Vote tally - Persona: HEAVEN (Persona/Sword Art Online/Isekai Multicross)

Adhoc vote count started by afreaknamedpete on Feb 13, 2024 at 5:16 PM, finished with 44 posts and 20 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Persona: HEAVEN (Persona/Sword Art Online/Isekai Multicross)
Post #2403
Post #2446


  • [X] Let Hanako Akazawa go.
    -- [X] "...I think Akazawa is doing more to accept responsibility right now than a lot of people right now."
    -- [X] "And I'm not gonna claim the moral high ground here. I need this job. I need it to make money I need to pay to win an overhyped kusoge that's scamming obnoxious edgelords out of their money. I need the job to get back into shape so I can run around and do Kikouka's job for him."
    -- [X] "I need this job to keep me solvent so I can crash every VRMMO that wants to be the next SAO. Like my work in GGO that you call 'small fry'.
    -- [X] "At the end of ALO I met Kayaba. And he made it clear that SAO was just phase one of his plans. He wants to give everyone a way to make their own SAO through the SEED. "
    -- [X] And in ALO, GGO, I've met so many people who would buy what he's selling even if they knew he was the one selling it."
    -- [X] But if you offered Akazawa the same deal...I don't think she'd take it."
    -- [X] "Sad as it is to say. Akazawa is someone who has actual value in reality. She isn't locking people up in her mad power fantasies to feel special. She isn't wasting away her life in an Amusphere to pretend that she's important. She's contributing to the world. Without her job I wouldn't have been able to sneak into RECT to crash ALO and finish saving Kayaba's victims from Sugou."
    -- [X] "If you want to look at it more altruistically you can say she's doing more to atone now than she would if you doxx here. Her entire hiring practice is built around hiring VR victims who couldn't function in society after being freed."
    -- [X] "You think these people accepting responsibility will fix the problem? Because it won't. They're just a symptom of a society that is doing nothing but running away from reality. Preferring ones and zeroes they don't actually own to something more tangible, like collecting model guns or something."
    -- [X] "So I think Titan's Mover represents more good for the world than bad. Because it helps people live in reality. It stops people from becoming the next Laughing Coffin."
    [X] Let Hanako Akazawa go.
    -- [X] "You want to know what I think, Argo. I don't think you care about accepting responsibility or justice at all since all I've seen you do is threaten to drag everyone associated with your targets down with them. Hurt the innocent more than you hurt the wicked."
    -- [X] "And I'm not gonna claim the moral high ground here. I need this job. I need it to make money I need to pay to win an overhyped kusoge that's scamming obnoxious edgelords out of their money. I need the job to get back into shape so I can run around and do Kikouka's job for him."
    -- [X] "I need this job to keep me solvent so I can crash every VRMMO that wants to be the next SAO. Like my work in GGO that you call 'small fry'.
    -- [X] "You think these people accepting responsibility will fix the problem? Because it won't. They're just a symptom of a society that is doing nothing but running away from reality. Preferring ones and zeroes they don't actually own to something more tangible, like collecting model guns or something."
    -- [X] "Sad as it is to say. Akazawa is someone who has actual value in reality. She isn't locking people up in her mad power fantasies to feel special. She isn't pissing away her life in an Amusphere to pretend that she's important. She's contributing to the world. Without her job I wouldn't have been able to sneak into RECT to crash ALO and finish saving Kayaba's victims from Sugou."
    -- [X] "If you want to look at it more altruistically you can say she's doing more to atone now than she would if you doxx here. Her entire hiring practice is built around hiring VR victims who couldn't function in society after being freed."
    -- [X] "So you want to know what side I'm on. I'm on the side of reality, whoever can stop people from signing away their agency to the next shiny VRMMO right now. Not what they did in the past."
    [X] Write-In: Community Service
    -[X] "This isn't you, Argo."
    -[X] "Every SAO Survivor knows about the dissonance between how they were in the game and how they are now, in real life. For most, it's physical therapy and missing years. But you? This? This isn't the Argo from SAO that the players relied on and that Laughing Coffin - I - feared. Hell, it's not even the girl who sent me a letter two months ago."
    -[X] "You said this isn't about me? Or Rosalia? Justice isn't about you either, Hosaka. You dox Rosalia and what? You feel satisfied and the family just trades the name "Kayaba Akihiko" for "Hanako Akazawa" for the person they direct their anger and grief at."
    -[X] "It's rich coming from me, but I think you had the better idea when it came to me. Maybe you're not satisfied with how our 'deal' worked out - I sure as hell don't know what to make of it - but that was more like the Argo I knew. You put me to work to help SAO Survivors. You can put Akazawa to work for them too."
    -[X] "Far as I can tell, she's already hiring SAO Survivors who can't find work elsewhere. We don't have to debate whether that's her way of remorse or whatever, like you said, it's not about her. Instead of doxxing her, send any SAO Survivors you know who haven't been able to get on their feet and find a job yet but need one and make sure she hires them. You probably won't like it, she's not going to like it, but maybe like our twisted deal we can help some people who may not have gotten it otherwise."
    [X] Write-in: World of Gray
    -[X] Tell Hosaka what Akazawa told you. Confess that you feel conflicted about the entire thing.
    -[X] Tell Hosaka that as much as she wants to believe it, the world can't be neatly sorted into black and white.
    -[X] Try to encourage Hosaka to tackle PKers on a case by case basis; if a PKer truly doesn't express any remorse, put them through hell. Otherwise, maybe something can be worked out?
    -[X] Make allusions to ETTEILA and PHILEMON without giving away anything if that will help.
    -[X] In the case of Akazawa, maybe firing a proverbial 'warning shot' without completely doxing her will suffice?
    [X] Let Hanako Akazawa go.
    -[X] "Hosaka. Do you remember when you asked me what our purpose was?"
    -[X] "It was to save the victims of SAO. That means you, too."
    -[X] "I know you feel guilty. That you feel as if the blame for the deaths of others falls upon your shoulders. I've been there."
    -[X] "I can see how hard you've been pushing yourself to obtain justice. But, I don't think that's why you've really been doing this."
    -[X] "You want to punish those you believe responsible and make them feel the hurt they inflicted - Punitive justice. And to obtain it, you're punishing yourself by running yourself into the ground. Don't you see that you are trying to punish yourself for a crime you did not commit?"
    -[X] "I know this is bitter medicine, but it needs to be said - punitive justice is not what you, Hosaka Carina Tomo, need."
    -[X] "You need restorative justice. You need to heal, and forgive yourself. For your own sake, and the sake of those you wish to help."
    -[X] "We are going to save the victims to SAO. That means saving you, too."