, you are also getting strong feelings of apprehension and fear from the Gems, both of those things you didn't know magical Gems could feel.
As you move along the icy path there are many close calls, with the water splashing up onto the ice and freezing you had to be quick, lest you get frozen to the ice as well. After the dangerous walk, you soon reach the hand of death or whatever people called it these days.

It's only once you all reach the hand itself that you realise that it is completely smooth, unnaturally so, you see no cracks or chunks missing, the only deformity in the hand is five star-shaped holes in the wrist, you realise that your gems would perfectly fit into them, the problem is, there are six of you and only five holes, that seems important.

You suddenly hear a cracking noise and as you turn you all witness the ice path crack and shatter, the only part remaining is the ice under your feet. The Gems are telling you that the only way out is through the hand, you are also getting strong feelings of apprehension and fear from the Gems, both of those things you didn't know magical Gems could feel.
Cassandra looks at the breaking path
"...so what are my chances if I just swim for it, you think?" she mumbles out loud.
She then turns over to the hand "I am not sure about you, but my gem is scared and I can only think of two reasons. It is either scared to be placed in the hand, or..."
The she shrugs
"NOT being placed in the creepy hand. If I were a gem I would prefer the former, but I would guess it would be placed in the hand."
Cassandra shrugs "No rush for me however, again, I am perfectly willing to swim it if need be."
Cassandra looks at the breaking path
"...so what are my chances if I just swim for it, you think?" she mumbles out loud.
She then turns over to the hand "I am not sure about you, but my gem is scared and I can only think of two reasons. It is either scared to be placed in the hand, or..."
The she shrugs
"NOT being placed in the creepy hand. If I were a gem I would prefer the former, but I would guess it would be placed in the hand."
Cassandra shrugs "No rush for me however, again, I am perfectly willing to swim it if need be."

"If ice formed it's going to be freezing cold, you'll have a matter of minutes to get back to the coast, then you'll have to get dry and warm immediately or you'll risk collapsing and dying of hypothermia. And that's assuming you make it back, this place is supposed to have a nasty riptide, you'll probably just get pulled to the bottom of the bay or dragged out to sea if you try and swim for it, I'm sure as hell not going in" he added "my parents are in the Royal Navy" as a way of explanation before turning to look at the 'hand'

The gem in his own hand was pulsing, every few second he felt a surge of fear enter his mind, it was scared, he didn't know if it was because it wanted to be put into the slot in the rock and was scared it wasn't, if it didn't and was scared it was going to be or if it was scared for some other reason, it was a magical empathic gemstone, he wasn't an expert on what those wanted
As you move along the icy path there are many close calls, with the water splashing up onto the ice and freezing you had to be quick, lest you get frozen to the ice as well. After the dangerous walk, you soon reach the hand of death or whatever people called it these days.

It's only once you all reach the hand itself that you realize that it is completely smooth, unnaturally so, you see no cracks or chunks missing, the only deformity in the hand is five star-shaped holes in the wrist, you realize that your gems would perfectly fit into them, the problem is, there are six of you and only five holes, that seems important.

You suddenly hear a cracking noise and as you turn you all witness the ice path crack and shatter, the only part remaining is the ice under your feet. The Gems are telling you that the only way out is through the hand, you are also getting strong feelings of apprehension and fear from the Gems, both of those things you didn't know magical Gems could feel.

As we reach the 'hand of death', I marvel at our surroundings. Its beautiful in a haunting sort of way. Of course, I could probably appreciate my surroundings more if it wasn't for the wetness and freezing temperatures.

Of course, that's when things go south. My gem is practically swamping my mind with feelings of fear and anxiety, but I fight down the urge to give in to those feelings. There's five slots and six of us, someone will have to risk the stormy water...

Sorry about this brother, if things don't go well, I'll see you on the other side. "...You guys go on ahead. There's five slots but six of us. I'll...I'll just be a little while."